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# Pipelines for the GitLab project
Pipelines for <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab> and <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss> (as well as the
`dev` instance's mirrors) are configured in the usual
which itself includes files under
for easier maintenance.
We're striving to [dogfood](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/#dogfooding)
GitLab [CI/CD features and best-practices](../ci/yaml/README.md)
as much as possible.
## Stages
The current stages are:
- `sync`: This stage is used to synchronize changes from <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab> to
- `prepare`: This stage includes jobs that prepare artifacts that are needed by
jobs in subsequent stages.
- `build-images`: This stage includes jobs that prepare docker images
that are needed by jobs in subsequent stages or downstream pipelines.
- `fixtures`: This stage includes jobs that prepare fixtures needed by frontend tests.
- `test`: This stage includes most of the tests, DB/migration jobs, and static analysis jobs.
- `post-test`: This stage includes jobs that build reports or gather data from
the `test` stage's jobs (e.g. coverage, Knapsack metadata etc.).
- `review-prepare`: This stage includes a job that build the CNG images that are
later used by the (Helm) Review App deployment (see
[Review Apps](testing_guide/review_apps.md) for details).
- `review`: This stage includes jobs that deploy the GitLab and Docs Review Apps.
- `qa`: This stage includes jobs that perform QA tasks against the Review App
that is deployed in the previous stage.
- `post-qa`: This stage includes jobs that build reports or gather data from
the `qa` stage's jobs (e.g. Review App performance report).
- `pages`: This stage includes a job that deploys the various reports as
GitLab Pages (e.g. <https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab/coverage-ruby/>,
## Default image
The default image is defined in <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml>.
It includes Ruby, Go, Git, Git LFS, Chrome, Node, Yarn, PostgreSQL, and Graphics Magick.
The images used in our pipelines are configured in the
project, which is push-mirrored to <https://dev.gitlab.org/gitlab/gitlab-build-images>
for redundancy.
The current version of the build images can be found in the
["Used by GitLab section"](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml).
## Default variables
In addition to the [predefined variables](../ci/variables/predefined_variables.md),
each pipeline includes default variables defined in
## Common job definitions
Most of the jobs [extend from a few CI definitions](../ci/yaml/README.md#extends)
defined in [`.gitlab/ci/global.gitlab-ci.yml`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/.gitlab/ci/global.gitlab-ci.yml)
that are scoped to a single [configuration parameter](../ci/yaml/README.md#configuration-parameters).
| Job definitions | Description |
| `.default-tags` | Ensures a job has the `gitlab-org` tag to ensure it's using our dedicated runners. |
| `.default-retry` | Allows a job to [retry](../ci/yaml/README.md#retry) upon `unknown_failure`, `api_failure`, `runner_system_failure`, `job_execution_timeout`, or `stuck_or_timeout_failure`. |
| `.default-before_script` | Allows a job to use a default `before_script` definition suitable for Ruby/Rails tasks that may need a database running (e.g. tests). |
| `.default-cache` | Allows a job to use a default `cache` definition suitable for Ruby/Rails and frontend tasks. |
| `.use-pg11` | Allows a job to use the `postgres:11.6` and `redis:alpine` services. |
| `.use-pg11-ee` | Same as `.use-pg11` but also use the `docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.4.2` services. |
| `.use-kaniko` | Allows a job to use the `kaniko` tool to build Docker images. |
| `.as-if-foss` | Simulate the FOSS project by setting the `FOSS_ONLY='1'` environment variable. |
## `workflow:rules`
We're using the [`workflow:rules` keyword](../ci/yaml/README.md#workflowrules) to
define default rules to determine whether or not a pipeline is created.
These rules are defined in <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml>
and are as follows:
1. If `$FORCE_GITLAB_CI` is set, create a pipeline.
1. For merge requests, create a pipeline.
1. For `master` branch, create a pipeline (this includes on schedules, pushes, merges, etc.).
1. For tags, create a pipeline.
1. If `$GITLAB_INTERNAL` isn't set, don't create a pipeline.
1. For stable, auto-deploy, and security branches, create a pipeline.
1. For any other cases (e.g. when pushing a branch with no MR for it), no pipeline is created.
## `rules`, `if:` conditions and `changes:` patterns
We're using the [`rules` keyword](../ci/yaml/README.md#rules) extensively.
