Ashwin Ramaswami 49d71f7773 updates
2021-12-11 21:06:14 -05:00

44 lines
1.8 KiB

Please note that by submitting a PR with a new proposal, you agree to release this proposal text under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license. See https://github.com/PlaintextGroup/oss-virtual-incubator/blob/main/LICENSE.
If you'd like to submit a proposal yourself, you have two options:
1. Fork this repo and make a copy of [PROPOSAL-TEMPLATE.md](PROPOSAL-TEMPLATE.md). Write up your proposal in the `proposals` directory, then [make a pull request](https://github.com/PlaintextGroup/oss-virtual-incubator/pulls) to this repository.
2. If you'd rather just use a form, [fill out this form][form]. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will copy over your proposal to this GitHub repository.
### Title
<!-- A short, pithy title for the proposal. -->
### Short description
<!-- A short, one-sentence description of the proposal. -->
### Author(s)
<!-- Put your GitHub username(s) here. The proposal author(s) will "own" the proposal and will be able to accept future PRs that change it. -->
### Proposal body
<!-- Explain your proposal. Add as much as you want, within reason! -->
### Due diligence
<!-- Please answer the following due diligence questions; it's okay to answer "N/A" if you don't know yet. -->
1. **What related work has already been done in this area?** <!-- Insert answer here -->
2. **How is this proposal innovative -- what distinguishes it from other related work?** <!-- -->
3. **Who is your doer -- who will execute the proposed work?** <!-- Insert answer here -->
4. **How might this work be sustained long-term after an initial seed grant?** <!-- Insert answer here -->
### Resources needed
<!-- What resources are needed (grant money, advisors, expertise, etc.) to realize this proposal? -->
### Other links and resources
<!-- Add any other links, images, or resources that are relevant to the proposal -->