2020-04-13 14:06:41 +05:30

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* JavaScript tracker core for Snowplow: core.js
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This program is licensed to you under the Apache License Version 2.0,
* and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License Version 2.0.
* You may obtain a copy of the Apache License Version 2.0 at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0 is distributed on an
* See the Apache License Version 2.0 for the specific language governing permissions and limitations there under.
import uuid = require('uuid');
import * as payload from './payload';
import {PayloadData} from "./payload";
import {
contextModule as contextConstructor
} from "./contexts";
* Interface common for any Self-Describing JSON such as custom context or
* Self-describing (ex-unstuctured) event
export interface SelfDescribingJson extends Object {
schema: string
data: Object
* Algebraic datatype representing possible timestamp type choice
export type Timestamp = TrueTimestamp | DeviceTimestamp | number;
export interface TrueTimestamp { readonly type: "ttm"; readonly value: number }
export interface DeviceTimestamp { readonly type: "dtm"; readonly value: number }
* Pair of timestamp type ready to be included to payload
type TimestampPayload = TrueTimestamp | DeviceTimestamp
* Transform optional/old-behavior number timestamp into
* `TrackerTimestamp` ADT
* @param tstamp optional number or correct timestamp object
* @returns {Timestamp} correct timestamp object
function getTimestamp(tstamp?: Timestamp): TimestampPayload {
if (tstamp == null) {
return {type: 'dtm', value: new Date().getTime() }
} else if (typeof tstamp === 'number') {
return { type: 'dtm', value: tstamp }
} else if (tstamp.type === 'ttm') { // We can return tstamp here, but this is safer fallback
return { type: 'ttm', value: tstamp.value }
} else {
return { type: 'dtm', value: (tstamp.value || new Date().getTime()) }
* Create a tracker core object
* @param base64 Whether to base 64 encode contexts and unstructured event JSONs
* @param callback Function applied to every payload dictionary object
* @return Tracker core
export function trackerCore(base64: boolean, callback?: (PayloadData) => void) {
// base 64 encoding should default to true
if (typeof base64 === 'undefined') {
base64 = true;
// Dictionary of key-value pairs which get added to every payload, e.g. tracker version
var payloadPairs = {};
let contextModule = contextConstructor();
* Gets all global contexts to be added to events
* @param event
function getAllContexts(event: PayloadData) : Array<SelfDescribingJson> {
return contextModule.getApplicableContexts(event);
* Set a persistent key-value pair to be added to every payload
* @param key Field name
* @param value Field value
function addPayloadPair(key: string, value: string) {
payloadPairs[key] = value;
* Returns a copy of a JSON with undefined and null properties removed
* @param eventJson JSON object to clean
* @param exemptFields Set of fields which should not be removed even if empty
* @return A cleaned copy of eventJson
function removeEmptyProperties(eventJson: Object, exemptFields?: Object) {
var ret = {};
exemptFields = exemptFields || {};
for (var k in eventJson) {
if (exemptFields[k] || (eventJson[k] !== null && typeof eventJson[k] !== 'undefined')) {
ret[k] = eventJson[k];
return ret;
* Wraps an array of custom contexts in a self-describing JSON
* @param contexts Array of custom context self-describing JSONs
* @return Outer JSON
function completeContexts(contexts?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>): Object | undefined { // TODO: can return nothing
if (contexts && contexts.length) {
return {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/contexts/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: contexts
* Adds all global contexts to a contexts array
* @param sb PayloadData
* @param contexts Array<SelfDescribingJson>
function attachGlobalContexts(sb: PayloadData,
contexts?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>): Array<SelfDescribingJson> {
let globalContexts : Array<SelfDescribingJson> = getAllContexts(sb);
let returnedContexts : Array<SelfDescribingJson> = [];
if (contexts && contexts.length) {
if (globalContexts && globalContexts.length) {
return returnedContexts;
* Gets called by every trackXXX method
* Adds context and payloadPairs name-value pairs to the payload
* Applies the callback to the built payload
* @param sb Payload
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload after the callback is applied
function track(sb: PayloadData, context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>, tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
sb.add('eid', uuid.v4());
