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# Geo database replication (source) **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
NOTE: **Note:**
This documentation applies to GitLab source installations. In GitLab 11.5, this documentation was deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Please consider [migrating to GitLab Omnibus install](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/update/convert_to_omnibus.html). For installations
using the Omnibus GitLab packages, follow the
[**database replication for Omnibus GitLab**][database] guide.
NOTE: **Note:**
The stages of the setup process must be completed in the documented order.
Before attempting the steps in this stage, [complete all prior stages](index.md#using-gitlab-installed-from-source-deprecated).
This document describes the minimal steps you have to take in order to
replicate your **primary** GitLab database to a **secondary** node's database. You may
have to change some values according to your database setup, how big it is, etc.
You are encouraged to first read through all the steps before executing them
in your testing/production environment.
## PostgreSQL replication
The GitLab **primary** node where the write operations happen will connect to
**primary** database server, and the **secondary** ones which are read-only will
connect to **secondary** database servers (which are read-only too).
NOTE: **Note:**
In many databases' documentation, you will see "**primary**" being referenced as "master"
and "**secondary**" as either "slave" or "standby" server (read-only).
We recommend using [PostgreSQL replication slots][replication-slots-article]
to ensure the **primary** node retains all the data necessary for the secondaries to
recover. See below for more details.
The following guide assumes that:
- You are using PostgreSQL 9.6 or later which includes the
[`pg_basebackup` tool][pgback] and improved [Foreign Data Wrapper][FDW] support.
- You have a **primary** node already set up (the GitLab server you are
replicating from), running PostgreSQL 9.6 or later, and
you have a new **secondary** server set up with the same versions of the OS,
PostgreSQL, and GitLab on all nodes.
- The IP of the **primary** server for our examples is ``, whereas the
**secondary** node's IP is ``. Note that the **primary** and **secondary** servers
**must** be able to communicate over these addresses. These IP addresses can either
be public or private.
CAUTION: **Warning:**
Geo works with streaming replication. Logical replication is not supported at this time.
There is an [issue where support is being discussed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/7420).
### Step 1. Configure the **primary** server
1. SSH into your GitLab **primary** server and login as root:
sudo -i
1. Add this node as the Geo **primary** by running:
bundle exec rake geo:set_primary_node
1. Create a [replication user] named `gitlab_replicator`:
--- Create a new user 'replicator'
CREATE USER gitlab_replicator;
--- Set/change a password and grants replication privilege
ALTER USER gitlab_replicator WITH REPLICATION ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<replication_password>';
1. Make sure your the `gitlab` database user has a password defined:
sudo \
-u postgres psql \
-d template1 \
-c "ALTER USER gitlab WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<database_password>';"
1. Edit the content of `database.yml` in `production:` and add the password like the example below:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: gitlabhq_production
pool: 10
username: gitlab
password: <database_password>
host: /var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql
1. Set up TLS support for the PostgreSQL **primary** server:
CAUTION: **Warning**:
Only skip this step if you **know** that PostgreSQL traffic
between the **primary** and **secondary** nodes will be secured through some other
means, e.g., a known-safe physical network path or a site-to-site VPN that
you have configured.
If you are replicating your database across the open Internet, it is
**essential** that the connection is TLS-secured. Correctly configured, this
provides protection against both passive eavesdroppers and active
"man-in-the-middle" attackers.
To generate a self-signed certificate and key, run this command:
openssl req \
-nodes \
-batch \
-x509 \
-newkey rsa:4096 \
-keyout server.key \
-out server.crt \
-days 3650
This will create two files - `server.key` and `server.crt` - that you can
use for authentication.
Copy them to the correct location for your PostgreSQL installation:
# Copying a self-signed certificate and key
install -o postgres -g postgres -m 0400 -T server.crt ~postgres/9.x/main/data/server.crt
install -o postgres -g postgres -m 0400 -T server.key ~postgres/9.x/main/data/server.key
Add this configuration to `postgresql.conf`, removing any existing
configuration for `ssl_cert_file` or `ssl_key_file`:
ssl = on
1. Edit `postgresql.conf` to configure the **primary** server for streaming replication
(for Debian/Ubuntu that would be `/etc/postgresql/9.x/main/postgresql.conf`):
listen_address = '<primary_node_ip>'
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 5
min_wal_size = 80MB
max_wal_size = 1GB
max_replicaton_slots = 1 # Number of Geo secondary nodes
wal_keep_segments = 10
hot_standby = on
NOTE: **Note**:
Be sure to set `max_replication_slots` to the number of Geo **secondary**
nodes that you may potentially have (at least 1).
