2021-12-11 21:33:54 -05:00

18 lines
928 B

Please note that by submitting a PR with a new proposal, you agree to release this proposal text under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license. See https://github.com/PlaintextGroup/oss-virtual-incubator/blob/main/LICENSE.
If you'd like to submit a proposal yourself, you have two options:
1. Fork this repo and make a copy of [PROPOSAL-TEMPLATE.md](PROPOSAL-TEMPLATE.md). Write up your proposal in the `proposals` directory, then [make a pull request](https://github.com/PlaintextGroup/oss-virtual-incubator/pulls) to this repository.
2. If you'd rather just use a form, [fill out this form][form]. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will copy over your proposal to this GitHub repository.
## Reasons for making this change
<!-- Ex: "submitting new proposal", "updating existing proposal", etc. -->
### Related issues
<!-- Add a reference to issues resolved, if applicable (for example, "fixes #1"). -->