2021-01-03 14:25:43 +05:30

5 lines
630 B

<%= _('Your CSV export of %{written_count} from project %{project_name} (%{project_url}) has been added to this email as an attachment.') % { written_count: pluralize(@written_count, 'merge request'), project_name: @project.full_name, project_url: project_url(@project) } %>
<% if @truncated %>
<%= _('This attachment has been truncated to avoid exceeding the maximum allowed attachment size of 15MB. %{written_count} of %{merge_requests_count} issues have been included. Consider re-exporting with a narrower selection of issues.') % { written_count: @written_count, merge_requests_count: @merge_requests_count} %>
<% end %>