{{template "base/head" .}}
{{template "repo/header" .}}
{{template "repo/issue/navbar" .}}
{{template "repo/issue/search" .}}
{{if not .Repository.IsArchived}}
{{if .PageIsIssueList}} {{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.new"}} {{else}} {{.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.new"}} {{end}}
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.action_open"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.action_close"}}
{{/* Ten wide does not cope well and makes the columns stack. This seems to be related to jQuery's hide/show: in fact, switching issue-actions and issue-filters and having this ten wide will show this one correctly, but not the other one. */}}
{{range .Issues}} {{ $timeStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.Lang }}
  • #{{.Index}}
    {{.Title}} {{if .Ref}} {{.Ref}} {{end}} {{range .Labels}} {{.Name}} {{end}} {{if .NumComments}} {{.NumComments}} {{end}} {{if .TotalTrackedTime}} {{.TotalTrackedTime | Sec2Time}} {{end}}

    {{ $textToTranslate := "repo.issues.opened_by" }} {{ if not .IsClosed }} {{ $timeStr = TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.Lang }} {{ else if and .IsClosed .IsPull }} {{ $timeStr = TimeSinceUnix .ClosedUnix $.Lang }} {{ if .PullRequest.HasMerged }} {{ $textToTranslate = "repo.pulls.merged_by"}} {{ else }} {{ $textToTranslate = "repo.issues.closed_by"}} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ $timeStr = TimeSinceUnix .ClosedUnix $.Lang }} {{ $textToTranslate = "repo.issues.closed_by"}} {{ end }} {{$.i18n.Tr $textToTranslate $timeStr .Poster.HomeLink .Poster.Name | Safe}} {{$tasks := .GetTasks}} {{if gt $tasks 0}} {{$tasksDone := .GetTasksDone}} {{$tasksDone}} / {{$tasks}} {{end}} {{if .Milestone}} {{.Milestone.Name}} {{end}} {{if ne .DeadlineUnix 0}} {{.DeadlineUnix.FormatShort}} {{end}} {{range .Assignees}} {{end}}

  • {{end}} {{with .Page}} {{if gt .TotalPages 1}}
    {{end}} {{end}}
    {{template "base/footer" .}}