var timestamp = getTimestamp(tstamp);
sb.add(timestamp.type, timestamp.value.toString());
var allContexts = attachGlobalContexts(sb, context);
var wrappedContexts = completeContexts(allContexts);
if (wrappedContexts !== undefined) {
sb.addJson('cx', 'co', wrappedContexts);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return sb;
* Log an self-describing (previously unstruct) event
* @param properties Contains the properties and schema location for the event
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
function trackSelfDescribingEvent(properties: Object, context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>, tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var sb = payload.payloadBuilder(base64);
var ueJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/unstruct_event/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: properties
sb.add('e', 'ue');
sb.addJson('ue_px', 'ue_pr', ueJson);
return track(sb, context, tstamp);
return {
* Turn base 64 encoding on or off
* @param encode Whether to encode payload
setBase64Encoding: function (encode: boolean) {
base64 = encode;
addPayloadPair: addPayloadPair,
* Merges a dictionary into payloadPairs
* @param dict Dictionary to add
addPayloadDict: function (dict: Object) {
for (var key in dict) {
if (dict.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
payloadPairs[key] = dict[key];
* Replace payloadPairs with a new dictionary
* @param dict object New dictionary
resetPayloadPairs: function (dict: Object) {
payloadPairs = payload.isJson(dict) ? dict : {};
* Set the tracker version
* @param version string
setTrackerVersion: function (version: string) {
addPayloadPair('tv', version);
* Set the tracker namespace
* @param name string
setTrackerNamespace: function (name: string) {
addPayloadPair('tna', name);
* Set the application ID
* @param appId string
setAppId: function (appId: string) {
addPayloadPair('aid', appId);
* Set the platform
* @param value string
setPlatform: function (value: string) {
addPayloadPair('p', value);
* Set the user ID
* @param userId string
setUserId: function (userId: string) {
addPayloadPair('uid', userId);
* Set the screen resolution
* @param width number
* @param height number
setScreenResolution: function (width: string, height: string) {
addPayloadPair('res', width + 'x' + height);
* Set the viewport dimensions
* @param width number
* @param height number
setViewport: function (width: string, height: string) {
addPayloadPair('vp', width + 'x' + height);
* Set the color depth
* @param depth number
setColorDepth: function (depth: string) {
addPayloadPair('cd', depth);
* Set the timezone
* @param timezone string
setTimezone: function (timezone: string) {
addPayloadPair('tz', timezone);
* Set the language
* @param lang string
setLang: function (lang: string) {
addPayloadPair('lang', lang);
* Set the IP address
* @param ip string
setIpAddress: function (ip: string) {
addPayloadPair('ip', ip);
trackUnstructEvent: trackSelfDescribingEvent,
trackSelfDescribingEvent: trackSelfDescribingEvent,
* Log the page view / visit
* @param pageUrl Current page URL
* @param pageTitle The user-defined page title to attach to this page view
* @param referrer URL users came from
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackPageView: function (
pageUrl: string,
pageTitle: string,
referrer: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var sb = payload.payloadBuilder(base64);
sb.add('e', 'pv'); // 'pv' for Page View
sb.add('url', pageUrl);
sb.add('page', pageTitle);
sb.add('refr', referrer);
return track(sb, context, tstamp);
* Log that a user is still viewing a given page
* by sending a page ping
* @param pageUrl Current page URL
* @param pageTitle The page title to attach to this page ping
* @param referrer URL users came from
* @param minXOffset Minimum page x offset seen in the last ping period
* @param maxXOffset Maximum page x offset seen in the last ping period
* @param minYOffset Minimum page y offset seen in the last ping period
* @param maxYOffset Maximum page y offset seen in the last ping period
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return object Payload
trackPagePing: function (
pageUrl: string,
pageTitle: string,
referrer: string,
minXOffset: number,
maxXOffset: number,
minYOffset: number,
maxYOffset: number,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var sb = payload.payloadBuilder(base64);
sb.add('e', 'pp'); // 'pp' for Page Ping
sb.add('url', pageUrl);
sb.add('page', pageTitle);
sb.add('refr', referrer);
sb.add('pp_mix', minXOffset.toString());
sb.add('pp_max', maxXOffset.toString());
sb.add('pp_miy', minYOffset.toString());
sb.add('pp_may', maxYOffset.toString());
return track(sb, context, tstamp);
* Track a structured event
