2020-08-09 17:44:08 +05:30

22 lines
854 B

# frozen_string_literal: true
class ProductAnalyticsEvent < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'product_analytics_events_experimental'
# Ignore that the partition key :project_id is part of the formal primary key
self.primary_key = :id
belongs_to :project
validates :event_id, :project_id, :v_collector, :v_etl, presence: true
# There is no default Rails timestamps in the table.
# collector_tstamp is a timestamp when a collector recorded an event.
scope :order_by_time, -> { order(collector_tstamp: :desc) }
# If we decide to change this scope to use date_trunc('day', collector_tstamp),
# we should remember that a btree index on collector_tstamp will be no longer effective.
scope :timerange, ->(duration, today = {
where('collector_tstamp BETWEEN ? AND ? ', today - duration + 1, today + 1)