2023-07-09 08:55:56 +05:30

2803 lines
87 KiB

export const mockAssignees = [
__typename: 'UserCore',
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1',
avatarUrl: '',
webUrl: '',
name: 'John Doe',
username: 'doe_I',
__typename: 'UserCore',
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/2',
avatarUrl: '',
webUrl: '',
name: 'Marcus Rutherford',
username: 'ruthfull',
export const mockLabels = [
__typename: 'Label',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Label/1',
title: 'Label 1',
description: '',
color: '#f00',
textColor: '#00f',
__typename: 'Label',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Label/2',
title: 'Label::2',
description: '',
color: '#b00',
textColor: '#00b',
export const mockMilestone = {
__typename: 'Milestone',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/30',
title: 'v4.0',
state: 'active',
expired: false,
startDate: '2022-10-17',
dueDate: '2022-10-24',
export const mockAwardEmojiThumbsUp = {
name: 'thumbsup',
__typename: 'AwardEmoji',
user: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/5',
__typename: 'UserCore',
export const mockAwardEmojiThumbsDown = {
name: 'thumbsdown',
__typename: 'AwardEmoji',
user: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/5',
__typename: 'UserCore',
export const mockAwardsWidget = {
nodes: [mockAwardEmojiThumbsUp, mockAwardEmojiThumbsDown],
__typename: 'AwardEmojiConnection',
export const workItemQueryResponse = {
data: {
workItem: {
__typename: 'WorkItem',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
title: 'Test',
state: 'OPEN',
description: 'description',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: null,
closedAt: null,
author: {
avatarUrl: '',
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1',
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
webUrl: '',
__typename: 'UserCore',
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
workItemType: {
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: false,
updateWorkItem: false,
setWorkItemMetadata: false,
adminParentLink: false,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription',
description: 'some **great** text',
'<p data-sourcepos="1:1-1:19" dir="auto">some <strong>great</strong> text</p>',
lastEditedAt: null,
lastEditedBy: null,
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees',
type: 'ASSIGNEES',
allowsMultipleAssignees: true,
canInviteMembers: true,
assignees: {
nodes: mockAssignees,
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy',
type: 'HIERARCHY',
hasChildren: true,
parent: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Issue/1',
iid: '5',
title: 'Parent title',
confidential: false,
webUrl: 'http://gdk.test/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1',
name: 'Issue',
iconName: 'issue-type-issue',
children: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444',
iid: '4',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
confidential: false,
title: '123',
state: 'OPEN',
workItemType: {
id: '1',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
hasChildren: false,
export const updateWorkItemMutationResponse = {
data: {
workItemUpdate: {
__typename: 'WorkItemUpdatePayload',
errors: [],
workItem: {
__typename: 'WorkItem',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
title: 'Updated title',
state: 'OPEN',
description: 'description',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: '2022-08-08T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
author: {
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
workItemType: {
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: false,
updateWorkItem: false,
setWorkItemMetadata: false,
adminParentLink: false,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
children: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444',
iid: '4',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
confidential: false,
title: '123',
state: 'OPEN',
workItemType: {
id: '1',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemConnection',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees',
type: 'ASSIGNEES',
allowsMultipleAssignees: true,
canInviteMembers: true,
assignees: {
nodes: [mockAssignees[0]],
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels',
type: 'LABELS',
allowsScopedLabels: false,
labels: {
nodes: mockLabels,
export const updateWorkItemMutationErrorResponse = {
data: {
workItemUpdate: {
__typename: 'WorkItemUpdatePayload',
errors: ['Error!'],
workItem: {},
export const convertWorkItemMutationErrorResponse = {
data: {
workItemConvert: {
__typename: 'WorkItemConvertPayload',
errors: ['Error!'],
workItem: {},
export const convertWorkItemMutationResponse = {
data: {
workItemConvert: {
__typename: 'WorkItemConvertPayload',
errors: [],
workItem: {
__typename: 'WorkItem',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
title: 'Updated title',
state: 'OPEN',
description: 'description',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: '2022-08-08T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
author: {
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
workItemType: {
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/4',
name: 'Objective',
iconName: 'issue-type-objective',
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: false,
updateWorkItem: false,
setWorkItemMetadata: false,
adminParentLink: false,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
children: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444',
iid: '4',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
confidential: false,
title: '123',
state: 'OPEN',
workItemType: {
id: '1',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemConnection',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees',
type: 'ASSIGNEES',
allowsMultipleAssignees: true,
canInviteMembers: true,
assignees: {
nodes: [mockAssignees[0]],
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels',
type: 'LABELS',
allowsScopedLabels: false,