All `rules` definitions are defined in
then included in individual jobs via [`extends`](../ci/yaml/README.md#extends).
The `rules` definitions are composed of `if:` conditions and `changes:` patterns,
which are also defined in
and included in `rules` definitions via [YAML anchors](../ci/yaml/README.md#anchors)
### `if:` conditions
| `if:` conditions | Description | Notes |
| `if-not-canonical-namespace` | Matches if the project isn't in the canonical (`gitlab-org/`) or security (`gitlab-org/security`) namespace. | Use to create a job for forks (by using `when: on_success\|manual`), or **not** create a job for forks (by using `when: never`). |
| `if-not-ee` | Matches if the project isn't EE (i.e. project name isn't `gitlab` or `gitlab-ee`). | Use to create a job only in the FOSS project (by using `when: on_success|manual`), or **not** create a job if the project is EE (by using `when: never`). |
| `if-not-foss` | Matches if the project isn't FOSS (i.e. project name isn't `gitlab-foss`, `gitlab-ce`, or `gitlabhq`). | Use to create a job only in the EE project (by using `when: on_success|manual`), or **not** create a job if the project is FOSS (by using `when: never`). |
| `if-default-refs` | Matches if the pipeline is for `master`, `/^[\d-]+-stable(-ee)?$/` (stable branches), `/^\d+-\d+-auto-deploy-\d+$/` (auto-deploy branches), `/^security\//` (security branches), merge requests, and tags. | Note that jobs won't be created for branches with this default configuration. |
| `if-master-refs` | Matches if the current branch is `master`. | |
| `if-master-or-tag` | Matches if the pipeline is for the `master` branch or for a tag. | |
| `if-merge-request` | Matches if the pipeline is for a merge request. | |
| `if-nightly-master-schedule` | Matches if the pipeline is for a `master` scheduled pipeline with `$NIGHTLY` set. | |
| `if-dot-com-gitlab-org-schedule` | Limits jobs creation to scheduled pipelines for the `gitlab-org` group on GitLab.com. | |
| `if-dot-com-gitlab-org-master` | Limits jobs creation to the `master` branch for the `gitlab-org` group on GitLab.com. | |
| `if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request` | Limits jobs creation to merge requests for the `gitlab-org` group on GitLab.com. | |
| `if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-tag` | Limits job creation to tags for the `gitlab-org` and `gitlab-org/security` groups on GitLab.com. | |
| `if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request` | Limit jobs creation to merge requests for the `gitlab-org` and `gitlab-org/security` groups on GitLab.com. | |
| `if-dot-com-ee-schedule` | Limits jobs to scheduled pipelines for the `gitlab-org/gitlab` project on GitLab.com. | |
| `if-cache-credentials-schedule` | Limits jobs to scheduled pipelines with the `$CI_REPO_CACHE_CREDENTIALS` variable set. | |
### `changes:` patterns
| `changes:` patterns | Description |
| `ci-patterns` | Only create job for CI config-related changes. |
| `yaml-patterns` | Only create job for YAML-related changes. |
| `docs-patterns` | Only create job for docs-related changes. |
| `frontend-dependency-patterns` | Only create job when frontend dependencies are updated (i.e. `package.json`, and `yarn.lock`). changes. |
| `frontend-patterns` | Only create job for frontend-related changes. |
| `backstage-patterns` | Only create job for backstage-related changes (i.e. Danger, fixtures, RuboCop, specs). |
| `code-patterns` | Only create job for code-related changes. |
| `qa-patterns` | Only create job for QA-related changes. |
| `code-backstage-patterns` | Combination of `code-patterns` and `backstage-patterns`. |
| `code-qa-patterns` | Combination of `code-patterns` and `qa-patterns`. |
| `code-backstage-qa-patterns` | Combination of `code-patterns`, `backstage-patterns`, and `qa-patterns`. |
## Interruptible jobs pipelines
By default, all jobs are [interruptible](../ci/yaml/README.md#interruptible), except the
`dont-interrupt-me` job which runs automatically on `master`, and is `manual`
If you want a running pipeline to finish even if you push new commits to a merge
request, be sure to start the `dont-interrupt-me` job before pushing.
