## 0.1.3 ## Added - `HashCache` was extended to store captcha responses - `HashCache` was extended to cache site keys when caching `PoW` configurations as a result: - `Retrieve` `RetrievePoW` now returns `CachedPoWConfig` - random token generation post `PoW` verification ## Changed - `Cache` became `CachePoW` (`HashCache` extension) - `Retrieve` became `RetrievePoW`(`HashCache` extension) - `DeleteString` became `DeletePoW` (`HashCache` extension) - `Save` trait now requires three new message impls (`HashCache` extension_ - `System.verify_pow` now returns a `String` instead of `bool` ## Removed - `CachePoW` constructor was removed in favour of `CachwPoWBuilder` ## Fixed - a bug in `mCaptcha/pow_sha256` was causing errors in PoW computation ## 0.1.2 ## Changed - actix upgraded to `0.11` ## 0.1.1 ### Added - `Master` packs a garbage collector to stop and get rid of inactive `MCaptcha` actors - `serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}` impls (shouldn't break anything) ### Changed - typo fix: `MCaptcha::decrement_visiotr()` became `MCaptcha::decrement_visitor()` - `MCaptcha` throws error when duration is 0 - `Visitor` is changed to `AddVisitor` - `Master` constructor accepts a parameter to configure GC(see previous point) period