chore(deps): update node.js to v16.20.2 #38

realaravinth merged 1 commit from renovate/node-16.x into master 2024-06-10 20:52:18 +05:30

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
node stage minor 16.9.1 -> 16.20.2

Release Notes

nodejs/node (node)

v16.20.2: 2023-08-09, Version 16.20.2 'Gallium' (LTS), @​RafaelGSS

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable Changes

The following CVEs are fixed in this release:

More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in August 2023 Security Releases blog post.


v16.20.1: 2023-06-20, Version 16.20.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​RafaelGSS

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable Changes

The following CVEs are fixed in this release:

More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in June 2023 Security Releases blog post.


v16.20.0: 2023-03-29, Version 16.20.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​BethGriggs

Compare Source

Notable Changes
  • deps:
    • update undici to 5.20.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #​46711
    • update c-ares to 1.19.0 (Michaël Zasso) #​46415
    • upgrade npm to 8.19.4 (npm team) #​46677
    • update corepack to 0.17.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #​46842
  • (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add support for externally shared js builtins (Michael Dawson) #​44376

v16.19.1: 2023-02-16, Version 16.19.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​richardlau

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable Changes

The following CVEs are fixed in this release:

  • CVE-2023-23918: Node.js Permissions policies can be bypassed via process.mainModule (High)
  • CVE-2023-23919: Node.js OpenSSL error handling issues in nodejs crypto library (Medium)
  • CVE-2023-23920: Node.js insecure loading of ICU data through ICU_DATA environment variable (Low)

Fixed by an update to undici:

More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in February 2023 Security Releases blog post.

This security release includes OpenSSL security updates as outlined in the recent
OpenSSL security advisory.


v16.19.0: 2022-12-13, Version 16.19.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​richardlau

Compare Source

Notable Changes
OpenSSL 1.1.1s

This update is a bugfix release and does not address any security

Root certificates updated to NSS 3.85

Certificates added:

  • Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A626340
  • Certainly Root E1
  • Certainly Root R1
  • D-TRUST BR Root CA 1 2020
  • D-TRUST EV Root CA 1 2020
  • DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5
  • DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5
  • E-Tugra Global Root CA ECC v3
  • E-Tugra Global Root CA RSA v3
  • HiPKI Root CA - G1
  • ISRG Root X2
  • Security Communication ECC RootCA1
  • Security Communication RootCA3
  • Telia Root CA v2
  • vTrus ECC Root CA
  • vTrus Root CA

Certificates removed:

  • Cybertrust Global Root
  • DST Root CA X3
  • GlobalSign Root CA - R2
  • Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011
Time zone update to 2022f

Time zone data has been updated to 2022f. This includes changes to Daylight
Savings Time (DST) for Fiji and Mexico. For more information, see

Other Notable Changes

Dependency updates:

Experimental features:


v16.18.1: 2022-11-04, Version 16.18.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​BethGriggs

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable changes

The following CVEs are fixed in this release:

  • CVE-2022-43548: DNS rebinding in --inspect via invalid octal IP address (Medium)

More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in November 2022 Security Releases blog post.


v16.18.0: 2022-10-12, Version 16.18.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​juanarbol

Compare Source

Notable changes
  • [1cc050eaa8] - (SEMVER-MINOR) assert: add getCalls and reset to callTracker (Moshe Atlow) #​44191
  • [e5c9975f11] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: allow zero-length secret KeyObject (Filip Skokan) #​44201
  • [317cd051ce] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: allow zero-length IKM in HKDF and in webcrypto PBKDF2 (Filip Skokan) #​44201
  • [f80bdc5ef3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate modp1, modp2, and modp5 groups (Tobias Nießen) #​44588
  • [8398e98b1b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: make idle http parser count configurable (theanarkh) #​43974
  • [2cd2f56962] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: throw error on content-length mismatch (sidwebworks) #​44378
  • [6be761e8a9] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add diagnostics channel for process and worker (theanarkh) #​44045
  • [1400796cef] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net,tls: pass a valid socket on tlsClientError (Daeyeon Jeong) #​44021
  • [092239a7f1] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add local family (theanarkh) #​43975
  • [381e11e18e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) report: expose report public native apis (Chengzhong Wu) #​44255
  • [2ba547aa5b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: expose environment RequestInterrupt api (Chengzhong Wu) #​44362
  • [6ed3367155] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add ReadableByteStream.tee() (Daeyeon Jeong) #​44505
  • [0fbedac6ce] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add before/after/each hooks (Moshe Atlow) #​43730
  • [70563b53c5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add maxArrayLength option to Set and Map (Kohei Ueno) #​43576

v16.17.1: 2022-09-23, Version 16.17.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​ruyadorno

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable changes

The following CVEs are fixed in this release:

More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in September 22nd 2022 Security Releases blog post.


v16.17.0: 2022-08-16, Version 16.17.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​targos

Compare Source

Notable Changes
Experimental command-line argument parser API

Adds util.parseArgs helper for higher level command-line argument parsing.

Contributed by Benjamin Coe, John Gee, Darcy Clarke, Joe Sepi, Kevin Gibbons, Aaron Casanova, Jessica Nahulan, and Jordan Harband - #​42675

Experimental ESM Loader Hooks API

Node.js ESM Loader hooks now support multiple custom loaders, and composition is
achieved via "chaining": foo-loader calls bar-loader calls qux-loader
(a custom loader must now signal a short circuit when intentionally not
calling the next). See the ESM docs for details.

Real-world use-cases are laid out for end-users with working examples in the
article Custom ESM loaders: Who, what, when, where, why, how.

Contributed by Jacob Smith, Geoffrey Booth, and Bradley Farias - #​42623

Experimental test runner

The node:test module, which was initially introduced in Node.js v18.0.0,
is now available with all the changes done to it up to Node.js v18.7.0.

Improved interoperability of the Web Crypto API

To better align Node.js' experimental implementation of the Web Crypto API with other runtimes, several changes were made:

  • Support for CFRG curves was added, with the 'Ed25519', 'Ed448', 'X25519', and 'X448' algorithms.
  • The proprietary 'NODE-DSA', 'NODE-DH', 'NODE-SCRYPT', 'NODE-ED25519', 'NODE-ED448', 'NODE-X25519', and 'NODE-X448' algorithms were removed.
  • The proprietary 'node.keyObject' import/export format was removed.

Contributed by Filip Skokan - #​42507, #​43310

Dependency updates
Other notable changes
  • [5f1e9e2030] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: make authTagLength optional for CC20P1305 (Tobias Nießen) #​42427
  • [934077a137] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: align webcrypto RSA key import/export with other implementations (Filip Skokan) #​42816
  • [7683e9623c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) dns: export error code constants from dns/promises (Feng Yu) #​43176
  • [302a134b83] - doc: deprecate coercion to integer in process.exit (Daeyeon Jeong) #​43738
  • [4884f18ce5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate diagnostics_channel object subscribe method (Stephen Belanger) #​42714
  • [90f395dda9] - (SEMVER-MINOR) errors: add support for cause in aborterror (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [7a5de2cc0c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) events: expose CustomEvent on global with CLI flag (Daeyeon Jeong) #​43885
  • [087adbb7a3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) events: add CustomEvent (Daeyeon Jeong) #​43514
  • [979c98a3cb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) events: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError ctor in events (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [e04c8a4921] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortSignal constructors (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [464830993e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: make params in writing methods optional (LiviaMedeiros) #​42601
  • [3d7808ec3f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add read(buffer[, options]) versions (LiviaMedeiros) #​42768
  • [082a2630fd] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add drop request event for http server (theanarkh) #​43806
  • [5a74939770] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add diagnostics channel for http client (theanarkh) #​43580
  • [f05fd1a423] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add perf_hooks detail for http request and client (theanarkh) #​43361
  • [9d1b4b7e29] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add uniqueHeaders option to request and createServer (Paolo Insogna) #​41397
  • [fa5ac5a2eb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [94070f152e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: compat support for array headers (OneNail) #​42901
  • [36dd39dec0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor in blob (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [8adf7d5e91] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add abortSignal.throwIfAborted() (James M Snell) #​40951
  • [3c1ed86840] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: improved diagnostics_channel subscribe/unsubscribe (Stephen Belanger) #​42714
  • [e6186af5cc] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: add isBuiltIn method ( #​43396
  • [3d851d6d6b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module,repl: support 'node:'-only core modules (Colin Ihrig) #​42325
  • [303bd08d88] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add drop event for net server (theanarkh) #​43582
  • [da03e9f484] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add ability to reset a tcp socket (pupilTong) #​43112
  • [73f852e1e3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) node-api: emit uncaught-exception on unhandled tsfn callbacks (Chengzhong Wu) #​36510
  • [6dcdcd7f50] - (SEMVER-MINOR) perf_hooks: add PerformanceResourceTiming (RafaelGSS) #​42725
  • [5750358872] - (SEMVER-MINOR) report: add more heap infos in process report (theanarkh) #​43116
  • [e7b99e8c8d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add --openssl-legacy-provider option (Daniel Bevenius) #​40478
  • [1281a48b89] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: define fs.constants.S_IWUSR & S_IRUSR for Win (Liviu Ionescu) #​42757
  • [9ea9797d34] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,doc,test: add --openssl-shared-config option (Daniel Bevenius) #​43124
  • [046debaee0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: use cause options in AbortError constructors (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [6641fda10a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add iterator helper find (Nitzan Uziely) #​41849
  • [edec73032c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add writableAborted (Robert Nagy) #​40802
  • [2aae868fa2] - (SEMVER-MINOR) timers: propagate signal.reason in awaitable timers (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [513f52445b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: add v8.startupSnapshot utils (Joyee Cheung) #​43329
  • [a8eca74450] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: export more fields in getHeapStatistics (theanarkh) #​42784
  • [845279e331] - (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: add hasRef() to MessagePort (Darshan Sen) #​42849
Semver-minor commits
  • [58279d5b76] - (SEMVER-MINOR) buffer: graduate Blob from experimental (James M Snell) #​41270
  • [72a0c5c743] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: remove Node.js-specific webcrypto extensions (Filip Skokan) #​43310
  • [2e3a69a2ba] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add CFRG curves to Web Crypto API (Filip Skokan) #​42507
  • [5f1e9e2030] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: make authTagLength optional for CC20P1305 (Tobias Nießen) #​42427
  • [934077a137] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: align webcrypto RSA key import/export with other implementations (Filip Skokan) #​42816
  • [7683e9623c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) dns: export error code constants from dns/promises (Feng Yu) #​43176
  • [4884f18ce5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate diagnostics_channel object subscribe method (Stephen Belanger) #​42714
  • [90f395dda9] - (SEMVER-MINOR) errors: add support for cause in aborterror (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [247a6f6e85] - (SEMVER-MINOR) esm: add chaining to loaders (Jacob Smith) #​42623
  • [7a5de2cc0c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) events: expose CustomEvent on global with CLI flag (Daeyeon Jeong) #​43885
  • [087adbb7a3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) events: add CustomEvent (Daeyeon Jeong) #​43514
  • [979c98a3cb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) events: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError ctor in events (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [e04c8a4921] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortSignal constructors (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [464830993e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: make params in writing methods optional (LiviaMedeiros) #​42601
  • [3d7808ec3f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add read(buffer[, options]) versions (LiviaMedeiros) #​42768
  • [082a2630fd] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add drop request event for http server (theanarkh) #​43806
  • [5a74939770] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add diagnostics channel for http client (theanarkh) #​43580
  • [f05fd1a423] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add perf_hooks detail for http request and client (theanarkh) #​43361
  • [9d1b4b7e29] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add uniqueHeaders option to request and createServer (Paolo Insogna) #​41397
  • [fa5ac5a2eb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [94070f152e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: compat support for array headers (OneNail) #​42901
  • [36dd39dec0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor in blob (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [8adf7d5e91] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add abortSignal.throwIfAborted() (James M Snell) #​40951
  • [3c1ed86840] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: improved diagnostics_channel subscribe/unsubscribe (Stephen Belanger) #​42714
  • [e6186af5cc] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: add isBuiltIn method ( #​43396
  • [3d851d6d6b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module,repl: support 'node:'-only core modules (Colin Ihrig) #​42325
  • [303bd08d88] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add drop event for net server (theanarkh) #​43582
  • [da03e9f484] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add ability to reset a tcp socket (pupilTong) #​43112
  • [73f852e1e3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) node-api: emit uncaught-exception on unhandled tsfn callbacks (Chengzhong Wu) #​36510
  • [6dcdcd7f50] - (SEMVER-MINOR) perf_hooks: add PerformanceResourceTiming (RafaelGSS) #​42725
  • [5750358872] - (SEMVER-MINOR) report: add more heap infos in process report (theanarkh) #​43116
  • [e7b99e8c8d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add --openssl-legacy-provider option (Daniel Bevenius) #​40478
  • [1281a48b89] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: define fs.constants.S_IWUSR & S_IRUSR for Win (Liviu Ionescu) #​42757
  • [9ea9797d34] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,doc,test: add --openssl-shared-config option (Daniel Bevenius) #​43124
  • [046debaee0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: use cause options in AbortError constructors (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [6641fda10a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add iterator helper find (Nitzan Uziely) #​41849
  • [edec73032c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add writableAborted (Robert Nagy) #​40802
  • [9a530832cb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add initial test module (Colin Ihrig) #​42325
  • [61a2ddc597] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: expose describe and it (Moshe Atlow) #​43420
  • [cd6f24be4c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add initial CLI runner (Colin Ihrig) #​42658
  • [a4b277cb4d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: support 'only' tests (Colin Ihrig) #​42514
  • [2aae868fa2] - (SEMVER-MINOR) timers: propagate signal.reason in awaitable timers (James M Snell) #​41008
  • [432e3054be] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add tokens to parseArgs (John Gee) #​43459
  • [a1e122be62] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add parseArgs module (Benjamin Coe) #​42675
  • [513f52445b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: add v8.startupSnapshot utils (Joyee Cheung) #​43329
  • [a8eca74450] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: export more fields in getHeapStatistics (theanarkh) #​42784
  • [845279e331] - (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: add hasRef() to MessagePort (Darshan Sen) #​42849
Semver-patch commits
Documentation commits
Other commits

v16.16.0: 2022-07-07, Version 16.16.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable changes
  • deps:
    • upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL_1_1_1q (RafaelGSS) #​43692
  • src:
    • add OpenSSL config appname (Daniel Bevenius) #​43124

v16.15.1: 2022-06-01, Version 16.15.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​BethGriggs prepared by @​juanarbol

Compare Source

Notable Changes

v16.15.0: 2022-04-26, Version 16.15.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

Notable changes
Add fetch API

Adds experimental support to the fetch API. This adds the --experimental-fetch
flag that installs the fetch, Request, Response, Headers, and FormData

  • (SEMVER-MINOR) add fetch (Michaël Zasso) #​41749
  • (SEMVER-MINOR) add FormData global when fetch is enabled (Michaël Zasso) #​41956
Other notable changes
  • build:
    • remove broken x32 arch support (Ben Noordhuis) #​41905
  • crypto:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add KeyObject.prototype.equals method (Filip Skokan) #​42093
  • doc:
    • add @​ShogunPanda to collaborators (Paolo Insogna) #​42362
    • add JakobJingleheimer to collaborators list (Jacob Smith) #​42185
    • add joesepi to collaborators (Joe Sepi) #​41914
    • add marsonya to collaborators (Akhil Marsonya) #​41991
    • deprecate string coercion in fs.write, fs.writeFileSync (Livia Medeiros) #​42149
    • deprecate notice for process methods (Yash Ladha) #​41587
  • esm:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) support https remotely and http locally under flag (Bradley Farias) #​36328
  • module:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) unflag esm json modules (Geoffrey Booth) #​41736
  • node-api:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add node_api_symbol_for() (Darshan Sen) #​41329
  • process:
    • deprecate multipleResolves (Benjamin Gruenbaum) #​41872
  • stream:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) support some and every (Benjamin Gruenbaum) #​41573
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add toArray (Benjamin Gruenbaum) #​41553
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add forEach method (Benjamin Gruenbaum) #​41445

v16.14.2: 2022-03-17, Version 16.14.2 'Gallium' (LTS), @​richardlau

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable Changes

Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1n, which addresses the following vulnerability:


v16.14.1: 2022-03-15, Version 16.14.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

Notable changes
  • doc:
    • add release key for Bryan English (Bryan English) #​42102

v16.14.0: 2022-02-08, Version 16.14.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

Notable changes
Importing JSON modules now requires experimental import assertions syntax

This release adds experimental support for the import assertions stage 3 proposal.

To keep Node.js ESM implementation as compatible as possible with the HTML spec, import assertions are now required to import JSON modules (still behind the --experimental-json-modules CLI flag):

import info from './package.json' assert { type: 'json' };

Or use dynamic import:

const info = await import('./package.json', { assert: { type: 'json' } });

Contributed by Antoine du Hamel and Geoffrey Booth #​40250

Other notable changes
  • async_hooks:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) expose async_wrap providers (Rafael Gonzaga) #​40760
  • child_process:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add support for URL to cp.fork (Antoine du Hamel) #​41225
  • doc:
  • esm:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) graduate capturerejections to supported (James M Snell) #​41267
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add EventEmitterAsyncResource to core (James M Snell) #​41246
  • events:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) propagate weak option for kNewListener (James M Snell) #​40899
  • fs:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) accept URL as argument for fs.rm and fs.rmSync (Antoine du Hamel) #​41132
  • lib:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) make AbortSignal cloneable/transferable (James M Snell) #​41050
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add AbortSignal.timeout (James M Snell) #​40899
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add reason to AbortSignal (James M Snell) #​40807
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add unsubscribe method to non-active DC channels (simon-id) #​40433
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add return value for DC channel.unsubscribe (simon-id) #​40433
  • loader:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) return package format from defaultResolve if known (Gabriel Bota) #​40980
  • perf_hooks:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) multiple fixes for Histogram (James M Snell) #​41153
  • process:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add getActiveResourcesInfo() (Darshan Sen) #​40813
  • src:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add x509.fingerprint512 to crypto module (3nprob) #​39809
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add flags for controlling process behavior (Cheng Zhao) #​40339
  • stream:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add filter method to readable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) #​41354
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add isReadable helper (Robert Nagy) #​41199
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add map method to Readable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) #​40815
    • deprecate thenable support (Antoine du Hamel) #​40860
  • util:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) pass through the inspect function to custom inspect functions (Ruben Bridgewater) #​41019
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add numericSeparator to util.inspect (Ruben Bridgewater) #​41003
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) always visualize cause property in errors during inspection (Ruben Bridgewater) #​41002
  • timers:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) add experimental scheduler api (James M Snell) #​40909
  • v8:
    • (SEMVER-MINOR) multi-tenant promise hook api (Stephen Belanger) #​39283

v16.13.2: 2022-01-10, Version 16.13.2 'Gallium' (LTS), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable changes
Improper handling of URI Subject Alternative Names (Medium)(CVE-2021-44531)

Accepting arbitrary Subject Alternative Name (SAN) types, unless a PKI is specifically defined to use a particular SAN type, can result in bypassing name-constrained intermediates. Node.js was accepting URI SAN types, which PKIs are often not defined to use. Additionally, when a protocol allows URI SANs, Node.js did not match the URI correctly.

Versions of Node.js with the fix for this disable the URI SAN type when checking a certificate against a hostname. This behavior can be reverted through the --security-revert command-line option.

More details will be available at CVE-2021-44531 after publication.

Certificate Verification Bypass via String Injection (Medium)(CVE-2021-44532)

Node.js converts SANs (Subject Alternative Names) to a string format. It uses this string to check peer certificates against hostnames when validating connections. The string format was subject to an injection vulnerability when name constraints were used within a certificate chain, allowing the bypass of these name constraints.

Versions of Node.js with the fix for this escape SANs containing the problematic characters in order to prevent the injection. This behavior can be reverted through the --security-revert command-line option.

More details will be available at CVE-2021-44532 after publication.

Incorrect handling of certificate subject and issuer fields (Medium)(CVE-2021-44533)

Node.js did not handle multi-value Relative Distinguished Names correctly. Attackers could craft certificate subjects containing a single-value Relative Distinguished Name that would be interpreted as a multi-value Relative Distinguished Name, for example, in order to inject a Common Name that would allow bypassing the certificate subject verification.

Affected versions of Node.js do not accept multi-value Relative Distinguished Names and are thus not vulnerable to such attacks themselves. However, third-party code that uses node's ambiguous presentation of certificate subjects may be vulnerable.

More details will be available at CVE-2021-44533 after publication.

Prototype pollution via console.table properties (Low)(CVE-2022-21824)

Due to the formatting logic of the console.table() function it was not safe to allow user controlled input to be passed to the properties parameter while simultaneously passing a plain object with at least one property as the first parameter, which could be __proto__. The prototype pollution has very limited control, in that it only allows an empty string to be assigned numerical keys of the object prototype.

Versions of Node.js with the fix for this use a null protoype for the object these properties are being assigned to.

More details will be available at CVE-2022-21824 after publication.

Thanks to Patrik Oldsberg (rugvip) for reporting this vulnerability.


v16.13.1: 2021-12-01, Version 16.13.1 'Gallium' (LTS), @​BethGriggs

Compare Source

Notable Changes
  • [c14eb2325d] - deps: upgrade npm to 8.1.2 (npm team) #​40643
  • [a901b6c53c] - deps: update c-ares to 1.18.1 (Richard Lau) #​40660
    • This release contains a c-ares update to fix a regression introduced in Node.js v16.6.2 resolving CNAME records containing underscores (#​39780).
  • [755c08573f] - doc: add VoltrexMaster to collaborators (voltrexmaster) #​40566
  • [881dd7ba2a] - lib: fix regular expression to detect `/` and `\` (Francesco Trotta) #​40325

v16.13.0: 2021-10-26, Version 16.13.0 'Gallium' (LTS), @​richardlau

Compare Source

Notable Changes

This release marks the transition of Node.js 16.x into Long Term Support (LTS)
with the codename 'Gallium'. The 16.x release line now moves into "Active LTS"
and will remain so until October 2022. After that time, it will move into
"Maintenance" until end of life in April 2024.

v16.12.0: 2021-10-20, Version 16.12.0 (Current), @​richardlau

Compare Source

Notable Changes
Experimental ESM Loader Hooks API

Node.js ESM Loader hooks have been consolidated to represent the steps involved needed to facilitate future loader chaining:

  1. resolve: resolve [+ getFormat]
  2. load: getFormat + getSource + transformSource

For consistency, getGlobalPreloadCode has been renamed to globalPreload.

A loader exporting obsolete hook(s) will trigger a single deprecation warning (per loader) listing the errant hooks.

Contributed by Jacob Smith, Geoffrey Booth, and Bradley Farias -

Other Notable Changes

v16.11.1: 2021-10-12, Version 16.11.1 (Current), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

This is a security release.

Notable changes
  • CVE-2021-22959: HTTP Request Smuggling due to spaced in headers (Medium)
    • The http parser accepts requests with a space (SP) right after the header name before the colon. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS). More details will be available at CVE-2021-22959 after publication.
  • CVE-2021-22960: HTTP Request Smuggling when parsing the body (Medium)
    • The parse ignores chunk extensions when parsing the body of chunked requests. This leads to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS) under certain conditions. More details will be available at CVE-2021-22960 after publication.

v16.11.0: 2021-10-08, Version 16.11.0 (Current), @​danielleadams

Compare Source

Notable Changes
  • crypto
    • update root certificates (Richard Lau) #​40280
  • deps
    • upgrade npm to 8.0.0 (npm team) #​40369
    • update nghttp2 to v1.45.1 (thunder-coding) #​40206
    • update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) #​40285
  • tools
    • update certdata.txt (Richard Lau) #​40280

v16.10.0: 2021-09-22, Version 16.10.0 (Current), @​BethGriggs

Compare Source

Notable Changes
  • [fb226ff2ee] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add rsa-pss keygen parameters (Filip Skokan) #​39927
  • [85206b7311] - deps: upgrade npm to 7.24.0 (npm team) #​40167
  • [98f56d179c] - deps: update Acorn to v8.5.0 (Michaël Zasso) #​40015
  • [9655329772] - doc: add Ayase-252 to collaborators (Qingyu Deng) #​40078
  • [59fff925be] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: make open and close stream override optional when unused (Antoine du Hamel) #​40013
  • [a63a4bce90] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: limit requests per connection (Artur K) #​40082
    • The maximum number of requests a socket can handle before closing keep alive connection can be set with server.maxRequestsPerSocket.
  • [9a672961fa] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add --no-global-search-paths cli option (Cheng Zhao) #​39754
    • Adds the --no-global-search-paths command-line option to not search modules from global paths like $HOME/.node_modules and $NODE_PATH.
  • [fe920b6cbf] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: make napi_create_reference accept symbol (JckXia) #​39926
  • [97f3072ceb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add signal support to pipeline generators (Robert Nagy) #​39067