## PostgreSQL versions testing
### Current versions testing
| Where? | PostgreSQL version |
| ------ | ------ |
| MRs | 11 |
| `master` (non-scheduled pipelines) | 11 |
| 2-hourly scheduled pipelines | 11 |
### Long-term plan
We follow the [PostgreSQL versions shipped with Omnibus GitLab](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/postgresql_versions.html):
| PostgreSQL version | 12.10 (April 2020) | 13.0 (May 2020) | 13.1 (June 2020) | 13.2 (July 2020) | 13.3 (August 2020) | 13.4, 13.5 | 13.6 (November 2020) | 14.0 (May 2021?) |
| ------ | ------------------ | --------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | ------------ | -------------------- | ---------------- |
| PG9.6 | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| PG10 | `nightly` | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| PG11 | `master`/`2-hour` | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | `nightly` | - |
| PG12 | - | - | - | - | `master`/`2-hour` | `master`/`2-hour` | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` | `master`/`2-hour` |
| PG13 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | MRs/`master`/`2-hour`/`nightly` |
## Pipeline types
Since we use the [`rules:`](../ci/yaml/README.md#rules) and [`needs:`](../ci/yaml/README.md#needs) keywords extensively,
we have four main pipeline types which are described below. Note that an MR that includes multiple types of changes would
have a pipelines that include jobs from multiple types (e.g. a combination of docs-only and code-only pipelines).
### Docs-only MR pipeline
Reference pipeline: <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/135236627>
graph LR
subgraph "No needed jobs";
1-1["danger-review (3.5 minutes)"];
click 1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8100542&udv=0"
1-50["docs lint (6.75 minutes)"];
click 1-50 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356757&udv=0"
### Code-only MR pipeline
Reference pipeline: <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/136295694>
graph RL;
classDef criticalPath fill:#f66;
subgraph "No needed jobs";
1-1["danger-review (3.5 minutes)"];
click 1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8100542&udv=0"
1-2["build-qa-image (3.4 minutes)"];
click 1-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914325&udv=0"
1-3["compile-assets pull-cache (9.06 minutes)"];
click 1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914317&udv=0"
1-4["compile-assets pull-cache as-if-foss (8.35 minutes)"];
click 1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356616&udv=0"
1-5["gitlab:assets:compile pull-cache (22 minutes)"];
click 1-5 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914312&udv=0"
1-6["setup-test-env (8.22 minutes)"];
click 1-6 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914315&udv=0"
1-9["qa:internal, qa:internal-as-if-foss"];
1-11["qa:selectors, qa:selectors-as-if-foss"];
1-14["retrieve-tests-metadata (1.5 minutes)"];
click 1-14 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356697&udv=0"
class 1-3 criticalPath;
class 1-6 criticalPath;
2_1-1["graphql-reference-verify (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356715&udv=0"
2_1-2["memory-static (4.75 minutes)"];
click 2_1-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356721&udv=0"
2_1-3["run-dev-fixtures (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356729&udv=0"
2_1-4["run-dev-fixtures-ee (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356731&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `setup-test-env`";
2_1-1 & 2_1-2 & 2_1-3 & 2_1-4 --> 1-6;
2_2-1["static-analysis (17 minutes)"];
click 2_2-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914471&udv=0"
2_2-2["frontend-fixtures (17.2 minutes)"];
class 2_2-2 criticalPath;
click 2_2-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7910143&udv=0"
2_2-3["frontend-fixtures-as-if-foss (8.75 minutes)"];
click 2_2-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7910154&udv=0"
2_2-4["memory-on-boot (7.19 minutes)"];
click 2_2-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356727&udv=0"
2_2-5["webpack-dev-server (6.1 minutes)"];
click 2_2-5 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8404303&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `setup-test-env` & `compile-assets`";
2_2-1 & 2_2-2 & 2_2-4 & 2_2-5 --> 1-6 & 1-3;
2_2-3 --> 1-6 & 1-4;
