34 KiB
stage | group | info |
none | unassigned | To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments |
GitLab.com settings
This page contains information about the settings that are used on GitLab.com.
SSH host keys fingerprints
Below are the fingerprints for GitLab.com's SSH host keys. The first time you connect to a GitLab.com repository, one of these keys is displayed in the output.
Algorithm | MD5 (deprecated) | SHA256 |
DSA (deprecated) | 7a:47:81:3a:ee:89:89:64:33:ca:44:52:3d:30:d4:87 |
p8vZBUOR0XQz6sYiaWSMLmh0t9i8srqYKool/Xfdfqw |
ECDSA | f1:d0:fb:46:73:7a:70:92:5a:ab:5d:ef:43:e2:1c:35 |
HbW3g8zUjNSksFbqTiUWPWg2Bq1x8xdGUrliXFzSnUw |
ED25519 | 2e:65:6a:c8:cf:bf:b2:8b:9a:bd:6d:9f:11:5c:12:16 |
eUXGGm1YGsMAS7vkcx6JOJdOGHPem5gQp4taiCfCLB8 |
RSA | b6:03:0e:39:97:9e:d0:e7:24:ce:a3:77:3e:01:42:09 |
ROQFvPThGrW4RuWLoL9tq9I9zJ42fK4XywyRtbOz/EQ |
SSH known_hosts
Add the following to .ssh/known_hosts
to skip manual fingerprint
confirmation in SSH:
gitlab.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAfuCHKVTjquxvt6CM6tdG4SLp1Btn/nOeHHE5UOzRdf
gitlab.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsj2bNKTBSpIYDEGk9KxsGh3mySTRgMtXL583qmBpzeQ+jqCMRgBqB98u3z++J1sKlXHWfM9dyhSevkMwSbhoR8XIq/U0tCNyokEi/ueaBMCvbcTHhO7FcwzY92WK4Yt0aGROY5qX2UKSeOvuP4D6TPqKF1onrSzH9bx9XUf2lEdWT/ia1NEKjunUqu1xOB/StKDHMoX4/OKyIzuS0q/T1zOATthvasJFoPrAjkohTyaDUz2LN5JoH839hViyEG82yB+MjcFV5MU3N1l1QL3cVUCh93xSaua1N85qivl+siMkPGbO5xR/En4iEY6K2XPASUEMaieWVNTRCtJ4S8H+9
gitlab.com ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFSMqzJeV9rUzU4kWitGjeR4PWSa29SPqJ1fVkhtj3Hw9xjLVXVYrU9QlYWrOLXBpQ6KWjbjTDTdDkoohFzgbEY=
Mail configuration
GitLab.com sends emails from the mg.gitlab.com
domain via Mailgun and has
its own dedicated IP address (
The IP address for mg.gitlab.com
is subject to change at any time.
There are several ways to perform backups of your content on GitLab.com.
Projects can be backed up in their entirety by exporting them either through the UI or API, the latter of which can be used to programmatically upload exports to a storage platform such as AWS S3.
With exports, be sure to take note of what is and is not, included in a project export.
Since GitLab is built on Git, you can back up just the repository of a project by cloning it to another machine. Similarly, if you need to back up just the wiki of a repository it can also be cloned and all files uploaded to that wiki are included if they were uploaded after 2020-08-22.
Alternative SSH port
GitLab.com can be reached via a different SSH port for git+ssh
Setting | Value |
Hostname |
altssh.gitlab.com |
Port |
443 |
An example ~/.ssh/config
is the following:
Host gitlab.com
Hostname altssh.gitlab.com
User git
Port 443
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitlab
GitLab Pages
Below are the settings for GitLab Pages.
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
Domain name | gitlab.io |
- |
IP address | |
- |
Custom domains support | yes | no |
TLS certificates support | yes | no |
Maximum size (compressed) | 1G | 100M |
NOTE: The maximum size of your Pages site is regulated by the artifacts maximum size which is part of GitLab CI/CD.
