<. include!("./post_meta.html"); .>

<.= data.title .>

<.= data.creator.name .> <.= data.creator.name .> on <.= &date .> · <.= reading_time .> min read

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<. include!("./_markup.html"); .>

<.} else if p.type_ == "H2" {.>

<.= p.text .>

<.} else if p.type_ == "H3" {.>

<.= p.text .>

<.} else if p.type_ == "H4" {.>

<.= p.text .>

<.} else if p.type_ == "H5" {.>
<.= p.text .>
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<.= p.text .>
<.} else if p.type_ == "IFRAME" {.> <. let src = &p.iframe.as_ref().unwrap().media_resource.as_ref().unwrap().href; .> <. if src.contains("gist.github.com"){.> <. include!("./gist_insert.html"); .> <.} else {.> <.}.> <.} else {.>

<. include!("./_markup.html"); .>

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Alternatively, you can also email me at realaravinth at batsense dot net!

<.}.> <.}.>