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* mCaptcha - A proof of work based DoS protection system
* Copyright © 2021 Aravinth Manivannan <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
//! mCaptcha is a proof of work based Denaial-of-Service attack protection system.
//! This is is a server library that you can embed in your services to protect your
//! servers.
//! A commercial managed solution is in the works but I'd much rather prefer
//! folks host their own instances as it will make the more decentralized and free.
//! In mCaptcha, defense is adjusted in discrete levels that depend on the
//! ammount of traffic that a service is experiencing. So users of this library are
//! requested to benchmark their target machines before configuring their mCaptcha
//! component.
//! ## Terminology:
//! - Difficulty(Factor): Minimum ammount of work that a client must do to make a valid
//! request.
//! - [Defense]: A datatype that various visitor-difficulty mappigns
//! - Visitor: Smallest unit of traffic, usually a single request. The more you have, the busier
//! your service is. Determines mCaptcha defense defense
//! - Visitor threshold: The threshold at which [MCaptcha] will adjust defense defense
//! - [Cache][crate::cache] : A datatype that implements [Save][crate::cache::Save]. Used to store
//! PoW requirements to defend against replay attacks and dictionary attacks.
//! - [Master][crate::master::Master]: A datatype that manages
//! [MCaptcha][crate::mcaptcha::MCaptcha] actors. Works like a DNS for
//! [AddVisitor][crate::mcaptcha::AddVisitor] messages.
//! - [System][crate::system::System]: mCaptcha system that manages cache, master and provides
//! useful abstractions. An mCaptcha system/instance can have only a single
//! [System][crate::system::System]
//! ## Example:
//! ```rust
//! use libmcaptcha::{
//! cache::{messages::VerifyCaptchaResult, hashcache::HashCache},
//! master::embedded::master:: Master,
//! master::messages::AddSiteBuilder,
//! pow::{ConfigBuilder, Work},
//! system::SystemBuilder,
//! DefenseBuilder, LevelBuilder, MCaptchaBuilder,
//! };
//! // traits from actix needs to be in scope for starting actor
//! use actix::prelude::*;
//! #[actix_rt::main]
//! async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
//! // start cahce actor
//! // cache is used to store PoW requirements that are sent to clients
//! // This way, it can be verified that the client computed work over a config
//! // that _we_ sent. Offers protection against rainbow tables powered dictionary attacks
//! let cache = HashCache::default().start();
//! // create PoW config with unique salt. Salt has to be safely guarded.
//! // salts protect us from replay attacks
//! let pow = ConfigBuilder::default()
//! .salt("myrandomsaltisnotlongenoug".into())
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! // start master actor. Master actor is responsible for managing MCaptcha actors
//! // each mCaptcha system should have only one master
//! let master = Master::new(5).start();
//! // Create system. System encapsulates master and cache and provides useful abstraction
//! // each mCaptcha system should have only one system
//! let system = SystemBuilder::default()
//! .master(master)
//! .cache(cache)
//! .pow(pow.clone())
//! .build();
//! // configure defense. This is a per site configuration. A site can have several levels
//! // of defenses configured
//! let defense = DefenseBuilder::default()
//! // add as many defense as you see fit
//! .add_level(
//! LevelBuilder::default()
//! // visitor_threshold is the threshold/limit at which
//! // mCaptcha will adjust difficulty defense
//! // it is advisable to set small values for the first
//! // defense visitor_threshold and difficulty_factor
//! // as this will be the work that clients will be
//! // computing when there's no load
//! .visitor_threshold(50)
//! .difficulty_factor(500)
//! .unwrap()
//! .build()
//! .unwrap(),
//! )
//! .unwrap()
//! .add_level(
//! LevelBuilder::default()
//! .visitor_threshold(5000)
//! .difficulty_factor(50000)
//! .unwrap()
//! .build()
//! .unwrap(),
//! )
//! .unwrap()
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! // create and start MCaptcha actor that uses the above defense configuration
//! // This is what manages the difficulty factor of sites that an mCaptcha protects
//! let mcaptcha = MCaptchaBuilder::default()
//! .defense(defense)
//! // leaky bucket algorithm's emission interval
//! .duration(30)
//! // .cache(cache)
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! // unique value identifying an MCaptcha actor
//! let mcaptcha_name = "";
//! // add MCaptcha to Master
//! let msg = AddSiteBuilder::default()
//! .id(mcaptcha_name.into())
//! .mcaptcha(mcaptcha)
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! system.master.send(msg).await.unwrap();
//! // Get PoW config. Should be called everytime there's a visitor for a
//! // managed site(here mcaptcha_name)
//! let work_req = system.get_pow(mcaptcha_name.into()).await.unwrap();
//! // the following computation should be done on the client but for the purpose
//! // of this illustration, we are going to do it on the server it self
//! let work = pow
//! .prove_work(&work_req.string, work_req.difficulty_factor)
//! .unwrap();
//! // the payload that the client sends to the server
//! let payload = Work {
//! string: work_req.string,
//! result: work.result,
//! nonce: work.nonce,
//! key: mcaptcha_name.into(),
//! };
//! // Server evaluates client's work. Returns true if everything
//! // checksout and Err() if something fishy is happening
//! let res = system.verify_pow(payload.clone()).await;
//! assert!(res.is_ok());
//! // The client should submit the token to the mCaptcha protected service
//! // The service should validate the token received from the client
//! // with the mCaptcha server before processing client's
//! // request
//! // mcaptcha protected service sends the following paylaod to mCaptcha
//! // server:
//! let verify_msg = VerifyCaptchaResult {
//! token: res.unwrap(),
//! key: mcaptcha_name.into(),
//! };
//! // on mCaptcha server:
//! let res = system.validate_verification_tokens(verify_msg).await;
//! // mCaptcha will return true if token is valid and false if
//! // token is invalid
//! assert!(res.is_ok());
//! assert!(res.unwrap());
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
pub mod defense;
pub mod errors;
pub mod master;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub mod redis;
/// message datatypes to interact with [MCaptcha] actor
pub mod cache;
pub mod mcaptcha;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub mod pow;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub mod system;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
mod utils;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub use crate::cache::hashcache::HashCache;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub use master::embedded::counter::Counter;
pub use crate::defense::{Defense, DefenseBuilder, LevelBuilder};
pub use crate::master::AddVisitorResult;
pub use crate::master::CreateMCaptcha;
pub use crate::mcaptcha::{MCaptcha, MCaptchaBuilder};
#[cfg(feature = "minimal")]
pub mod dev {
pub use super::AddVisitorResult;
pub use super::CreateMCaptcha;
pub use crate::defense;
pub use crate::defense::{Defense, DefenseBuilder, LevelBuilder};
pub use crate::mcaptcha;
pub use crate::mcaptcha::{MCaptcha, MCaptchaBuilder};