GitLab CI/CD
Below are the current settings regarding GitLab CI/CD. Any settings or feature limits not listed here are using the defaults listed in the related documentation.
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
Artifacts maximum size (compressed) | 1G | 100M |
Artifacts expiry time | From June 22, 2020, deleted after 30 days unless otherwise specified (artifacts created before that date have no expiry). | deleted after 30 days unless otherwise specified |
Scheduled Pipeline Cron | */5 * * * * |
19 * * * * |
Max jobs in active pipelines | 500 for Free tier, unlimited otherwise |
Unlimited |
Max CI/CD subscriptions to a project | 2 |
Unlimited |
Max pipeline schedules in projects | 10 for Free tier, 50 for all paid tiers |
Unlimited |
Scheduled Job Archival | 3 months | Never |
Max test cases per unit test report | 500_000 |
Unlimited |
Account and limit settings
GitLab.com has the following account limits enabled. If a setting is not listed, it is set to the default value.
If you are near or over the repository size limit, you can reduce your repository size with Git.
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
Repository size including LFS | 10 GB | Unlimited |
Maximum import size | 5 GB | Unlimited |
git push
and GitLab project imports are limited to 5 GB per request through Cloudflare. Git LFS and imports other than a file upload are not affected by this limit.
IP range
GitLab.com is using the IP range
for traffic from its Web/API
fleet. This whole range is solely allocated to GitLab. You can expect connections from webhooks or repository mirroring to come
from those IPs and allow them.
GitLab.com is fronted by Cloudflare. For incoming connections to GitLab.com you might need to allow CIDR blocks of Cloudflare (IPv4 and IPv6).
For outgoing connections from CI/CD runners we are not providing static IP addresses. All our runners are deployed into Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - any IP based firewall can be configured by looking up all IP address ranges or CIDR blocks for GCP.
Hostname list
To configure allow-lists in local HTTP(S) proxies, or other web-blocking software that govern end-user machines, pages on GitLab.com will attempt to load content from the following hostnames:
Documentation and Company pages served over docs.gitlab.com
and about.gitlab.com
will attempt to also load certain page
content directly from common public CDN hostnames.
A limit of:
- 100 webhooks applies to projects.
- 50 webhooks applies to groups. (BRONZE ONLY)
- Payload is limited to 25MB
Shared runners
GitLab offers Linux and Windows shared runners hosted on GitLab.com for executing your pipelines.
NOTE: Shared runners provided by GitLab are not configurable. Consider installing your own runner if you have specific configuration needs.
Linux shared runners
Linux shared runners on GitLab.com run in autoscale mode and are powered by Google Cloud Platform.
Autoscaling means reduced queue times to spin up CI/CD jobs, and isolated VMs for each project, thus maximizing security. These shared runners are available for users and customers on GitLab.com.
GitLab offers Gold tier capabilities and included CI/CD minutes per group per month for our Open Source, Education, and Startups programs. For private projects, GitLab offers various plans, starting with a Free tier.
All your CI/CD jobs run on n1-standard-1 instances with 3.75GB of RAM, CoreOS and the latest Docker Engine installed. Instances provide 1 vCPU and 25GB of HDD disk space. The default region of the VMs is US East1. Each instance is used only for one job, this ensures any sensitive data left on the system can't be accessed by other people their CI jobs.
The gitlab-shared-runners-manager-X.gitlab.com
fleet of runners are dedicated for GitLab projects as well as community forks of them. They use a slightly larger machine type (n1-standard-2) and have a bigger SSD disk size. They don't run untagged jobs and unlike the general fleet of shared runners, the instances are re-used up to 40 times.
Jobs handled by the shared runners on GitLab.com (shared-runners-manager-X.gitlab.com
time out after 3 hours, regardless of the timeout configured in a
project. Check the issues 4010 and 4070 for the reference.
Below are the shared runners settings.
