2023-05-27 22:25:52 +05:30

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stage group info
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GraphQL API Resources

This documentation is self-generated based on GitLab current GraphQL schema.

The API can be explored interactively using the GraphiQL IDE.

Each table below documents a GraphQL type. Types match loosely to models, but not all fields and methods on a model are available via GraphQL.

WARNING: Fields that are deprecated are marked with {warning-solid}. Items (fields, enums, etc) that have been removed according to our deprecation process can be found in Removed Items.

Query type

The Query type contains the API's top-level entry points for all executable queries.


Find an issue board list.

Returns BoardList.


Name Type Description
id ListID! Global ID of the list.
issueFilters BoardIssueInput Filters applied when getting issue metadata in the board list.


CI related settings that apply to the entire instance.

Returns CiApplicationSettings.


Linted and processed contents of a CI config. Should not be requested more than once per request.

Returns CiConfig.


Name Type Description
content String! Contents of .gitlab-ci.yml.
dryRun Boolean Run pipeline creation simulation, or only do static check.
projectPath ID! Project of the CI config.
sha String Sha for the pipeline.


CI/CD minutes usage data for a namespace.

Returns CiMinutesNamespaceMonthlyUsageConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
namespaceId NamespaceID Global ID of the Namespace for the monthly CI/CD minutes usage.


List of the instance's CI/CD variables.

Returns CiInstanceVariableConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
sort CiVariableSort Sort order of results.


Find a container repository.

Returns ContainerRepositoryDetails.


Name Type Description
id ContainerRepositoryID! Global ID of the container repository.


Fields related to the current license.

Returns CurrentLicense.


Get information about current user.

Returns UserCore.


Fields related to design management.

Returns DesignManagement!.


Get configured DevOps adoption namespaces. BETA This endpoint is subject to change without notice.

Returns DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespaceConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
displayNamespaceId NamespaceID Filter by display namespace.


Testing endpoint to validate the API with.

Returns String!.


Name Type Description
text String! Text to echo back.


Returns EpicList.


Name Type Description
epicFilters EpicFilters Filters applied when getting epic metadata in the epic board list.
id BoardsEpicListID! Global ID of the list.


Find a Geo node.

Returns GeoNode.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the Geo node. Defaults to the current Geo node name.


Whether Gitpod is enabled in application settings.

Returns Boolean.

Find a group.

Returns Group.


Name Type Description
fullPath ID! Full path of the project, group, or namespace. For example, gitlab-org/gitlab-foss.


Find groups.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
search String Search query for group name or group full path.


Fields related to Instance Security Dashboard.

Returns InstanceSecurityDashboard.


Find an issue.

Returns Issue.


Name Type Description
id IssueID! Global ID of the issue.


Find issues visible to the current user. At least one filter must be provided.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns IssueConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
assigneeId String ID of a user assigned to the issues. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
assigneeUsername {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.11. Use assigneeUsernames.
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
closedAfter Time Issues closed after this date.
closedBefore Time Issues closed before this date.
confidential Boolean Filter for confidential issues. If "false", excludes confidential issues. If "true", returns only confidential issues.
createdAfter Time Issues created after this date.
createdBefore Time Issues created before this date.
crmContactId String ID of a contact assigned to the issues.
crmOrganizationId String ID of an organization assigned to the issues.
epicId String ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatusFilter Health status of the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.
iid String IID of the issue. For example, "1".
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeArchived Boolean Whether to include issues from archived projects. Defaults to false.
includeSubepics Boolean Whether to include subepics when filtering issues by epicId.
iterationId [ID] List of iteration Global IDs applied to the issue.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Labels applied to this issue.
milestoneTitle [String] Milestone applied to this issue.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter issues by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedIssueFilterInput Negated arguments.
or UnionedIssueFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort IssueSort Sort issues by this criteria.
state IssuableState Current state of this issue.
types [IssueType!] Filter issues by the given issue types.
updatedAfter Time Issues updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Issues updated before this date.
weight String Weight applied to the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.


Find an iteration.

Returns Iteration.


Name Type Description
id IterationID! Find an iteration by its ID.

All jobs on this GitLab instance.

Returns CiJobConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
statuses [CiJobStatus!] Filter jobs by status.


Fields related to entries in the license history.

Returns LicenseHistoryEntryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Find a merge request.

Returns MergeRequest.


Name Type Description
id MergeRequestID! Global ID of the merge request.


Metadata about GitLab.

Returns Metadata.


Find a milestone.

Returns Milestone.


Name Type Description
id MilestoneID! Find a milestone by its ID.


Find a namespace.

Returns Namespace.


Name Type Description
fullPath ID! Full path of the project, group, or namespace. For example, gitlab-org/gitlab-foss.


Find a note.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns Note.


Name Type Description
id NoteID! Global ID of the note.


Find a package. This field can only be resolved for one query in any single request. Returns null if a package has no default status.

Returns PackageDetailsType.


Name Type Description
id PackagesPackageID! Global ID of the package.


Find a project.

Returns Project.


Name Type Description
fullPath ID! Full path of the project, group, or namespace. For example, gitlab-org/gitlab-foss.


Find projects visible to the current user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filter projects by IDs.
membership Boolean Return only projects that the current user is a member of.
search String Search query, which can be for the project name, a path, or a description.
searchNamespaces Boolean Include namespace in project search.
sort String Sort order of results. Format: <field_name>_<sort_direction>, for example: id_desc or name_asc.
topics [String!] Filter projects by topics.
withIssuesEnabled Boolean Return only projects with issues enabled.
withMergeRequestsEnabled Boolean Return only projects with merge requests enabled.


Information about the complexity of the GraphQL query.

Returns QueryComplexity.


Find a runner.

Returns CiRunner.


Name Type Description
id CiRunnerID! Runner ID.


Supported runner platforms.

WARNING: Deprecated in 15.9. No longer used, use gitlab-runner documentation to learn about supported platforms.

Returns RunnerPlatformConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Runner setup instructions.

WARNING: Deprecated in 15.9. No longer used, use gitlab-runner documentation to learn about runner registration commands.

Returns RunnerSetup.


Name Type Description
architecture String! Architecture to generate the instructions for.
groupId {warning-solid} GroupID Deprecated in 13.11. No longer used.
platform String! Platform to generate the instructions for.
projectId {warning-solid} ProjectID Deprecated in 13.11. No longer used.


Find runners visible to the current user.

Returns CiRunnerConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
active {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 14.8. This was renamed. Use: paused.
paused Boolean Filter runners by paused (true) or active (false) status.
search String Filter by full token or partial text in description field.
sort CiRunnerSort Sort order of results.
status CiRunnerStatus Filter runners by status.
tagList [String!] Filter by tags associated with the runner (comma-separated or array).
type CiRunnerType Filter runners by type.
upgradeStatus CiRunnerUpgradeStatus Filter by upgrade status.


Find Snippets visible to the current user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
authorId UserID ID of an author.
explore Boolean Explore personal snippets.
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
projectId ProjectID ID of a project.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.


Fields related to entries in future subscriptions.

Returns SubscriptionFutureEntryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Find a synthetic note.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns Note.


Name Type Description
noteableId NoteableID! Global ID of the resource to search synthetic note on.
sha String! Global ID of the note.


Find timelogs visible to the current user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.


Retrieve a single to-do item.

Returns Todo.


Name Type Description
id TodoID! ID of the to-do item.


Find project topics.

Returns TopicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
search String Search query for topic name.


Get statistics on the instance.

Returns UsageTrendsMeasurementConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
identifier MeasurementIdentifier! Type of measurement or statistics to retrieve.
recordedAfter Time Measurement recorded after this date.
recordedBefore Time Measurement recorded before this date.


Find a user.

Returns UserCore.


Name Type Description
id UserID ID of the User.
username String Username of the User.


Find users.

Returns UserCoreConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
admins Boolean Return only admin users.
ids [ID!] List of user Global IDs.
search String Query to search users by name, username, or primary email.
sort Sort Sort users by this criteria.
usernames [String!] List of usernames.


Vulnerabilities reported on projects on the current user's instance security dashboard.

Returns VulnerabilityConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
clusterAgentId [ClustersAgentID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_agent_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
clusterId [ClustersClusterID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
hasIssues Boolean Returns only the vulnerabilities which have linked issues.
hasResolution Boolean Returns only the vulnerabilities which have been resolved on default branch.
image [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by location image. When this filter is present, the response only matches entries for a reportType that includes container_scanning, cluster_image_scanning.
projectId [ID!] Filter vulnerabilities by project.
reportType [VulnerabilityReportType!] Filter vulnerabilities by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by VulnerabilityScanner.externalId.
scannerId [VulnerabilitiesScannerID!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner ID.
severity [VulnerabilitySeverity!] Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
sort VulnerabilitySort List vulnerabilities by sort order.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerabilities by state.


The historical number of vulnerabilities per day for the projects on the current user's instance security dashboard.

Returns VulnerabilitiesCountByDayConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.


Name Type Description
endDate ISO8601Date! Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history.
startDate ISO8601Date! First day for which to fetch vulnerability history.


Find a vulnerability.

Returns Vulnerability.


Name Type Description
id VulnerabilityID! Global ID of the Vulnerability.


Find a work item.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns WorkItem.


Name Type Description
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.

Mutation type

The Mutation type contains all the mutations you can execute.

All mutations receive their arguments in a single input object named input, and all mutations support at least a return field errors containing a list of error messages.

All input objects may have a clientMutationId: String field, identifying the mutation.

For example:

mutation($id: NoteableID!, $body: String!) {
  createNote(input: { noteableId: $id, body: $body }) {


WARNING: Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: AchievementsAwardInput


Name Type Description
achievementId AchievementsAchievementID! Global ID of the achievement being awarded.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
userId UserID! Global ID of the user being awarded the achievement.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
userAchievement UserAchievement Achievement award.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: AchievementsCreateInput


Name Type Description
avatar Upload Avatar for the achievement.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of or notes for the achievement.
name String! Name for the achievement.
namespaceId NamespaceID! Namespace for the achievement.


Name Type Description
achievement Achievement Achievement created.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: AchievementsRevokeInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
userAchievementId AchievementsUserAchievementID! Global ID of the user achievement being revoked.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
userAchievement UserAchievement Achievement award.


Input type: AddProjectToSecurityDashboardInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ProjectID! ID of the project to be added to Instance Security Dashboard.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
project Project Project that was added to the Instance Security Dashboard.


Input type: AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobsInput


Name Type Description
artifactSize String Delete jobs matching artifact_size in the context metadata.
artifactUsedCdn String Delete jobs matching artifact_used_cdn in the context metadata.
artifactsDependenciesCount String Delete jobs matching artifacts_dependencies_count in the context metadata.
artifactsDependenciesSize String Delete jobs matching artifacts_dependencies_size in the context metadata.
callerId String Delete jobs matching caller_id in the context metadata.
clientId String Delete jobs matching client_id in the context metadata.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
featureCategory String Delete jobs matching feature_category in the context metadata.
jobId String Delete jobs matching job_id in the context metadata.
pipelineId String Delete jobs matching pipeline_id in the context metadata.
project String Delete jobs matching project in the context metadata.
queueName String! Name of the queue to delete jobs from.
relatedClass String Delete jobs matching related_class in the context metadata.
remoteIp String Delete jobs matching remote_ip in the context metadata.
rootCallerId String Delete jobs matching root_caller_id in the context metadata.
rootNamespace String Delete jobs matching root_namespace in the context metadata.
subscriptionPlan String Delete jobs matching subscription_plan in the context metadata.
user String Delete jobs matching user in the context metadata.
userId String Delete jobs matching user_id in the context metadata.
workerClass String Delete jobs with the given worker class.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
result DeleteJobsResponse Information about the status of the deletion request.


Input type: AlertSetAssigneesInput


Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!]! Usernames to assign to the alert. Replaces existing assignees by default.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the alert to mutate.
operationMode MutationOperationMode Operation to perform. Defaults to REPLACE.
projectPath ID! Project the alert to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
alert AlertManagementAlert Alert after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue created after mutation.
todo Todo To-do item after mutation.


Input type: AlertTodoCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the alert to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the alert to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
alert AlertManagementAlert Alert after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue created after mutation.
todo Todo To-do item after mutation.


WARNING: Deprecated in 15.1. The configuration snippet is now generated client-side.

Input type: ApiFuzzingCiConfigurationCreateInput


Name Type Description
apiSpecificationFile String! File path or URL to the file that defines the API surface for scanning. Must be in the format specified by the scanMode argument.
authPassword String CI variable containing the password for authenticating with the target API.
authUsername String CI variable containing the username for authenticating with the target API.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.
scanMode ApiFuzzingScanMode! Mode for API fuzzing scans.
scanProfile String Name of a default profile to use for scanning. Ex: Quick-10.
target String! URL for the target of API fuzzing scans.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
configurationYaml {warning-solid} String Deprecated: The configuration snippet is now generated client-side. Deprecated in 14.6.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
gitlabCiYamlEditPath {warning-solid} String Deprecated: The configuration snippet is now generated client-side. Deprecated in 14.6.


Input type: ApproveDeploymentInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment to go with the approval.
id DeploymentID! ID of the deployment.
representedAs String Name of the User/Group/Role to use for the approval, when the user belongs to multiple approval rules.
status DeploymentsApprovalStatus! Status of the approval (either APPROVED or REJECTED).


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
deploymentApproval DeploymentApproval! DeploymentApproval after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: ArtifactDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiJobArtifactID! ID of the artifact to delete.


Name Type Description
artifact CiJobArtifact Deleted artifact.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: AuditEventsStreamingDestinationEventsAddInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destinationId AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID! Destination id.
eventTypeFilters [String!]! List of event type filters to add for streaming.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
eventTypeFilters [String!] Event type filters present.


Input type: AuditEventsStreamingDestinationEventsRemoveInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destinationId AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID! Destination URL.
eventTypeFilters [String!]! List of event type filters to remove from streaming.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: AuditEventsStreamingHeadersCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destinationId AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID! Destination to associate header with.
key String! Header key.
value String! Header value.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
header AuditEventStreamingHeader Created header.


Input type: AuditEventsStreamingHeadersDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
headerId AuditEventsStreamingHeaderID! Header to delete.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: AuditEventsStreamingHeadersUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
headerId AuditEventsStreamingHeaderID! Header to update.
key String! Header key.
value String! Header value.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
header AuditEventStreamingHeader Updates header.


Input type: AwardEmojiAddInput


Name Type Description
awardableId AwardableID! Global ID of the awardable resource.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Emoji name.


Name Type Description
awardEmoji AwardEmoji Award emoji after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: AwardEmojiRemoveInput


Name Type Description
awardableId AwardableID! Global ID of the awardable resource.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Emoji name.


Name Type Description
awardEmoji AwardEmoji Award emoji after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: AwardEmojiToggleInput


Name Type Description
awardableId AwardableID! Global ID of the awardable resource.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Emoji name.


Name Type Description
awardEmoji AwardEmoji Award emoji after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
toggledOn Boolean! Indicates the status of the emoji. True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji.


Input type: BoardEpicCreateInput


Name Type Description
boardId BoardsEpicBoardID! Global ID of the board that the epic is in.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID! Group the epic to create is in.
listId BoardsEpicListID! Global ID of the epic board list in which epic will be created.
title String! Title of the epic.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Epic after creation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: BoardListCreateInput


Name Type Description
assigneeId UserID Global ID of an existing user.
backlog Boolean Create the backlog list.
boardId BoardID! Global ID of the issue board to mutate.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iterationId IterationID Global ID of an existing iteration.
labelId LabelID Global ID of an existing label.
milestoneId MilestoneID Global ID of an existing milestone.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list BoardList Issue list in the issue board.


Input type: BoardListUpdateLimitMetricsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
limitMetric ListLimitMetric New limit metric type for the list.
listId ListID! Global ID of the list.
maxIssueCount Int New maximum issue count limit.
maxIssueWeight Int New maximum issue weight limit.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list BoardList Updated list.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: BulkDestroyJobArtifactsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
ids [CiJobArtifactID!]! Global IDs of the job artifacts to destroy.
projectId ProjectID! Global Project ID of the job artifacts to destroy. Incompatible with projectPath.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destroyedCount Int Number of job artifacts deleted.
destroyedIds [CiJobArtifactID!] IDs of job artifacts that were deleted.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


BETA This endpoint is subject to change without notice.

Input type: BulkEnableDevopsAdoptionNamespacesInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
displayNamespaceId NamespaceID Display namespace ID.
namespaceIds [NamespaceID!]! List of Namespace IDs.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
enabledNamespaces [DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespace!] Enabled namespaces after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.3. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: BulkRunnerDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
ids [CiRunnerID!] IDs of the runners to delete.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
deletedCount Int Number of records effectively deleted. Only present if operation was performed synchronously.
deletedIds [CiRunnerID!] IDs of records effectively deleted. Only present if operation was performed synchronously.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


WARNING: Deprecated in 15.0. This was renamed. Use: ProjectCiCdSettingsUpdate.

Input type: CiCdSettingsUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Full Path of the project the settings belong to.
inboundJobTokenScopeEnabled Boolean Indicates CI/CD job tokens generated in other projects have restricted access to this project.
jobTokenScopeEnabled Boolean Indicates CI/CD job tokens generated in this project have restricted access to other projects.
keepLatestArtifact Boolean Indicates if the latest artifact should be kept for the project.
mergePipelinesEnabled Boolean Indicates if merge pipelines are enabled for the project.
mergeTrainsEnabled Boolean Indicates if merge trains are enabled for the project.
optInJwt Boolean When disabled, the JSON Web Token is always available in all jobs in the pipeline.


Name Type Description
ciCdSettings ProjectCiCdSetting! CI/CD settings after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CiJobTokenScopeAddProjectInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
direction CiJobTokenScopeDirection Direction of access, which defaults to outbound.
projectPath ID! Project that the CI job token scope belongs to.
targetProjectPath ID! Project to be added to the CI job token scope.


Name Type Description
ciJobTokenScope CiJobTokenScopeType CI job token's access scope.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CiJobTokenScopeRemoveProjectInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
direction CiJobTokenScopeDirection Direction of access, which defaults to outbound.
projectPath ID! Project that the CI job token scope belongs to.
targetProjectPath ID! Project to be removed from the CI job token scope.


Name Type Description
ciJobTokenScope CiJobTokenScopeType CI job token's scope of access.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: ClusterAgentDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ClustersAgentID! Global ID of the cluster agent that will be deleted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: ClusterAgentTokenCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clusterAgentId ClustersAgentID! Global ID of the cluster agent that will be associated with the new token.
description String Description of the token.
name String! Name of the token.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
secret String Token secret value. Make sure you save it - you won't be able to access it again.
token ClusterAgentToken Token created after mutation.


Input type: ClusterAgentTokenRevokeInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ClustersAgentTokenID! Global ID of the agent token that will be revoked.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CommitCreateInput


Name Type Description
actions [CommitAction!]! Array of action hashes to commit as a batch.
branch String! Name of the branch to commit into, it can be a new branch.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
message String! Raw commit message.
projectPath ID! Project full path the branch is associated with.
startBranch String If on a new branch, name of the original branch.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
commit Commit Commit after mutation.
commitPipelinePath String ETag path for the commit's pipeline.
content [String!] Contents of the commit.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Configure Container Scanning for a project by enabling Container Scanning in a new or modified .gitlab-ci.yml file in a new branch. The new branch and a URL to create a merge request are part of the response.

Input type: ConfigureContainerScanningInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.


Name Type Description
branch String Branch that has the new/modified .gitlab-ci.yml file.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
successPath String Redirect path to use when the response is successful.


Configure Dependency Scanning for a project by enabling Dependency Scanning in a new or modified .gitlab-ci.yml file in a new branch. The new branch and a URL to create a Merge Request are a part of the response.

Input type: ConfigureDependencyScanningInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.


Name Type Description
branch String Branch that has the new/modified .gitlab-ci.yml file.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
successPath String Redirect path to use when the response is successful.


Configure SAST for a project by enabling SAST in a new or modified .gitlab-ci.yml file in a new branch. The new branch and a URL to create a Merge Request are a part of the response.

Input type: ConfigureSastInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
configuration SastCiConfigurationInput! SAST CI configuration for the project.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.


Name Type Description
branch String Branch that has the new/modified .gitlab-ci.yml file.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
successPath String Redirect path to use when the response is successful.


Enable SAST IaC for a project in a new or modified .gitlab-ci.yml file in a new branch. The new branch and a URL to create a merge request are a part of the response.

Input type: ConfigureSastIacInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.


Name Type Description
branch String Branch that has the new/modified .gitlab-ci.yml file.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
successPath String Redirect path to use when the response is successful.


Configure Secret Detection for a project by enabling Secret Detection in a new or modified .gitlab-ci.yml file in a new branch. The new branch and a URL to create a Merge Request are a part of the response.

Input type: ConfigureSecretDetectionInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.


Name Type Description
branch String Branch that has the new/modified .gitlab-ci.yml file.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
successPath String Redirect path to use when the response is successful.


Input type: CorpusCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Project the corpus belongs to.
packageId PackagesPackageID! ID of the corpus package.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateAlertIssueInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the alert to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the alert to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
alert AlertManagementAlert Alert after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue created after mutation.
todo Todo To-do item after mutation.


Input type: CreateAnnotationInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clusterId ClustersClusterID Global ID of the cluster to add an annotation to.
dashboardPath String! Path to a file defining the dashboard on which the annotation should be added.
description String! Description of the annotation.
endingAt Time Timestamp indicating ending moment to which the annotation relates.
environmentId EnvironmentID Global ID of the environment to add an annotation to.
startingAt Time! Timestamp indicating starting moment to which the annotation relates.


Name Type Description
annotation MetricsDashboardAnnotation Created annotation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateBoardInput


Name Type Description
assigneeId UserID ID of user to be assigned to the board.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID Full path of the group with which the resource is associated.
hideBacklogList Boolean Whether or not backlog list is hidden.
hideClosedList Boolean Whether or not closed list is hidden.
iterationCadenceId IterationsCadenceID ID of iteration cadence to be assigned to the board.
iterationId IterationID ID of iteration to be assigned to the board.
labelIds [LabelID!] IDs of labels to be added to the board.
labels [String!] Labels of the issue.
milestoneId MilestoneID ID of milestone to be assigned to the board.
name String Board name.
projectPath ID Full path of the project with which the resource is associated.
weight Int Weight value to be assigned to the board.


Name Type Description
board Board Board after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateBranchInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Name of the branch.
projectPath ID! Project full path the branch is associated with.
ref String! Branch name or commit SHA to create branch from.


Name Type Description
branch Branch Branch after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateClusterAgentInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Name of the cluster agent.
projectPath ID! Full path of the associated project for the cluster agent.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clusterAgent ClusterAgent Cluster agent created after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateComplianceFrameworkInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
namespacePath ID! Full path of the namespace to add the compliance framework to.
params ComplianceFrameworkInput! Parameters to update the compliance framework with.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
framework ComplianceFramework Created compliance framework.


WARNING: Introduced in 13.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: CreateCustomEmojiInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID! Namespace full path the emoji is associated with.
name String! Name of the emoji.
url String! Location of the emoji file.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
customEmoji CustomEmoji New custom emoji.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateDiffNoteInput


Name Type Description
body String! Content of the note.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated: This was renamed. Please use internal. Deprecated in 15.3.
internal Boolean Internal flag for a note. Default is false.
noteableId NoteableID! Global ID of the resource to add a note to.
position DiffPositionInput! Position of this note on a diff.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


Input type: CreateEpicInput


Name Type Description
addLabelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be added to the epic.
addLabels [String!] Array of labels to be added to the epic.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
color Color Color of the epic. Available only when feature flag epic_color_highlight is enabled. This flag is disabled by default, because the feature is experimental and is subject to change without notice.
confidential Boolean Indicates if the epic is confidential.
description String Description of the epic.
dueDateFixed String End date of the epic.
dueDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates end date should be sourced from due_date_fixed field not the issue milestones.
groupPath ID! Group the epic to mutate is in.
removeLabelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be removed from the epic.
startDateFixed String Start date of the epic.
startDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates start date should be sourced from start_date_fixed field not the issue milestones.
title String Title of the epic.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Created epic.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CreateImageDiffNoteInput


Name Type Description
body String! Content of the note.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated: This was renamed. Please use internal. Deprecated in 15.3.
internal Boolean Internal flag for a note. Default is false.
noteableId NoteableID! Global ID of the resource to add a note to.
position DiffImagePositionInput! Position of this note on a diff.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


Input type: CreateIssueInput


Name Type Description
assigneeIds [UserID!] Array of user IDs to assign to the issue.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential Boolean Indicates the issue is confidential.
createdAt Time Timestamp when the issue was created. Available only for admins and project owners.
description String Description of the issue.
discussionToResolve String ID of a discussion to resolve. Also pass merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of.
dueDate ISO8601Date Due date of the issue.
epicId EpicID ID of an epic to associate the issue with.
healthStatus HealthStatus Desired health status.
iid Int IID (internal ID) of a project issue. Only admins and project owners can modify.
iterationCadenceId IterationsCadenceID Global iteration cadence ID. Required when iterationWildcardId is provided.
iterationId IterationID Global iteration ID. Mutually exlusive argument with iterationWildcardId.
iterationWildcardId IssueCreationIterationWildcardId Iteration wildcard ID. Supported values are: CURRENT. Mutually exclusive argument with iterationId. iterationCadenceId also required when this argument is provided.
labelIds [LabelID!] IDs of labels to be added to the issue.
labels [String!] Labels of the issue.
locked Boolean Indicates discussion is locked on the issue.
mergeRequestToResolveDiscussionsOf MergeRequestID IID of a merge request for which to resolve discussions.
milestoneId MilestoneID ID of the milestone to assign to the issue. On update milestone will be removed if set to null.
moveAfterId IssueID Global ID of issue that should be placed after the current issue.
moveBeforeId IssueID Global ID of issue that should be placed before the current issue.
projectPath ID! Project full path the issue is associated with.
title String! Title of the issue.
type IssueType Type of the issue.
weight Int Weight of the issue.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


WARNING: Deprecated in 14.0. Use iterationCreate.

Input type: CreateIterationInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the iteration.
dueDate String End date of the iteration.
groupPath ID Full path of the group with which the resource is associated.
iterationsCadenceId IterationsCadenceID Global ID of the iteration cadence to be assigned to the new iteration.
projectPath ID Full path of the project with which the resource is associated.
startDate String Start date of the iteration.
title String Title of the iteration.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
iteration Iteration Created iteration.


Creates a Note. If the body of the Note contains only quick actions, the Note will be destroyed during an update, and no Note will be returned.

Input type: CreateNoteInput


Name Type Description
body String! Content of the note.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated: This was renamed. Please use internal. Deprecated in 15.3.
discussionId DiscussionID Global ID of the discussion the note is in reply to.
internal Boolean Internal flag for a note. Default is false.
mergeRequestDiffHeadSha String SHA of the head commit which is used to ensure that the merge request has not been updated since the request was sent.
noteableId NoteableID! Global ID of the resource to add a note to.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


Input type: CreateRequirementInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the requirement.
projectPath ID! Full project path the requirement is associated with.
title String Title of the requirement.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
requirement Requirement Requirement after mutation.


Input type: CreateSnippetInput


Name Type Description
blobActions [SnippetBlobActionInputType!] Actions to perform over the snippet repository and blobs.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the snippet.
projectPath ID Full path of the project the snippet is associated with.
title String! Title of the snippet.
uploadedFiles [String!] Paths to files uploaded in the snippet description.
visibilityLevel VisibilityLevelsEnum! Visibility level of the snippet.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
snippet Snippet Snippet after mutation.


Input type: CreateTestCaseInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Test case description.
labelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be added to the test case.
projectPath ID! Project full path to create the test case in.
title String! Test case title.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
testCase Issue Test case created.


Input type: CustomerRelationsContactCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of or notes for the contact.
email String Email address of the contact.
firstName String! First name of the contact.
groupId GroupID! Group for the contact.
lastName String! Last name of the contact.
organizationId CustomerRelationsOrganizationID Organization for the contact.
phone String Phone number of the contact.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
contact CustomerRelationsContact Contact after the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CustomerRelationsContactUpdateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean State of the contact.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of or notes for the contact.
email String Email address of the contact.
firstName String First name of the contact.
id CustomerRelationsContactID! Global ID of the contact.
lastName String Last name of the contact.
organizationId CustomerRelationsOrganizationID Organization of the contact.
phone String Phone number of the contact.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
contact CustomerRelationsContact Contact after the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: CustomerRelationsOrganizationCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
defaultRate Float Standard billing rate for the organization.
description String Description of or notes for the organization.
groupId GroupID! Group for the organization.
name String! Name of the organization.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
organization CustomerRelationsOrganization Organization after the mutation.


Input type: CustomerRelationsOrganizationUpdateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean State of the organization.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
defaultRate Float Standard billing rate for the organization.
description String Description of or notes for the organization.
id CustomerRelationsOrganizationID! Global ID of the organization.
name String Name of the organization.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
organization CustomerRelationsOrganization! Organization after the mutation.


Input type: DastOnDemandScanCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastScannerProfileId DastScannerProfileID ID of the scanner profile to be used for the scan.
dastSiteProfileId DastSiteProfileID! ID of the site profile to be used for the scan.
fullPath ID! Project the site profile belongs to.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineUrl String URL of the pipeline that was created.


Input type: DastProfileCreateInput


Name Type Description
branchName String Associated branch.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastProfileSchedule DastProfileScheduleInput Represents a DAST Profile Schedule.
dastScannerProfileId DastScannerProfileID! ID of the scanner profile to be associated.
dastSiteProfileId DastSiteProfileID! ID of the site profile to be associated.
description String Description of the profile. Defaults to an empty string.
fullPath ID! Project the profile belongs to.
name String! Name of the profile.
runAfterCreate Boolean Run scan using profile after creation. Defaults to false.
tagList [String!] Indicates the runner tags associated with the profile.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastProfile DastProfile Created profile.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineUrl String URL of the pipeline that was created. Requires runAfterCreate to be set to true.


Input type: DastProfileDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id DastProfileID! ID of the profile to be deleted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DastProfileRunInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Full path not required to qualify Global ID. Deprecated in 14.5.
id DastProfileID! ID of the profile to be used for the scan.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineUrl String URL of the pipeline that was created.


Input type: DastProfileUpdateInput


Name Type Description
branchName String Associated branch.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastProfileSchedule DastProfileScheduleInput Represents a DAST profile schedule.
dastScannerProfileId DastScannerProfileID ID of the scanner profile to be associated.
dastSiteProfileId DastSiteProfileID ID of the site profile to be associated.
description String Description of the profile. Defaults to an empty string.
fullPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Full path not required to qualify Global ID. Deprecated in 14.5.
id DastProfileID! ID of the profile to be deleted.
name String Name of the profile.
runAfterUpdate Boolean Run scan using profile after update. Defaults to false.
tagList [String!] Indicates the runner tags associated with the profile.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastProfile DastProfile Updated profile.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineUrl String The URL of the pipeline that was created. Requires the input argument runAfterUpdate to be set to true when calling the mutation, otherwise no pipeline will be created.


Input type: DastScannerProfileCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Project the scanner profile belongs to.
profileName String! Name of the scanner profile.
scanType DastScanTypeEnum Indicates the type of DAST scan that will run. Either a Passive Scan or an Active Scan.
showDebugMessages Boolean Indicates if debug messages should be included in DAST console output. True to include the debug messages.
spiderTimeout Int Maximum number of minutes allowed for the spider to traverse the site.
tagList {warning-solid} [String!] Deprecated: Moved to DastProfile. Deprecated in 15.8.
targetTimeout Int Maximum number of seconds allowed for the site under test to respond to a request.
useAjaxSpider Boolean Indicates if the AJAX spider should be used to crawl the target site. True to run the AJAX spider in addition to the traditional spider, and false to run only the traditional spider.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastScannerProfile DastScannerProfile Created scanner profile.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
id {warning-solid} DastScannerProfileID Deprecated: use dastScannerProfile field. Deprecated in 14.10.


Input type: DastScannerProfileDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Full path not required to qualify Global ID. Deprecated in 14.5.
id DastScannerProfileID! ID of the scanner profile to be deleted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DastScannerProfileUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Full path not required to qualify Global ID. Deprecated in 14.5.
id DastScannerProfileID! ID of the scanner profile to be updated.
profileName String! Name of the scanner profile.
scanType DastScanTypeEnum Indicates the type of DAST scan that will run. Either a Passive Scan or an Active Scan.
showDebugMessages Boolean Indicates if debug messages should be included in DAST console output. True to include the debug messages.
spiderTimeout Int! Maximum number of minutes allowed for the spider to traverse the site.
tagList {warning-solid} [String!] Deprecated: Moved to DastProfile. Deprecated in 15.8.
targetTimeout Int! Maximum number of seconds allowed for the site under test to respond to a request.
useAjaxSpider Boolean Indicates if the AJAX spider should be used to crawl the target site. True to run the AJAX spider in addition to the traditional spider, and false to run only the traditional spider.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastScannerProfile DastScannerProfile Updated scanner profile.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
id {warning-solid} DastScannerProfileID Deprecated: use dastScannerProfile field. Deprecated in 14.10.


Input type: DastSiteProfileCreateInput


Name Type Description
auth DastSiteProfileAuthInput Parameters for authentication.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
excludedUrls [String!] URLs to skip during an authenticated scan. Defaults to [].
fullPath ID! Project the site profile belongs to.
profileName String! Name of the site profile.
requestHeaders String Comma-separated list of request header names and values to be added to every request made by DAST.
scanFilePath String File Path or URL used as input for the scan method.
scanMethod DastScanMethodType Scan method by the scanner.
targetType DastTargetTypeEnum Type of target to be scanned.
targetUrl String URL of the target to be scanned.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastSiteProfile DastSiteProfile Site Profile object.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
id {warning-solid} DastSiteProfileID Deprecated: use field. Deprecated in 14.10.


Input type: DastSiteProfileDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Full path not required to qualify Global ID. Deprecated in 14.5.
id DastSiteProfileID! ID of the site profile to be deleted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DastSiteProfileUpdateInput


Name Type Description
auth DastSiteProfileAuthInput Parameters for authentication.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
excludedUrls [String!] URLs to skip during an authenticated scan.
fullPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Full path not required to qualify Global ID. Deprecated in 14.5.
id DastSiteProfileID! ID of the site profile to be updated.
profileName String! Name of the site profile.
requestHeaders String Comma-separated list of request header names and values to be added to every request made by DAST.
scanFilePath String File Path or URL used as input for the scan method.
scanMethod DastScanMethodType Scan method by the scanner.
targetType DastTargetTypeEnum Type of target to be scanned.
targetUrl String URL of the target to be scanned.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastSiteProfile DastSiteProfile Site profile object.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
id {warning-solid} DastSiteProfileID Deprecated: use field. Deprecated in 14.10.


Input type: DastSiteTokenCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Project the site token belongs to.
targetUrl String URL of the target to be validated.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
id DastSiteTokenID ID of the site token.
status DastSiteProfileValidationStatusEnum Current validation status of the target.
token String Token string.


Input type: DastSiteValidationCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dastSiteTokenId DastSiteTokenID! ID of the site token.
fullPath ID! Project the site profile belongs to.
strategy DastSiteValidationStrategyEnum Validation strategy to be used.
validationPath String! Path to be requested during validation.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
id DastSiteValidationID ID of the site validation.
status DastSiteProfileValidationStatusEnum Current validation status.


Input type: DastSiteValidationRevokeInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Project the site validation belongs to.
normalizedTargetUrl String! Normalized URL of the target to be revoked.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DeleteAnnotationInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id MetricsDashboardAnnotationID! Global ID of the annotation to delete.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DesignManagementDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
filenames [String!]! Filenames of the designs to delete.
iid ID! IID of the issue to modify designs for.
projectPath ID! Project where the issue is to upload designs for.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
version DesignVersion New version in which the designs are deleted.


Input type: DesignManagementMoveInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id DesignManagementDesignID! ID of the design to move.
next DesignManagementDesignID ID of the immediately following design.
previous DesignManagementDesignID ID of the immediately preceding design.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
designCollection DesignCollection Current state of the collection.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DesignManagementUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the design.
id DesignManagementDesignID! ID of the design to update.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
design Design! Updated design.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DesignManagementUploadInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
files [Upload!]! Files to upload.
iid ID! IID of the issue to modify designs for.
projectPath ID! Project where the issue is to upload designs for.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
designs [Design!]! Designs that were uploaded by the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
skippedDesigns [Design!]! Any designs that were skipped from the upload due to there being no change to their content since their last version.


Input type: DestroyBoardInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id BoardID! Global ID of the board to destroy.


Name Type Description
board Board Board after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyBoardListInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
listId ListID! Global ID of the list to destroy. Only label lists are accepted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list BoardList List after mutation.


Input type: DestroyComplianceFrameworkInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ComplianceManagementFrameworkID! Global ID of the compliance framework to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyContainerRepositoryInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ContainerRepositoryID! ID of the container repository.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
containerRepository ContainerRepository! Container repository policy after scheduling the deletion.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyContainerRepositoryTagsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ContainerRepositoryID! ID of the container repository.
tagNames [String!]! Container repository tag(s) to delete. Total number can't be greater than 20.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
deletedTagNames [String!]! Deleted container repository tags.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


WARNING: Introduced in 13.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: DestroyCustomEmojiInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CustomEmojiID! Global ID of the custom emoji to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
customEmoji CustomEmoji Deleted custom emoji.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyEpicBoardInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id BoardsEpicBoardID! Global ID of the board to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicBoard EpicBoard Epic board after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyNoteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id NoteID! Global ID of the note to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


Input type: DestroyPackageInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id PackagesPackageID! ID of the Package.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyPackageFileInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id PackagesPackageFileID! ID of the Package file.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyPackageFilesInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
ids [PackagesPackageFileID!]! IDs of the Package file.
projectPath ID! Project path where the packages cleanup policy is located.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroyPackagesInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
ids [PackagesPackageID!]! Global IDs of the Packages. Max 20.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: DestroySnippetInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id SnippetID! Global ID of the snippet to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
snippet Snippet Snippet after mutation.


BETA This endpoint is subject to change without notice.

Input type: DisableDevopsAdoptionNamespaceInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id [AnalyticsDevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespaceID!]! One or many IDs of the enabled namespaces to disable.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Toggles the resolved state of a discussion.

Input type: DiscussionToggleResolveInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id DiscussionID! Global ID of the discussion.
resolve Boolean! Will resolve the discussion when true, and unresolve the discussion when false.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
discussion Discussion Discussion after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


A mutation that does not perform any changes.

This is expected to be used for testing of endpoints, to verify that a user has mutation access.

Input type: EchoCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!] Errors to return to the user.
messages [String!] Messages to return to the user.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
echoes [String!] Messages returned to the user.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


BETA This endpoint is subject to change without notice.

Input type: EnableDevopsAdoptionNamespaceInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
displayNamespaceId NamespaceID Display namespace ID.
namespaceId NamespaceID! Namespace ID.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
enabledNamespace DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespace Enabled namespace after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Deprecated This endpoint is planned to be removed along with certificate-based clusters. See this epic for more information.

Input type: EnvironmentsCanaryIngressUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id EnvironmentID! Global ID of the environment to update.
weight Int! Weight of the Canary Ingress.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EpicAddIssueInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID! Group the epic to mutate belongs to.
iid ID! IID of the epic to mutate.
issueIid String! IID of the issue to be added.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the issue belongs to.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Epic after mutation.
epicIssue EpicIssue Epic-issue relationship.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EpicBoardCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID Full path of the group with which the resource is associated.
hideBacklogList Boolean Whether or not backlog list is hidden.
hideClosedList Boolean Whether or not closed list is hidden.
labelIds [LabelID!] IDs of labels to be added to the board.
labels [String!] Labels of the issue.
name String Board name.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicBoard EpicBoard Created epic board.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EpicBoardListCreateInput


Name Type Description
backlog Boolean Create the backlog list.
boardId BoardsEpicBoardID! Global ID of the issue board to mutate.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
labelId LabelID Global ID of an existing label.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list EpicList Epic list in the epic board.


Destroys an epic board list.

Input type: EpicBoardListDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
listId BoardsEpicListID! Global ID of the epic board list to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list EpicList Epic board list. null if the board was destroyed successfully.


Input type: EpicBoardUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
hideBacklogList Boolean Whether or not backlog list is hidden.
hideClosedList Boolean Whether or not closed list is hidden.
id BoardsEpicBoardID! Epic board global ID.
labelIds [LabelID!] IDs of labels to be added to the board.
labels [String!] Labels of the issue.
name String Board name.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicBoard EpicBoard Updated epic board.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EpicMoveListInput


Name Type Description
boardId BoardsEpicBoardID! Global ID of the board that the epic is in.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicId EpicID! ID of the epic to mutate.
fromListId BoardsEpicListID ID of the board list that the epic will be moved from. Required if moving between lists.
moveAfterId EpicID ID of epic that should be placed after the current epic.
moveBeforeId EpicID ID of epic that should be placed before the current epic.
positionInList Int Position of epics within the board list. Positions start at 0. Use -1 to move to the end of the list.
toListId BoardsEpicListID! ID of the list the epic will be in after mutation.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Epic after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EpicSetSubscriptionInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID! Group the epic to mutate belongs to.
iid ID! IID of the epic to mutate.
subscribedState Boolean! Desired state of the subscription.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Epic after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EpicTreeReorderInput


Name Type Description
baseEpicId EpicID! ID of the base epic of the tree.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
moved EpicTreeNodeFieldsInputType! Parameters for updating the tree positions.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: EscalationPolicyCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the escalation policy.
name String! Name of the escalation policy.
projectPath ID! Project to create the escalation policy for.
rules [EscalationRuleInput!]! Steps of the escalation policy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
escalationPolicy EscalationPolicyType Escalation policy.


Input type: EscalationPolicyDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID! Escalation policy internal ID to remove.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
escalationPolicy EscalationPolicyType Escalation policy.


Input type: EscalationPolicyUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the escalation policy.
id IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID! ID of the on-call schedule to create the on-call rotation in.
name String Name of the escalation policy.
rules [EscalationRuleInput!] Steps of the escalation policy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
escalationPolicy EscalationPolicyType Escalation policy.


Input type: ExportRequirementsInput


Name Type Description
authorUsername [String!] Filter requirements by author username.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full project path the requirements are associated with.
search String Search query for requirement title.
selectedFields [String!] List of selected requirements fields to be exported.
sort Sort List requirements by sort order.
state RequirementState Filter requirements by state.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: ExternalAuditEventDestinationCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destinationUrl String! Destination URL.
groupPath ID! Group path.
verificationToken String Verification token.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
externalAuditEventDestination ExternalAuditEventDestination Destination created.


Input type: ExternalAuditEventDestinationDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID! ID of external audit event destination to destroy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: ExternalAuditEventDestinationUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destinationUrl String Destination URL to change.
id AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID! ID of external audit event destination to update.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
externalAuditEventDestination ExternalAuditEventDestination Updated destination.


Input type: GitlabSubscriptionActivateInput


Name Type Description
activationCode String! Activation code received after purchasing a GitLab subscription.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
futureSubscriptions [SubscriptionFutureEntry!] Array of future subscriptions.
license CurrentLicense Current license.


Input type: GroupMemberBulkUpdateInput


Name Type Description
accessLevel MemberAccessLevel! Access level to update the members to.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
expiresAt Time Date and time the membership expires.
groupId GroupID! Global ID of the group.
userIds [UserID!]! Global IDs of the members.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
groupMembers [GroupMember!] Group members after mutation.


Input type: GroupUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Full path of the group that will be updated.
sharedRunnersSetting SharedRunnersSetting! Shared runners availability for the namespace and its descendants.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
group Group Group after update.


Input type: HttpIntegrationCreateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean! Whether the integration is receiving alerts.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Name of the integration.
payloadAttributeMappings [AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldInput!] Custom mapping of GitLab alert attributes to fields from the payload example.
payloadExample JsonString Example of an alert payload.
projectPath ID! Project to create the integration in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementHttpIntegration HTTP integration.


Input type: HttpIntegrationDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id AlertManagementHttpIntegrationID! ID of the integration to remove.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementHttpIntegration HTTP integration.


Input type: HttpIntegrationResetTokenInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id AlertManagementHttpIntegrationID! ID of the integration to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementHttpIntegration HTTP integration.


Input type: HttpIntegrationUpdateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the integration is receiving alerts.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id AlertManagementHttpIntegrationID! ID of the integration to mutate.
name String Name of the integration.
payloadAttributeMappings [AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldInput!] Custom mapping of GitLab alert attributes to fields from the payload example.
payloadExample JsonString Example of an alert payload.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementHttpIntegration HTTP integration.


Input type: IssuableResourceLinkCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IssueID! Incident id to associate the resource link with.
link String! Link of the resource.
linkText String Link text of the resource.
linkType IssuableResourceLinkType Link type of the resource.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issuableResourceLink IssuableResourceLink Issuable resource link.


Input type: IssuableResourceLinkDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IncidentManagementIssuableResourceLinkID! Issuable resource link ID to remove.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issuableResourceLink IssuableResourceLink Issuable resource link.


Input type: IssueLinkAlertsInput


Name Type Description
alertReferences [String!]! Alerts references to be linked to the incident.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueMoveInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
targetProjectPath ID! Project to move the issue to.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueMoveListInput


Name Type Description
boardId BoardID! Global ID of the board that the issue is in.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicId EpicID ID of the parent epic. NULL when removing the association.
fromListId ID ID of the board list that the issue will be moved from.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
moveAfterId ID ID of issue that should be placed after the current issue.
moveBeforeId ID ID of issue that should be placed before the current issue.
positionInList Int Position of issue within the board list. Positions start at 0. Use -1 to move to the end of the list.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
toListId ID ID of the board list that the issue will be moved to.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetAssigneesInput


Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!]! Usernames to assign to the resource. Replaces existing assignees by default.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
operationMode MutationOperationMode Operation to perform. Defaults to REPLACE.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetConfidentialInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential Boolean! Whether or not to set the issue as a confidential.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetCrmContactsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
contactIds [CustomerRelationsContactID!]! Customer relations contact IDs to set. Replaces existing contacts by default.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
operationMode MutationOperationMode Changes the operation mode. Defaults to REPLACE.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetDueDateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dueDate Time Desired due date for the issue. Due date is removed if null.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetEpicInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicId EpicID Global ID of the epic to be assigned to the issue, epic will be removed if absent or set to null.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetEscalationPolicyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
escalationPolicyId IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID Global ID of the escalation policy to assign to the issue. Policy will be removed if absent or set to null.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetEscalationStatusInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
status IssueEscalationStatus! Set the escalation status.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetIterationInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
iterationId IterationID Iteration to assign to the issue.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetLockedInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
locked Boolean! Whether or not to lock discussion on the issue.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetSeverityInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
severity IssuableSeverity! Set the incident severity level.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetSubscriptionInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
subscribedState Boolean! Desired state of the subscription.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueSetWeightInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
weight Int The desired weight for the issue. If set to null, weight is removed.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: IssueUnlinkAlertInput


Name Type Description
alertId AlertManagementAlertID! Global ID of the alert to unlink from the incident.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Allows updating several properties for a set of issues. Does nothing if the bulk_update_issues_mutation feature flag is disabled.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: IssuesBulkUpdateInput


Name Type Description
addLabelIds [LabelID!] Global ID array of the labels that will be added to the issues.
assigneeIds [UserID!] Global ID array of the users that will be assigned to the given issues. Existing assignees will be replaced with the ones on this list.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicId EpicID Global ID of the epic that will be assigned to the issues.
healthStatus HealthStatus Health status that will be assigned to the issues.
ids [IssueID!]! Global ID array of the issues that will be updated. IDs that the user can't update will be ignored. A max of 100 can be provided.
iterationId IterationID Global ID of the iteration that will be assigned to the issues.
milestoneId MilestoneID Global ID of the milestone that will be assigned to the issues.
parentId IssueParentID! Global ID of the parent to which the bulk update will be scoped. The parent can be a project (FREE) or a group (PREMIUM). Example IssueParentID are "gid://gitlab/Project/1" and "gid://gitlab/Group/1".
removeLabelIds [LabelID!] Global ID array of the labels that will be removed from the issues.
stateEvent IssueStateEvent Close or reopen an issue.
subscriptionEvent IssuableSubscriptionEvent Subscribe to or unsubscribe from issue notifications.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
updatedIssueCount Int Number of issues that were successfully updated.


Input type: IterationCadenceCreateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean! Whether the iteration cadence is active.
automatic Boolean! Whether the iteration cadence should automatically generate upcoming iterations.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the iteration cadence. Maximum length is 5000 characters.
durationInWeeks Int Duration in weeks of the iterations within this cadence.
groupPath ID! Group where the iteration cadence is created.
iterationsInAdvance Int Upcoming iterations to be created when iteration cadence is set to automatic.
rollOver Boolean Whether the iteration cadence should roll over issues to the next iteration or not.
startDate Time Timestamp of the automation start date.
title String Title of the iteration cadence.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
iterationCadence IterationCadence Created iteration cadence.


Input type: IterationCadenceDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IterationsCadenceID! Global ID of the iteration cadence.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
group Group! Group the iteration cadence belongs to.


Input type: IterationCadenceUpdateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the iteration cadence is active.
automatic Boolean Whether the iteration cadence should automatically generate upcoming iterations.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the iteration cadence. Maximum length is 5000 characters.
durationInWeeks Int Duration in weeks of the iterations within this cadence.
id IterationsCadenceID! Global ID of the iteration cadence.
iterationsInAdvance Int Upcoming iterations to be created when iteration cadence is set to automatic.
rollOver Boolean Whether the iteration cadence should roll over issues to the next iteration or not.
startDate Time Timestamp of the automation start date.
title String Title of the iteration cadence.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
iterationCadence IterationCadence Updated iteration cadence.


Input type: iterationCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the iteration.
dueDate String End date of the iteration.
groupPath ID Full path of the group with which the resource is associated.
iterationsCadenceId IterationsCadenceID Global ID of the iteration cadence to be assigned to the new iteration.
projectPath ID Full path of the project with which the resource is associated.
startDate String Start date of the iteration.
title String Title of the iteration.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
iteration Iteration Created iteration.


Input type: IterationDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IterationID! ID of the iteration.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
group Group! Group the iteration belongs to.


Input type: JiraImportStartInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
jiraProjectKey String! Project key of the importer Jira project.
jiraProjectName String Project name of the importer Jira project.
projectPath ID! Project to import the Jira project into.
usersMapping [JiraUsersMappingInputType!] Mapping of Jira to GitLab users.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
jiraImport JiraImport Jira import data after mutation.


Input type: JiraImportUsersInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Project to import the Jira users into.
startAt Int Index of the record the import should started at, default 0 (50 records returned).


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
jiraUsers [JiraUser!] Users returned from Jira, matched by email and name if possible.


Input type: JobArtifactsDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiBuildID! ID of the job to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
destroyedArtifactsCount Int! Number of artifacts deleted.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
job CiJob Job with artifacts to be deleted.


Input type: JobCancelInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiBuildID! ID of the job to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
job CiJob Job after the mutation.


Input type: JobPlayInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiBuildID! ID of the job to mutate.
variables [CiVariableInput!] Variables to use when playing a manual job.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
job CiJob Job after the mutation.


Input type: JobRetryInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiBuildID! ID of the job to mutate.
variables [CiVariableInput!] Variables to use when retrying a manual job.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
job CiJob Job after the mutation.


Input type: JobUnscheduleInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiBuildID! ID of the job to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
job CiJob Job after the mutation.


Input type: LabelCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
color String The color of the label given in 6-digit hex notation with leading '#' sign (for example, #FFAABB) or one of the CSS color names.
description String Description of the label.
groupPath ID Full path of the group with which the resource is associated.
projectPath ID Full path of the project with which the resource is associated.
title String! Title of the label.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
label Label Label after mutation.


Input type: MarkAsSpamSnippetInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id SnippetID! Global ID of the snippet to update.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
snippet Snippet Snippet after mutation.


Accepts a merge request. When accepted, the source branch will be merged into the target branch, either immediately if possible, or using one of the automatic merge strategies.

