use std::io::{Error as IOError, ErrorKind as IOErrorKind}; use actix_web::{ dev::HttpResponseBuilder, error::ResponseError, http::{header, StatusCode}, HttpResponse, }; use argon2_creds::errors::CredsError; use derive_more::{Display, Error}; use log::debug; use serde::Serialize; // use validator::ValidationErrors; use std::convert::From; #[derive(Debug, Display, Clone, PartialEq, Error)] #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] pub enum ServiceError { #[display(fmt = "internal server error")] InternalServerError, #[display(fmt = "The value you entered for email is not an email")] //405j NotAnEmail, #[display(fmt = "File not found")] FileNotFound, #[display(fmt = "File exists")] FileExists, #[display(fmt = "Permission denied")] PermissionDenied, #[display(fmt = "Invalid credentials")] InvalidCredentials, #[display(fmt = "Authorization required")] AuthorizationRequired, /// when the value passed contains profainity #[display(fmt = "Can't allow profanity in usernames")] ProfainityError, /// when the value passed contains blacklisted words /// see [blacklist]( #[display(fmt = "Username contains blacklisted words")] BlacklistError, /// when the value passed contains characters not present /// in [UsernameCaseMapped]( /// profile #[display(fmt = "username_case_mapped violation")] UsernameCaseMappedError, /// when the value passed contains profainity #[display(fmt = "Username not available")] UsernameTaken, /// when a question is already answered #[display(fmt = "Already answered")] AlreadyAnswered, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] struct ErrorToResponse { error: String, } impl ResponseError for ServiceError { fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponseBuilder::new(self.status_code()) .set_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=UTF-8") .json(ErrorToResponse { error: self.to_string(), }) } fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode { match *self { ServiceError::InternalServerError => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ServiceError::NotAnEmail => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::FileNotFound => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, ServiceError::FileExists => StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, ServiceError::PermissionDenied => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, ServiceError::InvalidCredentials => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, ServiceError::AuthorizationRequired => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, ServiceError::ProfainityError => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::BlacklistError => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::UsernameCaseMappedError => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::UsernameTaken => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::AlreadyAnswered => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, } } } impl From for ServiceError { fn from(e: IOError) -> ServiceError { debug!("{:?}", &e); match e.kind() { IOErrorKind::NotFound => ServiceError::FileNotFound, IOErrorKind::PermissionDenied => ServiceError::PermissionDenied, IOErrorKind::AlreadyExists => ServiceError::FileExists, _ => ServiceError::InternalServerError, } } } impl From for ServiceError { fn from(e: CredsError) -> ServiceError { debug!("{:?}", &e); match e { CredsError::UsernameCaseMappedError => ServiceError::UsernameCaseMappedError, CredsError::ProfainityError => ServiceError::ProfainityError, CredsError::BlacklistError => ServiceError::BlacklistError, CredsError::NotAnEmail => ServiceError::NotAnEmail, CredsError::Argon2Error(_) => ServiceError::InternalServerError, _ => ServiceError::InternalServerError, } } } // impl From for ServiceError { // fn from(_: ValidationErrors) -> ServiceError { // ServiceError::NotAnEmail // } // } // impl From for ServiceError { fn from(e: sqlx::Error) -> Self { use sqlx::error::Error; use std::borrow::Cow; debug!("{:?}", &e); if let Error::Database(err) = e { if err.code() == Some(Cow::from("23505")) { return ServiceError::UsernameTaken; } } ServiceError::InternalServerError } } pub type ServiceResult = std::result::Result;