2_3-1["build-assets-image (2.5 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `gitlab:assets:compile`";
2_3-1 --> 1-5
2_4-1["package-and-qa (manual)"];
subgraph "Needs `build-qa-image`";
2_4-1 --> 1-2;
click 2_4-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914305&udv=0"
2_5-1["rspec & db jobs (12-22 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `compile-assets`, `setup-test-env`, & `retrieve-tests-metadata`";
2_5-1 --> 1-3 & 1-6 & 1-14;
class 2_5-1 criticalPath;
click 2_5-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations"
3_1-1["jest (15 minutes)"];
class 3_1-1 criticalPath;
click 3_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914204&udv=0"
3_1-2["karma (8 minutes)"];
click 3_1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914200&udv=0"
3_1-3["jest-as-if-foss (19.7 minutes)"];
click 3_1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914205&udv=0"
3_1-4["karma-as-if-foss (7.5 minutes)"];
click 3_1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914203&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `frontend-fixtures`";
3_1-1 & 3_1-2 --> 2_2-2;
3_1-3 & 3_1-4 --> 2_2-3;
3_2-1["rspec:coverage (6.5 minutes)"];
subgraph "Depends on `rspec` jobs";
3_2-1 -.->|"(don't use needs because of limitations)"| 2_5-1;
class 3_2-1 criticalPath;
click 3_2-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7248745&udv=0"
4_1-1["coverage-frontend (3.6 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `jest`";
4_1-1 --> 3_1-1;
class 4_1-1 criticalPath;
click 4_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7910777&udv=0"
### Frontend-only MR pipeline
Reference pipeline: <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/134661039>
graph RL;
classDef criticalPath fill:#f66;
subgraph "No needed jobs";
1-1["danger-review (3.5 minutes)"];
click 1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8100542&udv=0"
1-2["build-qa-image (3.4 minutes)"];
click 1-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914325&udv=0"
1-3["compile-assets pull-cache (9.06 minutes)"];
click 1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914317&udv=0"
1-4["compile-assets pull-cache as-if-foss (8.35 minutes)"];
click 1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356616&udv=0"
1-5["gitlab:assets:compile pull-cache (22 minutes)"];
click 1-5 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914312&udv=0"
1-6["setup-test-env (8.22 minutes)"];
click 1-6 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914315&udv=0"
1-9["qa:internal, qa:internal-as-if-foss"];
1-11["qa:selectors, qa:selectors-as-if-foss"];
1-14["retrieve-tests-metadata (1.5 minutes)"];
click 1-14 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356697&udv=0"
class 1-3 criticalPath;
class 1-5 criticalPath;
class 1-6 criticalPath;
2_1-1["graphql-reference-verify (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356715&udv=0"
2_1-2["memory-static (4.75 minutes)"];
click 2_1-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356721&udv=0"
2_1-3["run-dev-fixtures (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356729&udv=0"
2_1-4["run-dev-fixtures-ee (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356731&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `setup-test-env`";
2_1-1 & 2_1-2 & 2_1-3 & 2_1-4 --> 1-6;
2_2-1["static-analysis (17 minutes)"];
click 2_2-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914471&udv=0"
2_2-2["frontend-fixtures (17.2 minutes)"];
class 2_2-2 criticalPath;
click 2_2-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7910143&udv=0"
2_2-3["frontend-fixtures-as-if-foss (8.75 minutes)"];
click 2_2-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7910154&udv=0"
2_2-4["memory-on-boot (7.19 minutes)"];
click 2_2-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356727&udv=0"
2_2-5["webpack-dev-server (6.1 minutes)"];
click 2_2-5 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8404303&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `setup-test-env` & `compile-assets`";
2_2-1 & 2_2-2 & 2_2-4 & 2_2-5 --> 1-6 & 1-3;
2_2-3 --> 1-6 & 1-4;
2_3-1["build-assets-image (2.5 minutes)"];
class 2_3-1 criticalPath;
subgraph "Needs `gitlab:assets:compile`";
2_3-1 --> 1-5
2_4-1["package-and-qa (manual)"];
subgraph "Needs `build-qa-image` & `build-assets-image`";
2_4-1 --> 1-2 & 2_3-1;
click 2_4-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914305&udv=0"