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
GitLab Runner | Runner versions dashboard | - |
Executor | docker+machine |
- |
Default Docker image | ruby:2.5 |
- |
privileged (run Docker in Docker) |
true |
false |
Pre-clone script
Linux shared runners on GitLab.com provide a way to run commands in a CI
job before the runner attempts to run git init
and git fetch
download a GitLab repository. The
can be used for:
- Seeding the build directory with repository data
- Sending a request to a server
- Downloading assets from a CDN
- Any other commands that must run before the
git init
To use this feature, define a CI/CD variable called
that contains a bash script.
This example demonstrates how you might use a pre-clone step to seed the build directory.
The full contents of our config.toml
Settings that are not public are shown as X
Google Cloud Platform
concurrent = X
check_interval = 1
metrics_server = "X"
sentry_dsn = "X"
name = "docker-auto-scale"
request_concurrency = X
url = "https://gitlab.com/"
pre_clone_script = "eval \"$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT\""
executor = "docker+machine"
environment = [
limit = X
image = "ruby:2.5"
privileged = true
volumes = [
"/dummy-sys-class-dmi-id:/sys/class/dmi/id:ro" # Make kaniko builds work on GCP.
IdleCount = 50
IdleTime = 3600
MaxBuilds = 1 # For security reasons we delete the VM after job has finished so it's not reused.
MachineName = "srm-%s"
MachineDriver = "google"
MachineOptions = [
"engine-opt=mtu=1460", # Set MTU for container interface, for more information check https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/3214#note_82892928
"engine-opt=ipv6", # This will create IPv6 interfaces in the containers.
"google-operation-backoff-initial-interval=2" # Custom flag from forked docker-machine, for more information check https://github.com/docker/machine/pull/4600
Periods = ["* * * * * sat,sun *"]
Timezone = "UTC"
IdleCount = 70
IdleTime = 3600
Periods = ["* 30-59 3 * * * *", "* 0-30 4 * * * *"]
Timezone = "UTC"
IdleCount = 700
IdleTime = 3600
Type = "gcs"
Shared = true
CredentialsFile = "/path/to/file"
BucketName = "bucket-name"
Windows shared runners (beta)
The Windows shared runners are in beta and shouldn't be used for production workloads.
During this beta period, the shared runner pipeline quota applies for groups and projects in the same manner as Linux runners. This may change when the beta period ends, as discussed in this related issue.
Windows shared runners on GitLab.com autoscale by launching virtual machines on
the Google Cloud Platform. This solution uses an
autoscaling driver
developed by GitLab for the custom executor.
Windows shared runners execute your CI/CD jobs on n1-standard-2
instances with
2 vCPUs and 7.5 GB RAM. You can find a full list of available Windows packages in
the package documentation.
We want to keep iterating to get Windows shared runners in a stable state and generally available. You can follow our work towards this goal in the related epic.
The full contents of our config.toml
Settings that aren't public are shown as X
concurrent = X
check_interval = 3
name = "windows-runner"
url = "https://gitlab.com/"
token = "TOKEN"
executor = "custom"
builds_dir = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\builds"
cache_dir = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\cache"
shell = "powershell"
config_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe"
config_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "config"]
prepare_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe"
prepare_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "prepare"]
run_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe"
run_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "run"]
cleanup_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe"
cleanup_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "cleanup"]
The full contents of our autoscaler/config.toml
Provider = "gcp"
Executor = "winrm"
OS = "windows"
LogLevel = "info"
LogFormat = "text"
LogFile = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.log"
VMTag = "windows"
ServiceAccountFile = "PATH"
Project = "some-project-df9323"
Zone = "us-east1-c"
MachineType = "n1-standard-2"
Image = "IMAGE"
DiskSize = 50
DiskType = "pd-standard"
Subnetwork = "default"
Network = "default"
Tags = ["TAGS"]
Username = "gitlab_runner"
MaximumTimeout = 3600
ExecutionMaxRetries = 0
Enabled = true
Directory = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\machines"
Below is a simple .gitlab-ci.yml
file to show how to start using the
Windows shared runners:
- shared-windows
- windows
- windows-1809
- build
- test
- Set-Variable -Name "time" -Value (date -Format "%H:%m")
- echo ${time}
- echo "started by ${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
- .shared_windows_runners
stage: build
- echo "running scripts in the build job"
- .shared_windows_runners
stage: test
- echo "running scripts in the test job"
Limitations and known issues
- All the limitations mentioned in our beta definition.