Input type: MergeRequestAcceptInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
commitMessage String Custom merge commit message.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.
sha String! HEAD SHA at the time when the merge was requested.
shouldRemoveSourceBranch Boolean Should the source branch be removed.
squash Boolean Squash commits on the source branch before merge.
squashCommitMessage String Custom squash commit message (if squash is true).
strategy MergeStrategyEnum How to merge the merge request.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the merge request (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching).
labels [String!] Labels of the merge request.
projectPath ID! Project full path the merge request is associated with.
sourceBranch String! Source branch of the merge request.
targetBranch String! Target branch of the merge request.
title String! Title of the merge request.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestReviewerRereviewInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.
userId UserID! User ID for the user that has been requested for a new review.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetAssigneesInput


Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!]! Usernames to assign to the resource. Replaces existing assignees by default.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
operationMode MutationOperationMode Operation to perform. Defaults to REPLACE.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetDraftInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
draft Boolean! Whether or not to set the merge request as a draft.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetLabelsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
labelIds [LabelID!]! Label IDs to set. Replaces existing labels by default.
operationMode MutationOperationMode Changes the operation mode. Defaults to REPLACE.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetLockedInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
locked Boolean! Whether or not to lock the merge request.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetMilestoneInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
milestoneId MilestoneID Milestone to assign to the merge request.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetReviewersInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
operationMode MutationOperationMode Operation to perform. Defaults to REPLACE.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.
reviewerUsernames [String!]! Usernames of reviewers to assign. Replaces existing reviewers by default.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestSetSubscriptionInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.
subscribedState Boolean! Desired state of the subscription.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Update attributes of a merge request.

Input type: MergeRequestUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the merge request (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching).
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.
state MergeRequestNewState Action to perform to change the state.
targetBranch String Target branch of the merge request.
timeEstimate String Estimated time to complete the merge request, or 0 to remove the current estimate.
title String Title of the merge request.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: MergeRequestUpdateApprovalRuleInput


Name Type Description
approvalRuleId Int! ID of an approval rule.
approvalsRequired Int! Number of required approvals for a given rule.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupIds [String!] IDs of groups as approvers.
iid String! IID of the merge request to mutate.
name String! Name of the approval rule.
projectPath ID! Project the merge request to mutate is in.
removeHiddenGroups [Boolean!] Whether hidden groups should be removed.
userIds [String!] IDs of users as approvers.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request after mutation.


Input type: NamespaceBanDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id NamespacesNamespaceBanID! Global ID of the namespace ban to remove.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
namespaceBan NamespaceBan Namespace Ban.


Input type: NamespaceCiCdSettingsUpdateInput


Name Type Description
allowStaleRunnerPruning Boolean Indicates if stale runners directly belonging to this namespace should be periodically pruned.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Full path of the namespace the settings belong to.


Name Type Description
ciCdSettings NamespaceCiCdSetting! CI/CD settings after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarilyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id NamespaceID! Global ID of the namespace to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
namespace Namespace Namespace after mutation.


Input type: OncallRotationCreateInput


Name Type Description
activePeriod OncallRotationActivePeriodInputType Active period of time that the on-call rotation should take place.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
endsAt OncallRotationDateInputType End date and time of the on-call rotation, in the timezone of the on-call schedule.
name String! Name of the on-call rotation.
participants [OncallUserInputType!]! Usernames of users participating in the on-call rotation. A maximum limit of 100 participants applies.
projectPath ID! Project to create the on-call schedule in.
rotationLength OncallRotationLengthInputType! Rotation length of the on-call rotation.
scheduleIid String! IID of the on-call schedule to create the on-call rotation in.
startsAt OncallRotationDateInputType! Start date and time of the on-call rotation, in the timezone of the on-call schedule.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
oncallRotation IncidentManagementOncallRotation On-call rotation.


Input type: OncallRotationDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IncidentManagementOncallRotationID! ID of the on-call rotation to remove.
projectPath ID! Project to remove the on-call schedule from.
scheduleIid String! IID of the on-call schedule to the on-call rotation belongs to.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
oncallRotation IncidentManagementOncallRotation On-call rotation.


Input type: OncallRotationUpdateInput


Name Type Description
activePeriod OncallRotationActivePeriodInputType Active period of time that the on-call rotation should take place.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
endsAt OncallRotationDateInputType End date and time of the on-call rotation, in the timezone of the on-call schedule.
id IncidentManagementOncallRotationID! ID of the on-call schedule to create the on-call rotation in.
name String Name of the on-call rotation.
participants [OncallUserInputType!] Usernames of users participating in the on-call rotation. A maximum limit of 100 participants applies.
rotationLength OncallRotationLengthInputType Rotation length of the on-call rotation.
startsAt OncallRotationDateInputType Start date and time of the on-call rotation, in the timezone of the on-call schedule.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
oncallRotation IncidentManagementOncallRotation On-call rotation.


Input type: OncallScheduleCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the on-call schedule.
name String! Name of the on-call schedule.
projectPath ID! Project to create the on-call schedule in.
timezone String! Timezone of the on-call schedule.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
oncallSchedule IncidentManagementOncallSchedule On-call schedule.


Input type: OncallScheduleDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! On-call schedule internal ID to remove.
projectPath ID! Project to remove the on-call schedule from.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
oncallSchedule IncidentManagementOncallSchedule On-call schedule.


Input type: OncallScheduleUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the on-call schedule.
iid String! On-call schedule internal ID to update.
name String Name of the on-call schedule.
projectPath ID! Project to update the on-call schedule in.
timezone String Timezone of the on-call schedule.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
oncallSchedule IncidentManagementOncallSchedule On-call schedule.


Input type: PagesMarkOnboardingCompleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
onboardingComplete Boolean! Indicates the new onboarding_complete state of the project's Pages metadata.


Input type: PipelineCancelInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiPipelineID! ID of the pipeline to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: PipelineDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiPipelineID! ID of the pipeline to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: PipelineRetryInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiPipelineID! ID of the pipeline to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipeline Pipeline Pipeline after mutation.


Input type: PipelineScheduleCreateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean Indicates if the pipeline schedule should be active or not.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
cron String! Cron expression of the pipeline schedule.
cronTimezone String Cron time zone supported by ActiveSupport::TimeZone. For example: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" (default: "UTC").
description String! Description of the pipeline schedule.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the pipeline schedule is associated with.
ref String! Ref of the pipeline schedule.
variables [PipelineScheduleVariableInput!] Variables for the pipeline schedule.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineSchedule PipelineSchedule Created pipeline schedule.


Input type: PipelineScheduleDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiPipelineScheduleID! ID of the pipeline schedule to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: PipelineSchedulePlayInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiPipelineScheduleID! ID of the pipeline schedule to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineSchedule PipelineSchedule Pipeline schedule after mutation.


Input type: PipelineScheduleTakeOwnershipInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiPipelineScheduleID! ID of the pipeline schedule to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineSchedule PipelineSchedule Updated pipeline schedule ownership.


Input type: PipelineScheduleUpdateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean Indicates if the pipeline schedule should be active or not.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
cron String Cron expression of the pipeline schedule.
cronTimezone String Cron time zone supported by ActiveSupport::TimeZone. For example: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" (default: "UTC").
description String Description of the pipeline schedule.
id CiPipelineScheduleID! ID of the pipeline schedule to mutate.
ref String Ref of the pipeline schedule.
variables [PipelineScheduleVariableInput!] Variables for the pipeline schedule.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
pipelineSchedule PipelineSchedule Updated pipeline schedule.


Input type: ProjectCiCdSettingsUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath ID! Full Path of the project the settings belong to.
inboundJobTokenScopeEnabled Boolean Indicates CI/CD job tokens generated in other projects have restricted access to this project.
jobTokenScopeEnabled Boolean Indicates CI/CD job tokens generated in this project have restricted access to other projects.
keepLatestArtifact Boolean Indicates if the latest artifact should be kept for the project.
mergePipelinesEnabled Boolean Indicates if merge pipelines are enabled for the project.
mergeTrainsEnabled Boolean Indicates if merge trains are enabled for the project.
optInJwt Boolean When disabled, the JSON Web Token is always available in all jobs in the pipeline.


Name Type Description
ciCdSettings ProjectCiCdSetting! CI/CD settings after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: ProjectInitializeProductAnalyticsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project to initialize.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
project Project Project on which the initialization took place.


Input type: ProjectMemberBulkUpdateInput


Name Type Description
accessLevel MemberAccessLevel! Access level to update the members to.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
expiresAt Time Date and time the membership expires.
projectId ProjectID! Global ID of the project.
userIds [UserID!]! Global IDs of the members.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
projectMembers [ProjectMember!] Project members after mutation.


Assign (or unset) a compliance framework to a project.

Input type: ProjectSetComplianceFrameworkInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
complianceFrameworkId ComplianceManagementFrameworkID ID of the compliance framework to assign to the project. Set to null to unset.
projectId ProjectID! ID of the project to change the compliance framework of.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
project Project Project after mutation.


Input type: ProjectSetLockedInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
filePath String! Full path to the file.
lock Boolean! Whether or not to lock the file path.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
project Project Project after mutation.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: ProjectSyncForkInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project to initialize.
targetBranch String! Ref of the fork to fetch into.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
details ForkDetails Updated fork details.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: PrometheusIntegrationCreateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean! Whether the integration is receiving alerts.
apiUrl String! Endpoint at which Prometheus can be queried.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Project to create the integration in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementPrometheusIntegration Newly created integration.


Input type: PrometheusIntegrationResetTokenInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IntegrationsPrometheusID! ID of the integration to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementPrometheusIntegration Newly created integration.


Input type: PrometheusIntegrationUpdateInput


Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the integration is receiving alerts.
apiUrl String Endpoint at which Prometheus can be queried.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IntegrationsPrometheusID! ID of the integration to mutate.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
integration AlertManagementPrometheusIntegration Newly created integration.


Input type: PromoteToEpicInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
groupPath ID Group the promoted epic will belong to.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Epic after issue promotion.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: ReleaseAssetLinkCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
directAssetPath String Relative path for a direct asset link.
linkType ReleaseAssetLinkType Type of the asset link.
name String! Name of the asset link.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the asset link is associated with.
tagName String! Name of the associated release's tag.
url String! URL of the asset link.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
link ReleaseAssetLink Asset link after mutation.


Input type: ReleaseAssetLinkDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ReleasesLinkID! ID of the release asset link to delete.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
link ReleaseAssetLink Deleted release asset link.


Input type: ReleaseAssetLinkUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
directAssetPath String Relative path for a direct asset link.
id ReleasesLinkID! ID of the release asset link to update.
linkType ReleaseAssetLinkType Type of the asset link.
name String Name of the asset link.
url String URL of the asset link.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
link ReleaseAssetLink Asset link after mutation.


Input type: ReleaseCreateInput


Name Type Description
assets ReleaseAssetsInput Assets associated to the release.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description (also known as "release notes") of the release.
milestones [String!] Title of each milestone the release is associated with. GitLab Premium customers can specify group milestones.
name String Name of the release.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the release is associated with.
ref String Commit SHA or branch name to use if creating a new tag.
releasedAt Time Date and time for the release. Defaults to the current time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z). Only provide this field if creating an upcoming or historical release.
tagMessage String Message to use if creating a new annotated tag.
tagName String! Name of the tag to associate with the release.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
release Release Release after mutation.


Input type: ReleaseDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the release is associated with.
tagName String! Name of the tag associated with the release to delete.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
release Release Deleted release.


Input type: ReleaseUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description (release notes) of the release.
milestones [String!] Title of each milestone the release is associated with. GitLab Premium customers can specify group milestones.
name String Name of the release.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the release is associated with.
releasedAt Time Release date.
tagName String! Name of the tag associated with the release.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
release Release Release after mutation.


Input type: RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboardInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ProjectID! ID of the project to remove from the Instance Security Dashboard.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Repositions a DiffNote on an image (a Note where the position.positionType is "image").

Input type: RepositionImageDiffNoteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id DiffNoteID! Global ID of the DiffNote to update.
position UpdateDiffImagePositionInput! Position of this note on a diff.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: RunnerCreateInput


Name Type Description
accessLevel CiRunnerAccessLevel Access level of the runner.
associatedProjects [ProjectID!] Projects associated with the runner. Available only for project runners.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the runner.
locked Boolean Indicates the runner is locked.
maintenanceNote String Runner's maintenance notes.
maximumTimeout Int Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner.
paused Boolean Indicates the runner is not allowed to receive jobs.
runUntagged Boolean Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs.
tagList [String!] Tags associated with the runner.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
runner CiRunner Runner after mutation.


Input type: RunnerDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id CiRunnerID! ID of the runner to delete.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: RunnerUpdateInput


Name Type Description
accessLevel CiRunnerAccessLevel Access level of the runner.
active {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated: This was renamed. Please use paused. Deprecated in 14.8.
associatedProjects [ProjectID!] Projects associated with the runner. Available only for project runners.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the runner.
id CiRunnerID! ID of the runner to update.
locked Boolean Indicates the runner is locked.
maintenanceNote String Runner's maintenance notes.
maximumTimeout Int Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner.
paused Boolean Indicates the runner is not allowed to receive jobs.
privateProjectsMinutesCostFactor Float Private projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner ( only).
publicProjectsMinutesCostFactor Float Public projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner ( only).
runUntagged Boolean Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs.
tagList [String!] Tags associated with the runner.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
runner CiRunner Runner after mutation.


Input type: RunnersRegistrationTokenResetInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ID ID of the project or group to reset the token for. Omit if resetting instance runner token.
type CiRunnerType! Scope of the object to reset the token for.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
token String Runner token after mutation.


Input type: SavedReplyCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
content String! Content of the saved reply.
name String! Name of the saved reply.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
savedReply SavedReply Saved reply after mutation.


Input type: SavedReplyDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id UsersSavedReplyID! Global ID of the saved reply.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
savedReply SavedReply Saved reply after mutation.


Input type: SavedReplyUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
content String! Content of the saved reply.
id UsersSavedReplyID! Global ID of the saved reply.
name String! Name of the saved reply.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
savedReply SavedReply Saved reply after mutation.


Commits the policy_yaml content to the assigned security policy project for the given project (full_path).

Input type: ScanExecutionPolicyCommitInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath String Full path of the project.
name String Name of the policy. If the name is null, the name field from policy_yaml is used.
operationMode MutationOperationMode! Changes the operation mode.
policyYaml String! YAML snippet of the policy.
projectPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Use fullPath. Deprecated in 14.10.


Name Type Description
branch String Name of the branch to which the policy changes are committed.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: SecurityFindingCreateIssueInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
project ProjectID! ID of the project to attach the issue to.
uuid String! UUID of the security finding to be used to create an issue.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue created after mutation.


Input type: SecurityFindingDismissInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment why finding should be dismissed.
dismissalReason VulnerabilityDismissalReason Reason why finding should be dismissed.
uuid String! UUID of the finding to be dismissed.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
securityFinding PipelineSecurityReportFinding Dismissed finding.
uuid String UUID of dismissed finding.


Input type: SecurityFindingRevertToDetectedInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
uuid String! UUID of the finding to be dismissed.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
securityFinding PipelineSecurityReportFinding Finding reverted to detected.


Assigns the specified project(security_policy_project_id) as security policy project for the given project(full_path). If the project already has a security policy project, this reassigns the project's security policy project with the given security_policy_project_id.

Input type: SecurityPolicyProjectAssignInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath String Full path of the project or group.
projectPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Use fullPath. Deprecated in 14.10.
securityPolicyProjectId ProjectID! ID of the security policy project.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Creates and assigns a security policy project for the given project (full_path).

Input type: SecurityPolicyProjectCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath String Full path of the project or group.
projectPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Use fullPath. Deprecated in 14.10.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
project Project Security Policy Project that was created.


Unassigns the security policy project for the given project (full_path).

Input type: SecurityPolicyProjectUnassignInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fullPath String Full path of the project or group.
projectPath {warning-solid} ID Deprecated: Use fullPath. Deprecated in 14.10.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: SecurityTrainingUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
isEnabled Boolean! Sets the training provider as enabled for the project.
isPrimary Boolean Sets the training provider as primary for the project.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project.
providerId SecurityTrainingProviderID! ID of the provider.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
training ProjectSecurityTraining Represents the training entity subject to mutation.


Input type: TerraformStateDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id TerraformStateID! Global ID of the Terraform state.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: TerraformStateLockInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id TerraformStateID! Global ID of the Terraform state.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: TerraformStateUnlockInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id TerraformStateID! Global ID of the Terraform state.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: TimelineEventCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
incidentId IssueID! Incident ID of the timeline event.
note String! Text note of the timeline event.
occurredAt Time! Timestamp of when the event occurred.
timelineEventTagNames [String!] Tags for the incident timeline event.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelineEvent TimelineEventType Timeline event.


Input type: TimelineEventDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IncidentManagementTimelineEventID! Timeline event ID to remove.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelineEvent TimelineEventType Timeline event.


Input type: TimelineEventPromoteFromNoteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
noteId NoteID! Note ID from which the timeline event promoted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelineEvent TimelineEventType Timeline event.


Input type: TimelineEventTagCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
name String! Name of the tag.
projectPath ID! Project to create the timeline event tag in.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelineEventTag TimelineEventTagType Timeline event tag.


Input type: TimelineEventUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id IncidentManagementTimelineEventID! ID of the timeline event to update.
note String Text note of the timeline event.
occurredAt Time Timestamp when the event occurred.
timelineEventTagNames [String!] Tags for the incident timeline event.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelineEvent TimelineEventType Timeline event.


Input type: TimelogCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
issuableId IssuableID! Global ID of the issuable (Issue, WorkItem or MergeRequest).
spentAt Time! When the time was spent.
summary String! Summary of time spent.
timeSpent String! Amount of time spent.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelog Timelog Timelog.


Input type: TimelogDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id TimelogID! Global ID of the timelog.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
timelog Timelog Timelog.


Input type: TodoCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
targetId TodoableID! Global ID of the to-do item's parent. Issues, merge requests, designs, and epics are supported.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
todo Todo To-do item created.


Input type: TodoMarkDoneInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id TodoID! Global ID of the to-do item to mark as done.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
todo Todo! Requested to-do item.


Input type: TodoRestoreInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id TodoID! Global ID of the to-do item to restore.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
todo Todo! Requested to-do item.


Input type: TodoRestoreManyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
ids [TodoID!]! Global IDs of the to-do items to restore (a maximum of 50 is supported at once).


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
todos [Todo!]! Updated to-do items.


Input type: TodosMarkAllDoneInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
targetId TodoableID Global ID of the to-do item's parent. Issues, merge requests, designs, and epics are supported. If argument is omitted, all pending to-do items of the current user are marked as done.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
todos [Todo!]! Updated to-do items.


Input type: UpdateAlertStatusInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iid String! IID of the alert to mutate.
projectPath ID! Project the alert to mutate is in.
status AlertManagementStatus! Status to set the alert.


Name Type Description
alert AlertManagementAlert Alert after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue created after mutation.
todo Todo To-do item after mutation.


Input type: UpdateBoardInput


Name Type Description
assigneeId UserID ID of user to be assigned to the board.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
hideBacklogList Boolean Whether or not backlog list is hidden.
hideClosedList Boolean Whether or not closed list is hidden.
id BoardID! Board global ID.
iterationCadenceId IterationsCadenceID ID of iteration cadence to be assigned to the board.
iterationId IterationID ID of iteration to be assigned to the board.
labelIds [LabelID!] IDs of labels to be added to the board.
labels [String!] Labels of the issue.
milestoneId MilestoneID ID of milestone to be assigned to the board.
name String Board name.
weight Int Weight value to be assigned to the board.


Name Type Description
board Board Board after mutation.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: UpdateBoardEpicUserPreferencesInput


Name Type Description
boardId BoardID! Board global ID.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
collapsed Boolean! Whether the epic should be collapsed in the board.
epicId EpicID! ID of an epic to set preferences for.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epicUserPreferences BoardEpicUserPreferences User preferences for the epic in the board after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: UpdateBoardListInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
collapsed Boolean Indicates if the list is collapsed for the user.
listId ListID! Global ID of the list.
position Int Position of list within the board.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list BoardList Mutated list.


Input type: UpdateComplianceFrameworkInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id ComplianceManagementFrameworkID! Global ID of the compliance framework to update.
params ComplianceFrameworkInput! Parameters to update the compliance framework with.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
complianceFramework ComplianceFramework Compliance framework after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: UpdateContainerExpirationPolicyInput


Name Type Description
cadence ContainerExpirationPolicyCadenceEnum This container expiration policy schedule.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether this container expiration policy is enabled.
keepN ContainerExpirationPolicyKeepEnum Number of tags to retain.
nameRegex UntrustedRegexp Tags with names matching this regex pattern will expire.
nameRegexKeep UntrustedRegexp Tags with names matching this regex pattern will be preserved.
olderThan ContainerExpirationPolicyOlderThanEnum Tags older that this will expire.
projectPath ID! Project path where the container expiration policy is located.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
containerExpirationPolicy ContainerExpirationPolicy Container expiration policy after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: UpdateDependencyProxyImageTtlGroupPolicyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether the policy is enabled or disabled.
groupPath ID! Group path for the group dependency proxy image TTL policy.
ttl Int Number of days to retain a cached image file.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dependencyProxyImageTtlPolicy DependencyProxyImageTtlGroupPolicy Group image TTL policy after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


These settings can be adjusted by the group Owner or Maintainer. However, in GitLab 16.0, we will be limiting this to the Owner role. GitLab-#364441 proposes making this change to match the permissions level in the user interface.

Input type: UpdateDependencyProxySettingsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether the policy is enabled or disabled.
groupPath ID! Group path for the group dependency proxy.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
dependencyProxySetting DependencyProxySetting Group dependency proxy settings after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: UpdateEpicInput


Name Type Description
addLabelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be added to the epic.
addLabels [String!] Array of labels to be added to the epic.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
color Color Color of the epic. Available only when feature flag epic_color_highlight is enabled. This flag is disabled by default, because the feature is experimental and is subject to change without notice.
confidential Boolean Indicates if the epic is confidential.
description String Description of the epic.
dueDateFixed String End date of the epic.
dueDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates end date should be sourced from due_date_fixed field not the issue milestones.
groupPath ID! Group the epic to mutate is in.
iid ID! IID of the epic to mutate.
removeLabelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be removed from the epic.
removeLabels [String!] Array of labels to be removed from the epic.
startDateFixed String Start date of the epic.
startDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates start date should be sourced from start_date_fixed field not the issue milestones.
stateEvent EpicStateEvent State event for the epic.
title String Title of the epic.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
epic Epic Epic after mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Input type: UpdateEpicBoardListInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
collapsed Boolean Indicates if the list is collapsed for the user.
listId BoardsEpicListID! Global ID of the epic list.
position Int Position of list within the board.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
list EpicList Mutated epic list.


Updates a DiffNote on an image (a Note where the position.positionType is "image"). If the body of the Note contains only quick actions, the Note will be destroyed during an update, and no Note will be returned.

Input type: UpdateImageDiffNoteInput


Name Type Description
body String Content of the note.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id NoteID! Global ID of the note to update.
position UpdateDiffImagePositionInput Position of this note on a diff.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


Input type: UpdateIssueInput


Name Type Description
addLabelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be added to the issue.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential Boolean Indicates the issue is confidential.
description String Description of the issue.
dueDate ISO8601Date Due date of the issue.
epicId EpicID ID of the parent epic. NULL when removing the association.
healthStatus HealthStatus Desired health status.
iid String! IID of the issue to mutate.
labelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be set. Replaces existing issue labels.
locked Boolean Indicates discussion is locked on the issue.
milestoneId ID ID of the milestone to assign to the issue. On update milestone will be removed if set to null.
projectPath ID! Project the issue to mutate is in.
removeLabelIds [ID!] IDs of labels to be removed from the issue.
stateEvent IssueStateEvent Close or reopen an issue.
timeEstimate String Estimated time to complete the issue, or 0 to remove the current estimate.
title String Title of the issue.
type IssueType Type of the issue.
weight Int Weight of the issue.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
issue Issue Issue after mutation.


Input type: UpdateIterationInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the iteration.
dueDate String End date of the iteration.
groupPath ID! Group of the iteration.
id ID! Global ID of the iteration.
startDate String Start date of the iteration.
title String Title of the iteration.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
iteration Iteration Updated iteration.


Input type: UpdateNamespacePackageSettingsInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
genericDuplicateExceptionRegex UntrustedRegexp When generic_duplicates_allowed is false, you can publish duplicate packages with names that match this regex. Otherwise, this setting has no effect.
genericDuplicatesAllowed Boolean Indicates whether duplicate generic packages are allowed for this namespace.
lockMavenPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether Maven package forwarding is locked for all descendent namespaces.
lockNpmPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether npm package forwarding is locked for all descendent namespaces.
lockPypiPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether PyPI package forwarding is locked for all descendent namespaces.
mavenDuplicateExceptionRegex UntrustedRegexp When maven_duplicates_allowed is false, you can publish duplicate packages with names that match this regex. Otherwise, this setting has no effect.
mavenDuplicatesAllowed Boolean Indicates whether duplicate Maven packages are allowed for this namespace.
mavenPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether Maven package forwarding is allowed for this namespace.
namespacePath ID! Namespace path where the namespace package setting is located.
npmPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether npm package forwarding is allowed for this namespace.
pypiPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether PyPI package forwarding is allowed for this namespace.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
packageSettings PackageSettings Namespace package setting after mutation.


Updates a Note. If the body of the Note contains only quick actions, the Note will be destroyed during an update, and no Note will be returned.

Input type: UpdateNoteInput


Name Type Description
body String Content of the note.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated: No longer allowed to update confidentiality of notes. Deprecated in 14.10.
id NoteID! Global ID of the note to update.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
note Note Note after mutation.


Input type: UpdatePackagesCleanupPolicyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
keepNDuplicatedPackageFiles PackagesCleanupKeepDuplicatedPackageFilesEnum Number of duplicated package files to retain.
projectPath ID! Project path where the packages cleanup policy is located.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
packagesCleanupPolicy PackagesCleanupPolicy Packages cleanup policy after mutation.


Input type: UpdateRequirementInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the requirement.
iid {warning-solid} String Deprecated: Use work_item_iid instead. Deprecated in 15.8.
lastTestReportState TestReportState Creates a test report for the requirement with the given state.
projectPath ID! Full project path the requirement is associated with.
state RequirementState State of the requirement.
title String Title of the requirement.
workItemIid String IID of the requirement work item to update.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
requirement Requirement Requirement after mutation.


Input type: UpdateSnippetInput


Name Type Description
blobActions [SnippetBlobActionInputType!] Actions to perform over the snippet repository and blobs.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
description String Description of the snippet.
id SnippetID! Global ID of the snippet to update.
title String Title of the snippet.
visibilityLevel VisibilityLevelsEnum Visibility level of the snippet.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
snippet Snippet Snippet after mutation.


Deletes an upload.

Input type: UploadDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
filename String! Upload filename.
groupPath ID Full path of the group with which the resource is associated.
projectPath ID Full path of the project with which the resource is associated.
secret String! Secret part of upload path.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
upload FileUpload Deleted upload.


Input type: UserCalloutCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
featureName String! Feature name you want to dismiss the callout for.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
userCallout UserCallout! User callout dismissed.


Input type: UserPreferencesUpdateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
issuesSort IssueSort Sort order for issue lists.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
userPreferences UserPreferences User preferences after mutation.


Input type: VulnerabilityConfirmInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment why vulnerability was marked as confirmed (max. 50 000 characters).
id VulnerabilityID! ID of the vulnerability to be confirmed.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability after state change.


Input type: VulnerabilityCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidence {warning-solid} VulnerabilityConfidence Deprecated: This field will be removed from the Vulnerability domain model. Deprecated in 15.4.
confirmedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability state changed to confirmed (defaults to creation time if status is confirmed).
description String! Long text section that describes the vulnerability in more detail.
detectedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability was first detected (defaults to creation time).
dismissedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability state changed to dismissed (defaults to creation time if status is dismissed).
identifiers [VulnerabilityIdentifierInput!]! Array of CVE or CWE identifiers for the vulnerability.
message String Short text section that describes the vulnerability. This may include the finding's specific information.
name String! Name of the vulnerability.
project ProjectID! ID of the project to attach the vulnerability to.
resolvedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability state changed to resolved (defaults to creation time if status is resolved).
scanner VulnerabilityScannerInput! Information about the scanner used to discover the vulnerability.
severity VulnerabilitySeverity Severity of the vulnerability (defaults to unknown).
solution String Instructions for how to fix the vulnerability.
state VulnerabilityState State of the vulnerability (defaults to detected).


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability created.


Input type: VulnerabilityDismissInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment why vulnerability should be dismissed (max. 50 000 characters).
dismissalReason VulnerabilityDismissalReason Reason why vulnerability should be dismissed.
id VulnerabilityID! ID of the vulnerability to be dismissed.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability after dismissal.


Input type: VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
externalTracker VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkExternalTracker! External tracker type of the external issue link.
id VulnerabilityID! ID of the vulnerability.
linkType VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkType! Type of the external issue link.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
externalIssueLink VulnerabilityExternalIssueLink Created external issue link.


Input type: VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkDestroyInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id VulnerabilitiesExternalIssueLinkID! Global ID of the vulnerability external issue link.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


WARNING: Deprecated in 15.5. Use VulnerabilityDismiss for vulnerabilities or SecurityFindingDismiss for pipeline findings.

Input type: VulnerabilityFindingDismissInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment why finding should be dismissed.
dismissalReason VulnerabilityDismissalReason Reason why finding should be dismissed.
id {warning-solid} VulnerabilitiesFindingID Deprecated: Use uuid. Deprecated in 15.2.
uuid String UUID of the finding to be dismissed.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
finding PipelineSecurityReportFinding Finding after dismissal.


Input type: VulnerabilityResolveInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment why vulnerability was reverted to detected (max. 50 000 characters).
id VulnerabilityID! ID of the vulnerability to be resolved.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability after state change.


Input type: VulnerabilityRevertToDetectedInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
comment String Comment why vulnerability was reverted to detected (max. 50 000 characters).
id VulnerabilityID! ID of the vulnerability to be reverted.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability after revert.


Creates a work item.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemCreateInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential Boolean Sets the work item confidentiality.
description String Description of the work item.
hierarchyWidget WorkItemWidgetHierarchyCreateInput Input for hierarchy widget.
iterationWidget WorkItemWidgetIterationInput Iteration widget of the work item.
milestoneWidget WorkItemWidgetMilestoneInput Input for milestone widget.
projectPath ID! Full path of the project the work item is associated with.
title String! Title of the work item.
workItemTypeId WorkItemsTypeID! Global ID of a work item type.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
workItem WorkItem Created work item.


Creates a work item from a task in another work item's description.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemCreateFromTaskInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.
workItemData WorkItemConvertTaskInput! Arguments necessary to convert a task into a work item.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
newWorkItem WorkItem New work item created from task.
workItem WorkItem Updated work item.


Deletes a work item.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemDeleteInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
project Project Project the deleted work item belonged to.


Deletes a task in a work item's description.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemDeleteTaskInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.
lockVersion Int! Current lock version of the work item containing the task in the description.
taskData WorkItemDeletedTaskInput! Arguments necessary to delete a task from a work item's description.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
workItem WorkItem Updated work item.


WARNING: Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemExportInput


Name Type Description
authorUsername {warning-solid} String Deprecated: This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Introduced in 15.9.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
iids [String!] List of IIDs of work items. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
projectPath ID! Full project path.
search String Search query for title or description.
selectedFields [AvailableExportFields!] List of selected fields to be exported. Omit to export all available fields.
state IssuableState Current state of the work item.
types [IssueType!] Filter work items by the given work item types.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.


Updates a work item by Global ID.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemUpdateInput


Name Type Description
assigneesWidget WorkItemWidgetAssigneesInput Input for assignees widget.
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
confidential Boolean Sets the work item confidentiality.
descriptionWidget WorkItemWidgetDescriptionInput Input for description widget.
healthStatusWidget WorkItemWidgetHealthStatusInput Input for health status widget.
hierarchyWidget WorkItemWidgetHierarchyUpdateInput Input for hierarchy widget.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.
iterationWidget WorkItemWidgetIterationInput Input for iteration widget.
labelsWidget WorkItemWidgetLabelsUpdateInput Input for labels widget.
milestoneWidget WorkItemWidgetMilestoneInput Input for milestone widget.
notificationsWidget WorkItemWidgetNotificationsUpdateInput Input for notifications widget.
progressWidget WorkItemWidgetProgressInput Input for progress widget.
startAndDueDateWidget WorkItemWidgetStartAndDueDateUpdateInput Input for start and due date widget.
stateEvent WorkItemStateEvent Close or reopen a work item.
statusWidget StatusInput Input for status widget.
title String Title of the work item.
weightWidget WorkItemWidgetWeightInput Input for weight widget.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
workItem WorkItem Updated work item.


Updates a work item's task by Global ID.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Input type: WorkItemUpdateTaskInput


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.
taskData WorkItemUpdatedTaskInput! Arguments necessary to update a task.


Name Type Description
clientMutationId String A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
errors [String!]! Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
task WorkItem Updated task.
workItem WorkItem Updated work item.


Some types in our schema are Connection types - they represent a paginated collection of edges between two nodes in the graph. These follow the Relay cursor connections specification.

Pagination arguments

All connection fields support the following pagination arguments:

Name Type Description
after String Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
before String Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
first Int Returns the first n elements from the list.
last Int Returns the last n elements from the list.

Since these arguments are common to all connection fields, they are not repeated for each connection.

Connection fields

All connections have at least the following fields:

Name Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination information.
edges [edge!] The edges.
nodes [item!] The items in the current page.

The precise type of Edge and Item depends on the kind of connection. A ProjectConnection will have nodes that have the type [Project!], and edges that have the type ProjectEdge.

Connection types

Some of the types in the schema exist solely to model connections. Each connection has a distinct, named type, with a distinct named edge type. These are listed separately below.


The connection type for Achievement.

Name Type Description
edges [AchievementEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Achievement] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Achievement.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Achievement The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for AgentConfiguration.

Name Type Description
edges [AgentConfigurationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [AgentConfiguration] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for AgentConfiguration.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node AgentConfiguration The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for AlertManagementAlert.

Name Type Description
edges [AlertManagementAlertEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [AlertManagementAlert] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for AlertManagementAlert.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node AlertManagementAlert The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for AlertManagementHttpIntegration.

Name Type Description
edges [AlertManagementHttpIntegrationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [AlertManagementHttpIntegration] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for AlertManagementHttpIntegration.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node AlertManagementHttpIntegration The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for AlertManagementIntegration.

Name Type Description
edges [AlertManagementIntegrationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [AlertManagementIntegration] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for AlertManagementIntegration.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node AlertManagementIntegration The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ApprovalProjectRule.

Name Type Description
edges [ApprovalProjectRuleEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ApprovalProjectRule] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ApprovalProjectRule.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ApprovalProjectRule The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for AuditEventStreamingHeader.

Name Type Description
edges [AuditEventStreamingHeaderEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [AuditEventStreamingHeader] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for AuditEventStreamingHeader.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node AuditEventStreamingHeader The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for AwardEmoji.

Name Type Description
edges [AwardEmojiEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [AwardEmoji] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for AwardEmoji.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node AwardEmoji The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Blob.

Name Type Description
edges [BlobEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Blob] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Blob.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Blob The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Board.

Name Type Description
edges [BoardEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Board] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Board.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Board The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for BoardEpic.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [BoardEpicEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [BoardEpic] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for BoardEpic.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node BoardEpic The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for BoardList.

Name Type Description
edges [BoardListEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [BoardList] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for BoardList.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node BoardList The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for BranchRule.

Name Type Description
edges [BranchRuleEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [BranchRule] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for BranchRule.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node BranchRule The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiBuildNeed.

Name Type Description
edges [CiBuildNeedEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiBuildNeed] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiBuildNeed.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiBuildNeed The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiConfigGroup.

Name Type Description
edges [CiConfigGroupEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiConfigGroup] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiConfigGroup.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiConfigGroup The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiConfigJob.

Name Type Description
edges [CiConfigJobEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiConfigJob] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiConfigJob.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiConfigJob The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiConfigNeed.

Name Type Description
edges [CiConfigNeedEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiConfigNeed] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiConfigNeed.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiConfigNeed The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiConfigStage.

Name Type Description
edges [CiConfigStageEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiConfigStage] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiConfigStage.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiConfigStage The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiGroup.

Name Type Description
edges [CiGroupEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiGroup] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiGroup.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiGroup The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiGroupVariable.

Name Type Description
edges [CiGroupVariableEdge] A list of edges.
limit Int! Maximum amount of group CI/CD variables.
nodes [CiGroupVariable] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiGroupVariable.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiGroupVariable The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiInstanceVariable.

Name Type Description
edges [CiInstanceVariableEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiInstanceVariable] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiInstanceVariable.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiInstanceVariable The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiJobArtifact.

Name Type Description
edges [CiJobArtifactEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiJobArtifact] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiJobArtifact.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiJobArtifact The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiJob.

Name Type Description
edges [CiJobEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiJob] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.
Fields with arguments

Limited count of collection. Returns limit + 1 for counts greater than the limit.

Returns Int!.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
limit Int Limit value to be applied to the count query. Default is 1000.


The edge type for CiJob.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiJob The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiManualVariable.

Name Type Description
edges [CiManualVariableEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiManualVariable] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiManualVariable.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiManualVariable The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiMinutesNamespaceMonthlyUsage.

Name Type Description
edges [CiMinutesNamespaceMonthlyUsageEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiMinutesNamespaceMonthlyUsage] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiMinutesNamespaceMonthlyUsage.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiMinutesNamespaceMonthlyUsage The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiMinutesProjectMonthlyUsage.

Name Type Description
edges [CiMinutesProjectMonthlyUsageEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiMinutesProjectMonthlyUsage] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiMinutesProjectMonthlyUsage.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiMinutesProjectMonthlyUsage The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiProjectVariable.

Name Type Description
edges [CiProjectVariableEdge] A list of edges.
limit Int! Maximum amount of project CI/CD variables.
nodes [CiProjectVariable] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiProjectVariable.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiProjectVariable The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiRunner.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [CiRunnerEdge] A list of edges.
jobsStatistics CiJobsStatistics Jobs statistics for jobs executed by a collection of runners. Available only to admins.
nodes [CiRunner] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiRunner.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
editUrl String Web URL of the runner edit page. The value depends on where you put this field in the query. You can use it for projects or groups.
node CiRunner The item at the end of the edge.
webUrl String Web URL of the runner. The value depends on where you put this field in the query. You can use it for projects or groups.


The connection type for CiRunnerMachine.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [CiRunnerMachineEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiRunnerMachine] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiRunnerMachine.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiRunnerMachine The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiSecureFileRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [CiSecureFileRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiSecureFileRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiSecureFileRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiSecureFileRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CiStage.

Name Type Description
edges [CiStageEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CiStage] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CiStage.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CiStage The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ClusterAgentActivityEvent.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [ClusterAgentActivityEventEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ClusterAgentActivityEvent] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ClusterAgentActivityEvent.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ClusterAgentActivityEvent The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ClusterAgent.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [ClusterAgentEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ClusterAgent] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ClusterAgent.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ClusterAgent The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ClusterAgentToken.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [ClusterAgentTokenEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ClusterAgentToken] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ClusterAgentToken.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ClusterAgentToken The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CodeCoverageActivity.

Name Type Description
edges [CodeCoverageActivityEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CodeCoverageActivity] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CodeCoverageActivity.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CodeCoverageActivity The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CodeQualityDegradation.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [CodeQualityDegradationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CodeQualityDegradation] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CodeQualityDegradation.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CodeQualityDegradation The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Commit.

Name Type Description
edges [CommitEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Commit] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Commit.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Commit The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ComplianceFramework.

Name Type Description
edges [ComplianceFrameworkEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ComplianceFramework] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ComplianceFramework.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ComplianceFramework The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ComplianceViolation.

Name Type Description
edges [ComplianceViolationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ComplianceViolation] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ComplianceViolation.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ComplianceViolation The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ConnectedAgent.

Name Type Description
edges [ConnectedAgentEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ConnectedAgent] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ConnectedAgent.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ConnectedAgent The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ContainerRepository.

Name Type Description
edges [ContainerRepositoryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ContainerRepository] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ContainerRepository.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ContainerRepository The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ContainerRepositoryRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [ContainerRepositoryRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ContainerRepositoryRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ContainerRepositoryRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ContainerRepositoryRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ContainerRepositoryTag.

Name Type Description
edges [ContainerRepositoryTagEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ContainerRepositoryTag] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ContainerRepositoryTag.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ContainerRepositoryTag The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ContributionAnalyticsContribution.

Name Type Description
edges [ContributionAnalyticsContributionEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ContributionAnalyticsContribution] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ContributionAnalyticsContribution.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ContributionAnalyticsContribution The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CoverageFuzzingCorpus.

Name Type Description
edges [CoverageFuzzingCorpusEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CoverageFuzzingCorpus] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CoverageFuzzingCorpus.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CoverageFuzzingCorpus The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CustomEmoji.

Name Type Description
edges [CustomEmojiEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CustomEmoji] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CustomEmoji.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CustomEmoji The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CustomerRelationsContact.

Name Type Description
edges [CustomerRelationsContactEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CustomerRelationsContact] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CustomerRelationsContact.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CustomerRelationsContact The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for CustomerRelationsOrganization.

Name Type Description
edges [CustomerRelationsOrganizationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [CustomerRelationsOrganization] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for CustomerRelationsOrganization.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node CustomerRelationsOrganization The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DastProfile.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [DastProfileEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DastProfile] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DastProfile.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DastProfile The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DastScannerProfile.

Name Type Description
edges [DastScannerProfileEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DastScannerProfile] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DastScannerProfile.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DastScannerProfile The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DastSiteProfile.

Name Type Description
edges [DastSiteProfileEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DastSiteProfile] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DastSiteProfile.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DastSiteProfile The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DastSiteValidation.

Name Type Description
edges [DastSiteValidationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DastSiteValidation] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DastSiteValidation.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DastSiteValidation The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Dependency.

Name Type Description
edges [DependencyEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Dependency] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Dependency.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Dependency The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DependencyProxyBlob.

Name Type Description
edges [DependencyProxyBlobEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DependencyProxyBlob] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DependencyProxyBlob.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DependencyProxyBlob The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [DependencyProxyBlobRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DependencyProxyBlobRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DependencyProxyBlobRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DependencyProxyManifest.

Name Type Description
edges [DependencyProxyManifestEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DependencyProxyManifest] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DependencyProxyManifest.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DependencyProxyManifest The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [DependencyProxyManifestRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DependencyProxyManifestRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DependencyProxyManifestRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Deployment.

Name Type Description
edges [DeploymentEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Deployment] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Deployment.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Deployment The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DesignAtVersion.

Name Type Description
edges [DesignAtVersionEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DesignAtVersion] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DesignAtVersion.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DesignAtVersion The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Design.

Name Type Description
edges [DesignEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Design] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Design.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Design The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DesignVersion.

Name Type Description
edges [DesignVersionEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DesignVersion] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DesignVersion.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DesignVersion The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespace.

Name Type Description
edges [DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespaceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespace] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespace.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespace The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for DevopsAdoptionSnapshot.

Name Type Description
edges [DevopsAdoptionSnapshotEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [DevopsAdoptionSnapshot] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for DevopsAdoptionSnapshot.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node DevopsAdoptionSnapshot The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Discussion.

Name Type Description
edges [DiscussionEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Discussion] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Discussion.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Discussion The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for EgressNode.

Name Type Description
edges [EgressNodeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [EgressNode] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for EgressNode.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node EgressNode The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Email.

Name Type Description
edges [EmailEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Email] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Email.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Email The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Environment.

Name Type Description
edges [EnvironmentEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Environment] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Environment.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Environment The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for EpicBoard.

Name Type Description
edges [EpicBoardEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [EpicBoard] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for EpicBoard.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node EpicBoard The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Epic.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [EpicEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Epic] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Epic.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Epic The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for EpicIssue.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [EpicIssueEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [EpicIssue] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.
weight Int! Total weight of issues collection.


The edge type for EpicIssue.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node EpicIssue The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for EpicList.

Name Type Description
edges [EpicListEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [EpicList] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for EpicList.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node EpicList The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for EscalationPolicyType.

Name Type Description
edges [EscalationPolicyTypeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [EscalationPolicyType] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for EscalationPolicyType.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node EscalationPolicyType The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Event.

Name Type Description
edges [EventEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Event] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Event.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Event The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ExternalAuditEventDestination.

Name Type Description
edges [ExternalAuditEventDestinationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ExternalAuditEventDestination] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ExternalAuditEventDestination.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ExternalAuditEventDestination The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ExternalStatusCheck.

Name Type Description
edges [ExternalStatusCheckEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ExternalStatusCheck] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ExternalStatusCheck.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ExternalStatusCheck The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Group.

Name Type Description
edges [GroupEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Group] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Group.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Group The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for GroupMember.

Name Type Description
edges [GroupMemberEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [GroupMember] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for GroupMember.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node GroupMember The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [GroupWikiRepositoryRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for IncidentManagementOncallRotation.

Name Type Description
edges [IncidentManagementOncallRotationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [IncidentManagementOncallRotation] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for IncidentManagementOncallRotation.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node IncidentManagementOncallRotation The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for IncidentManagementOncallSchedule.

Name Type Description
edges [IncidentManagementOncallScheduleEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [IncidentManagementOncallSchedule] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for IncidentManagementOncallSchedule.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node IncidentManagementOncallSchedule The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for IncidentManagementOncallShift.

Name Type Description
edges [IncidentManagementOncallShiftEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [IncidentManagementOncallShift] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for IncidentManagementOncallShift.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node IncidentManagementOncallShift The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for IssuableResourceLink.

Name Type Description
edges [IssuableResourceLinkEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [IssuableResourceLink] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for IssuableResourceLink.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node IssuableResourceLink The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Issue.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [IssueEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Issue] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.
weight Int! Total weight of issues collection.


The edge type for Issue.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Issue The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for IterationCadence.

Name Type Description
edges [IterationCadenceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [IterationCadence] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for IterationCadence.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node IterationCadence The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Iteration.

Name Type Description
edges [IterationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Iteration] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Iteration.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Iteration The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for JiraImport.

Name Type Description
edges [JiraImportEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [JiraImport] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for JiraImport.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node JiraImport The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for JiraProject.

Name Type Description
edges [JiraProjectEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [JiraProject] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for JiraProject.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node JiraProject The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for JobArtifactRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [JobArtifactRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [JobArtifactRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for JobArtifactRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node JobArtifactRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for JobNeedUnion.

Name Type Description
edges [JobNeedUnionEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [JobNeedUnion] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for JobNeedUnion.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node JobNeedUnion The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Label.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [LabelEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Label] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Label.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Label The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for LfsObjectRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [LfsObjectRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [LfsObjectRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for LfsObjectRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node LfsObjectRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for LicenseHistoryEntry.

Name Type Description
edges [LicenseHistoryEntryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [LicenseHistoryEntry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for LicenseHistoryEntry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node LicenseHistoryEntry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MemberInterface.

Name Type Description
edges [MemberInterfaceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MemberInterface] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MemberInterface.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MemberInterface The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MergeAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
edges [MergeAccessLevelEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MergeAccessLevel] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MergeAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MergeAccessLevel The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MergeRequestAssignee.

Name Type Description
edges [MergeRequestAssigneeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MergeRequestAssignee] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MergeRequestAssignee.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MergeRequestAssignee The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MergeRequest.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [MergeRequestEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MergeRequest] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.
totalTimeToMerge Float Total sum of time to merge, in seconds, for the collection of merge requests.


The connection type for MergeRequestDiffRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [MergeRequestDiffRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MergeRequestDiffRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MergeRequestDiffRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MergeRequestDiffRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The edge type for MergeRequest.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MergeRequest The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MergeRequestParticipant.

Name Type Description
edges [MergeRequestParticipantEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MergeRequestParticipant] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MergeRequestParticipant.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MergeRequestParticipant The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MergeRequestReviewer.

Name Type Description
edges [MergeRequestReviewerEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MergeRequestReviewer] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MergeRequestReviewer.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MergeRequestReviewer The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for MetricsDashboardAnnotation.

Name Type Description
edges [MetricsDashboardAnnotationEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [MetricsDashboardAnnotation] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for MetricsDashboardAnnotation.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node MetricsDashboardAnnotation The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Milestone.

Name Type Description
edges [MilestoneEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Milestone] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Milestone.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Milestone The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for NamespaceCommitEmail.

Name Type Description
edges [NamespaceCommitEmailEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [NamespaceCommitEmail] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for NamespaceCommitEmail.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node NamespaceCommitEmail The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Namespace.

Name Type Description
edges [NamespaceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Namespace] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Namespace.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Namespace The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for NestedEnvironment.

Name Type Description
edges [NestedEnvironmentEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [NestedEnvironment] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for NestedEnvironment.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node NestedEnvironment The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for NetworkPolicy.

Name Type Description
edges [NetworkPolicyEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [NetworkPolicy] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for NetworkPolicy.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node NetworkPolicy The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Note.

Name Type Description
edges [NoteEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Note] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Note.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Note The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for OncallParticipantType.

Name Type Description
edges [OncallParticipantTypeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [OncallParticipantType] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for OncallParticipantType.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node OncallParticipantType The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PackageBase.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [PackageBaseEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PackageBase] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PackageBase.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PackageBase The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Package.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [PackageEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Package] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The connection type for PackageDependencyLink.

Name Type Description
edges [PackageDependencyLinkEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PackageDependencyLink] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PackageDependencyLink.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PackageDependencyLink The item at the end of the edge.


The edge type for Package.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Package The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PackageFile.

Name Type Description
edges [PackageFileEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PackageFile] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PackageFile.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PackageFile The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PackageFileRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [PackageFileRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PackageFileRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PackageFileRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PackageFileRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PackageTag.

Name Type Description
edges [PackageTagEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PackageTag] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PackageTag.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PackageTag The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PagesDeploymentRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [PagesDeploymentRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PagesDeploymentRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PagesDeploymentRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PagesDeploymentRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PathLock.

Name Type Description
edges [PathLockEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PathLock] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PathLock.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PathLock The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PipelineArtifactRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [PipelineArtifactRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PipelineArtifactRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PipelineArtifactRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PipelineArtifactRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Pipeline.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [PipelineEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Pipeline] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Pipeline.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Pipeline The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PipelineSchedule.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [PipelineScheduleEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PipelineSchedule] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PipelineSchedule.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PipelineSchedule The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PipelineScheduleVariable.

Name Type Description
edges [PipelineScheduleVariableEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PipelineScheduleVariable] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PipelineScheduleVariable.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PipelineScheduleVariable The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PipelineSecurityReportFinding.

Name Type Description
edges [PipelineSecurityReportFindingEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PipelineSecurityReportFinding] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PipelineSecurityReportFinding.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PipelineSecurityReportFinding The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ProductAnalyticsDashboard.

Name Type Description
edges [ProductAnalyticsDashboardEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ProductAnalyticsDashboard] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ProductAnalyticsDashboard.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ProductAnalyticsDashboard The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ProductAnalyticsDashboardPanel.

Name Type Description
edges [ProductAnalyticsDashboardPanelEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ProductAnalyticsDashboardPanel] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ProductAnalyticsDashboardPanel.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ProductAnalyticsDashboardPanel The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Project.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [ProjectEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Project] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Project.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Project The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ProjectMember.

Name Type Description
edges [ProjectMemberEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ProjectMember] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ProjectMember.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ProjectMember The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRule.

Name Type Description
edges [ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRuleEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRule] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRule.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRule The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ProtectedEnvironment.

Name Type Description
edges [ProtectedEnvironmentEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ProtectedEnvironment] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The connection type for ProtectedEnvironmentDeployAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
edges [ProtectedEnvironmentDeployAccessLevelEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ProtectedEnvironmentDeployAccessLevel] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ProtectedEnvironmentDeployAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ProtectedEnvironmentDeployAccessLevel The item at the end of the edge.


The edge type for ProtectedEnvironment.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ProtectedEnvironment The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for PushAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
edges [PushAccessLevelEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [PushAccessLevel] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for PushAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node PushAccessLevel The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ReleaseAssetLink.

Name Type Description
edges [ReleaseAssetLinkEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ReleaseAssetLink] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ReleaseAssetLink.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ReleaseAssetLink The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Release.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [ReleaseEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Release] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Release.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Release The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ReleaseEvidence.

Name Type Description
edges [ReleaseEvidenceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ReleaseEvidence] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ReleaseEvidence.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ReleaseEvidence The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ReleaseSource.

Name Type Description
edges [ReleaseSourceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ReleaseSource] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ReleaseSource.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ReleaseSource The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for RepositoryBlob.

Name Type Description
edges [RepositoryBlobEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [RepositoryBlob] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for RepositoryBlob.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node RepositoryBlob The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Requirement.

Name Type Description
edges [RequirementEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Requirement] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Requirement.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Requirement The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for RunnerArchitecture.

Name Type Description
edges [RunnerArchitectureEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [RunnerArchitecture] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for RunnerArchitecture.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node RunnerArchitecture The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for RunnerPlatform.

