forked from mystiq/dex
This change solves the User's API problem when you want to create an user that its email hasn't been verified yet but it exist. At now, you can resend invitation email using endpoint /users/{id}/resend-invitation Fixes #184
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# Dex API
__Version:__ v1
## Models
### Client
id: string,
redirectURIs: [
### ClientPage
clients: [
nextPageToken: string
### ClientWithSecret
id: string,
redirectURIs: [
secret: string
### Error
error: string,
error_description: string
### ResendEmailInvitationRequest
redirectURL: string
### ResendEmailInvitationResponse
emailSent: boolean,
resetPasswordLink: string
### User
admin: boolean,
createdAt: string,
disabled: boolean,
displayName: string,
email: string,
emailVerified: boolean,
id: string
### UserCreateRequest
redirectURL: string,
user: User
### UserCreateResponse
emailSent: boolean,
resetPasswordLink: string,
user: User
### UserDisableRequest
disable: boolean // If true, disable this user, if false, enable them. No error is signaled if the user state doesn't change.
### UserDisableResponse
ok: boolean
### UserResponse
user: User
### UsersResponse
nextPageToken: string,
users: [
## Paths
### GET /clients
> __Summary__
> List Clients
> __Description__
> Retrieve a page of Client objects.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| nextPageToken | query | | No | string |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [ClientPage](#clientpage) |
| default | Unexpected error | |
### POST /clients
> __Summary__
> Create Clients
> __Description__
> Register a new Client.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| | body | | Yes | [Client](#client) |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [ClientWithSecret](#clientwithsecret) |
| default | Unexpected error | |
### GET /users
> __Summary__
> List Users
> __Description__
> Retrieve a page of User objects.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| nextPageToken | query | | No | string |
| maxResults | query | | No | integer |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [UsersResponse](#usersresponse) |
| default | Unexpected error | |
### POST /users
> __Summary__
> Create Users
> __Description__
> Create a new User.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| | body | | Yes | [UserCreateRequest](#usercreaterequest) |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [UserCreateResponse](#usercreateresponse) |
| default | Unexpected error | |
### GET /users/{id}
> __Summary__
> Get Users
> __Description__
> Get a single User object by id.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| id | path | | Yes | string |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [UserResponse](#userresponse) |
| default | Unexpected error | |
### POST /users/{id}/disable
> __Summary__
> Disable Users
> __Description__
> Enable or disable a user.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| id | path | | Yes | string |
| | body | | Yes | [UserDisableRequest](#userdisablerequest) |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [UserDisableResponse](#userdisableresponse) |
| default | Unexpected error | |
### POST /users/{id}/resend-invitation
> __Summary__
> ResendEmailInvitation Users
> __Description__
> Resend invitation email to an existing user with unverified email.
> __Parameters__
> |Name|Located in|Description|Required|Type|
| id | path | | Yes | string |
| | body | | Yes | [ResendEmailInvitationRequest](#resendemailinvitationrequest) |
> __Responses__
> |Code|Description|Type|
| 200 | | [ResendEmailInvitationResponse](#resendemailinvitationresponse) |
| default | Unexpected error | |