* @param category The name you supply for the group of objects you want to track
* @param action A string that is uniquely paired with each category, and commonly used to define the type of user interaction for the web object
* @param label (optional) An optional string to provide additional dimensions to the event data
* @param property (optional) Describes the object or the action performed on it, e.g. quantity of item added to basket
* @param value (optional) An integer that you can use to provide numerical data about the user event
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackStructEvent: function (
category: string,
action: string,
label: string,
property: string,
value?: number,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var sb = payload.payloadBuilder(base64);
sb.add('e', 'se'); // 'se' for Structured Event
sb.add('se_ca', category);
sb.add('se_ac', action);
sb.add('se_la', label);
sb.add('se_pr', property);
sb.add('se_va', (value == null ? undefined : value.toString()));
return track(sb, context, tstamp);
* Track an ecommerce transaction
* @param orderId Required. Internal unique order id number for this transaction.
* @param affiliation Optional. Partner or store affiliation.
* @param totalValue Required. Total amount of the transaction.
* @param taxValue Optional. Tax amount of the transaction.
* @param shipping Optional. Shipping charge for the transaction.
* @param city Optional. City to associate with transaction.
* @param state Optional. State to associate with transaction.
* @param country Optional. Country to associate with transaction.
* @param currency Optional. Currency to associate with this transaction.
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackEcommerceTransaction: function (
orderId: string,
affiliation: string,
totalValue: string,
taxValue?: string,
shipping?: string,
city?: string,
state?: string,
country?: string,
currency?: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var sb = payload.payloadBuilder(base64);
sb.add('e', 'tr'); // 'tr' for Transaction
sb.add("tr_id", orderId);
sb.add("tr_af", affiliation);
sb.add("tr_tt", totalValue);
sb.add("tr_tx", taxValue);
sb.add("tr_sh", shipping);
sb.add("tr_ci", city);
sb.add("tr_st", state);
sb.add("tr_co", country);
sb.add("tr_cu", currency);
return track(sb, context, tstamp);
* Track an ecommerce transaction item
* @param orderId Required Order ID of the transaction to associate with item.
* @param sku Required. Item's SKU code.
* @param name Optional. Product name.
* @param category Optional. Product category.
* @param price Required. Product price.
* @param quantity Required. Purchase quantity.
* @param currency Optional. Product price currency.
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return object Payload
trackEcommerceTransactionItem: function (
orderId: string,
sku: string,
name: string,
category: string,
price: string,
quantity: string,
currency?: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var sb = payload.payloadBuilder(base64);
sb.add("e", "ti"); // 'tr' for Transaction Item
sb.add("ti_id", orderId);
sb.add("ti_sk", sku);
sb.add("ti_nm", name);
sb.add("ti_ca", category);
sb.add("ti_pr", price);
sb.add("ti_qu", quantity);
sb.add("ti_cu", currency);
return track(sb, context, tstamp);
* Track a screen view unstructured event
* @param name The name of the screen
* @param id The ID of the screen
* @param context Optional. Contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackScreenView: function (
name: string,
id: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/screen_view/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
name: name,
id: id
}, context, tstamp);
* Log the link or click with the server
* @param targetUrl
* @param elementId
* @param elementClasses
* @param elementTarget
* @param elementContent innerHTML of the link
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackLinkClick: function (
targetUrl: string,
elementId: string,
elementClasses: Array<string>,
elementTarget: string,
elementContent: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp) {
var eventJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/link_click/jsonschema/1-0-1',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
targetUrl: targetUrl,
elementId: elementId,
elementClasses: elementClasses,
elementTarget: elementTarget,
elementContent: elementContent
return trackSelfDescribingEvent(eventJson, context, tstamp);
* Track an ad being served
* @param impressionId Identifier for a particular ad impression
* @param costModel The cost model. 'cpa', 'cpc', or 'cpm'
* @param cost Cost
* @param targetUrl URL ad pointing to
* @param bannerId Identifier for the ad banner displayed
* @param zoneId Identifier for the ad zone
* @param advertiserId Identifier for the advertiser