- The average provisioning time for a new Windows VM is 5 minutes. This means that you may notice slower build start times on the Windows shared runner fleet during the beta. In a future release we intend to update the autoscaler to enable the pre-provisioning of virtual machines. This is intended to significantly reduce the time it takes to provision a VM on the Windows fleet. You can follow along in the related issue.
- The Windows shared runner fleet may be unavailable occasionally for maintenance or updates.
- The Windows shared runner virtual machine instances do not use the
GitLab Docker executor. This means that you can't specify
in your pipeline configuration. - For the beta release, we have included a set of software packages in
the base VM image. If your CI job requires additional software that's
not included in this list, then you must add installation
commands to
to install the required software. Note that each job runs on a new VM instance, so the installation of additional software packages needs to be repeated for each job in your pipeline. - The job may stay in a pending state for longer than the Linux shared runners.
- There is the possibility that we introduce breaking changes which will require updates to pipelines that are using the Windows shared runner fleet.
GitLab.com runs Sidekiq with arguments --timeout=4 --concurrency=4
and the following environment variables:
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
- | 1 |
2000000 |
2000000 |
- | - |
- | 3 |
- | 900 |
- | 30 |
1 |
1 |
setting is 16000000
on Sidekiq import
nodes and Sidekiq export nodes.
GitLab.com being a fairly large installation of GitLab means we have changed various PostgreSQL settings to better suit our needs. For example, we use streaming replication and servers in hot-standby mode to balance queries across different database servers.
The list of GitLab.com specific settings (and their defaults) is as follows:
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
archive_command |
/usr/bin/envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /opt/wal-e/bin/wal-e wal-push %p |
empty |
archive_mode |
on | off |
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor |
0.01 | 0.01 |
autovacuum_max_workers |
6 | 3 |
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit |
1000 | -1 |
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor |
0.01 | 0.02 |
checkpoint_completion_target |
0.7 | 0.9 |
checkpoint_segments |
32 | 10 |
effective_cache_size |
338688MB | Based on how much memory is available |
hot_standby |
on | off |
hot_standby_feedback |
on | off |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
0 | -1 |
log_checkpoints |
on | off |
log_line_prefix |
%t [%p]: [%l-1] |
empty |
log_min_duration_statement |
1000 | -1 |
log_temp_files |
0 | -1 |
maintenance_work_mem |
2048MB | 16 MB |
max_replication_slots |
5 | 0 |
max_wal_senders |
32 | 0 |
max_wal_size |
5GB | 1GB |
shared_buffers |
112896MB | Based on how much memory is available |
shared_preload_libraries |
pg_stat_statements | empty |
shmall |
30146560 | Based on the server's capabilities |
shmmax |
123480309760 | Based on the server's capabilities |
wal_buffers |
16MB | -1 |
wal_keep_segments |
512 | 10 |
wal_level |
replica | minimal |
statement_timeout |
15s | 60s |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout |
60s | 60s |
Some of these settings are in the process being adjusted. For example, the value
for shared_buffers
is quite high and as such we are looking into adjusting it.
More information on this particular change can be found at
https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/-/issues/1555. An up to date list
of proposed changes can be found at
GitLab.com uses the default of 60 seconds for Puma request timeouts.
GitLab.com adjusts the memory limits for the unicorn-worker-killer gem.
Base default:
= 750MiBmemory_limit_max
= 1024MiB
Web front-ends:
= 1024MiBmemory_limit_max
= 1280MiB
GitLab.com-specific rate limits
NOTE: See Rate limits for administrator documentation.
When a request is rate limited, GitLab responds with a 429
code. The client should wait before attempting the request again. There
are also informational headers with this response detailed in rate
limiting responses.
