2021-09-04 01:27:46 +05:30

109 lines
3.6 KiB

/* eslint-disable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */
import { defaults, repeat } from 'lodash';
const DEFAULTS = {
subListIndentSpaces: 4,
unorderedListBulletChar: '-',
incrementListMarker: false,
strong: '*',
emphasis: '_',
const countIndentSpaces = (text) => {
const matches = text.match(/^\s+/m);
return matches ? matches[0].length : 0;
const buildHTMLToMarkdownRender = (baseRenderer, formattingPreferences = {}) => {
const {
} = defaults(formattingPreferences, DEFAULTS);
const sublistNode = 'LI OL, LI UL';
const unorderedListItemNode = 'UL LI';
const orderedListItemNode = 'OL LI';
const emphasisNode = 'EM, I';
const strongNode = 'STRONG, B';
const headingNode = 'H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6';
const preCodeNode = 'PRE CODE';
return {
TEXT_NODE(node) {
return baseRenderer.getSpaceControlled(
* This converter overwrites the default indented list converter
* to allow us to parameterize the number of indent spaces for
* sublists.
* See the original implementation in
[sublistNode](node, subContent) {
const baseResult = baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
// Default to 1 to prevent possible divide by 0
const firstLevelIndentSpacesCount = countIndentSpaces(baseResult) || 1;
const reindentedList = baseResult
.map((line) => {
const itemIndentSpacesCount = countIndentSpaces(line);
const nestingLevel = Math.ceil(itemIndentSpacesCount / firstLevelIndentSpacesCount);
const indentSpaces = repeat(' ', subListIndentSpaces * nestingLevel);
return line.replace(/^ +/, indentSpaces);
return reindentedList;
[unorderedListItemNode](node, subContent) {
const baseResult = baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
const formatted = baseResult.replace(/^(\s*)([*|-])/, `$1${unorderedListBulletChar}`);
const { attributeDefinition } = node.dataset;
return attributeDefinition ? `${formatted.trimRight()}\n${attributeDefinition}\n` : formatted;
[orderedListItemNode](node, subContent) {
const baseResult = baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
return incrementListMarker ? baseResult : baseResult.replace(/^(\s*)\d+?\./, '$11.');
[emphasisNode](node, subContent) {
const result = baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
return result.replace(/(^[*_]{1}|[*_]{1}$)/g, emphasis);
[strongNode](node, subContent) {
const result = baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
const strongSyntax = repeat(strong, 2);
return result.replace(/^[*_]{2}/, strongSyntax).replace(/[*_]{2}$/, strongSyntax);
[headingNode](node, subContent) {
const result = baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
const { attributeDefinition } = node.dataset;
return attributeDefinition ? `${result.trimRight()}\n${attributeDefinition}\n\n` : result;
[preCodeNode](node, subContent) {
const isReferenceDefinition = Boolean(node.dataset.sseReferenceDefinition);
return isReferenceDefinition
? `\n\n${node.innerText}\n\n`
: baseRenderer.convert(node, subContent);
IMG(node) {
const { originalSrc } = node.dataset;
return `![${node.alt}](${originalSrc || node.src})`;
export default buildHTMLToMarkdownRender;