2020-10-14 17:41:11 +05:30
{{ if or .PullReviewers .OriginalReviews }}
2018-11-22 18:47:36 +05:30
<div class="comment box">
<div class="content">
<div class="ui segment">
<h4> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.review.reviewers" }} </h4>
2019-12-04 06:38:56 +05:30
{{ range .PullReviewers }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ $ createdStr : = TimeSinceUnix .Review .UpdatedUnix $ .Lang }}
2018-11-22 18:47:36 +05:30
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="review-item">
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
<div class="review-item-left">
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ if .User }}
2020-12-04 00:16:11 +05:30
<a href=" {{ .User .HomeLink }} ">
{{ avatar .User }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ end }}
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ if .User }}
2020-11-04 14:41:19 +05:30
<a href=" {{ .User .HomeLink }} "> {{ .User .GetDisplayName }} </a>
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ else if .Team }}
<span class="ui text"> {{ $ .Issue .Repo .OwnerName }} / {{ .Team .Name }} </span>
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .Review .Type 1 }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.review.approve" $ createdStr | Safe }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ else if eq .Review .Type 2 }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.review.comment" $ createdStr | Safe }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ else if eq .Review .Type 3 }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.review.reject" $ createdStr | Safe }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ else if eq .Review .Type 4 }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.review.wait" $ createdStr | Safe }}
{{ else }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.review.comment" $ createdStr | Safe }}
2020-04-06 22:03:34 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
<div class="review-item-right">
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ if .Review .Stale }}
2021-11-18 08:56:50 +05:30
<span class="ui tooltip type-icon text grey" data-content=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.is_stale" }} ">
2021-05-23 02:59:46 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-hourglass" 1 6 "icon" }}
2021-02-11 23:02:25 +05:30
{{ end }}
{{ if ( and $ .Permission .IsAdmin ( or ( eq .Review .Type 1 ) ( eq .Review .Type 3 ) ) ( not $ .Issue .IsClosed ) ) }}
2021-11-18 08:56:50 +05:30
<a href="#" class="ui muted tooltip icon dismiss-review-btn" data-review-id="dismiss-review- {{ .Review .ID }} " data-content=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.dismiss_review" }} ">
2021-02-11 23:02:25 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" 1 6 }}
<div class="ui small modal" id="dismiss-review-modal">
<div class="header">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.dismiss_review" }}
<div class="content">
<div class="ui warning message text left">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.dismiss_review_warning" }}
<form class="ui form dismiss-review-form" id="dismiss-review- {{ .Review .ID }} " action=" {{ $ .RepoLink }} /issues/dismiss_review" method="post">
{{ $ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
<input type="hidden" name="review_id" value=" {{ .Review .ID }} ">
<div class="field">
<label for="message"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "action.review_dismissed_reason" }} </label>
<input id="message" name="message">
<div class="text right actions">
<div class="ui cancel button"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "settings.cancel" }} </div>
<button class="ui red button" type="submit"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "ok" }} </button>
2020-04-06 22:03:34 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
<span class="type-icon text {{ if eq .Review .Type 1 }} green
{{ - else if eq .Review .Type 2 }} grey
{{ - else if eq .Review .Type 3 }} red
{{ - else if eq .Review .Type 4 }} yellow
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
{{ else }} grey {{ end }} ">
2020-04-06 22:03:34 +05:30
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ if .CanChange }}
2021-11-18 08:56:50 +05:30
<a href="#" class="ui tooltip icon re-request-review {{ if .Checked }} checked {{ end }} " data-issue-id=" {{ $ .Issue .ID }} " data-content=" {{ if .Checked }} {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.remove_request_review" }} {{ else }} {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.issues.re_request_review" }} {{ end }} " data-id=" {{ .ItemID }} " data-update-url=" {{ $ .RepoLink }} /issues/request_review">
2021-03-22 09:34:19 +05:30
{{ if .Checked }} {{ svg "octicon-trash" }} {{ else }} {{ svg "octicon-sync" }} {{ end }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-10-13 01:25:13 +05:30
{{ svg ( printf "octicon-%s" .Review .Type .Icon ) }}