Name Type Description
edges [RunnerPlatformEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [RunnerPlatform] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for RunnerPlatform.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node RunnerPlatform The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity.

Name Type Description
edges [SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SastCiConfigurationEntity.

Name Type Description
edges [SastCiConfigurationEntityEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SastCiConfigurationEntity] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SastCiConfigurationEntity.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SastCiConfigurationEntity The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity.

Name Type Description
edges [SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SavedReply.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [SavedReplyEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SavedReply] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SavedReply.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SavedReply The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Scan.

Name Type Description
edges [ScanEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Scan] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Scan.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Scan The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ScanExecutionPolicy.

Name Type Description
edges [ScanExecutionPolicyEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ScanExecutionPolicy] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ScanExecutionPolicy.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ScanExecutionPolicy The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ScanResultPolicy.

Name Type Description
edges [ScanResultPolicyEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ScanResultPolicy] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ScanResultPolicy.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ScanResultPolicy The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for ScannedResource.

Name Type Description
edges [ScannedResourceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [ScannedResource] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for ScannedResource.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node ScannedResource The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SentryError.

Name Type Description
edges [SentryErrorEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SentryError] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SentryError.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SentryError The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Service.

Name Type Description
edges [ServiceEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Service] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Service.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Service The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SnippetBlob.

Name Type Description
edges [SnippetBlobEdge] A list of edges.
hasUnretrievableBlobs Boolean! Indicates if the snippet has unretrievable blobs.
nodes [SnippetBlob] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SnippetBlob.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SnippetBlob The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Snippet.

Name Type Description
edges [SnippetEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Snippet] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Snippet.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Snippet The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SnippetRepositoryRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [SnippetRepositoryRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SnippetRepositoryRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SnippetRepositoryRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SnippetRepositoryRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Submodule.

Name Type Description
edges [SubmoduleEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Submodule] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Submodule.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Submodule The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for SubscriptionFutureEntry.

Name Type Description
edges [SubscriptionFutureEntryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [SubscriptionFutureEntry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for SubscriptionFutureEntry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node SubscriptionFutureEntry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TerraformState.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [TerraformStateEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TerraformState] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TerraformState.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TerraformState The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TerraformStateVersionRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [TerraformStateVersionRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TerraformStateVersionRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TerraformStateVersionRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TerraformStateVersionRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TestCase.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [TestCaseEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TestCase] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TestCase.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TestCase The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TestReport.

Name Type Description
edges [TestReportEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TestReport] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TestReport.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TestReport The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TestSuiteSummary.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [TestSuiteSummaryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TestSuiteSummary] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TestSuiteSummary.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TestSuiteSummary The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TimeTrackingTimelogCategory.

Name Type Description
edges [TimeTrackingTimelogCategoryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TimeTrackingTimelogCategory] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TimeTrackingTimelogCategory.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TimeTrackingTimelogCategory The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TimelineEventTagType.

Name Type Description
edges [TimelineEventTagTypeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TimelineEventTagType] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TimelineEventTagType.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TimelineEventTagType The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TimelineEventType.

Name Type Description
edges [TimelineEventTypeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TimelineEventType] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TimelineEventType.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TimelineEventType The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Timelog.

Name Type Description
count Int! Total count of collection.
edges [TimelogEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Timelog] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.
totalSpentTime Int! Total time spent in seconds.


The edge type for Timelog.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Timelog The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Todo.

Name Type Description
edges [TodoEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Todo] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Todo.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Todo The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Topic.

Name Type Description
edges [TopicEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Topic] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Topic.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Topic The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Tree.

Name Type Description
edges [TreeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Tree] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for Tree.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Tree The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for TreeEntry.

Name Type Description
edges [TreeEntryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [TreeEntry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for TreeEntry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node TreeEntry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for UnprotectAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
edges [UnprotectAccessLevelEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [UnprotectAccessLevel] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for UnprotectAccessLevel.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node UnprotectAccessLevel The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for UploadRegistry.

Name Type Description
edges [UploadRegistryEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [UploadRegistry] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for UploadRegistry.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node UploadRegistry The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for UsageTrendsMeasurement.

Name Type Description
edges [UsageTrendsMeasurementEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [UsageTrendsMeasurement] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for UsageTrendsMeasurement.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node UsageTrendsMeasurement The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for UserAchievement.

Name Type Description
edges [UserAchievementEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [UserAchievement] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for UserAchievement.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node UserAchievement The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for UserCallout.

Name Type Description
edges [UserCalloutEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [UserCallout] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for UserCallout.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node UserCallout The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for UserCore.

Name Type Description
edges [UserCoreEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [UserCore] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for UserCore.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node UserCore The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for VulnerabilitiesCountByDay.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilitiesCountByDayEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [VulnerabilitiesCountByDay] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for VulnerabilitiesCountByDay.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node VulnerabilitiesCountByDay The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for Vulnerability.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilityEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [Vulnerability] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The connection type for VulnerabilityContainerImage.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilityContainerImageEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [VulnerabilityContainerImage] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for VulnerabilityContainerImage.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node VulnerabilityContainerImage The item at the end of the edge.


The edge type for Vulnerability.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node Vulnerability The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for VulnerabilityExternalIssueLink.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [VulnerabilityExternalIssueLink] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for VulnerabilityExternalIssueLink.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node VulnerabilityExternalIssueLink The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for VulnerabilityIssueLink.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilityIssueLinkEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [VulnerabilityIssueLink] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for VulnerabilityIssueLink.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node VulnerabilityIssueLink The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for VulnerabilityScanner.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilityScannerEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [VulnerabilityScanner] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for VulnerabilityScanner.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node VulnerabilityScanner The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for VulnerabilityStateTransitionType.

Name Type Description
edges [VulnerabilityStateTransitionTypeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [VulnerabilityStateTransitionType] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for VulnerabilityStateTransitionType.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node VulnerabilityStateTransitionType The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for WorkItem.

Name Type Description
edges [WorkItemEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [WorkItem] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for WorkItem.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node WorkItem The item at the end of the edge.


The connection type for WorkItemType.

Name Type Description
edges [WorkItemTypeEdge] A list of edges.
nodes [WorkItemType] A list of nodes.
pageInfo PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.


The edge type for WorkItemType.

Name Type Description
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.
node WorkItemType The item at the end of the edge.

Object types

Object types represent the resources that the GitLab GraphQL API can return. They contain fields. Each field has its own type, which will either be one of the basic GraphQL scalar types (e.g.: String or Boolean) or other object types. Fields may have arguments. Fields with arguments are exactly like top-level queries, and are listed beneath the table of fields for each object type.

For more information, see Object Types and Fields on


Represents the access level of a relationship between a User and object that it is related to.


Name Type Description
integerValue Int Integer representation of access level.
stringValue AccessLevelEnum String representation of access level.


Representation of a GitLab group.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String Avatar URL of the group.
id ID! ID of the group.
name String! Name of the group.
parent AccessLevelGroup Parent group.
webUrl String! Web URL of the group.


Representation of a GitLab user.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
id ID! ID of the user.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
publicEmail String User's public email.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.



Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL to avatar of the achievement.
createdAt Time! Timestamp the achievement was created.
description String Description or notes for the achievement.
id AchievementsAchievementID! ID of the achievement.
name String! Name of the achievement.
namespace Namespace! Namespace of the achievement.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the achievement was last updated.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Recipients for the achievement.


Configuration details for an Agent.


Name Type Description
agentName String Name of the agent.


Information about a connected Agent.


Name Type Description
commit String Agent version commit.
podName String Name of the pod running the Agent.
podNamespace String Namespace of the pod running the Agent.
version String Agent version tag.


Describes an alert from the project's Alert Management.


Name Type Description
assignees UserCoreConnection Assignees of the alert. (see Connections)
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
createdAt Time Timestamp the alert was created.
description String Description of the alert.
details JSON Alert details.
detailsUrl String! URL of the alert detail page.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
endedAt Time Timestamp the alert ended.
environment Environment Environment for the alert.
eventCount Int Number of events of this alert.
hosts [String!] List of hosts the alert came from.
id ID! ID of the alert.
iid ID! Internal ID of the alert.
issue Issue Issue attached to the alert.
issueIid {warning-solid} ID Deprecated in 13.10. Use issue field.
metricsDashboardUrl String URL for metrics embed for the alert.
monitoringTool String Monitoring tool the alert came from.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
prometheusAlert PrometheusAlert Alert condition for Prometheus.
runbook String Runbook for the alert as defined in alert details.
service String Service the alert came from.
severity AlertManagementSeverity Severity of the alert.
startedAt Time Timestamp the alert was raised.
status AlertManagementStatus Status of the alert.
title String Title of the alert.
updatedAt Time Timestamp the alert was last updated.
webUrl String! URL of the alert.

Fields with arguments


To-do items of the current user for the alert.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.


Represents total number of alerts for the represented categories.


Name Type Description
acknowledged Int Number of alerts with status ACKNOWLEDGED for the project.
all Int Total number of alerts for the project.
ignored Int Number of alerts with status IGNORED for the project.
open Int Number of alerts with status TRIGGERED or ACKNOWLEDGED for the project.
resolved Int Number of alerts with status RESOLVED for the project.
triggered Int Number of alerts with status TRIGGERED for the project.


An endpoint and credentials used to accept alerts for a project.


Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the endpoint is currently accepting alerts.
apiUrl String URL at which Prometheus metrics can be queried to populate the metrics dashboard.
id ID! ID of the integration.
name String Name of the integration.
payloadAlertFields [AlertManagementPayloadAlertField!] Extract alert fields from payload example for custom mapping.
payloadAttributeMappings [AlertManagementPayloadAlertMappingField!] The custom mapping of GitLab alert attributes to fields from the payload_example.
payloadExample JsonString Example of an alert payload.
token String Token used to authenticate alert notification requests.
type AlertManagementIntegrationType! Type of integration.
url String Endpoint which accepts alert notifications.


Parsed field from an alert used for custom mappings.


Name Type Description
label String Human-readable label of the payload path.
path [PayloadAlertFieldPathSegment!] Path to value inside payload JSON.
type AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldType Type of the parsed value.


Parsed field (with its name) from an alert used for custom mappings.


Name Type Description
fieldName AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldName GitLab alert field name.
label String Human-readable label of the payload path.
path [PayloadAlertFieldPathSegment!] Path to value inside payload JSON.
type AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldType Type of the parsed value.


An endpoint and credentials used to accept Prometheus alerts for a project.


Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the endpoint is currently accepting alerts.
apiUrl String URL at which Prometheus metrics can be queried to populate the metrics dashboard.
id ID! ID of the integration.
name String Name of the integration.
token String Token used to authenticate alert notification requests.
type AlertManagementIntegrationType! Type of integration.
url String Endpoint which accepts alert notifications.


Data associated with configuring API fuzzing scans in GitLab CI.


Name Type Description
scanModes [ApiFuzzingScanMode!] All available scan modes.
scanProfiles [ApiFuzzingScanProfile!] All default scan profiles.


An API Fuzzing scan profile.


Name Type Description
description String Short description of the profile.
name String Unique name of the profile.
yaml String Syntax highlighted HTML representation of the YAML.


Describes a project approval rule regarding who can approve merge requests.


Name Type Description
approvalsRequired Int Number of required approvals.
eligibleApprovers UserCoreConnection List of users eligible to approve merge requests for this approval rule. (see Connections)
id GlobalID! ID of the rule.
name String Name of the rule.
type ApprovalRuleType Type of the rule.


Describes a rule for who can approve merge requests.


Name Type Description
approvalsRequired Int Number of required approvals.
approved Boolean Indicates if the rule is satisfied.
approvedBy UserCoreConnection List of users defined in the rule that approved the merge request. (see Connections)
commentedBy UserCoreConnection List of users, defined in the rule, who commented on the merge request. (see Connections)
containsHiddenGroups Boolean Indicates if the rule contains approvers from a hidden group.
eligibleApprovers [UserCore!] List of all users eligible to approve the merge request (defined explicitly and from associated groups).
groups GroupConnection List of groups added as approvers for the rule. (see Connections)
id GlobalID! ID of the rule.
name String Name of the rule.
overridden Boolean Indicates if the rule was overridden for the merge request.
section String Named section of the Code Owners file that the rule applies to.
sourceRule ApprovalRule Source rule used to create the rule.
type ApprovalRuleType Type of the rule.
users UserCoreConnection List of users added as approvers for the rule. (see Connections)


Represents a vulnerability asset type.


Name Type Description
name String! Name of the asset.
type String! Type of the asset.
url String! URL of the asset.


Represents a HTTP header key/value that belongs to an audit streaming destination.


Name Type Description
id ID! ID of the header.
key String! Key of the header.
value String! Value of the header.


An emoji awarded by a user.


Name Type Description
description String! Emoji description.
emoji String! Emoji as an icon.
name String! Emoji name.
unicode String! Emoji in Unicode.
unicodeVersion String! Unicode version for this emoji.
user UserCore! User who awarded the emoji.



Name Type Description
active Boolean Indicates if the service is active.
serviceType ServiceType Type of the service.
type String Class name of the service.



Name Type Description
flatPath String! Flat path of the entry.
id ID! ID of the entry.
lfsOid String LFS ID of the blob.
mode String Blob mode in numeric format.
name String! Name of the entry.
path String! Path of the entry.
sha String! Last commit SHA for the entry.
type EntryType! Type of tree entry.
webPath String Web path of the blob.
webUrl String Web URL of the blob.


Represents how the blob content should be displayed.


Name Type Description
collapsed Boolean! Shows whether the blob should be displayed collapsed.
fileType String! Content file type.
loadAsync Boolean! Shows whether the blob content is loaded asynchronously.
loadingPartialName String! Loading partial name.
renderError String Error rendering the blob content.
tooLarge Boolean! Shows whether the blob is too large to be displayed.
type BlobViewersType! Type of blob viewer.


Represents a project or group issue board.


Name Type Description
assignee UserCore Board assignee.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the board was created.
hideBacklogList Boolean Whether or not backlog list is hidden.
hideClosedList Boolean Whether or not closed list is hidden.
id ID! ID (global ID) of the board.
iteration Iteration Board iteration.
iterationCadence IterationCadence Board iteration cadence.
labels LabelConnection Labels of the board. (see Connections)
milestone Milestone Board milestone.
name String Name of the board.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the board was last updated.
webPath String! Web path of the board.
webUrl String! Web URL of the board.
weight Int Weight of the board.

Fields with arguments


Epics associated with board issues.

Returns BoardEpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
issueFilters BoardIssueInput Filters applied when selecting issues on the board.

Lists of the board.

Returns BoardListConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id ListID Find a list by its global ID.
issueFilters BoardIssueInput Filters applied when getting issue metadata in the board list.


Represents an epic on an issue board.


Name Type Description
author UserCore! Author of the epic.
awardEmoji AwardEmojiConnection List of award emojis associated with the epic. (see Connections)
blocked Boolean Indicates the epic is blocked.
blockedByCount Int Count of epics blocking this epic.
blockedByEpics EpicConnection Epics blocking this epic. (see Connections)
blockingCount Int Count of epics that this epic is blocking.
closedAt Time Timestamp of when the epic was closed.
color String Color of the epic. Returns null if epic_color_highlight feature flag is disabled.
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
confidential Boolean Indicates if the epic is confidential.
createdAt Time Timestamp of when the epic was created.
defaultProjectForIssueCreation Project Default Project for issue creation. Based on the project the user created the last issue in.
descendantCounts EpicDescendantCount Number of open and closed descendant epics and issues.
descendantWeightSum EpicDescendantWeights Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants.
description String Description of the epic.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
downvotes Int! Number of downvotes the epic has received.
dueDate Time Due date of the epic.
dueDateFixed Time Fixed due date of the epic.
dueDateFromInheritedSource Time Inherited due date of the epic from child epics or milestones.
dueDateFromMilestones Time Inherited due date of the epic from milestones.
dueDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates if the due date has been manually set.
events EventConnection List of events associated with the object. (see Connections)
group Group! Group to which the epic belongs.
hasChildren Boolean! Indicates if the epic has children.
hasIssues Boolean! Indicates if the epic has direct issues.
hasParent Boolean! Indicates if the epic has a parent epic.
healthStatus EpicHealthStatus Current health status of the epic.
id ID! ID of the epic.
iid ID! Internal ID of the epic.
issues EpicIssueConnection A list of issues associated with the epic. (see Connections)
labels LabelConnection Labels assigned to the epic. (see Connections)
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
parent Epic Parent epic of the epic.
participants UserCoreConnection List of participants for the epic. (see Connections)
relationPath String URI path of the epic-issue relationship.
relativePosition Int Relative position of the epic in the epic tree.
startDate Time Start date of the epic.
startDateFixed Time Fixed start date of the epic.
startDateFromInheritedSource Time Inherited start date of the epic from child epics or milestones.
startDateFromMilestones Time Inherited start date of the epic from milestones.
startDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates if the start date has been manually set.
state EpicState! State of the epic.
subscribed Boolean! Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic.
textColor String Text color generated for the epic. Returns null if epic_color_highlight feature flag is disabled.
title String Title of the epic.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
updatedAt Time Timestamp of when the epic was updated.
upvotes Int! Number of upvotes the epic has received.
userDiscussionsCount Int! Number of user discussions in the epic.
userNotesCount Int! Number of user notes of the epic.
userPermissions EpicPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
userPreferences BoardEpicUserPreferences User preferences for the epic on the issue board.
webPath String! Web path of the epic.
webUrl String! Web URL of the epic.

Fields with arguments


Ancestors (parents) of the epic.

Returns EpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter epics by author.
confidential Boolean Filter epics by given confidentiality.
createdAfter Time Epics created after this date.
createdBefore Time Epics created before this date.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
iid ID IID of the epic, e.g., "1".
iidStartsWith String Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.
iids [ID!] List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include epics from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include epics from descendant groups.
labelName [String!] Filter epics by labels.
milestoneTitle String Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
not NegatedEpicFilterInput Negated epic arguments.
or {warning-solid} UnionedEpicFilterInput Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort EpicSort List epics by sort order.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state EpicState Filter epics by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
topLevelHierarchyOnly Boolean Filter epics with a top-level hierarchy.
updatedAfter Time Epics updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Epics updated before this date.

Children (sub-epics) of the epic.

Returns EpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter epics by author.
confidential Boolean Filter epics by given confidentiality.
createdAfter Time Epics created after this date.
createdBefore Time Epics created before this date.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
iid ID IID of the epic, e.g., "1".
iidStartsWith String Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.
iids [ID!] List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include child epics from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include epics from descendant groups.
labelName [String!] Filter epics by labels.
milestoneTitle String Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
not NegatedEpicFilterInput Negated epic arguments.
or {warning-solid} UnionedEpicFilterInput Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort EpicSort List epics by sort order.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state EpicState Filter epics by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
topLevelHierarchyOnly Boolean Filter epics with a top-level hierarchy.
updatedAfter Time Epics updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Epics updated before this date.

To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.

Internal reference of the epic. Returned in shortened format by default.

Returns String!.

Name Type Description
full Boolean Indicates if the reference should be returned in full.


Represents user preferences for a board epic.


Name Type Description
collapsed Boolean! Indicates epic should be displayed as collapsed.


Represents a list for an issue board.


Name Type Description
assignee UserCore Assignee in the list.
collapsed Boolean Indicates if the list is collapsed for this user.
id ID! ID (global ID) of the list.
issuesCount Int Count of issues in the list.
iteration Iteration Iteration of the list.
label Label Label of the list.
limitMetric ListLimitMetric Current limit metric for the list.
listType String! Type of the list.
maxIssueCount Int Maximum number of issues in the list.
maxIssueWeight Int Maximum weight of issues in the list.
milestone Milestone Milestone of the list.
position Int Position of list within the board.
title String! Title of the list.
totalWeight Int Total weight of all issues in the list.

Fields with arguments


Board issues.

Returns IssueConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
filters BoardIssueInput Filters applied when selecting issues in the board list.



Name Type Description
commit Commit Commit for the branch.
name String! Name of the branch.


Branch protection details for a branch rule.


Name Type Description
allowForcePush Boolean! Toggle force push to the branch for users with write access.
codeOwnerApprovalRequired Boolean! Enforce code owner approvals before allowing a merge.
mergeAccessLevels MergeAccessLevelConnection Details about who can merge when this branch is the source branch. (see Connections)
pushAccessLevels PushAccessLevelConnection Details about who can push when this branch is the source branch. (see Connections)
unprotectAccessLevels UnprotectAccessLevelConnection Details about who can unprotect this branch. (see Connections)


List of branch rules for a project, grouped by branch name.


Name Type Description
approvalRules ApprovalProjectRuleConnection Merge request approval rules configured for this branch rule. (see Connections)
branchProtection BranchProtection Branch protections configured for this branch rule.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the branch rule was created.
externalStatusChecks ExternalStatusCheckConnection External status checks configured for this branch rule. (see Connections)
isDefault Boolean! Check if this branch rule protects the project's default branch.
isProtected Boolean! Check if this branch rule protects access for the branch.
matchingBranchesCount Int! Number of existing branches that match this branch rule.
name String! Branch name, with wildcards, for the branch rules.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the branch rule was last updated.


Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.


Name Type Description
completedCount Int! Number of closed issues as of this day.
completedWeight Int! Total weight of closed issues as of this day.
date ISO8601Date! Date for burnup totals.
scopeCount Int! Number of issues as of this day.
scopeWeight Int! Total weight of issues as of this day.



Name Type Description
keepLatestArtifact Boolean Whether to keep the latest jobs artifacts.



Name Type Description
id ID! ID of the BuildNeed.
name String Name of the job we need to complete.



Name Type Description
errors [String!] Linting errors.
includes [CiConfigInclude!] List of included files.
mergedYaml String Merged CI configuration YAML.
stages CiConfigStageConnection Stages of the pipeline. (see Connections)
status CiConfigStatus Status of linting, can be either valid or invalid.
warnings [String!] Linting warnings.



Name Type Description
jobs CiConfigJobConnection Jobs in group. (see Connections)
name String Name of the job group.
size Int Size of the job group.



Name Type Description
blob String File blob location. It can be masked if it contains masked variables, e.g., "e52d6d0246/.gitlab/ci/build-images.gitlab-ci.yml".
contextProject String Current project scope, e.g., "gitlab-org/gitlab".
contextSha String Current sha scope.
extra JSON Extra information for the include, which can contain job_name, project, and ref. Values can be masked if they contain masked variables.
location String File location. It can be masked if it contains masked variables, e.g., ".gitlab/ci/build-images.gitlab-ci.yml".
raw String File raw location. It can be masked if it contains masked variables, e.g., "e52d6d0246/.gitlab/ci/build-images.gitlab-ci.yml".
type CiConfigIncludeType Include type.



Name Type Description
afterScript [String!] Override a set of commands that are executed after the job.
allowFailure Boolean Allow job to fail.
beforeScript [String!] Override a set of commands that are executed before the job.
environment String Name of an environment to which the job deploys.
except CiConfigJobRestriction Limit when jobs are not created.
groupName String Name of the job group.
name String Name of the job.
needs CiConfigNeedConnection Builds that must complete before the jobs run. (see Connections)
only CiConfigJobRestriction Jobs are created when these conditions do not apply.
script [String!] Shell script that is executed by a runner.
stage String Name of the job stage.
tags [String!] List of tags that are used to select a runner.
when String When to run the job.



Name Type Description
refs [String!] Git refs the job restriction applies to.



Name Type Description
name String Name of the need.



Name Type Description
groups CiConfigGroupConnection Groups of jobs for the stage. (see Connections)
name String Name of the stage.


CI/CD config variables.


Name Type Description
description String Description for the CI/CD config variable.
key String Name of the variable.
value String Value of the variable.
valueOptions [String!] Value options for the variable.


Represents a deployment freeze window of a project.


Name Type Description
cronTimezone String Time zone for the cron fields, defaults to UTC if not provided.
endCron String! End of the freeze period in cron format.
endTime Time Timestamp (UTC) of when the current/next active period ends.
startCron String! Start of the freeze period in cron format.
startTime Time Timestamp (UTC) of when the current/next active period starts.
status CiFreezePeriodStatus! Freeze period status.



Name Type Description
detailedStatus DetailedStatus Detailed status of the group.
id String! ID for a group.
jobs CiJobConnection Jobs in group. (see Connections)
name String Name of the job group.
size Int Size of the group.


CI/CD variables for a group.


Name Type Description
environmentScope String Scope defining the environments that can use the variable.
id ID! ID of the variable.
key String Name of the variable.
masked Boolean Indicates whether the variable is masked.
protected Boolean Indicates whether the variable is protected.
raw Boolean Indicates whether the variable is raw.
value String Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType Type of the variable.


CI/CD variables for a GitLab instance.


Name Type Description
environmentScope {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.3. No longer used, only available for GroupVariableType and ProjectVariableType.
id ID! ID of the variable.
key String Name of the variable.
masked Boolean Indicates whether the variable is masked.
protected Boolean Indicates whether the variable is protected.
raw Boolean Indicates whether the variable is raw.
value String Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType Type of the variable.



Name Type Description
active Boolean! Indicates the job is active.
allowFailure Boolean! Whether the job is allowed to fail.
artifacts CiJobArtifactConnection Artifacts generated by the job. (see Connections)
browseArtifactsPath String URL for browsing the artifact's archive.
canPlayJob Boolean! Indicates whether the current user can play the job.
cancelable Boolean! Indicates the job can be canceled.
commitPath String Path to the commit that triggered the job.
coverage Float Coverage level of the job.
createdAt Time! When the job was created.
createdByTag Boolean! Whether the job was created by a tag.
detailedStatus DetailedStatus Detailed status of the job.
downstreamPipeline Pipeline Downstream pipeline for a bridge.
duration Int Duration of the job in seconds.
erasedAt Time When the job was erased.
finishedAt Time When a job has finished running.
id JobID ID of the job.
kind CiJobKind! Indicates the type of job.
manualJob Boolean Whether the job has a manual action.
manualVariables CiManualVariableConnection Variables added to a manual job when the job is triggered. (see Connections)
name String Name of the job.
needs CiBuildNeedConnection References to builds that must complete before the jobs run. (see Connections)
pipeline Pipeline Pipeline the job belongs to.
playPath String Play path of the job.
playable Boolean! Indicates the job can be played.
previousStageJobsOrNeeds JobNeedUnionConnection Jobs that must complete before the job runs. Returns BuildNeed, which is the needed jobs if the job uses the needs keyword, or the previous stage jobs otherwise. (see Connections)
project Project Project that the job belongs to.
queuedAt Time When the job was enqueued and marked as pending.
queuedDuration Duration How long the job was enqueued before starting.
refName String Ref name of the job.
refPath String Path to the ref.
retried Boolean Indicates that the job has been retried.
retryable Boolean! Indicates the job can be retried.
runnerMachine {warning-solid} CiRunnerMachine Introduced in 15.11. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Runner machine assigned to the job.
scheduled Boolean! Indicates the job is scheduled.
scheduledAt Time Schedule for the build.
schedulingType String Type of job scheduling. Value is dag if the job uses the needs keyword, and stage otherwise.
shortSha String! Short SHA1 ID of the commit.
stage CiStage Stage of the job.
startedAt Time When the job was started.
status CiJobStatus Status of the job.
stuck Boolean! Indicates the job is stuck.
tags [String!] Tags for the current job.
triggered Boolean Whether the job was triggered.
userPermissions JobPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
webPath String Web path of the job.



Name Type Description
downloadPath String URL for downloading the artifact's file.
expireAt Time Expiry date of the artifact.
fileType JobArtifactFileType File type of the artifact.
id CiJobArtifactID! ID of the artifact.
name String File name of the artifact.
size Int! Size of the artifact in bytes.



Name Type Description
inboundAllowlist ProjectConnection! Allow list of projects that can access the current project through its CI Job tokens. (see Connections)
outboundAllowlist ProjectConnection! Allow list of projects that are accessible using the current project's CI Job tokens. (see Connections)
projects {warning-solid} ProjectConnection! Deprecated in 15.9. The projects attribute is being deprecated. Use outbound_allowlist.


Representation of duration statistics for a group of CI jobs.


Name Type Description
p50 {warning-solid} Duration Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. 50th percentile. 50% of the durations are lower than this value.
p75 {warning-solid} Duration Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. 75th percentile. 75% of the durations are lower than this value.
p90 {warning-solid} Duration Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. 90th percentile. 90% of the durations are lower than this value.
p95 {warning-solid} Duration Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. 95th percentile. 95% of the durations are lower than this value.
p99 {warning-solid} Duration Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. 99th percentile. 99% of the durations are lower than this value.


Statistics for a group of CI jobs.


Name Type Description
queuedDuration {warning-solid} CiJobsDurationStatistics Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Statistics for amount of time that jobs were waiting to be picked up. The calculation is performed based on the most recent 100 jobs executed by the 5000 most recently created runners in context. If no filter is applied to runners, the calculation is performed based on the most recent 100 jobs globally.


CI/CD variables given to a manual job.


Name Type Description
environmentScope {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.3. No longer used, only available for GroupVariableType and ProjectVariableType.
id ID! ID of the variable.
key String Name of the variable.
raw Boolean Indicates whether the variable is raw.
value String Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType Type of the variable.



Name Type Description
minutes Int Total number of minutes used by all projects in the namespace.
month String Month related to the usage data.
monthIso8601 ISO8601Date Month related to the usage data in ISO 8601 date format.
projects CiMinutesProjectMonthlyUsageConnection CI/CD minutes usage data for projects in the namespace. (see Connections)
sharedRunnersDuration Int Total duration (in seconds) of shared runners use by the namespace for the month.



Name Type Description
minutes Int Number of CI/CD minutes used by the project in the month.
name {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.6. Use
project Project Project having the recorded usage.
sharedRunnersDuration Int Total duration (in seconds) of shared runners use by the project for the month.


CI/CD variables for a project.


Name Type Description
environmentScope String Scope defining the environments that can use the variable.
id ID! ID of the variable.
key String Name of the variable.
masked Boolean Indicates whether the variable is masked.
protected Boolean Indicates whether the variable is protected.
raw Boolean Indicates whether the variable is raw.
value String Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType Type of the variable.



Name Type Description
accessLevel CiRunnerAccessLevel! Access level of the runner.
active {warning-solid} Boolean! Deprecated in 14.8. Use paused.
adminUrl String Admin URL of the runner. Only available for administrators.
architectureName String Architecture provided by the the runner.
contactedAt Time Timestamp of last contact from this runner.
createdAt Time Timestamp of creation of this runner.
createdBy UserCore User that created this runner.
description String Description of the runner.
editAdminUrl String Admin form URL of the runner. Only available for administrators.
ephemeralAuthenticationToken {warning-solid} String Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Ephemeral authentication token used for runner machine registration. Only available for the creator of the runner for a limited time during registration.
executorName String Executor last advertised by the runner.
groups GroupConnection Groups the runner is associated with. For group runners only. (see Connections)
id CiRunnerID! ID of the runner.
ipAddress String IP address of the runner.
jobCount Int Number of jobs processed by the runner (limited to 1000, plus one to indicate that more items exist).
jobExecutionStatus {warning-solid} CiRunnerJobExecutionStatus Introduced in 15.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Job execution status of the runner.
locked Boolean Indicates the runner is locked.
machines {warning-solid} CiRunnerMachineConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Machines associated with the runner configuration.
maintenanceNote String Runner's maintenance notes.
maintenanceNoteHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of maintenance_note.
maximumTimeout Int Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner.
ownerProject Project Project that owns the runner. For project runners only.
paused Boolean! Indicates the runner is paused and not available to run jobs.
platformName String Platform provided by the runner.
privateProjectsMinutesCostFactor Float Private projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner ( only).
projectCount Int Number of projects that the runner is associated with.
publicProjectsMinutesCostFactor Float Public projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner ( only).
registerAdminUrl String URL of the temporary registration page of the runner. Only available before the runner is registered. Only available for administrators.
revision String Revision of the runner.
runUntagged Boolean! Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs.
runnerType CiRunnerType! Type of the runner.
shortSha String First eight characters of the runner's token used to authenticate new job requests. Used as the runner's unique ID.
tagList [String!] Tags associated with the runner.
tokenExpiresAt Time Runner token expiration time.
upgradeStatus {warning-solid} CiRunnerUpgradeStatus Introduced in 14.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Availability of upgrades for the runner.
userPermissions RunnerPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
version String Version of the runner.

Fields with arguments

Jobs assigned to the runner. This field can only be resolved for one runner in any single request.

Returns CiJobConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
statuses [CiJobStatus!] Filter jobs by status.

Find projects the runner is associated with. For project runners only.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
membership Boolean Return only projects that the current user is a member of.
search String Search query, which can be for the project name, a path, or a description.
searchNamespaces Boolean Include namespace in project search.
sort {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.4. Default sort order will change in 16.0. Specify "id_asc" if query results' order is important.
topics [String!] Filter projects by topics.

Status of the runner.

Returns CiRunnerStatus!.

Name Type Description
legacyMode {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.0. Will be removed in 17.0. In GitLab 16.0 and later, the field will act as if legacyMode is null.



Name Type Description
architectureName String Architecture provided by the runner machine.
contactedAt Time Timestamp of last contact from the runner machine.
createdAt Time Timestamp of creation of the runner machine.
executorName String Executor last advertised by the runner.
id CiRunnerMachineID! ID of the runner machine.
ipAddress String IP address of the runner machine.
platformName String Platform provided by the runner machine.
revision String Revision of the runner.
runner CiRunner Runner configuration for the runner machine.
status CiRunnerStatus! Status of the runner machine.
systemId String! System ID associated with the runner machine.
version String Version of the runner.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of a ci_secure_file.


Name Type Description
ciSecureFileId ID! ID of the Ci Secure File.
createdAt Time Timestamp when the CiSecureFileRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the CiSecureFileRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the CiSecureFileRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the CiSecureFileRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the CiSecureFileRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the CiSecureFileRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the CiSecureFileRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the CiSecureFileRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the CiSecureFileRegistry.



Name Type Description
detailedStatus DetailedStatus Detailed status of the stage.
groups CiGroupConnection Group of jobs for the stage. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the stage.
jobs CiJobConnection Jobs for the stage. (see Connections)
name String Name of the stage.
status String Status of the pipeline stage.


GitLab CI/CD configuration template.


Name Type Description
content String! Contents of the CI template.
name String! Name of the CI template.



Name Type Description
activityEvents ClusterAgentActivityEventConnection Recent activity for the cluster agent. (see Connections)
connections ConnectedAgentConnection Active connections for the cluster agent. (see Connections)
createdAt Time Timestamp the cluster agent was created.
createdByUser UserCore User object, containing information about the person who created the agent.
id ID! ID of the cluster agent.
name String Name of the cluster agent.
project Project Project this cluster agent is associated with.
updatedAt Time Timestamp the cluster agent was updated.
vulnerabilityImages VulnerabilityContainerImageConnection Container images reported on the agent vulnerabilities. (see Connections)
webPath String Web path of the cluster agent.

Fields with arguments


Tokens associated with the cluster agent.

Returns ClusterAgentTokenConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
status AgentTokenStatus Status of the token.



Name Type Description
agentToken ClusterAgentToken Agent token associated with the event.
kind String Type of event.
level String Severity of the event.
recordedAt Time Timestamp the event was recorded.
user UserCore User associated with the event.



Name Type Description
clusterAgent ClusterAgent Cluster agent this token is associated with.
createdAt Time Timestamp the token was created.
createdByUser UserCore User who created the token.
description String Description of the token.
id ClustersAgentTokenID! Global ID of the token.
lastUsedAt Time Timestamp the token was last used.
name String Name given to the token.
status AgentTokenStatus Current status of the token.


Represents the code coverage activity for a group.


Name Type Description
averageCoverage Float Average percentage of the different code coverage results available for the group.
coverageCount Int Number of different code coverage results available for the group.
date Date! Date when the code coverage was created.
projectCount Int Number of projects with code coverage results for the group.


Represents the code coverage summary for a project.


Name Type Description
averageCoverage Float Average percentage of the different code coverage results available for the project.
coverageCount Int Number of different code coverage results available.
lastUpdatedOn Date Latest date when the code coverage was created for the project.


Represents a code quality degradation on the pipeline.


Name Type Description
description String! Description of the code quality degradation.
engineName String! Code Quality plugin that reported the finding.
fingerprint String! Unique fingerprint to identify the code quality degradation. For example, an MD5 hash.
line Int! Line on which the code quality degradation occurred.
path String! Relative path to the file containing the code quality degradation.
severity CodeQualityDegradationSeverity! Status of the degradation (BLOCKER, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, INFO, UNKNOWN).
webUrl String URL to the file along with line number.


Code Quality report for a pipeline.


Name Type Description
blocker Int Total number of blocker status.
count Int Total number of Code Quality reports.
critical Int Total number of critical status.
info Int Total number of info status.
major Int Total number of major status.
minor Int Total number of minor status.
unknown Int Total number of unknown status.



Name Type Description
author UserCore Author of the commit.
authorEmail String Commit author's email.
authorGravatar String Commit authors gravatar.
authorName String Commit authors name.
authoredDate Time Timestamp of when the commit was authored.
description String Description of the commit message.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
fullTitle String Full title of the commit message.
fullTitleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of full_title.
id ID! ID (global ID) of the commit.
message String Raw commit message.
sha String! SHA1 ID of the commit.
shortId String! Short SHA1 ID of the commit.
signature CommitSignature Signature of the commit.
signatureHtml String Rendered HTML of the commit signature.
title String Title of the commit message.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
webPath String! Web path of the commit.
webUrl String! Web URL of the commit.

Fields with arguments


Pipelines of the commit ordered latest first.

Returns PipelineConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ref String Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for.
scope PipelineScopeEnum Filter pipelines by scope.
sha String Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for.
source String Filter pipelines by their source.
status PipelineStatusEnum Filter pipelines by their status.
updatedAfter Time Pipelines updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Pipelines updated before this date.
username String Filter pipelines by the user that triggered the pipeline.


Represents a ComplianceFramework associated with a Project.


Name Type Description
color String! Hexadecimal representation of compliance framework's label color.
default Boolean Default compliance framework for the group.
description String! Description of the compliance framework.
id ID! Compliance framework ID.
name String! Name of the compliance framework.
pipelineConfigurationFullPath String Full path of the compliance pipeline configuration stored in a project repository, such as .gitlab/.compliance-gitlab-ci.yml@compliance/hipaa (ULTIMATE).


Compliance violation associated with a merged merge request.


Name Type Description
id ID! Compliance violation ID.
mergeRequest MergeRequest! Merge request the compliance violation occurred in.
reason ComplianceViolationReason! Reason the compliance violation occurred.
severityLevel ComplianceViolationSeverity! Severity of the compliance violation.
violatingUser UserCore! User suspected of causing the compliance violation.


Composer metadata.


Name Type Description
composerJson PackageComposerJsonType! Data of the Composer JSON file.
targetSha String! Target SHA of the package.


Conan file metadata.


Name Type Description
conanFileType ConanMetadatumFileTypeEnum! Type of the Conan file.
conanPackageReference String Reference of the Conan package.
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
id PackagesConanFileMetadatumID! ID of the metadatum.
packageRevision String Revision of the package.
recipeRevision String! Revision of the Conan recipe.
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.


Conan metadata.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
id PackagesConanMetadatumID! ID of the metadatum.
packageChannel String! Channel of the Conan package.
packageUsername String! Username of the Conan package.
recipe String! Recipe of the Conan package.
recipePath String! Recipe path of the Conan package.
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.


Connection details for an Agent.


Name Type Description
connectedAt Time When the connection was established.
connectionId BigInt ID of the connection.
metadata AgentMetadata Information about the Agent.


Represents the total number of contacts for the represented states.


Name Type Description
active Int Number of contacts with state ACTIVE.
all Int Number of contacts with state ALL.
inactive Int Number of contacts with state INACTIVE.


A tag expiration policy designed to keep only the images that matter most.


Name Type Description
cadence ContainerExpirationPolicyCadenceEnum! This container expiration policy schedule.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the container expiration policy was created.
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether this container expiration policy is enabled.
keepN ContainerExpirationPolicyKeepEnum Number of tags to retain.
nameRegex UntrustedRegexp Tags with names matching this regex pattern will expire.
nameRegexKeep UntrustedRegexp Tags with names matching this regex pattern will be preserved.
nextRunAt Time Next time that this container expiration policy will get executed.
olderThan ContainerExpirationPolicyOlderThanEnum Tags older that this will expire.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the container expiration policy was updated.


A container repository.


Name Type Description
canDelete Boolean! Can the current user delete the container repository.
createdAt Time! Timestamp when the container repository was created.
expirationPolicyCleanupStatus ContainerRepositoryCleanupStatus Tags cleanup status for the container repository.
expirationPolicyStartedAt Time Timestamp when the cleanup done by the expiration policy was started on the container repository.
id ID! ID of the container repository.
lastCleanupDeletedTagsCount Int Number of deleted tags from the last cleanup.
location String! URL of the container repository.
migrationState String! Migration state of the container repository.
name String! Name of the container repository.
path String! Path of the container repository.
project Project! Project of the container registry.
status ContainerRepositoryStatus Status of the container repository.
tagsCount Int! Number of tags associated with this image.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp when the container repository was updated.


Details of a container repository.


Name Type Description
canDelete Boolean! Can the current user delete the container repository.
createdAt Time! Timestamp when the container repository was created.
expirationPolicyCleanupStatus ContainerRepositoryCleanupStatus Tags cleanup status for the container repository.
expirationPolicyStartedAt Time Timestamp when the cleanup done by the expiration policy was started on the container repository.
id ID! ID of the container repository.
lastCleanupDeletedTagsCount Int Number of deleted tags from the last cleanup.
location String! URL of the container repository.
migrationState String! Migration state of the container repository.
name String! Name of the container repository.
path String! Path of the container repository.
project Project! Project of the container registry.
size Float Deduplicated size of the image repository in bytes. This is only available on for repositories created after 2021-11-04.
status ContainerRepositoryStatus Status of the container repository.
tagsCount Int! Number of tags associated with this image.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp when the container repository was updated.

Fields with arguments


Tags of the container repository.

Returns ContainerRepositoryTagConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Search by tag name.
sort ContainerRepositoryTagSort Sort tags by these criteria.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of an Container Repository.


Name Type Description
containerRepositoryId ID! ID of the ContainerRepository.
createdAt Time Timestamp when the ContainerRepositoryRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the ContainerRepositoryRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the ContainerRepositoryRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the ContainerRepositoryRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the ContainerRepositoryRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the ContainerRepositoryRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the ContainerRepositoryRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the ContainerRepositoryRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the ContainerRepositoryRegistry.


A tag from a container repository.


Name Type Description
canDelete Boolean! Can the current user delete this tag.
createdAt Time Timestamp when the tag was created.
digest String Digest of the tag.
location String! URL of the tag.
name String! Name of the tag.
path String! Path of the tag.
revision String Revision of the tag.
shortRevision String Short revision of the tag.
totalSize BigInt Size of the tag.


Represents the contributions of a user.


Name Type Description
issuesClosed Int Number of issues closed by the user.
issuesCreated Int Number of issues created by the user.
mergeRequestsApproved Int Number of merge requests approved by the user.
mergeRequestsClosed Int Number of merge requests closed by the user.
mergeRequestsCreated Int Number of merge requests created by the user.
mergeRequestsMerged Int Number of merge requests merged by the user.
repoPushed Int Number of repository pushes the user made.
totalEvents Int Total number of events contributed by the user.
user UserCore Contributor User object.


Corpus for a coverage fuzzing job.


Name Type Description
id AppSecFuzzingCoverageCorpusID! ID of the corpus.
package PackageDetailsType! Package of the corpus.


Represents the current license.


Name Type Description
activatedAt Date Date when the license was activated.
billableUsersCount Int Number of billable users on the system.
blockChangesAt Date Date, including grace period, when licensed features will be blocked.
company String Company of the licensee.
createdAt Date Date when the license was added.
email String Email of the licensee.
expiresAt Date Date when the license expires.
id ID! ID of the license extracted from the license data.
lastSync Time Date when the license was last synced.
maximumUserCount Int Highest number of billable users on the system during the term of the current license.
name String Name of the licensee.
plan String! Name of the subscription plan.
startsAt Date Date when the license started.
type String! Type of the license.
usersInLicenseCount Int Number of paid users in the license.
usersOverLicenseCount Int Number of users over the paid users in the license.


A custom emoji uploaded by user.


Name Type Description
external Boolean! Whether the emoji is an external link.
id CustomEmojiID! ID of the emoji.
name String! Name of the emoji.
url String! Link to file of the emoji.



Name Type Description
active Boolean! State of the contact.
createdAt Time! Timestamp the contact was created.
description String Description of or notes for the contact.
email String Email address of the contact.
firstName String! First name of the contact.
id ID! Internal ID of the contact.
lastName String! Last name of the contact.
organization CustomerRelationsOrganization Organization of the contact.
phone String Phone number of the contact.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the contact was last updated.



Name Type Description
active Boolean! State of the organization.
createdAt Time! Timestamp the organization was created.
defaultRate Float Standard billing rate for the organization.
description String Description of or notes for the organization.
id ID! Internal ID of the organization.
name String! Name of the organization.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the organization was last updated.


Represents a DAST Pre Scan Verification.


Name Type Description
preScanVerificationSteps [DastPreScanVerificationStep!] Pre Scan Verifications Steps.
status DastPreScanVerificationStatus Status of the pre scan verification.
valid Boolean! Whether or not the configuration has changed after the last pre scan run.


Represents a DAST Pre Scan Verification Step.


Name Type Description
checkType DastPreScanVerificationCheckType Type of the pre scan verification check.
errors [String!] Errors that occurred in the pre scan verification step.
name {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.10. This was renamed. Use: DastPreScanVerificationStep.checkType.
success Boolean! Whether or not the pre scan verification step has errors.


Represents a DAST Profile.


Name Type Description
branch DastProfileBranch Associated branch.
dastPreScanVerification DastPreScanVerification DAST Pre Scan Verification associated with the site profile. Will always return null if dast_on_demand_scans_scheduler feature flag is disabled.
dastProfileSchedule DastProfileSchedule Associated profile schedule.
dastScannerProfile DastScannerProfile Associated scanner profile.
dastSiteProfile DastSiteProfile Associated site profile.
description String Description of the scan.
editPath String Relative web path to the edit page of a profile.
id DastProfileID! ID of the profile.
name String Name of the profile.
tagList [String!] Runner tags associated with the profile.


Represents a DAST Profile Branch.


Name Type Description
exists Boolean Indicates whether or not the branch exists.
name String Name of the branch.


Represents DAST Profile Cadence.


Name Type Description
duration Int Duration of the DAST profile cadence.
unit DastProfileCadenceUnit Unit for the duration of DAST profile cadence.


Represents a DAST profile schedule.


Name Type Description
active Boolean Status of the DAST profile schedule.
cadence DastProfileCadence Cadence of the DAST profile schedule.
id DastProfileScheduleID! ID of the DAST profile schedule.
nextRunAt Time Next run time of the DAST profile schedule in the given timezone.
ownerValid Boolean Status of the current owner of the DAST profile schedule.
startsAt Time Start time of the DAST profile schedule in the given timezone.
timezone String Time zone of the start time of the DAST profile schedule.


Represents a DAST scanner profile.


Name Type Description
editPath String Relative web path to the edit page of a scanner profile.
id DastScannerProfileID! ID of the DAST scanner profile.
profileName String Name of the DAST scanner profile.
referencedInSecurityPolicies [String!] List of security policy names that are referencing given project.
scanType DastScanTypeEnum Indicates the type of DAST scan that will run. Either a Passive Scan or an Active Scan.
showDebugMessages Boolean! Indicates if debug messages should be included in DAST console output. True to include the debug messages.
spiderTimeout Int Maximum number of minutes allowed for the spider to traverse the site.
tagList {warning-solid} [String!] Deprecated in 15.8. Moved to DastProfile.
targetTimeout Int Maximum number of seconds allowed for the site under test to respond to a request.
useAjaxSpider Boolean! Indicates if the AJAX spider should be used to crawl the target site. True to run the AJAX spider in addition to the traditional spider, and false to run only the traditional spider.


Represents a DAST Site Profile.


Name Type Description
auth DastSiteProfileAuth Target authentication details.
editPath String Relative web path to the edit page of a site profile.
excludedUrls [String!] URLs to skip during an authenticated scan.
id DastSiteProfileID! ID of the site profile.
normalizedTargetUrl String Normalized URL of the target to be scanned.
profileName String Name of the site profile.
referencedInSecurityPolicies [String!] List of security policy names that are referencing given project.
requestHeaders String Comma-separated list of request header names and values to be added to every request made by DAST.
scanFilePath String Scan File Path used as input for the scanner.
scanMethod DastScanMethodType Scan method used by the scanner.
targetType DastTargetTypeEnum Type of target to be scanned.
targetUrl String URL of the target to be scanned.
userPermissions DastSiteProfilePermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
validationStartedAt Time Site profile validation start time.
validationStatus DastSiteProfileValidationStatusEnum Current validation status of the site profile.


Input type for DastSiteProfile authentication.


Name Type Description
enabled Boolean Indicates whether authentication is enabled.
password String Redacted password to authenticate with on the target website.
passwordField String Name of password field at the sign-in HTML form.
submitField String Name or ID of sign-in submit button at the sign-in HTML form.
url String The URL of the page containing the sign-in HTML form on the target website.
username String Username to authenticate with on the target website.
usernameField String Name of username field at the sign-in HTML form.


Check permissions for the current user on site profile.


Name Type Description
createOnDemandDastScan Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_on_demand_dast_scan on this resource.


Represents a DAST Site Validation.


Name Type Description
id DastSiteValidationID! Global ID of the site validation.
normalizedTargetUrl String Normalized URL of the target to be validated.
status DastSiteProfileValidationStatusEnum! Status of the site validation.
validationStartedAt Time Timestamp of when the validation started.


The response from the AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobs mutation.


Name Type Description
completed Boolean Whether or not the entire queue was processed in time; if not, retrying the same request is safe.
deletedJobs Int Number of matching jobs deleted.
queueSize Int Queue size after processing.



Name Type Description
discussionId DiscussionID ID of the discussion for the deleted note.
id NoteID! ID of the deleted note.
lastDiscussionNote Boolean Whether deleted note is the last note in the discussion.


A software dependency used by a project.


Name Type Description
id GlobalID! ID of the dependency.
location Location Information about where the dependency is located.
name String! Name of the dependency.
packager String Description of the tool used to manage the dependency.
version String Version of the dependency.


Dependency proxy blob.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
fileName String! Name of the blob.
size String! Size of the blob file.
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of a dependency_proxy_blob.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry was created.
dependencyProxyBlobId ID! ID of the Dependency Proxy Blob.
id ID! ID of the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the DependencyProxyBlobRegistry.


Group-level Dependency Proxy TTL policy settings.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp of creation.
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether the policy is enabled or disabled.
ttl Int Number of days to retain a cached image file.
updatedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent update.


Dependency proxy manifest.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
digest String! Digest of the manifest.
fileName String! Name of the manifest.
id DependencyProxyManifestID! ID of the manifest.
imageName String! Name of the image.
size String! Size of the manifest file.
status DependencyProxyManifestStatus! Status of the manifest (default, pending_destruction, processing, error).
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of a dependency_proxy_manifest.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry was created.
dependencyProxyManifestId ID! ID of the Dependency Proxy Manifest.
id ID! ID of the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the DependencyProxyManifestRegistry.


Group-level Dependency Proxy settings.


Name Type Description
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether the dependency proxy is enabled for the group.


The deployment of an environment.


Name Type Description
approvalSummary DeploymentApprovalSummary Approval summary of the deployment.This field can only be resolved for one deployment in any single request.
commit Commit Commit details of the deployment.
createdAt Time When the deployment record was created.
finishedAt Time When the deployment finished.
id ID Global ID of the deployment.
iid ID Project-level internal ID of the deployment.
job CiJob Pipeline job of the deployment.
ref String Git-Ref that the deployment ran on.
sha String Git-SHA that the deployment ran on.
status DeploymentStatus Status of the deployment.
tag Boolean True or false if the deployment ran on a Git-tag.
tags [DeploymentTag!] Git tags that contain this deployment. This field can only be resolved for two deployments in any single request.
triggerer UserCore User who executed the deployment.
updatedAt Time When the deployment record was updated.
userPermissions DeploymentPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.


Approval of the deployment.


Name Type Description
comment String Additional comment.
createdAt Time When the user approved/rejected first time.
status DeploymentsApprovalStatus Whether the deployment was approved/rejected.
updatedAt Time When the user updated the approval.
user UserCore User who approved or rejected the deployment.


Approval summary of the deployment.


Name Type Description
rules [ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRuleForSummary!] Approval Rules for the deployment.
status DeploymentApprovalSummaryStatus Status of the approvals.
totalPendingApprovalCount Int Total pending approval count.
totalRequiredApprovals Int Total number of required approvals.