For security reasons, PostgreSQL by default only listens on the local
interface (e.g. However, Geo needs to communicate
between the **primary** and **secondary** nodes over a common network, such as a
corporate LAN or the public Internet. For this reason, we need to
configure PostgreSQL to listen on more interfaces.
The `listen_address` option opens PostgreSQL up to external connections
with the interface corresponding to the given IP. See [the PostgreSQL
documentation][pg-docs-runtime-conn] for more details.
You may also want to edit the `wal_keep_segments` and `max_wal_senders` to
match your database replication requirements. Consult the
[PostgreSQL - Replication documentation][pg-docs-runtime-replication] for more information.
1. Set the access control on the **primary** node to allow TCP connections using the
server's public IP and set the connection from the **secondary** node to require a
password. Edit `pg_hba.conf` (for Debian/Ubuntu that would be
host all all <primary_node_ip>/32 md5
host replication gitlab_replicator <secondary_node_ip>/32 md5
If you want to add another secondary, add one more row like the replication
one and change the IP address:
host all all <primary_node_ip>/32 md5
host replication gitlab_replicator <secondary_node_ip>/32 md5
host replication gitlab_replicator <another_secondary_node_ip>/32 md5
1. Restart PostgreSQL for the changes to take effect.
1. Choose a database-friendly name to use for your secondary to use as the
replication slot name. For example, if your domain is
`secondary.geo.example.com`, you may use `secondary_example` as the slot
1. Create the replication slot on the **primary** node:
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('secondary_example');"
slot_name | xlog_position
secondary_example |
(1 row)
1. Now that the PostgreSQL server is set up to accept remote connections, run
`netstat -plnt` to make sure that PostgreSQL is listening to the server's
public IP.
### Step 2. Configure the secondary server
Follow the first steps in ["configure the secondary server"][database-replication] and note that since you are installing from source, the username and
group listed as `gitlab-psql` in those steps should be replaced by `postgres`
instead. After completing the "Test that the `gitlab-psql` user can connect to
the **primary** node's database" step, continue here:
1. Edit `postgresql.conf` to configure the secondary for streaming replication
(for Debian/Ubuntu that would be `/etc/postgresql/9.*/main/postgresql.conf`):
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 5
checkpoint_segments = 10
wal_keep_segments = 10
hot_standby = on
1. Restart PostgreSQL for the changes to take effect.
#### Enable tracking database on the secondary server
Geo secondary nodes use a tracking database to keep track of replication status
and recover automatically from some replication issues. Follow the steps below to create
the tracking database.
1. On the secondary node, run the following command to create `database_geo.yml` with the
information of your secondary PostgreSQL instance:
sudo cp /home/git/gitlab/config/database_geo.yml.postgresql /home/git/gitlab/config/database_geo.yml
1. Edit the content of `database_geo.yml` in `production:` as in the example below:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: gitlabhq_geo_production
pool: 10
username: gitlab_geo
# password:
host: /var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql
1. Create the database `gitlabhq_geo_production` on the PostgreSQL instance of the **secondary** node.
1. Set up the Geo tracking database:
bundle exec rake geo:db:migrate
1. Configure the [PostgreSQL FDW][FDW] connection and credentials:
Save the script below in a file, ex. `/tmp/geo_fdw.sh` and modify the connection
params to match your environment. Execute it to set up the FDW connection.
