2021-10-27 15:23:28 +05:30

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Create Code Review To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see reference, howto

Comments and threads (FREE)

GitLab encourages communication through comments, threads, and code suggestions.

There are two types of comments:

  • A standard comment.
  • A comment in a thread, which has to be resolved.

In a comment, you can enter Markdown and use quick actions.

You can suggest code changes in your commit diff comment, which the user can accept through the user interface.

Places you can add comments

You can create comments in places like:

  • Commit diffs
  • Commits
  • Designs
  • Epics
  • Issues
  • Merge requests
  • Snippets

Each object can have as many as 5,000 comments.

Add a comment to a merge request diff

You can add comments to a merge request diff. These comments persist, even when you:

  • Force-push after a rebase.
  • Amend a commit.

To add a commit diff comment:

  1. To select a specific commit, on the merge request, select the Commits tab, select the commit message. To view the latest commit, select the Changes tab.
  2. By the line you want to comment on, hover over the line number and select {comment}. You can select multiple lines by dragging the {comment} icon.
  3. Type your comment and select Start a review or Add comment now.

The comment is displayed on the merge request's Discussions tab.

The comment is not displayed on your project's Repository > Commits page.

NOTE: When your comment contains a reference to a commit included in the merge request, it's automatically converted to a link in the context of the current merge request. For example, 28719b171a056960dfdc0012b625d0b47b123196 becomes

Add a comment to a commit

You can add comments and threads to a particular commit.

  1. On the top bar, select Menu > Projects and find your project.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Repository > Commits.
  3. Below the commits, in the Comment field, enter a comment.
  4. Select Comment or select the down arrow ({chevron-down}) to select Start thread.

WARNING: Threads created this way are lost if the commit ID changes after a force push.

Add a comment to an image

In merge requests and commit detail views, you can add a comment to an image. This comment can also be a thread.

  1. Hover your mouse over the image.
  2. Select the location where you want to comment.

An icon is displayed on the image and a comment field is displayed.

Start image thread

Reply to a comment by sending email

If you have "reply by email" configured, you can reply to comments by sending an email.

  • When you reply to a standard comment, another standard comment is created.
  • When you reply to a threaded comment, it creates a reply in the thread.

You can use Markdown and quick actions in your email replies.

Who can edit comments

You can edit your own comment at any time.

Anyone with the Maintainer role or higher can also edit a comment made by someone else.

Prevent comments by locking an issue

You can prevent public comments in an issue or merge request. When you do, only project members can add and edit comments.


  • In merge requests, you must have at least the Developer role.
  • In issues, you must have at least the Reporter role.
  1. On the right sidebar, next to Lock issue or Lock merge request, select Edit.
  2. On the confirmation dialog, select Lock.

Notes are added to the page details.

If an issue or merge request is locked and closed, you cannot reopen it.

Mark a comment as confidential

  • Introduced in GitLab 13.9.
  • Deployed behind a feature flag, disabled by default.
  • Disabled on
  • Not recommended for production use.
  • To use in GitLab self-managed instances, ask a GitLab administrator to enable it. (FREE SELF)

WARNING: This feature might not be available to you. Check the version history note above for details.

You can make a comment confidential, so that it is visible only to project members who have at least the Reporter role.

  1. Below the comment, select the Make this comment confidential checkbox.
  2. Select Comment.

Confidential comments

You can also make an entire issue confidential.

Show only comments

For issues and merge requests with many comments, you can filter the page to show comments only.

  1. Open a merge request's Discussion tab, or epic or issue's Overview tab.
  2. On the right side of the page, select from the filter:
    • Show all activity: Display all user comments and system notes (issue updates, mentions from other issues, changes to the description, and so on).
    • Show comments only: Display only user comments.
    • Show history only: Display only activity notes.

Notes filters dropdown options

GitLab saves your preference, so it persists when you visit the same page again from any device you're logged into.

Assign an issue to the commenting user

You can assign an issue to a user who made a comment.

  1. In the comment, select the More Actions menu.
  2. Select Assign to commenting user.

Assign to commenting user

Select the button again to unassign the commenter.

Create a thread by replying to a standard comment

Introduced in GitLab 11.9.

When you reply to a standard comment, you create a thread.


  • You must have at least the Guest role.
  • You must be in an issue, merge request, or epic. Commits and snippets threads are not supported.

To create a thread by replying to a comment:

  1. On the top right of the comment, select {comment} (Reply to comment).

    Reply to comment button

    The reply area is displayed.

  2. Type your reply.

  3. Select Comment or Add comment now (depending on where in the UI you are replying).

The top comment is converted to a thread.

Create a thread without replying to a comment

You can create a thread without replying to a standard comment.


  • You must have at least the Guest role.
  • You must be in an issue, merge request, commit, or snippet.

To create a thread:

  1. Type a comment.
  2. Below the comment, to the right of the Comment button, select the down arrow ({chevron-down}).
  3. From the list, select Start thread.
  4. Select Start thread again.

A threaded comment is created.

Thread comment

Resolve a thread

  • Introduced in GitLab 8.11.
  • Resolvable threads can be added only to merge request diffs.
  • Resolving comments individually was removed in GitLab 13.6.

You can resolve a thread when you want to finish a conversation.


  • You must have at least the Developer role or be the author of the change being reviewed.
  • You must be in an issue, merge request, commit, or snippet.

To resolve a thread:

  1. Go to the thread.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the top right of the original comment, select the Resolve thread ({check-circle}) icon.
    • Below the last reply, in the Reply field, select Resolve thread.
    • Below the last reply, in the Reply field, enter text, select the Resolve thread checkbox, and select Add comment now.

At the top of the page, the number of unresolved threads is updated.

Count of unresolved threads

Move all unresolved threads in a merge request to an issue

If you have multiple unresolved threads in a merge request, you can create an issue to resolve them separately.

  • In the merge request, at the top of the page, select Resolve all threads in new issue.

    Open new issue for all unresolved threads

All threads are marked as resolved and a link is added from the merge request to the newly created issue.

Move one unresolved thread in a merge request to an issue

If you have one specific unresolved thread in a merge request, you can create an issue to resolve it separately.

  • In the merge request, under the last reply to the thread, next to the Resolve thread button, select Resolve this thread in a new issue.

    Create issue for thread

The thread is marked as resolved and a link is added from the merge request to the newly created issue.

Prevent merge unless all threads are resolved

You can prevent merge requests from being merged until all threads are resolved.

  1. On the top bar, select Menu > Projects and find your project.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Settings > General.
  3. Expand Merge requests.
  4. Under Merge checks, select the All discussions must be resolved checkbox.
  5. Select Save changes.

Automatically resolve threads in a merge request when they become outdated

You can set merge requests to automatically resolve threads when lines are modified with a new push.

  1. On the top bar, select Menu > Projects and find your project.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Settings > General.
  3. Expand Merge requests.
  4. Under Merge options, select the Automatically resolve merge request diff discussions when they become outdated checkbox.
  5. Select Save changes.

Threads are now resolved if a push makes a diff section outdated. Threads on lines that don't change and top-level resolvable threads are not resolved.

Enable or disable confidential comments (FREE SELF)

Confidential comments are under development and not ready for production use. The feature is deployed behind a feature flag that is disabled by default. GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console can enable it.

To enable it:


To disable it:
