Aravinth Manivannan realaravinth
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/ftest-control 2023-10-01 14:24:26 +05:30
c7967a2f12 feat: test forgejo's nodeinfo impl
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/nodeinfo-test 2023-10-01 14:16:23 +05:30
ec7f3f54b7 doc: check all TODO items
2c1f1705ea doc: success and failrue example logs
52b7397591 feat: upload to ftest server
b483a9b971 feat: add schema validation
Compare 4 commits »
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/nodeinfo-test 2023-10-01 13:57:23 +05:30
8a67c20fe2 fix: rm FTEST_USER. It is irrelevant for this test
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/nodeinfo-test 2023-10-01 13:56:02 +05:30
97b1c04036 feat: init Docker pkg
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/nodeinfo-test 2023-10-01 13:40:13 +05:30
c27badb81c feat: bootstrap w forgeflux/webfinger-test boiler plate & test links attr
3aeb3d114b feat: init
realaravinth created branch master in ForgeFlux/nodeinfo-test 2023-10-01 13:40:13 +05:30
realaravinth created repository ForgeFlux/nodeinfo-test 2023-10-01 13:29:38 +05:30
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/ftest 2023-09-29 19:37:12 +05:30
eb870acdb0 feat: API endpoints to schedule and post results
438fe46d58 dog: cargo test workaround
aeb9c46247 feat: rename docker cmds in Makefile
0d332062db feat: utility function to run job and write results
79dcf895b6 feat: licence header
Compare 12 commits »
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/ftest 2023-09-28 22:54:13 +05:30
e434cf132d feat: proxy local ftest instance to docker network
bd6afe2fd9 fix: auth is per test, so in-memory is sufficient
Compare 2 commits »
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 22:53:08 +05:30
c4fad0b0d7 fix: logs must be a string
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 22:46:41 +05:30
f4244bfc83 fix: success should be bool
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 22:40:27 +05:30
cb00c56263 fix: uplod to ftest host
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 22:27:52 +05:30
e2ddad2a24 fix: ftest upload payload and route building
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 22:16:05 +05:30
ec2eabe19b feat: upload logs to ftest server
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 00:30:29 +05:30
c40f72911c debug: print test user
e21c43cb21 fix: ftest_user must pass actor address
Compare 2 commits »
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/ftest-control 2023-09-28 00:19:31 +05:30
fe378112a9 fix: set FTEST_USER in webfinger test
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 00:12:16 +05:30
65d43335d1 fix: include host in webfinger query
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/webfinger-test 2023-09-28 00:06:35 +05:30
d519ef9214 fix: include host in webfinger query
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/ftest-control 2023-09-28 00:00:29 +05:30
aaadb9f90b fix: add forgejo-init-script env vars
realaravinth pushed to master at ForgeFlux/ftest-control 2023-09-27 23:56:06 +05:30
92017f7f5e fix: add forgejo-init-script env vars