2020-06-15 13:07:00 +05:30
2018-11-22 18:47:36 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-10-14 17:41:11 +05:30
{{ range .OriginalReviews }}
{{ $ createdStr : = TimeSinceUnix .UpdatedUnix $ .Lang }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="review-item">
<div class="review-item-left">
2021-11-18 08:56:50 +05:30
<a href=" {{ $ .Repository .OriginalURL }} " class="ui tooltip" data-content=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.migrated_from_fake" ( $ .Repository .GetOriginalURLHostname | Escape ) | Safe }} ">
2021-09-18 21:52:51 +05:30
<span class="text black ">
{{ svg ( MigrationIcon $ .Repository .GetOriginalURLHostname ) }}
{{ .OriginalAuthor }}
2020-10-14 17:41:11 +05:30
<div class="review-item-right">
<span class="type-icon text {{ if eq .Type 1 }} green
{{ - else if eq .Type 2 }} grey
{{ - else if eq .Type 3 }} red
{{ - else if eq .Type 4 }} yellow
{{ else }} grey {{ end }} ">
{{ svg ( printf "octicon-%s" .Type .Icon ) }}
{{ end }}
2018-11-22 18:47:36 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-04-11 03:31:41 +05:30
<div class="timeline-item comment merge box">
<a class="timeline-avatar text {{ if .Issue .PullRequest .HasMerged }} purple
2020-04-03 10:42:42 +05:30
{{ - else if .Issue .IsClosed }} grey
{{ - else if .IsPullWorkInProgress }} grey
{{ - else if .IsFilesConflicted }} grey
{{ - else if .IsPullRequestBroken }} red
{{ - else if .IsBlockedByApprovals }} red
{{ - else if .IsBlockedByRejection }} red
2020-11-29 01:00:46 +05:30
{{ - else if .IsBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests }} red
2020-04-17 06:30:36 +05:30
{{ - else if .IsBlockedByOutdatedBranch }} red
2020-10-14 00:20:57 +05:30
{{ - else if .IsBlockedByChangedProtectedFiles }} red
2020-04-03 10:42:42 +05:30
{{ - else if and .EnableStatusCheck ( or .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsFailure .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsError ) }} red
2020-04-16 02:05:18 +05:30
{{ - else if and .EnableStatusCheck ( or ( not $ .LatestCommitStatus ) .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsPending .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsWarning ) }} yellow
2020-08-24 03:29:41 +05:30
{{ - else if and .AllowMerge .RequireSigned ( not .WillSign ) }} red
2020-04-03 10:42:42 +05:30
{{ - else if .Issue .PullRequest .IsChecking }} yellow
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ - else if .Issue .PullRequest .IsEmpty }} grey
2020-04-03 10:42:42 +05:30
{{ - else if .Issue .PullRequest .CanAutoMerge }} green
{{ - else }} red {{ end }} "> {{ svg "octicon-git-merge" 3 2 }} </a>
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
<div class="content">
2019-06-30 13:27:59 +05:30
{{ template "repo/pulls/status" . }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
{{ $ canAutoMerge : = false }}
2020-05-26 00:38:06 +05:30
<div class="ui attached merge-section segment {{ if not $ .LatestCommitStatus }} no-header {{ end }} ">
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ if .Issue .PullRequest .HasMerged }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item text">
2019-09-03 11:59:36 +05:30
{{ if .Issue .PullRequest .MergedCommitID }}
2021-11-16 23:48:25 +05:30
{{ $ link : = printf "%s/commit/%s" $ .Repository .HTMLURL ( .Issue .PullRequest .MergedCommitID | PathEscape ) }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ if eq $ .Issue .PullRequest .Status 3 }}
2021-11-16 23:48:25 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.manually_merged_as" ( $ link | Escape ) ( ShortSha .Issue .PullRequest .MergedCommitID ) | Safe }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ else }}
2021-11-16 23:48:25 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merged_as" ( $ link | Escape ) ( ShortSha .Issue .PullRequest .MergedCommitID ) | Safe }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ end }}
2019-09-03 11:59:36 +05:30
{{ else }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.has_merged" }}
{{ end }}
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullBranchDeletable }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<a class="delete-button ui red button" href="" data-url=" {{ .DeleteBranchLink }} "> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </a>
{{ end }}
{{ else if .Issue .IsClosed }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item text">
2019-04-21 02:20:34 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullRequestBroken }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.cant_reopen_deleted_branch" }}
{{ else }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.reopen_to_merge" }}
{{ end }}
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
2020-01-07 22:36:14 +05:30
{{ if and .IsPullBranchDeletable ( not .IsPullRequestBroken ) }}
2019-04-21 02:20:34 +05:30
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<a class="delete-button ui red button" href="" data-url=" {{ .DeleteBranchLink }} "> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </a>
