53 lines
2.8 KiB
53 lines
2.8 KiB
- access = note_human_max_access(note)
- if note.noteable_author?(@noteable)
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip d-none d-md-inline-block', title: _("This user is the author of this %{noteable}.") % { noteable: @noteable.human_class_name } }= _("Author")
- if access
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip', title: _("This user has the %{access} role in the %{name} project.") % { access: access.downcase, name: note.project_name } }= access
- elsif note.contributor?
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip', title: _("This user has previously committed to the %{name} project.") % { name: note.project_name } }= _("Contributor")
- if note.resolvable?
- can_resolve = can?(current_user, :resolve_note, note)
%resolve-btn{ "project-path" => project_path(note.project),
"discussion-id" => note.discussion_id(@noteable),
":note-id" => note.id,
":resolved" => note.resolved?,
":can-resolve" => can_resolve,
":author-name" => "'#{j(note.author.name)}'",
"author-avatar" => note.author.avatar_url,
":note-truncated" => "'#{j(truncate(note.note, length: 17))}'",
":resolved-by" => "'#{j(note.resolved_by.try(:name))}'",
"v-show" => "#{can_resolve || note.resolved?}",
"inline-template" => true,
"ref" => "note_#{note.id}" }
%button.note-action-button.line-resolve-btn{ type: "button",
class: ("is-disabled" unless can_resolve),
":class" => "{ 'is-active': isResolved }",
":aria-label" => "buttonText",
"@click" => "resolve",
":title" => "buttonText",
":ref" => "'button'" }
%template{ 'v-if' => 'isResolved' }
= render 'shared/icons/icon_status_success_solid.svg'
%template{ 'v-else' => '' }
= render 'shared/icons/icon_resolve_discussion.svg'
- if can?(current_user, :award_emoji, note)
- if note.emoji_awardable?
= button_tag title: 'Add reaction', class: "note-action-button note-emoji-button js-add-award js-note-emoji has-tooltip btn btn-transparent", data: { position: 'right', container: 'body' } do
%span{ class: 'link-highlight award-control-icon-neutral' }= sprite_icon('slight-smile')
%span{ class: 'link-highlight award-control-icon-positive' }= sprite_icon('smiley')
%span{ class: 'link-highlight award-control-icon-super-positive' }= sprite_icon('smile')
- if note_editable
= button_tag title: 'Edit comment', class: 'note-action-button js-note-edit has-tooltip btn btn-transparent', data: { container: 'body', qa_selector: 'edit_comment_button' } do
= custom_icon('icon_pencil')
= render 'projects/notes/more_actions_dropdown', note: note, note_editable: note_editable