import {mount, flushPromises} from '@vue/test-utils'; import ContextPopup from './ContextPopup.vue'; test('renders a issue info popup', async () => { const owner = 'user2'; const repo = 'repo1'; const index = 1; vi.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockResolvedValue({ json: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, created_at: '2023-09-30T19:00:00Z', repository: {full_name: owner}, pull_request: null, state: 'open', title: 'Normal issue', body: 'Lorem ipsum...', number: index, labels: [{color: 'ee0701', name: "Bug :+1: <script class='evil'>alert('Oh no!');</script>"}], }), ok: true, }); const wrapper = mount(ContextPopup); wrapper.vm.$el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ce-load-context-popup', {detail: {owner, repo, index}})); await flushPromises(); // Header expect(wrapper.get('p:nth-of-type(1)').text()).toEqual('user2 on Sep 30, 2023'); // Title expect(wrapper.get('p:nth-of-type(2)').text()).toEqual('Normal issue #1'); // Body expect(wrapper.get('p:nth-of-type(3)').text()).toEqual('Lorem ipsum...'); // Check that the state is correct. expect(wrapper.get('svg').classes()).toContain('octicon-issue-opened'); // Ensure that script is not an element. expect(() => wrapper.get('.evil')).toThrowError(); // Check content of label expect(wrapper.get('.ui.label').text()).toContain("Bug 👍 <script class='evil'>alert('Oh no!');</script>"); });