2_5-1["rspec & db jobs (12-22 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `compile-assets`, `setup-test-env, & `retrieve-tests-metadata`";
2_5-1 --> 1-3 & 1-6 & 1-14;
class 2_5-1 criticalPath;
click 2_5-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations"
2_6-1["review-build-cng (27.3 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `build-assets-image`";
2_6-1 --> 2_3-1;
class 2_6-1 criticalPath;
click 2_6-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914314&udv=0"
3_1-1["jest (15 minutes)"];
class 3_1-1 criticalPath;
click 3_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914204&udv=0"
3_1-2["karma (8 minutes)"];
click 3_1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914200&udv=0"
3_1-3["jest-as-if-foss (19.7 minutes)"];
click 3_1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914205&udv=0"
3_1-4["karma-as-if-foss (7.5 minutes)"];
click 3_1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914203&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `frontend-fixtures`";
3_1-1 & 3_1-3 --> 2_2-2;
3_1-2 & 3_1-4 --> 2_2-3;
3_2-1["rspec:coverage (6.5 minutes)"];
subgraph "Depends on `rspec` jobs";
3_2-1 -.->|"(don't use needs because of limitations)"| 2_5-1;
class 3_2-1 criticalPath;
click 3_2-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7248745&udv=0"
4_1-1["coverage-frontend (3.6 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `jest`";
4_1-1 --> 3_1-1;
class 4_1-1 criticalPath;
click 4_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=7910777&udv=0"
3_3-1["review-deploy (6 minutes)"];
subgraph "Played by `review-build-cng`";
3_3-1 --> 2_6-1;
class 3_3-1 criticalPath;
click 3_3-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6721130&udv=0"
4_2-1["review-qa-smoke (8 minutes)"];
click 4_2-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6729805&udv=0"
4_2-2["review-performance (4 minutes)"];
click 4_2-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356817&udv=0"
4_2-3["dast (18 minutes)"];
click 4_2-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356819&udv=0"
class 4_2-3 criticalPath;
subgraph "Played by `review-deploy`";
4_2-1 & 4_2-2 & 4_2-3 -.->|"(don't use needs because of limitations)"| 3_3-1;
### QA-only MR pipeline
Reference pipeline: <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/134645109>
graph RL;
classDef criticalPath fill:#f66;
subgraph "No needed jobs";
1-1["danger-review (3.5 minutes)"];
click 1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8100542&udv=0"
1-2["build-qa-image (3.4 minutes)"];
click 1-2 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914325&udv=0"
1-3["compile-assets pull-cache (9.06 minutes)"];
click 1-3 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914317&udv=0"
1-4["compile-assets pull-cache as-if-foss (8.35 minutes)"];
click 1-4 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356616&udv=0"
1-5["gitlab:assets:compile pull-cache (22 minutes)"];
click 1-5 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914312&udv=0"
1-6["setup-test-env (8.22 minutes)"];
click 1-6 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914315&udv=0"
1-9["qa:internal, qa:internal-as-if-foss"];
1-11["qa:selectors, qa:selectors-as-if-foss"];
1-14["retrieve-tests-metadata (1.5 minutes)"];
click 1-14 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356697&udv=0"
class 1-5 criticalPath;
2_1-1["graphql-reference-verify (5 minutes)"];
click 2_1-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=8356715&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `setup-test-env`";
2_1-1 --> 1-6;
2_2-1["static-analysis (17 minutes)"];
click 2_2-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914471&udv=0"
subgraph "Needs `setup-test-env` & `compile-assets`";
2_2-1 --> 1-6 & 1-3;
2_3-1["build-assets-image (2.5 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `gitlab:assets:compile`";
2_3-1 --> 1-5
class 2_3-1 criticalPath;
2_4-1["package-and-qa (108 minutes)"];
subgraph "Needs `build-qa-image` & `build-assets-image`";
2_4-1 --> 1-2 & 2_3-1;
class 2_4-1 criticalPath;
click 2_4-1 "https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/652085/Engineering-Productivity---Pipeline-Build-Durations?widget=6914305&udv=0"
## Test jobs
Consult [GitLab tests in the Continuous Integration (CI) context](testing_guide/ci.md)
for more information.
