*Note*: Tools with open protocol issue (not yet implemented), not fully open sourced code, no documentation at all, or alpha state with development inactive for several months, not added for now.
*Note*: most of these projects include both a back-end and a web client, but this list also includes projects that are only a back-end. Projects that are only a web app, for use with an existing back-end, will go on the [client watchlist](https://git.feneas.org/feneas/fediverse/wikis/watchlist-for-client-apps).
* :tada: :heavy_check_mark: **[Acropolis](https://github.com/magicstone-dev/acropolis)** ([Fedi account](https://c4.social/@weex@")): fork of diaspora to optimize toward community, that is making it as easy as possible to contribute `AGPL-3.0, Ruby`