labels: {
nodes: mockLabels,
export const mockParent = {
parent: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Issue/1',
iid: '5',
title: 'Parent title',
confidential: false,
webUrl: 'http://gdk.test/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1',
name: 'Issue',
iconName: 'issue-type-issue',
export const descriptionTextWithCheckboxes = `- [ ] todo 1\n- [ ] todo 2`;
export const descriptionHtmlWithCheckboxes = `
<ul dir="auto" class="task-list" data-sourcepos"1:1-2:12">
<li class="task-list-item" data-sourcepos="1:1-1:11">
<input class="task-list-item-checkbox" type="checkbox"> todo 1
<li class="task-list-item" data-sourcepos="2:1-2:12">
<input class="task-list-item-checkbox" type="checkbox"> todo 2
const taskType = {
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
export const objectiveType = {
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2411',
name: 'Objective',
iconName: 'issue-type-objective',
export const workItemResponseFactory = ({
canUpdate = false,
canDelete = false,
adminParentLink = false,
notificationsWidgetPresent = true,
currentUserTodosWidgetPresent = true,
awardEmojiWidgetPresent = true,
subscribed = true,
allowsMultipleAssignees = true,
assigneesWidgetPresent = true,
datesWidgetPresent = true,
weightWidgetPresent = true,
progressWidgetPresent = true,
milestoneWidgetPresent = true,
iterationWidgetPresent = true,
healthStatusWidgetPresent = true,
notesWidgetPresent = true,
confidential = false,
canInviteMembers = false,
labelsWidgetPresent = true,
labels = mockLabels,
allowsScopedLabels = false,
lastEditedAt = null,
lastEditedBy = null,
withCheckboxes = false,
parent = mockParent.parent,
workItemType = taskType,
author = mockAssignees[0],
createdAt = '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt = '2022-08-08T12:32:54Z',
awardEmoji = mockAwardsWidget,
} = {}) => ({
data: {
workItem: {
__typename: 'WorkItem',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
title: 'Updated title',
state: 'OPEN',
description: 'description',
closedAt: null,
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: canDelete,
updateWorkItem: canUpdate,
setWorkItemMetadata: canUpdate,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription',
description: withCheckboxes ? descriptionTextWithCheckboxes : 'some **great** text',
descriptionHtml: withCheckboxes
? descriptionHtmlWithCheckboxes
: '<p data-sourcepos="1:1-1:19" dir="auto">some <strong>great</strong> text</p>',
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees',
type: 'ASSIGNEES',
assignees: {
nodes: mockAssignees,
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels',
type: 'LABELS',
labels: {
nodes: labels,
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetStartAndDueDate',
dueDate: '2022-12-31',
startDate: '2022-01-01',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetWeight',
type: 'WEIGHT',
weight: 0,
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetIteration',
type: 'ITERATION',
iteration: {
description: null,
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1215',
iid: '182',
title: 'Iteration default title',
startDate: '2022-09-22',
dueDate: '2022-09-30',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetProgress',
type: 'PROGRESS',
progress: 0,
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetMilestone',
type: 'MILESTONE',
milestone: mockMilestone,
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHealthStatus',
healthStatus: 'onTrack',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetNotes',
type: 'NOTES',
discussions: {
pageInfo: {
hasNextPage: true,
hasPreviousPage: false,
startCursor: null,
__typename: 'PageInfo',
nodes: [],
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy',
type: 'HIERARCHY',
hasChildren: true,
children: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444',
iid: '5',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
confidential: false,
title: '123',
state: 'OPEN',
workItemType: {
id: '1',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
hasChildren: false,
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetNotes',
type: 'NOTES',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetNotifications',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
currentUserTodos: {
edges: [
node: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Todo/1',
state: 'pending',
__typename: 'Todo',
__typename: 'TodoEdge',
__typename: 'TodoConnection',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetCurrentUserTodos',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
? {
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAwardEmoji',
type: 'AWARD_EMOJI',
: { type: 'MOCK TYPE' },
export const workItemByIidResponseFactory = (options) => {
const response = workItemResponseFactory(options);
return {
data: {
workspace: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1',
workItems: {
nodes: [],
export const updateWorkItemMutationResponseFactory = (options) => {
const response = workItemResponseFactory(options);
return {
data: {
workItemUpdate: {
errors: [],
export const getIssueDetailsResponse = ({ confidential = false } = {}) => ({
data: {
issue: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Issue/4',
iteration: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1124',
__typename: 'Iteration',
milestone: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/28',
__typename: 'Milestone',
__typename: 'Issue',
__typename: 'Project',
export const projectWorkItemTypesQueryResponse = {
data: {
workspace: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/2',
workItemTypes: {
nodes: [
{ id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1', name: 'Issue' },
{ id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2', name: 'Incident' },
{ id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/3', name: 'Task' },
{ id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/4', name: 'Objective' },