{{ end }}
2019-02-05 17:24:49 +05:30
{{ else if .IsPullFilesConflicted }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item text">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2019-02-05 17:24:49 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.files_conflicted" }}
{{ range .ConflictedFiles }}
<div> {{ . }} </div>
{{ end }}
2018-08-01 08:30:35 +05:30
{{ else if .IsPullRequestBroken }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.data_broken" }}
2018-08-14 00:34:39 +05:30
{{ else if .IsPullWorkInProgress }}
2021-11-16 23:48:25 +05:30
<div class="item toggle-wip df ac sb" data-title=" {{ .Issue .Title }} " data-wip-prefix=" {{ ( .WorkInProgressPrefix | Escape ) }} " data-update-url=" {{ .Issue .Link }} /title">
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.cannot_merge_work_in_progress" }}
{{ if or .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission .IsIssuePoster }}
<button class="ui compact button">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.remove_prefix" ( .WorkInProgressPrefix | Escape ) | Safe }}
{{ end }}
2018-08-14 00:34:39 +05:30
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ else if .Issue .PullRequest .IsChecking }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-sync" }} </i>
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.is_checking" }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ else if .Issue .PullRequest .IsEmpty }}
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<div class="item">
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-alert" 1 6 }} </i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.is_empty" }}
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ else if .Issue .PullRequest .CanAutoMerge }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ if .IsBlockedByApprovals }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_approvals" .GrantedApprovals .Issue .PullRequest .ProtectedBranch .RequiredApprovals }}
{{ else if .IsBlockedByRejection }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_rejection" }}
2020-11-29 01:00:46 +05:30
{{ else if .IsBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests }}
<div class="item">
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_official_review_requests" }}
2020-04-17 06:30:36 +05:30
{{ else if .IsBlockedByOutdatedBranch }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-04-17 06:30:36 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_outdated_branch" }}
2020-10-14 00:20:57 +05:30
{{ else if .IsBlockedByChangedProtectedFiles }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-10-14 00:20:57 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" 1 6 }} </i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr ( TrN $ .i18n .Lang $ .ChangedProtectedFilesNum "repo.pulls.blocked_by_changed_protected_files_1" "repo.pulls.blocked_by_changed_protected_files_n" ) | Safe }}
<div class="ui ordered list">
{{ range .ChangedProtectedFiles }}
<div data-value="-" class="item"> {{ . }} </div>
{{ end }}
2020-01-22 09:16:04 +05:30
{{ else if and .EnableStatusCheck ( or .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsError .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsFailure ) }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.required_status_check_failed" }}
2020-04-16 02:05:18 +05:30
{{ else if and .EnableStatusCheck ( not .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsSuccess ) }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-04-16 02:05:18 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.required_status_check_missing" }}
2020-08-24 03:29:41 +05:30
{{ else if and .AllowMerge .RequireSigned ( not .WillSign ) }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.require_signed_wont_sign" }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-01-18 17:00:35 +05:30
<i class="icon unlock"></i>
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr ( printf "repo.signing.wont_sign.%s" .WontSignReason ) }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-11-29 01:00:46 +05:30
{{ $ notAllOverridableChecksOk : = or .IsBlockedByApprovals .IsBlockedByRejection .IsBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests .IsBlockedByOutdatedBranch .IsBlockedByChangedProtectedFiles ( and .EnableStatusCheck ( not .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsSuccess ) ) }}
2020-08-24 03:29:41 +05:30
{{ if and ( or $ .IsRepoAdmin ( not $ notAllOverridableChecksOk ) ) ( or ( not .AllowMerge ) ( not .RequireSigned ) .WillSign ) }}
2020-01-17 02:31:22 +05:30
{{ if $ notAllOverridableChecksOk }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-dot-fill" }} </i>
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.required_status_check_administrator" }}
2018-12-27 15:57:08 +05:30
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ else }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-check" }} </i>
