So far, the Dockerfile built hydrogen on the server running the image, instead of building it during the building of the image. This blew up the image size immensely and caused node+yarn to run in the resulting image. This new Dockerfile builds hydrogen in a separate build stage and then moves the target directory into an nginx based container image, which takes care of serving the target webroot. The existing Dockerfile has been moved to Dockerfile-dev for usage as a development environment. The docs have been adjusted accordingly. Additionally, this switched from a fixed alpine version of the node image to the latest alpine version, and changed the container image references in the `FROM` statements to use the fully qualified references including the registry domain.
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Usage of docker is a third-party contribution and not actively tested, used or supported by the main developer(s).
Having said that, you can also use Docker to create a local dev environment or a production deployment.
Dev environment
In this repository, create a Docker image:
docker build -t hydrogen-dev -f Dockerfile-dev .
Then start up a container from that image:
docker run \
--name hydrogen-dev \
--publish 3000:3000 \
--volume "$PWD":/code \
--interactive \
--tty \
--rm \
Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000
. You can see the server logs in the terminal where you started the container.
To stop the container, simply hit ctrl+c
Production deployment
Build or pull image
In this repository, create a Docker image:
docker build -t hydrogen .
Or, pull the docker image from GitLab:
docker pull registry.gitlab.com/jcgruenhage/hydrogen-web
docker tag registry.gitlab.com/jcgruenhage/hydrogen-web hydrogen
Start container image
Then, start up a container from that image:
docker run \
--name hydrogen \
--publish 80:80 \