{ id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', name: 'Key Result' },
export const createWorkItemMutationResponse = {
data: {
workItemCreate: {
__typename: 'WorkItemCreatePayload',
workItem: {
__typename: 'WorkItem',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
title: 'Updated title',
state: 'OPEN',
description: 'description',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: null,
closedAt: null,
author: {
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
workItemType: {
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: false,
updateWorkItem: false,
setWorkItemMetadata: false,
adminParentLink: false,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
widgets: [],
errors: [],
export const createWorkItemMutationErrorResponse = {
data: {
workItemCreate: {
__typename: 'WorkItemCreatePayload',
workItem: null,
errors: ['an error'],
export const deleteWorkItemResponse = {
data: { workItemDelete: { errors: [], __typename: 'WorkItemDeletePayload' } },
export const deleteWorkItemFailureResponse = {
data: { workItemDelete: null },
errors: [
"The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action",
locations: [{ line: 2, column: 3 }],
path: ['workItemDelete'],
export const deleteWorkItemMutationErrorResponse = {
data: {
workItemDelete: {
errors: ['Error'],
export const workItemDatesSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableDatesUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetStartAndDueDate',
dueDate: '2022-12-31',
startDate: '2022-01-01',
export const workItemTitleSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableTitleUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
title: 'new title',
export const workItemDescriptionSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableDescriptionUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription',
description: 'New description',
descriptionHtml: '<p>New description</p>',
lastEditedAt: '2022-09-21T06:18:42Z',
lastEditedBy: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/2',
name: 'Someone else',
webPath: '/not-you',
export const workItemWeightSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableWeightUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetWeight',
weight: 1,
export const workItemAssigneesSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableAssigneesUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemAssigneesWeight',
assignees: {
nodes: [mockAssignees[0]],
export const workItemLabelsSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableLabelsUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels',
type: 'LABELS',
allowsScopedLabels: false,
labels: {
nodes: mockLabels,
export const workItemIterationSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableIterationUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetIteration',
iteration: {
description: 'Iteration description',
dueDate: '2022-07-29',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1125',
iid: '95',
startDate: '2022-06-22',
title: 'Iteration subcription title',
export const workItemHealthStatusSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableHealthStatusUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHealthStatus',
healthStatus: 'needsAttention',
export const workItemMilestoneSubscriptionResponse = {
data: {
issuableMilestoneUpdated: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
widgets: [
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetMilestone',
type: 'MILESTONE',
milestone: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/1125',
expired: false,
title: 'Milestone title',
export const workItemHierarchyEmptyResponse = {
data: {
workItem: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
state: 'OPEN',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1',
name: 'Issue',
iconName: 'issue-type-issue',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'New title',
description: '',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: null,
closedAt: null,
author: mockAssignees[0],
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: false,
updateWorkItem: false,
setWorkItemMetadata: false,
adminParentLink: false,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
confidential: false,
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
parent: null,
hasChildren: false,
children: {
nodes: [],
__typename: 'WorkItemConnection',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy',
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const workItemHierarchyNoUpdatePermissionResponse = {
data: {
workItem: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
state: 'OPEN',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/6',
name: 'Issue',
iconName: 'issue-type-issue',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'New title',
description: '',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: null,
closedAt: null,
author: mockAssignees[0],
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: false,
updateWorkItem: false,
setWorkItemMetadata: false,
adminParentLink: false,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
confidential: false,
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
parent: null,
hasChildren: true,
children: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2',
iid: '2',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'xyz',
state: 'OPEN',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
hasChildren: false,
__typename: 'WorkItem',
__typename: 'WorkItemConnection',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy',
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const workItemTask = {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/4',
iid: '4',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'bar',
state: 'OPEN',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
widgets: [],
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const confidentialWorkItemTask = {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2',