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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [node]( | stage | minor | `16.9.1` -> `16.20.2` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>nodejs/node (node)</summary> ### [`v16.20.2`]( 2023-08-09, Version 16.20.2 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable Changes The following CVEs are fixed in this release: - [CVE-2023-32002]( Policies can be bypassed via Module.\_load (High) - [CVE-2023-32006]( Policies can be bypassed by module.constructor.createRequire (Medium) - [CVE-2023-32559]( Policies can be bypassed via process.binding (Medium) - OpenSSL Security Releases - [OpenSSL security advisory 14th July]( - [OpenSSL security advisory 19th July]( - [OpenSSL security advisory 31st July]( More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in [August 2023 Security Releases]( blog post. ##### Commits - \[[`40c3958a5a`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1v (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;49043]( - \[[`a9ac9da89a`](] - **deps**: fix openssl crypto clean (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;49043]( - \[[`362d4c7494`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1v (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;49043]( - \[[`d8ccfe9ad4`](] - **policy**: handle Module.constructor and main.extensions bypass (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#445]( - \[[`242aaa0caa`](] - **policy**: disable process.binding() when enabled (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#459]( ### [`v16.20.1`]( 2023-06-20, Version 16.20.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable Changes The following CVEs are fixed in this release: - [CVE-2023-30581]( `mainModule.__proto__` Bypass Experimental Policy Mechanism (High) - [CVE-2023-30585]( Privilege escalation via Malicious Registry Key manipulation during Node.js installer repair process (Medium) - [CVE-2023-30588]( Process interuption due to invalid Public Key information in x509 certificates (Medium) - [CVE-2023-30589]( HTTP Request Smuggling via Empty headers separated by CR (Medium) - [CVE-2023-30590]( DiffieHellman does not generate keys after setting a private key (Medium) - OpenSSL Security Releases - [OpenSSL security advisory 28th March]( - [OpenSSL security advisory 20th April]( - [OpenSSL security advisory 30th May]( - c-ares vulnerabilities: - [GHSA-9g78-jv2r-p7vc]( - [GHSA-8r8p-23f3-64c2]( - [GHSA-54xr-f67r-4pc4]( - [GHSA-x6mf-cxr9-8q6v]( More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in [June 2023 Security Releases]( blog post. ##### Commits - \[[`5a92ea7a3b`](] - **crypto**: handle cert with invalid SPKI gracefully (Tobias Nießen) - \[[`5df04e893a`](] - **deps**: set `CARES_RANDOM_FILE` for c-ares (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;48156]( - \[[`c171cbd124`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to 1.19.1 (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;48115]( - \[[`155d3aac02`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1u+quic (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;48369]( - \[[`8d4c8f8ebe`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1u (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;48369]( - \[[`1a5c9284eb`](] - **doc,test**: clarify behavior of DH generateKeys (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#426]( - \[[`e42ff4b018`](] - **http**: disable request smuggling via empty headers (Paolo Insogna) [nodejs-private/node-private#429]( - \[[`10042683c8`](] - **msi**: do not create AppData\Roaming\npm (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#408]( - \[[`a6f4e87bc9`](] - **policy**: handle mainModule.\__proto\_\_ bypass (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#416]( - \[[`b77000f4d7`](] - **test**: allow SIGBUS in signal-handler abort test (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;47851]( ### [`v16.20.0`]( 2023-03-29, Version 16.20.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;BethGriggs [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - **deps:** - update undici to 5.20.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;46711]( - update c-ares to 1.19.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;46415]( - upgrade npm to 8.19.4 (npm team) [#&#8203;46677]( - update corepack to 0.17.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;46842]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add support for externally shared js builtins (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;44376]( ##### Commits - \[[`de6dd67790`](] - **crypto**: avoid hang when no algorithm available (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;46237]( - \[[`4617512788`](] - **crypto**: ensure auth tag set for chacha20-poly1305 (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;46185]( - \[[`24972164fc`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.20.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;46711]( - \[[`85f88c6a8d`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`90be99f`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;46646]( - \[[`b4ebe6d47b`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to 1.19.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;46415]( - \[[`56cbc7fdda`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`c2792e5`]( (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;44961]( - \[[`7af9bdb31e`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.19.4 (npm team) [#&#8203;46677]( - \[[`962a7471b5`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.17.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;46842]( - \[[`748bc96e35`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.16.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;46710]( - \[[`a467782499`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;46037]( - \[[`1913b6763d`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;45635]( - \[[`809371a15f`](] - **module**: require.resolve.paths returns null with node schema (MURAKAMI Masahiko) [#&#8203;45147]( - \[[`086bb2f8d4`](] - ***Revert*** "**src**: let http2 streams end after session close" (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;46721]( - \[[`6a01d39120`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add support for externally shared js builtins (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;44376]( - \[[`d081032a60`](] - **test**: fix test-net-connect-reset-until-connected (Vita Batrla) [#&#8203;46781]( - \[[`efe1be47ec`](] - **test**: skip test depending on `overlapped-checker` when not available (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;45015]( - \[[`fc47d58abe`](] - **test**: remove cjs loader from stack traces (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;44197]( - \[[`cf76d0790d`](] - **test**: fix WPT title when no META title is present (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;46804]( - \[[`0d1485b924`](] - **test**: fix default WPT titles (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;46778]( - \[[`088e9cde3d`](] - **test**: add WPTRunner support for variants and generating WPT reports (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;46498]( - \[[`908c4dff44`](] - **test**: mark test-crypto-key-objects flaky on Linux (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;46684]( - \[[`768e56227e`](] - **tools**: make `utils.SearchFiles` deterministic (Bruno Pitrus) [#&#8203;44496]( ### [`v16.19.1`]( 2023-02-16, Version 16.19.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable Changes The following CVEs are fixed in this release: - **[CVE-2023-23918](**: Node.js Permissions policies can be bypassed via process.mainModule (High) - **[CVE-2023-23919](**: Node.js OpenSSL error handling issues in nodejs crypto library (Medium) - **[CVE-2023-23920](**: Node.js insecure loading of ICU data through ICU_DATA environment variable (Low) Fixed by an update to undici: - **[CVE-2023-23936](**: Fetch API in Node.js did not protect against CRLF injection in host headers (Medium) - See <> for more information. - **[CVE-2023-24807](**: Regular Expression Denial of Service in Headers in Node.js fetch API (Low) - See <> for more information. More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in [February 2023 Security Releases]( blog post. This security release includes OpenSSL security updates as outlined in the recent [OpenSSL security advisory]( ##### Commits - \[[`7fef050447`](] - **build**: build ICU with ICU_NO_USER_DATA_OVERRIDE (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#374]( - \[[`b558e9f476`](] - **crypto**: clear OpenSSL error on invalid ca cert (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#375]( - \[[`160adb7ffc`](] - **crypto**: clear OpenSSL error queue after calling X509\_check_private_key() (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;45495]( - \[[`d0ece30948`](] - **crypto**: clear OpenSSL error queue after calling X509\_verify() (Takuro Sato) [#&#8203;45377]( - \[[`2d9ae4f184`](] - **deps**: update undici to v5.19.1 (Matteo Collina) [nodejs-private/node-private#388]( - \[[`d80e8312fd`](] - **deps**: cherry-pick Windows ARM64 fix for openssl (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;46568]( - \[[`de5c8d2c2f`](] - **deps**: update archs files for quictls/openssl-1.1.1t+quic (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;46568]( - \[[`1a8ccfe908`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1t+quic (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;46568]( - \[[`693789780b`](] - **doc**: clarify release notes for Node.js 16.19.0 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;45846]( - \[[`f95ef064f4`](] - **lib**: makeRequireFunction patch when experimental policy (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#358]( - \[[`b02d895137`](] - **policy**: makeRequireFunction on mainModule.require (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#358]( - \[[`d7f83c420c`](] - **test**: avoid left behind child processes (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;46276]( ### [`v16.19.0`]( 2022-12-13, Version 16.19.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes ##### OpenSSL 1.1.1s This update is a bugfix release and does not address any security vulnerabilities. ##### Root certificates updated to NSS 3.85 Certificates added: - Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF [`A626340`]( - Certainly Root E1 - Certainly Root R1 - D-TRUST BR Root CA 1 2020 - D-TRUST EV Root CA 1 2020 - DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5 - DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5 - E-Tugra Global Root CA ECC v3 - E-Tugra Global Root CA RSA v3 - HiPKI Root CA - G1 - ISRG Root X2 - Security Communication ECC RootCA1 - Security Communication RootCA3 - Telia Root CA v2 - vTrus ECC Root CA - vTrus Root CA Certificates removed: - Cybertrust Global Root - DST Root CA X3 - GlobalSign Root CA - R2 - Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011 ##### Time zone update to 2022f Time zone data has been updated to 2022f. This includes changes to Daylight Savings Time (DST) for Fiji and Mexico. For more information, see <>. ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`33707dcd03`](] - **dgram**: add dgram send queue info (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44149]( Dependency updates: - \[[`3b2b70d792`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.19.3 (npm team) [#&#8203;45322]( Experimental features: - \[[`1e0dcd1ee0`](] - **cli**: add `--watch` (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44366]( - \[[`8c73279ebb`](] - **util**: add default value option to parsearg (Manuel Spigolon) [#&#8203;44631]( ##### Commits - \[[`bbef3c42f6`](] - **build**: add version info to timezone update PR (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;45021]( - \[[`cc2c7648e0`](] - **build**: support Python 3.11 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;45191]( - \[[`ac24c80663`](] - **build**: remove redundant condition from common.gypi (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;45076]( - \[[`03dcbe3030`](] - **build**: fix bad upstream merge (Stephen Gallagher) [#&#8203;44642]( - \[[`1e0dcd1ee0`](] - **cli**: add `--watch` (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44366]( - \[[`96d131665e`](] - **cluster**: use inspector utils (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44592]( - \[[`704836033a`](] - **crypto**: update root certificates (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;45490]( - \[[`5a776d4a69`](] - **deps**: update timezone to 2022f (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;45613]( - \[[`3b2b70d792`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.19.3 (npm team) [#&#8203;45322]( - \[[`9fbc8b21db`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;45331]( - \[[`87e3d002ca`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;45235]( - \[[`e972ff7b13`](] - **deps**: V8: backport [`bbd800c`]( (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44947]( - \[[`af9d8217c0`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`b953542`]( (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44947]( - \[[`38202d321b`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.12.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;45236]( - \[[`7c0da6adf9`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1s (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;45274]( - \[[`1149ead6f7`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1s (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;45274]( - \[[`cd54bce4f5`](] - **deps**: update timezone (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44950]( - \[[`2901abe4f0`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.11.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44929]( - \[[`c80cf97033`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.14.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44775]( - \[[`33707dcd03`](] - **dgram**: add dgram send queue info (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44149]( - \[[`c708d9bb94`](] - **doc**: fix typo in parseArgs default value (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;45083]( - \[[`5a0efa05d2`](] - **node-api**: handle no support for external buffers (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;45181]( - \[[`db31de634e`](] - **readline**: refactor to avoid unsafe regex primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43475]( - \[[`fbc52e5729`](] - **src**: disambiguate terms used to refer to builtins and addons (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44135]( - \[[`953072d3db`](] - **src**: let http2 streams end after session close (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;45153]( - \[[`54608d8dc3`](] - **src**: split property helpers from node::Environment (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44056]( - \[[`6733556783`](] - **test**: add test to validate changelogs for releases (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;45325]( - \[[`821d832cef`](] - **test**: mark test-watch-mode\* as flaky on all platforms (Pierrick Bouvier) [#&#8203;45049]( - \[[`02a18eac69`](] - **test**: fix test-runner-inspect (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44620]( - \[[`197df63f74`](] - **test**: add a test to ensure the correctness of timezone upgrades (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;45299]( - \[[`42e9d8016a`](] - **test**: fix textdecoder test for small-icu builds (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;45225]( - \[[`6d736a56d8`](] - **test**: fix watch mode test flake (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44739]( - \[[`543d3d2bf3`](] - **test**: deflake watch mode tests (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44621]( - \[[`97f6caf4eb`](] - **test**: split watch mode inspector tests to sequential (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44551]( - \[[`499750ff7a`](] - **test**: update list of known globals (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;45255]( - \[[`64d343af74`](] - **test_runner**: support using `--inspect` with `--test` (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44520]( - \[[`99ee5e484d`](] - **test_runner**: fix `duration_ms` to be milliseconds (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44450]( - \[[`37e909251c`](] - **test_runner**: support programmatically running `--test` (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44241]( - \[[`0ae5694f88`](] - **tools**: update certdata.txt (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;45490]( - \[[`891368cefd`](] - **tools**: remove faulty early termination logic from update-timezone.mjs (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;44870]( - \[[`543493c242`](] - **tools**: fix timezone update tool (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;44870]( - \[[`c77f660b75`](] - **tools**: fix `create-or-update-pull-request-action` hash on GHA (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;45166]( - \[[`58c30dd049`](] - **tools**: update gr2m/create-or-update-pull-request-action (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;45022]( - \[[`749a4b3e5e`](] - **tools**: use Python 3.11 in GitHub Actions workflows (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;45191]( - \[[`6f541d99a5`](] - **tools**: have test-asan use ubuntu-20.04 (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;45581]( - \[[`e7ed56f501`](] - **tools**: make comply with shellcheck 0.8.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41258]( - \[[`cc819b4bf8`](] - **tools**: fix typo in `avoid-prototype-pollution` lint rule (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44446]( - \[[`254358c81e`](] - **tools**: refactor `avoid-prototype-pollution` lint rule (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43476]( - \[[`8c73279ebb`](] - **util**: add default value option to parsearg (Manuel Spigolon) [#&#8203;44631]( ### [`v16.18.1`]( 2022-11-04, Version 16.18.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;BethGriggs [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable changes The following CVEs are fixed in this release: - **[CVE-2022-43548](**: DNS rebinding in --inspect via invalid octal IP address (Medium) More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in [November 2022 Security Releases]( blog post. ##### Commits - \[[`9ffddd7098`](] - **inspector**: harden IP address validation again (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#354]( ### [`v16.18.0`]( 2022-10-12, Version 16.18.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;juanarbol [Compare Source]( ##### Notable changes - \[[`1cc050eaa8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **assert**: add `getCalls` and `reset` to callTracker (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44191]( - \[[`e5c9975f11`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: allow zero-length secret KeyObject (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44201]( - \[[`317cd051ce`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: allow zero-length IKM in HKDF and in webcrypto PBKDF2 (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44201]( - \[[`f80bdc5ef3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: deprecate modp1, modp2, and modp5 groups (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44588]( - \[[`8398e98b1b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: make idle http parser count configurable (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43974]( - \[[`2cd2f56962`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: throw error on content-length mismatch (sidwebworks) [#&#8203;44378]( - \[[`6be761e8a9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add diagnostics channel for process and worker (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44045]( - \[[`1400796cef`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net,tls**: pass a valid socket on `tlsClientError` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44021]( - \[[`092239a7f1`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add local family (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43975]( - \[[`381e11e18e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **report**: expose report public native apis (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44255]( - \[[`2ba547aa5b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: expose environment RequestInterrupt api (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44362]( - \[[`6ed3367155`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add `ReadableByteStream.tee()` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44505]( - \[[`0fbedac6ce`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add before/after/each hooks (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43730]( - \[[`70563b53c5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: add `maxArrayLength` option to Set and Map (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43576]( ##### Commits - \[[`1cc050eaa8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **assert**: add `getCalls` and `reset` to callTracker (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44191]( - \[[`2e87cdd1e6`](] - **benchmark**: fix startup benchmark (Evan Lucas) [#&#8203;44727]( - \[[`29c0f9ef30`](] - **benchmark**: add stream destroy benchmark (SindreXie) [#&#8203;44533]( - \[[`f01bb58c1e`](] - **bootstrap**: update comments in bootstrap/node.js (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44726]( - \[[`db151e182f`](] - **bootstrap**: stop delaying instantiation of maps in per-context scripts (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42934]( - \[[`f700074c57`](] - **buffer**: fix `atob` input validation (Austin Kelleher) [#&#8203;42662]( - \[[`e10095a759`](] - **build**: update timezone-update.yml (Alex) [#&#8203;44717]( - \[[`bec2ede687`](] - **build**: remove redundant entry in crypto (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;44604]( - \[[`7b3a2c3353`](] - **build**: rewritten the Android build system (BuShe Pie) [#&#8203;44207]( - \[[`e96bb14942`](] - **build**: add --libdir flag to configure (Stephen Gallagher) [#&#8203;44361]( - \[[`2a4491b34d`](] - **build**: added NINJA env to customize ninja binary (Jeff Dickey) [#&#8203;44293]( - \[[`aaad7a64b4`](] - **build**: enable pointer authentication for branch protection on arm64 (Jeremiah Gowdy) [#&#8203;43200]( - \[[`041bb54143`](] - **build**: add workflow to label flaky-test platform (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;44042]( - \[[`58d85c1109`](] - **build**: optimized and fixed building configuration to Android (BuShe) [#&#8203;44016]( - \[[`5cd8b7bc8b`](] - **build**: allow test-internet on forks if not scheduled (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44073]( - \[[`9698be9347`](] - **build**: skip test-internet run on forks (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44054]( - \[[`25e6f48e4a`](] - **child_process**: remove lookup of undefined property (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;44766]( - \[[`a3bdd07321`](] - **cluster**: fix cluster rr distribute error (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44202]( - \[[`317cd051ce`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: allow zero-length IKM in HKDF and in webcrypto PBKDF2 (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44201]( - \[[`e5c9975f11`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: allow zero-length secret KeyObject (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44201]( - \[[`7e705d8d74`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto deriveBits validations (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44173]( - \[[`7ad2a268b9`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto EC key namedCurve validation errors (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44172]( - \[[`2c938d73ff`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto operation errors to be OperationError (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44171]( - \[[`a6e2cb40a6`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto generateKey() AES key length validation error (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44170]( - \[[`7e07cce24b`](] - **crypto**: use EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dsa_paramgen_q_bits when available (David Benjamin) [#&#8203;44561]( - \[[`1fc6394741`](] - **crypto**: restrict PBKDF2 args to signed int (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44575]( - \[[`9a52ee7577`](] - **crypto**: handle invalid prepareAsymmetricKey JWK inputs (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44475]( - \[[`7100baee40`](] - **crypto**: use actual option name in error message (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44455]( - \[[`579e066c3a`](] - **crypto**: add digest name to INVALID_DIGEST errors (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44468]( - \[[`566d80f622`](] - **crypto**: improve RSA-PSS digest error messages (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44307]( - \[[`f717c1e06a`](] - **debugger**: decrease timeout used to wait for the port to be free (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44359]( - \[[`0f2fcaf771`](] - **deps**: update to ngtcp2 0.8.1 and nghttp3 0.7.0 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44622]( - \[[`1a8aada69d`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.14.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44704]( - \[[`e4f18b4f34`](] - **deps**: update ngtcp2 update instructions (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44619]( - \[[`21b5ab1494`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.19.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;44632]( - \[[`916b319e7a`](] - **deps**: update to uvwasi 0.0.13 (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;44524]( - \[[`67cbbcc902`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.14.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44509]( - \[[`9f14dc1a8f`](] - **deps**: update Acorn to v8.8.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;44437]( - \[[`1811a6aaa8`](] - **deps**: update icu tzdata to 2022b (Matías Zúñiga) [#&#8203;44283]( - \[[`0c4953cbd1`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.9.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44319]( - \[[`8a921fea74`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.19.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;44486]( - \[[`763a63c14b`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.13.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44318]( - \[[`fdb699c84a`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.18.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;44263]( - \[[`2a44872f96`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.12.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44229]( - \[[`48967e4b34`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.17.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;44205]( - \[[`0484122f71`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.8.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44187]( - \[[`e404ac7eed`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.8.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44158]( - \[[`9a5ee5e9e3`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.12.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44159]( - \[[`3657cb277b`](] - **deps**: remove unnecessary file (Brian White) [#&#8203;44133]( - \[[`d66a807596`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.16.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;44119]( - \[[`ec998be61c`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.15.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;44013]( - \[[`e9e856ae95`](] - **deps**: upgrade base64 to [`dc6a41c`]( (Brian White) [#&#8203;44032]( - \[[`8ea9a71b15`](] - **deps,src**: use SIMD for normal base64 encoding (Brian White) [#&#8203;39775]( - \[[`969a12be4b`](] - **doc**: remove "currently" and comma splice from (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44789]( - \[[`5e4a2e94a1`](] - **doc**: mention git node backport (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;44764]( - \[[`618c9c8260`](] - **doc**: ensure to revert node_version changes (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;44760]( - \[[`e0fe11c189`](] - **doc**: fix description for `napi_get_cb_info()` in `` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44761]( - \[[`895719da65`](] - **doc**: fix v16.17.1 security release changelog (Ruy Adorno) [#&#8203;44759]( - \[[`fe832a0647`](] - **doc**: update the deprecation for exit code to clarify its scope (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44714]( - \[[`3872abd9a6`](] - **doc**: update guidance for adding new modules (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;44576]( - \[[`f381a1e86a`](] - **doc**: add registry number for Electron 22 (Keeley Hammond) [#&#8203;44748]( - \[[`8d3cb6c08a`](] - **doc**: include code examples for webstreams consumers (Lucas Santos) [#&#8203;44387]( - \[[`9e83c00e0b`](] - **doc**: mention where to push security commits (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;44691]( - \[[`bc9f8d24ce`](] - **doc**: remove extra space on threadpool usage (Connor Burton) [#&#8203;44734]( - \[[`3e38ba53cc`](] - **doc**: make legacy banner slightly less bright (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44665]( - \[[`0f88588f52`](] - **doc**: improve building doc for Windows Powershell (Brian Muenzenmeyer) [#&#8203;44625]( - \[[`5ee0127540`](] - **doc**: maintain only one list of MODP groups (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44644]( - \[[`6881ecb0e2`](] - **doc**: add legendecas to TSC list (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;44662]( - \[[`3614f5ace3`](] - **doc**: remove comma in (Taha-Chaudhry) [#&#8203;44599]( - \[[`c9af43616c`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in report docs (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44608]( - \[[`ff9ef61646`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in stream docs (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44609]( - \[[`90eaae3ef1`](] - **doc**: remove empty line in YAML block (Claudio Wunder) [#&#8203;44617]( - \[[`f80bdc5ef3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: deprecate modp1, modp2, and modp5 groups (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44588]( - \[[`9fac6dd1c1`](] - **doc**: remove old OpenSSL ENGINE constants (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44589]( - \[[`53543c6d81`](] - **doc**: fix heading levels for test runner hooks (Fabian Meyer) [#&#8203;44603]( - \[[`2084ad61a7`](] - **doc**: fix errors in (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44587]( - \[[`cc55e84ddc`](] - **doc**: fix vm.Script createCachedData example (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44487]( - \[[`8187f03834`](] - **doc**: mention how to get commit release (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;44572]( - \[[`d068978933`](] - **doc**: fix link in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44594]( - \[[`0747facb63`](] - **doc**: do not use weak MODP group in example (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44585]( - \[[`e26d95ef9a`](] - **doc**: remove ebpf from supported tooling list (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;44549]( - \[[`9d24c7a8c7`](] - **doc**: emphasize that createCipher is never secure (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44538]( - \[[`6d881b8611`](] - **doc**: document attribute Script.cachedDataRejected (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44451]( - \[[`d846e5bac5`](] - **doc**: move policy docs to the permissions scope (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;44222]( - \[[`5c721a33c3`](] - **doc**: add performance note to `--enable-source-maps` docs (Saurabh Daware) [#&#8203;43817]( - \[[`1998bc80b5`](] - **doc**: fix release guide example consistency (Ruy Adorno) [#&#8203;44385]( - \[[`7b691729b1`](] - **doc**: note on release guide to update `main` branch (Ruy Adorno) [#&#8203;44384]( - \[[`7ec097fa99`](] - **doc**: mention cherry-pick edge-case on release (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;44408]( - \[[`4a4025181c`](] - **doc**: fix spacing issue in `--build-snapshot` help text (Shohei YOSHIDA) [#&#8203;44435]( - \[[`a5906a09dc`](] - **doc**: apply scroll-margin-top to h2, h3 elements (metonym) [#&#8203;44414]( - \[[`0e99139df4`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in addons docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44482]( - \[[`8ea3e6f839`](] - **doc**: do not use "Returns:" for crypto.constants (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44481]( - \[[`a1dbe4bc79`](] - **doc**: add history for net.createServer() options (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44326]( - \[[`eb90d650d4`](] - **doc**: fix typo in test runner code examples (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44351]( - \[[`17c5b978a5`](] - **doc**: add daeyeon to collaborators (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44355]( - \[[`c1458063ee`](] - **doc**: fix style of (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44377]( - \[[`cf60c6bc74`](] - **doc**: add missing imports in events sample code (Brian Evans) [#&#8203;44337]( - \[[`89e5ac9676`](] - **doc**: add missing parenthesis in TLSSocket section (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44512]( - \[[`5ac344b2a2`](] - **doc**: fix optionality of callback arg of checkPrime (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44311]( - \[[`87cc487e28`](] - **doc**: fix typo (Hana) [#&#8203;44262]( - \[[`5978eb1ae8`](] - **doc**: add TypeScript execution requirements (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;44030]( - \[[`42948364e2`](] - **doc**: add cola119 to collaborators (cola119) [#&#8203;44248]( - \[[`6196bcedd0`](] - **doc**: improved building doc for Android (BuShe) [#&#8203;44166]( - \[[`afe6c87bb5`](] - **doc**: add MoLow to collaborators (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44214]( - \[[`82ff3dabc5`](] - **doc**: update tags in (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44190]( - \[[`16d6d45ee8`](] - **doc**: fix typo in diagnostics_channel (Evan Lucas) [#&#8203;44199]( - \[[`ed1d0c9203`](] - **doc**: add Retry CI in collaborator guide (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;44130]( - \[[`1022ece43f`](] - **doc**: remove unused code in call tracker example (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;44127]( - \[[`0c95d45410`](] - **doc**: add theanarkh to collaborators (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44131]( - \[[`97ad1a0f03`](] - **doc**: clarify tls.tlsSocket.getCipher().version (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;44086]( - \[[`9e10ee70a3`](] - **doc**: update repository list in onboarding doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44089]( - \[[`3171d55ef8`](] - **doc**: add ErickWendel to collaborators (Erick Wendel) [#&#8203;44088]( - \[[`c9c2114a75`](] - **doc**: update collaborator email (Ruy Adorno) [#&#8203;44044]( - \[[`1f9246a24f`](] - **doc**: copyedit `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44061]( - \[[`76e9cf2a46`](] - **doc**: add kvakil to triagers (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;43996]( - \[[`5a34c575ad`](] - **doc**: clarify part of onboarding guide regarding adding to teams (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;44024]( - \[[`5d3b8ab2d6`](] - **doc**: fix code examples in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44053]( - \[[`e59c095b23`](] - **doc**: claim ABI version for Electron 21 (Keeley Hammond) [#&#8203;44034]( - \[[`88b0d406ac`](] - **doc**: remove old reference from crypto/ (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44012]( - \[[`58c97216ee`](] - **doc**: add missing env vars to man page (cola119) [#&#8203;43492]( - \[[`c07159215d`](] - **doc**: list supported MODP groups explicitly (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43986]( - \[[`be2feec1f0`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Dominic Saadi) [#&#8203;44005]( - \[[`9f7a728168`](] - **doc**: fix typos in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43997]( - \[[`21a29d4584`](] - **doc**: add missing test runner option (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43989]( - \[[`6758c63eba`](] - **doc,crypto**: cleanup removed pbkdf2 behaviours (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44733]( - \[[`891c4e742f`](] - **doc,inspector**: document changes of inspector.close (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44628]( - \[[`4308d95d1d`](] - **doc,report**: document special filenames (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44257]( - \[[`89c837a48d`](] - **doc,worker**: document resourceLimits overrides (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;43992]( - \[[`8f6bd5a402`](] - **doc,worker**: deprecate `--trace-atomics-wait` (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44093]( - \[[`9593c37984`](] - **errors**: refactor to use optional chaining (SindreXie) [#&#8203;44184]( - \[[`7cead5968e`](] - **esm**: fix duplicated test (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;44779]( - \[[`5d33dfd787`](] - **esm**: do not bind loader hook functions (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44122]( - \[[`ec7bf32350`](] - **esm**: move package config helpers (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;43967]( - \[[`42a91e36dd`](] - **esm,loader**: tidy ESMLoader internals (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;44701]( - \[[`d4e9384ccb`](] - **events**: use bitset to save memory (Basit Chonka) [#&#8203;43700]( - \[[`14ec52b949`](] - **fs**: don't hard code name in validatePosition() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;44767]( - \[[`83cf979a0d`](] - **fs**: fix typo in mkdir example (SergeyTsukanov) [#&#8203;44791]( - \[[`bbbb4460ee`](] - **fs**: remove unused option in `fs.fstatSync()` (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;44613]( - \[[`bf217f8029`](] - **fs**: add encoding parameter to benchmarks (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;44278]( - \[[`1308e68a16`](] - **gyp**: libnode for ios app embedding (chexiongsheng) [#&#8203;44210]( - \[[`2cee039070`](] - **http**: disable chunked encoding when OBS fold is used (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;341]( - \[[`2cd2f56962`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: throw error on content-length mismatch (sidwebworks) [#&#8203;44378]( - \[[`8398e98b1b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: make idle http parser count configurable (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43974]( - \[[`fa6183fc7e`](] - **http**: add max for http keepalive (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44217]( - \[[`2f87ba4e03`](] - **http**: trace http request / response (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44102]( - \[[`5f406a3a53`](] - **http**: reuse socket only when it is drained (ywave620) [#&#8203;43902]( - \[[`4e49d5d1b4`](] - **inspector**: expose inspector.close on workers (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44489]( - \[[`c736927b0b`](] - **inspector**: prevent integer overflow in open() (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44367]( - \[[`a021f1974a`](] - **lib**: fix reference leak (falsandtru) [#&#8203;44499]( - \[[`6be761e8a9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add diagnostics channel for process and worker (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44045]( - \[[`ac8d2de3b0`](] - **lib**: reset `RegExp` statics before running user code (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43741]( - \[[`4968ebfbe1`](] - **lib**: refactor `validateInt32` and `validateUint32` (mawaregetsuka) [#&#8203;43071]( - \[[`acff743113`](] - **lib**: make `validateObject` less affected by prototype tampering (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42929]( - \[[`59be5f89ca`](] - **lib**: use safe `Promise` alternatives when available (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43476]( - \[[`9dad4b0d11`](] - **lib**: add diagnostics channel and perf hooks detail (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;43984]( - \[[`a99e2368ea`](] - **lib**: refactor to avoid prototype pollution (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43474]( - \[[`121c54718d`](] - **lib**: fix diagnostics channel (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44154]( - \[[`594d9436c3`](] - **lib**: pass env variables to child process on z/OS (alexcfyung) [#&#8203;42255]( - \[[`9c656c89fc`](] - **lib**: add missing env vars to --help (cola119) [#&#8203;43492]( - \[[`3aaa4109a0`](] - **lib**: add `Promise` methods to `avoid-prototype-pollution` lint rule (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43849]( - \[[`debf7301aa`](] - **lib,test**: fix bug in InternalSocketAddress (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44618]( - \[[`c1d1ed5ae4`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44777]( - \[[`fe91711ed5`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for dnlup (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44716]( - \[[`b9deb1e84d`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44705]( - \[[`3564da1c94`](] - **meta**: move dnlup to emeriti (dnlup) [#&#8203;44667]( - \[[`af5d49f186`](] - **meta**: update test_runner in label-pr-config (Shrujal Shah) [#&#8203;44615]( - \[[`7ac9bafd10`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44591]( - \[[`aa68a31804`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44511]( - \[[`edb0851539`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44422]( - \[[`4bdd4a3641`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44321]( - \[[`dc5478ad12`](] - **meta**: update `web streams` in label-pr-config (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44235]( - \[[`d535190086`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44231]( - \[[`24e3ad069d`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44161]( - \[[`1924d897ad`](] - **meta**: add codeowner for src/node_snapshot\* (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44113]( - \[[`1988be9acf`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44065]( - \[[`261e5acc6b`](] - **meta**: shorten PowerShell snippet for bug-report template (NicoNekoru) [#&#8203;44011]( - \[[`1bb394e691`](] - **module**: open stat/readPackage to mutations (Maël Nison) [#&#8203;44537]( - \[[`b665171911`](] - **module**: protect against prototype mutation (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44007]( - \[[`092239a7f1`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add local family (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43975]( - \[[`4e0710c3a3`](] - **net**: remove unused callback (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44204]( - \[[`1400796cef`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net,tls**: pass a valid socket on `tlsClientError` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44021]( - \[[`adae66cbd4`](] - **node-api**: add deprecation code of uncaught exception (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44624]( - \[[`f38987edcc`](] - **node-api**: avoid calling virtual methods in base's dtor (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44424]( - \[[`5b5d95d312`](] - **node-api**: cleanup redundant static modifiers (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44301]( - \[[`8f3e8bb1fd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **os**: add machine method (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44416]( - \[[`3cb28bdde0`](] - **path**: change basename() argument from ext to suffix (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;44774]( - \[[`7c5ce59dba`](] - **perf_hooks**: fix gc elapsed time (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44058]( - \[[`0e2c2064bb`](] - **report**: get stack trace with cross origin contexts (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44398]( - \[[`5355a46840`](] - **report**: fix missing section javascriptHeap on OOMError (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44398]( - \[[`381e11e18e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **report**: expose report public native apis (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44255]( - \[[`30cfe0a156`](] - **report**: print javascript stack on fatal error (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44242]( - \[[`779761d914`](] - **report**: add queue info for udp (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44345]( - \[[`ff34d48d70`](] - **report**: skip report if uncaught exception is handled (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44208]( - \[[`3e8569cfbc`](] - **src**: remove ParseIP() in (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44771]( - \[[`916f2c5783`](] - **src**: avoid using v8 on Isolate termination (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;44669]( - \[[`4f056b57e9`](] - **src**: remove \<unistd.h> from (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44668]( - \[[`24172ca6fe`](] - **src**: avoid copy when creating Blob (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44616]( - \[[`eda1f4531a`](] - **src**: make ReqWrap weak (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;44074]( - \[[`ea2957fe77`](] - **src**: make NearHeapLimitCallback() more robust (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44581]( - \[[`eaf2ffc23a`](] - **src**: dump isolate stats when process exits (daomingq) [#&#8203;44534]( - \[[`49cf3459d1`](] - **src**: rename misleading arg in ClientHelloParser (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44500]( - \[[`2ba547aa5b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: expose environment RequestInterrupt api (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44362]( - \[[`70662f4058`](] - **src**: fix cppgc incompatibility in v8 (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;43521]( - \[[`91ef427d2d`](] - **src**: nest namespace report in namespace node (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44069]( - \[[`e7d30b4b49`](] - **src**: use a typed array internally for process.