Name Type Description
approveDeployment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform approve_deployment on this resource. This field can only be resolved for one environment in any single request.
destroyDeployment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_deployment on this resource.
updateDeployment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_deployment on this resource.


Tags for a given deployment.


Name Type Description
name String Name of this git tag.
path String Path for this tag.



Name Type Description
canDelete {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 15.7. For backwards compatibility with REST API version and to be removed in a next iteration.
deletePath {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.7. For backwards compatibility with REST API version and to be removed in a next iteration.
deleted {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 15.7. For backwards compatibility with REST API version and to be removed in a next iteration.
description String Content of the given description version.
diffPath {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.7. For backwards compatibility with REST API version and to be removed in a next iteration.
id DescriptionVersionID! ID of the description version.

Fields with arguments


Description diff between versions.

Returns String.

Name Type Description
versionId DescriptionVersionID ID of a previous version to compare. If not specified first previous version is used.


A single design.


Name Type Description
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
description String Description of the design.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
diffRefs DiffRefs! Diff refs for this design.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
event DesignVersionEvent! How this design was changed in the current version.
filename String! Filename of the design.
fullPath String! Full path to the design file.
id ID! ID of this design.
image String! URL of the full-sized image.
imageV432x230 String The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be null if the image has not been generated.
issue Issue! Issue the design belongs to.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
notesCount Int! Total count of user-created notes for this design.
project Project! Project the design belongs to.
webUrl String! URL of the design.

Fields with arguments


To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.

All versions related to this design ordered newest first.

Returns DesignVersionConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
earlierOrEqualToId DesignManagementVersionID Global ID of the most recent acceptable version.
earlierOrEqualToSha String SHA256 of the most recent acceptable version.


A design pinned to a specific version. The image field reflects the design as of the associated version.


Name Type Description
design Design! Underlying design.
diffRefs DiffRefs! Diff refs for this design.
event DesignVersionEvent! How this design was changed in the current version.
filename String! Filename of the design.
fullPath String! Full path to the design file.
id ID! ID of this design.
image String! URL of the full-sized image.
imageV432x230 String The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be null if the image has not been generated.
issue Issue! Issue the design belongs to.
notesCount Int! Total count of user-created notes for this design.
project Project! Project the design belongs to.
version DesignVersion! Version this design-at-versions is pinned to.


A collection of designs.


Name Type Description
copyState DesignCollectionCopyState Copy state of the design collection.
issue Issue! Issue associated with the design collection.
project Project! Project associated with the design collection.

Fields with arguments

Find a specific design.

Returns Design.

Name Type Description
filename String Find a design by its filename.
id DesignManagementDesignID Find a design by its ID.

Find a design as of a version.

Returns DesignAtVersion.

Name Type Description
id DesignManagementDesignAtVersionID! Global ID of the design at this version.

All designs for the design collection.

Returns DesignConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
atVersion DesignManagementVersionID Filters designs to only those that existed at the version. If argument is omitted or nil then all designs will reflect the latest version.
filenames [String!] Filters designs by their filename.
ids [DesignManagementDesignID!] Filters designs by their ID.

A specific version.

Returns DesignVersion.

Name Type Description
id DesignManagementVersionID Global ID of the version.
sha String SHA256 of a specific version.

All versions related to all designs, ordered newest first.

Returns DesignVersionConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
earlierOrEqualToId DesignManagementVersionID Global ID of the most recent acceptable version.
earlierOrEqualToSha String SHA256 of the most recent acceptable version.


Fields with arguments


Find a design as of a version.

Returns DesignAtVersion.

Name Type Description
id DesignManagementDesignAtVersionID! Global ID of the design at this version.

Find a version.

Returns DesignVersion.

Name Type Description
id DesignManagementVersionID! Global ID of the version.


A specific version in which designs were added, modified or deleted.


Name Type Description
author UserCore! Author of the version.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the version was created.
designs DesignConnection! All designs that were changed in the version. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the design version.
sha ID! SHA of the design version.

Fields with arguments


A particular design as of this version, provided it is visible at this version.

Returns DesignAtVersion!.

Name Type Description
designId DesignManagementDesignID ID of a specific design.
filename String Filename of a specific design.
id DesignManagementDesignAtVersionID ID of the DesignAtVersion.

All designs that are visible at this version, as of this version.

Returns DesignAtVersionConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
filenames [String!] Filters designs by their filename.
ids [DesignManagementDesignID!] Filters designs by their ID.



Name Type Description
action StatusAction Action information for the status. This includes method, button title, icon, path, and title.
detailsPath String Path of the details for the status.
favicon String Favicon of the status.
group String Group of the status.
hasDetails Boolean Indicates if the status has further details.
icon String Icon of the status.
id String! ID for a detailed status.
label String Label of the status.
text String Text of the status.
tooltip String Tooltip associated with the status.


Enabled namespace for DevopsAdoption.


Name Type Description
displayNamespace Namespace Namespace where data should be displayed.
id ID! ID of the enabled namespace.
latestSnapshot DevopsAdoptionSnapshot Metrics snapshot for previous month for the enabled namespace.
namespace Namespace Namespace which should be calculated.

Fields with arguments


Data snapshots of the namespace.

Returns DevopsAdoptionSnapshotConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endTimeAfter Time Filter to snapshots with month end after the provided date.
endTimeBefore Time Filter to snapshots with month end before the provided date.




Name Type Description
codeOwnersUsedCount Int Total number of projects with existing CODEOWNERS file.
coverageFuzzingEnabledCount Int Total number of projects with enabled coverage fuzzing.
dastEnabledCount Int Total number of projects with enabled DAST.
dependencyScanningEnabledCount Int Total number of projects with enabled dependency scanning.
deploySucceeded Boolean! At least one deployment succeeded.
endTime Time! End time for the snapshot where the data points were collected.
issueOpened Boolean! At least one issue was opened.
mergeRequestApproved Boolean! At least one merge request was approved.
mergeRequestOpened Boolean! At least one merge request was opened.
pipelineSucceeded Boolean! At least one pipeline succeeded.
recordedAt Time! Time the snapshot was recorded.
runnerConfigured Boolean! At least one runner was used.
sastEnabledCount Int Total number of projects with enabled SAST.
startTime Time! Start time for the snapshot where the data points were collected.
totalProjectsCount Int Total number of projects.
vulnerabilityManagementUsedCount Int Total number of projects with vulnerability management used at least once.



Name Type Description
diffRefs DiffRefs! Information about the branch, HEAD, and base at the time of commenting.
filePath String! Path of the file that was changed.
height Int Total height of the image.
newLine Int Line on HEAD SHA that was changed.
newPath String Path of the file on the HEAD SHA.
oldLine Int Line on start SHA that was changed.
oldPath String Path of the file on the start SHA.
positionType DiffPositionType! Type of file the position refers to.
width Int Total width of the image.
x Int X position of the note.
y Int Y position of the note.



Name Type Description
baseSha String Merge base of the branch the comment was made on.
headSha String! SHA of the HEAD at the time the comment was made.
startSha String! SHA of the branch being compared against.


Changes to a single file.


Name Type Description
additions Int! Number of lines added to this file.
deletions Int! Number of lines deleted from this file.
path String! File path, relative to repository root.


Aggregated summary of changes.


Name Type Description
additions Int! Number of lines added.
changes Int! Number of lines changed.
deletions Int! Number of lines deleted.
fileCount Int! Number of files changed.



Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp of the discussion's creation.
id DiscussionID! ID of this discussion.
noteable NoteableType Object which the discussion belongs to.
notes NoteConnection! All notes in the discussion. (see Connections)
replyId DiscussionID! ID used to reply to this discussion.
resolvable Boolean! Indicates if the object can be resolved.
resolved Boolean! Indicates if the object is resolved.
resolvedAt Time Timestamp of when the object was resolved.
resolvedBy UserCore User who resolved the object.


All information related to DORA metrics.

Fields with arguments


DORA metrics for the current group or project.

Returns [DoraMetric!].

Name Type Description
endDate Date Date range to end at. Default is the current date.
environmentTier {warning-solid} DeploymentTier Deprecated in 15.2. Superseded by environment_tiers param.
environmentTiers [DeploymentTier!] Deployment tiers of the environments to return. Defaults to [PRODUCTION].
interval DoraMetricBucketingInterval How the metric should be aggregated. Defaults to DAILY. In the case of ALL, the date field in the response will be null.
metric {warning-solid} DoraMetricType Deprecated in 15.10. Superseded by metrics fields. See DoraMetric type.
startDate Date Date range to start from. Default is 3 months ago.



Name Type Description
changeFailureRate Float Percentage of deployments that caused incidents in production.
date String Date of the data point.
deploymentFrequency Float Number of deployments per day.
leadTimeForChanges Float Median time to deploy a merged merge request.
timeToRestoreService Float Median time to close an incident.
value {warning-solid} Float Deprecated in 15.10. Moved to corresponding metric field.



Name Type Description
artifactsEgress BigInt! Artifacts egress for that project in that period of time.
date String! First day of the node range. There is one node per month.
packagesEgress BigInt! Packages egress for that project in that period of time.
registryEgress BigInt! Registery egress for that project in that period of time.
repositoryEgress BigInt! Repository egress for that project in that period of time.
totalEgress BigInt! Total egress for that project in that period of time.



Name Type Description
confirmedAt Time Timestamp the email was confirmed.
createdAt Time! Timestamp the email was created.
email String! Email address.
id ID! Internal ID of the email.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the email was last updated.


Describes where code is deployed for a project.


Name Type Description
autoDeleteAt Time When the environment is going to be deleted automatically.
autoStopAt Time When the environment is going to be stopped automatically.
createdAt Time When the environment was created.
deployFreezes [CiFreezePeriod!] Deployment freeze periods of the environment.
environmentType String Folder name of the environment.
externalUrl String External URL of the environment.
id ID! ID of the environment.
latestOpenedMostSevereAlert AlertManagementAlert Most severe open alert for the environment. If multiple alerts have equal severity, the most recent is returned.
name String! Human-readable name of the environment.
path String! Path to the environment.
protectedEnvironments ProtectedEnvironmentConnection Protected Environments for the environment. (see Connections)
slug String Slug of the environment.
state String! State of the environment, for example: available/stopped.
tier DeploymentTier Deployment tier of the environment.
updatedAt Time When the environment was updated.
userPermissions EnvironmentPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource. This field can only be resolved for one environment in any single request.

Fields with arguments


Deployments of the environment. This field can only be resolved for one environment in any single request.

Returns DeploymentConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
orderBy DeploymentsOrderByInput Order by a specified field.
statuses [DeploymentStatus!] Statuses of the deployments.

Last deployment of the environment.

Returns Deployment.

Name Type Description
status DeploymentStatus! Status of the Deployment.

Metrics dashboard schema for the environment.

Returns MetricsDashboard.

Name Type Description
path String! Path to a file which defines a metrics dashboard eg: "config/prometheus/common_metrics.yml".



Name Type Description
destroyEnvironment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_environment on this resource.
stopEnvironment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform stop_environment on this resource.
updateEnvironment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_environment on this resource.


Represents an epic.


Name Type Description
author UserCore! Author of the epic.
awardEmoji AwardEmojiConnection List of award emojis associated with the epic. (see Connections)
blocked Boolean Indicates the epic is blocked.
blockedByCount Int Count of epics blocking this epic.
blockedByEpics EpicConnection Epics blocking this epic. (see Connections)
blockingCount Int Count of epics that this epic is blocking.
closedAt Time Timestamp of when the epic was closed.
color String Color of the epic. Returns null if epic_color_highlight feature flag is disabled.
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
confidential Boolean Indicates if the epic is confidential.
createdAt Time Timestamp of when the epic was created.
defaultProjectForIssueCreation Project Default Project for issue creation. Based on the project the user created the last issue in.
descendantCounts EpicDescendantCount Number of open and closed descendant epics and issues.
descendantWeightSum EpicDescendantWeights Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants.
description String Description of the epic.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
downvotes Int! Number of downvotes the epic has received.
dueDate Time Due date of the epic.
dueDateFixed Time Fixed due date of the epic.
dueDateFromInheritedSource Time Inherited due date of the epic from child epics or milestones.
dueDateFromMilestones Time Inherited due date of the epic from milestones.
dueDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates if the due date has been manually set.
events EventConnection List of events associated with the object. (see Connections)
group Group! Group to which the epic belongs.
hasChildren Boolean! Indicates if the epic has children.
hasIssues Boolean! Indicates if the epic has direct issues.
hasParent Boolean! Indicates if the epic has a parent epic.
healthStatus EpicHealthStatus Current health status of the epic.
id ID! ID of the epic.
iid ID! Internal ID of the epic.
issues EpicIssueConnection A list of issues associated with the epic. (see Connections)
labels LabelConnection Labels assigned to the epic. (see Connections)
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
parent Epic Parent epic of the epic.
participants UserCoreConnection List of participants for the epic. (see Connections)
relationPath String URI path of the epic-issue relationship.
relativePosition Int Relative position of the epic in the epic tree.
startDate Time Start date of the epic.
startDateFixed Time Fixed start date of the epic.
startDateFromInheritedSource Time Inherited start date of the epic from child epics or milestones.
startDateFromMilestones Time Inherited start date of the epic from milestones.
startDateIsFixed Boolean Indicates if the start date has been manually set.
state EpicState! State of the epic.
subscribed Boolean! Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic.
textColor String Text color generated for the epic. Returns null if epic_color_highlight feature flag is disabled.
title String Title of the epic.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
updatedAt Time Timestamp of when the epic was updated.
upvotes Int! Number of upvotes the epic has received.
userDiscussionsCount Int! Number of user discussions in the epic.
userNotesCount Int! Number of user notes of the epic.
userPermissions EpicPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
webPath String! Web path of the epic.
webUrl String! Web URL of the epic.

Fields with arguments


Ancestors (parents) of the epic.

Returns EpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter epics by author.
confidential Boolean Filter epics by given confidentiality.
createdAfter Time Epics created after this date.
createdBefore Time Epics created before this date.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
iid ID IID of the epic, e.g., "1".
iidStartsWith String Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.
iids [ID!] List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include epics from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include epics from descendant groups.
labelName [String!] Filter epics by labels.
milestoneTitle String Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
not NegatedEpicFilterInput Negated epic arguments.
or {warning-solid} UnionedEpicFilterInput Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort EpicSort List epics by sort order.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state EpicState Filter epics by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
topLevelHierarchyOnly Boolean Filter epics with a top-level hierarchy.
updatedAfter Time Epics updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Epics updated before this date.

Children (sub-epics) of the epic.

Returns EpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter epics by author.
confidential Boolean Filter epics by given confidentiality.
createdAfter Time Epics created after this date.
createdBefore Time Epics created before this date.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
iid ID IID of the epic, e.g., "1".
iidStartsWith String Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.
iids [ID!] List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include child epics from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include epics from descendant groups.
labelName [String!] Filter epics by labels.
milestoneTitle String Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
not NegatedEpicFilterInput Negated epic arguments.
or {warning-solid} UnionedEpicFilterInput Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort EpicSort List epics by sort order.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state EpicState Filter epics by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
topLevelHierarchyOnly Boolean Filter epics with a top-level hierarchy.
updatedAfter Time Epics updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Epics updated before this date.

To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.

Internal reference of the epic. Returned in shortened format by default.

Returns String!.

Name Type Description
full Boolean Indicates if the reference should be returned in full.


Represents an epic board.


Name Type Description
hideBacklogList Boolean Whether or not backlog list is hidden.
hideClosedList Boolean Whether or not closed list is hidden.
id BoardsEpicBoardID! Global ID of the epic board.
labels LabelConnection Labels of the board. (see Connections)
name String Name of the epic board.
webPath String! Web path of the epic board.
webUrl String! Web URL of the epic board.

Fields with arguments


Epic board lists.

Returns EpicListConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
epicFilters EpicFilters Filters applied when getting epic metadata in the epic board list.
id BoardsEpicListID Find an epic board list by ID.


Counts of descendent epics.


Name Type Description
closedEpics Int Number of closed child epics.
closedIssues Int Number of closed epic issues.
openedEpics Int Number of opened child epics.
openedIssues Int Number of opened epic issues.


Total weight of open and closed descendant issues.


Name Type Description
closedIssues Int Total weight of completed (closed) issues in this epic, including epic descendants.
openedIssues Int Total weight of opened issues in this epic, including epic descendants.


Health status of child issues.


Name Type Description
issuesAtRisk Int Number of issues at risk.
issuesNeedingAttention Int Number of issues that need attention.
issuesOnTrack Int Number of issues on track.


Relationship between an epic and an issue.


Name Type Description
alertManagementAlert {warning-solid} AlertManagementAlert Deprecated in 15.6. Use alert_management_alerts.
assignees UserCoreConnection Assignees of the issue. (see Connections)
author UserCore! User that created the issue.
blocked Boolean! Indicates the issue is blocked.
blockedByCount Int Count of issues blocking this issue.
blockedByIssues IssueConnection Issues blocking this issue. (see Connections)
blockingCount Int! Count of issues this issue is blocking.
closedAsDuplicateOf Issue Issue this issue was closed as a duplicate of.
closedAt Time Timestamp of when the issue was closed.
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
confidential Boolean! Indicates the issue is confidential.
createNoteEmail String User specific email address for the issue.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the issue was created.
customerRelationsContacts CustomerRelationsContactConnection Customer relations contacts of the issue. (see Connections)
description String Description of the issue.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
designCollection DesignCollection Collection of design images associated with this issue.
discussionLocked Boolean! Indicates discussion is locked on the issue.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
downvotes Int! Number of downvotes the issue has received.
dueDate Time Due date of the issue.
emailsDisabled Boolean! Indicates if a project has email notifications disabled: true if email notifications are disabled.
epic Epic Epic to which this issue belongs.
epicIssueId ID! ID of the epic-issue relation.
escalationPolicy EscalationPolicyType Escalation policy associated with the issue. Available for issues which support escalation.
escalationStatus IssueEscalationStatus Escalation status of the issue.
hasEpic Boolean! Indicates if the issue belongs to an epic. Can return true and not show an associated epic when the user has no access to the epic.
healthStatus HealthStatus Current health status.
hidden Boolean Indicates the issue is hidden because the author has been banned.
humanTimeEstimate String Human-readable time estimate of the issue.
humanTotalTimeSpent String Human-readable total time reported as spent on the issue.
id ID Global ID of the epic-issue relation.
iid ID! Internal ID of the issue.
iteration Iteration Iteration of the issue.
labels LabelConnection Labels of the issue. (see Connections)
mergeRequestsCount Int! Number of merge requests that close the issue on merge.
metricImages [MetricImage!] Metric images associated to the issue.
milestone Milestone Milestone of the issue.
moved Boolean Indicates if issue got moved from other project.
movedTo Issue Updated Issue after it got moved to another project.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
participants UserCoreConnection List of participants in the issue. (see Connections)
projectId Int! ID of the issue project.
relatedMergeRequests MergeRequestConnection Merge requests related to the issue. This field can only be resolved for one issue in any single request. (see Connections)
relatedVulnerabilities VulnerabilityConnection Related vulnerabilities of the issue. (see Connections)
relationPath String URI path of the epic-issue relation.
relativePosition Int Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards).
severity IssuableSeverity Severity level of the incident.
slaDueAt Time Timestamp of when the issue SLA expires.
state IssueState! State of the issue.
statusPagePublishedIncident Boolean Indicates whether an issue is published to the status page.
subscribed Boolean! Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue.
taskCompletionStatus TaskCompletionStatus! Task completion status of the issue.
timeEstimate Int! Time estimate of the issue.
timelogs TimelogConnection! Timelogs on the issue. (see Connections)
title String! Title of the issue.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
totalTimeSpent Int! Total time reported as spent on the issue.
type IssueType Type of the issue.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the issue was last updated.
updatedBy UserCore User that last updated the issue.
upvotes Int! Number of upvotes the issue has received.
userDiscussionsCount Int! Number of user discussions in the issue.
userNotesCount Int! Number of user notes of the issue.
userPermissions IssuePermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
webPath String! Web path of the issue.
webUrl String! Web URL of the issue.
weight Int Weight of the issue.

Fields with arguments


Alert Management alerts associated to this issue.

Returns AlertManagementAlertConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of a user assigned to the issue.
domain AlertManagementDomainFilter! Filter query for given domain.
iid String IID of the alert. For example, "1".
search String Search query for title, description, service, or monitoring_tool.
sort AlertManagementAlertSort Sort alerts by this criteria.
statuses [AlertManagementStatus!] Alerts with the specified statues. For example, [TRIGGERED].

To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.

Issuable resource links of the incident issue.

Returns IssuableResourceLinkConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
incidentId IssueID! ID of the incident.

Internal reference of the issue. Returned in shortened format by default.

Returns String!.

Name Type Description
full Boolean Boolean option specifying whether the reference should be returned in full.


Represents an epic board list.


Name Type Description
collapsed Boolean Indicates if this list is collapsed for this user.
epicsCount {warning-solid} Int Deprecated in 14.9. This was renamed. Use: metadata.
id BoardsEpicListID! Global ID of the board list.
label Label Label of the list.
listType String! Type of the list.
metadata EpicListMetadata Epic list metatada.
position Int Position of the list within the board.
title String! Title of the list.

Fields with arguments


List epics.

Returns EpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
filters EpicFilters Filters applied when selecting epics in the board list.


Represents epic board list metadata.


Name Type Description
epicsCount Int Count of epics in the list.
totalWeight {warning-solid} Int Introduced in 14.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Total weight of all issues in the list.


Check permissions for the current user on an epic.


Name Type Description
adminEpic Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_epic on this resource.
awardEmoji Boolean! Indicates the user can perform award_emoji on this resource.
createEpic Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_epic on this resource.
createNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_note on this resource.
destroyEpic Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_epic on this resource.
readEpic Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_epic on this resource.
readEpicIid Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_epic_iid on this resource.
updateEpic Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_epic on this resource.


Represents an escalation policy.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the escalation policy.
id IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID ID of the escalation policy.
name String Name of the escalation policy.
rules [EscalationRuleType!] Steps of the escalation policy.


Represents an escalation rule for an escalation policy.


Name Type Description
elapsedTimeSeconds Int Time in seconds before the rule is activated.
id IncidentManagementEscalationRuleID ID of the escalation policy.
oncallSchedule IncidentManagementOncallSchedule On-call schedule to notify.
status EscalationRuleStatus Status required to prevent the rule from activating.
user UserCore User to notify.


Representing an event.


Name Type Description
action EventAction! Action of the event.
author UserCore! Author of this event.
createdAt Time! When this event was created.
id ID! ID of the event.
updatedAt Time! When this event was updated.


Represents an external resource to send audit events to.


Name Type Description
destinationUrl String! External destination to send audit events to.
eventTypeFilters [String!]! List of event type filters added for streaming.
group Group! Group the destination belongs to.
headers AuditEventStreamingHeaderConnection! List of additional HTTP headers sent with each event. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the destination.
verificationToken String! Verification token to validate source of event.


Represents an external issue.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp of when the issue was created.
externalTracker String Type of external tracker.
relativeReference String Relative reference of the issue in the external tracker.
status String Status of the issue in the external tracker.
title String Title of the issue in the external tracker.
updatedAt Time Timestamp of when the issue was updated.
webUrl String URL to the issue in the external tracker.


Describes an external status check.


Name Type Description
externalUrl String! External URL for the status check.
id GlobalID! ID of the rule.
name String! Name of the rule.



Name Type Description
id UploadID! Global ID of the upload.
path String! Path of the upload.
size Int! Size of the upload in bytes.


Details of the fork project compared to its upstream project.


Name Type Description
ahead Int Number of commits ahead of upstream.
behind Int Number of commits behind upstream.
hasConflicts Boolean Indicates if the fork conflicts with its upstream project.
isSyncing Boolean Indicates if there is a synchronization in progress.



Name Type Description
containerRepositoriesMaxCapacity Int Maximum concurrency of container repository sync for this secondary node.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether this Geo node is enabled.
filesMaxCapacity Int Maximum concurrency of LFS/attachment backfill for this secondary node.
id ID! ID of this GeoNode.
internalUrl String URL defined on the primary node secondary nodes should use to contact it.
minimumReverificationInterval Int Interval (in days) in which the repository verification is valid. After expiry, it is reverted.
name String Unique identifier for this Geo node.
primary Boolean Indicates whether this Geo node is the primary.
reposMaxCapacity Int Maximum concurrency of repository backfill for this secondary node.
selectiveSyncNamespaces NamespaceConnection Namespaces that should be synced, if selective_sync_type == namespaces. (see Connections)
selectiveSyncShards [String!] Repository storages whose projects should be synced, if selective_sync_type == shards.
selectiveSyncType String Indicates if syncing is limited to only specific groups, or shards.
syncObjectStorage Boolean Indicates if this secondary node will replicate blobs in Object Storage.
url String User-facing URL for this Geo node.
verificationMaxCapacity Int Maximum concurrency of repository verification for this secondary node.

Fields with arguments


Find Ci Secure File registries on this Geo node.

Returns CiSecureFileRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find Container Repository registries on this Geo node.

Returns ContainerRepositoryRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find Dependency Proxy Blob registries on this Geo node.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns DependencyProxyBlobRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find Dependency Proxy Manifest registries on this Geo node.

Returns DependencyProxyManifestRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find group wiki repository registries on this Geo node.

Returns GroupWikiRepositoryRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find Job Artifact registries on this Geo node.

Returns JobArtifactRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find LFS object registries on this Geo node.

Returns LfsObjectRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find merge request diff registries on this Geo node.

Returns MergeRequestDiffRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Package file registries of the GeoNode.

Returns PackageFileRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find Pages Deployment registries on this Geo node.

Returns PagesDeploymentRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find pipeline artifact registries on this Geo node.

Returns PipelineArtifactRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find snippet repository registries on this Geo node.

Returns SnippetRepositoryRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find terraform state version registries on this Geo node.

Returns TerraformStateVersionRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.

Find Upload registries on this Geo node.

Returns UploadRegistryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filters registries by their ID.
keyword String Filters registries by their attributes using a keyword.
replicationState ReplicationStateEnum Filters registries by their replication state.
verificationState VerificationStateEnum Filters registries by their verification state.


GPG signature for a signed commit.


Name Type Description
commitSha String SHA of the associated commit.
gpgKeyPrimaryKeyid String ID of the GPG key.
gpgKeyUserEmail String User email associated with the GPG key.
gpgKeyUserName String User name associated with the GPG key.
project Project Project of the associated commit.
user UserCore User associated with the key.
verificationStatus VerificationStatus Indicates verification status of the associated key or certificate.



Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp of the issue's creation.
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether Grafana integration is enabled.
grafanaUrl String! URL for the Grafana host for the Grafana integration.
id ID! Internal ID of the Grafana integration.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of the issue's last activity.



Name Type Description
achievements {warning-solid} AchievementConnection Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the namespace. Returns null if the achievements feature flag is disabled.
actualRepositorySizeLimit Float Size limit for repositories in the namespace in bytes.
additionalPurchasedStorageSize Float Additional storage purchased for the root namespace in bytes.
allowStaleRunnerPruning Boolean! Indicates whether to regularly prune stale group runners. Defaults to false.
autoDevopsEnabled Boolean Indicates whether Auto DevOps is enabled for all projects within this group.
avatarUrl String Avatar URL of the group.
containerRepositoriesCount Int! Number of container repositories in the group.
containsLockedProjects Boolean! Includes at least one project where the repository size exceeds the limit.
crossProjectPipelineAvailable Boolean! Indicates if the cross_project_pipeline feature is available for the namespace.
customEmoji {warning-solid} CustomEmojiConnection Introduced in 13.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Custom emoji within this namespace.
dependencyProxyBlobCount Int! Number of dependency proxy blobs cached in the group.
dependencyProxyBlobs DependencyProxyBlobConnection Dependency Proxy blobs. (see Connections)
dependencyProxyImageCount Int! Number of dependency proxy images cached in the group.
dependencyProxyImagePrefix String! Prefix for pulling images when using the dependency proxy.
dependencyProxyImageTtlPolicy DependencyProxyImageTtlGroupPolicy Dependency proxy TTL policy for the group.
dependencyProxyManifests DependencyProxyManifestConnection Dependency Proxy manifests. (see Connections)
dependencyProxySetting DependencyProxySetting Dependency Proxy settings for the group.
dependencyProxyTotalSize String! Total size of the dependency proxy cached images.
description String Description of the namespace.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
dora Dora Group's DORA metrics.
emailsDisabled Boolean Indicates if a group has email notifications disabled.
enforceFreeUserCap Boolean Indicates whether the group has limited users for a free plan.
epicBoards EpicBoardConnection Find epic boards. (see Connections)
epicsEnabled Boolean Indicates if Epics are enabled for namespace.
externalAuditEventDestinations ExternalAuditEventDestinationConnection External locations that receive audit events belonging to the group. (see Connections)
flowMetrics {warning-solid} GroupValueStreamAnalyticsFlowMetrics Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Flow metrics for value stream analytics.
fullName String! Full name of the namespace.
fullPath ID! Full path of the namespace.
id ID! ID of the namespace.
isTemporaryStorageIncreaseEnabled Boolean! Status of the temporary storage increase.
lfsEnabled Boolean Indicates if Large File Storage (LFS) is enabled for namespace.
mentionsDisabled Boolean Indicates if a group is disabled from getting mentioned.
name String! Name of the namespace.
packageSettings PackageSettings Package settings for the namespace.
parent Group Parent group.
path String! Path of the namespace.
projectCreationLevel String Permission level required to create projects in the group.
recentIssueBoards BoardConnection List of recently visited boards of the group. Maximum size is 4. (see Connections)
repositorySizeExcessProjectCount Int! Number of projects in the root namespace where the repository size exceeds the limit.
requestAccessEnabled Boolean Indicates if users can request access to namespace.
requireTwoFactorAuthentication Boolean Indicates if all users in this group are required to set up two-factor authentication.
rootStorageStatistics RootStorageStatistics Aggregated storage statistics of the namespace. Only available for root namespaces.
shareWithGroupLock Boolean Indicates if sharing a project with another group within this group is prevented.
sharedRunnersSetting SharedRunnersSetting Shared runners availability for the namespace and its descendants.
stats GroupStats Group statistics.
storageSizeLimit Float Total storage limit of the root namespace in bytes.
subgroupCreationLevel String Permission level required to create subgroups within the group.
temporaryStorageIncreaseEndsOn Time Date until the temporary storage increase is active.
timelogCategories {warning-solid} TimeTrackingTimelogCategoryConnection Introduced in 15.3. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Timelog categories for the namespace.
totalRepositorySize Float Total repository size of all projects in the root namespace in bytes.
totalRepositorySizeExcess Float Total excess repository size of all projects in the root namespace in bytes.
twoFactorGracePeriod Int Time before two-factor authentication is enforced.
userPermissions GroupPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
visibility String Visibility of the namespace.
vulnerabilityScanners VulnerabilityScannerConnection Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilities of the group and its subgroups. (see Connections)
webUrl String! Web URL of the group.

Fields with arguments


Number of billable users in the group.

Returns Int.

Name Type Description
requestedHostedPlan String Plan from which to get billable members.

A single board of the group.

Returns Board.

Name Type Description
id BoardID! ID of the board.

Boards of the group.

Returns BoardConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id BoardID Find a board by its ID.

List of the group's CI/CD variables.

Returns CiGroupVariableConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
sort CiVariableSort Sort order of results.

Cluster agents associated with projects in the group and its subgroups.

Returns ClusterAgentConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
hasVulnerabilities Boolean Returns only cluster agents which have vulnerabilities.

Represents the code coverage activity for this group.

Returns CodeCoverageActivityConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
startDate Date! First day for which to fetch code coverage activity (maximum time window is set to 90 days).

Compliance frameworks available to projects in this namespace.

Returns ComplianceFrameworkConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id ComplianceManagementFrameworkID Global ID of a specific compliance framework to return.

Counts of contacts by state for the group.

Returns ContactStateCounts.

Name Type Description
search String Search term to find contacts with.
state CustomerRelationsContactState State of the contacts to search for.

Find contacts of this group.

Returns CustomerRelationsContactConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [CustomerRelationsContactID!] Filter contacts by IDs.
search String Search term to find contacts with.
sort ContactSort Criteria to sort contacts by.
state CustomerRelationsContactState State of the contacts to search for.

Container repositories of the group.

Returns ContainerRepositoryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Filter the container repositories by their name.
sort ContainerRepositorySort Sort container repositories by this criteria.

Provides the aggregated contributions by users within the group and its subgroups.

Returns ContributionAnalyticsContributionConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
from ISO8601Date! Start date of the reporting time range.
to ISO8601Date! End date of the reporting time range. The end date must be within 93 days after the start date.

Data transfer data point for a specific period. This is mocked data under a development feature flag.

Returns GroupDataTransfer.

Name Type Description
from Date Retain egress data for 1 year. Current month will increase dynamically as egress occurs.
to Date End date for the data.

List of descendant groups of this group.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
includeParentDescendants Boolean List of descendant groups of the parent group.
owned Boolean Limit result to groups owned by authenticated user.
search String Search query for group name or group full path.

Find a single epic.

Returns Epic.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter epics by author.
confidential Boolean Filter epics by given confidentiality.
createdAfter Time Epics created after this date.
createdBefore Time Epics created before this date.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
iid ID IID of the epic, e.g., "1".
iidStartsWith String Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.
iids [ID!] List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include epics from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include epics from descendant groups.
labelName [String!] Filter epics by labels.
milestoneTitle String Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
not NegatedEpicFilterInput Negated epic arguments.
or {warning-solid} UnionedEpicFilterInput Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort EpicSort List epics by sort order.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state EpicState Filter epics by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
topLevelHierarchyOnly Boolean Filter epics with a top-level hierarchy.
updatedAfter Time Epics updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Epics updated before this date.

Find a single epic board.

Returns EpicBoard.

Name Type Description
id BoardsEpicBoardID! Find an epic board by ID.

Find epics.

Returns EpicConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter epics by author.
confidential Boolean Filter epics by given confidentiality.
createdAfter Time Epics created after this date.
createdBefore Time Epics created before this date.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
iid ID IID of the epic, e.g., "1".
iidStartsWith String Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.
iids [ID!] List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include epics from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include epics from descendant groups.
labelName [String!] Filter epics by labels.
milestoneTitle String Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
not NegatedEpicFilterInput Negated epic arguments.
or {warning-solid} UnionedEpicFilterInput Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort EpicSort List epics by sort order.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state EpicState Filter epics by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
topLevelHierarchyOnly Boolean Filter epics with a top-level hierarchy.
updatedAfter Time Epics updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Epics updated before this date.

Preview Billable User Changes.

Returns PreviewBillableUserChange.

Name Type Description
addGroupId Int Group ID to add.
addUserEmails [String!] User emails to add.
addUserIds [Int!] User IDs to add.
role GitlabSubscriptionsUserRole! Role of users being added to group.

A membership of a user within this group.

Returns GroupMemberConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
accessLevels [AccessLevelEnum!] Filter members by the given access levels.
relations [GroupMemberRelation!] Filter members by the given member relations.
search String Search query.
sort MemberSort sort query.

Issues for projects in this group.

Returns IssueConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeId String ID of a user assigned to the issues. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
assigneeUsername {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.11. Use assigneeUsernames.
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
closedAfter Time Issues closed after this date.
closedBefore Time Issues closed before this date.
confidential Boolean Filter for confidential issues. If "false", excludes confidential issues. If "true", returns only confidential issues.
createdAfter Time Issues created after this date.
createdBefore Time Issues created before this date.
crmContactId String ID of a contact assigned to the issues.
crmOrganizationId String ID of an organization assigned to the issues.
epicId String ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported.
healthStatus {warning-solid} HealthStatus Deprecated in 15.4. Use healthStatusFilter.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatusFilter Health status of the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.
iid String IID of the issue. For example, "1".
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeArchived Boolean Return issues from archived projects.
includeSubepics Boolean Whether to include subepics when filtering issues by epicId.
includeSubgroups Boolean Include issues belonging to subgroups.
iterationId [ID] List of iteration Global IDs applied to the issue.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Labels applied to this issue.
milestoneTitle [String] Milestone applied to this issue.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter issues by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedIssueFilterInput Negated arguments.
or UnionedIssueFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort IssueSort Sort issues by this criteria.
state IssuableState Current state of this issue.
types [IssueType!] Filter issues by the given issue types.
updatedAfter Time Issues updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Issues updated before this date.
weight String Weight applied to the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.

Find iteration cadences.

Returns IterationCadenceConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the iteration cadence is active.
automatic Boolean Whether the iteration cadence should automatically generate upcoming iterations.
durationInWeeks Int Duration in weeks of the iterations within this cadence.
id IterationsCadenceID Global ID of the iteration cadence to look up.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Whether to include ancestor groups to search iterations cadences in.
title String Fuzzy search by title.

Find iterations.

Returns IterationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
id ID Global ID of the Iteration to look up.
iid ID Internal ID of the Iteration to look up.
in [IterationSearchableField!] Fields in which the fuzzy-search should be performed with the query given in the argument search. Defaults to [title].
includeAncestors Boolean Whether to include ancestor iterations. Defaults to true.
iterationCadenceIds [IterationsCadenceID!] Global iteration cadence IDs by which to look up the iterations.
search String Query used for fuzzy-searching in the fields selected in the argument in. Returns all iterations if empty.
sort IterationSort List iterations by sort order. If unspecified, an arbitrary order (subject to change) is used.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state IterationState Filter iterations by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
title {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.4. The argument will be removed in 15.4. Please use search and in fields instead.

Label available on this group.

Returns Label.

Name Type Description
title String! Title of the label.

Labels available on this group.

Returns LabelConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include labels from ancestor groups.
includeDescendantGroups Boolean Include labels from descendant groups.
onlyGroupLabels Boolean Include only group level labels.
searchTerm String Search term to find labels with.

Compliance violations reported on merge requests merged within the group.

Returns ComplianceViolationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
filters ComplianceViolationInput Filters applied when retrieving compliance violations.
sort ComplianceViolationSort List compliance violations by sort order.

Merge requests for projects in this group.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
includeArchived Boolean Return merge requests from archived projects.
includeSubgroups Boolean Include merge requests belonging to subgroups.
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Milestones of the group.

Returns MilestoneConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
containingDate Time Date the milestone contains.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
ids [ID!] Array of global milestone IDs, e.g., "gid://gitlab/Milestone/1".
includeAncestors Boolean Include milestones from all parent groups.
includeDescendants Boolean Include milestones from all subgroups and subprojects.
searchTitle String Search string for the title.
sort MilestoneSort Sort milestones by this criteria.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state MilestoneStateEnum Filter milestones by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
title String Title of the milestone.

Counts of organizations by status for the group.

Returns OrganizationStateCounts.

Name Type Description
search String Search term to find organizations with.
state CustomerRelationsOrganizationState State of the organizations to search for.

Find organizations of this group.

Returns CustomerRelationsOrganizationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [CustomerRelationsOrganizationID!] Filter organizations by IDs.
search String Search term used to find organizations with.
sort OrganizationSort Criteria to sort organizations by.
state CustomerRelationsOrganizationState State of the organization to search for.

Packages of the group. This field can only be resolved for one group in any single request.

Returns PackageConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
includeVersionless Boolean Include versionless packages.
packageName String Search a package by name.
packageType PackageTypeEnum Filter a package by type.
sort PackageGroupSort Sort packages by this criteria.
status PackageStatus Filter a package by status.

Projects within this namespace.

Returns ProjectConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
complianceFrameworkFilters ComplianceFrameworkFilters Filters applied when selecting a compliance framework.
hasCodeCoverage Boolean Returns only the projects which have code coverage.
hasVulnerabilities Boolean Returns only the projects which have vulnerabilities.
ids [ID!] Filter projects by IDs.
includeSubgroups Boolean Include also subgroup projects.
search String Search project with most similar names or paths.
sort NamespaceProjectSort Sort projects by this criteria.
withIssuesEnabled Boolean Return only projects with issues enabled.
withMergeRequestsEnabled Boolean Return only projects with merge requests enabled.

Releases belonging to projects in the group.

Returns ReleaseConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
sort GroupReleaseSort Sort group releases by given criteria.

Find runners visible to the current user.

Returns CiRunnerConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
active {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 14.8. This was renamed. Use: paused.
membership CiRunnerMembershipFilter Control which runners to include in the results.
paused Boolean Filter runners by paused (true) or active (false) status.
search String Filter by full token or partial text in description field.
sort CiRunnerSort Sort order of results.
status CiRunnerStatus Filter runners by status.
tagList [String!] Filter by tags associated with the runner (comma-separated or array).
type CiRunnerType Filter runners by type.
upgradeStatus CiRunnerUpgradeStatus Filter by upgrade status.

Scan Execution Policies of the namespace.

Returns ScanExecutionPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
actionScanTypes [SecurityReportTypeEnum!] Filters policies by the action scan type. Only these scan types are supported: dast, secret_detection, cluster_image_scanning, container_scanning, sast, sast_iac, dependency_scanning.
relationship SecurityPolicyRelationType Filter policies by the given policy relationship.

Scan Result Policies of the project.

Returns ScanResultPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
relationship SecurityPolicyRelationType Filter policies by the given policy relationship.

Time logged on issues and merge requests in the group and its subgroups.

Returns TimelogConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

Vulnerabilities reported on the projects in the group and its subgroups.

Returns VulnerabilityConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
clusterAgentId [ClustersAgentID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_agent_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
clusterId [ClustersClusterID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
hasIssues Boolean Returns only the vulnerabilities which have linked issues.
hasResolution Boolean Returns only the vulnerabilities which have been resolved on default branch.
image [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by location image. When this filter is present, the response only matches entries for a reportType that includes container_scanning, cluster_image_scanning.
projectId [ID!] Filter vulnerabilities by project.
reportType [VulnerabilityReportType!] Filter vulnerabilities by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by VulnerabilityScanner.externalId.
scannerId [VulnerabilitiesScannerID!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner ID.
severity [VulnerabilitySeverity!] Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
sort VulnerabilitySort List vulnerabilities by sort order.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerabilities by state.

The historical number of vulnerabilities per day for the projects in the group and its subgroups.

Returns VulnerabilitiesCountByDayConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate ISO8601Date! Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history.
startDate ISO8601Date! First day for which to fetch vulnerability history.

Represents vulnerable project counts for each grade.

Returns [VulnerableProjectsByGrade!]!.

Name Type Description
includeSubgroups Boolean Include grades belonging to subgroups.
letterGrade VulnerabilityGrade Filter the response by given letter grade.

Counts for each vulnerability severity in the group and its subgroups.

Returns VulnerabilitySeveritiesCount.

Name Type Description
clusterAgentId [ClustersAgentID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_agent_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
hasIssues Boolean Filter vulnerabilities that do or do not have issues.
hasResolution Boolean Filter vulnerabilities that do or do not have a resolution.
image [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by location image. When this filter is present, the response only matches entries for a reportType that includes container_scanning, cluster_image_scanning.
projectId [ID!] Filter vulnerabilities by project.
reportType [VulnerabilityReportType!] Filter vulnerabilities by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner.
scannerId [VulnerabilitiesScannerID!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner ID.
severity [VulnerabilitySeverity!] Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerabilities by state.

Work item types available to the group.

Returns WorkItemTypeConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
taskable Boolean If true, only taskable work item types will be returned. Argument is experimental and can be removed in the future without notice.



Name Type Description
egressNodes EgressNodeConnection Data nodes. (see Connections)


Represents a Group Membership.


Name Type Description
accessLevel AccessLevel GitLab::Access level.
createdAt Time Date and time the membership was created.
createdBy UserCore User that authorized membership.
expiresAt Time Date and time the membership expires.
group Group Group that a User is a member of.
id ID! ID of the member.
notificationEmail String Group notification email for User. Only available for admins.
updatedAt Time Date and time the membership was last updated.
user UserCore User that is associated with the member object.
userPermissions GroupPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.

Fields with arguments


Find a merge request.

Returns UserMergeRequestInteraction.

Name Type Description
id MergeRequestID! Global ID of the merge request.



Name Type Description
createProjects Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_projects on this resource.
readGroup Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_group on this resource.


Contains release-related statistics about a group.


Name Type Description
releasesCount Int Total number of releases in all descendant projects of the group.
releasesPercentage Int Percentage of the group's descendant projects that have at least one release.


Represents the source of a security policy belonging to a group.


Name Type Description
inherited Boolean! Indicates whether this policy is inherited from parent group.
namespace Namespace Project the policy is associated with.


Contains statistics about a group.


Name Type Description
releaseStats GroupReleaseStats Statistics related to releases within the group.


Exposes aggregated value stream flow metrics.

Fields with arguments


Median time from first commit to issue closed.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
from Time! Issues created after the date.
labelNames [String!] Labels applied to the issue.
milestoneTitle String Milestone applied to the issue.
projectIds [ID!] Project IDs within the group hierarchy.
to Time! Issues created before the date.

Number of production deployments in the given period.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
from Time! Deployments finished after the date.
projectIds [ID!] Project IDs within the group hierarchy.
to Time! Deployments finished before the date.

Number of issues opened in the given period.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
from Time! Issues created after the date.
labelNames [String!] Labels applied to the issue.
milestoneTitle String Milestone applied to the issue.
projectIds [ID!] Project IDs within the group hierarchy.
to Time! Issues created before the date.

Median time from when the issue was created to when it was closed.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
from Time! Issues created after the date.
labelNames [String!] Labels applied to the issue.
milestoneTitle String Milestone applied to the issue.
projectIds [ID!] Project IDs within the group hierarchy.
to Time! Issues created before the date.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of a group wiki repository.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry was created.
groupWikiRepositoryId ID! ID of the Group Wiki Repository.
id ID! ID of the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry.


Helm file metadata.


Name Type Description
channel String! Channel of the Helm chart.
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
metadata PackageHelmMetadataType! Metadata of the Helm chart.
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.


Describes an incident management on-call rotation.


Name Type Description
activePeriod OncallRotationActivePeriodType Active period for the on-call rotation.
endsAt Time End date and time of the on-call rotation.
id IncidentManagementOncallRotationID! ID of the on-call rotation.
length Int Length of the on-call schedule, in the units specified by lengthUnit.
lengthUnit OncallRotationUnitEnum Unit of the on-call rotation length.
name String! Name of the on-call rotation.
participants OncallParticipantTypeConnection Participants of the on-call rotation. (see Connections)
startsAt Time Start date of the on-call rotation.

Fields with arguments


Blocks of time for which a participant is on-call within a given time frame. Time frame cannot exceed one month.

Returns IncidentManagementOncallShiftConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endTime Time! End of timeframe to include shifts for. Cannot exceed one month after start.
startTime Time! Start of timeframe to include shifts for.


Describes an incident management on-call schedule.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the on-call schedule.
iid ID! Internal ID of the on-call schedule.
name String! Name of the on-call schedule.
oncallUsers [UserCore!]
rotations IncidentManagementOncallRotationConnection! On-call rotations for the on-call schedule. (see Connections)
timezone String! Time zone of the on-call schedule.

Fields with arguments


On-call rotation for the on-call schedule.

Returns IncidentManagementOncallRotation.

Name Type Description
id IncidentManagementOncallRotationID! ID of the on-call rotation.


A block of time for which a participant is on-call.


Name Type Description
endsAt Time End time of the on-call shift.
participant OncallParticipantType Participant assigned to the on-call shift.
startsAt Time Start time of the on-call shift.



Name Type Description
vulnerabilityScanners VulnerabilityScannerConnection Vulnerability scanners reported on the vulnerabilities from projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard. (see Connections)

Fields with arguments


Cluster agents associated with projects selected in the Instance Security Dashboard.

Returns ClusterAgentConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
hasVulnerabilities Boolean Returns only cluster agents which have vulnerabilities.

Projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard.

Returns ProjectConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query, which can be for the project name, a path, or a description.

Represents vulnerable project counts for each grade.

Returns [VulnerableProjectsByGrade!]!.

Name Type Description
letterGrade VulnerabilityGrade Filter the response by given letter grade.

Counts for each vulnerability severity from projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard.

Returns VulnerabilitySeveritiesCount.

Name Type Description
clusterAgentId [ClustersAgentID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_agent_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
hasIssues Boolean Filter vulnerabilities that do or do not have issues.
hasResolution Boolean Filter vulnerabilities that do or do not have a resolution.
image [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by location image. When this filter is present, the response only matches entries for a reportType that includes container_scanning, cluster_image_scanning.
projectId [ID!] Filter vulnerabilities by project.
reportType [VulnerabilityReportType!] Filter vulnerabilities by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner.
scannerId [VulnerabilitiesScannerID!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner ID.
severity [VulnerabilitySeverity!] Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerabilities by state.

Describes an issuable resource link for incident issues.


Name Type Description
id IncidentManagementIssuableResourceLinkID! ID of the Issuable resource link.
issue Issue! Incident of the resource link.
link String! Web Link to the resource.
linkText String Optional text for the link.
linkType IssuableResourceLinkType! Type of the resource link.



Name Type Description
alertManagementAlert {warning-solid} AlertManagementAlert Deprecated in 15.6. Use alert_management_alerts.
assignees UserCoreConnection Assignees of the issue. (see Connections)
author UserCore! User that created the issue.
blocked Boolean! Indicates the issue is blocked.
blockedByCount Int Count of issues blocking this issue.
blockedByIssues IssueConnection Issues blocking this issue. (see Connections)
blockingCount Int! Count of issues this issue is blocking.
closedAsDuplicateOf Issue Issue this issue was closed as a duplicate of.
closedAt Time Timestamp of when the issue was closed.
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
confidential Boolean! Indicates the issue is confidential.
createNoteEmail String User specific email address for the issue.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the issue was created.
customerRelationsContacts CustomerRelationsContactConnection Customer relations contacts of the issue. (see Connections)
description String Description of the issue.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
designCollection DesignCollection Collection of design images associated with this issue.
discussionLocked Boolean! Indicates discussion is locked on the issue.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
downvotes Int! Number of downvotes the issue has received.
dueDate Time Due date of the issue.
emailsDisabled Boolean! Indicates if a project has email notifications disabled: true if email notifications are disabled.
epic Epic Epic to which this issue belongs.
escalationPolicy EscalationPolicyType Escalation policy associated with the issue. Available for issues which support escalation.
escalationStatus IssueEscalationStatus Escalation status of the issue.
hasEpic Boolean! Indicates if the issue belongs to an epic. Can return true and not show an associated epic when the user has no access to the epic.
healthStatus HealthStatus Current health status.
hidden Boolean Indicates the issue is hidden because the author has been banned.
humanTimeEstimate String Human-readable time estimate of the issue.
humanTotalTimeSpent String Human-readable total time reported as spent on the issue.
id ID! ID of the issue.
iid ID! Internal ID of the issue.
iteration Iteration Iteration of the issue.
labels LabelConnection Labels of the issue. (see Connections)
mergeRequestsCount Int! Number of merge requests that close the issue on merge.
metricImages [MetricImage!] Metric images associated to the issue.
milestone Milestone Milestone of the issue.
moved Boolean Indicates if issue got moved from other project.
movedTo Issue Updated Issue after it got moved to another project.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
participants UserCoreConnection List of participants in the issue. (see Connections)
projectId Int! ID of the issue project.
relatedMergeRequests MergeRequestConnection Merge requests related to the issue. This field can only be resolved for one issue in any single request. (see Connections)
relatedVulnerabilities VulnerabilityConnection Related vulnerabilities of the issue. (see Connections)
relativePosition Int Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards).
severity IssuableSeverity Severity level of the incident.
slaDueAt Time Timestamp of when the issue SLA expires.
state IssueState! State of the issue.
statusPagePublishedIncident Boolean Indicates whether an issue is published to the status page.
subscribed Boolean! Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue.
taskCompletionStatus TaskCompletionStatus! Task completion status of the issue.
timeEstimate Int! Time estimate of the issue.
timelogs TimelogConnection! Timelogs on the issue. (see Connections)
title String! Title of the issue.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
totalTimeSpent Int! Total time reported as spent on the issue.
type IssueType Type of the issue.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the issue was last updated.
updatedBy UserCore User that last updated the issue.
upvotes Int! Number of upvotes the issue has received.
userDiscussionsCount Int! Number of user discussions in the issue.
userNotesCount Int! Number of user notes of the issue.
userPermissions IssuePermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
webPath String! Web path of the issue.
webUrl String! Web URL of the issue.
weight Int Weight of the issue.

Fields with arguments


Alert Management alerts associated to this issue.

Returns AlertManagementAlertConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of a user assigned to the issue.
domain AlertManagementDomainFilter! Filter query for given domain.
iid String IID of the alert. For example, "1".
search String Search query for title, description, service, or monitoring_tool.
sort AlertManagementAlertSort Sort alerts by this criteria.
statuses [AlertManagementStatus!] Alerts with the specified statues. For example, [TRIGGERED].

