2019-12-16 22:33:55 +05:30

25 lines
849 B

- @hide_top_links = true
- page_title _("Groups")
- header_title _("Groups"), dashboard_groups_path
= render_dashboard_gold_trial(current_user)
- if current_user
= render 'dashboard/groups_head'
- else
= render 'explore/head'
= render 'nav'
- if cookies[:explore_groups_landing_dismissed] != 'true'
%button.dismiss-button{ type: 'button', 'aria-label' => _('Dismiss') }= sprite_icon('close', size: 16)
= custom_icon('icon_explore_groups_splash')
%p= _("Below you will find all the groups that are public.")
%p= _("You can easily contribute to them by requesting to join these groups.")
- if params[:filter].blank? && @groups.empty?
.nothing-here-block= _("No public groups")
- else
= render 'groups'