2021-03-09 17:37:46 +05:30
use m_captcha::{
master::{AddSiteBuilder, Master},
pow::{ConfigBuilder, Work},
DefenseBuilder, LevelBuilder, MCaptchaBuilder,
// traits from actix needs to be in scope for starting actor
use actix::prelude::*;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// start cahce actor
// cache is used to store PoW requirements that are sent to clients
// This way, it can be verified that the client computed work over a config
// that _we_ sent. Offers protection against rainbow tables powered dictionary attacks
let cache = HashCache::default().start();
// create PoW config with unique salt. Salt has to be safely guarded.
// salts protect us from replay attacks
let pow = ConfigBuilder::default()
// start master actor. Master actor is responsible for managing MCaptcha actors
// each mCaptcha system should have only one master
let master = Master::new().start();
// Create system. System encapsulates master and cache and provides useful abstraction
// each mCaptcha system should have only one system
let system = SystemBuilder::default()
// configure defense. This is a per site configuration. A site can have several levels
// of defenses configured
let defense = DefenseBuilder::default()
// add as many defense as you see fit
// visitor_threshold is the threshold/limit at which
// mCaptcha will adjust difficulty defense
// it is advisable to set small values for the first
// defense visitor_threshold and difficulty_factor
// as this will be the work that clients will be
// computing when there's no load
2021-03-15 19:30:46 +05:30
2021-03-09 17:37:46 +05:30
// create and start MCaptcha actor that uses the above defense configuration
// This is what manages the difficulty factor of sites that an mCaptcha protects
let mcaptcha = MCaptchaBuilder::default()
// leaky bucket algorithm's emission interval
// .cache(cache)
// unique value identifying an MCaptcha actor
let mcaptcha_name = "batsense.net";
// add MCaptcha to Master
let msg = AddSiteBuilder::default()
// Get PoW config. Should be called everytime there's a visitor for a
// managed site(here mcaptcha_name)
let work_req = system.get_pow(mcaptcha_name.into()).await.unwrap();
// the following computation should be done on the client but for the purpose
// of this illustration, we are going to do it on the server it self
let work = pow
.prove_work(&work_req.string, work_req.difficulty_factor)
// the payload that the client sends to the server
let payload = Work {
string: work_req.string,
result: work.result,
nonce: work.nonce,
// Server evaluates client's work. Returns true if everything
// checksout and Err() if something fishy is happening
let res = system.verify_pow(payload.clone()).await.unwrap();