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.can_auto_merge_desc" }}
2018-01-06 00:26:50 +05:30
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
{{ if .WillSign }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
<i class="icon lock green"></i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.signing.will_sign" .SigningKey }}
2020-01-16 04:25:25 +05:30
{{ else if .IsSigned }}
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-01-18 17:00:35 +05:30
<i class="icon unlock"></i>
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr ( printf "repo.signing.wont_sign.%s" .WontSignReason ) }}
{{ end }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-06-18 06:50:07 +05:30
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
{{ $ canAutoMerge = true }}
{{ if ( gt .Issue .PullRequest .CommitsBehind 0 ) }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
2020-11-16 02:28:16 +05:30
<div class="item item-section">
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
<div class="item-section-left">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-alert" }} </i>
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.outdated_with_base_branch" }}
<div class="item-section-right">
2021-08-31 19:33:45 +05:30
{{ if and .UpdateAllowed .UpdateByRebaseAllowed }}
<div class="dib">
<div class="ui buttons update-button">
<button class="ui button" data-do=" {{ .Link }} /update" data-redirect=" {{ .Link }} ">
<span class="button-text">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch" }}
<div class="ui dropdown icon button no-text">
{{ svg "octicon-triangle-down" 1 4 "dropdown icon" }}
<div class="menu">
<div class="item active selected" data-do=" {{ .Link }} /update"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch" }} </div>
<div class="item" data-do=" {{ .Link }} /update?style=rebase"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch_rebase" }} </div>
{{ end }}
{{ if and .UpdateAllowed ( not .UpdateByRebaseAllowed ) }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /update" method="post" class="ui update-branch-form">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
<button class="ui compact button" data-do="update">
<span class="ui text"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch" }} </span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
2020-08-24 03:29:41 +05:30
{{ if and ( or $ .IsRepoAdmin ( not $ notAllOverridableChecksOk ) ) ( or ( not .AllowMerge ) ( not .RequireSigned ) .WillSign ) }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ if .AllowMerge }}
{{ $ prUnit : = .Repository .MustGetUnit $ .UnitTypePullRequests }}
2019-12-31 05:04:11 +05:30
{{ $ approvers : = .Issue .PullRequest .GetApprovers }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ if or $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowMerge $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowRebase $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowRebaseMerge $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowSquash }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowMerge }}
<div class="ui form merge-fields" style="display: none">
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /merge" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
2021-12-20 06:02:54 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="head_commit_id" value=" {{ .PullHeadCommitID }} ">
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="merge_title_field" value=" {{ .Issue .PullRequest .GetDefaultMergeMessage }} ">
<div class="field">
2020-01-09 20:01:09 +05:30
<textarea name="merge_message_field" rows="5" placeholder=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.editor.commit_message_desc" }} ">Reviewed-on: {{ $ .Issue .HTMLURL }} {{ $ approvers }} </textarea>
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<button class="ui green button" type="submit" name="do" value="merge">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_pull_request" }}
<button class="ui button merge-cancel">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "cancel" }}
2021-07-13 04:56:25 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullBranchDeletable }}
<div class="ui checkbox ml-2">
<input name="delete_branch_after_merge" type="checkbox" {{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge }} checked {{ end }} >
<label> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </label>
{{ end }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ end }}
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowRebase }}
<div class="ui form rebase-fields" style="display: none">
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /merge" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
2021-12-20 06:02:54 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="head_commit_id" value=" {{ .PullHeadCommitID }} ">
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<button class="ui green button" type="submit" name="do" value="rebase">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request" }}