\_exiting (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43883]( - \[[`d76e7e4e84`](] - **src**: improve error handling in CloneSSLCerts (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44410]( - \[[`cae9c5d5c3`](] - **src**: fix incorrect comments in crypto (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44470]( - \[[`c0875d1f00`](] - **src**: avoid casting std::trunc(... / ...) to size_t (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44467]( - \[[`8f3ed25e08`](] - **src**: add error handling to `uv_uptime` call (Juan José Arboleda) [#&#8203;44386]( - \[[`c7713f19de`](] - **src**: remove base64\_select_table and base64\_table (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44425]( - \[[`a3dc7e18ed`](] - **src**: fix uv_err_name memory leak (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44421]( - \[[`a711080061`](] - **src**: make Endianness an enum class (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44411]( - \[[`aa80826651`](] - **src**: fix ssize_t error from nghttp2.h (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;44393]( - \[[`6b8ed279fd`](] - **src**: trace fs async api (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44057]( - \[[`dd08d6cc57`](] - **src**: simplify and optimize GetOpenSSLVersion() (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44395]( - \[[`4c27d77e5c`](] - **src**: simplify ECDH::GetCurves() (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44309]( - \[[`a6ce1de833`](] - **src**: remove KeyObjectData::symmetric_key_len\_ (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44346]( - \[[`f0d841fd7d`](] - **src**: fix multiple format string bugs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44314]( - \[[`2f3502f345`](] - **src**: make minor improvements to SecureBuffer (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44302]( - \[[`525fbfd122`](] - **src**: use imported namespaces in `` (Juan José) [#&#8203;44299]( - \[[`ac2edbcd8c`](] - **src**: refactor to avoid using a moved object (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44269]( - \[[`b186684b22`](] - **src**: extract common context embedder tag checks (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44258]( - \[[`8195c8108c`](] - **src**: avoid copying BaseObjectPtrs in loop (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44270]( - \[[`c045faf1ea`](] - **src**: fix --heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit error hint (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44216]( - \[[`4ee8ac3b6b`](] - **src**: prevent copying ArrayBufferViewContents (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44091]( - \[[`8f5fd2f06c`](] - **src**: fix to use replacement character (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43999]( - \[[`78c846265f`](] - **src**: fix typo in src/ (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;44009]( - \[[`ec1645b1f0`](] - **src**: fix regression that a source marker is lost (cola119) [#&#8203;43086]( - \[[`0c01922ff7`](] - **src**: remove dead code in base64\_encode (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43979]( - \[[`28911e21b6`](] - **src,buffer**: remove unused chars_written parameter (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44092]( - \[[`37010cb862`](] - **src,fs**: refactor duplicated code in fs.readdir (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43204]( - \[[`1635503704`](] - **src,test**: fix typos (SADIK KUZU) [#&#8203;44110]( - \[[`ffb1c85784`](] - **stream**: refactor use es2020 statement (SindreXie) [#&#8203;44533]( - \[[`6ed3367155`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add `ReadableByteStream.tee()` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44505]( - \[[`14c7f4a290`](] - **test**: update WPT runner (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43455]( - \[[`4368acd01a`](] - **test**: don't clobber RegExp.$\_ on startup (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;44864]( - \[[`5854abc176`](] - **test**: use async/await in test-debugger-auto-resume (samyuktaprabhu) [#&#8203;44675]( - \[[`a7666abe31`](] - **test**: migrated from Promise chains to Async/Await (Rathi N Das) [#&#8203;44674]( - \[[`5bed2d1f46`](] - **test**: change promises to async/await in test-debugger-backtrace.js (Juliet Zhang) [#&#8203;44677]( - \[[`f630881f9b`](] - **test**: use async/await in test-debugger-sb-before-load (Hope Olaidé) [#&#8203;44697]( - \[[`fada3a2ce7`](] - **test**: add extra tests for basename with ext option (Connor Burton) [#&#8203;44772]( - \[[`9386c8581c`](] - **test**: refactor to async/await (Divya Mohan) [#&#8203;44694]( - \[[`af2aa5be45`](] - **test**: modify test-debugger-custom-port.js to use async-await (Priya Shastri) [#&#8203;44680]( - \[[`e9e130925c`](] - **test**: update test-debugger-breakpoint-exists.js to use async/await (Archana Kamath) [#&#8203;44682]( - \[[`510365a036`](] - **test**: use async/await in test-debugger-preserve-breaks (poorvitusam) [#&#8203;44696]( - \[[`2baa3c3ce5`](] - **test**: use async/await in test-debugger-profile (surbhirjain) [#&#8203;44684]( - \[[`ffc4fadf5e`](] - **test**: change the promises to async/await in test-debugger-exec-scope.js (Ankita Khiratkar) [#&#8203;44685]( - \[[`8b8d18ab4e`](] - **test**: verify napi_remove_wrap with napi_delete_reference (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;44754]( - \[[`863361928e`](] - **test**: change promises to async/await (Madhulika Sharma) [#&#8203;44683]( - \[[`2e3aa39c94`](] - **test**: use async/await in test-debugger-invalid-args (Nupur Chauhan) [#&#8203;44678]( - \[[`095cb7eba1`](] - **test**: update test-debugger-low-level to use await/async (Meghana Ramesh) [#&#8203;44688]( - \[[`2752d7c22a`](] - **test**: check that sysconf returns a positive value (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44666]( - \[[`fc1edaf0d7`](] - **test**: change promise to async/await in debugger-watcher (“Pooja) [#&#8203;44687]( - \[[`aae8ff6ace`](] - **test**: fix test-performance-measure (smitley) [#&#8203;44637]( - \[[`f13e06ab85`](] - **test**: improve lib/readline.js coverage (MURAKAMI Masahiko) [#&#8203;42686]( - \[[`a46dd370d7`](] - **test**: fix `test-repl` not validating leaked globals properly (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44640]( - \[[`31f809acca`](] - **test**: ignore stale process cleanup failures on Windows (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44480]( - \[[`370b0ec5a1`](] - **test**: use python3 instead of python (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44545]( - \[[`88dfd50079`](] - **test**: fix DebugSymbolsTest.ReqWrapList on PPC64LE (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;44341]( - \[[`371804752a`](] - **test**: add more cases for parse-encoding (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;44427]( - \[[`0c76e01876`](] - **test**: split report OOM tests (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44389]( - \[[`5af3a5d37e`](] - **test**: avoid race in file write stream handle tests (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44380]( - \[[`edb3335ff2`](] - **test**: deflake child process exec timeout tests (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44390]( - \[[`c3429ab2e3`](] - **test**: make the vm timeout escape tests more lenient (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44433]( - \[[`b5901a0c26`](] - **test**: split heap prof tests (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44388]( - \[[`a139f5d4e0`](] - **test**: fix multiple incorrect mustNotCall() uses (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44022]( - \[[`6990833a4c`](] - **test**: raise sleep times in child process tests (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44375]( - \[[`b2b9de98a2`](] - **test**: remove duplicate test (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44313]( - \[[`c397bb93ad`](] - **test**: make tmpdir.js importable from esm (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;44322]( - \[[`03b8cb8c4c`](] - **test**: deflake test-diagnostics-channel-net (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44144]( - \[[`73cd9dd860`](] - **test**: add coverage for invalid RSA-PSS digests (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44271]( - \[[`003ab59fcc`](] - **test**: move "errors" test to "parallel" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;44233]( - \[[`4485adeaeb`](] - **test**: mark connection leak test flaky on IBM i (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;44215]( - \[[`8725a87fd9`](] - **test**: use `mustSucceed` instead of `mustCall` with `assert.ifError` (MURAKAMI Masahiko) [#&#8203;44196]( - \[[`41ea42bd82`](] - **test**: update hr-time web platform tests (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;44100]( - \[[`dd4db8e724`](] - **test**: update console web platform tests (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;44100]( - \[[`940e31784e`](] - **test**: move tests with many workers to sequential (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44139]( - \[[`03c0819dd9`](] - **test**: deflake gc-http-client tests by restricting number of requests (Nick Sia) [#&#8203;44146]( - \[[`3d0a3fe246`](] - **test**: move test-vm-break-on-sigint to sequential (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44140]( - \[[`4cfa9bac90`](] - **test**: remove test-http-client-response-timeout flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44145]( - \[[`2f036c857e`](] - **test**: s390x z15 accelerated zlib fixes (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;44117]( - \[[`5ed4f431cf`](] - **test**: tune down parallelism for some flaky tests (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;44090]( - \[[`ec7b932945`](] - **test**: fix `internet/test-inspector-help-page` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;44025]( - \[[`dff6615bbe`](] - **test**: remove test-gc-http-client-timeout from flaky list (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43971]( - \[[`6c3228361b`](] - **test**: reduce loop times for preventing test from timeout (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43981]( - \[[`a33daadc41`](] - **test**: fix test-cluster-concurrent-disconnect (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43961]( - \[[`e009a35d6e`](] - **test**: change misleading variable name (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43990]( - \[[`72fb0133f5`](] - **test**: use `common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep()` in fs tests (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43819]( - \[[`4ebb3ef508`](] - **test,crypto**: update WebCryptoAPI WPT (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;44223]( - \[[`9a469bef2c`](] - **test_runner**: include stack of uncaught exceptions (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44614]( - \[[`56dc4b3848`](] - **test_runner**: fix test runner hooks failure stack (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44284]( - \[[`cefb0586d8`](] - **test_runner**: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;44062]( - \[[`64b07a9d14`](] - **test_runner**: verbous error when entire test tree is canceled (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44060]( - \[[`bfdee2597a`](] - **test_runner**: empty pending tests queue post running (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;44059]( - \[[`0fbedac6ce`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add before/after/each hooks (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43730]( - \[[`6ad7a86af6`](] - **test_runner**: fix top level `describe` queuing (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43998]( - \[[`a2881b7a85`](] - **test_runner**: graceful termination on `--test` only (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43977]( - \[[`72a8faa087`](] - **test_runner**: validate `concurrency` option (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43976]( - \[[`8118fc2980`](] - **tls**: fix out-of-bounds read in ClientHelloParser (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44580]( - \[[`b53ea08d7b`](] - **tls**: remove SecureContext setFreeListLength (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44300]( - \[[`c35a0713b0`](] - **tls**: use OpenSSL constant for client random size (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;44305]( - \[[`e4b4b370a1`](] - **tls**: use logical OR operator (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;44236]( - \[[`18e1766346`](] - **tools**: increase timeout of running WPT (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44574]( - \[[`006d7f1f2a`](] - **tools**: refactor deprecated format in no-unescaped-regexp-dot (Madhuri) [#&#8203;44763]( - \[[`c6289d632a`](] - **tools**: update eslint-check.js to object style (andiemontoyeah) [#&#8203;44706]( - \[[`b06a78e85d`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.24.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44778]( - \[[`ce3397223b`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.79.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44776]( - \[[`1079c8099d`](] - **tools**: add (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;44652]( - \[[`0b3f49c749`](] - **tools**: fix typo in (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44664]( - \[[`d190e716ad`](] - **tools**: add timezone update workflow (Lenvin Gonsalves) [#&#8203;43988]( - \[[`b6c232f288`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.23.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44639]( - \[[`2c0d9ffb65`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to [@&#8203;rollup/plugin-node-resolve]([@&#8203;14]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44638]( - \[[`f05ce2bff5`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to [@&#8203;rollup/plugin-node-resolve]([@&#8203;14]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44590]( - \[[`657fa792f4`](] - **tools**: increase timeout of running WPT (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;44574]( - \[[`602ecaa42f`](] - **tools**: fix shebang to use python3 by default (Himself65) [#&#8203;44531]( - \[[`bad8ecc27f`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.79.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44510]( - \[[`255023f80a`](] - **tools**: don't use f-strings in (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;44407]( - \[[`b3629daad7`](] - **tools**: update doc to unist-util-visit@4.1.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44370]( - \[[`2891d9fd0a`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.23.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44419]( - \[[`0bf57df711`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.78.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44320]( - \[[`9391ebdc0d`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.22.0 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;44243]( - \[[`df49c426f6`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.78.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44244]( - \[[`e42227ad3e`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.77.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44230]( - \[[`1b6d294e78`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.21.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44162]( - \[[`f3dcaaf087`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to [@&#8203;rollup/plugin-commonjs]([@&#8203;22]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44160]( - \[[`5d5971cda7`](] - **tools**: update undici CPE in vuln checking script (Facundo Tuesca) [#&#8203;44128]( - \[[`606b0a08a8`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.77.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;44064]( - \[[`8a8c7cf6b5`](] - **tools**: add verbose flag to find-inactive-collaborators (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43964]( - \[[`cb6b57f777`](] - **trace_events**: add example (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43253]( - \[[`be863b7a97`](] - **tty**: fix TypeError when stream is closed (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43803]( - \[[`a08cdead0b`](] - **typings**: add JSDoc for `internal/validators` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;44181]( - \[[`a6a655de35`](] - **util**: increase robustness with primordials (Jordan Harband) [#&#8203;41212]( - \[[`70563b53c5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: add `maxArrayLength` option to Set and Map (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43576]( - \[[`0beedb7f1c`](] - **v8**: add setHeapSnapshotNearHeapLimit (theanarkh) [#&#8203;44420]( - \[[`8d259e6086`](] - **win**: fix fs.realpath.native for long paths (StefanStojanovic) [#&#8203;44536]( ### [`v16.17.1`]( 2022-09-23, Version 16.17.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;ruyadorno [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable changes The following CVEs are fixed in this release: - **[CVE-2022-32212](**: DNS rebinding in --inspect on macOS (High) - **[CVE-2022-32213](**: bypass via obs-fold mechanic (Medium) - **[CVE-2022-35255](**: Weak randomness in WebCrypto keygen - **[CVE-2022-35256](**: HTTP Request Smuggling - Incorrect Parsing of Header Fields (Medium) More detailed information on each of the vulnerabilities can be found in [September 22nd 2022 Security Releases]( blog post. ##### Commits - \[[`a54283a638`](] - **crypto**: fix weak randomness in WebCrypto keygen (Ben Noordhuis) [nodejs-private/node-private#346]( - \[[`0713e21240`](] - **http**: disable chunked encoding when using OBS fold is used (Paolo Insogna) [nodejs-private/node-private#341]( - \[[`77fe2f32e4`](] - **src**: fix IPv4 non routable validation (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#337]( ### [`v16.17.0`]( 2022-08-16, Version 16.17.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;targos [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes ##### Experimental command-line argument parser API Adds [`util.parseArgs`]( helper for higher level command-line argument parsing. Contributed by Benjamin Coe, John Gee, Darcy Clarke, Joe Sepi, Kevin Gibbons, Aaron Casanova, Jessica Nahulan, and Jordan Harband - [#&#8203;42675]( ##### Experimental ESM Loader Hooks API Node.js ESM Loader hooks now support multiple custom loaders, and composition is achieved via "chaining": `foo-loader` calls `bar-loader` calls `qux-loader` (a custom loader *must* now signal a short circuit when intentionally not calling the next). See the [ESM docs]( for details. Real-world use-cases are laid out for end-users with working examples in the article [Custom ESM loaders: Who, what, when, where, why, how]( Contributed by Jacob Smith, Geoffrey Booth, and Bradley Farias - [#&#8203;42623]( ##### Experimental test runner The [`node:test`]( module, which was initially introduced in Node.js v18.0.0, is now available with all the changes done to it up to Node.js v18.7.0. ##### Improved interoperability of the Web Crypto API To better align Node.js' experimental implementation of the Web Crypto API with other runtimes, several changes were made: - Support for CFRG curves was added, with the `'Ed25519'`, `'Ed448'`, `'X25519'`, and `'X448'` algorithms. - The proprietary `'NODE-DSA'`, `'NODE-DH'`, `'NODE-SCRYPT'`, `'NODE-ED25519'`, `'NODE-ED448'`, `'NODE-X25519'`, and `'NODE-X448'` algorithms were removed. - The proprietary `'node.keyObject'` import/export format was removed. Contributed by Filip Skokan - [#&#8203;42507](, [#&#8203;43310]( ##### Dependency updates - Updated Corepack to 0.12.1 - [#&#8203;43965]( - Updated ICU to 71.1 - [#&#8203;42655]( - Updated npm to 8.15.0 - [#&#8203;43917]( - Updated Undici to 5.8.0 - [#&#8203;43886]( ##### Other notable changes - \[[`5f1e9e2030`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: make authTagLength optional for CC20P1305 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42427]( - \[[`934077a137`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: align webcrypto RSA key import/export with other implementations (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42816]( - \[[`7683e9623c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **dns**: export error code constants from `dns/promises` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43176]( - \[[`302a134b83`](] - **doc**: deprecate coercion to integer in process.exit (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43738]( - \[[`4884f18ce5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: deprecate diagnostics_channel object subscribe method (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;42714]( - \[[`90f395dda9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **errors**: add support for cause in aborterror (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`7a5de2cc0c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: expose CustomEvent on global with CLI flag (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43885]( - \[[`087adbb7a3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: add `CustomEvent` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43514]( - \[[`979c98a3cb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError ctor in events (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`e04c8a4921`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortSignal constructors (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`464830993e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: make params in writing methods optional (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42601]( - \[[`3d7808ec3f`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: add `read(buffer[, options])` versions (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42768]( - \[[`082a2630fd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add drop request event for http server (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43806]( - \[[`5a74939770`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add diagnostics channel for http client (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43580]( - \[[`f05fd1a423`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add perf_hooks detail for http request and client (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43361]( - \[[`9d1b4b7e29`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add uniqueHeaders option to request and createServer (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;41397]( - \[[`fa5ac5a2eb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http2**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`94070f152e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http2**: compat support for array headers (OneNail) [#&#8203;42901]( - \[[`36dd39dec0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor in blob (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`8adf7d5e91`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add abortSignal.throwIfAborted() (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40951]( - \[[`3c1ed86840`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: improved diagnostics_channel subscribe/unsubscribe (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;42714]( - \[[`e6186af5cc`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: add isBuiltIn method ( [#&#8203;43396]( - \[[`3d851d6d6b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module,repl**: support 'node:'-only core modules (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;42325]( - \[[`303bd08d88`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add drop event for net server (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43582]( - \[[`da03e9f484`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add ability to reset a tcp socket (pupilTong) [#&#8203;43112]( - \[[`73f852e1e3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **node-api**: emit uncaught-exception on unhandled tsfn callbacks (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;36510]( - \[[`6dcdcd7f50`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **perf_hooks**: add PerformanceResourceTiming (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;42725]( - \[[`5750358872`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **report**: add more heap infos in process report (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43116]( - \[[`e7b99e8c8d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add --openssl-legacy-provider option (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40478]( - \[[`1281a48b89`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: define fs.constants.S_IWUSR & S_IRUSR for Win (Liviu Ionescu) [#&#8203;42757]( - \[[`9ea9797d34`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,doc,test**: add --openssl-shared-config option (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;43124]( - \[[`046debaee0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: use cause options in AbortError constructors (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`6641fda10a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add iterator helper find (Nitzan Uziely) [#&#8203;41849]( - \[[`edec73032c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add writableAborted (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40802]( - \[[`2aae868fa2`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **timers**: propagate signal.reason in awaitable timers (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`513f52445b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **v8**: add v8.startupSnapshot utils (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;43329]( - \[[`a8eca74450`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **v8**: export more fields in getHeapStatistics (theanarkh) [#&#8203;42784]( - \[[`845279e331`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add hasRef() to MessagePort (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42849]( ##### Commits ##### Semver-minor commits - \[[`58279d5b76`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **buffer**: graduate Blob from experimental (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41270]( - \[[`72a0c5c743`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: remove Node.js-specific webcrypto extensions (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43310]( - \[[`2e3a69a2ba`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add CFRG curves to Web Crypto API (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42507]( - \[[`5f1e9e2030`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: make authTagLength optional for CC20P1305 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42427]( - \[[`934077a137`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: align webcrypto RSA key import/export with other implementations (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42816]( - \[[`7683e9623c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **dns**: export error code constants from `dns/promises` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43176]( - \[[`4884f18ce5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: deprecate diagnostics_channel object subscribe method (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;42714]( - \[[`90f395dda9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **errors**: add support for cause in aborterror (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`247a6f6e85`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **esm**: add chaining to loaders (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;42623]( - \[[`7a5de2cc0c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: expose CustomEvent on global with CLI flag (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43885]( - \[[`087adbb7a3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: add `CustomEvent` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43514]( - \[[`979c98a3cb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError ctor in events (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`e04c8a4921`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortSignal constructors (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`464830993e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: make params in writing methods optional (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42601]( - \[[`3d7808ec3f`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: add `read(buffer[, options])` versions (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42768]( - \[[`082a2630fd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add drop request event for http server (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43806]( - \[[`5a74939770`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add diagnostics channel for http client (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43580]( - \[[`f05fd1a423`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add perf_hooks detail for http request and client (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43361]( - \[[`9d1b4b7e29`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add uniqueHeaders option to request and createServer (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;41397]( - \[[`fa5ac5a2eb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http2**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`94070f152e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http2**: compat support for array headers (OneNail) [#&#8203;42901]( - \[[`36dd39dec0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: propagate abortsignal reason in new AbortError constructor in blob (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`8adf7d5e91`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add abortSignal.throwIfAborted() (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40951]( - \[[`3c1ed86840`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: improved diagnostics_channel subscribe/unsubscribe (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;42714]( - \[[`e6186af5cc`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: add isBuiltIn method ( [#&#8203;43396]( - \[[`3d851d6d6b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module,repl**: support 'node:'-only core modules (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;42325]( - \[[`303bd08d88`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add drop event for net server (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43582]( - \[[`da03e9f484`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add ability to reset a tcp socket (pupilTong) [#&#8203;43112]( - \[[`73f852e1e3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **node-api**: emit uncaught-exception on unhandled tsfn callbacks (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;36510]( - \[[`6dcdcd7f50`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **perf_hooks**: add PerformanceResourceTiming (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;42725]( - \[[`5750358872`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **report**: add more heap infos in process report (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43116]( - \[[`e7b99e8c8d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add --openssl-legacy-provider option (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40478]( - \[[`1281a48b89`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: define fs.constants.S_IWUSR & S_IRUSR for Win (Liviu Ionescu) [#&#8203;42757]( - \[[`9ea9797d34`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,doc,test**: add --openssl-shared-config option (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;43124]( - \[[`046debaee0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: use cause options in AbortError constructors (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`6641fda10a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add iterator helper find (Nitzan Uziely) [#&#8203;41849]( - \[[`edec73032c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add writableAborted (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40802]( - \[[`9a530832cb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test**: add initial test module (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;42325]( - \[[`61a2ddc597`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: expose `describe` and `it` (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43420]( - \[[`cd6f24be4c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add initial CLI runner (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;42658]( - \[[`a4b277cb4d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support 'only' tests (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;42514]( - \[[`2aae868fa2`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **timers**: propagate signal.reason in awaitable timers (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41008]( - \[[`432e3054be`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: add tokens to parseArgs (John Gee) [#&#8203;43459]( - \[[`a1e122be62`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: add parseArgs module (Benjamin Coe) [#&#8203;42675]( - \[[`513f52445b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **v8**: add v8.startupSnapshot utils (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;43329]( - \[[`a8eca74450`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **v8**: export more fields in getHeapStatistics (theanarkh) [#&#8203;42784]( - \[[`845279e331`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add hasRef() to MessagePort (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42849]( ##### Semver-patch commits - \[[`480a754ddc`](] - **assert**: callTracker throw a specific error message when possible (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43640]( - \[[`ebb334b124`](] - **assert**: fix CallTracker wraps the function causes the length to be lost (OneNail) [#&#8203;42909]( - \[[`7f8f83d4d0`](] - **assert**: make `` less affected by prototype tampering (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42918]( - \[[`a6a46f9578`](] - **async_hooks**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`84075821be`](] - **async_hooks**: remove destroyed symbol on Promises (Gerhard Stöbich) [#&#8203;42402]( - \[[`b69396a41a`](] - **async_hooks**: avoid decrementing iterator after erase (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;42749]( - \[[`6b7c6192ff`](] - **bootstrap**: move global initialization to js (Alena Khineika) [#&#8203;43625]( - \[[`4fbe24588a`](] - **bootstrap**: use the isolate snapshot in workers (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42702]( - \[[`3a83e5cfd9`](] - **bootstrap**: move embedded snapshot to SnapshotBuilder (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42702]( - \[[`b4201ace9b`](] - **bootstrap**: reset process.\_exit and process.exitCode in pre-execution (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42466]( - \[[`f8f7c1e5bd`](] - **bootstrap**: run inspector and event loop in snapshot builder (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42466]( - \[[`2d79480fcb`](] - **bootstrap**: make I/O streams work with user-land snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42466]( - \[[`1b2946b1a4`](] - **bootstrap**: refresh options in pre-execution (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42466]( - \[[`ca57563522`](] - **bootstrap**: use SnapshotData to pass snapshot data around (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42360]( - \[[`60d032b89c`](] - **buffer**: do not leak memory if buffer is too big (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;43938]( - \[[`5ddd367bec`](] - **buffer**: improve Blob constructor error message when passing a string (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42338]( - \[[`691e5d8bf3`](] - **buffer**: fix `atob` input validation (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42539]( - \[[`a948fb8b56`](] - **build**: add .gitattributes for npm and other shims (Hrishikesh Kadam) [#&#8203;43879]( - \[[`623dd2a70b`](] - **build**: remove precompiled header and debug information for host builds (Niyas Sait) [#&#8203;42538]( - \[[`129b05e0c5`](] - **build**: fix various shared library build issues (William Marlow) [#&#8203;41850]( - \[[`fba6e96326`](] - **build**: fix indeterminacy of icu_locales value (Sergey Nazaryev) [#&#8203;42865]( - \[[`74bce1c448`](] - **build**: improve reliability of find_python.cmd script (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42810]( - \[[`637af6c068`](] - **build**: windows/arm64 native compilation support (Niyas Sait) [#&#8203;42408]( - \[[`fe661fadad`](] - **build**: add --node-snapshot-main configure option (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42466]( - \[[`daadd58baa`](] - **build,test**: increase stack size limit on Windows (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43632]( - \[[`1e1634ae99`](] - **child_process**: do not need to count length when maxBuffer is Infinity (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43822]( - \[[`2b6e98b6b2`](] - **child_process**: improve ipc write performance (rubikscraft) [#&#8203;42931]( - \[[`7aac430b3f`](] - **child_process**: speed up 'advanced' ipc receiving (rubikscraft) [#&#8203;42931]( - \[[`6844930290`](] - **child_process**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`72400b7a7b`](] - **child_process**: add env contents types in JSDoc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42494]( - \[[`fe57e5685d`](] - **cluster**: send connection to other server when worker drop it (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43747]( - \[[`61b5d4a999`](] - **cluster**: fix closing dgram sockets in cluster workers throws errors (Ouyang Yadong) [#&#8203;43709]( - \[[`97f4cc7766`](] - **cluster**: fix fd leak (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43650]( - \[[`1cb19ec96a`](] - **cluster**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`c8706f3a7f`](] - **cluster, net**: fix listen pipe with readable and writable in cluster (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43634]( - \[[`35fc1c205e`](] - **console**: fix console.dir crash on a revoked proxy (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43100]( - \[[`3449472f3d`](] - **crypto**: remove unneeded guard (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43856]( - \[[`a3a845b8ba`](] - **crypto**: don't disable TLS 1.3 without suites (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;43427]( - \[[`588a84e11d`](] - **crypto**: handle webcrypto generateKey() usages edge case (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43454]( - \[[`224d3f40dc`](] - **crypto**: update Wrapping and unwrapping keys webcrypto example (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43452]( - \[[`8dca8d7805`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto generateKey() with empty usages (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43431]( - \[[`bef600e787`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto digest() invalid algorithm (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43431]( - \[[`077ad7e90d`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto RSA generateKey() use of publicExponent (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43431]( - \[[`04572ec914`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto AES-KW keys accepting encrypt/decrypt usages (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43431]( - \[[`52ea86908d`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto deriveBits for non-byte lengths (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43431]( - \[[`97b2fef24a`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto import of cfrg raw public keys (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43404]( - \[[`a57149d14e`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto JWK EC and OKP import crv check (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43346]( - \[[`1cb267261c`](] - **crypto**: test webcrypto ec raw public key import (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43405]( - \[[`02cf57b8d6`](] - **crypto**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`4600892a45`](] - **crypto**: adjust minimum length in generateKey('hmac', ...) (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42944]( - \[[`baaf77898b`](] - **crypto**: clean up parameter validation in HKDF (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42924]( - \[[`3f43dadeda`](] - **crypto**: validate `this` in all webcrypto methods and getters (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42815]( - \[[`297e374565`](] - **crypto**: do not add undefined hash in webcrypto normalizeAlgorithm (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42559]( - \[[`c764e81a69`](] - **crypto**: cleanup webcrypto jwk code (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42562]( - \[[`c605ad1343`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto derive key lengths (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42542]( - \[[`0b1b616a9c`](] - **crypto**: improve prime size argument validation (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42234]( - \[[`f1c12aa6df`](] - **debugger**: throw a more useful error when the frame is missing (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;42776]( - \[[`f75a5a92ec`](] - **debugger**: fix inconsistent inspector output of exec new Map() (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;42423]( - \[[`e3d8893265`](] - **deps**: V8: backport [`22698d2`]( (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43751]( - \[[`06a6bdaf7a`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.12.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43965]( - \[[`c7be356dd7`](] - **deps**: update hast-util-raw (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43927]( - \[[`62c27d0d84`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.8.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43886]( - \[[`92051cb4a1`](] - **deps**: cherry-pick [libuv/libuv@`3a7b955`]( (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;43950]( - \[[`8835898e43`](] - **deps**: cherry-pick [libuv/libuv@`abb109f`]( (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;43950]( - \[[`1566854218`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.15.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;43917]( - \[[`e6baa8a113`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.14.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;43826]( - \[[`aa137caac3`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.12.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43748]( - \[[`04188e54f5`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.7.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43790]( - \[[`09f9060f7d`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.13.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;43622]( - \[[`1343615224`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.13.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;43552]( - \[[`49080bc42f`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;43778]( - \[[`705a8afd81`](] - **deps**: update Corepack to 0.11.2 (Maël Nison) [#&#8203;43402]( - \[[`552e91121b`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.5.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43412]( - \[[`0ff00945d5`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.4.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43262]( - \[[`170bec811b`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.3.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43197]( - \[[`b97075dfec`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.2.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43059]( - \[[`4d4e00a6b0`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.1.1 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42939]( - \[[`cba4f6c8a0`](] - **deps**: update Acorn to v8.7.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42667]( - \[[`a5507fd409`](] - **deps**: update ICU to 71.1 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42655]( - \[[`cbb253e61e`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.12.