* @param campaignId Identifier for the campaign which the banner belongs to
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return object Payload
trackAdImpression: function (
impressionId: string,
costModel: string,
cost: number,
targetUrl: string,
bannerId: string,
zoneId: string,
advertiserId: string,
campaignId: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var eventJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_impression/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
impressionId: impressionId,
costModel: costModel,
cost: cost,
targetUrl: targetUrl,
bannerId: bannerId,
zoneId: zoneId,
advertiserId: advertiserId,
campaignId: campaignId
return trackSelfDescribingEvent(eventJson, context, tstamp);
* Track an ad being clicked
* @param targetUrl (required) The link's target URL
* @param clickId Identifier for the ad click
* @param costModel The cost model. 'cpa', 'cpc', or 'cpm'
* @param cost Cost
* @param bannerId Identifier for the ad banner displayed
* @param zoneId Identifier for the ad zone
* @param impressionId Identifier for a particular ad impression
* @param advertiserId Identifier for the advertiser
* @param campaignId Identifier for the campaign which the banner belongs to
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return object Payload
trackAdClick: function (
targetUrl: string,
clickId: string,
costModel: string,
cost: number,
bannerId: string,
zoneId: string,
impressionId: string,
advertiserId: string,
campaignId: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var eventJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_click/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
targetUrl: targetUrl,
clickId: clickId,
costModel: costModel,
cost: cost,
bannerId: bannerId,
zoneId: zoneId,
impressionId: impressionId,
advertiserId: advertiserId,
campaignId: campaignId
return trackSelfDescribingEvent(eventJson, context, tstamp);
* Track an ad conversion event
* @param conversionId Identifier for the ad conversion event
* @param costModel The cost model. 'cpa', 'cpc', or 'cpm'
* @param cost Cost
* @param category The name you supply for the group of objects you want to track
* @param action A string that is uniquely paired with each category
* @param property Describes the object of the conversion or the action performed on it
* @param initialValue Revenue attributable to the conversion at time of conversion
* @param advertiserId Identifier for the advertiser
* @param campaignId Identifier for the campaign which the banner belongs to
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return object Payload
* @todo make costModel enum
trackAdConversion: function (
conversionId: string,
costModel: string,
cost: number,
category: string,
action: string,
property: string,
initialValue: number,
advertiserId: string,
campaignId: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var eventJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_conversion/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
conversionId: conversionId,
costModel: costModel,
cost: cost,
category: category,
action: action,
property: property,
initialValue: initialValue,
advertiserId: advertiserId,
campaignId: campaignId
return trackSelfDescribingEvent(eventJson, context, tstamp);
* Track a social event
* @param action Social action performed
* @param network Social network
* @param target Object of the social action e.g. the video liked, the tweet retweeted
* @param context Custom contexts relating to the event
* @param tstamp TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackSocialInteraction: function (
action: string,
network: string,
target: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
var eventJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/social_interaction/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
action: action,
network: network,
target: target
return trackSelfDescribingEvent(eventJson, context, tstamp);
* Track an add-to-cart event
* @param sku Required. Item's SKU code.
* @param name Optional. Product name.
* @param category Optional. Product category.
* @param unitPrice Optional. Product price.
* @param quantity Required. Quantity added.
* @param currency Optional. Product price currency.
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackAddToCart: function (
sku: string,
name: string,
category: string,
unitPrice: string,
quantity: string,
currency?: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/add_to_cart/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
sku: sku,
name: name,
category: category,
unitPrice: unitPrice,
quantity: quantity,
currency: currency
}, context, tstamp);
* Track a remove-from-cart event
* @param sku Required. Item's SKU code.
* @param name Optional. Product name.