iid: '2',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'xyz',
state: 'OPEN',
confidential: true,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
widgets: [],
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const closedWorkItemTask = {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/3',
iid: '3',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'abc',
state: 'CLOSED',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: '2022-08-12T13:07:52Z',
widgets: [],
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const childrenWorkItems = [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/5',
iid: '5',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5',
name: 'Task',
iconName: 'issue-type-task',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'foobar',
state: 'OPEN',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
closedAt: null,
widgets: [],
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const workItemHierarchyResponse = {
data: {
workItem: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '1',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1',
name: 'Issue',
iconName: 'issue-type-issue',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
title: 'New title',
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: true,
updateWorkItem: true,
setWorkItemMetadata: true,
adminParentLink: true,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
author: {
confidential: false,
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
description: 'Issue description',
state: 'OPEN',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: null,
closedAt: null,
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
parent: null,
hasChildren: true,
children: {
nodes: childrenWorkItems,
__typename: 'WorkItemConnection',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy',
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const workItemObjectiveMetadataWidgets = {
type: 'ASSIGNEES',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees',
canInviteMembers: true,
allowsMultipleAssignees: true,
assignees: {
__typename: 'UserCoreConnection',
nodes: mockAssignees,
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHealthStatus',
healthStatus: 'onTrack',
type: 'LABELS',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels',
allowsScopedLabels: true,
labels: {
__typename: 'LabelConnection',
nodes: mockLabels,
type: 'MILESTONE',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetMilestone',
milestone: mockMilestone,
type: 'PROGRESS',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetProgress',
progress: 10,
export const workItemObjectiveWithChild = {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/12',
iid: '12',
workItemType: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2411',
name: 'Objective',
iconName: 'issue-type-objective',
__typename: 'WorkItemType',
project: {
__typename: 'Project',
id: '1',
fullPath: 'test-project-path',
archived: false,
userPermissions: {
deleteWorkItem: true,
updateWorkItem: true,
setWorkItemMetadata: true,
adminParentLink: true,
__typename: 'WorkItemPermissions',
author: {
title: 'Objective',
description: 'Objective description',
state: 'OPEN',
confidential: false,
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
updatedAt: null,
closedAt: null,
widgets: [
type: 'HIERARCHY',
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parent: null,
children: {
nodes: [],
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type: 'HIERARCHY',
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__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy',
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetProgress',
type: 'PROGRESS',
progress: null,
__typename: 'WorkItemWidgetMilestone',
type: 'MILESTONE',
milestone: null,
export const workItemHierarchyTreeResponse = {
data: {
workItem: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2',
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id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2411',
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children: {
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id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2411',
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export const workItemHierarchyTreeFailureResponse = {
data: {},
errors: [
message: 'Something went wrong',
export const changeIndirectWorkItemParentMutationResponse = {
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id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2411',
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title: 'Objective 2',
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children: {
nodes: [],
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__typename: 'WorkItemUpdatePayload',
export const workItemUpdateFailureResponse = {
data: {},
errors: [
message: 'Something went wrong',
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data: {
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__typename: 'WorkItemType',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1',
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id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2',
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title: 'Foo',
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children: {
nodes: [],
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data: {
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id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/2',
workItems: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/458',
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createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
confidential: false,
__typename: 'WorkItem',
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/460',
title: 'Task 3',
state: 'OPEN',
createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z',
