95 lines
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95 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
module LooseForeignKey
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# This concern adds loose foreign key support to ActiveRecord models.
# Loose foreign keys allow delayed processing of associated database records
# with similar guarantees than a database foreign key.
# TODO: finalize this later once the async job is in place
# Prerequisites:
# To start using the concern, you'll need to install a database trigger to the parent
# table in a standard DB migration (not post-migration).
# > add_loose_foreign_key_support(:projects, :gitlab_main)
# Usage:
# > class Ci::Build < ApplicationRecord
# >
# > loose_foreign_key :security_scans, :build_id, on_delete: :async_delete, gitlab_schema: :gitlab_main
# >
# > # associations can be still defined, the dependent options is no longer necessary:
# > has_many :security_scans, class_name: 'Security::Scan'
# >
# > end
# Options for on_delete:
# - :async_delete - deletes the children rows via an asynchronous process.
# - :async_nullify - sets the foreign key column to null via an asynchronous process.
# Options for gitlab_schema:
# - :gitlab_ci
# - :gitlab_main
# The value can be determined by calling `Model.gitlab_schema` where the Model represents
# the model for the child table.
# How it works:
# When adding loose foreign key support to the table, a DELETE trigger is installed
# which tracks the record deletions (stores primary key value of the deleted row) in
# a database table.
# These deletion records are processed asynchronously and records are cleaned up
# according to the loose foreign key definitions described in the model.
# The cleanup happens in batches, which reduces the likelyhood of statement timeouts.
# When all associations related to the deleted record are cleaned up, the record itself
# is deleted.
included do
class_attribute :loose_foreign_key_definitions, default: []
class_methods do
def loose_foreign_key(to_table, column, options)
symbolized_options = options.symbolize_keys
unless base_class?
raise <<~MSG
loose_foreign_key can be only used on base classes, inherited classes are not supported.
Please define the loose_foreign_key on the #{base_class.name} class.
on_delete_options = %i[async_delete async_nullify]
gitlab_schema_options = [ApplicationRecord.gitlab_schema, Ci::ApplicationRecord.gitlab_schema]
unless on_delete_options.include?(symbolized_options[:on_delete]&.to_sym)
raise "Invalid on_delete option given: #{symbolized_options[:on_delete]}. Valid options: #{on_delete_options.join(', ')}"
unless gitlab_schema_options.include?(symbolized_options[:gitlab_schema]&.to_sym)
raise "Invalid gitlab_schema option given: #{symbolized_options[:gitlab_schema]}. Valid options: #{gitlab_schema_options.join(', ')}"
definition = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ForeignKeyDefinition.new(
column: column.to_s,
on_delete: symbolized_options[:on_delete].to_sym,
gitlab_schema: symbolized_options[:gitlab_schema].to_sym
self.loose_foreign_key_definitions += [definition]