457 lines
13 KiB
457 lines
13 KiB
Source: gitlab
Section: contrib/net
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Ruby Team <pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Cédric Boutillier <boutil@debian.org>,
Pirate Praveen <praveen@debian.org>,
Balasankar C <balasankarc@autistici.org>,
Sruthi Chandran <srud@debian.org>,
Utkarsh Gupta <utkarsh@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10~), gem2deb, bc
Standards-Version: 4.5.1
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/gitlab.git
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/gitlab
Homepage: https://about.gitlab.com/
XS-Ruby-Versions: all
Package: gitlab
Section: contrib/net
Architecture: all
XB-Ruby-Versions: ${ruby:Versions}
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},
gitlab-common (>= 13.4.6~),
ruby (>= 1:2.7~),
rubygems-integration (>= 1.17.1~),
lsb-base (>= 3.0-6),
rake (>= 12.3.0~),
bundler (>= 1.17.3~),
dbconfig-pgsql | dbconfig-no-thanks,
redis-server (>= 2:2.8~),
# See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=956211
nodejs (>= 10~),
nginx | httpd,
default-mta | postfix | exim4 | mail-transport-agent,
gitlab-workhorse (>= 8.54.2~),
ruby-rails (>= 2:6.0.3~),
ruby-tzinfo (>= 1.2.6~),
ruby-websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.5~),
ruby-bootsnap (>= 1.4.6~),
ruby-nakayoshi-fork (>= 0.0.4~),
ruby-responders (>= 3.0~),
ruby-sprockets (>= 3.7~),
ruby-default-value-for (>= 3.3~),
#ruby-mysql2 | ruby-pg,
ruby-pg (>= 1.1~),
ruby-rugged (>= 0.28~),
ruby-grape-path-helpers (>= 1.4~),
ruby-faraday (>= 1.0~),
ruby-marginalia (>= 1.9~),
# Authentication libraries
ruby-devise (>= 4.7.2~),
ruby-doorkeeper (>= 5.3~),
ruby-doorkeeper-openid-connect (>= 1.7.4~),
ruby-omniauth (>= 1.8~),
ruby-omniauth-auth0 (>= 2.0~),
ruby-omniauth-azure-oauth2 (>= 0.0.10~),
ruby-omniauth-cas3 (>= 1.1.4~),
ruby-omniauth-facebook (>= 4.0~),
ruby-omniauth-github (>= 1.4~),
ruby-omniauth-gitlab (>= 1.0.2~),
ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2 (>= 0.6~),
ruby-omniauth-kerberos (>= 0.3.0-3~),
ruby-omniauth-oauth2-generic (>= 0.2.2~),
ruby-omniauth-saml (>= 1.10~),
ruby-omniauth-shibboleth (>= 1.3~),
ruby-omniauth-twitter (>= 1.4~),
ruby-omniauth-crowd (>= 2.2~),
ruby-omniauth-authentiq (>= 0.3.3~),
ruby-omniauth-openid-connect (>= 0.3.5~),
ruby-omniauth-salesforce (>= 1.0.5~),
ruby-omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 (>= 0.2.0~),
ruby-rack-oauth2 (>= 1.16~),
ruby-jwt (>= 2.1~),
# Spam and anti-bot protection
ruby-recaptcha (>= 4.11~),
ruby-akismet (>= 3.0~),
ruby-invisible-captcha (>= 0.12.1~),
# Two-factor authentication
ruby-devise-two-factor (>= 3.1~),
ruby-rqrcode-rails3 (>= 0.1.7~),
ruby-attr-encrypted (>= 3.1~),
ruby-u2f (>= 0.2.1~),
# GitLab Pages
ruby-validates-hostname (>= 1.0.10~),
ruby-zip (>= 2.0~),
# GitLab Pages letsencrypt support
ruby-acme-client (>= 2.0.6~),
# Browser detection
ruby-browser (>= 4.2~),
ruby-gpgme (>= 2.0.19~),
# LDAP Auth
ruby-omniauth-ldap (>= 2.1.1~),
ruby-ntlm (>= 0.6.1~),
ruby-net-ldap (>= 0.16.1~),
ruby-grape (>= 1.4~),
ruby-grape-entity (>= 0.8~),
ruby-rack-cors (>= 1.0.6~),
# GraphQL API
ruby-graphql (>= 1.11.4~),
ruby-graphiql-rails (>= 1.4.10~),
ruby-apollo-upload-server (>= 2.0.3~),
# Used by BulkImport feature (group::import)
ruby-graphlient (>= 0.4.0),
# Disable strong_params so that Mash does not respond to :permitted?
# Pagination
ruby-kaminari (>= 1.2.1~),
ruby-hamlit (>= 2.11~),
# Files attachments
ruby-carrierwave (>= 1.3~),
ruby-mini-magick (>= 4.10.1~),
# for backups
ruby-fog-aws (>= 3.5~),
ruby-fog-core (>= 2.1~),
ruby-excon (>= 0.72~),
ruby-fog-google (>= 1.11~),
ruby-fog-local (>= 0.6~),
ruby-fog-openstack (>= 1.0~),
ruby-fog-rackspace (>= 0.1.1~),
ruby-fog-aliyun (>= 0.3~),
ruby-gitlab-fog-azure-rm (>= 1.0~),
# for Google storage
ruby-google-api-client (>= 0.33~),
# for aws storage
ruby-unf (>= 0.1.4-2~),
ruby-unf-ext (>=,
# Seed data
ruby-seed-fu (>= 2.3.7~),
# Search
# ruby-elasticsearch-model (>= 0.1.9~), embedded
ruby-elasticsearch (>= 5.0.3~),
# ruby-elasticsearch-rails (>= 0.1.9~), embedded
ruby-elasticsearch-api (>= 6.8.2~),
ruby-aws-sdk-core (>= 3.0~),
ruby-aws-sdk-cloudformation (>= 1.0~),
ruby-aws-sdk-s3 (>= 1.0~),
# Markdown and HTML processing
ruby-html-pipeline (>= 2.12~),
ruby-task-list (>= 2.3.1~),
ruby-github-markup (>= 1.7~),
ruby-commonmarker (>= 0.20~),
ruby-kramdown (>= 2.2.1~),
ruby-redcloth (>= 4.3.2-3~),
# rdoc is built-in with ruby
ruby-org (>= 0.9.12-2~),
ruby-creole (>= 0.5.0~),
ruby-wikicloth (>= 0.8.1~),
asciidoctor (>= 2.0.10~),
ruby-asciidoctor-include-ext (>= 0.3.1~),
ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml (>= 0.0.12~),
ruby-rouge (>= 3.21~),
ruby-truncato (>= 0.7.11~),
ruby-bootstrap-form (>= 4.2~),
ruby-nokogiri (>= 1.10.9~),
ruby-escape-utils (>= 1.2.1~),
# Calendar rendering
# Diffs
ruby-diffy (>= 3.3~),
ruby-diff-match-patch (>= 0.1~),
# Application server
ruby-rack (>= 2.2~),
ruby-rack-timeout (>= 0.5.1~),
puma (>= 4.0~),
# State machine
ruby-state-machines-activerecord (>= 0.6~),
ruby-state-machines-activemodel (>= 0.7.1~),
# Issue tags
ruby-acts-as-taggable-on (>= 6.5~),
# Background jobs
ruby-sidekiq (>= 5.2.7~),
ruby-sidekiq-cron (>= 1.0~),
ruby-redis-namespace (>= 1.7~),
ruby-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher (>= 0.6.1~),
# Cron Parser
ruby-fugit (>= 1.2.1~),
# HTTP requests
ruby-httparty (>= 0.16.4~),
# Colored output to console
ruby-rainbow (>= 3.0~),
# Progress bar
# GitLab settings
ruby-settingslogic (>= 2.0.9~),
# Linear-time regex library for untrusted regular expressions
ruby-re2 (>= 1.2~),
# Misc
ruby-version-sorter (>= 2.2.4~),
# Export Ruby Regex to Javascript
ruby-js-regex (>= 3.4~),
# User agent parsing
# Redis
ruby-redis (>= 4.0~),
ruby-connection-pool (>= 2.0~),
# Redis session store
ruby-redis-rails (>= 5.0.2~),
ruby-redis-activesupport (>= 5.2~),
ruby-redis-actionpack (>= 5.2~),
# Discord integration
ruby-discordrb-webhooks (>= 3.3~),
# HipChat integration
ruby-hipchat (>= 1.5~),
# JIRA integration
ruby-jira (>= 2.0~),
# Flowdock integration
ruby-flowdock (>= 0.7~),
ruby-posix-spawn (>= 0.3.13~),
# Slack integration
ruby-slack-messenger (>= 2.3.4~),
# Hangouts Chat integration
ruby-hangouts-chat (>= 0.0.5),
# Asana integration
ruby-asana (>= 0.10.2~),
# FogBugz integration
ruby-fogbugz (>= 0.2.1-3~),
# Kubernetes integration
ruby-kubeclient (>= 4.9.1~),
ruby-recursive-open-struct (>= 1.1.1~),
ruby-http (>= 4.4~),
# Sanitize user input
ruby-sanitize (>= 5.2.1~),
ruby-babosa (>= 1.0.3~),
# Sanitizes SVG input
ruby-loofah (>= 2.2~),
# Working with license
ruby-licensee (>= 9.14~),
# Protect against bruteforcing
ruby-rack-attack (>= 6.3~),
# Ace editor
ruby-ace-rails-ap (>= 4.1~),
# Detect and convert string character encoding
ruby-charlock-holmes (>= 0.7.5~),
# Detect mime content type from content
ruby-mimemagic (>= 0.3.2~),
# Faster blank
# Parse time & duration
ruby-gitlab-chronic (>= 0.10.5~),
ruby-gitlab-chronic-duration (>=,
ruby-webpack-rails (>= 0.9.10~),
# Many node modules are still in NEW, some are yet to be packaged
# so we use yarn to downlod those and hence gitlab is in contrib
yarnpkg (>= 1.22.4~),
ruby-rack-proxy (>= 0.6~),
ruby-sassc-rails (>= 2.1~),
ruby-sassc (>= 2.0~),
ruby-terser (>= 1.0.2~),
ruby-addressable (>= 2.7~),
ruby-font-awesome-rails (>=,
ruby-gemojione (>= 3.3~),
ruby-gon (>= 6.2~),
ruby-request-store (>= 1.5~),
ruby-jquery-atwho-rails (>= 1.3.2~),
ruby-virtus (>= 1.0.5-3~),
ruby-base32 (>= 0.3.0~),
# Sentry integration
ruby-sentry-raven (>= 2.13~),
# PostgreSQL query parsing
ruby-gitlab-pg-query (>= 1.3~),
ruby-premailer-rails (>= 1.10.3-2~),
# LabKit: Tracing and Correlation
ruby-gitlab-labkit (>= 0.13.2~),
# I18n
ruby-ruby-parser (>= 3.15~),
ruby-rails-i18n (>= 6.0~),
ruby-gettext-i18n-rails (>= 1.8~),
ruby-gettext-i18n-rails-js (>= 1.3~),
ruby-gettext (>= 3.3.3~),
ruby-batch-loader (>= 1.4~),
# Perf bar
ruby-peek (>= 1.1~),
# Snowplow events tracking
ruby-snowplow-tracker (>= 0.6.1~),
# Memory benchmarks
# Metrics
ruby-method-source (>= 1.0~),
# Prometheus
ruby-prometheus-client-mmap (>= 0.12~),
ruby-raindrops (>= 0.18~),
ruby-octokit (>= 4.15~),
ruby-mail-room (>= 0.10.0+really0.0.7~),
ruby-email-reply-trimmer (>= 0.1~),
ruby-prof (>= 1.3~),
ruby-stackprof (>= 0.2.15~),
ruby-rbtrace (>= 0.4~),
ruby-memory-profiler (>= 0.9~),
ruby-benchmark-memory (>= 0.1~),
ruby-activerecord-explain-analyze (>= 0.1~),
# OAuth
ruby-oauth2 (>= 1.4.4~),
# Health check
ruby-health-check (>= 3.0~),
# System information
ruby-vmstat (>= 2.3~),
ruby-sys-filesystem (>= 1.1.6~),
# NTP client
# SSH host key support
ruby-net-ssh (>= 1:6.0~),
ruby-sshkey (>= 2.0~),
# Required for ED25519 SSH host key support
ruby-ed25519 (>= 1.2~),
ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf (>= 1.0~),
# Gitaly GRPC client
ruby-gitaly (>= 13.6~),
# See #966653
# ruby-grpc (>= 1.30.2~),
ruby-google-protobuf (>= 3.12~),
ruby-toml-rb (>= 1.0.0-2~),
# Feature toggles
ruby-flipper (>= 0.17.1~),
ruby-flipper-active-record (>= 0.17.1~),
ruby-flipper-active-support-cache-store (>= 0.17.1~),
ruby-unleash (>= 0.1.5~),
# Structured logging
ruby-lograge (>= 0.10~),
ruby-grape-logging (>= 1.7~),
# DNS Lookup
ruby-gitlab-net-dns (>= 0.9.1~),
# Countries list
ruby-countries (>= 3.0~),
ruby-retriable (>= 3.1.2~),
# LRU cache
ruby-erubi (>= 1.9~),
ruby-mail (>= 2.7.1),
# File encryption
ruby-lockbox (>= 0.3.3~),
# Email validation
ruby-json (>= 2.3~),
ruby-json-schema (>= 2.8.1-2~),
ruby-json-schemer (>= 0.2.12~),
ruby-oj (>= 3.10.6~),
ruby-multi-json (>= 1.14.1~),
ruby-yajl (>= 1.4.1~),
ruby-webauthn (>= 2.3~),
# packaged node modules - all node packages are not packaged yet
node-autosize (>= 4.0.2~dfsg1-5~),
node-axios (>= 0.17.1~),
node-babel-loader (>= 8.0~),
node-brace-expansion (>= 1.1.8~),
node-cache-loader (>= 4.1~),
node-chart.js (>= 2.7.2~),
node-compression-webpack-plugin (>= 3.0.1~),
node-copy-webpack-plugin (>= 5.0~),
node-core-js (>= 3.2.1~),
node-css-loader (>= 5.0~),
# node-d3 includes d3-sankey
node-d3 (>= 5.16~),
node-d3-scale (>= 1.0.7~),
node-d3-selection (>= 1.2~),
node-deckar01-task-list (>= 2.2.1),
node-exports-loader (>= 0.7~),
node-imports-loader (>= 0.8~),
node-file-loader (>= 5.0~),
node-fuzzaldrin-plus (>= 0.5~),
node-glob (>= 7.1.6~),
node-jed (>= 1.1.1-2~),
node-jquery (>= 3.5~),
# Broken
# node-jquery.waitforimages,
node-js-yaml (>= 3.13.1~),
node-jszip-utils (>= 0.0.2+dfsg-2~),
node-katex (>= 0.10.2+dfsg-8~),
# lodash/fp build is incomplete, see #979531
# node-lodash (>= 4.17.20+dfsg+~cs8.31.172~),
node-marked (>= 0.3~),
# backporting this will take some time
# node-miragejs,
# Include node-pikaday only after @gitlab/ui is accepted
# node-pikaday (>= 1.8.0-2~),
node-popper.js (>= 1.16.1~),
node-prismjs (>= 1.6~),
node-raw-loader (>= 4.0~),
node-style-loader (>= 1.0~),
node-three-orbit-controls (>= 82.1.0-3~),
node-three-stl-loader (>= 1.0.6-3~),
node-timeago.js (>= 4.0~),
node-underscore (>= 1.9~),
node-url-loader (>= 3.0~),
node-uuid (>= 8.1~),
node-vue (>= 2.6.12~),
node-vue-resource (>= 1.5.1~),
# Blocked by #927254
# node-vue-router,
node-vue-template-compiler (>= 2.6.12~),
webpack (>= 4.43~),
node-worker-loader (>= 2.0~),
# using yarn install for remaining node modules as it is in contrib
# node-babel-core,
# node-babel-eslint,
# node-babel-loader,
# node-babel-plugin-transform-define,
# node-babel-preset-latest,
# node-babel-preset-stage-2,
# node-debug (>= 3.1.0~),
# node-katex,
# node-marked,
# gitlab-sidekiq was failing without puma
Recommends: certbot,
gitaly (>= 13.6~)
Conflicts: libruby2.5
Description: git powered software platform to collaborate on code (non-omnibus)
gitlab provides web based interface to host source code and track issues.
It allows anyone for fork a repository and send merge requests. Code review
is possible using merge request workflow. Using groups and roles project
access can be controlled.
Unlike the official package from GitLab Inc., this package does not use
Note: Currently this package is in contrib because it uses yarn to install
some of its front end dependencies.