2021-11-11 11:23:49 +05:30

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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
module Database
module PartitioningMigrationHelpers
module ForeignKeyHelpers
include ::Gitlab::Database::SchemaHelpers
ERROR_SCOPE = 'foreign keys'
# Adds a foreign key with only minimal locking on the tables involved.
# In concept it works similarly to add_concurrent_foreign_key, but we have
# to add a special helper for partitioned tables for the following reasons:
# - add_concurrent_foreign_key sets the constraint to `NOT VALID`
# before validating it
# - Setting an FK to NOT VALID is not supported currently in Postgres (up to PG13)
# - Also, PostgreSQL will currently ignore NOT VALID constraints on partitions
# when adding a valid FK to the partitioned table, so they have to
# also be validated before we can add the final FK.
# Solution:
# - Add the foreign key first to each partition by using
# add_concurrent_foreign_key and validating it
# - Once all partitions have a foreign key, add it also to the partitioned
# table (there will be no need for a validation at that level)
# For those reasons, this method does not include an option to delay the
# validation, we have to force validate: true.
# source - The source (partitioned) table containing the foreign key.
# target - The target table the key points to.
# column - The name of the column to create the foreign key on.
# on_delete - The action to perform when associated data is removed,
# defaults to "CASCADE".
# name - The name of the foreign key.
def add_concurrent_partitioned_foreign_key(source, target, column:, on_delete: :cascade, name: nil)
assert_not_in_transaction_block(scope: ERROR_SCOPE)
partition_options = {
column: column,
on_delete: on_delete,
# We'll use the same FK name for all partitions and match it to
# the name used for the partitioned table to follow the convention
# used by PostgreSQL when adding FKs to new partitions
name: name.presence || concurrent_partitioned_foreign_key_name(source, column),
# Force the FK validation to true for partitions (and the partitioned table)
validate: true
if foreign_key_exists?(source, target, **partition_options)
warning_message = "Foreign key not created because it exists already " \
"(this may be due to an aborted migration or similar): " \
"source: #{source}, target: #{target}, column: #{partition_options[:column]}, "\
"name: #{partition_options[:name]}, on_delete: #{partition_options[:on_delete]}"
Gitlab::AppLogger.warn warning_message
partitioned_table = find_partitioned_table(source)
partitioned_table.postgres_partitions.order(:name).each do |partition|
add_concurrent_foreign_key(partition.identifier, target, **partition_options)
with_lock_retries do
add_foreign_key(source, target, **partition_options)
# Returns the name for a concurrent partitioned foreign key.
# Similar to concurrent_foreign_key_name (Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers)
# we just keep a separate method in case we want a different behavior
# for partitioned tables
def concurrent_partitioned_foreign_key_name(table, column, prefix: 'fk_rails_')
identifier = "#{table}_#{column}_fk"
hashed_identifier = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(identifier).first(10)