To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.

Issuable resource links of the incident issue.

Returns IssuableResourceLinkConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
incidentId IssueID! ID of the incident.

Internal reference of the issue. Returned in shortened format by default.

Returns String!.

Name Type Description
full Boolean Boolean option specifying whether the reference should be returned in full.


Check permissions for the current user on a issue.


Name Type Description
adminIssue Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_issue on this resource.
createDesign Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_design on this resource.
createNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_note on this resource.
destroyDesign Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_design on this resource.
readDesign Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_design on this resource.
readIssue Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_issue on this resource.
reopenIssue Boolean! Indicates the user can perform reopen_issue on this resource.
updateIssue Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_issue on this resource.


Represents total number of issues for the represented statuses.


Name Type Description
all Int Number of issues with status ALL for the project.
closed Int Number of issues with status CLOSED for the project.
opened Int Number of issues with status OPENED for the project.


Represents an iteration object.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp of iteration creation.
description String Description of the iteration.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
dueDate Time Timestamp of the iteration due date.
id ID! ID of the iteration.
iid ID! Internal ID of the iteration.
iterationCadence IterationCadence! Cadence of the iteration.
scopedPath String Web path of the iteration, scoped to the query parent. Only valid for Project parents. Returns null in other contexts.
scopedUrl String Web URL of the iteration, scoped to the query parent. Only valid for Project parents. Returns null in other contexts.
sequence Int! Sequence number for the iteration when you sort the containing cadence's iterations by the start and end date. The earliest starting and ending iteration is assigned 1.
startDate Time Timestamp of the iteration start date.
state IterationState! State of the iteration.
title String Title of the iteration.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of last iteration update.
webPath String! Web path of the iteration.
webUrl String! Web URL of the iteration.

Fields with arguments

Historically accurate report about the timebox.

Returns TimeboxReport.

Name Type Description
fullPath String Full path of the project or group used as a scope for report. For example, gitlab-org or gitlab-org/gitlab.


Represents an iteration cadence.


Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the iteration cadence is active.
automatic Boolean Whether the iteration cadence should automatically generate upcoming iterations.
description String Description of the iteration cadence. Maximum length is 5000 characters.
durationInWeeks Int Duration in weeks of the iterations within this cadence.
id IterationsCadenceID! Global ID of the iteration cadence.
iterationsInAdvance Int Upcoming iterations to be created when iteration cadence is set to automatic.
rollOver Boolean! Whether the iteration cadence should roll over issues to the next iteration or not.
startDate Time Timestamp of the automation start date.
title String! Title of the iteration cadence.



Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp of when the Jira import was created.
failedToImportCount Int! Count of issues that failed to import.
importedIssuesCount Int! Count of issues that were successfully imported.
jiraProjectKey String! Project key for the imported Jira project.
scheduledAt Time Timestamp of when the Jira import was scheduled.
scheduledBy UserCore User that started the Jira import.
totalIssueCount Int! Total count of issues that were attempted to import.



Name Type Description
key String! Key of the Jira project.
name String Name of the Jira project.
projectId Int! ID of the Jira project.



Name Type Description
active Boolean Indicates if the service is active.
serviceType ServiceType Type of the service.
type String Class name of the service.

Fields with arguments


List of all Jira projects fetched through Jira REST API.

Returns JiraProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Project name or key.



Name Type Description
gitlabId Int ID of the matched GitLab user.
gitlabName String Name of the matched GitLab user.
gitlabUsername String Username of the matched GitLab user.
jiraAccountId String! Account ID of the Jira user.
jiraDisplayName String! Display name of the Jira user.
jiraEmail String Email of the Jira user, returned only for users with public emails.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of a job_artifact.


Name Type Description
artifactId ID! ID of the Job Artifact.
createdAt Time Timestamp when the JobArtifactRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the JobArtifactRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the JobArtifactRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the JobArtifactRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the JobArtifactRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the JobArtifactRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the JobArtifactRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the JobArtifactRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the JobArtifactRegistry.



Name Type Description
readBuild Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_build on this resource.
readJobArtifacts Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_job_artifacts on this resource.
updateBuild Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_build on this resource.



Name Type Description
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether the Kubernetes Agent Server is enabled.
externalUrl String URL used by the Agents to communicate with KAS.
version String KAS version.


Represents an SSH key.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the key was created.
expiresAt Time! Timestamp of when the key expires. It's null if it never expires.
id ID! ID of the key.
key String! Public key of the key pair.
title String! Title of the key.



Name Type Description
color String! Background color of the label.
createdAt Time! When this label was created.
description String Description of the label (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching).
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
id ID! Label ID.
textColor String! Text color of the label.
title String! Content of the label.
updatedAt Time! When this label was last updated.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of an LFS object.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the LfsObjectRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the LfsObjectRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the LfsObjectRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the LfsObjectRegistry.
lfsObjectId ID! ID of the LFS object.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the LfsObjectRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the LfsObjectRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the LfsObjectRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the LfsObjectRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the LfsObjectRegistry.


Represents an entry from the Cloud License history.


Name Type Description
activatedAt Date Date when the license was activated.
blockChangesAt Date Date, including grace period, when licensed features will be blocked.
company String Company of the licensee.
createdAt Date Date when the license was added.
email String Email of the licensee.
expiresAt Date Date when the license expires.
id ID! ID of the license extracted from the license data.
name String Name of the licensee.
plan String! Name of the subscription plan.
startsAt Date Date when the license started.
type String! Type of the license.
usersInLicenseCount Int Number of paid users in the license.



Name Type Description
blobPath String HTTP URI path to view the input file in GitLab.
path String Path, relative to the root of the repository, of the filewhich was analyzed to detect the dependency.


Maven metadata.


Name Type Description
appGroup String! App group of the Maven package.
appName String! App name of the Maven package.
appVersion String App version of the Maven package.
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
id PackagesMavenMetadatumID! ID of the metadatum.
path String! Path of the Maven package.
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.


Defines which user roles, users, or groups can merge into a protected branch.


Name Type Description
accessLevel Int! GitLab::Access level.
accessLevelDescription String! Human readable representation for this access level.
group AccessLevelGroup Group associated with this access level.
user AccessLevelUser User associated with this access level.



Name Type Description
allowCollaboration Boolean Indicates if members of the target project can push to the fork.
approvalState MergeRequestApprovalState! Information relating to rules that must be satisfied to merge this merge request.
approvalsLeft Int Number of approvals left.
approvalsRequired Int Number of approvals required.
approved Boolean! Indicates if the merge request has all the required approvals. Returns true if no required approvals are configured.
approvedBy UserCoreConnection Users who approved the merge request. (see Connections)
assignees MergeRequestAssigneeConnection Assignees of the merge request. (see Connections)
author MergeRequestAuthor User who created this merge request.
autoMergeEnabled Boolean! Indicates if auto merge is enabled for the merge request.
autoMergeStrategy String Selected auto merge strategy.
availableAutoMergeStrategies [String!] Array of available auto merge strategies.
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
commitCount Int Number of commits in the merge request.
commits CommitConnection Merge request commits. (see Connections)
commitsWithoutMergeCommits CommitConnection Merge request commits excluding merge commits. (see Connections)
committers UserCoreConnection Users who have added commits to the merge request. (see Connections)
conflicts Boolean! Indicates if the merge request has conflicts.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the merge request was created.
defaultMergeCommitMessage String Default merge commit message of the merge request.
defaultSquashCommitMessage String Default squash commit message of the merge request.
description String Description of the merge request (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching).
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
detailedMergeStatus DetailedMergeStatus Detailed merge status of the merge request.
diffHeadSha String Diff head SHA of the merge request.
diffRefs DiffRefs References of the base SHA, the head SHA, and the start SHA for this merge request.
diffStatsSummary DiffStatsSummary Summary of which files were changed in this merge request.
discussionLocked Boolean! Indicates if comments on the merge request are locked to members only.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
divergedFromTargetBranch Boolean! Indicates if the source branch is behind the target branch.
downvotes Int! Number of downvotes for the merge request.
draft Boolean! Indicates if the merge request is a draft.
forceRemoveSourceBranch Boolean Indicates if the project settings will lead to source branch deletion after merge.
hasCi Boolean! Indicates if the merge request has CI.
hasSecurityReports Boolean! Indicates if the source branch has any security reports.
headPipeline Pipeline Pipeline running on the branch HEAD of the merge request.
humanTimeEstimate String Human-readable time estimate of the merge request.
humanTotalTimeSpent String Human-readable total time reported as spent on the merge request.
id ID! ID of the merge request.
iid String! Internal ID of the merge request.
inProgressMergeCommitSha String Commit SHA of the merge request if merge is in progress.
labels LabelConnection Labels of the merge request. (see Connections)
mergeCommitSha String SHA of the merge request commit (set once merged).
mergeError String Error message due to a merge error.
mergeOngoing Boolean! Indicates if a merge is currently occurring.
mergeStatus {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 14.0. This was renamed. Use: MergeRequest.mergeStatusEnum.
mergeStatusEnum MergeStatus Merge status of the merge request.
mergeTrainsCount Int Number of merge requests in the merge train.
mergeUser UserCore User who merged this merge request or set it to merge when pipeline succeeds.
mergeWhenPipelineSucceeds Boolean Indicates if the merge has been set to be merged when its pipeline succeeds (MWPS).
mergeable Boolean! Indicates if the merge request is mergeable.
mergeableDiscussionsState Boolean Indicates if all discussions in the merge request have been resolved, allowing the merge request to be merged.
mergedAt Time Timestamp of when the merge request was merged, null if not merged.
milestone Milestone Milestone of the merge request.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
participants MergeRequestParticipantConnection Participants in the merge request. This includes the author, assignees, reviewers, and users mentioned in notes. (see Connections)
project Project! Alias for target_project.
projectId Int! ID of the merge request project.
rebaseCommitSha String Rebase commit SHA of the merge request.
rebaseInProgress Boolean! Indicates if there is a rebase currently in progress for the merge request.
reviewers MergeRequestReviewerConnection Users from whom a review has been requested. (see Connections)
securityAutoFix Boolean Indicates if the merge request is created by @GitLab-Security-Bot.
securityReportsUpToDateOnTargetBranch Boolean! Indicates if the target branch security reports are out of date.
shouldBeRebased Boolean! Indicates if the merge request will be rebased.
shouldRemoveSourceBranch Boolean Indicates if the source branch of the merge request will be deleted after merge.
sourceBranch String! Source branch of the merge request.
sourceBranchExists Boolean! Indicates if the source branch of the merge request exists.
sourceBranchProtected Boolean! Indicates if the source branch is protected.
sourceProject Project Source project of the merge request.
sourceProjectId Int ID of the merge request source project.
squash Boolean! Indicates if the merge request is set to be squashed when merged. Project settings may override this value. Use squash_on_merge instead to take project squash options into account.
squashOnMerge Boolean! Indicates if the merge request will be squashed when merged.
state MergeRequestState! State of the merge request.
subscribed Boolean! Indicates if the currently logged in user is subscribed to this merge request.
suggestedReviewers {warning-solid} SuggestedReviewersType Introduced in 15.4. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Suggested reviewers for merge request. Returns null if suggested_reviewers feature flag is disabled. This flag is disabled by default and only available on because the feature is experimental and is subject to change without notice.
targetBranch String! Target branch of the merge request.
targetBranchExists Boolean! Indicates if the target branch of the merge request exists.
targetProject Project! Target project of the merge request.
targetProjectId Int! ID of the merge request target project.
taskCompletionStatus TaskCompletionStatus! Completion status of tasks.
timeEstimate Int! Time estimate of the merge request.
timelogs TimelogConnection! Timelogs on the merge request. (see Connections)
title String! Title of the merge request.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
totalTimeSpent Int! Total time reported as spent on the merge request.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the merge request was last updated.
upvotes Int! Number of upvotes for the merge request.
userDiscussionsCount Int Number of user discussions in the merge request.
userNotesCount Int User notes count of the merge request.
userPermissions MergeRequestPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
webUrl String Web URL of the merge request.

Fields with arguments


To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.

Details about which files were changed in this merge request.

Returns [DiffStats!].

Name Type Description
path String Specific file path.

Pipelines for the merge request. Note: for performance reasons, no more than the most recent 500 pipelines will be returned.

Returns PipelineConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ref String Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for.
scope PipelineScopeEnum Filter pipelines by scope.
sha String Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for.
source String Filter pipelines by their source.
status PipelineStatusEnum Filter pipelines by their status.
updatedAfter Time Pipelines updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Pipelines updated before this date.
username String Filter pipelines by the user that triggered the pipeline.

Internal reference of the merge request. Returned in shortened format by default.

Returns String!.

Name Type Description
full Boolean Boolean option specifying whether the reference should be returned in full.


Information relating to rules that must be satisfied to merge this merge request.


Name Type Description
approvalRulesOverwritten Boolean Indicates if the merge request approval rules are overwritten for the merge request.
invalidApproversRules [ApprovalRule!] List of approval rules that are associated with the merge request, but invalid.
rules [ApprovalRule!] List of approval rules associated with the merge request.
suggestedApprovers UserCoreConnection List of suggested approvers. (see Connections)


A user assigned to a merge request.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
bot Boolean! Indicates if the user is a bot.
callouts UserCalloutConnection User callouts that belong to the user. (see Connections)
commitEmail String User's default commit email.
email {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: User.publicEmail.
emails EmailConnection User's email addresses. (see Connections)
gitpodEnabled Boolean Whether Gitpod is enabled at the user level.
groupCount Int Group count for the user.
groupMemberships GroupMemberConnection Group memberships of the user. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the user.
location String Location of the user.
mergeRequestInteraction UserMergeRequestInteraction Details of this user's interactions with the merge request.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
namespace Namespace Personal namespace of the user.
namespaceCommitEmails NamespaceCommitEmailConnection User's custom namespace commit emails. (see Connections)
preferencesGitpodPath String Web path to the Gitpod section within user preferences.
profileEnableGitpodPath String Web path to enable Gitpod for the user.
projectMemberships ProjectMemberConnection Project memberships of the user. (see Connections)
publicEmail String User's public email.
savedReplies SavedReplyConnection Saved replies authored by the user. Will not return saved replies if saved_replies feature flag is disabled. (see Connections)
state UserState! State of the user.
status UserStatus User status.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the user. Only returns for namespaces where the achievements feature flag is enabled.
userPermissions UserPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.

Fields with arguments


Merge requests assigned to the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Merge requests authored by the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Groups where the user has access.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
permissionScope GroupPermission Filter by permissions the user has on groups.
search String Search by group name or path.

Merge requests assigned to the user for review.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Saved reply authored by the user. Will not return saved reply if saved_replies feature flag is disabled.

Returns SavedReply.

Name Type Description
id UsersSavedReplyID! ID of a saved reply.

Snippets authored by the user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Projects starred by the user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query.

Time logged by the user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

To-do items of the user.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.


The author of the merge request.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
bot Boolean! Indicates if the user is a bot.
callouts UserCalloutConnection User callouts that belong to the user. (see Connections)
commitEmail String User's default commit email.
email {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: User.publicEmail.
emails EmailConnection User's email addresses. (see Connections)
gitpodEnabled Boolean Whether Gitpod is enabled at the user level.
groupCount Int Group count for the user.
groupMemberships GroupMemberConnection Group memberships of the user. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the user.
location String Location of the user.
mergeRequestInteraction UserMergeRequestInteraction Details of this user's interactions with the merge request.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
namespace Namespace Personal namespace of the user.
namespaceCommitEmails NamespaceCommitEmailConnection User's custom namespace commit emails. (see Connections)
preferencesGitpodPath String Web path to the Gitpod section within user preferences.
profileEnableGitpodPath String Web path to enable Gitpod for the user.
projectMemberships ProjectMemberConnection Project memberships of the user. (see Connections)
publicEmail String User's public email.
savedReplies SavedReplyConnection Saved replies authored by the user. Will not return saved replies if saved_replies feature flag is disabled. (see Connections)
state UserState! State of the user.
status UserStatus User status.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the user. Only returns for namespaces where the achievements feature flag is enabled.
userPermissions UserPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.

Fields with arguments


Merge requests assigned to the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Merge requests authored by the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Groups where the user has access.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
permissionScope GroupPermission Filter by permissions the user has on groups.
search String Search by group name or path.

Merge requests assigned to the user for review.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Saved reply authored by the user. Will not return saved reply if saved_replies feature flag is disabled.

Returns SavedReply.

Name Type Description
id UsersSavedReplyID! ID of a saved reply.

Snippets authored by the user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Projects starred by the user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query.

Time logged by the user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

To-do items of the user.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of a Merge Request diff.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the MergeRequestDiffRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the MergeRequestDiffRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the MergeRequestDiffRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the MergeRequestDiffRegistry.
mergeRequestDiffId ID! ID of the Merge Request diff.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the MergeRequestDiffRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the MergeRequestDiffRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the MergeRequestDiffRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the MergeRequestDiffRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the MergeRequestDiffRegistry.


A user participating in a merge request.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
bot Boolean! Indicates if the user is a bot.
callouts UserCalloutConnection User callouts that belong to the user. (see Connections)
commitEmail String User's default commit email.
email {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: User.publicEmail.
emails EmailConnection User's email addresses. (see Connections)
gitpodEnabled Boolean Whether Gitpod is enabled at the user level.
groupCount Int Group count for the user.
groupMemberships GroupMemberConnection Group memberships of the user. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the user.
location String Location of the user.
mergeRequestInteraction UserMergeRequestInteraction Details of this user's interactions with the merge request.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
namespace Namespace Personal namespace of the user.
namespaceCommitEmails NamespaceCommitEmailConnection User's custom namespace commit emails. (see Connections)
preferencesGitpodPath String Web path to the Gitpod section within user preferences.
profileEnableGitpodPath String Web path to enable Gitpod for the user.
projectMemberships ProjectMemberConnection Project memberships of the user. (see Connections)
publicEmail String User's public email.
savedReplies SavedReplyConnection Saved replies authored by the user. Will not return saved replies if saved_replies feature flag is disabled. (see Connections)
state UserState! State of the user.
status UserStatus User status.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the user. Only returns for namespaces where the achievements feature flag is enabled.
userPermissions UserPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.

Fields with arguments


Merge requests assigned to the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Merge requests authored by the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Groups where the user has access.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
permissionScope GroupPermission Filter by permissions the user has on groups.
search String Search by group name or path.

Merge requests assigned to the user for review.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Saved reply authored by the user. Will not return saved reply if saved_replies feature flag is disabled.

Returns SavedReply.

Name Type Description
id UsersSavedReplyID! ID of a saved reply.

Snippets authored by the user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Projects starred by the user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query.

Time logged by the user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

To-do items of the user.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.


Check permissions for the current user on a merge request.


Name Type Description
adminMergeRequest Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_merge_request on this resource.
canApprove Boolean! Indicates the user can perform can_approve on this resource.
canMerge Boolean! Indicates the user can perform can_merge on this resource.
cherryPickOnCurrentMergeRequest Boolean! Indicates the user can perform cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request on this resource.
createNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_note on this resource.
pushToSourceBranch Boolean! Indicates the user can perform push_to_source_branch on this resource.
readMergeRequest Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_merge_request on this resource.
removeSourceBranch Boolean! Indicates the user can perform remove_source_branch on this resource.
revertOnCurrentMergeRequest Boolean! Indicates the user can perform revert_on_current_merge_request on this resource.
updateMergeRequest Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_merge_request on this resource.


A user assigned to a merge request as a reviewer.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
bot Boolean! Indicates if the user is a bot.
callouts UserCalloutConnection User callouts that belong to the user. (see Connections)
commitEmail String User's default commit email.
email {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: User.publicEmail.
emails EmailConnection User's email addresses. (see Connections)
gitpodEnabled Boolean Whether Gitpod is enabled at the user level.
groupCount Int Group count for the user.
groupMemberships GroupMemberConnection Group memberships of the user. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the user.
location String Location of the user.
mergeRequestInteraction UserMergeRequestInteraction Details of this user's interactions with the merge request.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
namespace Namespace Personal namespace of the user.
namespaceCommitEmails NamespaceCommitEmailConnection User's custom namespace commit emails. (see Connections)
preferencesGitpodPath String Web path to the Gitpod section within user preferences.
profileEnableGitpodPath String Web path to enable Gitpod for the user.
projectMemberships ProjectMemberConnection Project memberships of the user. (see Connections)
publicEmail String User's public email.
savedReplies SavedReplyConnection Saved replies authored by the user. Will not return saved replies if saved_replies feature flag is disabled. (see Connections)
state UserState! State of the user.
status UserStatus User status.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the user. Only returns for namespaces where the achievements feature flag is enabled.
userPermissions UserPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.

Fields with arguments


Merge requests assigned to the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Merge requests authored by the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Groups where the user has access.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
permissionScope GroupPermission Filter by permissions the user has on groups.
search String Search by group name or path.

Merge requests assigned to the user for review.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Saved reply authored by the user. Will not return saved reply if saved_replies feature flag is disabled.

Returns SavedReply.

Name Type Description
id UsersSavedReplyID! ID of a saved reply.

Snippets authored by the user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Projects starred by the user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query.

Time logged by the user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

To-do items of the user.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.



Name Type Description
enterprise Boolean! Enterprise edition.
kas Kas! Metadata about KAS.
revision String! Revision.
version String! Version.


Represents a metric image upload.


Name Type Description
fileName String File name of the metric image.
filePath String File path of the metric image.
id ID! ID of the metric upload.
iid ID! Internal ID of the metric upload.
url String! URL of the metric source.



Name Type Description
path String Path to a file with the dashboard definition.
schemaValidationWarnings [String!] Dashboard schema validation warnings.

Fields with arguments


Annotations added to the dashboard.

Returns MetricsDashboardAnnotationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
from Time! Timestamp marking date and time from which annotations need to be fetched.
to Time Timestamp marking date and time to which annotations need to be fetched.



Name Type Description
description String Description of the annotation.
endingAt Time Timestamp marking end of annotated time span.
id ID! ID of the annotation.
panelId String ID of a dashboard panel to which the annotation should be scoped.
startingAt Time Timestamp marking start of annotated time span.


Represents a milestone.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp of milestone creation.
description String Description of the milestone.
dueDate Time Timestamp of the milestone due date.
expired Boolean! Expired state of the milestone (a milestone is expired when the due date is past the current date). Defaults to false when due date has not been set.
groupMilestone Boolean! Indicates if milestone is at group level.
id ID! ID of the milestone.
iid ID! Internal ID of the milestone.
projectMilestone Boolean! Indicates if milestone is at project level.
releases ReleaseConnection Releases associated with this milestone. (see Connections)
startDate Time Timestamp of the milestone start date.
state MilestoneStateEnum! State of the milestone.
stats MilestoneStats Milestone statistics.
subgroupMilestone Boolean! Indicates if milestone is at subgroup level.
title String! Title of the milestone.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of last milestone update.
webPath String! Web path of the milestone.

Fields with arguments

Historically accurate report about the timebox.

Returns TimeboxReport.

Name Type Description
fullPath String Full path of the project or group used as a scope for report. For example, gitlab-org or gitlab-org/gitlab.


Contains statistics about a milestone.


Name Type Description
closedIssuesCount Int Number of closed issues associated with the milestone.
totalIssuesCount Int Total number of issues associated with the milestone.



Name Type Description
achievements {warning-solid} AchievementConnection Introduced in 15.8. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the namespace. Returns null if the achievements feature flag is disabled.
actualRepositorySizeLimit Float Size limit for repositories in the namespace in bytes.
additionalPurchasedStorageSize Float Additional storage purchased for the root namespace in bytes.
containsLockedProjects Boolean! Includes at least one project where the repository size exceeds the limit.
crossProjectPipelineAvailable Boolean! Indicates if the cross_project_pipeline feature is available for the namespace.
description String Description of the namespace.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
fullName String! Full name of the namespace.
fullPath ID! Full path of the namespace.
id ID! ID of the namespace.
isTemporaryStorageIncreaseEnabled Boolean! Status of the temporary storage increase.
lfsEnabled Boolean Indicates if Large File Storage (LFS) is enabled for namespace.
name String! Name of the namespace.
packageSettings PackageSettings Package settings for the namespace.
path String! Path of the namespace.
repositorySizeExcessProjectCount Int! Number of projects in the root namespace where the repository size exceeds the limit.
requestAccessEnabled Boolean Indicates if users can request access to namespace.
rootStorageStatistics RootStorageStatistics Aggregated storage statistics of the namespace. Only available for root namespaces.
sharedRunnersSetting SharedRunnersSetting Shared runners availability for the namespace and its descendants.
storageSizeLimit Float Total storage limit of the root namespace in bytes.
temporaryStorageIncreaseEndsOn Time Date until the temporary storage increase is active.
timelogCategories {warning-solid} TimeTrackingTimelogCategoryConnection Introduced in 15.3. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Timelog categories for the namespace.
totalRepositorySize Float Total repository size of all projects in the root namespace in bytes.
totalRepositorySizeExcess Float Total excess repository size of all projects in the root namespace in bytes.
visibility String Visibility of the namespace.

Fields with arguments


Compliance frameworks available to projects in this namespace.

Returns ComplianceFrameworkConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id ComplianceManagementFrameworkID Global ID of a specific compliance framework to return.

Projects within this namespace.

Returns ProjectConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
complianceFrameworkFilters ComplianceFrameworkFilters Filters applied when selecting a compliance framework.
hasCodeCoverage Boolean Returns only the projects which have code coverage.
hasVulnerabilities Boolean Returns only the projects which have vulnerabilities.
ids [ID!] Filter projects by IDs.
includeSubgroups Boolean Include also subgroup projects.
search String Search project with most similar names or paths.
sort NamespaceProjectSort Sort projects by this criteria.
withIssuesEnabled Boolean Return only projects with issues enabled.
withMergeRequestsEnabled Boolean Return only projects with merge requests enabled.

Scan Execution Policies of the namespace.

Returns ScanExecutionPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
actionScanTypes [SecurityReportTypeEnum!] Filters policies by the action scan type. Only these scan types are supported: dast, secret_detection, cluster_image_scanning, container_scanning, sast, sast_iac, dependency_scanning.
relationship SecurityPolicyRelationType Filter policies by the given policy relationship.

Scan Result Policies of the project.

Returns ScanResultPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
relationship SecurityPolicyRelationType Filter policies by the given policy relationship.



Name Type Description
id GlobalID! Global ID of the namespace ban.
namespace Namespace! Root namespace to which the ban applies.
user UserCore! User to which the namespace ban applies.



Name Type Description
allowStaleRunnerPruning Boolean Indicates if stale runners directly belonging to this namespace should be periodically pruned.
namespace Namespace Namespace the CI/CD settings belong to.



Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp the namespace commit email was created.
email Email! Email.
id ID! Internal ID of the namespace commit email.
namespace Namespace! Namespace.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the namespace commit email was last updated.


Describes where code is deployed for a project organized by folder.


Name Type Description
environment Environment Latest environment in the folder.
name String! Human-readable name of the environment.
size Int! Number of environments nested in the folder.


Represents the network policy.


Name Type Description
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether this policy is enabled.
environments EnvironmentConnection Environments where this policy is applied. (see Connections)
fromAutoDevops Boolean! Indicates whether this policy is created from AutoDevops.
kind NetworkPolicyKind! Kind of the policy.
name String! Name of the policy.
namespace String! Namespace of the policy.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the policy YAML was last updated.
yaml String! YAML definition of the policy.



Name Type Description
author UserCore! User who wrote this note.
body String! Content of the note.
bodyHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of note.
confidential {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 15.5. This was renamed. Use: internal.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of the note creation.
discussion Discussion Discussion this note is a part of.
id NoteID! ID of the note.
internal Boolean Indicates if this note is internal.
lastEditedAt Time Timestamp when note was last edited.
lastEditedBy UserCore User who last edited the note.
position DiffPosition Position of this note on a diff.
project Project Project associated with the note.
resolvable Boolean! Indicates if the object can be resolved.
resolved Boolean! Indicates if the object is resolved.
resolvedAt Time Timestamp of when the object was resolved.
resolvedBy UserCore User who resolved the object.
system Boolean! Indicates whether this note was created by the system or by a user.
systemNoteIconName String Name of the icon corresponding to a system note.
systemNoteMetadata SystemNoteMetadata Metadata for the given note if it is a system note.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of the note's last activity.
url String URL to view this Note in the Web UI.
userPermissions NotePermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.



Name Type Description
adminNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_note on this resource.
awardEmoji Boolean! Indicates the user can perform award_emoji on this resource.
createNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_note on this resource.
readNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_note on this resource.
repositionNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform reposition_note on this resource.
resolveNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform resolve_note on this resource.


Nuget dependency link metadata.


Name Type Description
id PackagesNugetDependencyLinkMetadatumID! ID of the metadatum.
targetFramework String! Target framework of the dependency link package.


Nuget metadata.


Name Type Description
iconUrl String Icon URL of the Nuget package.
id PackagesNugetMetadatumID! ID of the metadatum.
licenseUrl String License URL of the Nuget package.
projectUrl String Project URL of the Nuget package.


The rotation participant and color palette.


Name Type Description
colorPalette String Color palette to assign to the on-call user. For example "blue".
colorWeight String Color weight to assign to for the on-call user, for example "500". Max 4 chars. For easy identification of the user.
id IncidentManagementOncallParticipantID! ID of the on-call participant.
user UserCore! User who is participating.


Active period time range for on-call rotation.


Name Type Description
endTime String End of the rotation active period.
startTime String Start of the rotation active period.


Represents the total number of organizations for the represented states.


Name Type Description
active Int Number of organizations with state ACTIVE.
all Int Number of organizations with state ALL.
inactive Int Number of organizations with state INACTIVE.


Represents a package with pipelines in the Package Registry.


Name Type Description
_links PackageLinks! Map of links to perform actions on the package.
canDestroy Boolean! Whether the user can destroy the package.
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
id PackagesPackageID! ID of the package.
metadata PackageMetadata Package metadata.
name String! Name of the package.
packageType PackageTypeEnum! Package type.
pipelines PipelineConnection Pipelines that built the package. Max page size 20. (see Connections)
project Project! Project where the package is stored.
status PackageStatus! Package status.
tags PackageTagConnection Package tags. (see Connections)
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.
version String Version string.


Represents a package in the Package Registry.


Name Type Description
_links PackageLinks! Map of links to perform actions on the package.
canDestroy Boolean! Whether the user can destroy the package.
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
id PackagesPackageID! ID of the package.
metadata PackageMetadata Package metadata.
name String! Name of the package.
packageType PackageTypeEnum! Package type.
project Project! Project where the package is stored.
status PackageStatus! Package status.
tags PackageTagConnection Package tags. (see Connections)
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.
version String Version string.


Represents a composer JSON file.


Name Type Description
license String License set in the Composer JSON file.
name String Name set in the Composer JSON file.
type String Type set in the Composer JSON file.
version String Version set in the Composer JSON file.


Represents a package dependency.


Name Type Description
id PackagesDependencyID! ID of the dependency.
name String! Name of the dependency.
versionPattern String! Version pattern of the dependency.

Represents a package dependency link.


Name Type Description
dependency PackageDependency Dependency.
dependencyType PackageDependencyType! Dependency type.
id PackagesDependencyLinkID! ID of the dependency link.
metadata DependencyLinkMetadata Dependency link metadata.


Represents a package details in the Package Registry.


Name Type Description
_links PackageLinks! Map of links to perform actions on the package.
canDestroy Boolean! Whether the user can destroy the package.
composerConfigRepositoryUrl String Url of the Composer setup endpoint.
composerUrl String Url of the Composer endpoint.
conanUrl String Url of the Conan project endpoint.
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
dependencyLinks PackageDependencyLinkConnection Dependency link. (see Connections)
id PackagesPackageID! ID of the package.
lastDownloadedAt Time Last time that a file of this package was downloaded.
mavenUrl String Url of the Maven project endpoint.
metadata PackageMetadata Package metadata.
name String! Name of the package.
npmUrl String Url of the NPM project endpoint.
nugetUrl String Url of the Nuget project endpoint.
packageFiles PackageFileConnection Package files. (see Connections)
packageType PackageTypeEnum! Package type.
pipelines PipelineConnection Pipelines that built the package. Max page size 20. (see Connections)
project Project! Project where the package is stored.
publicPackage Boolean Indicates if there is public access to the package.
pypiSetupUrl String Url of the PyPi project setup endpoint.
pypiUrl String Url of the PyPi project endpoint.
status PackageStatus! Package status.
tags PackageTagConnection Package tags. (see Connections)
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.
version String Version string.
versions PackageBaseConnection Other versions of the package. (see Connections)


Represents a package file.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Created date.
downloadPath String! Download path of the package file.
fileMd5 String Md5 of the package file.
fileMetadata PackageFileMetadata File metadata.
fileName String! Name of the package file.
fileSha1 String Sha1 of the package file.
fileSha256 String Sha256 of the package file.
id PackagesPackageFileID! ID of the file.
size String! Size of the package file.
updatedAt Time! Updated date.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of a package file.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the PackageFileRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the PackageFileRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the PackageFileRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the PackageFileRegistry.
packageFileId ID! ID of the PackageFile.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the PackageFileRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the PackageFileRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the PackageFileRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the PackageFileRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the PackageFileRegistry.


Represents a Helm dependency.


Name Type Description
alias String Alias of the dependency.
condition String Condition of the dependency.
enabled Boolean Indicates the dependency is enabled.
importValues [JSON!] Import-values of the dependency.
name String Name of the dependency.
repository String Repository of the dependency.
tags [String!] Tags of the dependency.
version String Version of the dependency.


Represents a Helm maintainer.


Name Type Description
email String Email of the maintainer.
name String Name of the maintainer.
url String URL of the maintainer.


Represents the contents of a Helm Chart.yml file.


Name Type Description
annotations JSON Annotations for the chart.
apiVersion String! API version of the chart.
appVersion String App version of the chart.
condition String Condition for the chart.
dependencies [PackageHelmDependencyType!] Dependencies of the chart.
deprecated Boolean Indicates if the chart is deprecated.
description String Description of the chart.
home String URL of the home page.
icon String URL to an SVG or PNG image for the chart.
keywords [String!] Keywords for the chart.
kubeVersion String Kubernetes versions for the chart.
maintainers [PackageHelmMaintainerType!] Maintainers of the chart.
name String! Name of the chart.
sources [String!] URLs of the source code for the chart.
tags String Tags for the chart.
type String Type of the chart.
version String! Version of the chart.

Represents links to perform actions on the package.


Name Type Description
webPath String Path to the package details page.


Namespace-level Package Registry settings.


Name Type Description
genericDuplicateExceptionRegex UntrustedRegexp When generic_duplicates_allowed is false, you can publish duplicate packages with names that match this regex. Otherwise, this setting has no effect.
genericDuplicatesAllowed Boolean! Indicates whether duplicate generic packages are allowed for this namespace.
lockMavenPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean! Indicates whether Maven package forwarding is locked for all descendent namespaces.
lockNpmPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean! Indicates whether npm package forwarding is locked for all descendent namespaces.
lockPypiPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean! Indicates whether PyPI package forwarding is locked for all descendent namespaces.
mavenDuplicateExceptionRegex UntrustedRegexp When maven_duplicates_allowed is false, you can publish duplicate packages with names that match this regex. Otherwise, this setting has no effect.
mavenDuplicatesAllowed Boolean! Indicates whether duplicate Maven packages are allowed for this namespace.
mavenPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether Maven package forwarding is allowed for this namespace.
mavenPackageRequestsForwardingLocked Boolean! Indicates whether Maven package forwarding settings are locked by a parent namespace.
npmPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether npm package forwarding is allowed for this namespace.
npmPackageRequestsForwardingLocked Boolean! Indicates whether npm package forwarding settings are locked by a parent namespace.
pypiPackageRequestsForwarding Boolean Indicates whether PyPI package forwarding is allowed for this namespace.
pypiPackageRequestsForwardingLocked Boolean! Indicates whether PyPI package forwarding settings are locked by a parent namespace.


Represents a package tag.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Created date.
id ID! ID of the tag.
name String! Name of the tag.
updatedAt Time! Updated date.


A packages cleanup policy designed to keep only packages and packages assets that matter most.


Name Type Description
keepNDuplicatedPackageFiles PackagesCleanupKeepDuplicatedPackageFilesEnum! Number of duplicated package files to retain.
nextRunAt Time Next time that this packages cleanup policy will be executed.


Information about pagination in a connection.


Name Type Description
endCursor String When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.
hasNextPage Boolean! When paginating forwards, are there more items?.
hasPreviousPage Boolean! When paginating backwards, are there more items?.
startCursor String When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of a pages_deployment.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the PagesDeploymentRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the PagesDeploymentRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the PagesDeploymentRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the PagesDeploymentRegistry.
pagesDeploymentId ID! ID of the Pages Deployment.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the PagesDeploymentRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the PagesDeploymentRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the PagesDeploymentRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the PagesDeploymentRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the PagesDeploymentRegistry.


Represents a file or directory in the project repository that has been locked.


Name Type Description
id PathLockID! ID of the path lock.
path String Locked path.
user UserCore User that has locked this path.



Name Type Description
active Boolean! Indicates if the pipeline is active.
beforeSha String Base SHA of the source branch.
cancelable Boolean! Specifies if a pipeline can be canceled.
codeQualityReportSummary CodeQualityReportSummary Code Quality report summary for a pipeline.
codeQualityReports CodeQualityDegradationConnection Code Quality degradations reported on the pipeline. (see Connections)
commit Commit Git commit of the pipeline.
commitPath String Path to the commit that triggered the pipeline.
committedAt Time Timestamp of the pipeline's commit.
complete Boolean! Indicates if a pipeline is complete.
coverage Float Coverage percentage.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of the pipeline's creation.
dastProfile DastProfile DAST profile associated with the pipeline.
detailedStatus DetailedStatus! Detailed status of the pipeline.
downstream PipelineConnection Pipelines this pipeline will trigger. (see Connections)
duration Int Duration of the pipeline in seconds.
finishedAt Time Timestamp of the pipeline's completion.
id ID! ID of the pipeline.
iid String! Internal ID of the pipeline.
jobArtifacts [CiJobArtifact!] Job artifacts of the pipeline.
mergeRequestEventType PipelineMergeRequestEventType Event type of the pipeline associated with a merge request.
path String Relative path to the pipeline's page.
project Project Project the pipeline belongs to.
queuedDuration Duration How long the pipeline was queued before starting.
ref String Reference to the branch from which the pipeline was triggered.
refPath String Reference path to the branch from which the pipeline was triggered.
retryable Boolean! Specifies if a pipeline can be retried.
securityReportSummary SecurityReportSummary Vulnerability and scanned resource counts for each security scanner of the pipeline.
sourceJob CiJob Job where pipeline was triggered from.
stages CiStageConnection Stages of the pipeline. (see Connections)
startedAt Time Timestamp when the pipeline was started.
testReportSummary TestReportSummary! Summary of the test report generated by the pipeline.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of the pipeline's last activity.
upstream Pipeline Pipeline that triggered the pipeline.
user UserCore Pipeline user.
userPermissions PipelinePermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
usesNeeds Boolean Indicates if the pipeline has jobs with needs dependencies.
warningMessages [PipelineMessage!] Pipeline warning messages.
warnings Boolean! Indicates if a pipeline has warnings.

Fields with arguments


Specific job in this pipeline, either by name or ID.

Returns CiJob.

Name Type Description
id JobID ID of the job.
name String Name of the job.

Jobs belonging to the pipeline.

Returns CiJobConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
retried Boolean Filter jobs by retry-status.
securityReportTypes [SecurityReportTypeEnum!] Filter jobs by the type of security report they produce.
statuses [CiJobStatus!] Filter jobs by status.
whenExecuted [String!] Filter jobs by when they are executed.

Vulnerability finding reported on the pipeline.

Returns PipelineSecurityReportFinding.

Name Type Description
uuid String! UUID of the security report finding.

Vulnerability findings reported on the pipeline.

Returns PipelineSecurityReportFindingConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
reportType [String!] Filter vulnerability findings by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerability findings by Scanner.externalId.
severity [String!] Filter vulnerability findings by severity.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerability findings by state.

SHA of the pipeline's commit.

Returns String.

Name Type Description
format ShaFormat Format of the SHA.

A specific test suite in a pipeline test report.

Returns TestSuite.

Name Type Description
buildIds [ID!]! IDs of the builds used to run the test suite.



Name Type Description
monthPipelinesLabels [String!] Labels for the monthly pipeline count.
monthPipelinesSuccessful [Int!] Total monthly successful pipeline count.
monthPipelinesTotals [Int!] Total monthly pipeline count.
pipelineTimesLabels [String!] Pipeline times labels.
pipelineTimesValues [Int!] Pipeline times.
weekPipelinesLabels [String!] Labels for the weekly pipeline count.
weekPipelinesSuccessful [Int!] Total weekly successful pipeline count.
weekPipelinesTotals [Int!] Total weekly pipeline count.
yearPipelinesLabels [String!] Labels for the yearly pipeline count.
yearPipelinesSuccessful [Int!] Total yearly successful pipeline count.
yearPipelinesTotals [Int!] Total yearly pipeline count.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of a pipeline artifact.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the PipelineArtifactRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the PipelineArtifactRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the PipelineArtifactRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the PipelineArtifactRegistry.
pipelineArtifactId ID! ID of the pipeline artifact.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the PipelineArtifactRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the PipelineArtifactRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the PipelineArtifactRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the PipelineArtifactRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the PipelineArtifactRegistry.


Represents pipeline counts for the project.


Name Type Description
all Int Total number of pipelines for the project.
finished Int Number of pipelines with scope FINISHED for the project.
pending Int Number of pipelines with scope PENDING for the project.
running Int Number of pipelines with scope RUNNING for the project.



Name Type Description
content String! Content of the pipeline message.
id ID! ID of the pipeline message.



Name Type Description
adminPipeline Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_pipeline on this resource.
destroyPipeline Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_pipeline on this resource.
updatePipeline Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_pipeline on this resource.


Represents a pipeline schedule.


Name Type Description
active Boolean! Indicates if the pipeline schedule is active.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the pipeline schedule was created.
cron String! Cron notation for the schedule.
cronTimezone String! Timezone for the pipeline schedule.
description String Description of the pipeline schedule.
editPath String Edit path of the pipeline schedule.
forTag Boolean! Indicates if a pipelines schedule belongs to a tag.
id ID! ID of the pipeline schedule.
lastPipeline Pipeline Last pipeline object.
nextRunAt Time! Time when the next pipeline will run.
owner UserCore! Owner of the pipeline schedule.
project Project Project of the pipeline schedule.
realNextRun Time! Time when the next pipeline will run.
ref String Ref of the pipeline schedule.
refForDisplay String Git ref for the pipeline schedule.
refPath String Path to the ref that triggered the pipeline.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the pipeline schedule was last updated.
userPermissions PipelineSchedulePermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
variables PipelineScheduleVariableConnection Pipeline schedule variables. (see Connections)



Name Type Description
adminPipelineSchedule Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_pipeline_schedule on this resource.
playPipelineSchedule Boolean! Indicates the user can perform play_pipeline_schedule on this resource.
takeOwnershipPipelineSchedule {warning-solid} Boolean! Deprecated in 15.9. Use admin_pipeline_schedule permission to determine if the user can take ownership of a pipeline schedule.
updatePipelineSchedule Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_pipeline_schedule on this resource.



Name Type Description
id ID! ID of the variable.
key String Name of the variable.
raw Boolean Indicates whether the variable is raw.
value String Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType Type of the variable.


Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.


Name Type Description
assets [AssetType!] List of assets associated with the vulnerability.
confidence {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.4. This field will be removed from the Finding domain model.
description String Description of the vulnerability finding.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
details [VulnerabilityDetail!]! Details of the security finding.
dismissalReason VulnerabilityDismissalReason Reason for the dismissal of the security report finding.
dismissedAt Time Time of the dismissal of the security report finding.
dismissedBy UserCore User who dismissed the security report finding.
evidence VulnerabilityEvidence Evidence for the vulnerability.
falsePositive Boolean Indicates whether the vulnerability is a false positive.
identifiers [VulnerabilityIdentifier!]! Identifiers of the vulnerability finding.
issueLinks VulnerabilityIssueLinkConnection List of issue links related to the vulnerability. (see Connections)
links [VulnerabilityLink!] List of links associated with the vulnerability.
location VulnerabilityLocation Location metadata for the vulnerability. Its fields depend on the type of security scan that found the vulnerability.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request that fixes the vulnerability.
name {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.1. Use title.
project Project Project on which the vulnerability finding was found.
projectFingerprint {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.1. The project_fingerprint attribute is being deprecated. Use uuid to identify findings.
remediations [VulnerabilityRemediationType!] Remediations of the security report finding.
reportType VulnerabilityReportType Type of the security report that found the vulnerability finding.
scanner VulnerabilityScanner Scanner metadata for the vulnerability.
severity VulnerabilitySeverity Severity of the vulnerability finding.
solution String Solution for resolving the security report finding.
state VulnerabilityState Finding status.
stateComment String Comment for the state of the security report finding.
title String Title of the vulnerability finding.
uuid String UUIDv5 digest based on the vulnerability's report type, primary identifier, location, fingerprint, project identifier.
vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability related to the security report finding.



Name Type Description
newBillableUserCount Int Total number of billable users after change.
seatsInSubscription Int Number of seats in subscription.
willIncreaseOverage Boolean If the group will have an increased overage after change.


Represents a product analytics dashboard.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the dashboard.
panels ProductAnalyticsDashboardPanelConnection! Panels shown on the dashboard. (see Connections)
title String! Title of the dashboard.


Represents a product analytics dashboard panel.


Name Type Description
gridAttributes JSON Description of the position and size of the panel.
title String! Title of the panel.
visualization ProductAnalyticsDashboardVisualization! Visualization of the panel.


Represents a product analytics dashboard visualization.


Name Type Description
data JSON! Data of the visualization.
options JSON! Options of the visualization.
type String! Type of the visualization.



Name Type Description
actualRepositorySizeLimit Float Size limit for the repository in bytes.
agentConfigurations AgentConfigurationConnection Agent configurations defined by the project. (see Connections)
allowMergeOnSkippedPipeline Boolean If only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds is true, indicates if merge requests of the project can also be merged with skipped jobs.
apiFuzzingCiConfiguration ApiFuzzingCiConfiguration API fuzzing configuration for the project.
archived Boolean Indicates the archived status of the project.
autocloseReferencedIssues Boolean Indicates if issues referenced by merge requests and commits within the default branch are closed automatically.
avatarUrl String URL to avatar image file of the project.
branchRules BranchRuleConnection Branch rules configured for the project. (see Connections)
ciCdSettings ProjectCiCdSetting CI/CD settings for the project.
ciConfigPathOrDefault String! Path of the CI configuration file.
ciJobTokenScope CiJobTokenScopeType The CI Job Tokens scope of access.
codeCoverageSummary CodeCoverageSummary Code coverage summary associated with the project.
complianceFrameworks ComplianceFrameworkConnection Compliance frameworks associated with the project. (see Connections)
containerExpirationPolicy ContainerExpirationPolicy Container expiration policy of the project.
containerRegistryEnabled Boolean Indicates if Container Registry is enabled for the current user.
containerRepositoriesCount Int! Number of container repositories in the project.
corpuses CoverageFuzzingCorpusConnection Find corpuses of the project. (see Connections)
createdAt Time Timestamp of the project creation.
dastScannerProfiles DastScannerProfileConnection DAST scanner profiles associated with the project. (see Connections)
dastSiteProfiles DastSiteProfileConnection DAST Site Profiles associated with the project. (see Connections)
dependencies {warning-solid} DependencyConnection Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Software dependencies used by the project.
description String Short description of the project.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
dora Dora Project's DORA metrics.
flowMetrics {warning-solid} ProjectValueStreamAnalyticsFlowMetrics Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Flow metrics for value stream analytics.
forksCount Int! Number of times the project has been forked.
fullPath ID! Full path of the project.
grafanaIntegration GrafanaIntegration Grafana integration details for the project.
group Group Group of the project.
httpUrlToRepo String URL to connect to the project via HTTPS.
id ID! ID of the project.
importStatus String Status of import background job of the project.
incidentManagementTimelineEventTags [TimelineEventTagType!] Timeline event tags for the project.
issuesEnabled Boolean Indicates if Issues are enabled for the current user.
jiraImportStatus String Status of Jira import background job of the project.
jiraImports JiraImportConnection Jira imports into the project. (see Connections)
jitsuKey {warning-solid} String Introduced in 15.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Jitsu key assigned to the project.
jobsEnabled Boolean Indicates if CI/CD pipeline jobs are enabled for the current user.
languages [RepositoryLanguage!] Programming languages used in the project.
lastActivityAt Time Timestamp of the project last activity.
lfsEnabled Boolean Indicates if the project has Large File Storage (LFS) enabled.
mergeCommitTemplate String Template used to create merge commit message in merge requests.
mergeRequestsDisableCommittersApproval Boolean! Indicates that committers of the given merge request cannot approve.
mergeRequestsEnabled Boolean Indicates if Merge Requests are enabled for the current user.
mergeRequestsFfOnlyEnabled Boolean Indicates if no merge commits should be created and all merges should instead be fast-forwarded, which means that merging is only allowed if the branch could be fast-forwarded.
name String! Name of the project (without namespace).
nameWithNamespace String! Full name of the project with its namespace.
namespace Namespace Namespace of the project.
onlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved Boolean Indicates if merge requests of the project can only be merged when all the discussions are resolved.
onlyAllowMergeIfAllStatusChecksPassed Boolean Indicates that merges of merge requests should be blocked unless all status checks have passed.
onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds Boolean Indicates if merge requests of the project can only be merged with successful jobs.
openIssuesCount Int Number of open issues for the project.
packagesCleanupPolicy PackagesCleanupPolicy Packages cleanup policy for the project.
path String! Path of the project.
pathLocks PathLockConnection The project's path locks. (see Connections)
pipelineAnalytics PipelineAnalytics Pipeline analytics.
printingMergeRequestLinkEnabled Boolean Indicates if a link to create or view a merge request should display after a push to Git repositories of the project from the command line.
productAnalyticsState {warning-solid} ProductAnalyticsState Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Current state of the product analytics stack for this project.Can only be called for one project in a single request.
publicJobs Boolean Indicates if there is public access to pipelines and job details of the project, including output logs and artifacts.
pushRules PushRules Project's push rules settings.
recentIssueBoards BoardConnection List of recently visited boards of the project. Maximum size is 4. (see Connections)
removeSourceBranchAfterMerge Boolean Indicates if Delete source branch option should be enabled by default for all new merge requests of the project.
repository Repository Git repository of the project.
repositorySizeExcess Float Size of repository that exceeds the limit in bytes.
requestAccessEnabled Boolean Indicates if users can request member access to the project.
requirementStatesCount RequirementStatesCount Number of requirements for the project by their state.
sastCiConfiguration SastCiConfiguration SAST CI configuration for the project.
securityDashboardPath String Path to project's security dashboard.
securityScanners SecurityScanners Information about security analyzers used in the project.
sentryErrors SentryErrorCollection Paginated collection of Sentry errors on the project.
serviceDeskAddress String E-mail address of the Service Desk.
serviceDeskEnabled Boolean Indicates if the project has Service Desk enabled.
sharedRunnersEnabled Boolean Indicates if shared runners are enabled for the project.
snippetsEnabled Boolean Indicates if Snippets are enabled for the current user.
squashCommitTemplate String Template used to create squash commit message in merge requests.
squashReadOnly Boolean! Indicates if squashReadOnly is enabled.
sshUrlToRepo String URL to connect to the project via SSH.
starCount Int! Number of times the project has been starred.
statistics ProjectStatistics Statistics of the project.
suggestionCommitMessage String Commit message used to apply merge request suggestions.
tagList {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.12. Use topics.
terraformStates TerraformStateConnection Terraform states associated with the project. (see Connections)
timelogCategories {warning-solid} TimeTrackingTimelogCategoryConnection Introduced in 15.3. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Timelog categories for the project.
topics [String!] List of project topics.
userPermissions ProjectPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
visibility String Visibility of the project.
vulnerabilityImages VulnerabilityContainerImageConnection Container images reported on the project vulnerabilities. (see Connections)
vulnerabilityScanners VulnerabilityScannerConnection Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilities. (see Connections)
webUrl String Web URL of the project.
wikiEnabled Boolean Indicates if Wikis are enabled for the current user.

Fields with arguments


A single Alert Management alert of the project.

Returns AlertManagementAlert.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of a user assigned to the issue.
domain AlertManagementDomainFilter! Filter query for given domain.
iid String IID of the alert. For example, "1".
search String Search query for title, description, service, or monitoring_tool.
sort AlertManagementAlertSort Sort alerts by this criteria.
statuses [AlertManagementStatus!] Alerts with the specified statues. For example, [TRIGGERED].

Counts of alerts by status for the project.