The following table describes the rate limits for GitLab.com, both before and after the limits change in January, 2021:
Rate limit | Before 2021-01-18 | From 2021-01-18 |
Protected paths (for a given IP address) | 10 requests per minute | 10 requests per minute |
Raw endpoint traffic (for a given project, commit, and file path) | 300 requests per minute | 300 requests per minute |
Unauthenticated traffic (from a given IP address) | No specific limit | 500 requests per minute |
Authenticated API traffic (for a given user) | No specific limit | 2,000 requests per minute |
Authenticated non-API HTTP traffic (for a given user) | No specific limit | 1,000 requests per minute |
All traffic (from a given IP address) | 600 requests per minute | 2,000 requests per minute |
More details are available on the rate limits for protected paths and raw endpoints.
Rate limiting responses
For information on rate limiting responses, see:
Protected paths throttle
GitLab.com responds with HTTP status code 429
to POST requests at protected
paths that exceed 10 requests per minute per IP address.
See the source below for which paths are protected. This includes user creation, user confirmation, user sign in, and password reset.
User and IP rate limits includes a list of the headers responded to blocked requests.
See Protected Paths for more details.
IP blocks
IP blocks can occur when GitLab.com receives unusual traffic from a single IP address that the system views as potentially malicious, based on rate limit settings. After the unusual traffic ceases, the IP address is automatically released depending on the type of block, as described in a following section.
If you receive a 403 Forbidden
error for all requests to GitLab.com,
check for any automated processes that may be triggering a block. For
assistance, contact GitLab Support
with details, such as the affected IP address.
Git and container registry failed authentication ban
GitLab.com responds with HTTP status code 403
for 1 hour, if 30 failed
authentication requests were received in a 3-minute period from a single IP address.
This applies only to Git requests and container registry (/jwt/auth
) requests
This limit:
- Is reset by requests that authenticate successfully. For example, 29 failed authentication requests followed by 1 successful request, followed by 29 more failed authentication requests would not trigger a ban.
- Does not apply to JWT requests authenticated by
No response headers are provided.
Pagination response headers
For performance reasons, if a query returns more than 10,000 records, GitLab doesn't return the following headers:
Visibility settings
On GitLab.com, projects, groups, and snippets created As of GitLab 12.2 (July 2019), projects, groups, and snippets have the Internal visibility setting disabled on GitLab.com.
SSH maximum number of connections
GitLab.com defines the maximum number of concurrent, unauthenticated SSH connections by
using the MaxStartups setting.
If more than the maximum number of allowed connections occur concurrently, they are
dropped and users get
an ssh_exchange_identification
To help avoid abuse, project and group imports, exports, and export downloads are rate limited. See Project import/export rate limits and Group import/export rate limits for details.
GitLab.com Import/Export Rate Limits are set to the default except:
Setting | GitLab.com | Default |
Max Project Export requests per minute per user | 1 | 6 |
Max Group Export requests per minute per user | 1 | 6 |
Non-configurable limits
See non-configurable limits for information on rate limits that are not configurable, and therefore also used on GitLab.com.
GitLab.com Logging
We use Fluentd to parse our logs. Fluentd sends our logs to Stackdriver Logging and Cloud Pub/Sub. Stackdriver is used for storing logs long-term in Google Cold Storage (GCS). Cloud Pub/Sub is used to forward logs to an Elastic cluster using pubsubbeat.
You can view more information in our runbooks such as:
- A detailed list of what we're logging
- Our current log retention policies
- A diagram of our logging infrastructure
Job Logs
By default, GitLab does not expire job logs. Job logs are retained indefinitely, and can't be configured on GitLab.com to expire. You can erase job logs manually with the Jobs API or by deleting a pipeline.
GitLab.com at scale
In addition to the GitLab Enterprise Edition Omnibus install, GitLab.com uses the following applications and settings to achieve scale. All settings are publicly available at chef cookbooks.
Elastic Cluster
We use Elasticsearch and Kibana for part of our monitoring solution:
We use Fluentd to unify our GitLab logs:
Prometheus complete our monitoring stack:
For the visualization of monitoring data:
Open source error tracking:
Service discovery:
High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer: