2018-11-20 20:47:30 +05:30

45 lines
2.1 KiB

- page_title _("GitLab Import")
- header_title _("Projects"), root_path
= icon('gitlab')
= _('Import an exported GitLab project')
= form_tag import_gitlab_project_path, class: 'new_project', multipart: true do
= label_tag :name, _('Project name'), class: 'label-bold'
= text_field_tag :name, @name, placeholder: "My awesome project", class: "js-project-name form-control input-lg", autofocus: true
= label_tag :namespace_id, _('Project URL'), class: 'label-bold'
- if current_user.can_select_namespace?
.input-group-prepend.has-tooltip{ title: root_url }
= root_url
= select_tag :namespace_id, namespaces_options(namespace_id_from(params) || :current_user, display_path: true, extra_group: namespace_id_from(params)), class: 'select2 js-select-namespace', tabindex: 1
- else
.input-group-prepend.static-namespace.has-tooltip{ title: user_url(current_user.username) + '/' }
= hidden_field_tag :namespace_id, value: current_user.namespace_id
= label_tag :path, _('Project slug'), class: 'label-bold'
= text_field_tag :path, @path, placeholder: "my-awesome-project", class: "js-path-name form-control", tabindex: 2, required: true
= _("To move or copy an entire GitLab project from another GitLab installation to this one, navigate to the original project's settings page, generate an export file, and upload it here.")
= hidden_field_tag :namespace_id,
= label_tag :file, _('GitLab project export'), class: 'label-bold'
= file_field_tag :file, class: ''
= submit_tag _('Import project'), class: 'btn btn-create'
= link_to _('Cancel'), new_project_path, class: 'btn btn-cancel'