Returns AlertManagementAlertStatusCountsType.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of a user assigned to the issue.
search String Search query for title, description, service, or monitoring_tool.

Alert Management alerts of the project.

Returns AlertManagementAlertConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of a user assigned to the issue.
domain AlertManagementDomainFilter! Filter query for given domain.
iid String IID of the alert. For example, "1".
search String Search query for title, description, service, or monitoring_tool.
sort AlertManagementAlertSort Sort alerts by this criteria.
statuses [AlertManagementStatus!] Alerts with the specified statues. For example, [TRIGGERED].

HTTP Integrations which can receive alerts for the project.

Returns AlertManagementHttpIntegrationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id AlertManagementHttpIntegrationID ID of the integration.

Integrations which can receive alerts for the project.

Returns AlertManagementIntegrationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id GlobalID ID of the integration.

Extract alert fields from payload for custom mapping.

Returns [AlertManagementPayloadAlertField!].

Name Type Description
payloadExample String! Sample payload for extracting alert fields for custom mappings.

A single board of the project.

Returns Board.

Name Type Description
id BoardID! ID of the board.

Boards of the project.

Returns BoardConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
id BoardID Find a board by its ID.

CI/CD config variable.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.3. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns [CiConfigVariable!].

Name Type Description
sha String! Sha.

Find a single CI/CD template by name.

Returns CiTemplate.

Name Type Description
name String! Name of the CI/CD template to search for. Template must be formatted as Name.gitlab-ci.yml.

List of the project's CI/CD variables.

Returns CiProjectVariableConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
sort CiVariableSort Sort order of results.

Find a single cluster agent by name.

Returns ClusterAgent.

Name Type Description
hasVulnerabilities Boolean Returns only cluster agents which have vulnerabilities.
name String! Name of the cluster agent.

Cluster agents associated with the project.

Returns ClusterAgentConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
hasVulnerabilities Boolean Returns only cluster agents which have vulnerabilities.

Container repositories of the project.

Returns ContainerRepositoryConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Filter the container repositories by their name.
sort ContainerRepositorySort Sort container repositories by this criteria.

DAST Profile associated with the project.

Returns DastProfile.

Name Type Description
hasDastProfileSchedule Boolean Filter DAST Profiles by whether or not they have a schedule.
id DastProfileID! ID of the DAST Profile.

DAST Profiles associated with the project.

Returns DastProfileConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
hasDastProfileSchedule Boolean Filter DAST Profiles by whether or not they have a schedule.

DAST Site Profile associated with the project.

Returns DastSiteProfile.

Name Type Description
id DastSiteProfileID! ID of the site profile.

DAST Site Validations associated with the project.

Returns DastSiteValidationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
normalizedTargetUrls [String!] Normalized URL of the target to be scanned.
status DastSiteValidationStatusEnum Status of the site validation.

Data transfer data point for a specific period. This is mocked data under a development feature flag.

Returns ProjectDataTransfer.

Name Type Description
from Date Retain egress data for 1 year. Current month will increase dynamically as egress occurs.
to Date End date for the data.

Details of the deployment of the project.

Returns Deployment.

Name Type Description
iid ID! Project-level internal ID of the Deployment.

A single environment of the project.

Returns Environment.

Name Type Description
name String Name of the environment.
search String Search query for environment name.
states [String!] States of environments that should be included in result.
type String Search query for environment type.

Environments of the project. This field can only be resolved for one project in any single request.

Returns EnvironmentConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Name of the environment.
search String Search query for environment name.
states [String!] States of environments that should be included in result.
type String Search query for environment type.

Details of the fork project compared to its upstream project.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns ForkDetails.

Name Type Description
ref String Ref of the fork. Default value is HEAD.

Namespaces in which the current user can fork the project into.

Returns NamespaceConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query for path or name.

Preview Billable User Changes.

Returns PreviewBillableUserChange.

Name Type Description
addGroupId Int Group ID to add.
addUserEmails [String!] User emails to add.
addUserIds [Int!] User IDs to add.
role GitlabSubscriptionsUserRole! Role of users being added to group.

Incident Management escalation policies of the project.

Returns EscalationPolicyTypeConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Fuzzy search by escalation policy name.

Incident Management escalation policy of the project.

Returns EscalationPolicyType.

Name Type Description
id IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID! ID of the escalation policy.
name String Fuzzy search by escalation policy name.

Incident Management On-call schedules of the project.

Returns IncidentManagementOncallScheduleConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
iids [ID!] IIDs of on-call schedules.

Incident Management Timeline event associated with the incident.

Returns TimelineEventType.

Name Type Description
id IncidentManagementTimelineEventID! ID of the timeline event.
incidentId IssueID! ID of the incident.

Incident Management Timeline events associated with the incident.

Returns TimelineEventTypeConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
incidentId IssueID! ID of the incident.

A single issue of the project.

Returns Issue.

Name Type Description
assigneeId String ID of a user assigned to the issues. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
assigneeUsername {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.11. Use assigneeUsernames.
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
closedAfter Time Issues closed after this date.
closedBefore Time Issues closed before this date.
confidential Boolean Filter for confidential issues. If "false", excludes confidential issues. If "true", returns only confidential issues.
createdAfter Time Issues created after this date.
createdBefore Time Issues created before this date.
crmContactId String ID of a contact assigned to the issues.
crmOrganizationId String ID of an organization assigned to the issues.
epicId String ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported.
healthStatus {warning-solid} HealthStatus Deprecated in 15.4. Use healthStatusFilter.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatusFilter Health status of the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.
iid String IID of the issue. For example, "1".
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeSubepics Boolean Whether to include subepics when filtering issues by epicId.
iterationId [ID] List of iteration Global IDs applied to the issue.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Labels applied to this issue.
milestoneTitle [String] Milestone applied to this issue.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter issues by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedIssueFilterInput Negated arguments.
or UnionedIssueFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR.
releaseTag [String!] Release tag associated with the issue's milestone.
releaseTagWildcardId ReleaseTagWildcardId Filter issues by release tag ID wildcard.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort IssueSort Sort issues by this criteria.
state IssuableState Current state of this issue.
types [IssueType!] Filter issues by the given issue types.
updatedAfter Time Issues updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Issues updated before this date.
weight String Weight applied to the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.

Counts of issues by status for the project.

Returns IssueStatusCountsType.

Name Type Description
assigneeId String ID of a user assigned to the issues. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
assigneeUsername {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.11. Use assigneeUsernames.
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
closedAfter Time Issues closed after this date.
closedBefore Time Issues closed before this date.
confidential Boolean Filter for confidential issues. If "false", excludes confidential issues. If "true", returns only confidential issues.
createdAfter Time Issues created after this date.
createdBefore Time Issues created before this date.
crmContactId String ID of a contact assigned to the issues.
crmOrganizationId String ID of an organization assigned to the issues.
epicId String ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatusFilter Health status of the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.
iid String IID of the issue. For example, "1".
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeSubepics Boolean Whether to include subepics when filtering issues by epicId.
iterationId [ID] List of iteration Global IDs applied to the issue.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Labels applied to this issue.
milestoneTitle [String] Milestone applied to this issue.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter issues by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedIssueFilterInput Negated arguments.
or UnionedIssueFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR.
releaseTag [String!] Release tag associated with the issue's milestone.
releaseTagWildcardId ReleaseTagWildcardId Filter issues by release tag ID wildcard.
search String Search query for title or description.
types [IssueType!] Filter issues by the given issue types.
updatedAfter Time Issues updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Issues updated before this date.
weight String Weight applied to the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.

Issues of the project.

Returns IssueConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeId String ID of a user assigned to the issues. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
assigneeUsername {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.11. Use assigneeUsernames.
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
closedAfter Time Issues closed after this date.
closedBefore Time Issues closed before this date.
confidential Boolean Filter for confidential issues. If "false", excludes confidential issues. If "true", returns only confidential issues.
createdAfter Time Issues created after this date.
createdBefore Time Issues created before this date.
crmContactId String ID of a contact assigned to the issues.
crmOrganizationId String ID of an organization assigned to the issues.
epicId String ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported.
healthStatus {warning-solid} HealthStatus Deprecated in 15.4. Use healthStatusFilter.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatusFilter Health status of the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.
iid String IID of the issue. For example, "1".
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
includeSubepics Boolean Whether to include subepics when filtering issues by epicId.
iterationId [ID] List of iteration Global IDs applied to the issue.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Labels applied to this issue.
milestoneTitle [String] Milestone applied to this issue.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter issues by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedIssueFilterInput Negated arguments.
or UnionedIssueFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR.
releaseTag [String!] Release tag associated with the issue's milestone.
releaseTagWildcardId ReleaseTagWildcardId Filter issues by release tag ID wildcard.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort IssueSort Sort issues by this criteria.
state IssuableState Current state of this issue.
types [IssueType!] Filter issues by the given issue types.
updatedAfter Time Issues updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Issues updated before this date.
weight String Weight applied to the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.

Find iteration cadences.

Returns IterationCadenceConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the iteration cadence is active.
automatic Boolean Whether the iteration cadence should automatically generate upcoming iterations.
durationInWeeks Int Duration in weeks of the iterations within this cadence.
id IterationsCadenceID Global ID of the iteration cadence to look up.
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Whether to include ancestor groups to search iterations cadences in.
title String Fuzzy search by title.

Find iterations.

Returns IterationConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
id ID Global ID of the Iteration to look up.
iid ID Internal ID of the Iteration to look up.
in [IterationSearchableField!] Fields in which the fuzzy-search should be performed with the query given in the argument search. Defaults to [title].
includeAncestors Boolean Whether to include ancestor iterations. Defaults to true.
iterationCadenceIds [IterationsCadenceID!] Global iteration cadence IDs by which to look up the iterations.
search String Query used for fuzzy-searching in the fields selected in the argument in. Returns all iterations if empty.
sort IterationSort List iterations by sort order. If unspecified, an arbitrary order (subject to change) is used.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state IterationState Filter iterations by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
title {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 15.4. The argument will be removed in 15.4. Please use search and in fields instead.

One job belonging to the project, selected by ID.

Returns CiJob.

Name Type Description
id JobID! ID of the job.

Jobs of a project. This field can only be resolved for one project in any single request.

Returns CiJobConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
statuses [CiJobStatus!] Filter jobs by status.
withArtifacts Boolean Filter by artifacts presence.

Label available on this project.

Returns Label.

Name Type Description
title String! Title of the label.

Labels available on this project.

Returns LabelConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
includeAncestorGroups Boolean Include labels from ancestor groups.
searchTerm String Search term to find labels with.

A single merge request of the project.

Returns MergeRequest.

Name Type Description
iid String! IID of the merge request, for example 1.

Merge requests of the project.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Milestones of the project.

Returns MilestoneConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
containingDate Time Date the milestone contains.
endDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.end.
ids [ID!] Array of global milestone IDs, e.g., "gid://gitlab/Milestone/1".
includeAncestors Boolean Also return milestones in the project's parent group and its ancestors.
searchTitle String Search string for the title.
sort MilestoneSort Sort milestones by this criteria.
startDate {warning-solid} Time Deprecated in 13.5. Use timeframe.start.
state MilestoneStateEnum Filter milestones by state.
timeframe Timeframe List items overlapping the given timeframe.
title String Title of the milestone.

Environments for this project with nested folders, can only be resolved for one project in any single request.

Returns NestedEnvironmentConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
name String Name of the environment.
search String Search query for environment name.
states [String!] States of environments that should be included in result.
type String Search query for environment type.

Network Policies of the project.

WARNING: Deprecated in 14.8. Network policies are deprecated and will be removed in GitLab 16.0. Since GitLab 15.0 this field returns no data.

Returns NetworkPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
environmentId EnvironmentID Global ID of the environment to filter policies.

Packages of the project.

Returns PackageConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
includeVersionless Boolean Include versionless packages.
packageName String Search a package by name.
packageType PackageTypeEnum Filter a package by type.
sort PackageSort Sort packages by this criteria.
status PackageStatus Filter a package by status.

Build pipeline of the project.

Returns Pipeline.

Name Type Description
iid ID IID of the Pipeline. For example, "1".
sha String SHA of the Pipeline. For example, "dyd0f15ay83993f5ab66k927w28673882x99100b".

Build pipeline counts of the project.

Returns PipelineCounts.

Name Type Description
ref String Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for.
sha String Filter pipelines by the SHA of the commit they are run for.
source String Filter pipelines by their source.

Pipeline schedules of the project. This field can only be resolved for one project per request.

Returns PipelineScheduleConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [ID!] Filter pipeline schedules by IDs.
status PipelineScheduleStatus Filter pipeline schedules by active status.

Build pipelines of the project.

Returns PipelineConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ref String Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for.
scope PipelineScopeEnum Filter pipelines by scope.
sha String Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for.
source String Filter pipelines by their source.
status PipelineStatusEnum Filter pipelines by their status.
updatedAfter Time Pipelines updated after this date.
updatedBefore Time Pipelines updated before this date.
username String Filter pipelines by the user that triggered the pipeline.

Product Analytics dashboards of the project.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns ProductAnalyticsDashboardConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
slug String Find by dashboard slug.

Members of the project.

Returns MemberInterfaceConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
relations [ProjectMemberRelation!] Filter members by the given member relations.
search String Search query.
sort MemberSort sort query.

A single release of the project.

Returns Release.

Name Type Description
tagName String! Name of the tag associated to the release.

Releases of the project.

Returns ReleaseConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
sort ReleaseSort Sort releases by given criteria.

Find a single requirement.

Returns Requirement.

Name Type Description
authorUsername [String!] Filter requirements by author username.
iid {warning-solid} ID Deprecated in 15.8. Use work_item_iid instead.
iids {warning-solid} [ID!] Deprecated in 15.8. Use work_item_iids instead.
lastTestReportState RequirementStatusFilter State of latest requirement test report.
search String Search query for requirement title.
sort Sort List requirements by sort order.
state RequirementState Filter requirements by state.
workItemIid ID IID of the requirement work item, for example, "1".
workItemIids [ID!] List of IIDs of requirement work items, for example, [1, 2].

Find requirements.

Returns RequirementConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername [String!] Filter requirements by author username.
iid {warning-solid} ID Deprecated in 15.8. Use work_item_iid instead.
iids {warning-solid} [ID!] Deprecated in 15.8. Use work_item_iids instead.
lastTestReportState RequirementStatusFilter State of latest requirement test report.
search String Search query for requirement title.
sort Sort List requirements by sort order.
state RequirementState Filter requirements by state.
workItemIid ID IID of the requirement work item, for example, "1".
workItemIids [ID!] List of IIDs of requirement work items, for example, [1, 2].

Find runners visible to the current user.

Returns CiRunnerConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
active {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 14.8. This was renamed. Use: paused.
paused Boolean Filter runners by paused (true) or active (false) status.
search String Filter by full token or partial text in description field.
sort CiRunnerSort Sort order of results.
status CiRunnerStatus Filter runners by status.
tagList [String!] Filter by tags associated with the runner (comma-separated or array).
type CiRunnerType Filter runners by type.
upgradeStatus CiRunnerUpgradeStatus Filter by upgrade status.

Scan Execution Policies of the project.

Returns ScanExecutionPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
actionScanTypes [SecurityReportTypeEnum!] Filters policies by the action scan type. Only these scan types are supported: dast, secret_detection, cluster_image_scanning, container_scanning, sast, sast_iac, dependency_scanning.
relationship SecurityPolicyRelationType Filter policies by the given policy relationship.

Scan Result Policies of the project.

Returns ScanResultPolicyConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
relationship SecurityPolicyRelationType Filter policies by the given policy relationship.

List of security training providers for the project.

Returns [ProjectSecurityTraining!].

Name Type Description
onlyEnabled Boolean Filter the list by only enabled security trainings.

Security training URLs for the enabled training providers of the project.

Returns [SecurityTrainingUrl!].

Name Type Description
filename String Filename to filter security training URLs by programming language.
identifierExternalIds [String!]! List of external IDs of vulnerability identifiers.

Detailed version of a Sentry error on the project.

Returns SentryDetailedError.

Name Type Description
id GitlabErrorTrackingDetailedErrorID! ID of the Sentry issue.

Project services.

WARNING: Deprecated in 15.9. This will be renamed to Project.integrations.

Returns ServiceConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
active Boolean Indicates if the integration is active.
type ServiceType Type of integration.

Snippets of the project.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Find a single Terraform state by name.

Returns TerraformState.

Name Type Description
name String! Name of the Terraform state.

Time logged on issues and merge requests in the project.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

Visible forks of the project.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
minimumAccessLevel AccessLevelEnum Minimum access level.

Vulnerabilities reported on the project.

Returns VulnerabilityConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
clusterAgentId [ClustersAgentID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_agent_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
clusterId [ClustersClusterID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
hasIssues Boolean Returns only the vulnerabilities which have linked issues.
hasResolution Boolean Returns only the vulnerabilities which have been resolved on default branch.
image [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by location image. When this filter is present, the response only matches entries for a reportType that includes container_scanning, cluster_image_scanning.
projectId [ID!] Filter vulnerabilities by project.
reportType [VulnerabilityReportType!] Filter vulnerabilities by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by VulnerabilityScanner.externalId.
scannerId [VulnerabilitiesScannerID!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner ID.
severity [VulnerabilitySeverity!] Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
sort VulnerabilitySort List vulnerabilities by sort order.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerabilities by state.

The historical number of vulnerabilities per day for the project.

Returns VulnerabilitiesCountByDayConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate ISO8601Date! Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history.
startDate ISO8601Date! First day for which to fetch vulnerability history.

Counts for each vulnerability severity in the project.

Returns VulnerabilitySeveritiesCount.

Name Type Description
clusterAgentId [ClustersAgentID!] Filter vulnerabilities by cluster_agent_id. Vulnerabilities with a reportType of cluster_image_scanning are only included with this filter.
hasIssues Boolean Filter vulnerabilities that do or do not have issues.
hasResolution Boolean Filter vulnerabilities that do or do not have a resolution.
image [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by location image. When this filter is present, the response only matches entries for a reportType that includes container_scanning, cluster_image_scanning.
projectId [ID!] Filter vulnerabilities by project.
reportType [VulnerabilityReportType!] Filter vulnerabilities by report type.
scanner [String!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner.
scannerId [VulnerabilitiesScannerID!] Filter vulnerabilities by scanner ID.
severity [VulnerabilitySeverity!] Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
state [VulnerabilityState!] Filter vulnerabilities by state.

Work item types available to the project.

Returns WorkItemTypeConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
taskable Boolean If true, only taskable work item types will be returned. Argument is experimental and can be removed in the future without notice.

Work items of the project.

WARNING: Introduced in 15.1. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time.

Returns WorkItemConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername {warning-solid} String Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Filter work items by author username.
iid String IID of the work item. For example, "1".
iids [String!] List of IIDs of work items. For example, ["1", "2"].
in [IssuableSearchableField!] Specify the fields to perform the search in. Defaults to [TITLE, DESCRIPTION]. Requires the search argument.'.
requirementLegacyWidget {warning-solid} RequirementLegacyFilterInput Deprecated in 15.9. Use work item IID filter instead.
search String Search query for title or description.
sort WorkItemSort Sort work items by criteria.
state IssuableState Current state of the work item.
statusWidget StatusFilterInput Input for status widget filter. Ignored if work_items_mvc_2 is disabled.
types [IssueType!] Filter work items by the given work item types.



Name Type Description
inboundJobTokenScopeEnabled Boolean Indicates CI/CD job tokens generated in other projects have restricted access to this project.
jobTokenScopeEnabled Boolean Indicates CI/CD job tokens generated in this project have restricted access to other projects.
keepLatestArtifact Boolean Whether to keep the latest builds artifacts.
mergePipelinesEnabled Boolean Whether merge pipelines are enabled.
mergeTrainsEnabled Boolean Whether merge trains are enabled.
optInJwt Boolean When disabled, the JSON Web Token is always available in all jobs in the pipeline.
project Project Project the CI/CD settings belong to.



Name Type Description
egressNodes EgressNodeConnection Data nodes. (see Connections)
totalEgress BigInt Total egress for that project in that period of time.


Represents a Project Membership.


Name Type Description
accessLevel AccessLevel GitLab::Access level.
createdAt Time Date and time the membership was created.
createdBy UserCore User that authorized membership.
expiresAt Time Date and time the membership expires.
id ID! ID of the member.
project Project Project that User is a member of.
updatedAt Time Date and time the membership was last updated.
user UserCore User that is associated with the member object.
userPermissions ProjectPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.

Fields with arguments


Find a merge request.

Returns UserMergeRequestInteraction.

Name Type Description
id MergeRequestID! Global ID of the merge request.



Name Type Description
adminOperations Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_operations on this resource.
adminPathLocks Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_path_locks on this resource.
adminProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_project on this resource.
adminRemoteMirror Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_remote_mirror on this resource.
adminWiki Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_wiki on this resource.
archiveProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform archive_project on this resource.
changeNamespace Boolean! Indicates the user can perform change_namespace on this resource.
changeVisibilityLevel Boolean! Indicates the user can perform change_visibility_level on this resource.
createDeployment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_deployment on this resource.
createDesign Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_design on this resource.
createIssue Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_issue on this resource.
createLabel Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_label on this resource.
createMergeRequestFrom Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_merge_request_from on this resource.
createMergeRequestIn Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_merge_request_in on this resource.
createPages Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_pages on this resource.
createPipeline Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_pipeline on this resource.
createPipelineSchedule Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_pipeline_schedule on this resource.
createSnippet Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_snippet on this resource.
createWiki Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_wiki on this resource.
destroyDesign Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_design on this resource.
destroyPages Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_pages on this resource.
destroyWiki Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_wiki on this resource.
downloadCode Boolean! Indicates the user can perform download_code on this resource.
downloadWikiCode Boolean! Indicates the user can perform download_wiki_code on this resource.
forkProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform fork_project on this resource.
pushCode Boolean! Indicates the user can perform push_code on this resource.
pushToDeleteProtectedBranch Boolean! Indicates the user can perform push_to_delete_protected_branch on this resource.
readCommitStatus Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_commit_status on this resource.
readCycleAnalytics Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_cycle_analytics on this resource.
readDesign Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_design on this resource.
readEnvironment Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_environment on this resource.
readMergeRequest Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_merge_request on this resource.
readPagesContent Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_pages_content on this resource.
readProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_project on this resource.
readProjectMember Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_project_member on this resource.
readWiki Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_wiki on this resource.
removeForkProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform remove_fork_project on this resource.
removePages Boolean! Indicates the user can perform remove_pages on this resource.
removeProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform remove_project on this resource.
renameProject Boolean! Indicates the user can perform rename_project on this resource.
requestAccess Boolean! Indicates the user can perform request_access on this resource.
updatePages Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_pages on this resource.
updateWiki Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_wiki on this resource.
uploadFile Boolean! Indicates the user can perform upload_file on this resource.


Represents the source of a security policy belonging to a project.


Name Type Description
project Project Project the policy is associated with.



Name Type Description
description String Description of the training provider.
id GlobalID! ID of the training provider.
isEnabled Boolean! Represents whether the provider is enabled or not.
isPrimary Boolean! Represents whether the provider is set as primary or not.
logoUrl String Logo URL of the provider.
name String! Name of the training provider.
url String! URL of the provider.



Name Type Description
buildArtifactsSize Float! Build artifacts size of the project in bytes.
commitCount Float! Commit count of the project.
containerRegistrySize Float Container Registry size of the project in bytes.
lfsObjectsSize Float! Large File Storage (LFS) object size of the project in bytes.
packagesSize Float! Packages size of the project in bytes.
pipelineArtifactsSize Float CI Pipeline artifacts size in bytes.
repositorySize Float! Repository size of the project in bytes.
snippetsSize Float Snippets size of the project in bytes.
storageSize Float! Storage size of the project in bytes.
uploadsSize Float Uploads size of the project in bytes.
wikiSize Float Wiki size of the project in bytes.


Exposes aggregated value stream flow metrics.

Fields with arguments


Median time from first commit to issue closed.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
from Time! Issues created after the date.
labelNames [String!] Labels applied to the issue.
milestoneTitle String Milestone applied to the issue.
to Time! Issues created before the date.

Number of production deployments in the given period.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
from Time! Deployments finished after the date.
to Time! Deployments finished before the date.

Number of issues opened in the given period.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
from Time! Issues created after the date.
labelNames [String!] Labels applied to the issue.
milestoneTitle String Milestone applied to the issue.
to Time! Issues created before the date.

Median time from when the issue was created to when it was closed.

Returns ValueStreamAnalyticsMetric.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of the author of the issue.
from Time! Issues created after the date.
labelNames [String!] Labels applied to the issue.
milestoneTitle String Milestone applied to the issue.
to Time! Issues created before the date.


The alert condition for Prometheus.


Name Type Description
humanizedText String! Human-readable text of the alert condition.
id ID! ID of the alert condition.


Protected Environments of the environment.


Name Type Description
approvalRules ProtectedEnvironmentApprovalRuleConnection Which group, user or role is allowed to approve deployments to the environment. (see Connections)
deployAccessLevels ProtectedEnvironmentDeployAccessLevelConnection Which group, user or role is allowed to execute deployments to the environment. (see Connections)
group Group Group details. Present if it's group-level protected environment.
name String Name of the environment if it's a project-level protected environment. Tier of the environment if it's a group-level protected environment.
project Project Project details. Present if it's project-level protected environment.
requiredApprovalCount Int Required approval count for Unified Approval Setting.


Which group, user or role is allowed to approve deployments to the environment.


Name Type Description
accessLevel AccessLevel Role details. Present if it's role specific access control.
group Group Group details. Present if it's group specific access control.
requiredApprovals Int Number of required approvals.
user UserCore User details. Present if it's user specific access control.


Which group, user or role is allowed to approve deployments to the environment.


Name Type Description
accessLevel AccessLevel Role details. Present if it's role specific access control.
approvals [DeploymentApproval!] Current approvals of the deployment.
approvedCount Int Approved count.
group Group Group details. Present if it's group specific access control.
pendingApprovalCount Int Pending approval count.
requiredApprovals Int Number of required approvals.
status DeploymentApprovalSummaryStatus Status of the approval summary.
user UserCore User details. Present if it's user specific access control.


Which group, user or role is allowed to execute deployments to the environment.


Name Type Description
accessLevel AccessLevel Role details. Present if it's role specific access control.
group Group Group details. Present if it's group specific access control.
user UserCore User details. Present if it's user specific access control.


Defines which user roles, users, or groups can push to a protected branch.


Name Type Description
accessLevel Int! GitLab::Access level.
accessLevelDescription String! Human readable representation for this access level.
group AccessLevelGroup Group associated with this access level.
user AccessLevelUser User associated with this access level.


Represents rules that commit pushes must follow.


Name Type Description
rejectUnsignedCommits Boolean! Indicates whether commits not signed through GPG will be rejected.


Pypi metadata.


Name Type Description
id PackagesPypiMetadatumID! ID of the metadatum.
requiredPython String Required Python version of the Pypi package.



Name Type Description
limit Int GraphQL query complexity limit. See GitLab documentation on this limit.
score Int GraphQL query complexity score.


Recent failure history of a test case.


Name Type Description
baseBranch String Name of the base branch of the project.
count Int Number of times the test case has failed in the past 14 days.


Represents a release.


Name Type Description
assets ReleaseAssets Assets of the release.
author UserCore User that created the release.
commit Commit Commit associated with the release.
createdAt Time Timestamp of when the release was created.
description String Description (also known as "release notes") of the release.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
evidences ReleaseEvidenceConnection Evidence for the release. (see Connections)
historicalRelease Boolean Indicates the release is an historical release.
id ReleaseID! Global ID of the release.
links ReleaseLinks Links of the release.
milestones MilestoneConnection Milestones associated to the release. (see Connections)
name String Name of the release.
releasedAt Time Timestamp of when the release was released.
tagName String Name of the tag associated with the release.
tagPath String Relative web path to the tag associated with the release.
upcomingRelease Boolean Indicates the release is an upcoming release.

Represents an asset link associated with a release.


Name Type Description
directAssetPath String Relative path for the direct asset link.
directAssetUrl String Direct asset URL of the link.
external {warning-solid} Boolean Deprecated in 15.9. No longer used.
id ID! ID of the link.
linkType ReleaseAssetLinkType Type of the link: other, runbook, image, package; defaults to other.
name String Name of the link.
url String URL of the link.


A container for all assets associated with a release.


Name Type Description
count Int Number of assets of the release.
links ReleaseAssetLinkConnection Asset links of the release. (see Connections)
sources ReleaseSourceConnection Sources of the release. (see Connections)


Evidence for a release.


Name Type Description
collectedAt Time Timestamp when the evidence was collected.
filepath String URL from where the evidence can be downloaded.
id ID! ID of the evidence.
sha String SHA1 ID of the evidence hash.


Name Type Description
closedIssuesUrl String HTTP URL of the issues page, filtered by this release and state=closed.
closedMergeRequestsUrl String HTTP URL of the merge request page , filtered by this release and state=closed.
editUrl String HTTP URL of the release's edit page.
mergedMergeRequestsUrl String HTTP URL of the merge request page , filtered by this release and state=merged.
openedIssuesUrl String HTTP URL of the issues page, filtered by this release and state=open.
openedMergeRequestsUrl String HTTP URL of the merge request page, filtered by this release and state=open.
selfUrl String HTTP URL of the release.


Represents the source code attached to a release in a particular format.


Name Type Description
format String Format of the source.
url String Download URL of the source.



Name Type Description
diskPath String Shows a disk path of the repository.
empty Boolean! Indicates repository has no visible content.
exists Boolean! Indicates a corresponding Git repository exists on disk.
rootRef String Default branch of the repository.

Fields with arguments


Blobs contained within the repository.

Returns RepositoryBlobConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
paths [String!]! Array of desired blob paths.
ref String Commit ref to get the blobs from. Default value is HEAD.

Names of branches available in this repository that match the search pattern.

Returns [String!].

Name Type Description
limit Int! Number of branch names to return.
offset Int! Number of branch names to skip.
searchPattern String! Pattern to search for branch names by.

Paginated tree of the repository.

Returns TreeConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
path String Path to get the tree for. Default value is the root of the repository.
recursive Boolean Used to get a recursive tree. Default is false.
ref String Commit ref to get the tree for. Default value is HEAD.

Tree of the repository.

Returns Tree.

Name Type Description
path String Path to get the tree for. Default value is the root of the repository.
recursive Boolean Used to get a recursive tree. Default is false.
ref String Commit ref to get the tree for. Default value is HEAD.



Name Type Description
archived Boolean Whether the current project is archived.
blamePath String Web path to blob blame page.
canCurrentUserPushToBranch Boolean Whether the current user can push to the branch.
canModifyBlob Boolean Whether the current user can modify the blob.
codeNavigationPath String Web path for code navigation.
codeOwners [UserCore!] List of code owners for the blob.
editBlobPath String Web path to edit the blob in the old-style editor.
environmentExternalUrlForRouteMap String Web path to blob on an environment.
environmentFormattedExternalUrl String Environment on which the blob is available.
externalStorage String External storage being used, if enabled (for instance, 'LFS').
externalStorageUrl String Web path to download the raw blob via external storage, if enabled.
fileType String Expected format of the blob based on the extension.
findFilePath String Web path to find file.
forkAndEditPath String Web path to edit this blob using a forked project.
forkAndViewPath String Web path to view this blob using a forked project.
gitpodBlobUrl String URL to the blob within Gitpod.
historyPath String Web path to blob history page.
id ID! ID of the blob.
ideEditPath String Web path to edit this blob in the Web IDE.
ideForkAndEditPath String Web path to edit this blob in the Web IDE using a forked project.
language String Blob language.
lfsOid String LFS OID of the blob.
mode String Blob mode.
name String Blob name.
oid String! OID of the blob.
path String! Path of the blob.
permalinkPath String Web path to blob permalink.
pipelineEditorPath String Web path to edit .gitlab-ci.yml file.
plainData String Blob plain highlighted data.
projectBlobPathRoot String Web path for the root of the blob.
rawBlob String Raw content of the blob.
rawPath String Web path to download the raw blob.
rawSize BigInt Size (in bytes) of the blob, or the blob target if stored externally.
rawTextBlob String Raw content of the blob, if the blob is text data.
replacePath String Web path to replace the blob content.
richViewer BlobViewer Blob content rich viewer.
simpleViewer BlobViewer! Blob content simple viewer.
size BigInt Size (in bytes) of the blob.
storedExternally Boolean Whether the blob's content is stored externally (for instance, in LFS).
webPath String Web path of the blob.



Name Type Description
color Color Color to visualize the repository language.
name String! Name of the repository language.
share Float Percentage of the repository's languages.


Represents a requirement.


Name Type Description
author UserCore! Author of the requirement.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the requirement was created.
description String Description of the requirement.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
id ID! ID of the requirement.
iid {warning-solid} ID! Deprecated in 15.8. Use work_item_iid instead.
lastTestReportManuallyCreated Boolean Indicates if latest test report was created by user.
lastTestReportState TestReportState Latest requirement test report state.
project Project! Project to which the requirement belongs.
state RequirementState! State of the requirement.
title String Title of the requirement.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the requirement was last updated.
userPermissions RequirementPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
workItemIid ID! Work item IID of the requirement, will replace current IID as identifier soon.

Fields with arguments


Test reports of the requirement.

Returns TestReportConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
sort Sort List test reports by sort order.


Check permissions for the current user on a requirement.


Name Type Description
adminRequirement Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_requirement on this resource.
createRequirement Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_requirement on this resource.
destroyRequirement Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_requirement on this resource.
readRequirement Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_requirement on this resource.
updateRequirement Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_requirement on this resource.


Counts of requirements by their state.


Name Type Description
archived Int Number of archived requirements.
opened Int Number of opened requirements.



Name Type Description
buildArtifactsSize Float! CI artifacts size in bytes.
containerRegistrySize Float! Container Registry size in bytes.
dependencyProxySize Float! Dependency Proxy sizes in bytes.
lfsObjectsSize Float! LFS objects size in bytes.
packagesSize Float! Packages size in bytes.
pipelineArtifactsSize Float! CI pipeline artifacts size in bytes.
registrySizeEstimated Boolean! Indicates whether the deduplicated Container Registry size for the namespace is an estimated value or not.
repositorySize Float! Git repository size in bytes.
snippetsSize Float! Snippets size in bytes.
storageSize Float! Total storage in bytes.
uploadsSize Float! Uploads size in bytes.
wikiSize Float! Wiki size in bytes.



Name Type Description
downloadLocation String! Download location for the runner for the platform architecture.
name String! Name of the runner platform architecture.



Name Type Description
assignRunner Boolean! Indicates the user can perform assign_runner on this resource.
deleteRunner Boolean! Indicates the user can perform delete_runner on this resource.
readRunner Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_runner on this resource.
updateRunner Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_runner on this resource.



Name Type Description
architectures RunnerArchitectureConnection Runner architectures supported for the platform. (see Connections)
humanReadableName String! Human readable name of the runner platform.
name String! Name slug of the runner platform.



Name Type Description
installInstructions String! Instructions for installing the runner on the specified architecture.
registerInstructions String Instructions for registering the runner. The actual registration tokens are not included in the commands. Instead, a placeholder $REGISTRATION_TOKEN is shown.


Represents a CI configuration of SAST.


Name Type Description
analyzers SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityConnection List of analyzers entities attached to SAST configuration. (see Connections)
global SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection List of global entities related to SAST configuration. (see Connections)
pipeline SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection List of pipeline entities related to SAST configuration. (see Connections)


Represents an analyzer entity in SAST CI configuration.


Name Type Description
description String Analyzer description that is displayed on the form.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether an analyzer is enabled.
label String Analyzer label used in the config UI.
name String Name of the analyzer.
variables SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection List of supported variables. (see Connections)


Represents an entity in SAST CI configuration.


Name Type Description
defaultValue String Default value that is used if value is empty.
description String Entity description that is displayed on the form.
field String CI keyword of entity.
label String Label for entity used in the form.
options SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityConnection Different possible values of the field. (see Connections)
size SastUiComponentSize Size of the UI component.
type String Type of the field value.
value String Current value of the entity.


Represents an entity for options in SAST CI configuration.


Name Type Description
label String Label of option entity.
value String Value of option entity.



Name Type Description
content String! Content of the saved reply.
id UsersSavedReplyID! Global ID of the saved reply.
name String! Name of the saved reply.


Represents the security scan information.


Name Type Description
errors [String!]! List of errors.
name String! Name of the scan.
status ScanStatus! Indicates the status of the scan.
warnings [String!]! List of warnings.


Represents the scan execution policy.


Name Type Description
description String! Description of the policy.
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether this policy is enabled.
name String! Name of the policy.
source SecurityPolicySource! Source of the policy. Its fields depend on the source type.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the policy YAML was last updated.
yaml String! YAML definition of the policy.


Represents the scan result policy.


Name Type Description
description String! Description of the policy.
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether this policy is enabled.
groupApprovers [Group!] Approvers of the group type.
name String! Name of the policy.
source SecurityPolicySource! Source of the policy. Its fields depend on the source type.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the policy YAML was last updated.
userApprovers [UserCore!] Approvers of the user type.
yaml String! YAML definition of the policy.


Represents a resource scanned by a security scan.


Name Type Description
requestMethod String HTTP request method used to access the URL.
url String URL scanned by the scanner.


Represents summary of a security report.


Name Type Description
apiFuzzing SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the api_fuzzing scan.
clusterImageScanning SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the cluster_image_scanning scan.
containerScanning SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the container_scanning scan.
coverageFuzzing SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the coverage_fuzzing scan.
dast SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the dast scan.
dependencyScanning SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the dependency_scanning scan.
generic SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the generic scan.
sast SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the sast scan.
secretDetection SecurityReportSummarySection Aggregated counts for the secret_detection scan.


Represents a section of a summary of a security report.


Name Type Description
scannedResources ScannedResourceConnection List of the first 20 scanned resources. (see Connections)
scannedResourcesCount Int Total number of scanned resources.
scannedResourcesCsvPath String Path to download all the scanned resources in CSV format.
scans ScanConnection! List of security scans ran for the type. (see Connections)
vulnerabilitiesCount Int Total number of vulnerabilities.


Represents a list of security scanners.


Name Type Description
available [SecurityScannerType!] List of analyzers which are available for the project.
enabled [SecurityScannerType!] List of analyzers which are enabled for the project.
pipelineRun [SecurityScannerType!] List of analyzers which ran successfully in the latest pipeline.


Represents a URL related to a security training.


Name Type Description
identifier String Name of the vulnerability identifier.
name String Name of the training provider.
status TrainingUrlRequestStatus Status of the request to training provider.
url String URL of the link for security training content.


A Sentry error.


Name Type Description
count Int! Count of occurrences.
culprit String! Culprit of the error.
externalBaseUrl String! External Base URL of the Sentry Instance.
externalUrl String! External URL of the error.
firstReleaseLastCommit String Commit the error was first seen.
firstReleaseShortVersion String Release short version the error was first seen.
firstReleaseVersion String Release version the error was first seen.
firstSeen Time! Timestamp when the error was first seen.
frequency [SentryErrorFrequency!]! Last 24hr stats of the error.
gitlabCommit String GitLab commit SHA attributed to the Error based on the release version.
gitlabCommitPath String Path to the GitLab page for the GitLab commit attributed to the error.
gitlabIssuePath String URL of GitLab Issue.
id ID! ID (global ID) of the error.
integrated Boolean Error tracking backend.
lastReleaseLastCommit String Commit the error was last seen.
lastReleaseShortVersion String Release short version the error was last seen.
lastReleaseVersion String Release version the error was last seen.
lastSeen Time! Timestamp when the error was last seen.
message String Sentry metadata message of the error.
sentryId String! ID (Sentry ID) of the error.
sentryProjectId ID! ID of the project (Sentry project).
sentryProjectName String! Name of the project affected by the error.
sentryProjectSlug String! Slug of the project affected by the error.
shortId String! Short ID (Sentry ID) of the error.
status SentryErrorStatus! Status of the error.
tags SentryErrorTags! Tags associated with the Sentry Error.
title String! Title of the error.
type String! Type of the error.
userCount Int! Count of users affected by the error.


A Sentry error. A simplified version of SentryDetailedError.


Name Type Description
count Int! Count of occurrences.
culprit String! Culprit of the error.
externalUrl String! External URL of the error.
firstSeen Time! Timestamp when the error was first seen.
frequency [SentryErrorFrequency!]! Last 24hr stats of the error.
id ID! ID (global ID) of the error.
lastSeen Time! Timestamp when the error was last seen.
message String Sentry metadata message of the error.
sentryId String! ID (Sentry ID) of the error.
sentryProjectId ID! ID of the project (Sentry project).
sentryProjectName String! Name of the project affected by the error.
sentryProjectSlug String! Slug of the project affected by the error.
shortId String! Short ID (Sentry ID) of the error.
status SentryErrorStatus! Status of the error.
title String! Title of the error.
type String! Type of the error.
userCount Int! Count of users affected by the error.


An object containing a collection of Sentry errors, and a detailed error.


Name Type Description
externalUrl String External URL for Sentry.

Fields with arguments


Detailed version of a Sentry error on the project.

Returns SentryDetailedError.

Name Type Description
id GitlabErrorTrackingDetailedErrorID! ID of the Sentry issue.

Stack Trace of Sentry Error.

Returns SentryErrorStackTrace.

Name Type Description
id GitlabErrorTrackingDetailedErrorID! ID of the Sentry issue.

Collection of Sentry Errors.

Returns SentryErrorConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
searchTerm String Search query for the Sentry error details.
sort String Attribute to sort on. Options are frequency, first_seen, last_seen. last_seen is default.



Name Type Description
count Int! Count of errors received since the previously recorded time.
time Time! Time the error frequency stats were recorded.


An object containing a stack trace entry for a Sentry error.


Name Type Description
dateReceived String! Time the stack trace was received by Sentry.
issueId String! ID of the Sentry error.
stackTraceEntries [SentryErrorStackTraceEntry!]! Stack trace entries for the Sentry error.


An object context for a Sentry error stack trace.


Name Type Description
code String! Code number of the context.
line Int! Line number of the context.


An object containing a stack trace entry for a Sentry error.


Name Type Description
col String Function in which the Sentry error occurred.
fileName String File in which the Sentry error occurred.
function String Function in which the Sentry error occurred.
line String Function in which the Sentry error occurred.
traceContext [SentryErrorStackTraceContext!] Context of the Sentry error.


State of a Sentry error.


Name Type Description
level String Severity level of the Sentry Error.
logger String Logger of the Sentry Error.


Represents a snippet entry.


Name Type Description
author UserCore Owner of the snippet.
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
createdAt Time! Timestamp this snippet was created.
description String Description of the snippet.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
fileName String File Name of the snippet.
httpUrlToRepo String HTTP URL to the snippet repository.
id SnippetID! ID of the snippet.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
project Project Project the snippet is associated with.
rawUrl String! Raw URL of the snippet.
sshUrlToRepo String SSH URL to the snippet repository.
title String! Title of the snippet.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp this snippet was updated.
userPermissions SnippetPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
visibilityLevel VisibilityLevelsEnum! Visibility Level of the snippet.
webUrl String! Web URL of the snippet.

Fields with arguments


Snippet blobs.

Returns SnippetBlobConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
paths [String!] Paths of the blobs.


Represents the snippet blob.


Name Type Description
binary Boolean! Shows whether the blob is binary.
externalStorage String Blob external storage.
mode String Blob mode.
name String Blob name.
path String Blob path.
plainData String Blob plain highlighted data.
rawPath String! Blob raw content endpoint path.
rawPlainData String Raw content of the blob, if the blob is text data.
renderedAsText Boolean! Shows whether the blob is rendered as text.
richData String Blob highlighted data.
richViewer SnippetBlobViewer Blob content rich viewer.
simpleViewer SnippetBlobViewer! Blob content simple viewer.
size Int! Blob size.


Represents how the blob content should be displayed.


Name Type Description
collapsed Boolean! Shows whether the blob should be displayed collapsed.
fileType String! Content file type.
loadAsync Boolean! Shows whether the blob content is loaded asynchronously.
loadingPartialName String! Loading partial name.
renderError String Error rendering the blob content.
tooLarge Boolean! Shows whether the blob is too large to be displayed.
type BlobViewersType! Type of blob viewer.



Name Type Description
adminSnippet Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_snippet on this resource.
awardEmoji Boolean! Indicates the user can perform award_emoji on this resource.
createNote Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_note on this resource.
readSnippet Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_snippet on this resource.
reportSnippet Boolean! Indicates the user can perform report_snippet on this resource.
updateSnippet Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_snippet on this resource.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of a snippet repository.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the SnippetRepositoryRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the SnippetRepositoryRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry.
snippetRepositoryId ID! ID of the Snippet Repository.
state RegistryState Sync state of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the SnippetRepositoryRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry.


SSH signature for a signed commit.


Name Type Description
commitSha String SHA of the associated commit.
key Key SSH key used for the signature.
keyFingerprintSha256 String Fingerprint of the key.
project Project Project of the associated commit.
user UserCore User associated with the key.
verificationStatus VerificationStatus Indicates verification status of the associated key or certificate.



Name Type Description
buttonTitle String Title for the button, for example: Retry this job.
icon String Icon used in the action button.
id String! ID for a status action.
method String Method for the action, for example: :post.
path String Path for the action.
title String Title for the action, for example: Retry.



Name Type Description
flatPath String! Flat path of the entry.
id ID! ID of the entry.
name String! Name of the entry.
path String! Path of the entry.
sha String! Last commit SHA for the entry.
treeUrl String Tree URL for the sub-module.
type EntryType! Type of tree entry.
webUrl String Web URL for the sub-module.


Represents an entry from the future subscriptions.


Name Type Description
company String Company of the licensee.
email String Email of the licensee.
expiresAt Date Date when the license expires.
name String Name of the licensee.
plan String! Name of the subscription plan.
startsAt Date Date when the license started.
type String! Type of license the subscription will yield.
usersInLicenseCount Int Number of paid user seats.


Represents a Suggested Reviewers result set.


Name Type Description
accepted [String!] List of accepted reviewer usernames.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the suggestions were created.
suggested [String!]! List of suggested reviewer usernames.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the suggestions were updated.



Name Type Description
action String System note metadata action.
descriptionVersion DescriptionVersion Version of the changed description.
id SystemNoteMetadataID! Global ID of the specific system note metadata.


Completion status of tasks.


Name Type Description
completedCount Int! Number of completed tasks.
count Int! Number of total tasks.



Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp the Terraform state was created.
deletedAt Time Timestamp the Terraform state was deleted.
id ID! ID of the Terraform state.
latestVersion TerraformStateVersion Latest version of the Terraform state.
lockedAt Time Timestamp the Terraform state was locked.
lockedByUser UserCore User currently holding a lock on the Terraform state.
name String! Name of the Terraform state.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the Terraform state was updated.



Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Timestamp the version was created.
createdByUser UserCore User that created this version.
downloadPath String URL for downloading the version's JSON file.
id ID! ID of the Terraform state version.
job CiJob Job that created this version.
serial Int Serial number of the version.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the version was updated.


Represents the Geo sync and verification state of a terraform state version.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the TerraformStateVersionRegistry was created.
id ID! ID of the TerraformStateVersionRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the TerraformStateVersionRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the TerraformStateVersionRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the TerraformStateVersionRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the TerraformStateVersionRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the TerraformStateVersionRegistry.
terraformStateVersionId ID! ID of the terraform state version.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the TerraformStateVersionRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the TerraformStateVersionRegistry.


Test case in pipeline test report.


Name Type Description
attachmentUrl String URL of the test case attachment file.
classname String Classname of the test case.
executionTime Float Test case execution time in seconds.
file String Path to the file of the test case.
name String Name of the test case.
recentFailures RecentFailures Recent failure history of the test case on the base branch.
stackTrace String Stack trace of the test case.
status TestCaseStatus Status of the test case (error, failed, success, skipped).
systemOutput String System output of the test case.


Represents a requirement test report.


Name Type Description
author UserCore Author of the test report.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the test report was created.
id ID! ID of the test report.
state TestReportState! State of the test report.
usesLegacyIid Boolean Indicates whether the test report was generated with references to legacy requirement IIDs.


Test report for a pipeline.


Name Type Description
testSuites TestSuiteSummaryConnection! Test suites belonging to a pipeline test report. (see Connections)
total TestReportTotal! Total report statistics for a pipeline test report.


Total test report statistics.


Name Type Description
count Int Total number of the test cases.
error Int Total number of test cases that had an error.
failed Int Total number of test cases that failed.
skipped Int Total number of test cases that were skipped.
success Int Total number of test cases that succeeded.
suiteError String Test suite error message.
time Float Total duration of the tests.


Test suite in a pipeline test report.


Name Type Description
errorCount Int Total number of test cases that had an error.
failedCount Int Total number of test cases that failed in the test suite.
name String Name of the test suite.
skippedCount Int Total number of test cases that were skipped in the test suite.
successCount Int Total number of test cases that succeeded in the test suite.
suiteError String Test suite error message.
testCases TestCaseConnection Test cases in the test suite. (see Connections)
totalCount Int Total number of the test cases in the test suite.
totalTime Float Total duration of the tests in the test suite.


Test suite summary in a pipeline test report.


Name Type Description
buildIds [ID!] IDs of the builds used to run the test suite.
errorCount Int Total number of test cases that had an error.
failedCount Int Total number of test cases that failed in the test suite.
name String Name of the test suite.
skippedCount Int Total number of test cases that were skipped in the test suite.
successCount Int Total number of test cases that succeeded in the test suite.
suiteError String Test suite error message.
totalCount Int Total number of the test cases in the test suite.
totalTime Float Total duration of the tests in the test suite.


Represents the time report stats for timeboxes.


Name Type Description
complete TimeboxMetrics Completed issues metrics.
incomplete TimeboxMetrics Incomplete issues metrics.
total TimeboxMetrics Total issues metrics.



Name Type Description
billable Boolean Whether the category is billable or not.
billingRate Float Billing rate for the category.
color Color Color assigned to the category.
createdAt Time! When the category was created.
description String Description of the category.
id ID! Internal ID of the timelog category.
name String! Name of the category.
updatedAt Time! When the category was last updated.


Represents measured stats metrics for timeboxes.


Name Type Description
count Int! Count metric.
weight Int! Weight metric.


Represents a historically accurate report about the timebox.


Name Type Description
burnupTimeSeries [BurnupChartDailyTotals!] Daily scope and completed totals for burnup charts.
error TimeboxReportError If the report cannot be generated, information about why.
stats TimeReportStats Represents the time report stats for the timebox.


Explains why we could not generate a timebox report.


Name Type Description
code TimeboxReportErrorReason Machine readable code, categorizing the error.
message String Human readable message explaining what happened.


Describes a tag on an incident management timeline event.


Name Type Description
id IncidentManagementTimelineEventTagID! ID of the timeline event tag.
name String! Name of the timeline event tag.


Describes an incident management timeline event.


Name Type Description
action String! Indicates the timeline event icon.
author UserCore User that created the timeline event.
createdAt Time! Timestamp when the event created.
editable Boolean! Indicates the timeline event is editable.
id IncidentManagementTimelineEventID! ID of the timeline event.
incident Issue! Incident of the timeline event.
note String Text note of the timeline event.
noteHtml String HTML note of the timeline event.
occurredAt Time! Timestamp when the event occurred.
promotedFromNote Note Note from which the timeline event was created.
timelineEventTags TimelineEventTagTypeConnection Tags for the incident timeline event. (see Connections)
updatedAt Time! Timestamp when the event updated.
updatedByUser UserCore User that updated the timeline event.



Name Type Description
id ID! Internal ID of the timelog.
issue Issue Issue that logged time was added to.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request that logged time was added to.
note Note Note where the quick action was executed to add the logged time.
spentAt Time Timestamp of when the time tracked was spent at.
summary String Summary of how the time was spent.
timeSpent Int! Time spent displayed in seconds.
user UserCore! User that logged the time.
userPermissions TimelogPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.



Name Type Description
adminTimelog Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_timelog on this resource.


Representing a to-do entry.


Name Type Description
action TodoActionEnum! Action of the to-do item.
author UserCore! Author of this to-do item.
body String! Body of the to-do item.
createdAt Time! Timestamp this to-do item was created.
group Group Group this to-do item is associated with.
id ID! ID of the to-do item.
note Note Note which created this to-do item.
project Project Project this to-do item is associated with.
state TodoStateEnum! State of the to-do item.
target Todoable! Target of the to-do item.
targetType TodoTargetEnum! Target type of the to-do item.



Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL to avatar image file of the topic.
description String Description of the topic.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
id ID! ID of the topic.
name String! Name of the topic.
title String! Title of the topic.



Name Type Description
blobs BlobConnection! Blobs of the tree. (see Connections)
lastCommit Commit Last commit for the tree.
submodules SubmoduleConnection! Sub-modules of the tree. (see Connections)
trees TreeEntryConnection! Trees of the tree. (see Connections)


Represents a directory.