confidential: true,
__typename: 'WorkItem',
export const projectMembersResponseWithCurrentUser = {
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username: 'rookie',
webUrl: 'rookie',
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id: 'user-1',
user: {
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webUrl: 'rookie',
status: null,
export const currentUserResponse = {
data: {
currentUser: {
__typename: 'UserCore',
id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1',
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
webUrl: '/root',
export const currentUserNullResponse = {
data: {
currentUser: null,
export const projectLabelsResponse = {
data: {
workspace: {
id: '1',
__typename: 'Project',
labels: {
nodes: mockLabels,
export const mockIterationWidgetResponse = {
description: 'Iteration description',
dueDate: '2022-07-19',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1124',
iid: '91',
startDate: '2022-06-22',
title: 'Iteration title widget',
export const groupIterationsResponse = {
data: {
workspace: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Group/22',
attributes: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1124',
title: null,
startDate: '2022-06-22',
dueDate: '2022-07-19',
webUrl: '',
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id: 'gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1101',
title: 'Quod voluptates quidem ea eaque eligendi ex corporis.',
__typename: 'IterationCadence',
__typename: 'Iteration',
state: 'current',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1185',
title: null,
startDate: '2022-07-06',
dueDate: '2022-07-19',
webUrl: '',
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id: 'gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1144',
title: 'Quo velit perspiciatis saepe aut omnis voluptas ab eos.',
__typename: 'IterationCadence',
__typename: 'Iteration',
state: 'current',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1194',
title: null,
startDate: '2022-07-06',
dueDate: '2022-07-19',
webUrl: '',
iterationCadence: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1152',
'Minima aut consequatur magnam vero doloremque accusamus maxime repellat voluptatem qui.',
__typename: 'IterationCadence',
__typename: 'Iteration',
state: 'current',
__typename: 'IterationConnection',
__typename: 'Group',
export const groupIterationsResponseWithNoIterations = {
data: {
workspace: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Group/22',
attributes: {
nodes: [],
__typename: 'IterationConnection',
__typename: 'Group',
export const mockMilestoneWidgetResponse = {
state: 'active',
expired: false,
id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/30',
title: 'v4.0',
export const projectMilestonesResponse = {
data: {
workspace: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1',
attributes: {
nodes: [
id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/5',
title: 'v4.0',
webUrl: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/milestones/5',
dueDate: null,
expired: false,
__typename: 'Milestone',
state: 'active',
id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/4',
title: 'v3.0',
webUrl: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/milestones/4',
dueDate: null,
expired: false,
__typename: 'Milestone',
state: 'active',
__typename: 'MilestoneConnection',
__typename: 'Project',
export const projectMilestonesResponseWithNoMilestones = {
data: {
workspace: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1',
attributes: {
nodes: [],
__typename: 'MilestoneConnection',
__typename: 'Project',
export const mockWorkItemNotesResponse = {
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workItem: {
id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1',
iid: '60',
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'<p data-sourcepos="1:1-1:25" dir="auto">added <a href="/flightjs/Flight/-/issues/31" data-reference-type="issue" data-original="#31" data-link="false" data-link-reference="false" data-project="6" data-issue="224" data-project-path="flightjs/Flight" data-iid="31" data-issue-type="issue" data-container=body data-placement="top" title="Perferendis est quae totam quia laborum tempore ut voluptatem." class="gfm gfm-issue">#31</a> as parent issue</p>',
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id: 'gid://gitlab/MilestoneNote/0f2f195ec0d1ef95ee9d5b10446b8e96a7d83864',
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'<p data-sourcepos="1:1-1:23" dir="auto">changed milestone to <a href="/flightjs/Flight/-/milestones/5" data-reference-type="milestone" data-original="%5" data-link="false" data-link-reference="false" data-project="6" data-milestone="30" data-container=body data-placement="top" title="" class="gfm gfm-milestone has-tooltip">%v4.0</a></p>',
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'\u003cp data-sourcepos="1:1-1:25" dir="auto"\u003eadded \u003ca href="/flightjs/Flight/-/issues/31" data-reference-type="issue" data-original="#31" data-link="false" data-link-reference="false" data-project="6" data-issue="224" data-project-path="flightjs/Flight" data-iid="31" data-issue-type="issue" data-container="body" data-placement="top" title="Perferendis est quae totam quia laborum tempore ut voluptatem." class="gfm gfm-issue"\u003e#31\u003c/a\u003e as parent issue\u003c/p\u003e',
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'\u003cp data-sourcepos="1:1-1:36" dir="auto"\u003echanged iteration to \u003ca href="/groups/flightjs/-/iterations/5352" data-reference-type="iteration" data-original="*iteration:5352" data-link="false" data-link-reference="false" data-project="6" data-iteration="5352" data-container="body" data-placement="top" title="Iteration" class="gfm gfm-iteration has-tooltip"\u003eEt autem debitis nam suscipit eos ut. Jul 13, 2022 - Jul 19, 2022\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e',
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