<button class="ui button merge-cancel">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "cancel" }}
2021-07-13 04:56:25 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullBranchDeletable }}
<div class="ui checkbox ml-2">
<input name="delete_branch_after_merge" type="checkbox" {{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge }} checked {{ end }} >
<label> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </label>
{{ end }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ end }}
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowRebaseMerge }}
<div class="ui form rebase-merge-fields" style="display: none">
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /merge" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
2021-12-20 06:02:54 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="head_commit_id" value=" {{ .PullHeadCommitID }} ">
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="merge_title_field" value=" {{ .Issue .PullRequest .GetDefaultMergeMessage }} ">
<div class="field">
2020-01-09 20:01:09 +05:30
<textarea name="merge_message_field" rows="5" placeholder=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.editor.commit_message_desc" }} ">Reviewed-on: {{ $ .Issue .HTMLURL }} {{ $ approvers }} </textarea>
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<button class="ui green button" type="submit" name="do" value="rebase-merge">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request" }}
<button class="ui button merge-cancel">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "cancel" }}
2021-07-13 04:56:25 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullBranchDeletable }}
<div class="ui checkbox ml-2">
<input name="delete_branch_after_merge" type="checkbox" {{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge }} checked {{ end }} >
<label> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </label>
{{ end }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ end }}
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowSquash }}
<div class="ui form squash-fields" style="display: none">
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /merge" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
2021-12-20 06:02:54 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="head_commit_id" value=" {{ .PullHeadCommitID }} ">
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="merge_title_field" value=" {{ .Issue .PullRequest .GetDefaultSquashMessage }} ">
<div class="field">
2020-04-10 16:56:37 +05:30
<textarea name="merge_message_field" rows="5" placeholder=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.editor.commit_message_desc" }} "> {{ .GetCommitMessages }} Reviewed-on: {{ $ .Issue .HTMLURL }} {{ $ approvers }} </textarea>
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<button class="ui green button" type="submit" name="do" value="squash">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.squash_merge_pull_request" }}
<button class="ui button merge-cancel">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "cancel" }}
2021-07-13 04:56:25 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullBranchDeletable }}
<div class="ui checkbox ml-2">
<input name="delete_branch_after_merge" type="checkbox" {{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge }} checked {{ end }} >
<label> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </label>
{{ end }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ end }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ if and $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowManualMerge $ .IsRepoAdmin }}
<div class="ui form manually-merged-fields" style="display: none">
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /merge" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
2021-12-20 06:02:54 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="head_commit_id" value=" {{ .PullHeadCommitID }} ">
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="merge_commit_id" placeholder=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_commit_id" }} ">
<button class="ui red button" type="submit" name="do" value="manually-merged">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_manually" }}
<button class="ui button merge-cancel">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "cancel" }}
2021-07-13 04:56:25 +05:30
{{ if .IsPullBranchDeletable }}
<div class="ui checkbox ml-2">
<input name="delete_branch_after_merge" type="checkbox" {{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge }} checked {{ end }} >
<label> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.branch.delete" .HeadTarget }} </label>
{{ end }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-12-10 08:29:05 +05:30
<div class="dib">
<div class="ui {{ if $ notAllOverridableChecksOk }} red {{ else }} green {{ end }} buttons merge-button">
