2023-07-09 08:55:56 +05:30

36 lines
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Merging into stable branches in canonical projects is reserved for
GitLab patch releases
If you're backporting a security fix, please refer to the security merge request
Security backport merge requests should not be opened on the GitLab canonical project.
## What does this MR do and why?
_Describe in detail what merge request is being backported and why_
## MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
* [ ] This MR is backporting a bug fix, documentation update, or spec fix, previously merged in the default branch.
* [ ] The original MR has been deployed to (not applicable for documentation or spec changes).
* [ ] This MR has a [severity label] assigned (if applicable).
* [ ] This MR has been approved by a maintainer (only one approval is required).
* [ ] Ensure the `e2e:package-and-test-ee` job has either succeeded or been approved by a Software Engineer in Test.
#### Note to the merge request author and maintainer
If you have questions about the patch release process, please:
* Refer to the [patch release runbook for engineers and maintainers] for guidance.
* Ask questions on the [`#releases`] Slack channel (internal only).
[severity label]:
[patch release runbook for engineers and maintainers]:
/assign me