2023-03-04 22:38:38 +05:30

150 lines
9.7 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
module API
module Helpers
module MergeRequestsHelpers
extend Grape::API::Helpers
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
UNPROCESSABLE_ERROR_KEYS = [:project_access, :branch_conflict, :validate_fork, :base].freeze
params :ee_approval_params do
params :merge_requests_negatable_params do |options|
optional :author_id, type: Integer,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests created by the given user `id`. Mutually exclusive with `author_username`. Combine with `scope=all` or `scope=assigned_to_me`."
optional :author_username, type: String,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests created by the given `username`. Mutually exclusive with `author_id`."
mutually_exclusive :author_id, :author_username
optional :assignee_id, types: [Integer, String],
integer_none_any: true,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests assigned to the given user `id`. `None` returns unassigned merge requests. `Any` returns merge requests with an assignee."
optional :assignee_username, type: Array[String],
check_assignees_count: true,
coerce_with: Validations::Validators::CheckAssigneesCount.coerce,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests created by the given `username`. Mutually exclusive with `author_id`.",
documentation: { is_array: true }
mutually_exclusive :assignee_id, :assignee_username
optional :reviewer_username, type: String,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests which have the user as a reviewer with the given `username`. `None` returns merge requests with no reviewers. `Any` returns merge requests with any reviewer. Mutually exclusive with `reviewer_id`. Introduced in GitLab 13.8."
optional :labels, type: Array[String],
coerce_with: Validations::Types::CommaSeparatedToArray.coerce,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests matching a comma-separated list of labels. `None` lists all merge requests with no labels. `Any` lists all merge requests with at least one label. Predefined names are case-insensitive.",
documentation: { is_array: true }
optional :milestone, type: String,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests for a specific milestone. `None` returns merge requests with no milestone. `Any` returns merge requests that have an assigned milestone."
optional :my_reaction_emoji, type: String,
desc: "#{options[:prefix]}Returns merge requests reacted by the authenticated user by the given `emoji`. `None` returns issues not given a reaction. `Any` returns issues given at least one reaction."
params :merge_requests_base_params do
use :merge_requests_negatable_params, prefix: ''
optional :reviewer_id, types: [Integer, String],
integer_none_any: true,
desc: 'Returns merge requests which have the user as a reviewer with the given user `id`. `None` returns merge requests with no reviewers. `Any` returns merge requests with any reviewer. Mutually exclusive with `reviewer_username`.'
mutually_exclusive :reviewer_id, :reviewer_username
optional :state, type: String,
values: %w[opened closed locked merged all],
default: 'all',
desc: 'Returns `all` merge requests or just those that are `opened`, `closed`, `locked`, or `merged`.'
optional :order_by, type: String,
values: Helpers::MergeRequestsHelpers.sort_options,
default: 'created_at',
desc: "Returns merge requests ordered by #{Helpers::MergeRequestsHelpers.sort_options_help} fields. Introduced in GitLab 14.8."
optional :sort, type: String,
values: %w[asc desc],
default: 'desc',
desc: 'Returns merge requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order.'
optional :with_labels_details, type: Boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'If `true`, response returns more details for each label in labels field: `:name`,`:color`, `:description`, `:description_html`, `:text_color`'
optional :with_merge_status_recheck, type: Boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'If `true`, this projection requests (but does not guarantee) that the `merge_status` field be recalculated asynchronously. Introduced in GitLab 13.0.'
optional :created_after, type: DateTime,
desc: 'Returns merge requests created on or after the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format.',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
optional :created_before, type: DateTime,
desc: 'Returns merge requests created on or before the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format.',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
optional :updated_after, type: DateTime,
desc: 'Returns merge requests updated on or after the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format.',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
optional :updated_before, type: DateTime,
desc: 'Returns merge requests updated on or before the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format.',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
optional :view, type: String,
values: %w[simple],
desc: 'If simple, returns the `iid`, URL, title, description, and basic state of merge request'
optional :scope, type: String,
values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all],
desc: 'Returns merge requests for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
optional :source_branch, type: String, desc: 'Returns merge requests with the given source branch'
optional :source_project_id, type: Integer, desc: 'Returns merge requests with the given source project id'
optional :target_branch, type: String, desc: 'Returns merge requests with the given target branch'
optional :search, type: String,
desc: 'Search merge requests against their `title` and `description`.'
optional :in, type: String,
desc: 'Modify the scope of the search attribute. `title`, `description`, or a string joining them with comma.',
documentation: { example: 'title,description' }
optional :wip, type: String,
values: %w[yes no],
desc: 'Filter merge requests against their `wip` status. `yes` to return only draft merge requests, `no` to return non-draft merge requests.'
optional :not, type: Hash, desc: 'Returns merge requests that do not match the parameters supplied' do
use :merge_requests_negatable_params, prefix: '`<Negated>` '
optional :reviewer_id, types: Integer,
desc: '`<Negated>` Returns merge requests which have the user as a reviewer with the given user `id`. `None` returns merge requests with no reviewers. `Any` returns merge requests with any reviewer. Mutually exclusive with `reviewer_username`.'
mutually_exclusive :reviewer_id, :reviewer_username
optional :deployed_before, desc: 'Returns merge requests deployed before the given date/time. Expected in ISO 8601 format.',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
optional :deployed_after, desc: 'Returns merge requests deployed after the given date/time. Expected in ISO 8601 format',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
optional :environment, desc: 'Returns merge requests deployed to the given environment',
documentation: { example: '2019-03-15T08:00:00Z' }
params :optional_scope_param do
optional :scope, type: String,
values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all],
default: 'created_by_me',
desc: 'Returns merge requests for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
def handle_merge_request_errors!(merge_request)
return if merge_request.valid?
errors = merge_request.errors
unprocessable_entity!(errors[error]) if errors.has_key?(error)
conflict!(errors[:validate_branches]) if errors.has_key?(:validate_branches)
def self.sort_options
def self.sort_options_help { |y| "`#{y}`" }.to_sentence(last_word_connector: ' or ')