<button class="ui button" data-do=" {{ .MergeStyle }} ">
{{ svg "octicon-git-merge" }}
<span class="button-text">
{{ if eq .MergeStyle "merge" }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_pull_request" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .MergeStyle "rebase" }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .MergeStyle "rebase-merge" }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .MergeStyle "squash" }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.squash_merge_pull_request" }}
{{ end }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ if eq .MergeStyle "manually-merged" }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_manually" }}
{{ end }}
2020-12-10 08:29:05 +05:30
{{ if gt $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowedMergeStyleCount 1 }}
2020-12-19 09:27:25 +05:30
<div class="ui dropdown icon button no-text">
2020-12-10 08:29:05 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-triangle-down" 1 4 "dropdown icon" }}
<div class="menu">
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowMerge }}
<div class="item {{ if eq .MergeStyle "merge" }} active selected {{ end }} " data-do="merge"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_pull_request" }} </div>
{{ end }}
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowRebase }}
<div class="item {{ if eq .MergeStyle "rebase" }} active selected {{ end }} " data-do="rebase"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request" }} </div>
{{ end }}
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowRebaseMerge }}
<div class="item {{ if eq .MergeStyle "rebase-merge" }} active selected {{ end }} " data-do="rebase-merge"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request" }} </div>
{{ end }}
{{ if $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowSquash }}
<div class="item {{ if eq .MergeStyle "squash" }} active selected {{ end }} " data-do="squash"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.squash_merge_pull_request" }} </div>
{{ end }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ if and $ prUnit .PullRequestsConfig .AllowManualMerge $ .IsRepoAdmin }}
<div class="item {{ if eq .MergeStyle "manually-merged" }} active selected {{ end }} " data-do="manually-merged"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_manually" }} </div>
{{ end }}
2020-12-10 08:29:05 +05:30
2020-11-22 19:28:12 +05:30
2020-12-10 08:29:05 +05:30
{{ end }}
2021-10-17 22:28:36 +05:30
{{ if .ShowMergeInstructions }}
<div class="instruct-toggle ml-3"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_instruction_hint" | Safe }} </div>
<div class="instruct-content" style="display:none">
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div><h3 class="di"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "step1" }} </h3> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_instruction_step1_desc" }} </div>
<div class="ui secondary segment">
{{ if eq .Issue .PullRequest .Flow 0 }}
<div>git checkout -b {{ if ne .Issue .PullRequest .HeadRepo .ID .Issue .PullRequest .BaseRepo .ID }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadRepo .OwnerName }} - {{ end }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadBranch }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .BaseBranch }} </div>
<div>git pull {{ if ne .Issue .PullRequest .HeadRepo .ID .Issue .PullRequest .BaseRepo .ID }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadRepo .HTMLURL }} {{ else }} origin {{ end }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadBranch }} </div>
{{ else }}
<div>git fetch origin {{ .Issue .PullRequest .GetGitRefName }} : {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadBranch }} </div>
{{ end }}
<div><h3 class="di"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "step2" }} </h3> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_instruction_step2_desc" }} </div>
<div class="ui secondary segment">
<div>git checkout {{ .Issue .PullRequest .BaseBranch }} </div>
<div>git merge --no-ff {{ if ne .Issue .PullRequest .HeadRepo .ID .Issue .PullRequest .BaseRepo .ID }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadRepo .OwnerName }} - {{ end }} {{ .Issue .PullRequest .HeadBranch }} </div>
<div>git push origin {{ .Issue .PullRequest .BaseBranch }} </div>
2020-12-10 08:29:05 +05:30
2021-10-17 22:28:36 +05:30
{{ end }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ else }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
<div class="ui divider"></div>
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.no_merge_desc" }}
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-info" }}
2019-09-18 11:09:45 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.no_merge_helper" }}
{{ end }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ else }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
<div class="ui divider"></div>
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-info" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.no_merge_access" }}