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;43301]( - \[[`01e7d1f349`](] - **deps**: cherry-pick [`4ab70f6`]( from V8 upstream (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;43328]( - \[[`fea892a168`](] - **dns**: fix getServers return undefined ( [#&#8203;43922]( - \[[`43a3239d85`](] - **dns**: fix cares memory leak (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43912]( - \[[`8d2a256bf4`](] - **dns**: make promise API fully constructed from `lib/internal/dns/promises` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43227]( - \[[`71f7b00fca`](] - **domain**: fix vm promise tracking while keeping isolation (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;43556]( - \[[`9f75f26ad9`](] - **errors**: extract type detection & use in `ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE` (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;43558]( - \[[`f5115b4abc`](] - **errors,console**: refactor to use ES2021 syntax (小菜) [#&#8203;42872]( - \[[`85ba4e069d`](] - **errors,vm**: update error and use cause (Gus Caplan) [#&#8203;42820]( - \[[`ae157d9098`](] - **esm**: fix loader hooks accepting too many arguments (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;44109]( - \[[`3139c110dc`](] - **esm**: remove superfluous argument (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43884]( - \[[`63228efe08`](] - **esm**: throw on any non-2xx response (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43742]( - \[[`a6d4d31da5`](] - **esm**: fix erroneous re-initialization of ESMLoader (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;43763]( - \[[`953e663e58`](] - **esm**: treat `307` and `308` as redirects in HTTPS imports (Kid) [#&#8203;43689]( - \[[`33a2902a33`](] - **esm**: restore `next<HookName>`'s `context` as optional arg (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;43553]( - \[[`df3f5cb93e`](] - **esm**: fix chain advances when loader calls next\<HookName> multiple times (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;43303]( - \[[`eac4e20525`](] - **esm**: refactor responseURL handling (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;43164]( - \[[`e114ed0cda`](] - **esm**: fix http(s) import via custom loader (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;43130]( - \[[`6564e69c78`](] - **esm**: fix imports from non-file module (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42881]( - \[[`e1bc88764d`](] - **esm**: graduate top-level-await to stable (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42875]( - \[[`14a929b0b0`](] - **esm**: emit experimental warnings in common place (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;42314]( - \[[`0167988ce3`](] - **events**: improve `Event` compatibility (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43461]( - \[[`e51c0e9939`](] - **events**: improve `EventListener` validation (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43491]( - \[[`393c021d7f`](] - **events**: fix adding abort listener in `events.once` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43373]( - \[[`a7eaf3981d`](] - **events**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`fcf74c53d8`](] - **fs**: refactor realpath with Map and Set (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43569]( - \[[`bfb8a0bfac`](] - **fs**: don't end fs promises on Isolate termination (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;42910]( - \[[`ca4157ea40`](] - **fs**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`835056cbcb`](] - **fs**: remove unnecessary ?? operator (Morgan Roderick) [#&#8203;43073]( - \[[`8b89c7fbab`](] - **fs**: export constants from `fs/promises` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43177]( - \[[`b0d9915bc6`](] - **fs**: add trailing commas (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43127]( - \[[`637820d1e3`](] - **fs**: fix write methods param validation and docs (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;41677]( - \[[`5d8b2cb51d`](] - **fs**: fix mkdirSync so ENOSPC is correctly reported (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;42811]( - \[[`58eebaf717`](] - **http**: defer reentrant execution of Parser::Execute (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;43369]( - \[[`ea3ca874da`](] - **http**: fix http agent keep alive (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43380]( - \[[`85d93f0bf6`](] - **http**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`1bfff396ac`](] - **http**: document that ClientRequest inherits from OutgoingMessage (K.C.Ashish Kumar) [#&#8203;42642]( - \[[`db53e9b387`](] - **http2**: log debug only when in debug mode (Basit) [#&#8203;43626]( - \[[`95083cb0ad`](] - **http2**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`367454205d`](] - **http2**: set origin name correctly when servername is empty (ofirbarak) [#&#8203;42838]( - \[[`c73f739acd`](] - **http2**: improve tests and docs (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;42858]( - \[[`4fbedffb55`](] - **https**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`5879642260`](] - **inspector**: set sampling interval before start (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;43779]( - \[[`096f7fc59a`](] - **inspector**: add missing initialization (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43254]( - \[[`a8c24185f8`](] - **lib**: refactor to avoid unsafe regex primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43475]( - \[[`2a5d5e0726`](] - **lib**: modify `DOMException` to pass WPT (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;41517]( - \[[`26d63f004f`](] - **lib**: implement safe alternatives to `Promise` static methods (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43728]( - \[[`aab5adbcbe`](] - **lib**: use null-prototype objects for property descriptors (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43473]( - \[[`a97d0ba3af`](] - **lib**: fix TODO in `freeze_intrinsics` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43472]( - \[[`519cdd94c0`](] - **lib**: use `kEmptyObject` in various places (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`7d5e7b43f6`](] - **lib**: give names to promisified methods (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43218]( - \[[`cd55e221b5`](] - **lib**: use null-prototype objects for property descriptors (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43270]( - \[[`9e613f7f3d`](] - **lib**: prepare files for no-var lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42573]( - \[[`327da6acde`](] - **lib**: source maps filter null prefix (Fabian Cook) [#&#8203;42522]( - \[[`58f80b0dcc`](] - **lib**: improve the coverage of the validator (mawaregetsuka) [#&#8203;42443]( - \[[`e48ccf5934`](] - **lib**: update JSDoc for linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42489]( - \[[`abc134cacc`](] - **lib,src**: add source map support for global eval (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43428]( - \[[`288d9fbe5a`](] - **loader**: make `require.resolve` throw for unknown builtin modules (木杉) [#&#8203;43336]( - \[[`7c4e1ad1ed`](] - **module**: also enable subpath imports in REPL (Ray) [#&#8203;43450]( - \[[`c284eb3745`](] - **module**: ensure 'node:'-only modules can access node_modules (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;42430]( - \[[`70a4033841`](] - **module**: cjs-module-lexer WebAssembly fallback (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;43612]( - \[[`abda05a3a7`](] - **module**: prefer async/await in https imports (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41950]( - \[[`f66872e36c`](] - **net**: fix socket.\_getpeername (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43010]( - \[[`b2d02bc2c0`](] - **net**: remove redundant connecting assignment (Ouyang Yadong) [#&#8203;43710]( - \[[`ff5310a9c7`](] - **net**: fix net keepalive and noDelay (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43561]( - \[[`265810a1e5`](] - **net**: prevent /32 ipv4 mask from matching all ips (supriyo-biswas) [#&#8203;43381]( - \[[`e4a5bd1cf8`](] - **net**: fix net.Server keepalive and noDelay (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43497]( - \[[`d766cfaca9`](] - **net,dns**: move hasObserver out of perf function (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43217]( - \[[`b240868960`](] - **net,dns**: trace tcp connection and dns by perf_hooks (theanarkh) [#&#8203;42390]( - \[[`112bce394d`](] - **node-api**: explicitly set \__cdecl for API functions (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;42780]( - \[[`49103e3240`](] - **node-api**: fix napi_get_all_property_names (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;42463]( - \[[`5a1e1b3f33`](] - **node-api**: format Node-API related code (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;42396]( - \[[`31ee218eff`](] - **node-api,src**: fix module registration in MSVC C++ (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;42459]( - \[[`e7899ba1f7`](] - **os**: avoid unnecessary usage of var (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;42563]( - \[[`463f9a6c4f`](] - **perf_hooks**: add initiatorType getter (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43593]( - \[[`096a2d9434`](] - **perf_hooks**: fix miscounted gc performance entry starttime ([#&#8203;43066]( (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;43066]( - \[[`f08a282098`](] - **perf_hooks**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`8b0ae63316`](] - **perf_hooks**: fix start_time of perf_hooks (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43069]( - \[[`7a5972fe9e`](] - **perf_hooks**: fix function wrapped by `timerify` to work correctly (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43330]( - \[[`5ab3da3f26`](] - **perf_hooks**: return different functions in timerify (Himself65) [#&#8203;42854]( - \[[`15da462cea`](] - **process**: use `defineProperty` instead of assignment (Mark S. Miller) [#&#8203;43907]( - \[[`67e91aa20f`](] - **readline**: fix to not access a property on an undefined value (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43543]( - \[[`37066f0319`](] - **readline**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`d260569b85`](] - **repl**: fix overzealous top-level await (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43827]( - \[[`0bd4a04c42`](] - **repl**: use `SafePromiseAll` and `SafePromiseRace` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43758]( - \[[`bef9a36024`](] - **repl**: make autocomplete case-insensitive (Sergey Petushkov) [#&#8203;41632]( - \[[`0dc96e4474`](] - **src**: pass only Isolate\* and env_vars to EnabledDebugList::Parse() (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43668]( - \[[`be3343aed3`](] - **src**: use named struct instead of typedef (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43881]( - \[[`eaa611c53a`](] - **src**: use named enum instead of typedef (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43880]( - \[[`3a32f0ecb2`](] - **src**: fix node watchdog race condition (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43780]( - \[[`67ecd274b7`](] - **src**: fix `napi_check_object_type_tag()` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43788]( - \[[`364b67cf7e`](] - **src**: slim down env-inl.h (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;43745]( - \[[`ccac1fc2e7`](] - **src**: improve and update ByteSource description (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43478]( - \[[`a1f1ff197e`](] - **src**: merge RunInThisContext() with RunInContext() (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43225]( - \[[`3e21ae8733`](] - **src**: fix crash on FSReqPromise destructor (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;43533]( - \[[`b9649a4959`](] - **src**: delegate NodeArrayBufferAllocator to v8's allocator (Jeremy Rose) [#&#8203;43594]( - \[[`26e4dc83a8`](] - **src**: remove a stale comment in `async_hooks` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43317]( - \[[`733739dd3f`](] - **src**: remove CopyBuffer (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43463]( - \[[`bf553fd26a`](] - **src**: register StreamBase while registering LibuvStreamWrap (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43321]( - \[[`f18867b2c0`](] - **src**: fix static analysis warning and use smart ptr (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43117]( - \[[`094d5fc31a`](] - **src**: fix json utils escapes for U+000B (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43206]( - \[[`c82d992b77`](] - **src**: convey potential exceptions during StreamPipe construction (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43240]( - \[[`07b7f8375e`](] - **src**: make SecureContext fields private (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43173]( - \[[`eb2c504542`](] - **src**: reuse GetServerName (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43168]( - \[[`7bdd31929c`](] - **src**: remove SecureContext::operator\* (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43121]( - \[[`438c4723f6`](] - **src**: replace TraceEventScope with sync events (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;42977]( - \[[`32446d8c8a`](] - **src**: delete AllocatedBuffer (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43008]( - \[[`4cfcb6f883`](] - **src**: remove unnecessary comment (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;42952]( - \[[`6adbb062e6`](] - **src**: fix memory leak for v8.serialize (liuxingbaoyu) [#&#8203;42695]( - \[[`e769a0f19b`](] - **src**: use `node:` prefix in example (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42794]( - \[[`b19018468c`](] - **src**: large page attributing an id on Linux (David CARLIER) [#&#8203;42644]( - \[[`a26fd031bf`](] - **src**: fix coverity report (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42663]( - \[[`8687ba8732`](] - **src**: fix alphabetically sorted binding list (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42687]( - \[[`4e1378b2d6`](] - **src**: fix typo in InspectorIoDelegate constructor (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;42520]( - \[[`1dc912ebdc`](] - **src**: remove unnecessary static qualifier in (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42492]( - \[[`a280f88266`](] - **src**: address 3 useless call coverity warnings (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42426]( - \[[`5195ea3cd2`](] - **src**: properly report exceptions from AddressToJS() (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42054]( - \[[`a8553151ee`](] - **src**: suppress false coverity warning (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42284]( - \[[`1e8611f048`](] - **src**: refactor IsSupportedAuthenticatedMode (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42368]( - \[[`7778ebecaa`](] - **src**: turn SSL_CTX_new CHECK/segfault into JS exception (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;42799]( - \[[`4ffc08861a`](] - **src**: add proper mutexes for accessing FIPS state (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;42278]( - \[[`6353a4dc8a`](] - **src,bootstrap**: remove NodeMainInstance::registry\_ (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43392]( - \[[`1a98f166bf`](] - **src,crypto**: remove uses of AllocatedBuffer from (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42852]( - \[[`c336ffc059`](] - **src,crypto**: remove uses of AllocatedBuffer from (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42766]( - \[[`1669b94cd6`](] - **src,crypto**: remove uses of AllocatedBuffer from (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42589]( - \[[`6d98a51970`](] - **src,crypto**: handle empty maybe correctly in (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42492]( - \[[`5a2e277f93`](] - **src,crypto**: remove uses of AllocatedBuffer from (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42492]( - \[[`4a6649cb28`](] - **src,stream**: change return type to `Maybe` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43575]( - \[[`99a3b19974`](] - **stream**: fix 0 transform hwm backpressure (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;43685]( - \[[`c4dc8b6297`](] - **stream**: add more filter tests (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41936]( - \[[`4b17a94b67`](] - **stream**: port more test262 tests (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41974]( - \[[`3bc12c69a4`](] - **stream**: avoid usage of deprecated APIs (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41871]( - \[[`4ad5a28b54`](] - **stream**: refactor to use more validators (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41871]( - \[[`545b2cd4c2`](] - **stream**: use standard for loop instead of for..of (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41871]( - \[[`3ef9f8da30`](] - **stream**: initial port of test262 tests (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41775]( - \[[`f793ed550a`](] - **stream**: use synchronous error validation & validate abort signal option (iMoses) [#&#8203;41777]( - \[[`31cee4f914`](] - **stream**: never flatten on toArray (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41615]( - \[[`d63c4c68a0`](] - **stream**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`6f9c62206b`](] - **test_runner**: add support for boolean values for `concurrency` option (Lenvin Gonsalves) [#&#8203;43887]( - \[[`e33f6bd384`](] - **test_runner**: validate `timeout` option (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43843]( - \[[`a167daa311`](] - **test_runner**: pass signal on timeout (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43911]( - \[[`b1db85023e`](] - **test_runner**: do not report an error when tests are passing (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43919]( - \[[`f193ac6cd5`](] - **test_runner**: recieve and pass AbortSignal (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43554]( - \[[`f8f1d16097`](] - **test_runner**: fix `it` concurrency (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43757]( - \[[`e9ca1efe67`](] - **test_runner**: support timeout for tests (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43505]( - \[[`5dca44d5eb`](] - **test_runner**: catch errors thrown within `describe` (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43729]( - \[[`0bdc141dd0`](] - **test_runner**: protect internals against prototype tampering (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43578]( - \[[`4d4dcade90`](] - **test_runner**: cancel on termination (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43549]( - \[[`dccbd9ee95`](] - **test_runner**: wait for stderr and stdout to complete (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43666]( - \[[`27841bee3d`](] - **test_runner**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`1a4235961e`](] - **test_runner**: add Subtest to tap protocol output (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43417]( - \[[`3fbc5e441c`](] - **timers**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`444d77391c`](] - **tls**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`ba3cf5d59e`](] - **tls**: fix performance regression in `convertALPNProtocols()` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43250]( - \[[`4a3a8a6164`](] - **tls**: fix convertALPNProtocols accepting ArrayBufferViews (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43211]( - \[[`a6710f50c4`](] - **trace_events**: trace net connect event (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43903]( - \[[`8cda4156a5`](] - **url**: update WHATWG URL parser to align with latest spec (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43190]( - \[[`69f9a3a78e`](] - **url,lib**: pass urlsearchparams-constructor.any.js (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;41197]( - \[[`24cabbf32f`](] - **util**: remove unicode support todo for perf implications (Rhys) [#&#8203;43762]( - \[[`0f9d5ac0b0`](] - **util**: refactor to use validateObject (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43769]( - \[[`5edfccfc4c`](] - **util**: add `AggregateError.prototype.errors` to inspect output (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43646]( - \[[`fa89a617bc`](] - **util**: remove unnecessary template string (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41082]( - \[[`fa74d45e09`](] - **util**: mark cwd grey while inspecting errors (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41082]( - \[[`053368c3d0`](] - **util**: avoid inline access to Symbol.iterator (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43683]( - \[[`3959dffc7d`](] - **util**: fix TypeError of symbol in template literals (cola119) [#&#8203;42790]( - \[[`053347ca55`](] - **util**: freeze `kEnumerableProperty` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43390]( - \[[`2cdae4332d`](] - **util**: add `kEmptyObject` to internal/util (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`49cbed6ced`](] - **v8**: serialize BigInt64Array and BigUint64Array (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;43571]( - \[[`ca8da5f3f8`](] - **vm**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`3ccf5acd23`](] - **wasi**: use WasmMemoryObject handle for perf ([#&#8203;43544]( (snek) [#&#8203;43544]( - \[[`4ff19daf54`](] - **wasi**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`bbbc54f8d4`](] - **wasi**: remove unecessary null check (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42819]( - \[[`51633a23c7`](] - **worker**: use `kEmptyObject` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43159]( - \[[`c4caf20ec3`](] - **worker**: fix heap snapshot crash on exit (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43123]( - \[[`c583508324`](] - **worker**: fix stream racing with terminate (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;42874]( - \[[`293bab7684`](] - **worker**: add hasRef() to the handle object (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42756]( ##### Documentation commits - \[[`1bd581678c`](] - **doc**: update email and mailmap for BethGriggs (Beth Griggs) [#&#8203;43985]( - \[[`c37f90415b`](] - **doc**: inspector.close undefined in worker threads (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;43867]( - \[[`bd0e463d27`](] - **doc**: improve documentation for safe `Promise` statics alternatives (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43759]( - \[[`3022958abd`](] - **doc**: recommend git-node-v8 (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;43934]( - \[[`d528c55c13`](] - **doc**: clarify subprocess.stdout/in/err property (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43910]( - \[[`067d69f051`](] - **doc**: fix typo in `src/crypto/` (Jianru Lin) [#&#8203;43968]( - \[[`3c85e0c88b`](] - **doc**: remind backporter about v8\_embedder_string (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;43924]( - \[[`86fb313fe8`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Airing) [#&#8203;43933]( - \[[`37cf3b9551`](] - **doc**: add F3n67u to collaborators (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43953]( - \[[`da6041c89f`](] - **doc**: mention Win 32-bit openssl build issue (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43853]( - \[[`c6e2eaec2b`](] - **doc**: add security release specifics to (Beth Griggs) [#&#8203;43835]( - \[[`7a44613819`](] - **doc**: add history info for `global.performance` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43841]( - \[[`1685332371`](] - **doc**: add platform-windows-arm to who to CC (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43808]( - \[[`fcfb2c95c1`](] - **doc**: document ES2022's Error "cause" property (James Ide) [#&#8203;43830]( - \[[`a0d055e945`](] - **doc**: add link to diagnostic tools (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43736]( - \[[`8c4cf710a5`](] - **doc**: update links to MDN page about dynamic imports (Jannis R) [#&#8203;43847]( - \[[`302a134b83`](] - **doc**: deprecate coercion to integer in process.exit (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43738]( - \[[`2a410975c6`](] - **doc**: add MoLow to triagers (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;43799]( - \[[`44291afca4`](] - **doc**: revert anachronistic 'node:' module require()s in API history notes (DeeDeeG) [#&#8203;43768]( - \[[`97bda1fa57`](] - **doc**: clarify release process for new releasers (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43739]( - \[[`f7b8340efe`](] - **doc**: fix typo in ngtcp2 readme (Dan Castillo) [#&#8203;43767]( - \[[`c6bdb5cb22`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Kazuma Ohashi) [#&#8203;43677]( - \[[`20fa30c871`](] - **doc**: add new useful V8 option (JialuZhang-intel) [#&#8203;42575]( - \[[`2b498fe7f5`](] - **doc**: fix typo in util.parseArgs usage example (Michael Ficarra) [#&#8203;43332]( - \[[`3244217e9a`](] - **doc**: improve test runner timeout docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43836]( - \[[`65699a2132`](] - **doc**: add code examples to node test runner (Wassim Chegham) [#&#8203;43359]( - \[[`c7c769fe67`](] - **doc**: include last security release date (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43774]( - \[[`3cda9686bd`](] - **doc**: remove node-report from support tiers (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43737]( - \[[`ae70ada8cb`](] - **doc**: update changelog-maker to the new flags (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43696]( - \[[`f42d674225`](] - **doc**: remove extra 'in's (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;43705]( - \[[`cfb236e6ba`](] - **doc**: add Geoffrey Booth to TSC (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43706]( - \[[`c941798e88`](] - **doc**: improve readability of `` (0xSanyam) [#&#8203;43694]( - \[[`a8980b2468`](] - **doc**: add note regarding special case of 0 stat.size (Douglas Wilson) [#&#8203;43690]( - \[[`26cd4e2ae6`](] - **doc**: fix default of duplex.allowHalfOpen (Vincent Weevers) [#&#8203;43665]( - \[[`a8d1670ffa`](] - **doc**: improve description of --input-type (cola119) [#&#8203;43507]( - \[[`50a1b26605`](] - **doc**: add daeyeon to triagers (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43637]( - \[[`ee10320c9e`](] - **doc**: remove appmetrics from tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43608]( - \[[`352628244b`](] - **doc**: remove systemtap from tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43605]( - \[[`407beb2bc6`](] - **doc**: add single executable application initiative (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43611]( - \[[`e5a7b0ff7c`](] - **doc**: remove windows xperf from tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43607]( - \[[`d514ee763f`](] - **doc**: remove lttng from tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43604]( - \[[`8f475e6d00`](] - **doc**: remove dtrace from tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43606]( - \[[`31f45288f5`](] - **doc**: promote 0x to tier 4 (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43609]( - \[[`78bedcd158`](] - **doc**: include CVSS mention (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43602]( - \[[`c1ea44db51`](] - **doc**: fix icu-small example (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43591]( - \[[`a649d0175d`](] - **doc**: add `backport-open-vN.x` step to backporting guide (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43590]( - \[[`267e493448`](] - **doc**: move MylesBorins to TSC Emeritus (Myles Borins) [#&#8203;43524]( - \[[`444c1a6dcd`](] - **doc**: add Juan as a security steward (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43512]( - \[[`1da1722be8`](] - **doc**: update link to MDN page about dynamic imports (James Scott-Brown) [#&#8203;43530]( - \[[`70ab660107`](] - **doc**: fix Visual Studio 2019 download link (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43236]( - \[[`23ec1a8727`](] - **doc**: update link of `ICU data slicer` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43483]( - \[[`cda04013a0`](] - **doc**: update v8 doc link to (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43482]( - \[[`982e99eb6c`](] - **doc**: add ESM version examples to events api doc (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43226]( - \[[`3d271f16b4`](] - **doc**: update default branch name in `test/**` (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;43445]( - \[[`18789d5b4a`](] - **doc**: remove branch name mention in `src/` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43442]( - \[[`f2dfe9b708`](] - **doc**: update default branch name in `Makefile` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43441]( - \[[`8d0bca586f`](] - **doc**: update main branch name in release guide (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;43437]( - \[[`1945e9ba4a`](] - **doc**: update main branch name in (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43443]( - \[[`98b27e7f4d`](] - **doc**: fixup after rename of primary nodejs branch (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43453]( - \[[`d5832e29b6`](] - **doc**: update main branch name in doc/contributing/\* (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;43438]( - \[[`3f1ec10a66`](] - **doc**: packages documentation updates for 12 EOL (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;43375]( - \[[`82dc48d36c`](] - **doc**: fix specifier example in `` (hiroki osame) [#&#8203;43351]( - \[[`143186145c`](] - **doc**: add missing require to stream api doc (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43237]( - \[[`7feff014c4`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in worker_threads docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43220]( - \[[`c41bf4dc59`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in assert docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43154]( - \[[`b6469537e4`](] - **doc**: use consistent method symbol (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;42974]( - \[[`a61b7fabc3`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in fs docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43104]( - \[[`14c8f46091`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in http docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43026]( - \[[`751f09eb28`](] - **doc**: fix examples in (OneNail) [#&#8203;42889]( - \[[`cc398a829b`](] - **doc**: add `node:` prefix for all core modules (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42752]( - \[[`2922fbb9b2`](] - **doc**: clarify some default values in `` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42892]( - \[[`10e9868cbb`](] - **doc**: fix napi version for node_api_symbol_for (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;42878]( - \[[`3ccb5b4f3f`](] - **doc**: add initial doc on how to update cjs-module-lexer (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43255]( - \[[`9515ca6f0a`](] - **doc**: clarify use of deps/icu-small (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43287]( - \[[`7de20b518a`](] - **doc**: remove llnode from diag tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43289]( - \[[`5b0ad85fde`](] - **doc**: remove ETW from diag tierlist (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43295]( - \[[`5d2a4bd886`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in report docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43394]( - \[[`18c6d17f4f`](] - **doc**: add fspromises mkdir example (Tierney Cyren) [#&#8203;40843]( - \[[`e44427954f`](] - **doc**: add F3n67u to triagers (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43350]( - \[[`fb1566101c`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43365]( - \[[`12e7a24b48`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in webstreams docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43353]( - \[[`f7bfa10a29`](] - **doc**: add undici to glossary (F3n67u) [#&#8203;43327]( - \[[`961aeffffd`](] - **doc**: change glossary link in pull request guide to node's glossary doc (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43318]( - \[[`759861d0d4`](] - **doc**: improve description of TZ (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43334]( - \[[`288f6c0c04`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in net docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43335]( - \[[`3d47c6655b`](] - **doc**: make clear the result of comparison between Symbol.for (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43309]( - \[[`5029fc3beb`](] - **doc**: add CIGTM to `` (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43316]( - \[[`7e4dab6ad9`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in pull request doc (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43319]( - \[[`f94d4ea73b`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in ESM docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43322]( - \[[`2f831105a3`](] - **doc**: promote cdt to tier 3 (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;43290]( - \[[`3e50a1a9e5`](] - **doc**: fix chromium document link in (rikapo) [#&#8203;43265]( - \[[`b20cd1b756`](] - **doc**: fix 404 link of (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43234]( - \[[`b34fce7ad5`](] - **doc**: add src/crypto to CC list for nodejs/crypto (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43286]( - \[[`d50c5585b6`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in console docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43257]( - \[[`f453918086`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in errors docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43242]( - \[[`ed9e3b7007`](] - **doc**: add note regarding `%Array.prototype.concat%` in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43166]( - \[[`1867462f15`](] - **doc**: document `signal` option for `EventTarget#addEventListener` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43170]( - \[[`ffee27216f`](] - **doc**: make minor adjustments (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43175]( - \[[`1b97800c2c`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in dgram docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43191]( - \[[`a51bdf6f91`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in process docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43179]( - \[[`4b4ce99b63`](] - **doc**: improved parallel specification (mawaregetsuka) [#&#8203;42679]( - \[[`c591a2964c`](] - **doc**: improve callback params for `fs.mkdir` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43016]( - \[[`086f8f426a`](] - **doc**: fix errors in Performance hooks doc (OneNail) [#&#8203;43152]( - \[[`fb18ade83b`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in dns docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43145]( - \[[`2071b57666`](] - **doc**: use ASCII apostrophes consistently (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43114]( - \[[`ae2ec73a69`](] - **doc**: add strategic initiative for shadow realm (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43037]( - \[[`cccc45653a`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in events docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43113]( - \[[`6f3d6596b7`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in modules docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43103]( - \[[`0eb8c46db6`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in util docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43063]( - \[[`2a72a8ae66`](] - **doc**: remove git:// protocol, adjust nits in (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43045]( - \[[`b559dfe177`](] - **doc**: add maintaining info for shared libary option (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42517]( - \[[`9101aa89ce`](] - **doc**: add detail for how to update llhttp (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43028]( - \[[`c6f87e7987`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in buffer docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43048]( - \[[`f0f3f1c1ec`](] - **doc**: add Rafael to the security steward for NearForm (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;42966]( - \[[`e913dbf9e7`](] - **doc**: mark some node-api functions as experimental (NickNaso) [#&#8203;42987]( - \[[`65a5d49268`](] - **doc**: add LiviaMedeiros to collaborators (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43039]( - \[[`5129127db5`](] - **doc**: add the preferred name for [@&#8203;himself65]( (Himself65) [#&#8203;43024]( - \[[`d0a95c97b5`](] - **doc**: rename N-API to Node-API in test/ (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;42946]( - \[[`48f6d0b19b`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in tls docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43001]( - \[[`14569c7e9d`](] - **doc**: improve commit message example for releases (Juan José) [#&#8203;42954]( - \[[`78a08ab4c0`](] - **doc**: use serial comma in cluster docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42989]( - \[[`42783cc205`](] - **doc**: fix errors in Web Streams doc (OneNail) [#&#8203;42862]( - \[[`40f552c4d8`](] - **doc**: add additional step to security release process (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42916]( - \[[`cbb20bea42`](] - **doc**: add section regarding property definition in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42921]( - \[[`841b690359`](] - **doc**: reword "test directory" (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42817]( - \[[`e1127b6154`](] - **doc**: remove legacy `-J` option from (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42817]( - \[[`64919a59b5`](] - **doc**: http2.createServer `options` as optional (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;42832]( - \[[`54ac0102c1`](] - **doc**: record March 2022 security release steward (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;42876]( - \[[`ca117b2fb0`](] - **doc**: initial version of (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42709]( - \[[`e45861ff36`](] - **doc**: clarify guide on testing internal errors (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42813]( - \[[`cf8620394d`](] - **doc**: fix markdown formatting in (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42877]( - \[[`619414567f`](] - **doc**: add primordials guidelines (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;38635]( - \[[`92d7214eb2`](] - **doc**: elevate node-clinic diagnostic tier (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;42802]( - \[[`9ab641ee26`](] - **doc**: update WebAssembly strategy with Wasm Web API (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42836]( - \[[`2c447b4f30`](] - **doc**: order `vm.Module` linker arguments correctly (Simen Bekkhus) [#&#8203;42797]( - \[[`2974f4042e`](] - **doc**: add [@&#8203;kuriyosh]( to collaborators (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;42824]( - \[[`da97b86a99`](] - **doc**: add (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42660]( - \[[`2178ccfd77`](] - **doc**: delete heapdump from diagnostic tooling support tiers (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;42783]( - \[[`b5cac3a4b7`](] - **doc**: fix example in (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42786]( - \[[`6e8285a27b`](] - **doc**: fix version history for Loaders API (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42778]( - \[[`b5a3c0499b`](] - **doc**: clarify core modules that can be loaded without a prefix (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42753]( - \[[`41ad6fa020`](] - **doc**: consolidate use of multiple-byte units (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42587]( - \[[`36c0e47bf5`](] - **doc**: add documentation for inherited methods (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42691]( - \[[`665fb3d269`](] - **doc**: close tag in (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42751]( - \[[`3c97384527`](] - **doc**: copyedit http.OutgoingMessage documentation (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42733]( - \[[`2f319825cc`](] - **doc**: improve fragment (`:target`) anchors behavior on HTML version (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42739]( - \[[`1b88868adc`](] - **doc**: fix `added:` info for `outgoingMessage.writable*` (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42737]( - \[[`0238239de0`](] - **doc**: delete mdb_v8 from diagnostic tooling support tiers (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;42626]( - \[[`b4b2a0f8b7`](] - **doc**: document the 'close' and 'finish' events (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42704]( - \[[`d7265d8ae4`](] - **doc**: fix `added:` info for `outgoingMessage.