## Review app jobs
Consult the [Review Apps](testing_guide/review_apps.md) dedicated page for more information.
## As-if-FOSS jobs
The `* as-if-foss` jobs allows to run GitLab's test suite "as-if-FOSS", meaning as if the jobs would run in the context
of the `gitlab-org/gitlab-foss` project. These jobs are only created in the following cases:
- `master` commits (pushes and scheduled pipelines).
- `gitlab-org/security/gitlab` merge requests.
- Merge requests which include `RUN AS-IF-FOSS` in their title.
- Merge requests that changes the CI config.
The `* as-if-foss` jobs have the `FOSS_ONLY='1'` variable set and gets their EE-specific
folders removed before the tests start running.
The intent is to ensure that a change won't introduce a failure once the `gitlab-org/gitlab` project will be synced to
the `gitlab-org/gitlab-foss` project.
## Pre-clone step
The `gitlab-org/gitlab` project on GitLab.com uses a [pre-clone step](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/39134)
to seed the project with a recent archive of the repository. This is done for
several reasons:
- It speeds up builds because a 800 MB download only takes seconds, as opposed to a full Git clone.
- It significantly reduces load on the file server, as smaller deltas mean less time spent in `git pack-objects`.
The pre-clone step works by using the `CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT` variable
[defined by GitLab.com shared runners](../user/gitlab_com/index.md#pre-clone-script).
The `CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT` is currently defined as a project CI/CD
echo "Downloading archived master..."
wget -O /tmp/gitlab.tar.gz https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-ci-git-repo-cache/project-278964/gitlab-master.tar.gz
if [ ! -f /tmp/gitlab.tar.gz ]; then
echo "Repository cache not available, cloning a new directory..."
echo "Extracting tarball into $CI_PROJECT_DIR..."
mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR
tar xzf /tmp/gitlab.tar.gz
rm -f /tmp/gitlab.tar.gz
chmod a+w $CI_PROJECT_DIR
The first step of the script downloads `gitlab-master.tar.gz` from
Google Cloud Storage. There is a [GitLab CI job named `cache-repo`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/.gitlab/ci/cache-repo.gitlab-ci.yml#L5)
that is responsible for keeping that archive up-to-date. Every two hours
on a scheduled pipeline, it does the following:
1. Creates a fresh clone of the `gitlab-org/gitlab` repository on GitLab.com.
1. Saves the data as a `.tar.gz`.
1. Uploads it into the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
When a CI job runs with this configuration, you'll see something like
Downloading archived master...
Extracting tarball into /builds/group/project...
Fetching changes...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/group/project/.git/
Note that the `Reinitialized existing Git repository` message shows that
the pre-clone step worked. The runner runs `git init`, which
overwrites the Git configuration with the appropriate settings to fetch
from the GitLab repository.
`CI_REPO_CACHE_CREDENTIALS` contains the Google Cloud service account
JSON for uploading to the `gitlab-ci-git-repo-cache` bucket. These
credentials are stored in the 1Password GitLab.com Production vault.
Note that this bucket should be located in the same continent as the
runner, or [network egress charges will apply](https://cloud.google.com/storage/pricing).
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