// Copyright 2021 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package routing

import (


// Event indicates when the printer is triggered
type Event int

const (
	// StartEvent at the beginning of a request
	StartEvent Event = iota

	// StillExecutingEvent the request is still executing

	// EndEvent the request has ended (either completed or failed)

// Printer is used to output the log for a request
type Printer func(trigger Event, record *requestRecord)

type requestRecordsManager struct {
	print Printer

	lock sync.Mutex

	requestRecords map[uint64]*requestRecord
	count          uint64

func (manager *requestRecordsManager) startSlowQueryDetector(threshold time.Duration) {
	go graceful.GetManager().RunWithShutdownContext(func(baseCtx context.Context) {
		// This go-routine checks all active requests every second.
		// If a request has been running for a long time (eg: /user/events), we also print a log with "still-executing" message
		// After the "still-executing" log is printed, the record will be removed from the map to prevent from duplicated logs in future

		// We do not care about accurate duration here. It just does the check periodically, 0.5s or 1.5s are all OK.
		t := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
		for {
			select {
			case <-baseCtx.Done():
			case <-t.C:
				now := time.Now()

				var slowRequests []*requestRecord

				// find all slow requests with lock
				for index, record := range manager.requestRecords {
					if now.Sub(record.startTime) < threshold {

					slowRequests = append(slowRequests, record)
					delete(manager.requestRecords, index)

				// print logs for slow requests
				for _, record := range slowRequests {
					manager.print(StillExecutingEvent, record)

func (manager *requestRecordsManager) handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		record := &requestRecord{
			startTime:      time.Now(),
			request:        req,
			responseWriter: w,

		// generate a record index an insert into the map
		record.index = manager.count
		manager.requestRecords[record.index] = record

		defer func() {
			// just in case there is a panic. now the panics are all recovered in middleware.go
			localPanicErr := recover()
			if localPanicErr != nil {
				record.panicError = localPanicErr

			// remove from the record map
			delete(manager.requestRecords, record.index)

			// log the end of the request
			manager.print(EndEvent, record)

			if localPanicErr != nil {
				// the panic wasn't recovered before us, so we should pass it up, and let the framework handle the panic error

		req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), contextKey, record))
		manager.print(StartEvent, record)
		next.ServeHTTP(w, req)