* @param category Optional. Product category.
* @param unitPrice Optional. Product price.
* @param quantity Required. Quantity removed.
* @param currency Optional. Product price currency.
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackRemoveFromCart: function (
sku: string,
name: string,
category: string,
unitPrice: string,
quantity: string,
currency?: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/remove_from_cart/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
sku: sku,
name: name,
category: category,
unitPrice: unitPrice,
quantity: quantity,
currency: currency
}, context, tstamp);
* Track the value of a form field changing or receiving focus
* @param schema The schema type of the event
* @param formId The parent form ID
* @param elementId ID of the changed element
* @param nodeName "INPUT", "TEXTAREA", or "SELECT"
* @param type Type of the changed element if its type is "INPUT"
* @param elementClasses List of classes of the changed element
* @param value The new value of the changed element
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
* @todo make `nodeName` enum
trackFormFocusOrChange: function (
schema: string,
formId: string,
elementId: string,
nodeName: string,
type: string,
elementClasses: Array<string>,
value: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
let event_schema = '';
if (schema === 'change_form'){
event_schema = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/change_form/jsonschema/1-0-0';
} else if (schema === 'focus_form') {
event_schema = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/focus_form/jsonschema/1-0-0';
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: event_schema,
data: removeEmptyProperties({
formId: formId,
elementId: elementId,
nodeName: nodeName,
type: type,
elementClasses: elementClasses,
value: value
}, {value: true})
}, context, tstamp);
* Track a form submission event
* @param formId ID of the form
* @param formClasses Classes of the form
* @param elements Mutable elements within the form
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackFormSubmission: function(
formId: string,
formClasses: Array<string>,
elements: Array<string>,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/submit_form/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
formId: formId,
formClasses: formClasses,
elements: elements
}, context, tstamp);
* Track an internal search event
* @param terms Search terms
* @param filters Search filters
* @param totalResults Number of results
* @param pageResults Number of results displayed on page
* @param context Optional. Context relating to the event.
* @param tstamp Optional. TrackerTimestamp of the event
* @return Payload
trackSiteSearch: function(
terms: Array<string>,
filters: Object,
totalResults: number,
pageResults: number,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/site_search/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
terms: terms,
filters: filters,
totalResults: totalResults,
pageResults: pageResults
}, context, tstamp);
* Track a consent withdrawn event
* @param {boolean} all - Indicates user withdraws consent for all documents.
* @param {string} [id] - ID number associated with document.
* @param {string} [version] - Version number of document.
* @param {string} [name] - Name of document.
* @param {string} [description] - Description of document.
* @param {Array<SelfDescribingJson>} [context] - Context relating to the event.
* @param {Timestamp} [tstamp] - TrackerTimestamp of the event.
* @return Payload
trackConsentWithdrawn: function(
all: boolean,
id?: string,
version?: string,
name?: string,
description?: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
let documentJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_document/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
id: id,
version: version,
name: name,
description: description
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_withdrawn/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
all: all
}, && context ? context.concat([documentJson]) : context, tstamp);
* Track a consent granted event
* @param {string} id - ID number associated with document.
* @param {string} version - Version number of document.
* @param {string} [name] - Name of document.
* @param {string} [description] - Description of document.
* @param {string} [expiry] - Date-time when consent expires.
* @param {Array<SelfDescribingJson>} [context] - Context relating to the event.
* @param {Timestamp} [tstamp] - TrackerTimestamp of the event.
* @return Payload
trackConsentGranted: function(
id: string,
version: string,
name?: string,
description?: string,
expiry?: string,
context?: Array<SelfDescribingJson>,
tstamp?: Timestamp): PayloadData {
let documentJson = {
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_document/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
id: id,
version: version,
name: name,
description: description,
return trackSelfDescribingEvent({
schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_granted/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: removeEmptyProperties({
expiry: expiry,
}, context ? context.concat([documentJson]) : [documentJson], tstamp);
addGlobalContexts: function(contexts: Array<Object>) {
clearGlobalContexts: function() {
removeGlobalContexts: function(contexts: Array<Object>) {