{,un}cork()` (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42711]( - \[[`1b668d4be6`](] - **doc**: revise data imports and node: imports sections (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42734]( - \[[`b6c23b0312`](] - **doc**: fix ESM JSON/data URL import example (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42728]( - \[[`806711346d`](] - **doc**: improve doc for http.ServerResponse inheritance (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42693]( - \[[`7c881b218f`](] - **doc**: add RafaelGSS to collaborators (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;42718]( - \[[`654e71c29c`](] - **doc**: add NodeEdKeyGenParams to CryptoKey.algorithm (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42629]( - \[[`e566e5c3e4`](] - **doc**: fix the example for embedders (Momtchil Momtchev) [#&#8203;42671]( - \[[`47f7b34831`](] - **doc**: change AES-GCM IV recommendation in WebCrypto (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42611]( - \[[`0a64b14343`](] - **doc**: fix `added:` info for some methods (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42661]( - \[[`0c9038020a`](] - **doc**: remove unneeded new in Buffer example (Niklas Mischkulnig) [#&#8203;42682]( - \[[`06f7aeb2d2`](] - **doc**: mark as integer in cluster docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42684]( - \[[`1c579ecb78`](] - **doc**: recommend `fh.createWriteStream` for fsPromises methods (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42653]( - \[[`3ba17b184d`](] - **doc**: fix outgoingMessage.removeHeader() signature (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42652]( - \[[`ba1f864159`](] - **doc**: mark tlsSocket.authorized as boolean property (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42647]( - \[[`85aeae2cd2`](] - **doc**: add missing punctuation in Web Streams doc (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42672]( - \[[`630cadbc3f`](] - **doc**: add missing article in session ticket section (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42632]( - \[[`b636996499`](] - **doc**: link to dynamic import function (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42634]( - \[[`70f61a57d0`](] - **doc**: add note about header values encoding (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;42624]( - \[[`608d777cf8`](] - **doc**: add missing word in rootCertificates section (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42633]( - \[[`dbc993294f`](] - **doc**: fix brackets position (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42649]( - \[[`a9e97fcc3f`](] - **doc**: copyedit (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42620]( - \[[`6209e295bb`](] - **doc**: delete chakra tt from diagnostic tooling support tiers (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;42627]( - \[[`198f22d3da`](] - **doc**: simplify Http2Stream encoding text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42597]( - \[[`9129f024dc`](] - **doc**: remove obsolete stream API selection text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42586]( - \[[`88108da2c1`](] - **doc**: remove faulty justification for 128-bit AES (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42578]( - \[[`8072adf41e`](] - **doc**: fix documentation of `FileHandle.prototype.appendFile` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42588]( - \[[`300b9d15ea`](] - **doc**: change "OCSP Request" to "OCSP request" (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42582]( - \[[`5ee6b07a6b`](] - **doc**: aes webcrypto unwrap is not a node-specific extensions (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42561]( - \[[`8850cf99f7`](] - **doc**: simplify recommendations in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42556]( - \[[`c361129d7b`](] - **doc**: clarify recommendations in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42555]( - \[[`3bec01f1b9`](] - **doc**: simplify recommendation in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42554]( - \[[`9c307937b4`](] - **doc**: update DEP0102 text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42553]( - \[[`73ce20162b`](] - **doc**: add introduction sentence for CJS (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42491]( - \[[`5783865894`](] - **doc**: add [@&#8203;meixg]( to collaborators (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42576]( - \[[`a8a075b48b`](] - **doc**: consolidate CI sections (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42534]( - \[[`816cc5ed8a`](] - **doc**: remove extraneous comma (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42548]( - \[[`7476fe9431`](] - **doc**: guide towards x509.fingerprint256 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42516]( - \[[`a6af500919`](] - **doc**: fix internal link in (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;42551]( - \[[`9a70c3b843`](] - **doc**: add suggestion for OpenSSL only sec releases (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42456]( - \[[`28208311bf`](] - **doc**: fix comment text in async_hooks example (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42499]( - \[[`8fd7ab5d1f`](] - **doc**: add `stability` class to legacy status description (Daniel Roe) [#&#8203;42525]( - \[[`37366d4ec4`](] - **doc**: suggest checkHost in checkServerIdentity docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42495]( - \[[`981d602d8c`](] - **doc**: update security release onboarding (Joe Sepi) [#&#8203;42333]( - \[[`33b14263e9`](] - **doc**: remove comma splice in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42484]( - \[[`89e3cedb1a`](] - **doc**: clarify napi_finalize behavior (Alba Mendez) [#&#8203;42461]( - \[[`40b61dbf1b`](] - **doc**: expand history for conditional exports changes in v12 (Greg Poole) [#&#8203;42339]( - \[[`70f982a8fe`](] - **doc**: change comma-splice to two sentences (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42455]( - \[[`69a4daaa09`](] - **doc**: add link to section (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42428]( - \[[`7a7030af79`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Anupama Codippily) [#&#8203;42444]( - \[[`3cf80254c7`](] - **doc**: add `trace_gc` to diagnostic tooling support document (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;42346]( - \[[`d9ae6c7829`](] - **doc**: make header smaller and dropdown click-driven when JS is on (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;42165]( - \[[`01eb1dc8eb`](] - **doc**: standardize typography for \_semantic versioning\_ (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42401]( - \[[`d70f9cb2a3`](] - **doc**: unify import order in CCM example (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42394]( - \[[`165ee28853`](] - **doc**: update property name (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42398]( - \[[`b3a7a689f9`](] - **doc**: document breaking change in `http.IncomingMessage` `'close'` event (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;42521]( - \[[`7be07c719c`](] - **doc,test**: clarify timingSafeEqual semantics (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43228]( - \[[`6c00369083`](] - **doc,test**: clarify ChaCha20-Poly1305 usage (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42323]( ##### Other commits - \[[`3b10a94a95`](] - **benchmark**: fix output regression (Brian White) [#&#8203;43635]( - \[[`f4c4113434`](] - **benchmark**: fix fork detection (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;43601]( - \[[`04f651186d`](] - **benchmark**: forcefully close processes (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;43557]( - \[[`986fb3e9ae`](] - **benchmark**: add node-error benchmark (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43077]( - \[[`c36b02f666`](] - **benchmark**: fix misc/startup failure (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42746]( - \[[`391e16235c`](] - **build**: make GitPod less noisy (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43829]( - \[[`5315d9741c`](] - **build**: add GitHub token permissions for workflows (Varun Sharma) [#&#8203;43743]( - \[[`025248bfb0`](] - **build**: enable GitPod prebuilds (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43698]( - \[[`d9664c3040`](] - **build**: clarify missing clang-format tool (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42762]( - \[[`600505ee71`](] - **build**: update main branch name in GH workflow (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43481]( - \[[`ab55ff4a52`](] - **build**: add nonpm and nocorepack to vcbuild.bat (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43219]( - \[[`cf68280548`](] - **build**: set ASAN workaround (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;43085]( - \[[`c4f7e93964`](] - **build**: fix format-cpp (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42764]( - \[[`dd97a9d1fa`](] - **build**: improve the format-cpp error message (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42765]( - \[[`fc55a6798f`](] - **build**: run clang-format on CI (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42681]( - \[[`46bc3c1af1`](] - **build**: consolidate JS and md linting GitHub Actions (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42572]( - \[[`dd7aa2d51f`](] - **build**: set stale action back to running nightly (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42549]( - \[[`dda77aa63b`](] - **build**: bump actions/checkout (Eliaz Bobadilla) [#&#8203;42460]( - \[[`0d93b425cf`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43966]( - \[[`7a974457df`](] - **meta**: update `node-api` in label-pr-config (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43794]( - \[[`dff6068c9a`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43872]( - \[[`80d562b051`](] - **meta**: use platform dropdown on flaky template (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43855]( - \[[`162c7cbb54`](] - **meta**: enable blank issues (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;43775]( - \[[`becfcb4d97`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43770]( - \[[`78bb3ab8e8`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43750]( - \[[`b62574c4bd`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43660]( - \[[`965367f586`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43573]( - \[[`3760490c3a`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43480]( - \[[`5c6021772f`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43399]( - \[[`a544a09662`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43387]( - \[[`d0084daa8a`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus ([#&#8203;43183]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43183]( - \[[`bb7b1dcb7a`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43312]( - \[[`aa868efe15`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43231]( - \[[`fb5d9b7fb5`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for legendecas (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43156]( - \[[`06578724bd`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for npm team (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;43143]( - \[[`bd6912def5`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for Morgan Roderick (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;43144]( - \[[`3db25bfc63`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for ShogunPanda (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;43094]( - \[[`0ce67e22fb`](] - **meta**: update .mailmap for recent README name change (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;43027]( - \[[`74ed25ddf5`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;43004]( - \[[`72e9ca1a45`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42937]( - \[[`c351bf682a`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42848]( - \[[`54d94d04ca`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42769]( - \[[`412b3313c9`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42760]( - \[[`499d0100a6`](] - **meta**: move mmarchini to emeritus (mary marchini) [#&#8203;42750]( - \[[`7f857d16b8`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42677]( - \[[`0994001a51`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42599]( - \[[`ac1c0122e4`](] - **meta**: update .mailmap and AUTHORS (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42602]( - \[[`c7264b712b`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42500]( - \[[`bc4bd92bb8`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42585]( - \[[`bcd8a55f37`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42488]( - \[[`e6db8099f8`](] - **test**: refactor ESM tests to improve performance (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;43784]( - \[[`0046b9a478`](] - **test**: add test on worker process.exit in async modules (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43751]( - \[[`3a6df62cfd`](] - **test**: update WPT encoding tests (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43958]( - \[[`ca747ccb7e`](] - **test**: remove test-whatwg-events-add-event-listener-options-once.js (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43877]( - \[[`e22041734a`](] - **test**: work scheduled in process.nextTick can keep the event loop alive (Andreu Botella) [#&#8203;43787]( - \[[`2730a10a58`](] - **test**: simplify test-tls-set-secure-context (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43878]( - \[[`ec3c331c73`](] - **test**: fix test http upload timeout (theanarkh) [#&#8203;43935]( - \[[`19397a0488`](] - **test**: simplify ReplStream.wait() (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43857]( - \[[`918448e239`](] - **test**: ensure NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS not set before tests (KrayzeeKev) [#&#8203;43858]( - \[[`f4cd579ae1`](] - **test**: add check to test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;43850]( - \[[`e271e3403e`](] - **test**: use `common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep()` in immutability tests (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43196]( - \[[`409158c919`](] - **test**: add `common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep()` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43196]( - \[[`75e6933a39`](] - **test**: fix coverity warning in test (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;43631]( - \[[`087fc8dddf`](] - **test**: mark test-http-client-response-timeout flaky (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43792]( - \[[`993bf7b671`](] - **test**: mark flaky tests on smartos (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43596]( - \[[`a3a2a9ede5`](] - **test**: mark test-http-server-request-timeouts-mixed flaky on macOS (F3n67u) [#&#8203;43597]( - \[[`7cb71c0c7e`](] - **test**: skip test-net-connect-reset-until-connected on SmartOS (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;43449]( - \[[`b5eb55646f`](] - **test**: add test for short-option followed by its value (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43358]( - \[[`8bd2f4e2b8`](] - **test**: use `assert.match()` instead of `assert(regex.test())` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42803]( - \[[`f99b0d02e7`](] - **test**: fix typo in test-stream-toArray (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41634]( - \[[`95a823dc26`](] - **test**: fix typo in file name (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43764]( - \[[`c291233955`](] - **test**: improve lib/internal/test_runner/test.js coverage (MURAKAMI Masahiko) [#&#8203;42745]( - \[[`a5e16203a3`](] - **test**: mark test-net-connect-reset-until-connected flaky on freebsd (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43613]( - \[[`42610cc8e2`](] - **test**: mark test-gc-http-client-timeout as flaky on arm (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;43754]( - \[[`cc5f17f128`](] - **test**: add test for profile command of node inspect (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43058]( - \[[`11df17c2f9`](] - **test**: use Object for `tests` variable in fs trace test (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43585]( - \[[`61ddd50c38`](] - **test**: improve code coverage for performance_entry (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;43434]( - \[[`341799a0c3`](] - **test**: add test to ensure repl doesn't support --input-type (cola119) [#&#8203;43507]( - \[[`9bc4ad0483`](] - **test**: fix flaky test-perf-hooks-histogram (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;43567]( - \[[`4d8daae236`](] - **test**: fix Buffer.from(ArrayBufferView) call (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;43614]( - \[[`8c7597373f`](] - **test**: mark test-worker-http2-stream-terminate flaky on all platforms (Finn Yu) [#&#8203;43620]( - \[[`e8754f3557`](] - **test**: improve code coverage for SourceMap class (italo jose) [#&#8203;43285]( - \[[`93de96f844`](] - **test**: refactor to top-level await (Meek Simbule) [#&#8203;43500]( - \[[`f3e9fd7a00`](] - **test**: skip test-v8-serialize-leak on IBM i (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;43511]( - \[[`65c3e901eb`](] - **test**: use unique file names in fs trace test (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;43504]( - \[[`7ce80d81ed`](] - **test**: allow EOVERFLOW errors in fs position tests (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;43510]( - \[[`bf5adf37f3`](] - **test**: add WPT tests for dom/events (Daiki Nishikawa) [#&#8203;43151]( - \[[`a5df207c2b`](] - **test**: replace gc(true) with gc({ type: 'minor' }) (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;43493]( - \[[`222a6e94ed`](] - **test**: improve coverage for load hooks (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;43374]( - \[[`9c1fffc93e`](] - **test**: refactor to top-level await (Meek Simbule) [#&#8203;43366]( - \[[`4ff1c32f44`](] - **test**: rename `test-eventtarget-whatwg-*.js` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;43467]( - \[[`68a138333b`](] - **test**: mark test-worker-http2-stream-terminate flaky on Windows (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;43425]( - \[[`6fcb349fda`](] - ***Revert*** "**test**: mark test_buffer/test_finalizer flaky" (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;43418]( - \[[`38336403d2`](] - **test**: make node-api/test_buffer/test_finalizer not flaky (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;43418]( - \[[`8e5e5a10c1`](] - **test**: reduce flakiness of `test-fs-read-position-validation.mjs` (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;42999]( - \[[`b750ff1452`](] - **test**: remove the legacy url parser function ### [`v16.16.0`]( 2022-07-07, Version 16.16.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable changes - **deps**: - upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1q (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43692]( - **src**: - add OpenSSL config appname (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;43124]( ##### Commits - \[[`2303fd3fe5`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1q (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43692]( - \[[`b219a63c28`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1q (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43692]( - \[[`c6553a4ef5`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1p+quic (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43535]( - \[[`e9084a3e90`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1p+quic (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;43535]( - \[[`1da22eb482`](] - **http**: stricter Transfer-Encoding and header separator parsing (Paolo Insogna) [nodejs-private/node-private#315]( - \[[`754c9bfde0`](] - **src**: fix IPv4 validation in inspector_socket (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#320]( - \[[`447cf680b0`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src,deps,build,test**: add OpenSSL config appname (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;43124]( ### [`v16.15.1`]( 2022-06-01, Version 16.15.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;BethGriggs prepared by @&#8203;juanarbol [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - **deps**: - upgrade npm to 8.11.0 (<>) [#&#8203;43210]( - **docs**: - add release key for RafaelGSS (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43131]( - add release key for Juan Arboleda (Juan José) [#&#8203;42961]( ##### Commits - \[[`f7c4ce2255`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`3ebf205`]( (Liu Yu) [#&#8203;43147]( - \[[`447f9a0e2e`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.11.0 (<>) [#&#8203;43210]( - \[[`68572bdea2`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.10.0 (<>) [#&#8203;43061]( - \[[`3dfc632f12`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.9.0 (npm-robot) [#&#8203;42968]( - \[[`a746943fcb`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1o (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;42957]( - \[[`6efc844922`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1o (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;42957]( - \[[`3ceeb574c3`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.8.0 (npm-robot) [#&#8203;42886]( - \[[`f8b2156e07`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.7.0 (<>) [#&#8203;42744]( - \[[`898b4751e9`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.6.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;42550]( - \[[`617f64a1cd`](] - **doc**: add release key for RafaelGSS (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;43131]( - \[[`e1b47e6e3d`](] - **doc**: add release key for Juan Arboleda (Juan José) [#&#8203;42961]( - \[[`4185f1f466`](] - **src,inspector**: fix empty MaybeLocal crash (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42409]( - \[[`f11b3cfc6a`](] - **test**: delete test/pummel/test-repl-empty-maybelocal-crash.js (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42720]( - \[[`feac215e4e`](] - **tools**: disable trap handler for Windows cross-compiler (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40488]( - \[[`47cdddf59b`](] - **tools**: update V8 gypfiles for 9.6 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40488]( ### [`v16.15.0`]( 2022-04-26, Version 16.15.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( ##### Notable changes ##### Add fetch API Adds experimental support to the fetch API. This adds the `--experimental-fetch` flag that installs the `fetch`, `Request`, `Response`, `Headers`, and `FormData` globals. - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add fetch (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41749]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add FormData global when fetch is enabled (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41956]( ##### Other notable changes - **build**: - remove broken x32 arch support (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;41905]( - **crypto**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add KeyObject.prototype.equals method (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42093]( - **doc**: - add [@&#8203;ShogunPanda]( to collaborators (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;42362]( - add JakobJingleheimer to collaborators list (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;42185]( - add joesepi to collaborators (Joe Sepi) [#&#8203;41914]( - add marsonya to collaborators (Akhil Marsonya) [#&#8203;41991]( - deprecate string coercion in `fs.write`, `fs.writeFileSync` (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;42149]( - deprecate notice for process methods (Yash Ladha) [#&#8203;41587]( - **esm**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** support https remotely and http locally under flag (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;36328]( - **module**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** unflag esm json modules (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;41736]( - **node-api**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add node_api_symbol_for() (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41329]( - **process**: - deprecate multipleResolves (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41872]( - **stream**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** support some and every (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41573]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add toArray (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41553]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add forEach method (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41445]( ##### Commits - \[[`3d4df9cd70`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **benchmark**: add `subarray` to `buffer-slice` (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41596]( - \[[`d40f5a177a`](] - **buffer**: improve blob read performance (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42117]( - \[[`84752a495f`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **buffer**: alias `subarray` and `slice` (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41596]( - \[[`c5da1dda4a`](] - **build**: use ccache in on ppc64le and s390x (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;42204]( - \[[`ba56e41953`](] - **build**: drop shortened URL from lint-commit-message (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;42168]( - \[[`b2c88ec69c`](] - **build**: fix usage of input in feature action (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42150]( - \[[`bcabd70d93`](] - **build**: increase max ops for stale feature action (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42130]( - \[[`042fb6f4d5`](] - **build**: add corepack to the auto-updated dependencies (Maël Nison) [#&#8203;42090]( - \[[`611cbf13a6`](] - **build**: last test of the stale feature action (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42085]( - \[[`0d8f76ff2f`](] - **build**: update feature close action for testing (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42082]( - \[[`bc3d8a752f`](] - **build**: cancel running CI jobs when a PR is updated (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42017]( - \[[`e049173bce`](] - **build**: increase operations and test tag (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42038]( - \[[`4c47d59e9b`](] - **build**: allow manual run of feature request action (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42037]( - \[[`692ee2ae06`](] - **build**: add action to close stale feature requests (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41981]( - \[[`290a2bfd81`](] - **build**: prevent concurrent CI and CQ workflow runs (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42016]( - \[[`d2c1624279`](] - **build**: use zoslib_include_dir provided by node-gyp (alexcfyung) [#&#8203;41713]( - \[[`db4a3dc1a6`](] - **build**: move tool updates workflow runtime a day later (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41982]( - \[[`24d0c32af4`](] - **build**: extend yamllint configuration (Mestery) [#&#8203;41756]( - \[[`428b967ea4`](] - **build**: remove broken x32 arch support (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;41905]( - \[[`51847e0d24`](] - **build**: revert fast-track changes (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;41892]( - \[[`1452f8d6f1`](] - **build**: improve consistency between workflows (Mestery) [#&#8203;41791]( - \[[`9677da4b46`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **build**: add --v8-enable-hugepage flag (Daoming Qiu) [#&#8203;41487]( - \[[`5468de5317`](] - **build,tools**: change the quotes in YAML (Mestery) [#&#8203;41756]( - \[[`f32c39762c`](] - **child_process**: kHideConsoleWindows for spawnSync (Raymond Zhao) [#&#8203;41412]( - \[[`914f9071ba`](] - **cluster**: respect listen backlog set by workers (Elad Nava) [#&#8203;41623]( - \[[`f990308972`](] - **crypto**: fix auth tag length error when mode != GCM (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42383]( - \[[`7f43f94304`](] - **crypto**: fix fingerprint string size calculation (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42175]( - \[[`602f34eeb8`](] - **crypto**: add CHECKs to remaining BIO_s_mem allocs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42155]( - \[[`4eecb25125`](] - **crypto**: validate `this` value for `webcrypto.getRandomValues` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41760]( - \[[`b7599d8b14`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add KeyObject.prototype.equals method (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;42093]( - \[[`70ae0ae8a0`](] - **crypto**: check result of BIO_new in X509ToObject (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41979]( - \[[`36b9028f4f`](] - **crypto**: rename X509\_NAME_FLAGS (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42001]( - \[[`a592442218`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: expose Web Crypto API on the global scope (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41938]( - \[[`46dda316df`](] - **crypto**: do not advertise unsupported algorithms (Brian White) [#&#8203;41864]( - \[[`adb88fcb46`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: support RFC 2818 compatible checkHost (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41569]( - \[[`e9d7af1cc6`](] - **debugger**: correct typo in inspect_repl.js (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;42267]( - \[[`e6019a4cc0`](] - **debugger**: add debugger alias for exec(expr) (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;41907]( - \[[`83691ada5b`](] - **debugger**: remove duplicate setPauseOnException call (Balakrishna Avulapati) [#&#8203;41838]( - \[[`7e73e5e46b`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.5.5 (npm team) [#&#8203;42382]( - \[[`8d734cbde6`](] - **deps**: cares: cherry-pick [`b5a3d96`]( (bradh352) [#&#8203;42216]( - \[[`ba1d949ce0`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`c6f6626`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;42240]( - \[[`6b721d7103`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.5.3 (npm team) [#&#8203;42205]( - \[[`baeb66a35a`](] - **deps**: update nghttp2 to 1.47.0 (Yash Ladha) [#&#8203;42127]( - \[[`1a0f26f55c`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.5.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;42122]( - \[[`396240bf80`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`77d5154`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;42067]( - \[[`3f09a6d227`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`b663343`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;42067]( - \[[`a73536b286`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.5.1 (npm-robot) [#&#8203;42039]( - \[[`c64b0381ee`](] - **deps**: update undici to 5.0.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42583]( - \[[`a670c1fb5f`](] - **deps**: update undici to 4.16.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42414]( - \[[`721d10751b`](] - **deps**: update undici to 4.15.1 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42246]( - \[[`83a667621b`](] - **deps**: update undici to [`3e267ec`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41955]( - \[[`208ab5723e`](] - **doc**: improve usability (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42378]( - \[[`682248c980`](] - **doc**: add that chacha20-poly1305 is IETF version (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42370]( - \[[`83391d185c`](] - **doc**: document goal to have examples (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42274]( - \[[`7073017efb`](] - **doc**: fix Embedder's Guide link to V8 official docs (Aroyan) [#&#8203;42373]( - \[[`cb07930bda`](] - **doc**: remove unneeded lint disable comment (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42374]( - \[[`fb42f99514`](] - **doc**: revise async_hooks docs (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42337]( - \[[`835e65b78e`](] - **doc**: add [@&#8203;ShogunPanda]( to collaborators (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;42362]( - \[[`df1909982d`](] - **doc**: update base branch name for `nodejs/` (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;42355]( - \[[`4f6b187059`](] - **doc**: fix async iterable pipeline signal examples (Randall Leeds) [#&#8203;42258]( - \[[`3188dcb390`](] - **doc**: clarify path search in `child_process.spawn` (Damjan Cvetko) [#&#8203;41418]( - \[[`f53b454e2e`](] - **doc**: clarify the meaning of legacy status (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42269]( - \[[`43b8a4fc57`](] - **doc**: improve pipe description (Mikael Finstad) [#&#8203;42295]( - \[[`9fa6e445d5`](] - **doc**: remove outdated timeout.unref content (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42241]( - \[[`a84896ea2c`](] - **doc**: deprecate string coercion in `fs.write`, `fs.writeFileSync` (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;42149]( - \[[`436bdde654`](] - **doc**: remove refs to old OpenSSL list-\* commands (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42235]( - \[[`6763bede4c`](] - **doc**: readline `'line'` event emits final line (Matt Probert) [#&#8203;42214]( - \[[`6545094a94`](] - **doc**: update stale feature messages (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42217]( - \[[`275b66d54e`](] - **doc**: remove erroneous comma in cluster explainer (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42238]( - \[[`cda623cc1d`](] - **doc**: remove "considered" for clarity (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42218]( - \[[`17172fef20`](] - **doc**: clarify that some modules don't work when compiled without ssl (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42198]( - \[[`126045356a`](] - **doc**: add note about nghttp2 hd pair size (Rafael Silva) [#&#8203;42172]( - \[[`63b468f753`](] - **doc**: use parenthesis instead of em dash (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42202]( - \[[`19b62ddd68`](] - **doc**: add next-10 to strategic initiatives (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42167]( - \[[`993a943f2c`](] - **doc**: add missing single-quotes to `http.OutgoingMessage` (Juan José Arboleda) [#&#8203;42162]( - \[[`d0ce089622`](] - **doc**: fix typos (apeltop) [#&#8203;42146]( - \[[`88e67b8ec3`](] - **doc**: add JakobJingleheimer to collaborators list (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;42185]( - \[[`5322c73241`](] - **doc**: remove reference to obsolete security program (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42144]( - \[[`5980b6d133`](] - **doc**: remove repeated a word (apeltop) [#&#8203;42138]( - \[[`a70a1ce3a9`](] - **doc**: make building with ninja more discoverable (Balakrishna Avulapati) [#&#8203;41840]( - \[[`bc457c2339`](] - **doc**: document change to IncomingMessage.headers enumerability (Arnold Zokas) [#&#8203;42095]( - \[[`1eb4d8b89c`](] - **doc**: add meixg to triagers (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42066]( - \[[`3d75c8748c`](] - **doc**: clarify persistent ref behavior (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42035]( - \[[`8c26d8cea1`](] - **doc**: move bnoordhuis back to collaborators (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;42064]( - \[[`0c21b58d57`](] - **doc**: clarify supported versus enabled TLS ciphers (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42063]( - \[[`a658437c64`](] - **doc**: add missing api entries on performance (legendecas) [#&#8203;42018]( - \[[`51cb78022e`](] - **doc**: fix typo in http2 endAfterHeaders description (Alexandru Comanescu) [#&#8203;42060]( - \[[`40ddfa4e69`](] - **doc**: make minor fixes to contributing guides (T-O-R-U-S) [#&#8203;41966]( - \[[`60d6409af0`](] - **doc**: use for keyserver examples (Nick Schonning) [#&#8203;39227]( - \[[`9800719237`](] - **doc**: adjust a/an word usage (Derek Wolpert) [#&#8203;41915]( - \[[`43894b1bc4`](] - **doc**: capitalize valgrind (T•Ø•R•Ü•S) [#&#8203;41986]( - \[[`a34cc75026`](] - **doc**: fix deprecation number (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41990]( - \[[`dd88f54d57`](] - **doc**: add marsonya to collaborators (Akhil Marsonya) [#&#8203;41991]( - \[[`8858950a9f`](] - **doc**: deprecate notice for process methods (Yash Ladha) [#&#8203;41587]( - \[[`d77db88386`](] - **doc**: fix bug in `readable.unshift` code example (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;41944]( - \[[`81e56c9178`](] - **doc**: add missing `buffer` in the `stream/consumers` import example (Mestery) [#&#8203;41961]( - \[[`c08efba968`](] - **doc**: fix typo in readableStream.locked description (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41923]( - \[[`e21831bad1`](] - **doc**: fix wrong indent in stream documentation (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;41943]( - \[[`e55f340052`](] - **doc**: emphasize security warning in vm module doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41916]( - \[[`ce15007fd7`](] - **doc**: clarify `tls.Server` `'connection'` event documentation (Austin Cheney) [#&#8203;41917]( - \[[`6fc0a25b64`](] - **doc**: improve scrollbar appearance in dark mode (Aaron Xie) [#&#8203;41890]( - \[[`90d955100d`](] - **doc**: replace text with paths in toggle SVGs (Brian White) [#&#8203;41885]( - \[[`6fd538331d`](] - **doc**: edit process.config deprecation text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41889]( - \[[`55caa10c54`](] - **doc**: add joesepi to collaborators (Joe Sepi) [#&#8203;41914]( - \[[`73f3a2cf96`](] - **doc**: remove unneeded ellipsis in header (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41888]( - \[[`b950f5db84`](] - **doc**: fix webstream close reject state state doc (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41860]( - \[[`e46c7d6f69`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: deprecate `buffer.slice` (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41596]( - \[[`83129729c6`](] - **doc**: fix backticks around 'default' (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41613]( - \[[`f8819e86fd`](] - **doc**: fix version history for `net.Socket` and `net.Server` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42268]( - \[[`12bf85a606`](] - **doc,tools**: improve navigability of API docs (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;41404]( - \[[`37f6f92905`](] - **errors**: do not access .stack in debug (Benjamin Coe) [#&#8203;42096]( - \[[`166eb782f9`](] - **esm**: fix base URL for network imports (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;42131]( - \[[`b68db72746`](] - **esm**: fix relative imports for https (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;42119]( - \[[`c777cb3368`](] - **esm**: make extension-less errors in type:module actionable (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;42301]( - \[[`2e42ccf1a5`](] - **esm**: improve typings and code coverage (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;42305]( - \[[`25017ca107`](] - **esm**: add runtime warning for specifier resolution flag (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;42252]( - \[[`1324023fea`](] - **esm**: improve `fetch_module` test coverage and remove hack (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41947]( - \[[`9b8c927d29`](] - **esm**: remove erroneous `context.parentURL` property passed to `load` hook (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;41975]( - \[[`47cefec5c9`](] - **esm**: fix typo in `fetch_module` (Michael Scovetta) [#&#8203;41924]( - \[[`0d185f7930`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **esm**: support https remotely and http locally under flag (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;36328]( - \[[`b0a83115db`](] - **events**: set default handler value (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41970]( - \[[`6b55ba2fa2`](] - **fs**: adjust default `length` for `fs.readSync` and fsPromises/`read` (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;42128]( - \[[`da87c731b8`](] - **fs**: fix default `length` parameter for `` (wbt) [#&#8203;40349]( - \[[`33e4a32f9e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: support copy of relative links with cp and cpSync (Marcos Bjoerkelund) [#&#8203;41819]( - \[[`571eb6dc74`](] - **fs**: fix cb/sync writev empty array behavior (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41932]( - \[[`257a7a5802`](] - **fs**: fix writev empty array error behavior (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41919]( - \[[`2d165652f1`](] - **fs**: refactor to use ES2020 syntax (小菜) [#&#8203;41903]( - \[[`39fb114dde`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: trace http client by perf_hooks (theanarkh) [#&#8203;42345]( - \[[`16c00c6ac8`](] - **http**: add default argument for Agent.prototype.getName (小菜) [#&#8203;41906]( - \[[`d301a8825b`](] - **http2**: fix potential integer overflow (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42248]( - \[[`ddef6bbcb8`](] - **http2**: add edge case to GOAWAY request (Rafael Silva) [#&#8203;42190]( - \[[`28af75ef65`](] - **http2**: close stream and session on frameError (Rafael Silva) [#&#8203;42147]( - \[[`ebe2b6d21e`](] - **lib**: refactor to use primordials in `lib/assert.js` (Akhil Marsonya) [#&#8203;41702]( - \[[`dcebb99dfc`](] - **lib**: fix AsyncResource.bind not using 'this' from the caller by default (Roch Devost) [#&#8203;42177]( - \[[`e1704407ae`](] - **lib**: clean after the cancel algorithm throw error (Chen Gang) [#&#8203;41366]( - \[[`91a06bd629`](] - **lib**: add legacy built-in functions to primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42049]( - \[[`e80043fb61`](] - **lib**: stop installing webcrypto if `no_browser_globals` is `true` (Mestery) [#&#8203;41971]( - \[[`9946b9bceb`](] - **lib**: allow respondWithNewView on byob auto allocated streams (Sean Quinlan) [#&#8203;41887]( - \[[`f4e39171de`](] - **lib**: restrict usage of fetch related globals in core internals (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41957]( - \[[`b1f0cc6412`](] - **lib**: move kEnumerableProperty to internal/util (Mestery) [#&#8203;41877]( - \[[`2a85e0ac00`](] - **lib**: add internal genericNodeError() function (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41879]( - \[[`647805a747`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add FormData global when fetch is enabled (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41956]( - \[[`f17ce913c9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add fetch (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41749]( - \[[`2cbf45b8a5`](] - **loader**: fix esm resolve for symlink file (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42197]( - \[[`a363842261`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42404]( - \[[`a122eb1989`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42317]( - \[[`c56e15a0eb`](] - **meta**: add dependencies label to label-pr-config (Mestery) [#&#8203;42129]( - \[[`137ca4e1d4`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42227]( - \[[`09ab04696f`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42142]( - \[[`d4d9c00949`](] - **meta**: correct link to feature request document (Simen Bekkhus) [#&#8203;42092]( - \[[`2135f8e6cb`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42068]( - \[[`b969a278eb`](] - **meta**: remove collaborator (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42073]( - \[[`de035bceda`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42058]( - \[[`f5ffa34f77`](] - **meta**: use plain emojis instead of escape sequences (Mestery) [#&#8203;41989]( - \[[`6f1adf1f3e`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS and .mailmap (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41953]( - \[[`363028c887`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: unflag esm json modules (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;41736]( - \[[`b3afb20b44`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add new options to `net.Socket` and `net.Server` (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;41310]( - \[[`bd48ad9c16`](] - **node-api**: fix typo in `` (Austin Kelleher) [#&#8203;42110]( - \[[`11ec3345e7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **node-api**: add node_api_symbol_for() (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41329]( - \[[`7c0b8ca5ac`](] - **perf_hooks**: do not return all entries with getEntriesBy\[Name|Type] (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42104]( - \[[`b7a307f0ed`](] - **perf_hooks**: use arrays to store EntryBuffers (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42032]( - \[[`61ecdf8f12`](] - **process**: fix named report export (madflow) [#&#8203;41861]( - \[[`bc08165953`](] - **process**: deprecate multipleResolves (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41872]( - \[[`a88d4a2e2c`](] - **repl**: remove preview when press escape (meixg) [#&#8203;42053]( - \[[`83267aaa7f`](] - **repl**: [#&#8203;41690]( REPL gives wrong autocomplete on literals (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;41883]( - \[[`73ce911a6f`](] - **src**: convert hex2bin() into a regular function (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42321]( - \[[`7fe16ecc7a`](] - **src**: fix coverity warnings in (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42272]( - \[[`5b30e28eb4`](] - **src**: check EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates result (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42304]( - \[[`57b619da46`](] - **src**: simplify bound check in ParseArrayIndex (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42306]( - \[[`0e3e3fda22`](] - **src**: avoid returning invalid value from hex2bin (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42307]( - \[[`5eaa59159f`](] - **src**: check return value of HMAC_Final (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42303]( - \[[`376b3c4293`](] - **src**: include internal/options in the snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;42203]( - \[[`268fd97925`](] - **src**: remove redundant buffer size check (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42257]( - \[[`90ce5c9fc5`](] - **src**: perform minor cleanups on zlib code (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;42247]( - \[[`de3748a7e7`](] - **src**: use `emplace_back` instead of `push_back` (Yash Ladha) [#&#8203;42159]( - \[[`830f93d892`](] - **src**: fix unchecked return warning from coverity (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42176]( - \[[`db9f7752a9`](] - **src**: return proper URLs from node_api_get_module_file_name (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41758]( - \[[`d4b1b5cf85`](] - **src**: skip revoke_data_object if uuid is not found (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42212]( - \[[`3026449009`](] - **src**: remove dead code in AddFingerprintDigest (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42145]( - \[[`29fd5ff37d`](] - **src**: combine GetCurveASN1Name and GetCurveNistName (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42118]( - \[[`447ae8c5a3`](] - **src**: simplify TLSWrap::SetSession (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42087]( - \[[`2fe17f3891`](] - **src**: prefer bool over int in crypto_common (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42097]( - \[[`237f47e38e`](] - **src**: simplify arg type of AddFingerprintDigest (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42101]( - \[[`4244b1a0bb`](] - **src**: do not ignore return value of BIO_reset (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42103]( - \[[`e77a7cf985`](] - **src**: simplify GetExponentString (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42121]( - \[[`c811b8a1cb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: allow preventing InitializeInspector in env (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;35025]( - \[[`af73a853f5`](] - **src**: use const reference instead of pointer in URL::SerializeURL (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41759]( - \[[`703593ab2a`](] - **src**: reserve string allocation space early in URL::SerializeURL (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41759]( - \[[`170a6cb33e`](] - **src**: fix query/fragment serialization in URL::SerializeURL (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41759]( - \[[`86b9d3af98`](] - **src**: don't print interface if sin6\_scope_id is 0 (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;41547]( - \[[`fdea60e958`](] - **src,buffer**: evaluate THROW_AND_RETURN_IF_OOB() expression only once (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41945]( - \[[`bf1f485c8d`](] - **src,crypto**: avoid tristate Maybe\<bool> in ExportJWKEcKey() (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42223]( - \[[`a5b189cda7`](] - **stream**: use .chunk when calling adapters's writev (Xuguang Mei) [#&#8203;42161]( - \[[`0c690456cf`](] - **stream**: add more forEach tests (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41937]( - \[[`f12cf6db47`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add reduce (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41669]( - \[[`4b6343964e`](] - **stream**: use synchronous error validation on iteration helpers (iMoses) [#&#8203;41652]( - \[[`60e28ba507`](] - **stream**: add asIndexedPairs (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41681]( - \[[`88a48197c4`](] - **stream**: add drop and take (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41630]( - \[[`205c018ab4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: support flatMap (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41612]( - \[[`0be2321d53`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: support some and every (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41573]( - \[[`ac8526e9a5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add toArray (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41553]( - \[[`dcc58314b9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add forEach method (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41445]( - \[[`f21f104c7c`](] - **string_decoder**: fix crash when calling \__proto\_\_.write() (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42062]( - \[[`e3bced182c`](] - **test**: give slow tests more time on Rasberry PIs (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42380]( - \[[`04243a85c7`](] - **test**: improve script (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42343]( - \[[`6d422ad807`](] - **test**: improve \_http_incoming.js coverage (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;42211]( - \[[`3d37efe588`](] - **test**: improve \_http_outgoing coverage (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;42213]( - \[[`245577e15c`](] - **test**: add test case for reverted 17.7 regression (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42283]( - \[[`3cc06de597`](] - **test**: use global webcrypto for WPT tests (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42236]( - \[[`623be18fa3`](] - **test**: cover 32-bit sizes in generatePrime (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;42207]( - \[[`70281e17ad`](] - **test**: fix test-process-env-tz.js by using RegExp (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;42113]( - \[[`33b11a3548`](] - **test**: update V8 trace events test expectations (Nikolaos Papaspyrou) [#&#8203;42120]( - \[[`978b50fe44`](] - **test**: deflake test-common-expect-warning (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42046]( - \[[`629d06ace8`](] - **test**: validate `EventEmitterAsyncResource` methods throw on invalid this (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;42041]( - \[[`17af006e38`](] - **test**: increase Fibonacci argument to 40 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42055]( - \[[`b06780801c`](] - **test**: remove test-stdout-close-catch flaky designation (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42045]( - \[[`9ae6982387`](] - **test**: check that fetch globals are disabled by default (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42015]( - \[[`2a1a94bbbb`](] - **test**: improve vm test coverage (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41847]( - \[[`3e354da097`](] - **test**: run webmessaging/broadcastchannel WPT (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;41962]( - \[[`711e863084`](] - **test**: fix names of tests marked flaky on IBM i (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41984]( - \[[`95eb03c298`](] - **test**: fix typographical error (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41983]( - \[[`31def41391`](] - **test**: fix intl tests on small-icu builds (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41939]( - \[[`11e76fcba4`](] - **test**: remove lint rule for setTimeout() arguments (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41901]( - \[[`fd8bf09608`](] - **test**: move test-crypto-engine to addon (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41830]( - \[[`25109a6471`](] - **test**: improve stability of oom test (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41681]( - \[[`ad17c9ce0c`](] - **test,crypto**: add and update empty passphrase regression tests (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;42319]( - \[[`9649d656ba`](] - **tls**: avoid throw in onerror for bad TLSSocket obj (Valters Jansons) [#&#8203;41523]( - \[[`789e6041a6`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.70.