/* * mCaptcha - A proof of work based DoS protection system * Copyright © 2021 Aravinth Manivannan * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //! Cache implementation that uses Redis use actix::prelude::*; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use super::messages::*; use super::AddChallenge; use super::Save; use crate::errors::*; use crate::redis::mcaptcha_redis::MCaptchaRedis; use crate::redis::RedisConfig; pub struct RedisCache(MCaptchaRedis); impl RedisCache { pub async fn new(redis: RedisConfig) -> CaptchaResult { let redis = MCaptchaRedis::new(redis).await?; let master = Self(redis); Ok(master) } } impl Save for RedisCache {} impl Actor for RedisCache { type Context = Context; } /// cache a PoWConfig impl Handler for RedisCache { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, msg: CachePoW, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let con = self.0.get_client(); let fut = async move { let payload: AddChallenge = AddChallenge { challenge: msg.string, difficulty: msg.difficulty_factor, duration: msg.duration, }; let res = con.add_challenge(&msg.key, &payload).await; tx.send(res).unwrap(); } .into_actor(self); ctx.wait(fut); MessageResult(rx) } } /// Retrive PoW difficulty_factor for a PoW string impl Handler for RedisCache { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, msg: RetrivePoW, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let con = self.0.get_client(); let fut = async move { let r = match con.get_challenge(&msg.0).await { Err(e) => Err(e), Ok(val) => { let res = CachedPoWConfig { duration: val.duration, difficulty_factor: val.difficulty_factor, key: msg.0.key, }; Ok(Some(res)) } }; tx.send(r).unwrap(); } .into_actor(self); ctx.wait(fut); MessageResult(rx) } } /// cache PoW result impl Handler for RedisCache { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, msg: CacheResult, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let con = self.0.get_client(); let fut = async move { let r = con.add_token(&msg).await; tx.send(r).unwrap(); } .into_actor(self); ctx.wait(fut); MessageResult(rx) } } /// Retrive PoW difficulty_factor for a PoW string impl Handler for RedisCache { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, msg: VerifyCaptchaResult, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let con = self.0.get_client(); let fut = async move { let r = con.get_token(&msg).await; tx.send(r).unwrap(); } .into_actor(self); ctx.wait(fut); MessageResult(rx) } } /// Delte a PoWConfig impl Handler for RedisCache { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, _msg: DeleteCaptchaResult, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { MessageResult(Ok(())) } } /// Delte a PoWConfig impl Handler for RedisCache { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, _msg: DeletePoW, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { //self.remove_pow_config(&msg.0); MessageResult(Ok(())) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::time::Duration; use actix::clock::sleep; //use crate::master::AddVisitorResult; //use crate::pow::PoWConfig; // async fn sleep(time: u64) { // //use actix::clock::sleep; // use actix::clock::delay_for; // use std::time::Duration; // let duration: Duration = Duration::new(time, 0); // //sleep(duration).await; // delay_for(duration).await; // } const REDIS_URL: &str = "redis://"; #[actix_rt::test] async fn rediscache_pow_cache_works() { const DIFFICULTY_FACTOR: u32 = 54; const DURATION: u64 = 5; const KEY: &str = "mcaptchakey"; const CHALLENGE: &str = "redischallenge1"; let addr = RedisCache::new(RedisConfig::Single(REDIS_URL.into())) .await .unwrap() .start(); let msg = CachePoWBuilder::default() .string(CHALLENGE.into()) .difficulty_factor(DIFFICULTY_FACTOR) .duration(DURATION) .key(KEY.into()) .build() .unwrap(); addr.send(msg.clone()) .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); let msg = VerifyCaptchaResult { token: CHALLENGE.into(), key: KEY.into(), }; let cache_difficulty_factor = addr .send(RetrivePoW(msg.clone())) .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( DIFFICULTY_FACTOR, cache_difficulty_factor.unwrap().difficulty_factor ); let duration: Duration = Duration::new(5, 0); //delay_for(duration + duration).await; sleep(duration + duration).await; let expired_string = addr.send(RetrivePoW(msg)).await.unwrap().await.unwrap(); assert!(expired_string.is_err()); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn redishashcache_result_cache_works() { use std::time::Duration; //use actix::clock::delay_for; const DURATION: u64 = 5; const KEY: &str = "a"; const RES: &str = "b"; let addr = RedisCache::new(RedisConfig::Single(REDIS_URL.into())) .await .unwrap() .start(); // send value to cache // send another value to cache for auto delete // verify_captcha_result // delete // wait for timeout and verify_captcha_result against second value let add_cache = CacheResult { key: KEY.into(), token: RES.into(), duration: DURATION, }; addr.send(add_cache).await.unwrap().await.unwrap().unwrap(); let verify_msg = VerifyCaptchaResult { key: KEY.into(), token: RES.into(), }; assert!(addr .send(verify_msg.clone()) .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap() .unwrap()); // duplicate assert!(!addr.send(verify_msg).await.unwrap().await.unwrap().unwrap()); let verify_msg = VerifyCaptchaResult { key: "cz".into(), token: RES.into(), }; assert!(!addr.send(verify_msg).await.unwrap().await.unwrap().unwrap()); let duration: Duration = Duration::new(5, 0); //delay_for(duration + duration).await; sleep(duration + duration).await; let verify_msg = VerifyCaptchaResult { key: KEY.into(), token: RES.into(), }; assert!(!addr.send(verify_msg).await.unwrap().await.unwrap().unwrap()); } }