2018-01-06 00:26:50 +05:30
{{ end }}
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ / * Merge conflict with out specific file . Suggest manual merge , only if all reviews and status checks OK . * / }}
{{ if .IsBlockedByApprovals }}
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_approvals" .GrantedApprovals .Issue .PullRequest .ProtectedBranch .RequiredApprovals }}
{{ else if .IsBlockedByRejection }}
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2020-11-29 01:00:46 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_rejection" }}
{{ else if .IsBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests }}
<div class="item text red">
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_official_review_requests" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
2020-04-17 06:30:36 +05:30
{{ else if .IsBlockedByOutdatedBranch }}
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" }} </i>
2020-04-17 06:30:36 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.blocked_by_outdated_branch" }}
2020-10-14 00:20:57 +05:30
{{ else if .IsBlockedByChangedProtectedFiles }}
<div class="item text red">
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-x" 1 6 }} </i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr ( TrN $ .i18n .Lang $ .ChangedProtectedFilesNum "repo.pulls.blocked_by_changed_protected_files_1" "repo.pulls.blocked_by_changed_protected_files_n" ) | Safe }}
<div class="ui ordered list">
{{ range .ChangedProtectedFiles }}
<div data-value="-" class="item"> {{ . }} </div>
{{ end }}
2020-04-16 02:05:18 +05:30
{{ else if and .EnableStatusCheck ( not .RequiredStatusCheckState .IsSuccess ) }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.required_status_check_failed" }}
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
{{ else if and .RequireSigned ( not .WillSign ) }}
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2020-01-15 14:02:57 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.require_signed_wont_sign" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ else }}
<div class="item text red">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-x" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc" }}
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<div class="item">
2020-09-12 01:49:00 +05:30
{{ svg "octicon-info" }}
2020-01-11 12:59:34 +05:30
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper" }}
{{ end }}
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30
{{ end }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
{{ if and ( gt .Issue .PullRequest .CommitsBehind 0 ) ( not .Issue .IsClosed ) ( not .Issue .PullRequest .IsChecking ) ( not .IsPullFilesConflicted ) ( not .IsPullRequestBroken ) ( not $ canAutoMerge ) }}
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<div class="item df ac sb">
<i class="icon icon-octicon"> {{ svg "octicon-alert" }} </i>
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.outdated_with_base_branch" }}
2021-08-31 19:33:45 +05:30
{{ if and .UpdateAllowed .UpdateByRebaseAllowed }}
<div class="dib">
<div class="ui buttons update-button">
<button class="ui button" data-do=" {{ .Link }} /update" data-redirect=" {{ .Link }} ">
<span class="button-text">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch" }}
<div class="ui dropdown icon button no-text">
{{ svg "octicon-triangle-down" 1 4 "dropdown icon" }}
<div class="menu">
<div class="item active selected" data-do=" {{ .Link }} /update"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch" }} </div>
<div class="item" data-do=" {{ .Link }} /update?style=rebase"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch_rebase" }} </div>
{{ end }}
{{ if and .UpdateAllowed ( not .UpdateByRebaseAllowed ) }}
2021-05-28 01:32:04 +05:30
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /update" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
<button class="ui compact button" data-do="update">
<span class="ui text"> {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.update_branch" }} </span>
{{ end }}
2020-06-14 00:19:59 +05:30
{{ end }}
2021-03-04 09:11:23 +05:30
{{ if $ .StillCanManualMerge }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui form manually-merged-fields" style="display: none">
<form action=" {{ .Link }} /merge" method="post">
{{ .CsrfTokenHtml }}
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="merge_commit_id" placeholder=" {{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_commit_id" }} ">
<button class="ui red button" type="submit" name="do" value="manually-merged">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_manually" }}
<button class="ui button merge-cancel">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "cancel" }}
<div class="ui red buttons merge-button">
<button class="ui button" data-do="manually-merged">
{{ $ .i18n .Tr "repo.pulls.merge_manually" }}
{{ end }}
2017-03-17 11:27:43 +05:30