# Secondary Database connection params:
DB_HOST="/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql" # change to the public IP or VPC private IP if its an external server
# Tracking Database connection params:
GEO_DB_HOST="/var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql" # change to the public IP or VPC private IP if its an external server
query_exec () {
gitlab-psql -h $GEO_DB_HOST -d $GEO_DB_NAME -p $GEO_DB_PORT -c "${1}"
query_exec "CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;"
query_exec "CREATE SERVER gitlab_secondary FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '${DB_HOST}', dbname '${DB_NAME}', port '${DB_PORT}');"
query_exec "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR ${GEO_DB_USER} SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (user '${DB_USER}');"
query_exec "CREATE SCHEMA gitlab_secondary;"
query_exec "GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER gitlab_secondary TO ${GEO_DB_USER};"
And edit the content of `database_geo.yml` and to add `fdw: true` to
the `production:` block.
### Step 3. Initiate the replication process
Below we provide a script that connects the database on the **secondary** node to
the database on the **primary** node, replicates the database, and creates the
needed files for streaming replication.
The directories used are the defaults for Debian/Ubuntu. If you have changed
any defaults, configure it as you see fit replacing the directories and paths.
CAUTION: **Warning:**
Make sure to run this on the **secondary** server as it removes all PostgreSQL's
data before running `pg_basebackup`.
1. SSH into your GitLab **secondary** server and login as root:
sudo -i
1. Save the snippet below in a file, let's say `/tmp/replica.sh`. Modify the
embedded paths if necessary:
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
echo WARNING: Make sure this script is run from the secondary server
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
echo Enter the IP or FQDN of the primary PostgreSQL server
read HOST
echo Enter the password for $USER@$HOST
read -s PASSWORD
echo Enter the required sslmode
echo Stopping PostgreSQL and all GitLab services
sudo service gitlab stop
sudo service postgresql stop
echo Backing up postgresql.conf
sudo -u postgres mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/
echo Cleaning up old cluster directory
sudo -u postgres rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data
echo Starting base backup as the replicator user
echo Enter the password for $USER@$HOST
sudo -u postgres /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/pg_basebackup -h $HOST -D /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data -U gitlab_replicator -v -x -P
echo Writing recovery.conf file
sudo -u postgres bash -c "cat > /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/recovery.conf <<- _EOF1_
standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host=$HOST port=$PORT user=$USER password=$PASSWORD sslmode=$SSLMODE'
echo Restoring postgresql.conf
sudo -u postgres mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/
echo Starting PostgreSQL
sudo service postgresql start
1. Run it with:
bash /tmp/replica.sh
When prompted, enter the IP/FQDN of the **primary** node, and the password you set up
for the `gitlab_replicator` user in the first step.
You should use `verify-ca` for the `sslmode`. You can use `disable` if you
are happy to skip PostgreSQL TLS authentication altogether (e.g., you know
the network path is secure, or you are using a site-to-site VPN). This is
**not** safe over the public Internet!
You can read more details about each `sslmode` in the
[PostgreSQL documentation][pg-docs-ssl];
the instructions above are carefully written to ensure protection against
both passive eavesdroppers and active "man-in-the-middle" attackers.
The replication process is now over.
## PGBouncer support (optional)
1. First, enter the PostgreSQL console as an admin user.
1. Then create the read-only user:
-- NOTE: Use the password defined earlier
CREATE USER gitlab_geo_fdw WITH password '<your_password_here>';
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE gitlabhq_production to gitlab_geo_fdw;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO gitlab_geo_fdw;
-- Tables created by "gitlab" should be made read-only for "gitlab_geo_fdw"
-- automatically.
1. Enter the PostgreSQL console on the **secondary** tracking database and change the user mapping to this new user:
ALTER USER MAPPING FOR gitlab_geo SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (SET user 'gitlab_geo_fdw')
## MySQL replication
MySQL replication is not supported for Geo.
## Troubleshooting
Read the [troubleshooting document](troubleshooting.md).
[replication-slots-article]: https://medium.com/@tk512/replication-slots-in-postgresql-b4b03d277c75
[pgback]: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/app-pgbasebackup.html
[replication user]:https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Streaming_Replication
[FDW]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/postgres-fdw.html
[database]: database.md
[add-geo-node]: configuration.md#step-3-add-the-secondary-gitlab-node
[database-replication]: database.md#step-2-configure-the-secondary-server
[pg-docs-ssl]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/libpq-ssl.html#LIBPQ-SSL-PROTECTION
[pg-docs-runtime-conn]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/runtime-config-connection.html
[pg-docs-runtime-replication]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/runtime-config-replication.html