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42403]( - \[[`1c1061549a`](] - **tools**: update doc to highlight.js@11.5.0 unified@10.1.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42315]( - \[[`97aa236083`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.70.0 unified@10.1.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42316]( - \[[`7636370bdb`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.11.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42318]( - \[[`359395393f`](] - **tools**: fix web streams API links (Brian White) [#&#8203;42153]( - \[[`fe5578b627`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.69.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42226]( - \[[`8532f83c8e`](] - **tools**: update lint-md rollup dependencies (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42141]( - \[[`f2a16158a0`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.10.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42143]( - \[[`11f747b0e4`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.67.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;42057]( - \[[`c47b436bd0`](] - **tools**: enable es2022 env in ESLint config (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;42043]( - \[[`bbdf285a39`](] - **tools**: add `console` to the list of restricted globals (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42012]( - \[[`aace6c2626`](] - **tools**: lint deprecation codes (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41992]( - \[[`c229889022`](] - **tools**: fix bugs in prefer-primordials linter rule (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42010]( - \[[`410d0ce44a`](] - **tools**: add timers functions to the list of restricted globals (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42013]( - \[[`06d8c53e62`](] - **tools**: reduce list of globals in ESLint config (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41996]( - \[[`82b64f44fc`](] - **tools**: update remark-preset-lint-node to 3.3.1 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41999]( - \[[`1db9cc7e59`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.9.0 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;41973]( - \[[`f8c6232f90`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.67.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41941]( - \[[`57d5576c4d`](] - **tools**: fix typo in prefer-primordials.js (Ikko Ashimine) [#&#8203;41891]( - \[[`4bba27935a`](] - **tools,lib**: remove `global` and `Intl` from the list of globals (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42014]( - \[[`e918570d10`](] - **url**: preserve null char in WHATWG URL errors (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42263]( - \[[`962a8ec350`](] - **url**: trim leading and trailing C0 control chars (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42196]( - \[[`78647edba7`](] - **url, src**: modify one `special_back_slash` (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;42112]( - \[[`a458fbf949`](] - **worker**: do not send message if port is closing (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;42357]( - \[[`604621a275`](] - **worker**: fix typo in debug statement (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;42011]( - \[[`237affc951`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: graduate get/setEnvironmentData APIs (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41272]( ### [`v16.14.2`]( 2022-03-17, Version 16.14.2 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable Changes Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1n, which addresses the following vulnerability: - Infinite loop in `BN_mod_sqrt()` reachable when parsing certificates (High)(CVE-2022-0778) More details are available at <> ##### Commits - \[[`3924618c74`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1 (Hassaan Pasha) [#&#8203;42352]( - \[[`7a6a870d58`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1n (Hassaan Pasha) [#&#8203;42352]( - \[[`c533b430f4`](] - **test**: fix tests affected by OpenSSL update (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;42352]( ### [`v16.14.1`]( 2022-03-15, Version 16.14.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( ##### Notable changes - **doc**: - add release key for Bryan English (Bryan English) [#&#8203;42102]( ##### Commits - \[[`2a24e763d5`](] - **async_hooks**: fix imports in context example (Yash Ladha) [#&#8203;39229]( - \[[`c4a296f59b`](] - **benchmark**: enable no-empty ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`abe2eb9fc0`](] - **benchmark**: avoid input param manipulation (Jithil P Ponnan) [#&#8203;41741]( - \[[`2c566a9830`](] - **benchmark**: use Object.hasOwn() instead of hasOwnProperty() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41769]( - \[[`b77e72ab12`](] - **benchmark**: replace hasOwnProperty() with Object.hasOwn() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41724]( - \[[`ec72cb4019`](] - **benchmark**: remove unreachable code from crypto/hash-stream-creation (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41535]( - \[[`14bb6f97f0`](] - **buffer**: fix atob/btoa no-arg case (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41478]( - \[[`79e2ab2a67`](] - **build**: remove windows-2022 from v16.x actions (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;42299]( - \[[`2893b4c85a`](] - **build**: check if python is a executable program (himself65) [#&#8203;36696]( - \[[`5e4fc04821`](] - **build**: enable zoslib installation on z/OS (alexcfyung) [#&#8203;41493]( - \[[`1e3c9ebaae`](] - **build**: fix libuv builds for android aarch64 (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41555]( - \[[`46f714f92a`](] - **crypto**: check return code from EVP_DigestUpdate (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41800]( - \[[`33abbf9f21`](] - **crypto**: fix `webcrypto.subtle` signature (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41761]( - \[[`faceae486b`](] - **crypto**: revise variables for const use instead of let (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`fe0f9dc611`](] - **crypto**: remove wildcard options for checkEmail (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41599]( - \[[`188c3ab918`](] - **crypto**: adjust types for getRandomValues (LiviaMedeiros) [#&#8203;41481]( - \[[`1ef28f1a3d`](] - **crypto**: remove checkIP options argument (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41571]( - \[[`74c0464572`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.5.0 (npm-robot) [#&#8203;41925]( - \[[`b5783288d1`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.4.1 (npm-robot) [#&#8203;41836]( - \[[`2b7c4b4afe`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.3.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;41621]( - \[[`906247933c`](] - **dgram**: remove unreachable connectState assign (Rongjian Zhang) [#&#8203;38590]( - \[[`330c1bc518`](] - **doc**: add comments to empty blocks in worker_threads text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`125ed0c6b0`](] - **doc**: remove empty block from console.timeEnd() example (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`34d6f8e793`](] - **doc**: use the same case as the section heading (Mestery) [#&#8203;41876]( - \[[`fd28d252fa`](] - **doc**: use Oxford comma in crypto docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41875]( - \[[`bf99ef8b57`](] - **doc**: use sentence case in readme introduction (Mestery) [#&#8203;41874]( - \[[`b15d9c2cc6`](] - **doc**: add missing space before hyphen (Mestery) [#&#8203;41873]( - \[[`77685d5ab0`](] - **doc**: add stream pipelining note on Http usage (Rafael Silva) [#&#8203;41796]( - \[[`c7bae97755`](] - **doc**: improve SSL_OP_PRIORITIZE_CHACHA description (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41866]( - \[[`5cd38a4ff5`](] - **doc**: add missing commas in cluster docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41865]( - \[[`cf6b5e0e33`](] - **doc**: add history information for Corepack (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41813]( - \[[`c742a1cc4d`](] - **doc**: feature management proposal (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41420]( - \[[`3f000a2627`](] - **doc**: add overhead hints for heap snapshot generation (Gerhard Stöbich) [#&#8203;41822]( - \[[`42c0a8353e`](] - **doc**: fix X509 CA acronym capitalization (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41841]( - \[[`f5b0a3be12`](] - **doc**: use sentence case for X509 error codes header (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41829]( - \[[`20d8fd1a83`](] - **doc**: add initial version of (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41798]( - \[[`077fcee008`](] - **doc**: add registry numbers for Electron 19 and 20 (Keeley Hammond) [#&#8203;41814]( - \[[`44b6927179`](] - **doc**: add note about resource type in async_hooks (Tony Gorez) [#&#8203;41797]( - \[[`1be701c9ca`](] - **doc**: use for examples (Ateş Göral) [#&#8203;41827]( - \[[`4660c1fa7b`](] - **doc**: align tls port types with net port types (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41799]( - \[[`5cd8bdc4d7`](] - **doc**: use UDPv4/UDPv6 consistently with TCPv4/TCPv6 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41824]( - \[[`3ef05a0216`](] - **doc**: improve wording surrounding TLS 1.3 ciphers (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41778]( - \[[`51d955368e`](] - **doc**: add format-md step to release guide (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;41809]( - \[[`8f00e5dcf7`](] - **doc**: add v16 changelog link to iojs changelog (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;41808]( - \[[`4f194f3094`](] - **doc**: add security-steward rotation information (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41707]( - \[[`14ea8fcba8`](] - **doc**: use Object.hasOwn() in util doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41780]( - \[[`9f77692491`](] - **doc**: remove section on "recent" ECDH changes (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41773]( - \[[`211a3c4c4c`](] - **doc**: clarify that import also uses main (Ben McCann) [#&#8203;41720]( - \[[`20d9c4a2c5`](] - **doc**: update wording (Tobias Hernstig) [#&#8203;41728]( - \[[`e209f53ba2`](] - **doc**: update Mesteery email (Mestery) [#&#8203;41683]( - \[[`db1ce43173`](] - **doc**: avoid incomplete sentence in cluster docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41701]( - \[[`ee79e53821`](] - **doc**: fix typo in contributing guides (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41723]( - \[[`9616fd5913`](] - **doc**: improve docs to give descriptive info for the platform property (Harshil jain) [#&#8203;41650]( - \[[`4d8ee8e3cd`](] - **doc**: fix link to npm documentation (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41712]( - \[[`018ec32535`](] - **doc**: clarify treatment of non-string base in URL() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41685]( - \[[`92e6cf03fe`](] - **doc**: fix typo in `` (Akhil Marsonya) [#&#8203;41694]( - \[[`071fef50e5`](] - **doc**: remove unadvisable cluster example (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41668]( - \[[`b63fb0ffb8`](] - **doc**: document flow for supporting type generation (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41464]( - \[[`364811aa8a`](] - **doc**: clarify parameter for napi_get_cb_info (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41635]( - \[[`1bd286e978`](] - **doc**: revise url.resolve() text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41661]( - \[[`59f95fe4dc`](] - **doc**: clarify treatment of non-string argument to new URL() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41658]( - \[[`3e93cc392e`](] - **doc**: fix documentation for `MODULE_NOT_FOUND` and `ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41645]( - \[[`b9d1cb7f8a`](] - **doc**: improve TLS/SSL introduction (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41649]( - \[[`5d9c83e2e9`](] - **doc**: modernize and simplify cluster example (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41626]( - \[[`d5efecd64d`](] - **doc**: simplify readline/stdin text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41583]( - \[[`931be52589`](] - **doc**: suggest worker threads in cluster docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41616]( - \[[`b2a4614a0d`](] - **doc**: add 16 and 17 to previous versions (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41646]( - \[[`5f0a017a02`](] - **doc**: improve `'hex'` Buffer decoding description and examples (Giora Guttsait) [#&#8203;41598]( - \[[`0805068add`](] - **doc**: add note for handling signal events in trace events (Gabriel Trujillo) [#&#8203;41438]( - \[[`0388b9afc3`](] - **doc**: demonstrate dangers of `buffer.slice()` (Shalvah) [#&#8203;41628]( - \[[`3cdd1d634b`](] - **doc**: add missing word in cluster.workers details (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41624]( - \[[`5d94bc676e`](] - **doc**: fix async_hooks example in api docs (Akhil Marsonya) [#&#8203;41609]( - \[[`39f52e1130`](] - **doc**: fix deprecated alias description in cluster (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41618]( - \[[`55714cc777`](] - **doc**: update timingSafeEqual error case (Alex Agranov) [#&#8203;41507]( - \[[`9f8e442dc7`](] - **doc**: simplify util.TextDecoder example (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41574]( - \[[`57dc5956b1`](] - **doc**: move Mesteery to collaborators (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41597]( - \[[`10320c2965`](] - **doc**: fix cjs example code for process.arch (Job) [#&#8203;41593]( - \[[`f33e831fe3`](] - **doc**: remove redunant `await` calls from stream docs (Giora Guttsait) [#&#8203;41592]( - \[[`1cf74beb57`](] - **doc**: make contributing info more discoverable (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41408]( - \[[`214cf17db9`](] - **doc**: recommend package exports instead of requiring folders (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41381]( - \[[`5c387a0d75`](] - **doc**: edit async_context context loss text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41550]( - \[[`01283f6b25`](] - **doc**: use sentence case for Web Crypto headers (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41577]( - \[[`6b6d0c4914`](] - **doc**: make Web Crypto example spec compliant (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41556]( - \[[`8772d332d7`](] - **doc**: do not reference SSL when discussing SNI (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41549]( - \[[`82042d0094`](] - **doc**: fix typos in (Yu) [#&#8203;41499]( - \[[`ff0069dc3e`](] - **doc**: adjust assignment in condition in stream doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41510]( - \[[`1128b1c216`](] - **doc**: improve Web Crypto headings related to ECC (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41542]( - \[[`a6758d12e3`](] - **doc**: clarify module system selection (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41383]( - \[[`db17a529a8`](] - **doc**: add release key for Bryan English (Bryan English) [#&#8203;42102]( - \[[`f2ca172a08`](] - **doc**: remove statement about (EC)DHE performance (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41528]( - \[[`227dea8dc1`](] - **domain**: pass opts to `EventEmitter.init` (Chen Gang) [#&#8203;41414]( - \[[`bd717064b0`](] - **esm**: improve validation of resolved URLs (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;41446]( - \[[`e747ef5e45`](] - **http2**: fix pseudo-headers order (ofir) [#&#8203;41735]( - \[[`2efe9cbd01`](] - **http2**: fix no response event on continue request (ofirbarak) [#&#8203;41739]( - \[[`7bf2be51b3`](] - **http2**: fix memory leak on nghttp2 hd threshold (Rafael Silva) [#&#8203;41502]( - \[[`acd8768802`](] - **lib**: add comments to empty catch statements (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`c90bb7cd93`](] - **lib**: refactor to use `validateObject()` validator (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41845]( - \[[`c93a9af82b`](] - **lib**: refactor source map stack trace prepare (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41698]( - \[[`0f3287dc44`](] - **lib**: fix consistency of methods that emit warnings (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41249]( - \[[`7ee3cdf60a`](] - **lib**: remove erroneous JSDoc entry (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41604]( - \[[`70f6554403`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41868]( - \[[`a44a8ff767`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41763]( - \[[`ba0ba7c4b2`](] - **meta**: update mailmap/AUTHORS info for existing collaborator (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41750]( - \[[`30e3327b46`](] - **meta**: adjust mailmap/AUTHORS to reflect README change (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41751]( - \[[`6d268fd32e`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41659]( - \[[`18e6316bf1`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41548]( - \[[`e1e059a698`](] - **perf_hooks**: remove useless calls in Histogram (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41579]( - \[[`08b3bd2fc5`](] - **policy**: revise manifest.js to avoid empty blocks (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`33f3391a8f`](] - **policy**: check for null instead of falsy in loop (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`b8b8e0bce6`](] - **policy**: replace entries with keys (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41482]( - \[[`ee61bc74b7`](] - **process**: unhandledRejection support more errors (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41682]( - \[[`f066246729`](] - **process**: check for null instead of falsy in while loop (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`77cb604c0d`](] - **process**: use validateString validator (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;41595]( - \[[`76281f9a81`](] - **process**: ignore asyncId 0 in exception handler (Anatoli Papirovski) [#&#8203;41424]( - \[[`dacffd3e9c`](] - **repl**: check for precise values rather than falsy in loops (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`5e595683ce`](] - **src**: slightly simplify URLHost::ToString (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41747]( - \[[`206c370d03`](] - **src**: slightly simplify V8CoverageConnection::GetFilename (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41748]( - \[[`1cfc63ebe3`](] - **src**: fix typo in (Caio Agiani) [#&#8203;41764]( - \[[`aebd82ea7c`](] - **stream**: remove empty block (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`46ed078607`](] - **stream**: resume stream on drain (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;41848]( - \[[`363c760c85`](] - **stream**: check for null instead of falsy in loops (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`4f4fec4b22`](] - **stream**: rename unknown primordial (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;40622]( - \[[`1425e75093`](] - **stream**: avoid function call where possible (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41534]( - \[[`ecb52636a4`](] - **test**: renew certificates for specific test (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;42342]( - \[[`c8e59cbf9e`](] - **test**: enable no-empty ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`20ec77688f`](] - **test**: remove eslint-disable comments from fixtures (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41859]( - \[[`a8e41837cc`](] - **test**: remove test-worker-memory flaky designation (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41867]( - \[[`673c1fd5ae`](] - **test**: avoid using Object.prototype methods directly on objects (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41801]( - \[[`3690d3402d`](] - **test**: exclude ibm i tests until we resolve (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41812]( - \[[`1f65620543`](] - **test**: make worker-take-heapsnapshot non-flaky (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41684]( - \[[`badab79527`](] - **test**: mark test-fs-rmdir-recursive flaky on win (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41533]( - \[[`951d299aee`](] - **test**: make fs watch test more stable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41715]( - \[[`acea61ba8e`](] - **test**: fix typo in MessageChannel test (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41746]( - \[[`081989b6b7`](] - **test**: replace commented out expectations with tests (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41667]( - \[[`639130e635`](] - **test**: use Object.hasOwn() where applicable (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41664]( - \[[`cb362a3748`](] - **test**: remove unneeded test statement (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41663]( - \[[`2b87f9784f`](] - **test**: remove error allowance in debugger test (Jithil P Ponnan) [#&#8203;41640]( - \[[`55fce66af6`](] - **test**: simplify test-gc-http-client (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;41620]( - \[[`b06c33b14b`](] - **test**: prepare tests for no-cond-assign ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`950648db48`](] - **test**: move test-gc-http-client-onerror to sequential (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;41619]( - \[[`1d3ef115ca`](] - **test**: improve test coverage of internal/worker/io (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41511]( - \[[`122eb51c98`](] - **test**: add DataView test entry for whatwg (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;40622]( - \[[`2c813d825f`](] - **test**: improve util-format code coverage (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41572]( - \[[`fab831a3fe`](] - **test**: fix typo in test_js_native_api_v8 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41584]( - \[[`9e7cfbbcd9`](] - **test**: add missing await in fs-rm/fs-rmdir tests (Benjamin Coe) [#&#8203;41545]( - \[[`a8558ecfcf`](] - **test**: add coverage for util.inspect() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41527]( - \[[`23fc205586`](] - **test**: avoid deep comparisons with literals (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40634]( - \[[`63a67f8dad`](] - **timers**: check for nullish instead of falsy in loops (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`788e77cb37`](] - **tools**: enable no-empty ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41831]( - \[[`10e6c70d14`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.67.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41737]( - \[[`20cdf78fd8`](] - **tools**: update doc to rehype-stringify@9.0.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41854]( - \[[`2eabfdd066`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.8.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41738]( - \[[`9d23a27268`](] - **tools**: use Set instead of { \[key]: true } object (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41695]( - \[[`7e4d455fe4`](] - **tools**: add compile_commands to ignore file (Yash Ladha) [#&#8203;41580]( - \[[`1cbdc984fb`](] - **tools**: use Set instead of { \[key]: true } object (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41675]( - \[[`dc854c4f38`](] - **tools**: fix typo in `tools/code_cache/` (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41657]( - \[[`b17aa25f12`](] - **tools**: enable no-cond-assign-ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( - \[[`9601b8ddd6`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.65.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41638]( - \[[`cdbe291e5b`](] - **tools**: increase maximum line length to 120 characters (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41586]( - \[[`7cbc472ed5`](] - **tools**: add missing `.PHONY` and `.NOTPARALLEL` targets in `Makefile` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41515]( - \[[`6fccd66b34`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41440]( - \[[`3163bd1ea0`](] - **tools**: bump eslint from 8.6.0 to 8.7.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41570]( - \[[`e439f32a4b`](] - **tools**: update doc to highlight.js@11.4.0 to-vfile@7.2.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41441]( - \[[`66120564b2`](] - **tools,test**: enable no-prototype-builtins (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41801]( - \[[`4aee98b03c`](] - **util**: use hasOwnProperty() primordial (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41692]( - \[[`8218bab51d`](] - **util**: remove unused fast path in internal debuglog (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41605]( - \[[`a4ad26d4dc`](] - **util**: check for null instead of flasy in loop (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41614]( ### [`v16.14.0`]( 2022-02-08, Version 16.14.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( ##### Notable changes ##### Importing JSON modules now requires experimental import assertions syntax This release adds experimental support for the import assertions stage 3 proposal. To keep Node.js ESM implementation as compatible as possible with the HTML spec, import assertions are now required to import JSON modules (still behind the `--experimental-json-modules` CLI flag): ```mjs import info from './package.json' assert { type: 'json' }; ``` Or use dynamic import: ```mjs const info = await import('./package.json', { assert: { type: 'json' } }); ``` Contributed by Antoine du Hamel and Geoffrey Booth [#&#8203;40250]( ##### Other notable changes - **async_hooks**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** expose async_wrap providers (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;40760]( - **child_process**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add support for URL to `cp.fork` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41225]( - **doc**: - add [@&#8203;Mesteery]( to collaborators (Mestery) [#&#8203;41543]( - add [@&#8203;bnb]( as a collaborator (Tierney Cyren) [#&#8203;41100]( - **esm**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** graduate capturerejections to supported (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41267]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add EventEmitterAsyncResource to core (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41246]( - **events**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** propagate weak option for kNewListener (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40899]( - **fs**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** accept URL as argument for `fs.rm` and `fs.rmSync` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41132]( - **lib**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** make AbortSignal cloneable/transferable (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41050]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add AbortSignal.timeout (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40899]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add reason to AbortSignal (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40807]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add unsubscribe method to non-active DC channels (simon-id) [#&#8203;40433]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add return value for DC channel.unsubscribe (simon-id) [#&#8203;40433]( - **loader**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** return package format from defaultResolve if known (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;40980]( - **perf_hooks**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** multiple fixes for Histogram (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41153]( - **process**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add `getActiveResourcesInfo()` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40813]( - **src**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add x509.fingerprint512 to crypto module (3nprob) [#&#8203;39809]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add flags for controlling process behavior (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;40339]( - **stream**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add filter method to readable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41354]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add isReadable helper (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;41199]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add map method to Readable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;40815]( - deprecate thenable support (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40860]( - **util**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** pass through the inspect function to custom inspect functions (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41019]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add numericSeparator to util.inspect (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41003]( - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** always visualize cause property in errors during inspection (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41002]( - **timers**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** add experimental scheduler api (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40909]( - **v8**: - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** multi-tenant promise hook api (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;39283]( ##### Commits - \[[`336010341f`](] - **assert**: prefer reference comparison over string comparison (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41015]( - \[[`2d471e47a0`](] - **assert**: use stricter stack frame detection in .ifError() (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41006]( - \[[`f788a47b8b`](] - **async_hooks**: add missing initialization (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41288]( - \[[`b688f201df`](] - **async_hooks**: fix AsyncLocalStorage in unhandledRejection cases (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;41202]( - \[[`6af3e34b6b`](] - ***Revert*** "**async_hooks**: merge resource_symbol with owner_symbol" (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40741]( - \[[`85a02ec979`](] - **async_hooks**: eliminate require side effects (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;40782]( - \[[`078a0c996f`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **async_hooks**: expose async_wrap providers (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;40760]( - \[[`4a09904d05`](] - **benchmark**: simplify http benchmarker regular expression (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;38206]( - \[[`bc48ed2834`](] - **benchmark**: fix benchmark/run.js handling of --set (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41334]( - \[[`e68bf84e31`](] - **benchmark,test**: use Object.hasOwn() where applicable (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41229]( - \[[`799cf57581`](] - **buffer**: fix `Blob` constructor on various `TypedArray`s (Irakli Gozalishvili) [#&#8203;40706]( - \[[`5c1dc5f307`](] - **build**: fix npm version detection (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41575]( - \[[`3e4d977c28`](] - **build**: fix node build failures in WSL Ubuntu (MrJithil) [#&#8203;41476]( - \[[`6ffb1e878c`](] - **build**: fix workflow access to git history (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41472]( - \[[`c49a651e67`](] - **build**: start build on z/OS (alexcfyung) [#&#8203;41273]( - \[[`c65ac72b6c`](] - **build**: use list for mutable retval rather than tuple (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41372]( - \[[`ff48705372`](] - **build**: remove Python 2 workaround (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41357]( - \[[`c10fcb1f05`](] - **build**: improve readability of texts in workflows (Mestery) [#&#8203;40988]( - \[[`93450e5e8e`](] - **build**: use '<(python)' instead of 'python' (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;41146]( - \[[`0b411c436a`](] - **build**: fix comment-labeled workflow (Mestery) [#&#8203;41176]( - \[[`7756e1c692`](] - **build**: use gh cli in workflows file (Mestery) [#&#8203;40985]( - \[[`d3289b2506`](] - **build**: fix commit-queue-rebase functionality (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41140]( - \[[`860d552431`](] - **build**: skip documentation generation if no ICU (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41091]( - \[[`c8625d18ba`](] - **build**: re-enable V8 concurrent marking (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41013]( - \[[`74557c3ac1`](] - **build**: add `--without-corepack` (Jonah Snider) [#&#8203;41060]( - \[[`f826c866e9`](] - **build**: fail early in test-macos.yml (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41035]( - \[[`535bb5fb6b`](] - **build**: add tools/doc to tools.yml updates (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41036]( - \[[`20c4c6aa72`](] - **build**: update Actions versions (Mestery) [#&#8203;40987]( - \[[`70fd4a15fc`](] - **build**: set persist-credentials: false on workflows (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40972]( - \[[`b72e50e5ef`](] - **build**: add OpenSSL gyp artifacts to .gitignore (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40967]( - \[[`066e0d6b44`](] - **build**: remove legacy -J option from Makefile/vcbuild (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40945]( - \[[`f5233b004a`](] - **build**: ignore unrelated workflow changes in slow Actions tests (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40928]( - \[[`a905dfe8d5`](] - **build**: remove extraneous quotation marks from commit body (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40963]( - \[[`6971e5720b`](] - **build**: fix branch name for lint-md-dependencies update (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40924]( - \[[`a09bc8bf1d`](] - **build**: fix `make` invocation in tools.yml (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40890]( - \[[`323c058fed`](] - **build**: fix tools.yml errors (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40870]( - \[[`e354464c3e`](] - **build**: add GitHub Action to update tools modules (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40644]( - \[[`bfbb7fc24a`](] - **build,tools**: automate enforcement of emeritus criteria (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41155]( - \[[`fc38d15483`](] - **build,tools,win**: trim unused VCBUILD_PYTHON_LOCATION variable (David Sanders) [#&#8203;41235]( - \[[`9086338549`](] - **child_process**: queue pending messages (Erick Wendel) [#&#8203;41221]( - \[[`d25b17279f`](] - **child_process**: revise argument processing (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41280]( - \[[`15e5d7acf4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **child_process**: add support for URL to `cp.fork` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41225]( - \[[`06b775cd5c`](] - **cluster**: use linkedlist for round_robin_handle (twchn) [#&#8203;40615]( - \[[`a40989faea`](] - **crypto**: fix error capture when loading engine (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41187]( - \[[`3055edec2f`](] - **crypto**: add missing null check (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40598]( - \[[`cf3423d8b6`](] - **crypto**: trim input for NETSCAPE_SPKI_b64\_decode (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;40757]( - \[[`e60841b598`](] - **crypto**: throw errors in SignTraits::DeriveBits (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40796]( - \[[`00fd7d28ef`](] - **crypto**: fix build without scrypt (Martin Jansa) [#&#8203;40613]( - \[[`ebc370cac8`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`cc9a8a3`]( (Gus Caplan) [#&#8203;41825]( - \[[`a59ade62cf`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.3.1 (npm-robot) [#&#8203;41503]( - \[[`9dd097325a`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`3b6b21f`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;41457]( - \[[`af6f1d512d`](] - **deps**: upgrade to libuv 1.43.0 (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;41398]( - \[[`875fa40960`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.3.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;41127]( - \[[`3c13bbd8aa`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.2.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;41065]( - \[[`6c7088890e`](] - **deps**: update Acorn to v8.6.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40993]( - \[[`e092fdebea`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.4 (npm team) [#&#8203;40865]( - \[[`3e388ef28d`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`cced52a`]( (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40656]( - \[[`58889e2463`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`7ae0b77`]( (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40882]( - \[[`7cbbe0d982`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`cced52a`]( (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40656]( - \[[`f260bbc0ab`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`7ae0b77`]( (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40882]( - \[[`a3aa9bcaf8`](] - **deps**: update to uvwasi 0.0.12 (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;40847]( - \[[`c0200e20a0`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.3 (npm team) [#&#8203;40726]( - \[[`036650e046`](] - **deps**: V8: backport [`77599ff`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;41566]( - \[[`0b27486895`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`e74d691`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;41566]( - \[[`77ad5dd0ff`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`471f862`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;41566]( - \[[`dc6843cabe`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`3cab84c`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;41566]( - \[[`e391da45cf`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`d8dc66f`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;41566]( - \[[`5aa45ae757`](] - **deps**: update ICU to 70.1 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40658]( - \[[`0466400d7a`](] - **deps**: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1m+quic (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41175]( - \[[`553246c1e4`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to OpenSSL\_1\_1\_1m+quic (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41175]( - \[[`95c19c36a9`](] - **deps**: add -fno-strict-aliasing flag to libuv (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40631]( - \[[`ce525e9661`](] - **doc**: align links in table to top (nikoladev) [#&#8203;41396]( - \[[`1db154fa96`](] - **doc**: remove statement about client private keys (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41505]( - \[[`7ba53103a5`](] - **doc**: fix typo in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41544]( - \[[`0d009aebd5`](] - **doc**: add Mesteery to collaborators (Mestery) [#&#8203;41543]( - \[[`2bea4bd9ee`](] - **doc**: add missing word in text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41524]( - \[[`d5ad2b7fcd`](] - **doc**: add missing YAML tag in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41516]( - \[[`c914d95494`](] - **doc**: expand fs.access() mode parameter docs (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;41484]( - \[[`d4458162a4`](] - **doc**: correct checkHost behavior with wildcards etc (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41468]( - \[[`dea8895091`](] - **doc**: remove extraneous colon in legacy subject (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41477]( - \[[`e425f369ea`](] - **doc**: remove SameValue comparison reference (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41460]( - \[[`30cb6948f1`](] - **doc**: update mailmap entries for mhdawson (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41437]( - \[[`2586f098ac`](] - **doc**: add guidance on order vulns are listed in (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41429]( - \[[`790898eaae`](] - **doc**: update output in inspector examples (David Sanders) [#&#8203;41390]( - \[[`00333fe737`](] - **doc**: add note regarding unfinished TLA (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41434]( - \[[`fe24cb2cd9`](] - **doc**: add reference for `===` operator in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41442]( - \[[`52a988bfb8`](] - **doc**: clarify `uncaughtException` `origin` for ESM (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41339]( - \[[`91c3e28018`](] - **doc**: revise HTTPRequestOptions text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41407]( - \[[`b281bf59ff`](] - **doc**: add reference for == and != operators (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41413]( - \[[`66b90f9d02`](] - **doc**: add [@&#8203;RaisinTen]( to the TSC (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41419]( - \[[`14068f8728`](] - **doc**: update Abstract Equality Comparison text in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41375]( - \[[`c95151247a`](] - **doc**: fix example commands for `REPLACEME` updates (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41269]( - \[[`04a81b3e21`](] - **doc**: document that `require.main` may be `undefined` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41384]( - \[[`71bc352328`](] - **doc**: clarify entry point behavior when using loader hooks (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41304]( - \[[`add1184b74`](] - **doc**: clarify `require` behavior with non `.js` extensions (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41345]( - \[[`7618b551dc`](] - **doc**: revise frozen-intrinsics text (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41342]( - \[[`41cfc32602`](] - **doc**: fix example description for worker_threads (Dmitry Petrov) [#&#8203;41341]( - \[[`46c38eb5fc`](] - **doc**: make pull-request guide default branch agnostic (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41299]( - \[[`1c0c140ae5`](] - **doc**: fix sync comment in observer snippet (Eric Jacobson) [#&#8203;41262]( - \[[`081f72e4c0`](] - **doc**: remove section about amending commits in PR guide (Thiago Santos) [#&#8203;41287]( - \[[`720fad8876`](] - **doc**: remove legacy in-page links in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41291]( - \[[`9eb8233bf6`](] - **doc**: include stack trace difference in ES modules (Marcos Bérgamo) [#&#8203;41157]( - \[[`f3b0dfc325`](] - **doc**: fix example in node-api docs (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41264]( - \[[`aa04a2c562`](] - **doc**: add usage recommendation for writable.