2019-05-30 16:15:17 +05:30

36 lines
2.1 KiB

- mirror = f.object
- is_push = local_assigns.fetch(:is_push, false)
- auth_options = [[_('Password'), 'password'], [_('SSH public key'), 'ssh_public_key']]
- regen_data = { auth_method: 'ssh_public_key', regenerate_ssh_private_key: true }
- ssh_public_key_present = mirror.ssh_public_key.present?
= f.label :auth_method, _('Authentication method'), class: 'label-bold'
= :auth_method,
options_for_select(auth_options, mirror.auth_method),
{}, { class: "form-control js-mirror-auth-type qa-authentication-method" }
.changing-auth-method= icon('spinner spin lg')
= f.label :password, _("Password"), class: "label-bold"
= f.password_field :password, value: mirror.password, class: 'form-control qa-password', autocomplete: 'new-password'
- unless is_push
%p.js-ssh-public-key-present{ class: ('collapse' unless ssh_public_key_present) }
= _('Here is the public SSH key that needs to be added to the remote server. For more information, please refer to the documentation.')
%p.js-ssh-public-key-pending{ class: ('collapse' if ssh_public_key_present) }
= _('An SSH key will be automatically generated when the form is submitted. For more information, please refer to the documentation.')
.clearfix.js-ssh-public-key-wrap{ class: ('collapse' unless ssh_public_key_present) }
= mirror.ssh_public_key
= clipboard_button(text: mirror.ssh_public_key, title: _("Copy SSH public key to clipboard"), class: 'prepend-top-10 btn-copy-ssh-public-key')
= button_tag type: 'button',
data: { endpoint: project_mirror_path(@project), project_data: { import_data_attributes: regen_data } },
class: "btn btn-inverted btn-warning prepend-top-10 js-btn-regenerate-ssh-key#{ ' collapse' unless ssh_public_key_present }" do
= icon('spinner spin', class: 'js-spinner d-none')
= _('Regenerate key')
= render 'projects/mirrors/regenerate_public_ssh_key_confirm_modal'