Name Type Description
flatPath String! Flat path of the entry.
id ID! ID of the entry.
name String! Name of the entry.
path String! Path of the entry.
sha String! Last commit SHA for the entry.
type EntryType! Type of tree entry.
webPath String Web path for the tree entry (directory).
webUrl String Web URL for the tree entry (directory).


Defines which user roles, users, or groups can unprotect a protected branch.


Name Type Description
accessLevel Int! GitLab::Access level.
accessLevelDescription String! Human readable representation for this access level.
group AccessLevelGroup Group associated with this access level.
user AccessLevelUser User associated with this access level.


Represents the Geo replication and verification state of an upload.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp when the UploadRegistry was created.
fileId ID! ID of the Upload.
id ID! ID of the UploadRegistry.
lastSyncFailure String Error message during sync of the UploadRegistry.
lastSyncedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the UploadRegistry.
retryAt Time Timestamp after which the UploadRegistry is resynced.
retryCount Int Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the UploadRegistry.
state RegistryState Sync state of the UploadRegistry.
verificationRetryAt Time Timestamp after which the UploadRegistry is reverified.
verifiedAt Time Timestamp of the most recent successful verification of the UploadRegistry.


Represents a recorded measurement (object count) for the Admins.


Name Type Description
count Int! Object count.
identifier MeasurementIdentifier! Type of objects being measured.
recordedAt Time Time the measurement was recorded.



Name Type Description
achievement Achievement! Achievement awarded.
awardedByUser UserCore! Awarded by.
createdAt Time! Timestamp the achievement was created.
id AchievementsUserAchievementID! ID of the user achievement.
revokedAt Time Timestamp the achievement was revoked.
revokedByUser UserCore Revoked by.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp the achievement was last updated.
user UserCore! Achievement recipient.



Name Type Description
dismissedAt Time Date when the callout was dismissed.
featureName UserCalloutFeatureNameEnum Name of the feature that the callout is for.


Core represention of a GitLab user.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
bot Boolean! Indicates if the user is a bot.
callouts UserCalloutConnection User callouts that belong to the user. (see Connections)
commitEmail String User's default commit email.
email {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: User.publicEmail.
emails EmailConnection User's email addresses. (see Connections)
gitpodEnabled Boolean Whether Gitpod is enabled at the user level.
groupCount Int Group count for the user.
groupMemberships GroupMemberConnection Group memberships of the user. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the user.
location String Location of the user.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
namespace Namespace Personal namespace of the user.
namespaceCommitEmails NamespaceCommitEmailConnection User's custom namespace commit emails. (see Connections)
preferencesGitpodPath String Web path to the Gitpod section within user preferences.
profileEnableGitpodPath String Web path to enable Gitpod for the user.
projectMemberships ProjectMemberConnection Project memberships of the user. (see Connections)
publicEmail String User's public email.
savedReplies SavedReplyConnection Saved replies authored by the user. Will not return saved replies if saved_replies feature flag is disabled. (see Connections)
state UserState! State of the user.
status UserStatus User status.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the user. Only returns for namespaces where the achievements feature flag is enabled.
userPermissions UserPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.

Fields with arguments


Merge requests assigned to the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Merge requests authored by the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Groups where the user has access.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
permissionScope GroupPermission Filter by permissions the user has on groups.
search String Search by group name or path.

Merge requests assigned to the user for review.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Saved reply authored by the user. Will not return saved reply if saved_replies feature flag is disabled.

Returns SavedReply.

Name Type Description
id UsersSavedReplyID! ID of a saved reply.

Snippets authored by the user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Projects starred by the user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
search String Search query.

Time logged by the user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

To-do items of the user.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.


Information about a merge request given a specific user.

This object has two parts to its state: a User and a MergeRequest. All fields relate to interactions between the two entities.


Name Type Description
applicableApprovalRules [ApprovalRule!] Approval rules that apply to this user for this merge request.
approved Boolean! Whether this user has approved this merge request.
canMerge Boolean! Whether this user can merge this merge request.
canUpdate Boolean! Whether this user can update this merge request.
reviewState MergeRequestReviewState State of the review by this user.
reviewed Boolean! Whether this user has provided a review for this merge request.



Name Type Description
createSnippet Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_snippet on this resource.



Name Type Description
issuesSort IssueSort Sort order for issue lists.



Name Type Description
availability AvailabilityEnum! User availability status.
emoji String String representation of emoji.
message String User status message.
messageHtml String HTML of the user status message.



Name Type Description
identifier String! Identifier for the metric.
links [ValueStreamMetricLinkType!]! Optional links for drilling down.
title String! Title for the metric.
unit String Unit of measurement.
value Float Value for the metric.



Name Type Description
docsLink Boolean Link to the metric documentation.
label String! Label for the link.
name String! Name of the link group.
url String! Drill-down URL.


Represents the count of vulnerabilities by severity on a particular day. This data is retained for 365 days.


Name Type Description
critical Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day with critical severity.
date ISO8601Date! Date for the count.
high Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day with high severity.
info Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day with info severity.
low Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day with low severity.
medium Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day with medium severity.
total Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day.
unknown Int! Total number of vulnerabilities on a particular day with unknown severity.


Represents a vulnerability.


Name Type Description
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
confirmedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to confirmed.
confirmedBy UserCore User that confirmed the vulnerability.
description String Description of the vulnerability.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
details [VulnerabilityDetail!]! Details of the vulnerability.
detectedAt Time! Timestamp of when the vulnerability was first detected.
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
dismissedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to dismissed.
dismissedBy UserCore User that dismissed the vulnerability.
externalIssueLinks VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkConnection! List of external issue links related to the vulnerability. (see Connections)
falsePositive Boolean Indicates whether the vulnerability is a false positive.
hasSolutions Boolean Indicates whether there is a solution available for this vulnerability.
id ID! GraphQL ID of the vulnerability.
identifiers [VulnerabilityIdentifier!]! Identifiers of the vulnerability.
links [VulnerabilityLink!]! List of links associated with the vulnerability.
location VulnerabilityLocation Location metadata for the vulnerability. Its fields depend on the type of security scan that found the vulnerability.
mergeRequest MergeRequest Merge request that fixes the vulnerability.
message String Short text description of the vulnerability. This may include the finding's specific information.
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)
primaryIdentifier VulnerabilityIdentifier Primary identifier of the vulnerability.
project Project Project on which the vulnerability was found.
reportType VulnerabilityReportType Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST, DEPENDENCY_SCANNING, CONTAINER_SCANNING, DAST, SECRET_DETECTION, COVERAGE_FUZZING, API_FUZZING, CLUSTER_IMAGE_SCANNING, GENERIC). Scan Type in the UI.
resolvedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to resolved.
resolvedBy UserCore User that resolved the vulnerability.
resolvedOnDefaultBranch Boolean! Indicates whether the vulnerability is fixed on the default branch or not.
scanner VulnerabilityScanner Scanner metadata for the vulnerability.
severity VulnerabilitySeverity Severity of the vulnerability (INFO, UNKNOWN, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL).
state VulnerabilityState State of the vulnerability (DETECTED, CONFIRMED, RESOLVED, DISMISSED).
stateComment String Comment given for the vulnerability state change.
stateTransitions VulnerabilityStateTransitionTypeConnection List of state transitions related to the vulnerability. (see Connections)
title String Title of the vulnerability.
updatedAt Time Timestamp of when the vulnerability was last updated.
userNotesCount Int! Number of user notes attached to the vulnerability.
userPermissions VulnerabilityPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
vulnerabilityPath String Path to the vulnerability's details page.
webUrl String URL to the vulnerability's details page.

Fields with arguments

List of issue links related to the vulnerability.

Returns VulnerabilityIssueLinkConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
linkType VulnerabilityIssueLinkType Filter issue links by link type.


Represents a container image reported on the related vulnerability.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the container image.


Represents the vulnerability details base.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details boolean value.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.
value Boolean! Value of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details code field.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
lang String Language of the code.
name String Name of the field.
value String! Source code.


Represents the vulnerability details commit field.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.
value String! Commit SHA value.


Represents the vulnerability details diff field.


Name Type Description
after String! Value of the field after the change.
before String! Value of the field before the change.
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details location within a file in the project.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
fileName String! File name.
lineEnd Int! End line number of the file location.
lineStart Int! Start line number of the file location.
name String Name of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details integer value.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.
value Int! Value of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details list value.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
items [VulnerabilityDetail!]! List of details.
name String Name of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details Markdown field.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.
value String! Value of the Markdown field.


Represents the vulnerability details location within a file in the project.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
moduleName String! Module name.
name String Name of the field.
offset Int! Offset of the module location.


Represents an individual row in a table.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.
row [VulnerabilityDetail!]! Value of the field.


Represents the vulnerability details table value.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
headers [VulnerabilityDetail!]! Table headers.
name String Name of the field.
rows [VulnerabilityDetailRow!]! Table rows.


Represents the vulnerability details text field.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
name String Name of the field.
value String! Value of the text field.


Represents the vulnerability details URL field.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the field.
fieldName String Name of the field.
href String! Href of the URL.
name String Name of the field.
text String Text of the URL.


Represents a Vulnerability Evidence.


Name Type Description
request VulnerabilityRequest HTTP request of the Vulnerability Evidence.
response VulnerabilityResponse HTTP response of the Vulnerability Evidence.
source VulnerabilityEvidenceSource Source of the Vulnerability Evidence.
summary String Summary of the Vulnerability Evidence.
supportingMessages [VulnerabilityEvidenceSupportingMessage!] Supporting messages of the Vulnerability Evidence.


Represents a vulnerability evidence.


Name Type Description
identifier String! ID of the Vulnerability Evidence Source.
name String! Name of the Vulnerability Evidence Source.
url String URL of the Vulnerability Evidence Source.


Represents a vulnerability evidence supporting message.


Name Type Description
name String! Name of the vulnerability supporting message.
request VulnerabilityRequest HTTP request of the vulnerability evidence supporting message.
response VulnerabilityResponse HTTP response of the vulnerability evidence supporting message.

Represents an external issue link of a vulnerability.


Name Type Description
externalIssue ExternalIssue The external issue attached to the issue link.
id VulnerabilitiesExternalIssueLinkID! GraphQL ID of the external issue link.
linkType VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkType! Type of the external issue link.


Represents a vulnerability identifier.


Name Type Description
externalId String External ID of the vulnerability identifier.
externalType String External type of the vulnerability identifier.
name String Name of the vulnerability identifier.
url String URL of the vulnerability identifier.

Represents an issue link of a vulnerability.


Name Type Description
id ID! GraphQL ID of the vulnerability.
issue Issue Issue attached to issue link.
linkType VulnerabilityIssueLinkType! Type of the issue link.

Represents a link related to a vulnerability.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the link.
url String! URL of the link.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a cluster image scan.


Name Type Description
dependency VulnerableDependency Dependency containing the vulnerability.
image String Name of the vulnerable container image.
kubernetesResource VulnerableKubernetesResource Kubernetes resource which uses the vulnerable container image.
operatingSystem String Operating system that runs on the vulnerable container image.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a container security scan.


Name Type Description
dependency VulnerableDependency Dependency containing the vulnerability.
image String Name of the vulnerable container image.
operatingSystem String Operating system that runs on the vulnerable container image.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a Coverage Fuzzing scan.


Name Type Description
blobPath String Blob path to the vulnerable file.
crashAddress String Relative address in memory were the crash occurred.
crashType String Type of the crash.
endLine String Number of the last relevant line in the vulnerable file.
file String Path to the vulnerable file.
stacktraceSnippet String Stack trace recorded during fuzzing resulting the crash.
startLine String Number of the first relevant line in the vulnerable file.
vulnerableClass String Class containing the vulnerability.
vulnerableMethod String Method containing the vulnerability.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a DAST scan.


Name Type Description
hostname String Domain name of the vulnerable request.
param String Query parameter for the URL on which the vulnerability occurred.
path String URL path and query string of the vulnerable request.
requestMethod String HTTP method of the vulnerable request.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a dependency security scan.


Name Type Description
blobPath String Blob path to the vulnerable file.
dependency VulnerableDependency Dependency containing the vulnerability.
file String Path to the vulnerable file.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a generic scanner.


Name Type Description
description String Free-form description of where the vulnerability is located.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a SAST scan.


Name Type Description
blobPath String Blob path to the vulnerable file.
endLine String Number of the last relevant line in the vulnerable file.
file String Path to the vulnerable file.
startLine String Number of the first relevant line in the vulnerable file.
vulnerableClass String Class containing the vulnerability.
vulnerableMethod String Method containing the vulnerability.


Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a secret detection scan.


Name Type Description
blobPath String Blob path to the vulnerable file.
endLine String Number of the last relevant line in the vulnerable file.
file String Path to the vulnerable file.
startLine String Number of the first relevant line in the vulnerable file.
vulnerableClass String Class containing the vulnerability.
vulnerableMethod String Method containing the vulnerability.


Check permissions for the current user on a vulnerability.


Name Type Description
adminVulnerability Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_vulnerability on this resource.
adminVulnerabilityExternalIssueLink Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_vulnerability_external_issue_link on this resource.
adminVulnerabilityIssueLink Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_vulnerability_issue_link on this resource.
createVulnerability Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_vulnerability on this resource.
createVulnerabilityExport Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_vulnerability_export on this resource.
createVulnerabilityFeedback Boolean! Indicates the user can perform create_vulnerability_feedback on this resource.
destroyVulnerabilityFeedback Boolean! Indicates the user can perform destroy_vulnerability_feedback on this resource.
readVulnerabilityFeedback Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_vulnerability_feedback on this resource.
updateVulnerabilityFeedback Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_vulnerability_feedback on this resource.


Represents a vulnerability remediation type.


Name Type Description
diff String Diff of the remediation.
summary String Summary of the remediation.


Represents a Vulnerability Request.


Name Type Description
body String Body of the Vulnerability Request.
headers [VulnerabilityRequestResponseHeader!]! HTTP headers of the Vulnerability Request.
method String Method of the Vulnerability Request.
url String URL of the Vulnerability Request.


Represents a Vulnerability Request/Response Header.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the Vulnerability Request/Response Header.
value String Value of the Vulnerability Request/Response Header.


Represents a Vulnerability Response.


Name Type Description
body String Body of the Vulnerability Response.
headers [VulnerabilityRequestResponseHeader!]! HTTP headers of the Vulnerability Response.
reasonPhrase String Reason Phrase of the Vulnerability Response.
statusCode Int Status Code of the Vulnerability Response.


Represents a vulnerability scanner.


Name Type Description
externalId String External ID of the vulnerability scanner.
id ID ID of the scanner.
name String Name of the vulnerability scanner.
reportType VulnerabilityReportType Type of the vulnerability report.
reportTypeHumanized String Humanized type of the vulnerability report.
vendor String Vendor of the vulnerability scanner.


Represents vulnerability counts by severity.


Name Type Description
critical Int Number of vulnerabilities of CRITICAL severity of the project.
high Int Number of vulnerabilities of HIGH severity of the project.
info Int Number of vulnerabilities of INFO severity of the project.
low Int Number of vulnerabilities of LOW severity of the project.
medium Int Number of vulnerabilities of MEDIUM severity of the project.
unknown Int Number of vulnerabilities of UNKNOWN severity of the project.


Represents a state transition of a vulnerability.


Name Type Description
author UserCore! User who changed the state of the vulnerability.
comment String Comment for the state change.
createdAt Time! Time of the state change of the vulnerability.
dismissalReason VulnerabilityDismissalReason Reason for the dismissal.
fromState VulnerabilityState! State of the vulnerability before transition.
toState VulnerabilityState! State of the vulnerability after transition.


Represents a vulnerable dependency. Used in vulnerability location data.


Name Type Description
package VulnerablePackage Package associated with the vulnerable dependency.
version String Version of the vulnerable dependency.


Represents a vulnerable Kubernetes resource. Used in vulnerability location data.


Name Type Description
agent ClusterAgent Kubernetes Agent which performed the scan.
clusterId ClustersClusterID ID of the Cluster integration which was used to perform the scan.
containerName String! Name of the container that had its image scanned.
kind String! Kind of the Kubernetes resource.
name String! Name of the Kubernetes resource.
namespace String! Kubernetes namespace which the resource resides in.


Represents a vulnerable package. Used in vulnerability dependency data.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the vulnerable package.


Represents vulnerability letter grades with associated projects.


Name Type Description
count Int! Number of projects within this grade.
grade VulnerabilityGrade! Grade based on the highest severity vulnerability present.
projects ProjectConnection! Projects within this grade. (see Connections)



Name Type Description
author {warning-solid} UserCore Introduced in 15.9. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. User that created the work item.
closedAt Time Timestamp of when the work item was closed.
confidential Boolean! Indicates the work item is confidential.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the work item was created.
description String Description of the work item.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.
iid ID! Internal ID of the work item.
lockVersion Int! Lock version of the work item. Incremented each time the work item is updated.
project {warning-solid} Project! Introduced in 15.3. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Project the work item belongs to.
state WorkItemState! State of the work item.
title String! Title of the work item.
titleHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the work item was last updated.
userPermissions WorkItemPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
webUrl String URL of this object.
widgets [WorkItemWidget!] Collection of widgets that belong to the work item.
workItemType WorkItemType! Type assigned to the work item.


Check permissions for the current user on a work item.


Name Type Description
adminWorkItem Boolean! Indicates the user can perform admin_work_item on this resource.
deleteWorkItem Boolean! Indicates the user can perform delete_work_item on this resource.
readWorkItem Boolean! Indicates the user can perform read_work_item on this resource.
updateWorkItem Boolean! Indicates the user can perform update_work_item on this resource.



Name Type Description
iconName String Icon name of the work item type.
id WorkItemsTypeID! Global ID of the work item type.
name String! Name of the work item type.


Represents an assignees widget.


Name Type Description
allowsMultipleAssignees Boolean Indicates whether multiple assignees are allowed.
assignees UserCoreConnection Assignees of the work item. (see Connections)
canInviteMembers Boolean! Indicates whether the current user can invite members to the work item's project.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a description widget.


Name Type Description
description String Description of the work item.
descriptionHtml String GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description.
edited Boolean! Whether the description has been edited since the work item was created.
lastEditedAt Time Timestamp of when the work item's description was last edited.
lastEditedBy UserCore User that made the last edit to the work item's description.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a health status widget.


Name Type Description
healthStatus HealthStatus Health status of the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a hierarchy widget.


Name Type Description
children WorkItemConnection Child work items. (see Connections)
hasChildren Boolean! Indicates if the work item has children.
parent WorkItem Parent work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents an iteration widget.


Name Type Description
iteration Iteration Iteration of the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents the labels widget.


Name Type Description
allowsScopedLabels Boolean Indicates whether a scoped label is allowed.
labels LabelConnection Labels assigned to the work item. (see Connections)
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a milestone widget.


Name Type Description
milestone Milestone Milestone of the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a notes widget.


Name Type Description
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.

Fields with arguments


Notes on this work item.

Returns DiscussionConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

Name Type Description
filter NotesFilterType Type of notes collection: ALL_NOTES, ONLY_COMMENTS, ONLY_ACTIVITY.


Represents the notifications widget.


Name Type Description
subscribed Boolean! Whether the current user is subscribed to notifications on the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a progress widget.


Name Type Description
progress Int Progress of the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a legacy requirement widget.


Name Type Description
legacyIid {warning-solid} Int Deprecated in 15.9. Use Work Item IID instead.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a start and due date widget.


Name Type Description
dueDate Date Due date of the work item.
startDate Date Start date of the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a status widget.


Name Type Description
status String Status of the work item.
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a test reports widget.


Name Type Description
testReports TestReportConnection Test reports of the work item. (see Connections)
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.


Represents a weight widget.


Name Type Description
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.
weight Int Weight of the work item.


Represents an X.509 certificate.


Name Type Description
certificateStatus String! Indicates if the certificate is good or revoked.
createdAt Time! Timestamp of when the certificate was saved.
email String! Email associated with the cerificate.
id ID! ID of the certificate.
serialNumber String! Serial number of the certificate.
subject String! Subject of the certificate.
subjectKeyIdentifier String! Subject key identifier of the certificate.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the certificate was last updated.
x509Issuer X509Issuer! Issuer of the certificate.


Issuer of an X.509 certificate.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time Timestamp of when the issuer was created.
crlUrl String Certificate revokation list of the issuer.
id ID ID of the issuer.
subject String Subject of the issuer.
subjectKeyIdentifier String Subject key identifier of the issuer.
updatedAt Time Timestamp of when the issuer was last updated.


X.509 signature for a signed commit.


Name Type Description
commitSha String SHA of the associated commit.
project Project Project of the associated commit.
user UserCore User associated with the key.
verificationStatus VerificationStatus Indicates verification status of the associated key or certificate.
x509Certificate X509Certificate Certificate used for the signature.

Enumeration types

Also called Enums, enumeration types are a special kind of scalar that is restricted to a particular set of allowed values.

For more information, see Enumeration Types on


Access level to a resource.

Value Description
ADMIN Admin access.
DEVELOPER Developer access.
GUEST Guest access.
MAINTAINER Maintainer access.
MINIMAL_ACCESS Minimal access.
NO_ACCESS No access.
OWNER Owner access.
REPORTER Reporter access.


Agent token statuses.

Value Description
ACTIVE Active agent token.
REVOKED Revoked agent token.


Values for sorting alerts.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
CREATED_TIME_ASC Created time by ascending order.
CREATED_TIME_DESC Created time by descending order.
ENDED_AT_ASC End time by ascending order.
ENDED_AT_DESC End time by descending order.
EVENT_COUNT_ASC Events count by ascending order.
EVENT_COUNT_DESC Events count by descending order.
SEVERITY_ASC Severity from less critical to more critical.
SEVERITY_DESC Severity from more critical to less critical.
STARTED_AT_ASC Start time by ascending order.
STARTED_AT_DESC Start time by descending order.
STATUS_ASC Status by order: Ignored > Resolved > Acknowledged > Triggered.
STATUS_DESC Status by order: Triggered > Acknowledged > Resolved > Ignored.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
UPDATED_TIME_ASC Created time by ascending order.
UPDATED_TIME_DESC Created time by descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Filters the alerts based on given domain.

Value Description
operations Alerts for operations domain.
threat_monitoring {warning-solid} Deprecated in 15.0. Network policies are deprecated and will be removed in GitLab 16.0.


Values of types of integrations.

Value Description
HTTP Integration with any monitoring tool.
PROMETHEUS Prometheus integration.


Values for alert field names used in the custom mapping.

Value Description
DESCRIPTION A high-level summary of the problem.
END_TIME The resolved time of the incident.
FINGERPRINT The unique identifier of the alert. This can be used to group occurrences of the same alert.
GITLAB_ENVIRONMENT_NAME The name of the associated GitLab environment.
HOSTS One or more hosts, as to where this incident occurred.
MONITORING_TOOL The name of the associated monitoring tool.
SERVICE The affected service.
SEVERITY The severity of the alert.
START_TIME The time of the incident.
TITLE The title of the incident.


Values for alert field types used in the custom mapping.

Value Description
ARRAY Array field type.
DATETIME DateTime field type.
STRING String field type.


Alert severity values.

Value Description
CRITICAL Critical severity.
HIGH High severity.
INFO Info severity.
LOW Low severity.
MEDIUM Medium severity.
UNKNOWN Unknown severity.


Alert status values.

Value Description
ACKNOWLEDGED Someone is actively investigating the problem.
IGNORED No action will be taken.
RESOLVED The problem has been addressed.
TRIGGERED Investigation has not started.


All possible ways to specify the API surface for an API fuzzing scan.

Value Description
HAR The API surface is specified by a HAR file.
OPENAPI The API surface is specified by a OPENAPI file.
POSTMAN The API surface is specified by a POSTMAN file.


The kind of an approval rule.

Value Description
ANY_APPROVER A any_approver approval rule.
CODE_OWNER A code_owner approval rule.
REGULAR A regular approval rule.
REPORT_APPROVER A report_approver approval rule.


Assignee ID wildcard values.

Value Description
ANY An assignee is assigned.
NONE No assignee is assigned.


User availability status.

Value Description
BUSY Busy.
NOT_SET Not Set.


Available fields to be exported as CSV.

Value Description
AUTHOR Author name.
AUTHOR_USERNAME Author username.
CREATED_AT Date of creation.
ID Unique identifier.
TITLE Title.
TYPE Type of the work item.


Types of blob viewers.

Value Description
auxiliary Auxiliary blob viewers type.
rich Rich blob viewers type.
simple Simple blob viewers type.


Include type.

Value Description
file Project file include.
local Local include.
remote Remote include.
template Template include.


Values for YAML processor result.

Value Description
INVALID Configuration file is not valid.
VALID Configuration file is valid.


Deploy freeze period status.

Value Description
ACTIVE Freeze period is active.
INACTIVE Freeze period is inactive.


Value Description
BRIDGE Bridge CI job connecting a parent and child pipeline.
BUILD Standard CI job.


Value Description
CANCELED A job that is canceled.
CREATED A job that is created.
FAILED A job that is failed.
MANUAL A job that is manual.
PENDING A job that is pending.
PREPARING A job that is preparing.
RUNNING A job that is running.
SCHEDULED A job that is scheduled.
SKIPPED A job that is skipped.
SUCCESS A job that is success.
WAITING_FOR_RESOURCE A job that is waiting for resource.


Direction of access.

Value Description
INBOUND Target projects in the inbound allowlist can access the scope project through their job tokens.
OUTBOUND Job token scope project can access target project in the outbound allowlist.


Value Description
NOT_PROTECTED A runner that is not protected.
REF_PROTECTED A runner that is ref protected.


Value Description
IDLE {warning-solid} Introduced in 15.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Runner is idle.
RUNNING {warning-solid} Introduced in 15.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Runner is executing jobs.


Values for filtering runners in namespaces. The previous type name RunnerMembershipFilter was deprecated in 15.4.

Value Description
ALL_AVAILABLE {warning-solid} Introduced in 15.5. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Include all runners. This list includes runners for all projects in the group and subgroups, as well as for the parent groups and instance.
DESCENDANTS Include runners that have either a direct or inherited relationship. These runners can be specific to a project or a group.
DIRECT Include runners that have a direct relationship.


Values for sorting runners.

Value Description
CONTACTED_ASC Ordered by contacted_at in ascending order.
CONTACTED_DESC Ordered by contacted_at in descending order.
CREATED_ASC Ordered by created_at in ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Ordered by created_at in descending order.
TOKEN_EXPIRES_AT_ASC Ordered by token_expires_at in ascending order.
TOKEN_EXPIRES_AT_DESC Ordered by token_expires_at in descending order.


Value Description
ACTIVE {warning-solid} Deprecated in 14.6. This was renamed. Use: CiRunner.paused.
NEVER_CONTACTED Runner that has never contacted this instance.
OFFLINE Runner that has not contacted this instance within the last 2 hours. Will be considered STALE if offline for more than 3 months.
ONLINE Runner that contacted this instance within the last 2 hours.
PAUSED {warning-solid} Deprecated in 14.6. This was renamed. Use: CiRunner.paused.
STALE Runner that has not contacted this instance within the last 3 months.


Value Description
GROUP_TYPE A runner that is group type.
INSTANCE_TYPE A runner that is instance type.
PROJECT_TYPE A runner that is project type.


Value Description
AVAILABLE Upgrade is available for the runner.
INVALID Runner version is not valid.
NOT_AVAILABLE Upgrade is not available for the runner.
RECOMMENDED Upgrade is available and recommended for the runner.


Values for sorting variables.

Value Description
KEY_ASC Sorted by key in ascending order.
KEY_DESC Sorted by key in descending order.


Value Description
ENV_VAR Env var type.
FILE File type.


Value Description
BLOCKER Code Quality degradation has a status of blocker.
CRITICAL Code Quality degradation has a status of critical.
INFO Code Quality degradation has a status of info.
MAJOR Code Quality degradation has a status of major.
MINOR Code Quality degradation has a status of minor.
UNKNOWN Code Quality degradation has a status of unknown.


Mode of a commit action.

Value Description
CHMOD Chmod command.
CREATE Create command.
DELETE Delete command.
MOVE Move command.
UPDATE Update command.


Value Description
BASE64 Base64 encoding.
TEXT Text encoding.


ComplianceFramework of a project for filtering.

Value Description
ANY Any compliance framework is assigned.
NONE No compliance framework is assigned.


Reason for the compliance violation.

Value Description
APPROVED_BY_COMMITTER Approved by committer.
APPROVED_BY_INSUFFICIENT_USERS Approved by insufficient users.
APPROVED_BY_MERGE_REQUEST_AUTHOR Approved by merge request author.


Severity of the compliance violation.

Value Description
CRITICAL Critical severity.
HIGH High severity.
INFO Info severity.
LOW Low severity.
MEDIUM Medium severity.


Compliance violation sort values.

Value Description
MERGED_AT_ASC Date merged in ascending order, further sorted by ID in ascending order.
MERGED_AT_DESC Date merged in descending order, further sorted by ID in descending order.
MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE_ASC Merge request title in ascending order, further sorted by ID in ascending order.
MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE_DESC Merge request title in descending order, further sorted by ID in descending order.
SEVERITY_LEVEL_ASC Severity in ascending order, further sorted by ID in ascending order.
SEVERITY_LEVEL_DESC Severity in descending order, further sorted by ID in descending order.
VIOLATION_REASON_ASC Violation reason in ascending order, further sorted by ID in ascending order.
VIOLATION_REASON_DESC Violation reason in descending order, further sorted by ID in descending order.


Conan file types.

Value Description
PACKAGE_FILE A package file type.
RECIPE_FILE A recipe file type.


Values for sorting contacts.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
DESCRIPTION_ASC Description in ascending order.
DESCRIPTION_DESC Description in descending order.
EMAIL_ASC Email in ascending order.
EMAIL_DESC Email in descending order.
FIRST_NAME_ASC First name in ascending order.
FIRST_NAME_DESC First name in descending order.
LAST_NAME_ASC Last name in ascending order.
LAST_NAME_DESC Last name in descending order.
ORGANIZATION_ASC Organization in ascending order.
ORGANIZATION_DESC Organization in descending order.
PHONE_ASC Phone in ascending order.
PHONE_DESC Phone in descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Value Description
EVERY_DAY Every day.
EVERY_MONTH Every month.
EVERY_THREE_MONTHS Every three months.
EVERY_TWO_WEEKS Every two weeks.
EVERY_WEEK Every week.


Value Description
FIFTY_TAGS 50 tags per image name.
FIVE_TAGS 5 tags per image name.
ONE_HUNDRED_TAGS 100 tags per image name.
ONE_TAG 1 tag per image name.
TEN_TAGS 10 tags per image name.
TWENTY_FIVE_TAGS 25 tags per image name.


Value Description
FOURTEEN_DAYS 14 days until tags are automatically removed.
NINETY_DAYS 90 days until tags are automatically removed.
SEVEN_DAYS 7 days until tags are automatically removed.
SIXTY_DAYS 60 days until tags are automatically removed.
THIRTY_DAYS 30 days until tags are automatically removed.


Status of the tags cleanup of a container repository.

Value Description
ONGOING Tags cleanup is ongoing.
SCHEDULED Tags cleanup is scheduled and is going to be executed shortly.
UNFINISHED Tags cleanup has been partially executed. There are still remaining tags to delete.
UNSCHEDULED Tags cleanup is not scheduled. This is the default state.


Values for sorting container repositories.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
NAME_ASC Name by ascending order.
NAME_DESC Name by descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Status of a container repository.

Value Description
DELETE_FAILED Delete Failed status.
DELETE_ONGOING Delete Ongoing status.
DELETE_SCHEDULED Delete Scheduled status.


Values for sorting tags.

Value Description
NAME_ASC Ordered by name in ascending order.
NAME_DESC Ordered by name in descending order.


Value Description
active Active contacts.
all All available contacts.
inactive Inactive contacts.


Value Description
active Active organizations.
all All available organizations.
inactive Inactive organizations.


Check type of the pre scan verification step.

Value Description
AUTHENTICATION Authentication check.
CONNECTION Connection check.
CRAWLING Crawling check.


Status of DAST pre scan verification.

Value Description
COMPLETE Pre Scan Verification complete without errors.
COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORS Pre Scan Verification finished with one or more errors.
FAILED Pre Scan Validation unable to finish.
RUNNING Pre Scan Verification in execution.


Unit for the duration of Dast Profile Cadence.

Value Description
DAY DAST Profile Cadence duration in days.
MONTH DAST Profile Cadence duration in months.
WEEK DAST Profile Cadence duration in weeks.
YEAR DAST Profile Cadence duration in years.


Scan method to be used by the scanner.

Value Description
GRAPHQL GraphQL scan method.
HAR HAR scan method.
OPENAPI OpenAPI scan method.
POSTMAN_COLLECTION Postman scan method.
WEBSITE Website scan method.


Value Description
ACTIVE Active DAST scan. This scan will make active attacks against the target site.
PASSIVE Passive DAST scan. This scan will not make active attacks against the target site.


Value Description
FAILED_VALIDATION Site validation process finished but failed.
INPROGRESS_VALIDATION Site validation process is in progress.
NONE No site validation exists.
PASSED_VALIDATION Site validation process finished successfully.
PENDING_VALIDATION Site validation process has not started.


Value Description
FAILED_VALIDATION Site validation process finished but failed.
INPROGRESS_VALIDATION Site validation process is in progress.
PASSED_VALIDATION Site validation process finished successfully.
PENDING_VALIDATION Site validation process has not started.


Value Description
HEADER Header validation.
META_TAG Meta tag validation.
TEXT_FILE Text file validation.


Value Description
API API target.
WEBSITE Website target.


Color of the data visualization palette.

Value Description
AQUA Aqua color.
BLUE Blue color.
GREEN Green color.
MAGENTA Magenta color.
ORANGE Orange color.


Weight of the data visualization palette.

Value Description
WEIGHT_100 100 weight.
WEIGHT_200 200 weight.
WEIGHT_300 300 weight.
WEIGHT_400 400 weight.
WEIGHT_50 50 weight.
WEIGHT_500 500 weight.
WEIGHT_600 600 weight.
WEIGHT_700 700 weight.
WEIGHT_800 800 weight.
WEIGHT_900 900 weight.
WEIGHT_950 950 weight.


Value Description
DEFAULT Dependency proxy manifest has a status of default.
ERROR Dependency proxy manifest has a status of error.
PENDING_DESTRUCTION Dependency proxy manifest has a status of pending_destruction.
PROCESSING Dependency proxy manifest has a status of processing.


Status of the deployment approval summary.

Value Description
APPROVED Summarized deployment approval status that is approved.
PENDING_APPROVAL Summarized deployment approval status that is pending approval.
REJECTED Summarized deployment approval status that is rejected.


All deployment statuses.

Value Description
BLOCKED A deployment that is blocked.
CANCELED A deployment that is canceled.
CREATED A deployment that is created.
FAILED A deployment that is failed.
RUNNING A deployment that is running.
SKIPPED A deployment that is skipped.
SUCCESS A deployment that is success.


All environment deployment tiers.

Value Description
DEVELOPMENT Development.
OTHER Other.
PRODUCTION Production.
STAGING Staging.
TESTING Testing.


Status of the deployment approval.

Value Description
APPROVED A deployment approval that is approved.
REJECTED A deployment approval that is rejected.


Copy state of a DesignCollection.

Value Description
ERROR The DesignCollection encountered an error during a copy.
IN_PROGRESS The DesignCollection is being copied.
READY The DesignCollection has no copy in progress.


Mutation event of a design within a version.

Value Description
CREATION A creation event.
DELETION A deletion event.
MODIFICATION A modification event.
NONE No change.


Detailed representation of whether a GitLab merge request can be merged.

Value Description
BLOCKED_STATUS Merge request is blocked by another merge request.
BROKEN_STATUS Can not merge the source into the target branch, potential conflict.
CHECKING Currently checking for mergeability.
CI_MUST_PASS Pipeline must succeed before merging.
CI_STILL_RUNNING Pipeline is still running.
DISCUSSIONS_NOT_RESOLVED Discussions must be resolved before merging.
DRAFT_STATUS Merge request must not be draft before merging.
EXTERNAL_STATUS_CHECKS Status checks must pass.
MERGEABLE Branch can be merged.
NOT_APPROVED Merge request must be approved before merging.
NOT_OPEN Merge request must be open before merging.
POLICIES_DENIED There are denied policies for the merge request.
UNCHECKED Merge status has not been checked.


Type of file the position refers to.

Value Description
image An image.
text Text file.


All possible ways that DORA metrics can be aggregated.

Value Description
ALL All data points are combined into a single value.
DAILY Data points are combined into chunks by day.
MONTHLY Data points are combined into chunks by month.


All supported DORA metric types.

Value Description
CHANGE_FAILURE_RATE Change failure rate.
DEPLOYMENT_FREQUENCY Deployment frequency.
LEAD_TIME_FOR_CHANGES Lead time for changes.
TIME_TO_RESTORE_SERVICE Time to restore service.


Type of a tree entry.

Value Description
blob File tree type.
commit Commit tree type.
tree Directory tree type.


Roadmap sort values.

Value Description
CREATED_AT_ASC Sort by created_at by ascending order.
CREATED_AT_DESC Sort by created_at by descending order.
END_DATE_ASC Sort by end date in ascending order.
END_DATE_DESC Sort by end date in descending order.
START_DATE_ASC Sort by start date in ascending order.
START_DATE_DESC Sort by start date in descending order.
TITLE_ASC Sort by title in ascending order.
TITLE_DESC Sort by title in descending order.
UPDATED_AT_ASC Sort by updated_at by ascending order.
UPDATED_AT_DESC Sort by updated_at by descending order.
end_date_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.11. Use END_DATE_ASC.
end_date_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.11. Use END_DATE_DESC.
start_date_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.11. Use START_DATE_ASC.
start_date_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.11. Use START_DATE_DESC.


State of an epic.

Value Description
all All epics.
closed Closed epics.
opened Open epics.


State event of an epic.

Value Description
CLOSE Close the epic.
REOPEN Reopen the epic.


Epic ID wildcard values.

Value Description
ANY Any epic is assigned.
NONE No epic is assigned.


Escalation rule statuses.

Value Description


Event action.

Value Description
APPROVED Approved action.
CLOSED Closed action.
COMMENTED Commented action.
CREATED Created action.
DESTROYED Destroyed action.
EXPIRED Expired action.
JOINED Joined action.
LEFT Left action.
MERGED Merged action.
PUSHED Pushed action.
REOPENED Reopened action.
UPDATED Updated action.


Role of User.

Value Description
DEVELOPER Developer.
GUEST Guest.
MAINTAINER Maintainer.
OWNER Owner.
REPORTER Reporter.


Group member relation.

Value Description
DESCENDANTS Members in the group's subgroups.
DIRECT Members in the group itself.
INHERITED Members in the group's ancestor groups.
SHARED_FROM_GROUPS Invited group's members.


User permission on groups.

Value Description
CREATE_PROJECTS Groups where the user can create projects.
IMPORT_PROJECTS Groups where the user can import projects to.
TRANSFER_PROJECTS Groups where the user can transfer projects to.


Values for sorting releases belonging to a group.

Value Description
RELEASED_AT_ASC Released at by ascending order.
RELEASED_AT_DESC Released at by descending order.


Health status of an issue or epic.

Value Description
atRisk At risk.
needsAttention Needs attention.
onTrack On track.


Health status of an issue or epic for filtering.

Value Description
ANY Any health status is assigned.
NONE No health status is assigned.
atRisk At risk.
needsAttention Needs attention.
onTrack On track.


Issuable resource link type enum.

Value Description
general General link type.
slack Slack link type.
zoom Zoom link type.


Fields to perform the search in.

Value Description
DESCRIPTION Search in description field.
TITLE Search in title field.


Incident severity.

Value Description
CRITICAL Critical severity.
HIGH High severity.
LOW Low severity.
MEDIUM Medium severity.
UNKNOWN Unknown severity.


State of a GitLab issue or merge request.

Value Description
all All available.
closed In closed state.
locked Discussion has been locked.
opened In open state.


Values for subscribing and unsubscribing from issuables.

Value Description
SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to an issuable.
UNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribe from an issuable.


Iteration ID wildcard values for issue creation.

Value Description
CURRENT Current iteration.


Issue escalation status values.

Value Description
ACKNOWLEDGED Someone is actively investigating the problem.
IGNORED No action will be taken.
RESOLVED The problem has been addressed.
TRIGGERED Investigation has not started.


Values for sorting issues.

Value Description
BLOCKING_ISSUES_ASC Blocking issues count by ascending order.
BLOCKING_ISSUES_DESC Blocking issues count by descending order.
CLOSED_AT_ASC Closed time by ascending order.
CLOSED_AT_DESC Closed time by descending order.
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
DUE_DATE_ASC Due date by ascending order.
DUE_DATE_DESC Due date by descending order.
ESCALATION_STATUS_ASC Status from triggered to resolved.
ESCALATION_STATUS_DESC Status from resolved to triggered.
HEALTH_STATUS_ASC Issues with healthy issues first.
HEALTH_STATUS_DESC Issues with unhealthy issues first.
LABEL_PRIORITY_ASC Label priority by ascending order.
LABEL_PRIORITY_DESC Label priority by descending order.
MILESTONE_DUE_ASC Milestone due date by ascending order.
MILESTONE_DUE_DESC Milestone due date by descending order.
POPULARITY_ASC Number of upvotes (awarded "thumbs up" emoji) by ascending order.
POPULARITY_DESC Number of upvotes (awarded "thumbs up" emoji) by descending order.
PRIORITY_ASC Priority by ascending order.
PRIORITY_DESC Priority by descending order.
PUBLISHED_ASC Published issues shown last.
PUBLISHED_DESC Published issues shown first.
RELATIVE_POSITION_ASC Relative position by ascending order.
SEVERITY_ASC Severity from less critical to more critical.
SEVERITY_DESC Severity from more critical to less critical.
SLA_DUE_AT_ASC Issues with earliest SLA due time shown first.
SLA_DUE_AT_DESC Issues with latest SLA due time shown first.
TITLE_ASC Title by ascending order.
TITLE_DESC Title by descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
WEIGHT_ASC Weight by ascending order.
WEIGHT_DESC Weight by descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


State of a GitLab issue.

Value Description
all All available.
closed In closed state.
locked Discussion has been locked.
opened In open state.


Values for issue state events.

Value Description
CLOSE Closes the issue.
REOPEN Reopens the issue.


Issue type.

Value Description
INCIDENT Incident issue type.
ISSUE Issue issue type.
KEY_RESULT {warning-solid} Introduced in 15.7. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Key Result issue type. Available only when feature flag okrs_mvc is enabled.
OBJECTIVE {warning-solid} Introduced in 15.6. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Objective issue type. Available only when feature flag okrs_mvc is enabled.
REQUIREMENT Requirement issue type.
TASK {warning-solid} Introduced in 15.2. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Task issue type.
TEST_CASE Test Case issue type.


Fields to perform the search in.

Value Description
CADENCE_TITLE Search in cadence_title field.
TITLE Search in title field.


Iteration sort values.

Value Description
CADENCE_AND_DUE_DATE_ASC Sort by cadence id in ascending and due date in ascending order.
CADENCE_AND_DUE_DATE_DESC Sort by cadence id in ascending and due date in descending order.


State of a GitLab iteration.

Value Description
all Any iteration.
closed Closed iteration.
current Current iteration.
opened Open iteration.
started {warning-solid} Deprecated in 14.1. Use current instead.
upcoming Upcoming iteration.


Iteration ID wildcard values.

Value Description
ANY An iteration is assigned.
CURRENT Current iteration.
NONE No iteration is assigned.


Value Description
API_FUZZING API FUZZING job artifact file type.
ARCHIVE ARCHIVE job artifact file type.
COBERTURA COBERTURA job artifact file type.
CODEQUALITY CODE QUALITY job artifact file type.
CYCLONEDX CYCLONEDX job artifact file type.
DAST DAST job artifact file type.
DOTENV DOTENV job artifact file type.
JUNIT JUNIT job artifact file type.
LSIF LSIF job artifact file type.
METADATA METADATA job artifact file type.
METRICS METRICS job artifact file type.
PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE job artifact file type.
REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS job artifact file type.
REQUIREMENTS_V2 REQUIREMENTS V2 job artifact file type.
SAST SAST job artifact file type.
TERRAFORM TERRAFORM job artifact file type.
TRACE TRACE job artifact file type.


List limit metric setting.

Value Description
all_metrics Limit list by number and total weight of issues.
issue_count Limit list by number of issues.
issue_weights Limit list by total weight of issues.


Possible identifier types for a measurement.

Value Description
GROUPS Group count.
ISSUES Issue count.
MERGE_REQUESTS Merge request count.
PIPELINES Pipeline count.
PIPELINES_CANCELED Pipeline count with canceled status.
PIPELINES_FAILED Pipeline count with failed status.
PIPELINES_SKIPPED Pipeline count with skipped status.
PIPELINES_SUCCEEDED Pipeline count with success status.
PROJECTS Project count.
USERS User count.


Access level of a group or project member.

Value Description
DEVELOPER Developer access.
GUEST Guest access.
MAINTAINER Maintainer access.
MINIMAL_ACCESS Minimal access.
OWNER Owner access.
REPORTER Reporter access.


Values for sorting members.

Value Description
ACCESS_LEVEL_ASC Access level ascending order.
ACCESS_LEVEL_DESC Access level descending order.
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
USER_FULL_NAME_ASC User's full name ascending order.
USER_FULL_NAME_DESC User's full name descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


New state to apply to a merge request.

Value Description
CLOSED Close the merge request if it is open.
OPEN Open the merge request if it is closed.


State of a review of a GitLab merge request.

Value Description
REVIEWED The merge request is reviewed.
UNREVIEWED The merge request is unreviewed.


Values for sorting merge requests.

Value Description
CLOSED_AT_ASC Closed time by ascending order.
CLOSED_AT_DESC Closed time by descending order.
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
LABEL_PRIORITY_ASC Label priority by ascending order.
LABEL_PRIORITY_DESC Label priority by descending order.
MERGED_AT_ASC Merge time by ascending order.
MERGED_AT_DESC Merge time by descending order.
MILESTONE_DUE_ASC Milestone due date by ascending order.
MILESTONE_DUE_DESC Milestone due date by descending order.
PRIORITY_ASC Priority by ascending order.
PRIORITY_DESC Priority by descending order.
TITLE_ASC Title by ascending order.
TITLE_DESC Title by descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


State of a GitLab merge request.

Value Description
all All available.
closed In closed state.
locked Discussion has been locked.
merged Merge request has been merged.
opened In open state.


Representation of whether a GitLab merge request can be merged.

Value Description
CANNOT_BE_MERGED There are conflicts between the source and target branches.
CANNOT_BE_MERGED_RECHECK Currently unchecked. The previous state was CANNOT_BE_MERGED.
CAN_BE_MERGED There are no conflicts between the source and target branches.
CHECKING Currently checking for mergeability.
UNCHECKED Merge status has not been checked.


Value Description
ADD_TO_MERGE_TRAIN_WHEN_PIPELINE_SUCCEEDS Use the add_to_merge_train_when_pipeline_succeeds merge strategy.
MERGE_TRAIN Use the merge_train merge strategy.
MERGE_WHEN_PIPELINE_SUCCEEDS Use the merge_when_pipeline_succeeds merge strategy.


Values for sorting milestones.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
DUE_DATE_ASC Milestone due date by ascending order.
DUE_DATE_DESC Milestone due date by descending order.
EXPIRED_LAST_DUE_DATE_ASC Group milestones in this order: non-expired milestones with due dates, non-expired milestones without due dates and expired milestones then sort by due date in ascending order.
EXPIRED_LAST_DUE_DATE_DESC Group milestones in this order: non-expired milestones with due dates, non-expired milestones without due dates and expired milestones then sort by due date in descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Current state of milestone.

Value Description
active Milestone is currently active.
closed Milestone is closed.


Milestone ID wildcard values.

Value Description
ANY Milestone is assigned.
NONE No milestone is assigned.
STARTED Milestone assigned is open and started (start date <= today).
UPCOMING Milestone assigned is due in the future (due date > today).


The position to which the adjacent object should be moved.

Value Description
after Adjacent object is moved after the object that is being moved.
before Adjacent object is moved before the object that is being moved.


Different toggles for changing mutator behavior.

Value Description
APPEND Performs an append operation.
REMOVE Performs a removal operation.
REPLACE Performs a replace operation.


Values for sorting projects.

Value Description
ACTIVITY_DESC Sort by latest activity, descending order.
SIMILARITY Most similar to the search query.
STORAGE Sort by excess repository storage size, descending order.
STORAGE_SIZE_ASC Sort by total storage size, ascending order.
STORAGE_SIZE_DESC Sort by total storage size, descending order.


Negated Iteration ID wildcard values.

Value Description
CURRENT Current iteration.


Negated Milestone ID wildcard values.

Value Description
STARTED Milestone assigned is open and yet to be started (start date > today).
UPCOMING Milestone assigned is open but due in the past (due date <= today).


Kind of the network policy.

Value Description
CiliumNetworkPolicy Policy kind of Cilium Network Policy.
NetworkPolicy Policy kind of Network Policy.


Work item notes collection type.

Value Description
ALL_NOTES Show all activity.
ONLY_ACTIVITY Show history only.
ONLY_COMMENTS Show comments only.


Rotation length unit of an on-call rotation.

Value Description
DAYS Days.
HOURS Hours.
WEEKS Weeks.


Values for sorting organizations.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
DEFAULT_RATE_ASC Default Rate in ascending order.
DEFAULT_RATE_DESC Default Rate in descending order.
DESCRIPTION_ASC Description in ascending order.
DESCRIPTION_DESC Description in descending order.
NAME_ASC Name in ascending order.
NAME_DESC Name in descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Value Description
BUNDLE_DEPENDENCIES bundleDependencies dependency type.
DEPENDENCIES dependencies dependency type.
DEV_DEPENDENCIES devDependencies dependency type.
PEER_DEPENDENCIES peerDependencies dependency type.


Values for sorting group packages.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Ordered by created_at in ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Ordered by created_at in descending order.
NAME_ASC Ordered by name in ascending order.
NAME_DESC Ordered by name in descending order.
PROJECT_PATH_ASC Ordered by project path in ascending order.
PROJECT_PATH_DESC Ordered by project path in descending order.
TYPE_ASC Ordered by type in ascending order.
TYPE_DESC Ordered by type in descending order.
VERSION_ASC Ordered by version in ascending order.
VERSION_DESC Ordered by version in descending order.


Values for sorting package.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Ordered by created_at in ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Ordered by created_at in descending order.
NAME_ASC Ordered by name in ascending order.
NAME_DESC Ordered by name in descending order.
TYPE_ASC Ordered by type in ascending order.
TYPE_DESC Ordered by type in descending order.
VERSION_ASC Ordered by version in ascending order.
VERSION_DESC Ordered by version in descending order.


Value Description
DEFAULT Packages with a default status.
ERROR Packages with a error status.
HIDDEN Packages with a hidden status.
PENDING_DESTRUCTION Packages with a pending_destruction status.
PROCESSING Packages with a processing status.


Value Description
COMPOSER Packages from the Composer package manager.
CONAN Packages from the Conan package manager.
DEBIAN Packages from the Debian package manager.
GENERIC Packages from the Generic package manager.
GOLANG Packages from the Golang package manager.
HELM Packages from the Helm package manager.
MAVEN Packages from the Maven package manager.
NPM Packages from the npm package manager.
NUGET Packages from the Nuget package manager.
PYPI Packages from the PyPI package manager.
RPM Packages from the Rpm package manager.
RUBYGEMS Packages from the Rubygems package manager.
TERRAFORM_MODULE Packages from the Terraform Module package manager.


Value Description
ALL_PACKAGE_FILES Value to keep all package files.
FIFTY_PACKAGE_FILES Value to keep 50 package files.
FORTY_PACKAGE_FILES Value to keep 40 package files.
ONE_PACKAGE_FILE Value to keep 1 package files.
TEN_PACKAGE_FILES Value to keep 10 package files.
THIRTY_PACKAGE_FILES Value to keep 30 package files.
TWENTY_PACKAGE_FILES Value to keep 20 package files.


Value Description
AUTO_DEVOPS_SOURCE Auto DevOps source.
BRIDGE_SOURCE Bridge source.
COMPLIANCE_SOURCE Compliance source.
EXTERNAL_PROJECT_SOURCE External project source.
PARAMETER_SOURCE Parameter source.
REMOTE_SOURCE Remote source.
REPOSITORY_SOURCE Repository source.
UNKNOWN_SOURCE Unknown source.
WEBIDE_SOURCE Webide source.


Event type of the pipeline associated with a merge request.

Value Description
DETACHED Pipeline run on the changes in the merge request source branch.
MERGED_RESULT Pipeline run on the changes from the source branch combined with the target branch.
MERGE_TRAIN Pipeline ran as part of a merge train.