\_destroy (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;41040]( - \[[`a6e7cf5bd4`](] - **doc**: make function signature comply with JSDoc comment (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41242]( - \[[`e7d57ac2cc`](] - **doc**: align maxHeaderSize default with current value (Gil Pedersen) [#&#8203;41183]( - \[[`ad06e3d3e0`](] - **doc**: add unhandledRejection to strict mode (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;41194]( - \[[`11a5f7a81f`](] - **doc**: adding estimated execution time (mawaregetsuka) [#&#8203;41142]( - \[[`ba85147a33`](] - **doc**: fix syntax error in nested conditions example (Mateusz Burzyński) [#&#8203;41205]( - \[[`8be5b66201`](] - **doc**: fix closing parenthesis (AlphaDio) [#&#8203;41190]( - \[[`f0693cb5f9`](] - **doc**: add security steward on/offboarding steps (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41129]( - \[[`ac025f17b2`](] - **doc**: align module resolve algorithm with implementation (Qingyu Deng) [#&#8203;38837]( - \[[`f6bf74748d`](] - **doc**: update nodejs-sec managers (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41128]( - \[[`c4a5db6e2c`](] - **doc**: move style guide to findable location (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41119]( - \[[`35d0a4eb92`](] - **doc**: fix comments in test-fs-watch.js (jakub-g) [#&#8203;41046]( - \[[`22970c67fc`](] - **doc**: document support building with Python 3.10 on Windows (Christian Clauss) [#&#8203;41098]( - \[[`f35bd5223f`](] - **doc**: add note about pip being required (Piotr Rybak) [#&#8203;40669]( - \[[`179886fa1d`](] - **doc**: remove OpenJSF Slack nodejs from support doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41108]( - \[[`e401e6c1af`](] - **doc**: simplify major release preparation (Bethany Nicolle Griggs) [#&#8203;40816]( - \[[`ecc086cc7f`](] - **doc**: clarify escaping for ES modules (notroid5) [#&#8203;41074]( - \[[`7930725014`](] - **doc**: add [@&#8203;bnb]( as a collaborator (Tierney Cyren) [#&#8203;41100]( - \[[`6a9db2ebdb`](] - **doc**: add explicit declaration of fd with null val (Henadzi) [#&#8203;40704]( - \[[`084decdcf8`](] - **doc**: expand entries for isIP(), isIPv4(), and isIPv6() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41028]( - \[[`3f6106c538`](] - **doc**: link to commit queue guide (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;41030]( - \[[`c52ce19c80`](] - **doc**: specify that `message.socket` can be nulled (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;41014]( - \[[`341a999fdb`](] - **doc**: fix JSDoc in ESM loaders examples (Mestery) [#&#8203;40984]( - \[[`268771c85b`](] - **doc**: remove legacy -J option from (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40945]( - \[[`90ac3dc85e`](] - **doc**: add information on suppressing initial break in debugger (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40960]( - \[[`d9fc06b158`](] - **doc**: improve grammar in API description (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40959]( - \[[`02e9c2e7fe`](] - **doc**: update section on running tests (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40933]( - \[[`9f14f66009`](] - **doc**: remove experimental abortcontroller flag (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;38968]( - \[[`d217809fba`](] - **doc**: clarify more optional parameters in node-api (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40888]( - \[[`dead21c68c`](] - **doc**: define "types", "deno" community conditions (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40708]( - \[[`019b25fa5d`](] - **doc**: document optional params in napi_get_cb_info (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40821]( - \[[`38f02dc4c1`](] - **doc**: improve lede section (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40837]( - \[[`1a2c80957b`](] - **doc**: add pref to using draft PR versus WIP label (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40824]( - \[[`e70c3616c8`](] - **doc**: tweak guidance for modules in core (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40601]( - \[[`c10b01e857`](] - **doc**: claim ABI version for Electron 18 (Keeley Hammond) [#&#8203;40768]( - \[[`7fba4e5819`](] - **doc**: fix transform stream example (Evan Lucas) [#&#8203;40777]( - \[[`a74673fc7c`](] - **doc**: fix linter-enforced formatting in (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;40780]( - \[[`d9ae43ef0e`](] - **doc**: fix corepack grammar for `--force` flag (Steven) [#&#8203;40762]( - \[[`7f9bf21241`](] - **doc**: clarify getAuthTag with authTagLength (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40713]( - \[[`fbf732de4f`](] - **doc**: fix order of announce work (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40725]( - \[[`ac56a114ad`](] - **doc**: add initial list of technical priorities (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40235]( - \[[`f47d6a37f5`](] - **doc**: fix lint re-enabling comment in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40647]( - \[[`a9adbb680b`](] - **doc**: fix spelling of 'WebAssembly' (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;40785]( - \[[`9e68c00d8e`](] - **doc**: format in preparation for stricter linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40647]( - \[[`82facfbe3e`](] - **doc**: final round of markdown format changes (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40645]( - \[[`fe1b6fb0b5`](] - **doc**: simplify (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40475]( - \[[`5c90975275`](] - **doc**: correct esm spec scope lookup definition (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40592]( - \[[`ce2dc48588`](] - **doc**: use GFM footnotes in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40474]( - \[[`ab28dc5e7f`](] - **doc**: update maintaining ICU guide (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40658]( - \[[`f4493c1691`](] - **doc**: format changelog for v16.13.2 (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;41483]( - \[[`59d159f6c3`](] - **doc,lib,tools**: align multiline comments (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41109]( - \[[`3cfe85615c`](] - **esm**: make `process.exit()` default to exit code 0 (Gang Chen) [#&#8203;41388]( - \[[`a0a8f4de58`](] - **esm**: reconcile JSDoc vs. actual parameter name (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41238]( - \[[`a554821f67`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **esm**: working mock test (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;39240]( - \[[`4e0502625b`](] - **esm**: refactor esm tests out of test/message (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;41352]( - \[[`1b8169a842`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **esm**: add support for JSON import assertion (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40250]( - \[[`1280e191e2`](] - **events**: clarify JSDoc entries (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41311]( - \[[`24b40b3b05`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: graduate capturerejections to supported (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41267]( - \[[`3185772b66`](] - **events**: add jsdoc details for Event and EventTarget (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41274]( - \[[`b79fdd5775`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: add EventEmitterAsyncResource to core (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41246]( - \[[`78a8c1b0bd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **events**: propagate weak option for kNewListener (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40899]( - \[[`b671194b85`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: accept URL as argument for `fs.rm` and `fs.rmSync` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41132]( - \[[`66556b39e0`](] - **fs**: use async directory processing in cp() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;41351]( - \[[`f4cef533c3`](] - **fs**: correct param names in JSDoc comments (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41237]( - \[[`eaab8d0498`](] - **fs**: fix error codes for `fs.cp` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41106]( - \[[`67c6170dc7`](] - **fs**: fix `length` option being ignored during `read()` (Shinho Ahn) [#&#8203;40906]( - \[[`0377edcceb`](] - **fs**: nullish coalescing to respect zero positional reads (Omar El-Mihilmy) [#&#8203;40716]( - \[[`d3839041f5`](] - **http**: remove duplicate code (Shaw) [#&#8203;39239]( - \[[`0bf829192a`](] - **http**: don't write empty data on req/res end() (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;41116]( - \[[`86bbb427ce`](] - **http**: add missing initialization (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40555]( - \[[`be53296a1d`](] - **http**: change totalSocketCount only on socket creation/close (Subhi Al Hasan) [#&#8203;40572]( - \[[`3c99a4d7c0`](] - **http2**: handle existing socket data when creating HTTP/2 server sessions (Tim Perry) [#&#8203;41185]( - \[[`5356dfd296`](] - **inspector**: add missing initialization (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41022]( - \[[`283f1e8721`](] - **lib**: fix linting warnings and errors (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;41805]( - \[[`c776c7c531`](] - **lib**: include return types in JSDoc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41130]( - \[[`f6cf39a2d5`](] - **lib**: remove spurious JSDoc entry (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41240]( - \[[`a47fc90c1a`](] - **lib**: fix checking syntax of esm module (Qingyu Deng) [#&#8203;41198]( - \[[`438b9cfe02`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: make AbortSignal cloneable/transferable (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41050]( - \[[`eda57a9160`](] - **lib**: use consistent types in JSDoc [@&#8203;returns]( (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41089]( - \[[`f40e099e35`](] - **lib**: do not lazy load EOL in blob (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41004]( - \[[`157753bf26`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add AbortSignal.timeout (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40899]( - \[[`e08df49d7a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add reason to AbortSignal (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40807]( - \[[`4bcff4c5f8`](] - ***Revert*** "**lib**: use helper for readability" (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40741]( - \[[`4cb1e7c9c2`](] - **lib**: fix typos in lib code comments (Yoshiki) [#&#8203;40792]( - \[[`5e606b54b7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add unsubscribe method to non-active DC channels (simon-id) [#&#8203;40433]( - \[[`594fe5502d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add return value for DC channel.unsubscribe (simon-id) [#&#8203;40433]( - \[[`cf6379a543`](] - **lib,test,tools**: use consistent JSDoc types (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40989]( - \[[`4814667189`](] - **lib,tools**: remove empty lines between JSDoc tags (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41147]( - \[[`d422e585c8`](] - **loader**: fix package resolution for edge case (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;41218]( - \[[`694dc12fab`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **loader**: return package format from defaultResolve if known (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;40980]( - \[[`121199f971`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41456]( - \[[`9467aa9bcf`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41475]( - \[[`e83e41634a`](] - **meta**: correct my name in AUTHORS (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;41444]( - \[[`8dfc1434c2`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41449]( - \[[`dc536f4d14`](] - **meta**: add required fields in issue templates (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41378]( - \[[`5d5c52fa67`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41374]( - \[[`970de5331c`](] - **meta**: replace API docs issue template with form (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41348]( - \[[`08f5c8d131`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41336]( - \[[`51e6ed014a`](] - **meta**: replace feature request template with form (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41317]( - \[[`bb997ff494`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41322]( - \[[`9319fa3394`](] - **meta**: update node-api team name (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41268]( - \[[`93b5a2781b`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41248]( - \[[`d3444a55aa`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41234]( - \[[`115775fd12`](] - **meta**: remove community-committee from CODEOWNERS (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41169]( - \[[`5ac60276d6`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41154]( - \[[`f8c6055af0`](] - **meta**: move to emeritus automatically after 18 months (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41155]( - \[[`7f3604aa5d`](] - **meta**: move silverwind to emeriti (Roman Reiss) [#&#8203;41171]( - \[[`d8dbced939`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41144]( - \[[`25d3103f38`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41088]( - \[[`714efe431c`](] - **meta**: move one or more TSC members to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40908]( - \[[`f51ce33836`](] - **meta**: increase security policy response targets (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;40968]( - \[[`23e925e1fb`](] - **meta**: add feature request label for issue template (Mestery) [#&#8203;40970]( - \[[`ad1056d29e`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40900]( - \[[`317cd3fc2b`](] - **meta**: update name and email (Viero Fernando) [#&#8203;40848]( - \[[`eb0106d61d`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40809]( - \[[`3a435a3328`](] - **meta**: edit for minor updates (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40798]( - \[[`1626d17cbe`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40748]( - \[[`442ad8d787`](] - **module**: import assertions improvements (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;40785]( - \[[`e7391ea1b3`](] - **module**: resolver & spec hardening /w refactoring (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40510]( - \[[`03490cb311`](] - **node-api**: add missing initialization of last error (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41290]( - \[[`375d04a455`](] - **node-api,doc**: document parms which can be optional (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41021]( - \[[`c021b385c8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **perf_hooks**: multiple fixes for Histogram (James M Snell) [#&#8203;41153]( - \[[`7b6db6df39`](] - **policy**: add missing JSDoc [@&#8203;param]( entry (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41239]( - \[[`c60cff9091`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add `getActiveResourcesInfo()` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40813]( - \[[`f0860bc3c8`](] - **process**: support hrtime in the snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40649]( - \[[`ef337294cc`](] - **readline**: skip escaping characters again (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41005]( - \[[`370bfda154`](] - **repl**: fix and extend require/import tab complete (Mestery) [#&#8203;40216]( - \[[`3c4e3c03ce`](] - **src**: gracefully handle errors in GetX509NameObject (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;41490]( - \[[`b4d245446f`](] - **src**: fix out-of-bounds check of serialization indices (JoostK) [#&#8203;41452]( - \[[`cb30038447`](] - **src**: do IWYU for some STL includes (David Sanders) [#&#8203;41236]( - \[[`fe4158aa4e`](] - **src**: split out async stack corruption detection from inline fn (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41331]( - \[[`72921f4b31`](] - **src**: store native async execution resources as `v8::Local` (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41331]( - \[[`59625f70ad`](] - **src**: guard slightly costly check in MakeCallback more strongly (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;41331]( - \[[`2ca37149ad`](] - **src**: fix limit calculation (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41026]( - \[[`5f01d03acc`](] - **src**: use a higher limit in the NearHeapLimitCallback (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;41041]( - \[[`7237bcc2d9`](] - **src**: reset error struct if error code is napi_ok (JckXia) [#&#8203;40552]( - \[[`9cc2bb75e5`](] - **src**: prevent extra copies of `TimerWrap::TimerCb` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40665]( - \[[`bd9a6a0194`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add x509.fingerprint512 to crypto module (3nprob) [#&#8203;39809]( - \[[`7681fdfd7d`](] - **src**: add and fix some preprocessor comments (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40701]( - \[[`a9826b09d4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add flags for controlling process behavior (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;40339]( - \[[`b1f785cd72`](] - **src,crypto**: remove uses of `AllocatedBuffer` from `crypto_sig` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40895]( - \[[`807536c541`](] - **src,crypto**: use `ByteSource::ToBuffer()` in `crypto_dh` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40903]( - \[[`51b86550ae`](] - **src,crypto**: remove `AllocatedBuffer`s from `crypto_spkac` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40752]( - \[[`cebf40396f`](] - **src,crypto**: refactor `crypto_tls.*` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40675]( - \[[`df574f3109`](] - **src,doc**: add SyntaxError napi support (Idan Attias) [#&#8203;40736]( - \[[`5e890be360`](] - **stream**: remove always-false condition check (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41488]( - \[[`ae30b391c2`](] - **stream**: fix error-path function call (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41433]( - \[[`5d27f4acbb`](] - **stream**: remove unused function argument (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41403]( - \[[`77c18680ae`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add filter method to readable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;41354]( - \[[`7cef7699e3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add isReadable helper (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;41199]( - \[[`9c718f8af0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add map method to Readable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;40815]( - \[[`8cf507abf1`](] - **stream**: fix enqueue race condition on esm modules (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;40901]( - \[[`4522216660`](] - **stream**: add isErrored helper (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;41121]( - \[[`2251bbae0d`](] - **stream**: remove whatwg streams experimental warning (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40971]( - \[[`3b1c01216c`](] - **stream**: drain Transform with 0 highWaterMark (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40947]( - \[[`436e07b36e`](] - **stream**: deprecate thenable support (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40860]( - \[[`9811617b18`](] - **stream**: fix the ReadableStreamBYOBReader error message (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40846]( - \[[`e110c96f48`](] - **stream**: pipeline with end option (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40886]( - \[[`c9f1398faf`](] - **stream**: pipeline should drain empty readable (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40654]( - \[[`55c9349afa`](] - **stream**: fix non readable Duplex readableAborted (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40801]( - \[[`1f722a1c77`](] - **stream**: allow calling callback before promise (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40772]( - \[[`1de552caeb`](] - **test**: add ignore for regex space rule (Danielle Adams) [#&#8203;41805]( - \[[`40c09600fd`](] - **test**: improve test coverage of dns/promises (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41425]( - \[[`fa425a1aa2`](] - **test**: remove broken wiki link from test/common doc (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41426]( - \[[`9242c1900c`](] - **test**: do not OR F_OK in fs.access() test (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;41484]( - \[[`3bd8e92bbb`](] - **test**: mark test-performance-eventloopdelay flaky (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41409]( - \[[`874000ff6b`](] - **test**: mark test-repl-sigint-nested-eval as flaky (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41302]( - \[[`404c8f5501`](] - **test**: use spawnSync() full name in test-stdio-pipe-stderr (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41332]( - \[[`256bf9e6b6`](] - **test**: improve expectWarning error message (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41326]( - \[[`b1e4387c92`](] - **test**: use spawnSync() full name (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41327]( - \[[`8d15bacf2b`](] - **test**: add comments explaining \_setSimultaneousAccepts deprecation tests (Yoshiki Kurihara) [#&#8203;41307]( - \[[`a53399edbb`](] - **test**: mark test-worker-take-heapsnapshot flaky (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41253]( - \[[`e444b41093`](] - **test**: mark wpt/test-user-timing test flaky (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41203]( - \[[`8926d956c1`](] - **test**: correct param name in JSDoc comment (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41241]( - \[[`2e133d5555`](] - **test**: mark test-crypto-keygen slow on windows (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;41207]( - \[[`28c52f60f6`](] - **test**: skip ESLint tests if no Intl (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41105]( - \[[`d6b15424da`](] - **test**: add missing JSDoc parameter name (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41057]( - \[[`3450227ba2`](] - **test**: deflake test-trace-atomics-wait (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;41018]( - \[[`b9567d99fc`](] - **test**: add auth option case for url.format (Hirotaka Tagawa / wafuwafu13) [#&#8203;40516]( - \[[`38fd30f34b`](] - ***Revert*** "**test**: skip different params test for OpenSSL 3.x" (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40640]( - \[[`28a216a6dc`](] - **test**: mark test-fs-watch-non-recursive flaky on Windows (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40916]( - \[[`ab398b6c80`](] - **test**: deflake cluster-concurrent-disconnect (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40877]( - \[[`9e2e4437b9`](] - **test**: deflake fs-promises-watch (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40863]( - \[[`55678af57d`](] - **test**: fix argument order in assertion (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40842]( - \[[`4978689713`](] - **test**: deflake http2-pipe-named-pipe (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40842]( - \[[`f17789addf`](] - **test**: use descriptive name for destination file (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40842]( - \[[`48e2b60c44`](] - **test**: add AsyncLocalStorage tests using udp, tcp and tls sockets (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40741]( - \[[`c002930a62`](] - **test**: add tests for invalid UTF-8 (git-srinivas) [#&#8203;40351]( - \[[`25a166dd25`](] - **test**: fix flaky test-policy-integrity (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40763]( - \[[`25b3187021`](] - **test**: add semicolons for linter update (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40720]( - \[[`b4fea14cc3`](] - **test**: disable warnings to fix flaky test (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40739]( - \[[`2c84c3eee8`](] - **test**: do not load absolute path crypto engines twice (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41175]( - \[[`b5b3750678`](] - **timers**: use ref counts to count timers (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;41231]( - \[[`c5f9e96ac4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **timers**: add experimental scheduler api (James M Snell) [#&#8203;40909]( - \[[`00abb811ac`](] - **tls**: use optional chaining to simplify checks (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41337]( - \[[`ffca1a71ce`](] - **tls**: permit null as a pfx value (CallMeLaNN) [#&#8203;41170]( - \[[`3b5b893abb`](] - **tls**: improve handling of shutdown (Jameson Nash) [#&#8203;36111]( - \[[`99a90dbd4a`](] - **tools**: enable jsdoc/require-returns-type ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41130]( - \[[`66feaf429c`](] - **tools**: fix small not-quite-a-bug in find-inactive-tsc.mjs (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41469]( - \[[`7d5686dc9c`](] - **tools**: enable ESLint recommended configuration (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41463]( - \[[`ecf3b6db44`](] - **tools**: enable ESLint no-constant-condition rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41463]( - \[[`12ea18ded9`](] - **tools**: enable ESLint require-yield rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41463]( - \[[`609a310e2a`](] - **tools**: enable ESLint no-sparse-arrays rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41463]( - \[[`063abe52aa`](] - **tools**: enable ESLint no-loss-of-precision rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41463]( - \[[`86ece9843f`](] - **tools**: replace for loop with map() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41451]( - \[[`70ea7462a6`](] - **tools**: use GITHUB_ACTIONS env var in inactivity scripts (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41422]( - \[[`62450d38a8`](] - **tools**: replace while+exec() with matchAll() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41406]( - \[[`2bc381ee55`](] - **tools**: fix argv bug in find-inactive-tsc.mjs (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41394]( - \[[`3ecc964a29`](] - **tools**: remove conditional assignment in custom ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41325]( - \[[`a136d56aa6`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to [@&#8203;rollup/plugin-node-resolve]([@&#8203;13]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41369]( - \[[`003dd37717`](] - **tools**: update doc to rehype-raw@6.1.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41367]( - \[[`e8f00fd2ff`](] - **tools**: remove last of error-masking in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41356]( - \[[`530c1275a0`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.6.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41368]( - \[[`9f2365c4e1`](] - **tools**: do not mask errors on multiple commit retrieval (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41340]( - \[[`f31a3a27bf`](] - **tools**: enable jsdoc/check-param-names lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41311]( - \[[`1d2e676f8d`](] - **tools**: improve section tag additions in HTML doc generator (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41318]( - \[[`12c5333546`](] - **tools**: simplify merge command (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41314]( - \[[`85438e367e`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.62.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41315]( - \[[`f890582760`](] - **tools**: use Object.hasOwn() in alljson.mjs (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41306]( - \[[`b6a0afc99e`](] - **tools**: avoid generating duplicate id attributes (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41291]( - \[[`7815fbd751`](] - **tools**: be intentional about masking possible error in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41284]( - \[[`4011be0d19`](] - **tools**: use {N} for spaces in regex (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41295]( - \[[`599c119de8`](] - **tools**: consolidate update-authors.js logic (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41255]( - \[[`0f728e0825`](] - **tools**: update doc dependency mdast-util-gfm-table to 1.0.2 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41260]( - \[[`ae32af308a`](] - **tools**: make comply with shellcheck 0.8.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41258]( - \[[`d51e8ffb22`](] - **tools**: use arrow function for callback in lint-sh.js (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41256]( - \[[`1523aa5a02`](] - **tools**: add double-quotes to (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41257]( - \[[`49dc1f278e`](] - **tools**: enable prefer-object-has-own lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41245]( - \[[`f926a490e5`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 8.5.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41228]( - \[[`91fc85ae1b`](] - **tools**: enable jsdoc/tag-lines ESLint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41147]( - \[[`de2140d851`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to [@&#8203;rollup/plugin-node-resolve]([@&#8203;13]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41227]( - \[[`433274ac2c`](] - **tools**: fix CQ and auto-start-ci jobs (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41230]( - \[[`95568dc877`](] - **tools**: fix GitHub Actions status when CQ is empty (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;41193]( - \[[`719c39d230`](] - **tools**: update doc to remark-rehype@10.1.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41149]( - \[[`0b2144028f`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.61.1 vfile-reporter@7.0.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;41150]( - \[[`3dc8483345`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.4.1 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41114]( - \[[`33be3e8451`](] - **tools**: enable JSDoc check-alignment lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41109]( - \[[`2c28f86eb9`](] - **tools**: strip comments from lint-md rollup output (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41092]( - \[[`1ff152120e`](] - **tools**: update highlight.js to 11.3.1 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41091]( - \[[`2c009ccc24`](] - **tools**: enable jsdoc/require-returns-check lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41089]( - \[[`4aae04bb1a`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.4.0 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;41085]( - \[[`50420c654c`](] - **tools**: enable jsdoc/require-param-name lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41057]( - \[[`0983f6b29b`](] - **tools**: use jsdoc recommended rules (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41057]( - \[[`f9cf50f543`](] - **tools**: rollback highlight.js (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;41078]( - \[[`5bfa0ea9c4`](] - **tools**: remove Babel from (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41049]( - \[[`f74d8b56b8`](] - **tools**: udpate packages in tools/doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41036]( - \[[`af9b05fc11`](] - **tools**: install and enable JSDoc linting in ESLint (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41027]( - \[[`45e7affa9c`](] - **tools**: include JSDoc in ESLint updating tool (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41027]( - \[[`9e770d4cfd`](] - **tools**: ignore unrelated workflow changes in slow Actions tests (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40990]( - \[[`e5cccdfd74`](] - **tools**: remove unneeded tool in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40995]( - \[[`017cdcd76a`](] - **tools**: consolidate ESLint dependencies (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40995]( - \[[`83f946855f`](] - **tools**: update ESLint update script to consolidate dependencies (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40995]( - \[[`0ed4775069`](] - **tools**: run ESLint update to minimize diff on subsequent update (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40995]( - \[[`5527e9bfac`](] - **tools**: update gyp-next to v0.10.1 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40934]( - \[[`307dd76a90`](] - **tools**: fix commit-lint GH Actions CI (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40845]( - \[[`da35d4fc4b`](] - **tools**: ping TSC members identified as inactive (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40915]( - \[[`2ffe08dc3e`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@2.60.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40929]( - \[[`5336e488f1`](] - **tools**: update lint-md dependencies (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40894]( - \[[`96cfab14d0`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.3.0 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40917]( - \[[`b54d53b9dd`](] - **tools**: add find-inactive-tsc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40884]( - \[[`4ffbff25f3`](] - **tools**: update [@&#8203;babel/eslint-parser]( to 7.16.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40889]( - \[[`c5d0b3cf84`](] - **tools**: only validate first commit message of a PR (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40740]( - \[[`6b6fb83673`](] - **tools**: improve update scripts (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40644]( - \[[`e915cec505`](] - **tools**: notify user if format-md needs to be run (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40647]( - \[[`ea75ef5fbd`](] - **tools**: update babel-eslint-parser to 7.16.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40720]( - \[[`3580286818`](] - **tools**: avoid unnecessary escaping in markdown formatter (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40645]( - \[[`362f5edf8c`](] - **tools,benchmark,lib,test**: enable no-case-declarations lint rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41385]( - \[[`5d70195d56`](] - **tools,lib,test**: enable ESLint no-regex-spaces rule (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41463]( - \[[`53570a8a7a`](] - **tools,test**: make -J behavior default for (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40945]( - \[[`5380de725c`](] - **typings**: add types for symbol and accessor properties on `primordials` (ExE Boss) [#&#8203;40992]( - \[[`782dbbd38c`](] - **typings**: add JSDoc for `string_decoder` (Qingyu Deng) [#&#8203;38229]( - \[[`08c2512bbf`](] - **url**: detect hostname more reliably in url.parse() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;41031]( - \[[`2c7f17c72c`](] - **util**: do not reduce to a single line if not appropriate using inspect (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41083]( - \[[`7b6c71ab1c`](] - **util**: display a present-but-undefined error cause (Jordan Harband) [#&#8203;41247]( - \[[`2602c0ca62`](] - **util**: serialize falsy cause values while inspecting errors (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41097]( - \[[`89d955658b`](] - **util**: make sure error causes of any type may be inspected (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41097]( - \[[`8ce85882bd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: pass through the inspect function to custom inspect functions (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41019]( - \[[`4f300a5b00`](] - **util**: escape lone surrogate code points using .inspect() (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41001]( - \[[`45a3e2454d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: add numericSeparator to util.inspect (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41003]( - \[[`b15f5e48fa`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: always visualize cause property in errors during inspection (Ruben Bridgewater) [#&#8203;41002]( - \[[`e29bd4699d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **v8**: multi-tenant promise hook api (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;39283]( ### [`v16.13.2`]( 2022-01-10, Version 16.13.2 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable changes ##### Improper handling of URI Subject Alternative Names (Medium)(CVE-2021-44531) Accepting arbitrary Subject Alternative Name (SAN) types, unless a PKI is specifically defined to use a particular SAN type, can result in bypassing name-constrained intermediates. Node.js was accepting URI SAN types, which PKIs are often not defined to use. Additionally, when a protocol allows URI SANs, Node.js did not match the URI correctly. Versions of Node.js with the fix for this disable the URI SAN type when checking a certificate against a hostname. This behavior can be reverted through the `--security-revert` command-line option. More details will be available at [CVE-2021-44531]( after publication. ##### Certificate Verification Bypass via String Injection (Medium)(CVE-2021-44532) Node.js converts SANs (Subject Alternative Names) to a string format. It uses this string to check peer certificates against hostnames when validating connections. The string format was subject to an injection vulnerability when name constraints were used within a certificate chain, allowing the bypass of these name constraints. Versions of Node.js with the fix for this escape SANs containing the problematic characters in order to prevent the injection. This behavior can be reverted through the `--security-revert` command-line option. More details will be available at [CVE-2021-44532]( after publication. ##### Incorrect handling of certificate subject and issuer fields (Medium)(CVE-2021-44533) Node.js did not handle multi-value Relative Distinguished Names correctly. Attackers could craft certificate subjects containing a single-value Relative Distinguished Name that would be interpreted as a multi-value Relative Distinguished Name, for example, in order to inject a Common Name that would allow bypassing the certificate subject verification. Affected versions of Node.js do not accept multi-value Relative Distinguished Names and are thus not vulnerable to such attacks themselves. However, third-party code that uses node's ambiguous presentation of certificate subjects may be vulnerable. More details will be available at [CVE-2021-44533]( after publication. ##### Prototype pollution via `console.table` properties (Low)(CVE-2022-21824) Due to the formatting logic of the `console.table()` function it was not safe to allow user controlled input to be passed to the `properties` parameter while simultaneously passing a plain object with at least one property as the first parameter, which could be `__proto__`. The prototype pollution has very limited control, in that it only allows an empty string to be assigned numerical keys of the object prototype. Versions of Node.js with the fix for this use a null protoype for the object these properties are being assigned to. More details will be available at [CVE-2022-21824]( after publication. Thanks to Patrik Oldsberg (rugvip) for reporting this vulnerability. ##### Commits - \[[`8dd4ca4537`](] - **console**: fix prototype pollution via console.table (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#307]( - \[[`e52882da4c`](] - **crypto,tls**: implement safe x509 GeneralName format (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#300]( - \[[`9a0a189b0b`](] - **src**: add cve reverts and associated tests (Michael Dawson) [nodejs-private/node-private#300]( - \[[`4a262d42bc`](] - **src**: remove unused x509 functions (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#300]( - \[[`965536fe3d`](] - **tls**: fix handling of x509 subject and issuer (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#300]( - \[[`a2cbfa95ff`](] - **tls**: drop support for URI alternative names (Tobias Nießen) [nodejs-private/node-private#300]( ### [`v16.13.1`]( 2021-12-01, Version 16.13.1 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;BethGriggs [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - \[[`c14eb2325d`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;40643]( - \[[`a901b6c53c`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to 1.18.1 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40660]( - This release contains a c-ares update to fix a regression introduced in Node.js v16.6.2 resolving CNAME records containing underscores ([#&#8203;39780]( - \[[`755c08573f`](] - **doc**: add VoltrexMaster to collaborators (voltrexmaster) [#&#8203;40566]( - \[[`881dd7ba2a`](] - **lib**: fix regular expression to detect \`/\` and \`\\\` (Francesco Trotta) [#&#8203;40325]( ##### Commits - \[[`996bc6e840`](] - **benchmark**: increase crypto DSA keygen params (Brian White) [#&#8203;40416]( - \[[`27009092c8`](] - **build**: skip long-running Actions for README-only modifications (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40571]( - \[[`4581997ed0`](] - **build**: disable v8 pointer compression on 32bit archs (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;40418]( - \[[`17433060d4`](] - **build**: fix actions pull request's branch (Mestery) [#&#8203;40494]( - \[[`bfdd32fa62`](] - **build**: avoid run find inactive authors on forked repo (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;40465]( - \[[`134e8afc59`](] - **build**: update codeowners-validator to 0.6 (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;40307]( - \[[`de125a556c`](] - **crypto**: avoid double free (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40380]( - \[[`c14eb2325d`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;40643]( - \[[`a901b6c53c`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to 1.18.1 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40660]( - \[[`76e2c3769e`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;40554]( - \[[`91c3cf5d0a`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`422dc37`]( (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40450]( - \[[`769336ab8c`](] - **deps**: add riscv64 config into openssl gypi (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;40473]( - \[[`76d1b5d868`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40616]( - \[[`23d11a1dd9`](] - **dgram**: fix send with out of bounds offset + length (Nitzan Uziely) [#&#8203;40568]( - \[[`45bdc77dc0`](] - **doc**: update cjs-module-lexer repo link (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40707]( - \[[`de5c5c8509`](] - **doc**: remove `--experimental-modules` documentation (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;38974]( - \[[`befac5ddd9`](] - **doc**: update tracking issues of startup performance (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40629]( - \[[`3cb74d72f8`](] - **doc**: fix markdown syntax and HTML tag misses (ryan) [#&#8203;40608]( - \[[`eea061f8f1`](] - **doc**: use 'GitHub Actions workflow' instead (Mestery) [#&#8203;40586]( - \[[`7a6e833677`](] - **doc**: add node: url scheme (Daniel Nalborczyk) [#&#8203;40573]( - \[[`d72fb7df4a`](] - **doc**: call cwd function (Daniel Nalborczyk) [#&#8203;40573]( - \[[`d732ff4614`](] - **doc**: remove unused imports (Daniel Nalborczyk) [#&#8203;40573]( - \[[`e2114e21f4`](] - **doc**: add info on project's usage of coverity (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40506]( - \[[`d38077babe`](] - **doc**: fix typo in changelogs (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40585]( - \[[`7c7f8791c6`](] - **doc**: update onboarding task (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40570]( - \[[`0a7c4ff248`](] - **doc**: simplify ccache instructions (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40550]( - \[[`5593dd1b25`](] - **doc**: fix macOS environment variables for ccache (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40550]( - \[[`2d4a042675`](] - **doc**: improve async_context introduction (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40560]( - \[[`9fcfef09ac`](] - **doc**: use GFM footnotes in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40477]( - \[[`579f01c0a3`](] - **doc**: describe buffer limit of v8.serialize (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40243]( - \[[`3b6cf090a0`](] - **doc**: use GFM footnotes in ([#&#8203;40476]( (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40476]( - \[[`dea701004e`](] - **doc**: fix `fs.symlink` code example (Juan José Arboleda) [#&#8203;40414]( - \[[`595117ff0b`](] - **doc**: explain backport labels (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;40520]( - \[[`042f01e3ed`](] - **doc**: fix entry for Slack channel in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40563]( - \[[`755c08573f`](] - **doc**: add VoltrexMaster to collaborators (voltrexmaster) [#&#8203;40566]( - \[[`c029d0b61f`](] - **doc**: document considerations for inclusion in core (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40338]( - \[[`836fc274e4`](] - ***Revert*** "**doc**: fix typo in stream docs" (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40819]( - \[[`b3a12767a4`](] - **doc**: update link in onboarding doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40539]( - \[[`aa47c9f38f`](] - **doc**: clarify behavior of napi_extended_error_info (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40458]( - \[[`bf88328bdc`](] - **doc**: add updating expected assets to release guide (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40470]( - \[[`621266afc7`](] - **doc**: format doc/api/\*.md with markdown formatter (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40403]( - \[[`7b746381ce`](] - **doc**: specify that maxFreeSockets is per host (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40483]( - \[[`934dcc85c3`](] - **doc**: update Collaborator guide to reflect GitHub web UI update (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40456]( - \[[`4724e07476`](] - **doc**: indicate n-api out params that may be NULL (Isaac Brodsky) [#&#8203;40371]( - \[[`3b1499c971`](] - **doc**: update for Node.js 16.13.0 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40617]( - \[[`881dd7ba2a`](] - **lib**: fix regular expression to detect \`/\` and \`\\\` (Francesco Trotta) [#&#8203;40325]( - \[[`0a8c33123e`](] - **lib,url**: correct URL's argument to pass idlharness (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;39848]( - \[[`480f0e1d20`](] - **meta**: use form schema for flaky test template (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40737]( - \[[`55ff97342d`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40668]( - \[[`ef46cb428d`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for brettkiefer (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40599]( - \[[`7230b6d33d`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for alexzherdev (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40620]( - \[[`9e12ed4f68`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for Azard (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40619]( - \[[`97aa8e42b8`](] - **meta**: move Fishrock123 to emeritus (Jeremiah Senkpiel) [#&#8203;40596]( - \[[`7b1c89f357`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for clakech (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40589]( - \[[`0003cb6b3b`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for darai0512 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40569]( - \[[`7590bacec1`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40580]( - \[[`a5475df083`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for dfabulich (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40527]( - \[[`c021a7f169`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40464]( - \[[`d64cf1706c`](] - **meta**: add Richard Lau to TSC list in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40523]( - \[[`d09b8239bf`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for dguo (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40517]( - \[[`66192060e7`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for cxreg (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40490]( - \[[`b4f51276cb`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40485]( - \[[`2a2b549a28`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for emanuelbuholzer (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40469]( - \[[`618bbbf2f4`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for ebickle (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40447]( - \[[`06706e8dd2`](] - **meta**: add `typings` to label-pr-config (Mestery) [#&#8203;40401]( - \[[`e2c9e1ccdd`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for evantorrie (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40430]( - \[[`dab574e937`](] - **policy**: fix message for invalid manifest specifier (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40574]( - \[[`58de6cebb6`](] - **process**: refactor execution (Voltrex) [#&#8203;40664]( - \[[`bc0eb0a3ea`](] - **src**: make LoadEnvironment with string work with builtin modules path (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40607]( - \[[`2c8a6ec28e`](] - **src**: remove usage of `AllocatedBuffer` from `node_http2` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40584]( - \[[`59c26a2b2c`](] - **src**: fix #endif description in crypto_keygen.h (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40639]( - \[[`789fef1309`](] - **src**: throw error instead of assertion (Ray Wang) [#&#8203;40243]( - \[[`7a8a6deee7`](] - **src**: register external references in os bindings (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40239]( - \[[`7bb3d43432`](] - **src**: register external references in crypto bindings (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40239]( - \[[`143c881ccb`](] - **src**: add missing inialization in agent.h (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40379]( - \[[`c15afda79f`](] - **src**: get embedder options on-demand (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40357]( - \[[`ff3b7d228e`](] - **src**: ensure V8 initialized before marking milestone (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;40405]( - \[[`774bc46327`](] - **src,crypto**: remove `AllocatedBuffer` from `` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40400]( - \[[`4030eff3d6`](] - **src,fs**: remove `ToLocalChecked()` call from `fs::AfterMkdirp()` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40386]( - \[[`3ac99a2417`](] - **src,stream**: remove `*Check*()` calls from non-`Initialize()` functions (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40425]( - \[[`36d3b123a0`](] - **stream**: support array of streams in promises pipeline (Mestery) [#&#8203;40193]( - \[[`01ffe0316c`](] - **test**: deflake child-process-pipe-dataflow (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40838]( - \[[`63b44fc429`](] - **test**: skip macos sandbox test with builtin modules path (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40607]( - \[[`3d50997ccb`](] - **test**: add semicolon after chunk size (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40487]( - \[[`f114e35115`](] - **test**: deflake http2-cancel-while-client-reading (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40659]( - \[[`f778fa230b`](] - **test**: test `crypto.setEngine()` using an actual engine (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40481]( - \[[`b9533c592a`](] - **test**: use conventional argument order in assertion (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40591]( - \[[`e72c95c580`](] - **test**: fix test description (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40486]( - \[[`af4e682758`](] - **test**: pass URL's toascii.window.js WPT (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;39910]( - \[[`6de88bc5ed`](] - **test**: adjust CLI flags test to ignore blank lines in doc (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40403]( - \[[`8226690097`](] - **test**: mark test-policy-integrity flaky on Windows (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40684]( - \[[`50c6666b37`](] - **test**: fix test-datetime-change-notify after daylight change (Piotr Rybak) [#&#8203;40684]( - \[[`9227f2af79`](] - **test**: split test-crypto-dh.js (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40451]( - \[[`c593cff0af`](] - **test,doc**: correct documentation for runBenchmark() (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40683]( - \[[`aef809f5c8`](] - **test,tools**: increase pummel/benchmark test timeout from 4x to 6x (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40684]( - \[[`908f6447cd`](] - **test,tools**: increase timeout for benchmark tests (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40684]( - \[[`64c6575f44`](] - **tools**: simplify and fix commit queue (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40742]( - \[[`cba8eaf264`](] - **tools**: ensure the PR was not pushed before merging (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40747]( - \[[`1c8590e1fe`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.2.0 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40734]( - \[[`18800dee0a`](] - **tools**: use GitHub Squash and Merge feature when using CQ (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40666]( - \[[`48a785edb7`](] - **tools**: fix bug in `prefer-primordials` ESLint rule (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40628]( - \[[`adde2a7a8c`](] - **tools**: add script to update c-ares (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40660]( - \[[`c12ce898e8`](] - **tools**: abort CQ session when landing several commits (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40577]( - \[[`dd08e532a2`](] - **tools**: fix commit-lint workflow (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40673]( - \[[`b4a80dba79`](] - **tools**: avoid fetch extra commits when validating commit messages (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;39128]( - \[[`2a53995442`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.1.0 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40582]( - \[[`8648e50183`](] - **tools**: fix formatting of warning message in update-authors.js (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40600]( - \[[`59de0f703f`](] - **tools**: udpate doc tools to accommodate GFM footnotes (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40477]( - \[[`abf3b84d77`](] - **tools**: add support for import assertions in linter (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;39924]( - \[[`04c2cbecb9`](] - **tools**: update tools/lint-md dependencies to support GFM footnotes (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40445]( - \[[`a9990876f7`](] - **tools**: update lint-md dependencies (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40404]( - \[[`f45814bad1`](] - **tools,meta**: remove exclusions from AUTHORS (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40648]( - \[[`7d550ad966`](] - **tty**: support more CI services in `getColorDepth` (Richie Bendall) [#&#8203;40385]( - \[[`cdea5b671b`](] - **typings**: add more bindings typings (Mestery) [#&#8203;40415]( - \[[`67c7d11f1a`](] - **typings**: add JSDoc typings for inspector (Voltrex) [#&#8203;38390]( - \[[`fbe0323ebf`](] - **typings**: improve internal bindings typings (Mestery) [#&#8203;40411]( - \[[`63ab0031c3`](] - **typings**: separate `internalBinding` typings (Mestery) [#&#8203;40409]( ### [`v16.13.0`]( 2021-10-26, Version 16.13.0 &#x27;Gallium&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes This release marks the transition of Node.js 16.x into Long Term Support (LTS) with the codename 'Gallium'. The 16.x release line now moves into "Active LTS" and will remain so until October 2022. After that time, it will move into "Maintenance" until end of life in April 2024. ### [`v16.12.0`]( 2021-10-20, Version 16.12.0 (Current), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes ##### Experimental ESM Loader Hooks API Node.js ESM Loader hooks have been consolidated to represent the steps involved needed to facilitate future loader chaining: 1. `resolve`: `resolve` \[+ `getFormat`] 2. `load`: `getFormat` + `getSource` + `transformSource` For consistency, `getGlobalPreloadCode` has been renamed to `globalPreload`. A loader exporting obsolete hook(s) will trigger a single deprecation warning (per loader) listing the errant hooks. Contributed by Jacob Smith, Geoffrey Booth, and Bradley Farias - ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`8fdabcb918`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40463]( - \[[`d1d9f2de30`](] - **doc**: deprecate (doc-only) http abort related (dr-js) [#&#8203;36670]( - \[[`4116b6c907`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **vm**: add support for import assertions in dynamic imports (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40249]( ##### Commits - \[[`8bb3951e41`](] - **build**: remove duplicate check for authors.yml (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40393]( - \[[`2de57edced`](] - **build**: make scripts in gyp run with right python (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;39730]( - \[[`a8926d199d`](] - **crypto**: remove incorrect constructor invocation (gc) [#&#8203;40300]( - \[[`8fdabcb918`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.1.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40463]( - \[[`dca5ac1539`](] - **deps**: suppress zlib compiler warnings (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40343]( - \[[`91c3bf6a7f`](] - **deps**: upgrade Corepack to 0.10 (Maël Nison) [#&#8203;40374]( - \[[`7e02124a06`](] - **dgram**: add `nread` assertion to `UDPWrap::OnRecv` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40295]( - \[[`2d409ed29e`](] - **dns**: refactor and use validators (Voltrex) [#&#8203;40022]( - \[[`dc7291dab8`](] - **doc**: remove ESLint comments which were breaking the CJS/ESM toggles (Mark Skelton) [#&#8203;40408]( - \[[`85b7385115`](] - **doc**: add pronouns for tniessen to README (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40412]( - \[[`1d5857c9f4`](] - **doc**: format changelogs (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40388]( - \[[`5eb9402b50`](] - **doc**: fix missing variable in deepStrictEqual example (OliverOdo) [#&#8203;40396]( - \[[`6f77d1a1d5`](] - **doc**: fix description (Constantine Kim) [#&#8203;40381]( - \[[`93a48e02dc`](] - **doc**: fix typos in n-api docs (Ignacio Carbajo) [#&#8203;40402]( - \[[`fb7afb91c2`](] - **doc**: format doc/guides using format-md task (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40358]( - \[[`6c091c7878`](] - **doc**: improve phrasing in (Arslan Ali) [#&#8203;40255]( - \[[`38d81380ac`](] - **doc**: add link to core promises tracking issue (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40355]( - \[[`71a94aa82a`](] - **doc**: correct ESM load hook table header (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;40234]( - \[[`5b074affb4`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Mason Malone) [#&#8203;40273]( - \[[`3b3aaa0a37`](] - **doc**: fix typo in ESM example (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40275]( - \[[`f848553fb8`](] - **doc**: assign missing deprecation number (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40324]( - \[[`d1d9f2de30`](] - **doc**: deprecate (doc-only) http abort related (dr-js) [#&#8203;36670]( - \[[`1ef2cf8413`](] - **doc**: anchor link parity between markdown and html-generated docs (foxxyz) [#&#8203;39304]( - \[[`3743406b0a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **esm**: consolidate ESM loader hooks (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;37468]( - \[[`168020e1c8`](] - **lib**: refactor to use let (gdccwxx) [#&#8203;40364]( - \[[`bcd59d70bb`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for gabrielschulhof (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40420]( - \[[`80b4245db8`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS information for geirha (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40406]( - \[[`93cecb4700`](] - **meta**: consolidate duplicate AUTHORS entries for hassaanp (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40391]( - \[[`fff3135909`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40392]( - \[[`122481713d`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entry for thw0rted (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40387]( - \[[`7f50313fcc`](] - **meta**: update label-pr-config (Mestery) [#&#8203;40199]( - \[[`5668182665`](] - **meta**: use .mailmap to consolidate AUTHORS entries for ide (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40367]( - \[[`bc86084a3e`](] - **net**: check if option is undefined (Daijiro Wachi) [#&#8203;40344]( - \[[`4564a93e5e`](] - **net**: remove unused ObjectKeys (Daijiro Wachi) [#&#8203;40344]( - \[[`dbb2e6f429`](] - **net**: check objectMode first and then readble || writable (Daijiro Wachi) [#&#8203;40344]( - \[[`a672be57c8`](] - **net**: throw error to object mode in Socket (Daijiro Wachi) [#&#8203;40344]( - \[[`faf9e28c36`](] - **src**: remove usage of `AllocatedBuffer` from `stream_*` (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40293]( - \[[`857af2ba99`](] - **src**: add missing initialization (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;40370]( - \[[`2bfa87edbc`](] - **stream**: fix fromAsyncGen (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;40499]( - \[[`1e15137e71`](] - **test**: replace common port with specific number (Daijiro Wachi) [#&#8203;40344]( - \[[`6f6b99c302`](] - **test**: fix typos in whatwg-webstreams explanations (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40389]( - \[[`641b1bb052`](] - **test**: add test for readStream.path when fd is specified (Qingyu Deng) [#&#8203;40359]( - \[[`07dae7ff50`](] - **test**: replace .then chains with await (gdccwxx) [#&#8203;40348]( - \[[`d8a36ee1de`](] - **test**: fix "test/common/debugger" identify async function (gdccwxx) [#&#8203;40348]( - \[[`13d6a56c7d`](] - **test**: improve test coverage of `fs.ReadStream` with `FileHandle` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40018]( - \[[`50f91ab059`](] - **tools**: udpate [@&#8203;babel/eslint-parser]( (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`3611073145`](] - **tools**: remove [@&#8203;babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions]( (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`b72d693a3a`](] - **tools**: remove [@&#8203;bable/plugin-syntax-class-properties]( (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`d6a99b77da`](] - **tools**: remove [@&#8203;babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await]( (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`d9157aa5fe`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to 8.0.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`43b97c7984`](] - **tools**: prepare ESLint rules for 8.0.0 requirements (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`282b6eb4b0`](] - **tools**: fix ESLint update scripts (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40394]( - \[[`c3a744f7bf`](] - **tools**: warn about duplicates when generating AUTHORS file (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40304]( - \[[`7733b5e55d`](] - **typings**: define types for os binding (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40222]( - \[[`ca9a854877`](] - **typings**: add missing types to options and util bindings (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40222]( - \[[`c3a7a0bd59`](] - **typings**: define types for timers binding (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40222]( - \[[`65b51d05fa`](] - **typings**: fix declaration of primordials (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40222]( - \[[`5f3f3a5128`](] - **v8**: remove --harmony-top-level-await (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;40226]( - \[[`4116b6c907`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **vm**: add support for import assertions in dynamic imports (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40249]( ### [`v16.11.1`]( 2021-10-12, Version 16.11.1 (Current), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable changes - **CVE-2021-22959**: HTTP Request Smuggling due to spaced in headers (Medium) - The http parser accepts requests with a space (SP) right after the header name before the colon. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS). More details will be available at [CVE-2021-22959]( after publication. - **CVE-2021-22960**: HTTP Request Smuggling when parsing the body (Medium) - The parse ignores chunk extensions when parsing the body of chunked requests. This leads to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS) under certain conditions. More details will be available at [CVE-2021-22960]( after publication. ##### Commits - \[[`af488f8dc8`](] - **deps**: update llhttp to 6.0.4 (Matteo Collina) [nodejs-private/node-private#284]( - \[[`2d1eefad98`](] - **http**: add regression test for smuggling content length (Matteo Collina) [nodejs-private/node-private#284]( - \[[`45d419ab1c`](] - **http**: add regression test for chunked smuggling (Matteo Collina) [nodejs-private/node-private#284]( ### [`v16.11.0`]( 2021-10-08, Version 16.11.0 (Current), @&#8203;danielleadams [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - **crypto** - update root certificates (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40280]( - **deps** - upgrade npm to 8.0.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40369]( - update `nghttp2` to v1.45.1 (thunder-coding) [#&#8203;40206]( - update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40285]( - **tools** - update certdata.txt (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40280]( ##### Commits - \[[`34f3021ca3`](] - **benchmark**: add `util.toUSVString()`'s benchmark (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;40203]( - \[[`f83b9bcb6f`](] - **build**: support Python 3.10.0 (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;40296]( - \[[`3148f9b64e`](] - **build**: check for duplicates in new AUTHORS entries (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40264]( - \[[`48c162d457`](] - **build**: set DESTCPU correctly for 'make binary' on Apple Silicon (Chris Heisterkamp) [#&#8203;40147]( - \[[`7fbfb66d41`](] - **build**: limit update authors CI scope (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;40219]( - \[[`a1bee94502`](] - **build**: pass a tuple of alternatives to str.endswith() (Christian Clauss) [#&#8203;40017]( - \[[`eaf9d08332`](] - **build**: add --no-user for pip commands in Makefile (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40169]( - \[[`e22ca06ac4`](] - **build**: fix "test-internet.yml" workflows (SURYAPRATAP SINGH SURYAVANSHI) [#&#8203;40177]( - \[[`4da73d09bf`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **build**: reset embedder string to "-node.0" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40285]( - \[[`4b117fbc81`](] - **console**: use validators for consistency (Voltrex) [#&#8203;39812]( - \[[`6489423187`](] - **console**: avoid unnecessary variables (Pancake) [#&#8203;40183]( - \[[`9af2592e69`](] - **crypto**: update root certificates (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40280]( - \[[`2fa5e5011f`](] - **crypto**: handle initEDRaw pkey failure (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;40188]( - \[[`7968c79301`](] - **crypto**: don't call callback twice in case crypto.randomBytes fails (Guilherme Bernal) [#&#8203;40157]( - \[[`b89c7ae297`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.0.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40369]( - \[[`947f3dc9af`](] - **deps**: V8: patch jinja2 for Python 3.10 compat (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40296]( - \[[`685c7d43a5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: update `nghttp2` to v1.45.1 (thunder-coding) [#&#8203;40206]( - \[[`e7046e0ff1`](] - **deps**: restore minimum ICU version to 68 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;39470]( - \[[`a3db2033d4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: make V8 9.4 abi-compatible with 9.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40285]( - \[[`5cc24e6d76`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`9a60704`]( (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;40046]( - \[[`8de5eb88d3`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`5681a65`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;39945]( - \[[`150d816edb`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`bdcda72`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;39945]( - \[[`807b68b430`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`00bb1a7`]( (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;39829]( - \[[`be016948df`](] - **deps**: silence irrelevant V8 warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;38990]( - \[[`22dcd3e4dc`](] - **deps**: silence irrelevant V8 warnings (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;37587]( - \[[`1aea6a771b`](] - **deps**: fix V8 build issue with inline methods (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;40060]( - \[[`e9812157f0`](] - **deps**: make v8.h compatible with VS2015 (Joao Reis) [#&#8203;32116]( - \[[`88ae710057`](] - **deps**: V8: forward declaration of `Rtl*FunctionTable` (Refael Ackermann) [#&#8203;32116]( - \[[`e810f0766f`](] - **deps**: V8: patch register-arm64.h (Refael Ackermann) [#&#8203;32116]( - \[[`b8aabd5622`](] - **deps**: V8: un-cherry-pick [`bd019bd`]( (Refael Ackermann) [#&#8203;32116]( - \[[`309c4f05df`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40285]( - \[[`69eaaf6321`](] - **doc**: format general markdown files (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40322]( - \[[`dc9c31985c`](] - **doc**: fix the inline code-block at the NodeDhKeyGenParams class (Justin) [#&#8203;40341]( - \[[`8d0546db39`](] - **doc**: correct the codeblock for `hmacImportParams.hash` (Justin) [#&#8203;40340]( - \[[`1db2ffd008`](] - **doc**: fix typo in stream docs (Juan José Arboleda) [#&#8203;40337]( - \[[`abfcbcd14c`](] - **doc**: update fast-track approval comment request (voltrexmaster) [#&#8203;40316]( - \[[`e2cd2f44f2`](] - **doc**: fix CVE-2021-22940 references (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40308]( - \[[`88bdbf1e29`](] - **doc**: format markdown files in test directory (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40290]( - \[[`f71ac57a86`](] - **doc**: add triagers to the table of contents (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;39969]( - \[[`a5218b5313`](] - **doc**: update Forrest Norvell's pronouns (Forrest L Norvell) [#&#8203;40292]( - \[[`d2e54e5d0c`](] - **doc**: reorder stream 'readable' paragraphs (Vincent Weevers) [#&#8203;40212]( - \[[`1d0a3e1a0c`](] - **doc**: fix typo in fs (Brian White) [#&#8203;40257]( - \[[`66edb7bfe1`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Arslan Ali) [#&#8203;40254]( - \[[`614a7c21f8`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Arslan Ali) [#&#8203;40230]( - \[[`9fa6dfbe76`](] - **doc**: fix example of crypto.generateKeySync (Gary Ho) [#&#8203;40225]( - \[[`9a2b94a142`](] - **doc**: update fs.watchFile doc (Clément Nardi) [#&#8203;40134]( - \[[`a68f91c884`](] - **doc**: add version when diagnostics_channel APIs were added (Gerhard Stöbich) [#&#8203;40208]( - \[[`6bf67909ad`](] - **doc**: fix typo in 'maxHeaderSize' (Rebhi Alfa) [#&#8203;40164]( - \[[`73a127ba7b`](] - **doc**: fix buffer api example code's token error (m3m0ry) [#&#8203;40125]( - \[[`59db8293f4`](] - **doc**: fix typo in `` (xuchaobei) [#&#8203;40187]( - \[[`779dfd199b`](] - **doc**: make version picker usable on mobile (Evan Lucas) [#&#8203;39958]( - \[[`7bd62f4809`](] - **doc**: fix typos in (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;40161]( - \[[`94b415b980`](] - **doc**: add blank line between comments (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40160]( - \[[`847b451d88`](] - **doc**: update markdown files in src for upcoming linting/formatting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40159]( - \[[`cea7395858`](] - **doc**: update benchmarks for upcoming linting/formatting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40158]( - \[[`c231745837`](] - **doc**: prepare markdown file for upcoming formatting/linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40156]( - \[[`7e58cda6e0`](] - **doc**: update tools .md files for upcoming lint/formatting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40155]( - \[[`02a87b096c`](] - **doc**: update markdown formatting for \*.md files (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40154]( - \[[`9b0e61a67f`](] - **doc,src**: update crypto/ (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40332]( - \[[`88e7bd073a`](] - **events**: allow dispatch many times without listener (MrBBot) [#&#8203;39772]( - \[[`c7f3294d02`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: add stream utilities to `FileHandle` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40009]( - \[[`555af5b808`](] - **http**: remove 'data' and 'end' listener if client parser error (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;40244]( - \[[`22725f5bdd`](] - **http**: use 0 as default for requests limit (Artur K) [#&#8203;40192]( - \[[`3d5eba8042`](] - **lib**: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40271]( - \[[`547fc86371`](] - **lib**: use `validateArray` (Voltrex) [#&#8203;39774]( - \[[`a37527ce8f`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for ratracegrad (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40291]( - \[[`a75a8f2ca0`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40289]( - \[[`66ab278bae`](] - **meta**: add .mailmap entry for Jimbly (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40267]( - \[[`e040f2cf0d`](] - **meta**: add .mailmap entry for daguej (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40223]( - \[[`d64740fbb3`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40217]( - \[[`9ee9e41f5c`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40115]( - \[[`da6c82b425`](] - **meta**: update gdams contact information (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40233]( - \[[`a660017915`](] - **meta**: add .mailmap entry for kunalspathak (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40202]( - \[[`4d46bde22e`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for ralphtheninja (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40153]( - \[[`b856886d00`](] - **meta**: update mailmap for LakshmiSwethaG (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40172]( - \[[`972d921855`](] - **module**: fix ERR_REQUIRE_ESM for parentPath null (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40145]( - \[[`344c03b2e6`](] - **repl**: skip EmptyStatements and return result with TLA (Mestery) [#&#8203;40194]( - \[[`b694b0ca52`](] - **src**: use `As()` instead of `Cast()` for conversions (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40287]( - \[[`383dbe940d`](] - **src**: implement changes suggested by [@&#8203;addaleax]( (kokke) [#&#8203;40128]( - \[[`a6112dd1de`](] - **src**: fix time-of-use vs time-of-check "bugs" (kokke) [#&#8203;40128]( - \[[`bbf1ed7c78`](] - **src**: remove AllocatedBuffer from (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40213]( - \[[`528f9228fd`](] - **src**: remove usage of AllocatedBuffer from (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40151]( - \[[`d36127d862`](] - **src**: move `ToUSVString()` to (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;40204]( - \[[`bddf8c28d9`](] - **src,crypto**: eliminate code duplication between StatelessDiffieHellman\* (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;40084]( - \[[`6a8689f1f9`](] - **test**: fix typo in test/common/index.js (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40297]( - \[[`dc0c2744cf`](] - **test**: suppress compiler warning in test_bigint (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40253]( - \[[`18820bfa58`](] - **tools**: patch jinja2 for Python 3.10 compat (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40296]( - \[[`8d7710e6c3`](] - **tools**: update rollup entry in lint-md package.json (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;40281]( - \[[`7bb4dc2406`](] - **tools**: update certdata.txt (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40280]( - \[[`f31b0c9700`](] - **tools**: update remark-preset-lint-node to 3.2.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40278]( - \[[`9c4e7a5158`](] - **tools**: fix lint-md autolinking (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40181]( - \[[`26db6db87f`](] - **tools**: implement markdown formatting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40181]( - \[[`67812e8c65`](] - **tools**: re-implement lint-md without unified-args (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40180]( - \[[`0232f94175`](] - **tools**: update remark-preset-lint-node to 3.1.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40166]( - \[[`80fdedd184`](] - **tools**: fix find-inactive-collaborators for recent README change (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40163]( - \[[`ebf17102d1`](] - **tools**: extend default yamllint config (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40150]( - \[[`f7c82749a7`](] - **tools**: update V8 gypfiles for 9.4 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;39945]( - \[[`dd39422b8b`](] - **typings**: define types for symbols binding (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40143]( - \[[`ced8467e20`](] - **typings**: define types for worker and messaging bindings (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40143]( - \[[`66d3101677`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: improve ansi escape code regex (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;40214]( - \[[`f4164fa4c3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: expose stripVTControlCharacters() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;40214]( ### [`v16.10.0`]( 2021-09-22, Version 16.10.0 (Current), @&#8203;BethGriggs [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - \[[`fb226ff2ee`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add rsa-pss keygen parameters (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;39927]( - \[[`85206b7311`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 7.24.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40167]( - \[[`98f56d179c`](] - **deps**: update Acorn to v8.5.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40015]( - \[[`9655329772`](] - **doc**: add Ayase-252 to collaborators (Qingyu Deng) [#&#8203;40078]( - \[[`59fff925be`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: make `open` and `close` stream override optional when unused (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40013]( - \[[`a63a4bce90`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: limit requests per connection (Artur K) [#&#8203;40082]( - The maximum number of requests a socket can handle before closing keep alive connection can be set with `server.maxRequestsPerSocket`. - \[[`9a672961fa`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add --no-global-search-paths cli option (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;39754]( - Adds the `--no-global-search-paths` command-line option to not search modules from global paths like `$HOME/.node_modules` and `$NODE_PATH`. - \[[`fe920b6cbf`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: make napi_create_reference accept symbol (JckXia) [#&#8203;39926]( - \[[`97f3072ceb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add signal support to pipeline generators (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;39067]( ##### Commits - \[[`b7dc651884`](] - **build**: run modified internet tests on GitHub Actions (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40100]( - \[[`8d5787a043`](] - **build**: add .mailmap/AUTHORS to paths-ignore for test-macos (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40109]( - \[[`9793e7ff08`](] - **build**: add .mailmap/AUTHORS to path-ignore for test-asan (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40109]( - \[[`886921de38`](] - **build**: add paths-ignore for build-tarball workflow (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40109]( - \[[`01b1946b38`](] - **build**: only lint version numbers for pull requests (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40027]( - \[[`c804d070a6`](] - **build**: add daily/on-demand internet test workflow (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40086]( - \[[`7bddaecbf4`](] - **build**: add YAML linting to GitHub Actions (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40007]( - \[[`5a20f9055c`](] - **build**: add YAML linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40007]( - \[[`0b30867c08`](] - **build**: run AUTHORS update weekly (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40004]( - \[[`22a78a75ee`](] - **build**: preserves symbols during LTO with macOS linker (Jesse Chan) [#&#8203;39839]( - \[[`f0dec58d43`](] - **crypto**: fix webcrypto ed(25519|448) spki/pkcs8 import (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;40131]( - \[[`d80082f3eb`](] - **crypto**: use `validateObject` (Voltrex) [#&#8203;39872]( - \[[`d657ae6f8a`](] - **crypto**: fix RSA-PSS default saltLength (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;39999]( - \[[`fc45cbe7a8`](] - **crypto**: fix default MGF1 hash for OpenSSL 3 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;40031]( - \[[`105c9e6d3b`](] - **crypto**: check webcrypto asymmetric key types during importKey (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;39962]( - \[[`fb226ff2ee`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add rsa-pss keygen parameters (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;39927]( - \[[`85206b7311`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 7.24.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40167]( - \[[`06f6e01f37`](] - **deps**: add riscv64 into openssl Makefile and gen openssl-riscv64 (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;40063]( - \[[`9c76c69972`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to 9.3.345.19 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40108]( - \[[`0df47d5843`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 7.23.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;40055]( - \[[`b3843bf417`](] - **deps**: patch v8 for vs2019 in std17 (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;40060]( - \[[`67759585a0`](] - **deps**: patch for v8 on windows (Jiawen Geng) [#&#8203;40010]( - \[[`98f56d179c`](] - **deps**: update Acorn to v8.5.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40015]( - \[[`5c6708582e`](] - **dns**: cleanup validation (Voltrex) [#&#8203;40061]( - \[[`e4825dcfd5`](] - **doc**: changes default values for fns (RISHABH BUDHIRAJA) [#&#8203;39163]( - \[[`0254b4b0d3`](] - **doc**: fix markdown indentation in lists (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40142]( - \[[`b6939a3419`](] - **doc**: prepare for stricter linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40137]( - \[[`a07d8444f9`](] - **doc**: fix comma splice (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40133]( - \[[`2488bc0c4f`](] - **doc**: clean up weird notes about reentrancy (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;40107]( - \[[`8b80dcbc30`](] - **doc**: correct parameters in fs and stream documentation (vipul kumar) [#&#8203;39984]( - \[[`1ced732078`](] - **doc**: fix CJS-ESM selector in Safari (Bradley Farias) [#&#8203;40135]( - \[[`7fdb12739d`](] - **doc**: add timeout.close (Nikita Galkin) [#&#8203;40036]( - \[[`81cb14bb58`](] - **doc**: clarify that ObjectWrap requires manual cleanup on shutdown (Gerhard Stöbich) [#&#8203;40074]( - \[[`8aad81dd99`](] - **doc**: add full list of subsystems (FrankQiu) [#&#8203;39971]( - \[[`9655329772`](] - **doc**: add Ayase-252 to collaborators (Qingyu Deng) [#&#8203;40078]( - \[[`6d399e11e9`](] - **doc**: fix CCM cipher example in MJS (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;39949]( - \[[`d426ee9b17`](] - **doc**: fix property name 'detail' of performanceEntry (Christian Boehlke) [#&#8203;40019]( - \[[`846e7e880e`](] - **doc**: fix list indentation in (Alexey Ten) [#&#8203;40029]( - \[[`b6dd2ea930`](] - **doc**: fix missing history version in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;39972]( - \[[`f666f5a8d1`](] - **events**: fix duplicate require which cause performance penalty (wwwzbwcom) [#&#8203;39892]( - \[[`59fff925be`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: make `open` and `close` stream override optional when unused (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40013]( - \[[`a63a4bce90`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: limit requests per connection (Artur K) [#&#8203;40082]( - \[[`bc9c2ca6af`](] - **http**: remove CRLF variable (shfshanyue) [#&#8203;40101]( - \[[`dd50b91f77`](] - **lib**: remove useless statement (Maledong) [#&#8203;39983]( - \[[`608528028c`](] - **lib**: avoid creating a throw away object in `validateObject` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;39807]( - \[[`edcfffeaea`](] - **lib**: use standard property names (null) [#&#8203;39981]( - \[[`640353af86`](] - **lib,repl**: ignore non-canBeRequiredByUsers built-in (Khaidi Chu) [#&#8203;39942]( - \[[`4444b5c938`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40148]( - \[[`4993318862`](] - **meta**: update GeoffreyBooth email addresses in AUTHORS and .mailmap (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40132]( - \[[`98d42fa1f4`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for LPardue (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40129]( - \[[`effdfa91be`](] - **meta**: update GeoffreyBooth email address (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;40102]( - \[[`588257c00a`](] - **meta**: add .mailmap entry for arcanis (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40103]( - \[[`7ee3fbd1e0`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;40087]( - \[[`2a41530a5e`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entry for mikemaccana (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40051]( - \[[`a71579b05e`](] - **meta**: add more mailmap entries for bajtos (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40023]( - \[[`29104f5e64`](] - **meta**: consolidate AUTHORS entries for mithunsasidharan (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40003]( - \[[`381293f54a`](] - **meta**: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;39957]( - \[[`1eca9bc5b2`](] - **module**: support pattern trailers for imports field (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40041]( - \[[`7376edca6d`](] - **module**: deprecate trailing slash pattern mappings (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40039]( - \[[`92f182b23d`](] - **module**: fix $ pattern replacements (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;40044]( - \[[`d6124d8259`](] - **repl**: fix top level await with surrogate characters (Mestery) [#&#8203;39931]( - \[[`9a672961fa`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add --no-global-search-paths cli option (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;39754]( - \[[`51f9ad4897`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add option to disable global search paths (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;39754]( - \[[`95528b284d`](] - **src**: remove unnecessary comment and add a CHECK in (Darshan Sen) [#&#8203;39991]( - \[[`31994fbf8e`](] - **src**: register zlib external references for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;40050]( - \[[`cfcd57182b`](] - **src**: fix -Wunreachable-code-return error (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;40034]( - \[[`9f3a015b60`](] - **src**: add option to disable loading native addons (Dominic Elm) [#&#8203;39977]( - \[[`570bef1710`](] - ***Revert*** "**src**: skip test_fatal/test_threads for Debug builds" (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;39954]( - \[[`842f936e04`](] - **src**: use Isolate::TryGetCurrent where appropriate (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;39954]( - \[[`fe920b6cbf`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: make napi_create_reference accept symbol (JckXia) [#&#8203;39926]( - \[[`73aa4e34ff`](] - **src**: fix C4805 MSVC warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;39998]( - \[[`826eee363c`](] - **src**: register external references of PipeWrap for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`7a17cbfdea`](] - **src**: register external references of TTYWrap for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`00cca48081`](] - **src**: register external references of TCPWrap for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`6095fb07b6`](] - **src**: register external references of SignalWrap for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`db75711c5c`](] - **src**: register missing process methods external references (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`b4e074c295`](] - **src**: register missing stream wrap external references (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`a2c1c3ef64`](] - **src**: register external references of BaseObject for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`6fdf02523e`](] - **src**: register external references of node-report for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`bef78a2f88`](] - **src**: register external references of dtrace for snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;39961]( - \[[`97f3072ceb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: add signal support to pipeline generators (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;39067]( - \[[`6be405bd7b`](] - **test**: fix test-dgram-udp6-link-local-address on Windows (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40005]( - \[[`ec94bec9a3`](] - **test**: do not run `test-corepack-yarn-install` with no internet (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;40090]( - \[[`4aa2610252`](] - **test**: update OpenSSL3 error messages for 3.0.0+quic (Daniel Bevenius) [#&#8203;40093]( - \[[`4367a61a9b`](] - **test**: mark test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks flaky (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;40065]( - \[[`5b5e27281c`](] - **test**: fix internet/test-dns (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40083]( - \[[`67bbfeb7e1`](] - **test**: make tests pass on Windows with Unix EOL (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40002]( - \[[`a8c99d9f09`](] - **tools**: update doc generator dependencies (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40042]( - \[[`ec6de1195a`](] - **tools**: update ansi-regex in lint-md rollup (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40112]( - \[[`d55804ca4e`](] - **tools**: update all dependencies of markdown linter (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40035]( - \[[`f03bae7c82`](] - **tools**: update remark-html to v13.0.2 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;40043]( - \[[`99af21292f`](] - **tools,build**: update YAML files in preparation for linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40007]( - \[[`590ace418d`](] - **tools,doc**: fix misrendering of consecutive JS blocks (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;40146]( - \[[`5983568204`](] - **worker**: avoid potential deadlock on NearHeapLimit (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;38403]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy40MDEuMSIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM3LjQwMS4xIiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFzdGVyIiwibGFiZWxzIjpbInJlbm92YXRlLWJvdCJdfQ==-->
renovate-bot added the
label 2024-06-10 19:34:29 +05:30
renovate-bot added 1 commit 2024-06-10 19:34:30 +05:30
chore(deps): update node.js to v16.20.2
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/pr/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/pull_request_closed/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
realaravinth merged commit 58af924b13 into master 2024-06-10 20:52:18 +05:30
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