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An OpenLDAP container

Running with rkt

First be sure to clean any existing containers and turn SELinux to Permissive (this is due to a known issue in rkt).

sudo setenforce Permissive
sudo rkt gc --grace-period=0s

Run the OpenLDAP container at a predefined IP, this will set some initial values.

sudo rkt run --net=default:IP=

OpenLDAP will then be available on port 389. To work with the container's examples install the openldap client programs on your host.

sudo dnf install -y openldap-clients

ldapadd can be used to add new entries to the directory.

ldapadd \
  -h \
  -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" \
  -w "secret" \
  -f examples/example.ldif

The created entries can be searched with the ldapsearch command.

ldapsearch \
  -h \
  -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" \
  -w "secret" \
  -b "dc=example,dc=com" \

Customizing the created directory

The container uses environment variables defined in the scripts/ bash file for initial configuration. Overriding these values will cause the

sudo rkt run \
  --set-env=LDAP_DOMAIN="dc=dex,dc=coreos,dc=com" \
  --set-env=LDAP_ROOT_CN="cn=admin" \
  --set-env=LDAP_ROOT_PW="password" \
  --net=default:IP= \


The Makefile can be used to build the container using Docker. This will download OpenLDAP, compile it in a container, then add the entrypoint script.


General development looks like.

vim scripts/
sudo docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/sh
# poke around or run / manually


  • TLS support.
  • Seed with initial data through mounted volume.
  • Better objectClass schemas that match other LDAP deployments.