Value Description
ACTIVE Active pipeline schedules.
INACTIVE Inactive pipeline schedules.


Value Description
BRANCHES Branches.
FINISHED Pipeline has completed.
PENDING Pipeline has not started running yet.
RUNNING Pipeline is running.
TAGS Tags.


Value Description
CANCELED Pipeline was canceled before completion.
CREATED Pipeline has been created.
FAILED At least one stage of the pipeline failed.
MANUAL Pipeline needs to be manually started.
PENDING Pipeline has not started running yet.
PREPARING Pipeline is preparing to run.
RUNNING Pipeline is running.
SCHEDULED Pipeline is scheduled to run.
SKIPPED Pipeline was skipped.
SUCCESS Pipeline completed successfully.
WAITING_FOR_RESOURCE A resource (for example, a runner) that the pipeline requires to run is unavailable.


Current state of the product analytics stack.

Value Description
COMPLETE Stack has been initialized and has data.
CREATE_INSTANCE Stack has not been created yet.
LOADING_INSTANCE Stack is currently initializing.
WAITING_FOR_EVENTS Stack is waiting for events from users.


Project member relation.

Value Description
DESCENDANTS Descendants members.
DIRECT Direct members.
INHERITED Inherited members.
INVITED_GROUPS Invited Groups members.


State of a Geo registry.

Value Description
FAILED Registry that failed to sync.
PENDING Registry waiting to be synced.
STARTED Registry currently syncing.
SYNCED Registry that is synced.


Type of the link: other, runbook, image, package.

Value Description
IMAGE Image link type.
OTHER Other link type.
PACKAGE Package link type.
RUNBOOK Runbook link type.


Values for sorting releases.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
RELEASED_AT_ASC Released at by ascending order.
RELEASED_AT_DESC Released at by descending order.


Release tag ID wildcard values.

Value Description
ANY Release tag is assigned.
NONE No release tag is assigned.


Value Description
FAILED Replication process finished but failed.
PENDING Replication process has not started.
STARTED Replication process is in progress.
SYNCED Replication process finished successfully.


State of a requirement.

Value Description
ARCHIVED Archived requirement.
OPENED Open requirement.


Status of a requirement based on last test report.

Value Description
FAILED Failed test report.
MISSING Requirements without any test report.
PASSED Passed test report.


Size of UI component in SAST configuration page.

Value Description
LARGE Size of UI component in SAST configuration page is large.
MEDIUM Size of UI component in SAST configuration page is medium.
SMALL Size of UI component in SAST configuration page is small.


The status of the security scan.

Value Description
CREATED The scan has been created.
JOB_FAILED The related CI build failed.
PREPARATION_FAILED Report couldn't be prepared.
PREPARING Preparing the report for the scan.
PURGED Report for the scan has been removed from the database.
REPORT_ERROR The report artifact provided by the CI build couldn't be parsed.
SUCCEEDED The report has been successfully prepared.


Value Description
DIRECT Policies defined for the project/group only.
INHERITED Policies defined for the project/group and ancestor groups.
INHERITED_ONLY Policies defined for the project/group's ancestor groups only.


Value Description
DAST DAST scan report.
SAST SAST scan report.
SAST_IAC SAST IAC scan report.


The type of the security scanner.

Value Description
API_FUZZING API Fuzzing scanner.
CLUSTER_IMAGE_SCANNING Cluster Image Scanning scanner.
CONTAINER_SCANNING Container Scanning scanner.
COVERAGE_FUZZING Coverage Fuzzing scanner.
DAST DAST scanner.
DEPENDENCY_SCANNING Dependency Scanning scanner.
SAST SAST scanner.
SAST_IAC Sast Iac scanner.
SECRET_DETECTION Secret Detection scanner.


State of a Sentry error.

Value Description
IGNORED Error has been ignored.
RESOLVED Error has been resolved.
RESOLVED_IN_NEXT_RELEASE Error has been ignored until next release.
UNRESOLVED Error is unresolved.


Value Description
APPLE_APP_STORE_SERVICE AppleAppStoreService type.
ASANA_SERVICE AsanaService type.
ASSEMBLA_SERVICE AssemblaService type.
BAMBOO_SERVICE BambooService type.
BUGZILLA_SERVICE BugzillaService type.
BUILDKITE_SERVICE BuildkiteService type.
CAMPFIRE_SERVICE CampfireService type.
CONFLUENCE_SERVICE ConfluenceService type.
CUSTOM_ISSUE_TRACKER_SERVICE CustomIssueTrackerService type.
DATADOG_SERVICE DatadogService type.
DISCORD_SERVICE DiscordService type.
DRONE_CI_SERVICE DroneCiService type.
EMAILS_ON_PUSH_SERVICE EmailsOnPushService type.
EWM_SERVICE EwmService type.
EXTERNAL_WIKI_SERVICE ExternalWikiService type.
GITHUB_SERVICE GithubService type.
GITLAB_SLACK_APPLICATION_SERVICE GitlabSlackApplicationService type ( only).
GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICE GooglePlayService type.
HANGOUTS_CHAT_SERVICE HangoutsChatService type.
HARBOR_SERVICE HarborService type.
IRKER_SERVICE IrkerService type.
JENKINS_SERVICE JenkinsService type.
JIRA_SERVICE JiraService type.
MATTERMOST_SERVICE MattermostService type.
MATTERMOST_SLASH_COMMANDS_SERVICE MattermostSlashCommandsService type.
MICROSOFT_TEAMS_SERVICE MicrosoftTeamsService type.
PACKAGIST_SERVICE PackagistService type.
PIPELINES_EMAIL_SERVICE PipelinesEmailService type.
PIVOTALTRACKER_SERVICE PivotaltrackerService type.
PROMETHEUS_SERVICE PrometheusService type.
PUMBLE_SERVICE PumbleService type.
PUSHOVER_SERVICE PushoverService type.
REDMINE_SERVICE RedmineService type.
SHIMO_SERVICE ShimoService type.
SLACK_SERVICE SlackService type.
SLACK_SLASH_COMMANDS_SERVICE SlackSlashCommandsService type.
SQUASH_TM_SERVICE SquashTmService type.
TEAMCITY_SERVICE TeamcityService type.
UNIFY_CIRCUIT_SERVICE UnifyCircuitService type.
WEBEX_TEAMS_SERVICE WebexTeamsService type.
YOUTRACK_SERVICE YoutrackService type.
ZENTAO_SERVICE ZentaoService type.


How to format SHA strings.

Value Description
LONG Unabbreviated format.
SHORT Abbreviated format. Short SHAs are typically eight characters long.


Value Description
DISABLED_AND_OVERRIDABLE Sharing of runners is disabled and overridable.
DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE Sharing of runners is disabled and unoverridable.
DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE {warning-solid} Deprecated in 17.0. This was renamed. Use: disabled_and_overridable.
ENABLED Sharing of runners is enabled.


Type of a snippet blob input action.

Value Description
create Create a snippet blob.
delete Delete a snippet blob.
move Move a snippet blob.
update Update a snippet blob.


Common sort values.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Values for sort direction.

Value Description
ASC Ascending order.
DESC Descending order.


Value Description
error Test case that has a status of error.
failed Test case that has a status of failed.
skipped Test case that has a status of skipped.
success Test case that has a status of success.


State of a test report.

Value Description
FAILED Failed test report.
PASSED Passed test report.


Category of error.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
LABEL_PRIORITY_ASC Label priority by ascending order.
LABEL_PRIORITY_DESC Label priority by descending order.
MILESTONE_DUE_ASC Milestone due date by ascending order.
MILESTONE_DUE_DESC Milestone due date by descending order.
MISSING_DATES One or both of start_date and due_date is missing.
PRIORITY_ASC Priority by ascending order.
PRIORITY_DESC Priority by descending order.
TOO_MANY_EVENTS There are too many events.
UNSUPPORTED This type does not support timebox reports.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Values for sorting timelogs.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
SPENT_AT_ASC Spent at by ascending order.
SPENT_AT_DESC Spent at by descending order.
TIME_SPENT_ASC Time spent by ascending order.
TIME_SPENT_DESC Time spent by descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


Value Description
approval_required User was set as an approver.
assigned User was assigned.
build_failed Build triggered by the user failed.
directly_addressed User was directly addressed.
marked User added a to-do item.
member_access_requested Group or project access requested from the user.
mentioned User was mentioned.
merge_train_removed Merge request authored by the user was removed from the merge train.
review_requested Review was requested from the user.
unmergeable Merge request authored by the user could not be merged.


Value Description
done State of the todo is done.
pending State of the todo is pending.


Value Description
ALERT Alert.
COMMIT Commit.
DESIGN Design.
EPIC An Epic.
ISSUE Issue.
MERGEREQUEST Merge request.
WORKITEM Work item.


Status of the request to the training provider. The URL of a TrainingUrl is calculated asynchronously. When PENDING, the URL of the TrainingUrl will be null. When COMPLETED, the URL of the TrainingUrl will be available.

Value Description
COMPLETED Completed request.
PENDING Pending request.


Value Description
personal Snippet created independent of any project.
project Snippet related to a specific project.


Name of the feature that the callout is for.

Value Description
ACTIVE_USER_COUNT_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for active_user_count_threshold.
ARTIFACTS_MANAGEMENT_PAGE_FEEDBACK_BANNER Callout feature name for artifacts_management_page_feedback_banner.
BRANCH_RULES_INFO_CALLOUT Callout feature name for branch_rules_info_callout.
BUY_PIPELINE_MINUTES_NOTIFICATION_DOT Callout feature name for buy_pipeline_minutes_notification_dot.
CANARY_DEPLOYMENT Callout feature name for canary_deployment.
CI_DEPRECATION_WARNING_FOR_TYPES_KEYWORD Callout feature name for ci_deprecation_warning_for_types_keyword.
CLOUD_LICENSING_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATION_BANNER Callout feature name for cloud_licensing_subscription_activation_banner.
CLUSTER_SECURITY_WARNING Callout feature name for cluster_security_warning.
EOA_BRONZE_PLAN_BANNER Callout feature name for eoa_bronze_plan_banner.
FEATURE_FLAGS_NEW_VERSION Callout feature name for feature_flags_new_version.
GCP_SIGNUP_OFFER Callout feature name for gcp_signup_offer.
GEO_ENABLE_HASHED_STORAGE Callout feature name for geo_enable_hashed_storage.
GEO_MIGRATE_HASHED_STORAGE Callout feature name for geo_migrate_hashed_storage.
GKE_CLUSTER_INTEGRATION Callout feature name for gke_cluster_integration.
GOLD_TRIAL_BILLINGS Callout feature name for gold_trial_billings.
MERGE_REQUEST_SETTINGS_MOVED_CALLOUT Callout feature name for merge_request_settings_moved_callout.
MR_EXPERIENCE_SURVEY Callout feature name for mr_experience_survey.
NAMESPACE_STORAGE_LIMIT_BANNER_ALERT_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for namespace_storage_limit_banner_alert_threshold.
NAMESPACE_STORAGE_LIMIT_BANNER_ERROR_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for namespace_storage_limit_banner_error_threshold.
NAMESPACE_STORAGE_LIMIT_BANNER_INFO_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for namespace_storage_limit_banner_info_threshold.
NAMESPACE_STORAGE_LIMIT_BANNER_WARNING_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for namespace_storage_limit_banner_warning_threshold.
NEW_TOP_LEVEL_GROUP_ALERT Callout feature name for new_top_level_group_alert.
NEW_USER_SIGNUPS_CAP_REACHED Callout feature name for new_user_signups_cap_reached.
PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY Callout feature name for personal_access_token_expiry.
PERSONAL_PROJECT_LIMITATIONS_BANNER Callout feature name for personal_project_limitations_banner.
PIPELINE_NEEDS_BANNER Callout feature name for pipeline_needs_banner.
PIPELINE_NEEDS_HOVER_TIP Callout feature name for pipeline_needs_hover_tip.
PREVIEW_USER_OVER_LIMIT_FREE_PLAN_ALERT Callout feature name for preview_user_over_limit_free_plan_alert.
PROFILE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY Callout feature name for profile_personal_access_token_expiry.
PROJECT_QUALITY_SUMMARY_FEEDBACK Callout feature name for project_quality_summary_feedback.
REGISTRATION_ENABLED_CALLOUT Callout feature name for registration_enabled_callout.
SECURITY_CONFIGURATION_DEVOPS_ALERT Callout feature name for security_configuration_devops_alert.
SECURITY_CONFIGURATION_UPGRADE_BANNER Callout feature name for security_configuration_upgrade_banner.
SECURITY_NEWSLETTER_CALLOUT Callout feature name for security_newsletter_callout.
SECURITY_TRAINING_FEATURE_PROMOTION Callout feature name for security_training_feature_promotion.
STORAGE_ENFORCEMENT_BANNER_FIRST_ENFORCEMENT_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for storage_enforcement_banner_first_enforcement_threshold.
STORAGE_ENFORCEMENT_BANNER_FOURTH_ENFORCEMENT_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for storage_enforcement_banner_fourth_enforcement_threshold.
STORAGE_ENFORCEMENT_BANNER_SECOND_ENFORCEMENT_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for storage_enforcement_banner_second_enforcement_threshold.
STORAGE_ENFORCEMENT_BANNER_THIRD_ENFORCEMENT_THRESHOLD Callout feature name for storage_enforcement_banner_third_enforcement_threshold.
SUBMIT_LICENSE_USAGE_DATA_BANNER Callout feature name for submit_license_usage_data_banner.
SUGGEST_PIPELINE Callout feature name for suggest_pipeline.
SUGGEST_POPOVER_DISMISSED Callout feature name for suggest_popover_dismissed.
TABS_POSITION_HIGHLIGHT Callout feature name for tabs_position_highlight.
TERRAFORM_NOTIFICATION_DISMISSED Callout feature name for terraform_notification_dismissed.
THREAT_MONITORING_INFO Callout feature name for threat_monitoring_info.
TRIAL_STATUS_REMINDER_D14 Callout feature name for trial_status_reminder_d14.
TRIAL_STATUS_REMINDER_D3 Callout feature name for trial_status_reminder_d3.
TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_CHECK Callout feature name for two_factor_auth_recovery_settings_check.
ULTIMATE_TRIAL Callout feature name for ultimate_trial.
UNFINISHED_TAG_CLEANUP_CALLOUT Callout feature name for unfinished_tag_cleanup_callout.
USER_REACHED_LIMIT_FREE_PLAN_ALERT Callout feature name for user_reached_limit_free_plan_alert.
VERIFICATION_REMINDER Callout feature name for verification_reminder.
VSCODE_WEB_IDE Callout feature name for vscode_web_ide.
VSCODE_WEB_IDE_CALLOUT Callout feature name for vscode_web_ide_callout.
WEB_IDE_ALERT_DISMISSED Callout feature name for web_ide_alert_dismissed.
WEB_IDE_CI_ENVIRONMENTS_GUIDANCE Callout feature name for web_ide_ci_environments_guidance.


Possible states of a user.

Value Description
active User is active and is able to use the system.
blocked User has been blocked and is prevented from using the system.
deactivated User is no longer active and is unable to use the system.


Value Description
DISABLED Verification process is disabled.
FAILED Verification process finished but failed.
PENDING Verification process has not started.
STARTED Verification process is in progress.
SUCCEEDED Verification process finished successfully.


Verification status of a GPG or X.509 signature for a commit.

Value Description
MULTIPLE_SIGNATURES multiple_signatures verification status.
OTHER_USER other_user verification status.
REVOKED_KEY revoked_key verification status.
SAME_USER_DIFFERENT_EMAIL same_user_different_email verification status.
UNKNOWN_KEY unknown_key verification status.
UNVERIFIED unverified verification status.
UNVERIFIED_KEY unverified_key verification status.
VERIFIED verified verification status.


Value Description
internal Internal visibility level.
private Private visibility level.
public Public visibility level.


Value Description
internal Snippet is visible for any logged in user except external users.
private Snippet is visible only to the snippet creator.
public Snippet can be accessed without any authentication.


Confidence that a given vulnerability is present in the codebase.

Value Description
CONFIRMED Confirmed confidence.
EXPERIMENTAL Experimental confidence.
HIGH High confidence.
IGNORE Ignore confidence.
LOW Low confidence.
MEDIUM Medium confidence.
UNKNOWN Unknown confidence.


The dismissal reason of the Vulnerability.

Value Description
ACCEPTABLE_RISK The vulnerability is known, and has not been remediated or mitigated, but is considered to be an acceptable business risk.
FALSE_POSITIVE An error in reporting in which a test result incorrectly indicates the presence of a vulnerability in a system when the vulnerability is not present.
MITIGATING_CONTROL A management, operational, or technical control (that is, safeguard or countermeasure) employed by an organization that provides equivalent or comparable protection for an information system.
NOT_APPLICABLE The vulnerability is known, and has not been remediated or mitigated, but is considered to be in a part of the application that will not be updated.
USED_IN_TESTS The finding is not a vulnerability because it is part of a test or is test data.


The external tracker of the external issue link related to a vulnerability.

Value Description
JIRA Jira external tracker.


The type of the external issue link related to a vulnerability.

Value Description
CREATED Created link type.


The grade of the vulnerable project.

Value Description
A A grade.
B B grade.
C C grade.
D D grade.
F F grade.


The type of the issue link related to a vulnerability.

Value Description
CREATED Issue is created for the vulnerability.
RELATED Has a related issue.


The type of the security scan that found the vulnerability.

Value Description
API_FUZZING API Fuzzing report.
CLUSTER_IMAGE_SCANNING Cluster Image Scanning report.
CONTAINER_SCANNING Container Scanning report.
COVERAGE_FUZZING Coverage Fuzzing report.
DAST DAST report.
DEPENDENCY_SCANNING Dependency Scanning report.
GENERIC Generic report.
SAST SAST report.
SECRET_DETECTION Secret Detection report.


The severity of the vulnerability.

Value Description
CRITICAL Critical severity.
HIGH High severity.
INFO Info severity.
LOW Low severity.
MEDIUM Medium severity.
UNKNOWN Unknown severity.


Vulnerability sort values.

Value Description
detected_asc Detection timestamp in ascending order.
detected_desc Detection timestamp in descending order.
severity_asc Severity in ascending order.
severity_desc Severity in descending order.


The state of the vulnerability.

Value Description
CONFIRMED For details, see vulnerability status values.
DETECTED For details, see vulnerability status values.
DISMISSED For details, see vulnerability status values.
RESOLVED For details, see vulnerability status values.


Weight ID wildcard values.

Value Description
ANY Weight is assigned.
NONE No weight is assigned.


Values for sorting work items.

Value Description
CREATED_ASC Created at ascending order.
CREATED_DESC Created at descending order.
TITLE_ASC Title by ascending order.
TITLE_DESC Title by descending order.
UPDATED_ASC Updated at ascending order.
UPDATED_DESC Updated at descending order.
created_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_ASC.
created_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: CREATED_DESC.
updated_asc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_ASC.
updated_desc {warning-solid} Deprecated in 13.5. This was renamed. Use: UPDATED_DESC.


State of a GitLab work item.

Value Description
CLOSED In closed state.
OPEN In open state.


Values for work item state events.

Value Description
CLOSE Closes the work item.
REOPEN Reopens the work item.


Type of a work item widget.

Value Description
ASSIGNEES Assignees widget.
DESCRIPTION Description widget.
HEALTH_STATUS Health Status widget.
HIERARCHY Hierarchy widget.
ITERATION Iteration widget.
LABELS Labels widget.
MILESTONE Milestone widget.
NOTES Notes widget.
NOTIFICATIONS Notifications widget.
PROGRESS Progress widget.
REQUIREMENT_LEGACY Requirement Legacy widget.
START_AND_DUE_DATE Start And Due Date widget.
STATUS Status widget.
TEST_REPORTS Test Reports widget.
WEIGHT Weight widget.

Scalar types

Scalar values are atomic values, and do not have fields of their own. Basic scalars include strings, boolean values, and numbers. This schema also defines various custom scalar values, such as types for times and dates.

This schema includes custom scalar types for identifiers, with a specific type for each kind of object.

For more information, read about Scalar Types on


A AchievementsAchievementID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AchievementsAchievementID is: "gid://gitlab/Achievements::Achievement/1".


A AchievementsUserAchievementID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AchievementsUserAchievementID is: "gid://gitlab/Achievements::UserAchievement/1".


A AlertManagementAlertID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AlertManagementAlertID is: "gid://gitlab/AlertManagement::Alert/1".


A AlertManagementHttpIntegrationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AlertManagementHttpIntegrationID is: "gid://gitlab/AlertManagement::HttpIntegration/1".


A AnalyticsDevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespaceID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AnalyticsDevopsAdoptionEnabledNamespaceID is: "gid://gitlab/Analytics::DevopsAdoption::EnabledNamespace/1".


A AppSecFuzzingCoverageCorpusID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AppSecFuzzingCoverageCorpusID is: "gid://gitlab/AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::Corpus/1".


A AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AuditEventsExternalAuditEventDestinationID is: "gid://gitlab/AuditEvents::ExternalAuditEventDestination/1".


A AuditEventsStreamingHeaderID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AuditEventsStreamingHeaderID is: "gid://gitlab/AuditEvents::Streaming::Header/1".


A AwardableID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example AwardableID is: "gid://gitlab/Awardable/1".


Represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Since the value may exceed the size of a 32-bit integer, it's encoded as a string.


A BoardID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example BoardID is: "gid://gitlab/Board/1".


A BoardsEpicBoardID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example BoardsEpicBoardID is: "gid://gitlab/Boards::EpicBoard/1".


A BoardsEpicListID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example BoardsEpicListID is: "gid://gitlab/Boards::EpicList/1".


Represents true or false values.


A CiBuildID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CiBuildID is: "gid://gitlab/Ci::Build/1".


A CiJobArtifactID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CiJobArtifactID is: "gid://gitlab/Ci::JobArtifact/1".


A CiPipelineID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CiPipelineID is: "gid://gitlab/Ci::Pipeline/1".


A CiPipelineScheduleID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CiPipelineScheduleID is: "gid://gitlab/Ci::PipelineSchedule/1".


A CiRunnerID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CiRunnerID is: "gid://gitlab/Ci::Runner/1".


A CiRunnerMachineID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CiRunnerMachineID is: "gid://gitlab/Ci::RunnerMachine/1".


A ClustersAgentID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ClustersAgentID is: "gid://gitlab/Clusters::Agent/1".


A ClustersAgentTokenID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ClustersAgentTokenID is: "gid://gitlab/Clusters::AgentToken/1".


A ClustersClusterID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ClustersClusterID is: "gid://gitlab/Clusters::Cluster/1".


Color represented as a hex code or named color.

For example: "#fefefe".


A ComplianceManagementFrameworkID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ComplianceManagementFrameworkID is: "gid://gitlab/ComplianceManagement::Framework/1".


A ContainerRepositoryID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ContainerRepositoryID is: "gid://gitlab/ContainerRepository/1".


A CustomEmojiID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CustomEmojiID is: "gid://gitlab/CustomEmoji/1".


A CustomerRelationsContactID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CustomerRelationsContactID is: "gid://gitlab/CustomerRelations::Contact/1".


A CustomerRelationsOrganizationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CustomerRelationsOrganizationID is: "gid://gitlab/CustomerRelations::Organization/1".


A DastProfileID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DastProfileID is: "gid://gitlab/Dast::Profile/1".


A DastProfileScheduleID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DastProfileScheduleID is: "gid://gitlab/Dast::ProfileSchedule/1".


A DastScannerProfileID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DastScannerProfileID is: "gid://gitlab/DastScannerProfile/1".


A DastSiteProfileID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DastSiteProfileID is: "gid://gitlab/DastSiteProfile/1".


A DastSiteTokenID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DastSiteTokenID is: "gid://gitlab/DastSiteToken/1".


A DastSiteValidationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DastSiteValidationID is: "gid://gitlab/DastSiteValidation/1".


Date represented in ISO 8601.


A DependencyProxyManifestID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DependencyProxyManifestID is: "gid://gitlab/DependencyProxy::Manifest/1".


A DeploymentID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DeploymentID is: "gid://gitlab/Deployment/1".


A DescriptionVersionID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DescriptionVersionID is: "gid://gitlab/DescriptionVersion/1".


A DesignManagementDesignAtVersionID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DesignManagementDesignAtVersionID is: "gid://gitlab/DesignManagement::DesignAtVersion/1".


A DesignManagementDesignID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DesignManagementDesignID is: "gid://gitlab/DesignManagement::Design/1".


A DesignManagementVersionID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DesignManagementVersionID is: "gid://gitlab/DesignManagement::Version/1".


A DiffNoteID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DiffNoteID is: "gid://gitlab/DiffNote/1".


A DiscussionID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example DiscussionID is: "gid://gitlab/Discussion/1".


Duration between two instants, represented as a fractional number of seconds.

For example: 12.3334.


A EnvironmentID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example EnvironmentID is: "gid://gitlab/Environment/1".


A EpicID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example EpicID is: "gid://gitlab/Epic/1".


A EpicTreeSortingID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example EpicTreeSortingID is: "gid://gitlab/EpicTreeSorting/1".


Represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.


A GitlabErrorTrackingDetailedErrorID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example GitlabErrorTrackingDetailedErrorID is: "gid://gitlab/Gitlab::ErrorTracking::DetailedError/1".


A global identifier.

A global identifier represents an object uniquely across the application. An example of such an identifier is "gid://gitlab/User/1".

Global identifiers are encoded as strings.


A GroupID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example GroupID is: "gid://gitlab/Group/1".


Represents a unique identifier that is Base64 obfuscated. It is often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "VXNlci0xMA==") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


An ISO 8601-encoded date.


A IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy/1".


A IncidentManagementEscalationRuleID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementEscalationRuleID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::EscalationRule/1".


A IncidentManagementIssuableResourceLinkID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementIssuableResourceLinkID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::IssuableResourceLink/1".


A IncidentManagementOncallParticipantID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementOncallParticipantID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::OncallParticipant/1".


A IncidentManagementOncallRotationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementOncallRotationID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::OncallRotation/1".


A IncidentManagementTimelineEventID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementTimelineEventID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::TimelineEvent/1".


A IncidentManagementTimelineEventTagID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IncidentManagementTimelineEventTagID is: "gid://gitlab/IncidentManagement::TimelineEventTag/1".


Represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.


A IntegrationsPrometheusID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IntegrationsPrometheusID is: "gid://gitlab/Integrations::Prometheus/1". The older format "gid://gitlab/PrometheusService/1" was deprecated in 14.1.


A IssuableID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IssuableID is: "gid://gitlab/Issuable/1".


A IssueID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IssueID is: "gid://gitlab/Issue/1".


A IssueParentID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IssueParentID is: "gid://gitlab/IssueParent/1".


A IterationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IterationID is: "gid://gitlab/Iteration/1". The older format "gid://gitlab/EEIteration/1" was deprecated in 13.3.


A IterationsCadenceID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example IterationsCadenceID is: "gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1".


Represents untyped JSON.


A CommitStatusID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example CommitStatusID is: "gid://gitlab/CommitStatus/1".


JSON object as raw string.


A LabelID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example LabelID is: "gid://gitlab/Label/1".


A ListID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ListID is: "gid://gitlab/List/1".


A MergeRequestID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example MergeRequestID is: "gid://gitlab/MergeRequest/1".


A MetricsDashboardAnnotationID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example MetricsDashboardAnnotationID is: "gid://gitlab/Metrics::Dashboard::Annotation/1".


A MilestoneID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example MilestoneID is: "gid://gitlab/Milestone/1".


A NamespaceID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example NamespaceID is: "gid://gitlab/Namespace/1".


A NamespacesNamespaceBanID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example NamespacesNamespaceBanID is: "gid://gitlab/Namespaces::NamespaceBan/1".


A NoteID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example NoteID is: "gid://gitlab/Note/1".


A NoteableID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example NoteableID is: "gid://gitlab/Noteable/1".


A PackagesConanFileMetadatumID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesConanFileMetadatumID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum/1".


A PackagesConanMetadatumID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesConanMetadatumID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Conan::Metadatum/1".


A PackagesDependencyID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesDependencyID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Dependency/1".


A PackagesDependencyLinkID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesDependencyLinkID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::DependencyLink/1".


A PackagesMavenMetadatumID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesMavenMetadatumID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Maven::Metadatum/1".


A PackagesNugetDependencyLinkMetadatumID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesNugetDependencyLinkMetadatumID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Nuget::DependencyLinkMetadatum/1".


A PackagesNugetMetadatumID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesNugetMetadatumID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Nuget::Metadatum/1".


A PackagesPackageFileID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesPackageFileID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::PackageFile/1".


A PackagesPackageID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesPackageID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Package/1".


A PackagesPypiMetadatumID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PackagesPypiMetadatumID is: "gid://gitlab/Packages::Pypi::Metadatum/1".


A PathLockID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example PathLockID is: "gid://gitlab/PathLock/1".


String or integer.


A ProjectID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ProjectID is: "gid://gitlab/Project/1".


A ReleaseID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ReleaseID is: "gid://gitlab/Release/1".


A ReleasesLinkID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example ReleasesLinkID is: "gid://gitlab/Releases::Link/1".


A SecurityTrainingProviderID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example SecurityTrainingProviderID is: "gid://gitlab/Security::TrainingProvider/1".


A SnippetID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example SnippetID is: "gid://gitlab/Snippet/1".


Represents textual data as UTF-8 character sequences. This type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


A SystemNoteMetadataID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example SystemNoteMetadataID is: "gid://gitlab/SystemNoteMetadata/1".


A TerraformStateID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example TerraformStateID is: "gid://gitlab/Terraform::State/1".


Time represented in ISO 8601.

For example: "2021-03-09T14:58:50+00:00".



A TimelogID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example TimelogID is: "gid://gitlab/Timelog/1".


A TodoID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example TodoID is: "gid://gitlab/Todo/1".


A TodoableID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example TodoableID is: "gid://gitlab/Todoable/1".


A regexp containing patterns sourced from user input.



A UploadID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example UploadID is: "gid://gitlab/Upload/1".


A UserID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example UserID is: "gid://gitlab/User/1".


A UsersSavedReplyID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example UsersSavedReplyID is: "gid://gitlab/Users::SavedReply/1".


A VulnerabilitiesExternalIssueLinkID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example VulnerabilitiesExternalIssueLinkID is: "gid://gitlab/Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink/1".


A VulnerabilitiesFindingID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example VulnerabilitiesFindingID is: "gid://gitlab/Vulnerabilities::Finding/1".


A VulnerabilitiesScannerID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example VulnerabilitiesScannerID is: "gid://gitlab/Vulnerabilities::Scanner/1".


A VulnerabilityID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example VulnerabilityID is: "gid://gitlab/Vulnerability/1".


A WorkItemID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example WorkItemID is: "gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1".

While we transition from Issues into Work Items this type will temporarily support IssueID like: "gid://gitlab/Issue/1". This behavior will be removed without notice in the future.


A WorkItemsTypeID is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.

An example WorkItemsTypeID is: "gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1".

Abstract types

Abstract types (unions and interfaces) are ways the schema can represent values that may be one of several concrete types.

  • A Union is a set of possible types. The types might not have any fields in common.
  • An Interface is a defined set of fields. Types may implement an interface, which guarantees that they have all the fields in the set. A type may implement more than one interface.

See the GraphQL documentation for more information on using abstract types.



Represents metadata associated with a dependency link.

One of:


Represents an issuable.

One of:


One of:


Represents an object that supports notes.

One of:


Represents metadata associated with a Package.

One of:


Represents a policy source. Its fields depend on the source type.

One of:


Represents a vulnerability detail field. The fields with data will depend on the vulnerability detail type.

One of:


Represents a vulnerability location. The fields with data will depend on the vulnerability report type.

One of:




Name Type Description
active Boolean Whether the endpoint is currently accepting alerts.
apiUrl String URL at which Prometheus metrics can be queried to populate the metrics dashboard.
id ID! ID of the integration.
name String Name of the integration.
token String Token used to authenticate alert notification requests.
type AlertManagementIntegrationType! Type of integration.
url String Endpoint which accepts alert notifications.



Name Type Description
id ID! ID of the variable.
key String Name of the variable.
raw Boolean Indicates whether the variable is raw.
value String Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType Type of the variable.


Represents signing information for a commit.


Name Type Description
commitSha String SHA of the associated commit.
project Project Project of the associated commit.
verificationStatus VerificationStatus Indicates verification status of the associated key or certificate.



Fields with arguments

To-do items for the current user.

Returns TodoConnection!.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
state TodoStateEnum State of the to-do items.



Name Type Description
diffRefs DiffRefs! Diff refs for this design.
event DesignVersionEvent! How this design was changed in the current version.
filename String! Filename of the design.
fullPath String! Full path to the design file.
id ID! ID of this design.
image String! URL of the full-sized image.
imageV432x230 String The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be null if the image has not been generated.
issue Issue! Issue the design belongs to.
notesCount Int! Total count of user-created notes for this design.
project Project! Project the design belongs to.



Name Type Description
flatPath String! Flat path of the entry.
id ID! ID of the entry.
name String! Name of the entry.
path String! Path of the entry.
sha String! Last commit SHA for the entry.
type EntryType! Type of tree entry.



Name Type Description
events EventConnection List of events associated with the object. (see Connections)



Name Type Description
accessLevel AccessLevel GitLab::Access level.
createdAt Time Date and time the membership was created.
createdBy UserCore User that authorized membership.
expiresAt Time Date and time the membership expires.
id ID! ID of the member.
updatedAt Time Date and time the membership was last updated.
user UserCore User that is associated with the member object.
Fields with arguments

Find a merge request.

Returns UserMergeRequestInteraction.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
id MergeRequestID! Global ID of the merge request.



Name Type Description
commenters UserCoreConnection! All commenters on this noteable. (see Connections)
discussions DiscussionConnection! All discussions on this noteable. (see Connections)
notes NoteConnection! All notes on this noteable. (see Connections)



Name Type Description
description String! Description of the policy.
enabled Boolean! Indicates whether this policy is enabled.
name String! Name of the policy.
updatedAt Time! Timestamp of when the policy YAML was last updated.
yaml String! YAML definition of the policy.


Represents metadata associated with a Package file.


Name Type Description
createdAt Time! Date of creation.
updatedAt Time! Date of most recent update.



Name Type Description
resolvable Boolean! Indicates if the object can be resolved.
resolved Boolean! Indicates if the object is resolved.
resolvedAt Time Timestamp of when the object was resolved.
resolvedBy UserCore User who resolved the object.



Name Type Description
active Boolean Indicates if the service is active.
serviceType ServiceType Type of the service.
type String Class name of the service.



Fields with arguments

Historically accurate report about the timebox.

Returns TimeboxReport.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
fullPath String Full path of the project or group used as a scope for report. For example, gitlab-org or gitlab-org/gitlab.



Name Type Description
webUrl String URL of this object.


Representation of a GitLab user.


Name Type Description
avatarUrl String URL of the user's avatar.
bot Boolean! Indicates if the user is a bot.
callouts UserCalloutConnection User callouts that belong to the user. (see Connections)
commitEmail String User's default commit email.
email {warning-solid} String Deprecated in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: User.publicEmail.
emails EmailConnection User's email addresses. (see Connections)
gitpodEnabled Boolean Whether Gitpod is enabled at the user level.
groupCount Int Group count for the user.
groupMemberships GroupMemberConnection Group memberships of the user. (see Connections)
id ID! ID of the user.
location String Location of the user.
name String! Human-readable name of the user. Returns **** if the user is a project bot and the requester does not have permission to view the project.
namespace Namespace Personal namespace of the user.
namespaceCommitEmails NamespaceCommitEmailConnection User's custom namespace commit emails. (see Connections)
preferencesGitpodPath String Web path to the Gitpod section within user preferences.
profileEnableGitpodPath String Web path to enable Gitpod for the user.
projectMemberships ProjectMemberConnection Project memberships of the user. (see Connections)
publicEmail String User's public email.
savedReplies SavedReplyConnection Saved replies authored by the user. Will not return saved replies if saved_replies feature flag is disabled. (see Connections)
state UserState! State of the user.
status UserStatus User status.
userAchievements {warning-solid} UserAchievementConnection Introduced in 15.10. This feature is in Alpha. It can be changed or removed at any time. Achievements for the user. Only returns for namespaces where the achievements feature flag is enabled.
userPermissions UserPermissions! Permissions for the current user on the resource.
username String! Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab.
webPath String! Web path of the user.
webUrl String! Web URL of the user.
Fields with arguments

Merge requests assigned to the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Merge requests authored by the user.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
reviewerUsername String Username of the reviewer.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Groups where the user has access.

Returns GroupConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
permissionScope GroupPermission Filter by permissions the user has on groups.
search String Search by group name or path.

Merge requests assigned to the user for review.

Returns MergeRequestConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
assigneeUsername String Username of the assignee.
authorUsername String Username of the author.
createdAfter Time Merge requests created after this timestamp.
createdBefore Time Merge requests created before this timestamp.
draft Boolean Limit result to draft merge requests.
iids [String!] Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example [1, 2].
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
mergedAfter Time Merge requests merged after this date.
mergedBefore Time Merge requests merged before this date.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.
not MergeRequestsResolverNegatedParams List of negated arguments. Warning: this argument is experimental and a subject to change in future.
projectId ProjectID The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
projectPath String The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
sort MergeRequestSort Sort merge requests by this criteria.
sourceBranches [String!] Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
state MergeRequestState Merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
targetBranches [String!] Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
updatedAfter Time Merge requests updated after this timestamp.
updatedBefore Time Merge requests updated before this timestamp.

Saved reply authored by the user. Will not return saved reply if saved_replies feature flag is disabled.

Returns SavedReply.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
id UsersSavedReplyID! ID of a saved reply.

Snippets authored by the user.

Returns SnippetConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
ids [SnippetID!] Array of global snippet IDs. For example, gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1.
type TypeEnum Type of snippet.
visibility VisibilityScopesEnum Visibility of the snippet.

Projects starred by the user.

Returns ProjectConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
search String Search query.

Time logged by the user.

Returns TimelogConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
endDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.
endTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.
groupId GroupID List timelogs for a group.
projectId ProjectID List timelogs for a project.
sort TimelogSort List timelogs in a particular order.
startDate Time List timelogs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.
startTime Time List timelogs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.
username String List timelogs for a user.

To-do items of the user.

Returns TodoConnection.

This field returns a connection. It accepts the four standard pagination arguments: before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int.

####### Arguments

Name Type Description
action [TodoActionEnum!] Action to be filtered.
authorId [ID!] ID of an author.
groupId [ID!] ID of a group.
projectId [ID!] ID of a project.
state [TodoStateEnum!] State of the todo.
type [TodoTargetEnum!] Type of the todo.



Name Type Description
type WorkItemWidgetType Widget type.

Input types

Types that may be used as arguments (all scalar types may also be used as arguments).

Only general use input types are listed here. For mutation input types, see the associated mutation type above.


Field that are available while modifying the custom mapping attributes for an HTTP integration.


Name Type Description
fieldName AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldName! GitLab alert field name.
label String Human-readable label of the payload path.
path [PayloadAlertFieldPathSegment!]! Path to value inside payload JSON.
type AlertManagementPayloadAlertFieldType! Type of the parsed value.



Name Type Description
assigneeUsername [String] Filter by assignee username.
assigneeWildcardId AssigneeWildcardId Filter by assignee wildcard. Incompatible with assigneeUsername.
authorUsername String Filter by author username.
confidential Boolean Filter by confidentiality.
epicId EpicID Filter by epic ID. Incompatible with epicWildcardId.
epicWildcardId EpicWildcardId Filter by epic ID wildcard. Incompatible with epicId.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatusFilter Health status of the issue, "none" and "any" values are supported.
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example ["1", "2"].
iterationCadenceId [IterationsCadenceID!] Filter by a list of iteration cadence IDs.
iterationId [IterationID!] Filter by a list of iteration IDs. Incompatible with iterationWildcardId.
iterationTitle String Filter by iteration title.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Filter by label name.
milestoneTitle String Filter by milestone title.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedBoardIssueInput List of negated arguments.
or UnionedIssueFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR.
releaseTag String Filter by release tag.
search String Search query for issue title or description.
types [IssueType!] Filter by the given issue types.
weight String Filter by weight.
weightWildcardId WeightWildcardId Filter by weight ID wildcard. Incompatible with weight.


Attributes for defining a CI/CD variable.


Name Type Description
key String! Name of the variable.
value String! Value of the variable.



Name Type Description
action CommitActionMode! Action to perform: create, delete, move, update, or chmod.
content String Content of the file.
encoding CommitEncoding Encoding of the file. Default is text.
executeFilemode Boolean Enables/disables the execute flag on the file.
filePath String! Full path to the file.
lastCommitId String Last known file commit ID.
previousPath String Original full path to the file being moved.



Name Type Description
id ComplianceManagementFrameworkID ID of the compliance framework.
not NegatedComplianceFrameworkFilters Negated compliance framework filter input.
presenceFilter ComplianceFrameworkPresenceFilter Checks presence of compliance framework of the project, "none" and "any" values are supported.



Name Type Description
color String New color representation of the compliance framework in hex format. e.g. #FCA121.
default Boolean Set this compliance framework as the default framework for the group.
description String New description for the compliance framework.
name String New name for the compliance framework.
pipelineConfigurationFullPath String Full path of the compliance pipeline configuration stored in a project repository, such as .gitlab/.compliance-gitlab-ci.yml@compliance/hipaa (ULTIMATE).



Name Type Description
mergedAfter Date Merge requests merged after this date (inclusive).
mergedBefore Date Merge requests merged before this date (inclusive).
projectIds [ProjectID!] Filter compliance violations by project.


Represents DAST Profile Cadence.


Name Type Description
duration Int Duration of the DAST Profile Cadence.
unit DastProfileCadenceUnit Unit for the duration of DAST Profile Cadence.


Input type for DAST Profile Schedules.


Name Type Description
active Boolean Status of a Dast Profile Schedule.
cadence DastProfileCadenceInput Cadence of a Dast Profile Schedule.
startsAt Time Start time of a Dast Profile Schedule.
timezone String Time Zone for the Start time of a Dast Profile Schedule.


Input type for DastSiteProfile authentication.


Name Type Description
enabled Boolean Indicates whether authentication is enabled.
password String Password to authenticate with on the target.
passwordField String Name of password field at the sign-in HTML form.
submitField String Name or ID of sign-in submit button at the sign-in HTML form.
url String The URL of the page containing the sign-in HTML form on the target website.
username String Username to authenticate with on the target.
usernameField String Name of username field at the sign-in HTML form.


Values for ordering deployments by a specific field.


Name Type Description
createdAt SortDirectionEnum Order by Created time.
finishedAt SortDirectionEnum Order by Finished time.



Name Type Description
baseSha String Merge base of the branch the comment was made on.
headSha String! SHA of the HEAD at the time the comment was made.
height Int! Total height of the image.
paths DiffPathsInput! The paths of the file that was changed. Both of the properties of this input are optional, but at least one of them is required.
startSha String! SHA of the branch being compared against.
width Int! Total width of the image.
x Int! X position of the note.
y Int! Y position of the note.



Name Type Description
newPath String Path of the file on the HEAD SHA.
oldPath String Path of the file on the start SHA.



Name Type Description
baseSha String Merge base of the branch the comment was made on.
headSha String! SHA of the HEAD at the time the comment was made.
newLine Int Line on HEAD SHA that was changed. Please see the REST API Documentation for more information on how to use this field.
oldLine Int Line on start SHA that was changed. Please see the REST API Documentation for more information on how to use this field.
paths DiffPathsInput! The paths of the file that was changed. Both of the properties of this input are optional, but at least one of them is required.
startSha String! SHA of the branch being compared against.



Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter by author username.
confidential Boolean Filter by confidentiality.
labelName [String] Filter by label name.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
not NegatedEpicBoardIssueInput Negated epic arguments.
or UnionedEpicFilterInput List of arguments with inclusive OR. Ignored unless or_issuable_queries flag is enabled.
search String Search query for epic title or description.


A node of an epic tree.


Name Type Description
adjacentReferenceId EpicTreeSortingID ID of the epic issue or issue the epic or issue is switched with.
id EpicTreeSortingID! ID of the epic issue or epic that is being moved.
newParentId EpicID ID of the new parent epic.
relativePosition MoveType Type of switch. Valid values are after or before.


Represents an escalation rule.


Name Type Description
elapsedTimeSeconds Int! Time in seconds before the rule is activated.
oncallScheduleIid ID On-call schedule to notify.
status EscalationRuleStatus! Status required to prevent the rule from activating.
username String Username of the user to notify.



Name Type Description
gitlabId Int ID of the GitLab user.
jiraAccountId String! Jira account ID of the user.



Name Type Description
labels [String!] Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will not have these labels.
milestoneTitle String Title of the milestone.



Name Type Description
assigneeUsername [String] Filter by assignee username.
authorUsername String Filter by author username.
epicId EpicID Filter by epic ID. Incompatible with epicWildcardId.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatus Health status not applied to the issue. Includes issues where health status is not set.
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues. For example ["1", "2"].
iterationId [IterationID!] Filter by a list of iteration IDs. Incompatible with iterationWildcardId.
iterationTitle String Filter by iteration title.
iterationWildcardId NegatedIterationWildcardId Filter by iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String] Filter by label name.
milestoneTitle String Filter by milestone title.
milestoneWildcardId MilestoneWildcardId Filter by milestone ID wildcard.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.
releaseTag String Filter by release tag.
types [IssueType!] Filter by the given issue types.
weight String Filter by weight.



Name Type Description
id ComplianceManagementFrameworkID ID of the compliance framework.



Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter by author username.
labelName [String] Filter by label name.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user. Wildcard values "NONE" and "ANY" are supported.



Name Type Description
authorUsername String Filter by author username.
labelName [String] Filter by label name.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.



Name Type Description
assigneeId String ID of a user not assigned to the issues.
assigneeUsernames [String!] Usernames of users not assigned to the issue.
authorUsername String Username of a user who didn't author the issue.
epicId String ID of an epic not associated with the issues.
healthStatusFilter HealthStatus Health status not applied to the issue. Includes issues where health status is not set.
iids [String!] List of IIDs of issues to exclude. For example, [1, 2].
iterationId [ID!] List of iteration Global IDs not applied to the issue.
iterationWildcardId IterationWildcardId Filter by negated iteration ID wildcard.
labelName [String!] Labels not applied to this issue.
milestoneTitle [String!] Milestone not applied to this issue.
milestoneWildcardId NegatedMilestoneWildcardId Filter by negated milestone wildcard values.
myReactionEmoji String Filter by reaction emoji applied by the current user.
releaseTag [String!] Release tag not associated with the issue's milestone. Ignored when parent is a group.
types [IssueType!] Filters out issues by the given issue types.
weight String Weight not applied to the issue.


Active period time range for on-call rotation.


Name Type Description
endTime String! End of the rotation active period in 24 hour format. For example, "18:30".
startTime String! Start of the rotation active period in 24 hour format. For example, "18:30".


Date input type for on-call rotation.


Name Type Description
date String! Date component of the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
time String! Time component of the date in 24hr HH:MM format.


The rotation length of the on-call rotation.


Name Type Description
length Int! Rotation length of the on-call rotation.
unit OncallRotationUnitEnum! Unit of the rotation length of the on-call rotation.


The rotation user and color palette.


Name Type Description
colorPalette DataVisualizationColorEnum Value of DataVisualizationColorEnum. The color from the palette to assign to the on-call user.
colorWeight DataVisualizationWeightEnum Color weight to assign to for the on-call user. To view on-call schedules in GitLab, do not provide a value below 500. A value between 500 and 950 ensures sufficient contrast.
username String! Username of the user to participate in the on-call rotation. For example, "user_one".


Attributes for the pipeline schedule variable.


Name Type Description
key String! Name of the variable.
value String! Value of the variable.
variableType CiVariableType! Type of the variable.


Fields that are available when modifying a release asset link.


Name Type Description
directAssetPath String Relative path for a direct asset link.
linkType ReleaseAssetLinkType Type of the asset link.
name String! Name of the asset link.
url String! URL of the asset link.


Fields that are available when modifying release assets.


Name Type Description
links [ReleaseAssetLinkInput!] List of asset links to associate to the release.



Name Type Description
legacyIids [String!]! List of legacy requirement IIDs of work items. or example ["1", "2"].


Represents the analyzers entity in SAST CI configuration.


Name Type Description
enabled Boolean! State of the analyzer.
name String! Name of analyzer.
variables [SastCiConfigurationEntityInput!] List of variables for the analyzer.


Represents an entity in SAST CI configuration.


Name Type Description
defaultValue String! Default value that is used if value is empty.
field String! CI keyword of entity.
value String! Current value of the entity.


Represents a CI configuration of SAST.


Name Type Description
analyzers [SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityInput!] List of analyzers and related variables for the SAST configuration.
global [SastCiConfigurationEntityInput!] List of global entities related to SAST configuration.
pipeline [SastCiConfigurationEntityInput!] List of pipeline entities related to SAST configuration.


Represents an action to perform over a snippet file.


Name Type Description
action SnippetBlobActionEnum! Type of input action.
content String Snippet file content.
filePath String! Path of the snippet file.
previousPath String Previous path of the snippet file.



Name Type Description
status RequirementStatusFilter! Status of the work item.



Name Type Description
status TestReportState! Status to assign to the work item.


A time-frame defined as a closed inclusive range of two dates.


Name Type Description
end Date! End of the range.
start Date! Start of the range.



Name Type Description
authorUsername [String!] Filters epics that are authored by one of the given users.
labelName [String!] Filters epics that have at least one of the given labels.



Name Type Description
assigneeUsernames [String!] Filters issues that are assigned to at least one of the given users.
authorUsernames [String!] Filters issues that are authored by one of the given users.
labelNames [String!] Filters issues that have at least one of the given labels.



Name Type Description
height Int Total height of the image.
width Int Total width of the image.
x Int X position of the note.
y Int Y position of the note.



Name Type Description
externalId String External ID of the vulnerability identifier.
externalType String External type of the vulnerability identifier.
name String! Name of the vulnerability identifier.
url String! URL of the vulnerability identifier.



Name Type Description
id String! Unique ID that identifies the scanner.
name String! Human readable value that identifies the analyzer, not required to be unique.
url String! Link to more information about the analyzer.
vendor VulnerabilityScannerVendorInput Information about vendor/maintainer of the scanner.
version String! Version of the scanner.



Name Type Description
name String! Name of the vendor/maintainer.



Name Type Description
lineNumberEnd Int! Last line in the Markdown source that defines the list item task.
lineNumberStart Int! First line in the Markdown source that defines the list item task.
lockVersion Int! Current lock version of the work item containing the task in the description.
title String! Full string of the task to be replaced. New title for the created work item.
workItemTypeId WorkItemsTypeID! Global ID of the work item type used to create the new work item.



Name Type Description
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the task referenced in the work item's description.
lineNumberEnd Int! Last line in the Markdown source that defines the list item task.
lineNumberStart Int! First line in the Markdown source that defines the list item task.



Name Type Description
assigneesWidget WorkItemWidgetAssigneesInput Input for assignees widget.
confidential Boolean Sets the work item confidentiality.
descriptionWidget WorkItemWidgetDescriptionInput Input for description widget.
hierarchyWidget WorkItemWidgetHierarchyUpdateInput Input for hierarchy widget.
id WorkItemID! Global ID of the work item.
labelsWidget WorkItemWidgetLabelsUpdateInput Input for labels widget.
milestoneWidget WorkItemWidgetMilestoneInput Input for milestone widget.
notificationsWidget WorkItemWidgetNotificationsUpdateInput Input for notifications widget.
startAndDueDateWidget WorkItemWidgetStartAndDueDateUpdateInput Input for start and due date widget.
stateEvent WorkItemStateEvent Close or reopen a work item.
title String Title of the work item.



Name Type Description
assigneeIds [UserID!]! Global IDs of assignees.



Name Type Description
description String! Description of the work item.



Name Type Description
healthStatus HealthStatus Health status to be assigned to the work item.



Name Type Description
parentId WorkItemID Global ID of the parent work item.



Name Type Description
childrenIds [WorkItemID!] Global IDs of children work items.
parentId WorkItemID Global ID of the parent work item. Use null to remove the association.



Name Type Description
iterationId IterationID Iteration to assign to the work item.



Name Type Description
addLabelIds [LabelID!] Global IDs of labels to be added to the work item.
removeLabelIds [LabelID!] Global IDs of labels to be removed from the work item.



Name Type Description
milestoneId MilestoneID Milestone to assign to the work item.



Name Type Description
subscribed Boolean! Desired state of the subscription.



Name Type Description
progress Int! Progress of the work item.



Name Type Description
dueDate Date Due date for the work item.
startDate Date Start date for the work item.



Name Type Description
weight Int Weight of the work item.