2023-01-13 15:02:22 +05:30

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// Copyright 2018 The Go Cloud Development Kit Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rabbitpubsub
import (
amqp ""
func init() {
o := new(defaultDialer)
pubsub.DefaultURLMux().RegisterTopic(Scheme, o)
pubsub.DefaultURLMux().RegisterSubscription(Scheme, o)
// defaultDialer dials a default Rabbit server based on the environment
// variable "RABBIT_SERVER_URL".
type defaultDialer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
conn *amqp.Connection
opener *URLOpener
func (o *defaultDialer) defaultConn(ctx context.Context) (*URLOpener, error) {
// Re-use the connection if possible.
if o.opener != nil && o.conn != nil && !o.conn.IsClosed() {
return o.opener, nil
// First time through, or last time resulted in an error, or connection
// was closed. Initialize the connection.
serverURL := os.Getenv("RABBIT_SERVER_URL")
if serverURL == "" {
return nil, errors.New("RABBIT_SERVER_URL environment variable not set")
conn, err := amqp.Dial(serverURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to dial RABBIT_SERVER_URL %q: %v", serverURL, err)
o.conn = conn
o.opener = &URLOpener{Connection: conn}
return o.opener, nil
func (o *defaultDialer) OpenTopicURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*pubsub.Topic, error) {
opener, err := o.defaultConn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open topic %v: failed to open default connection: %v", u, err)
return opener.OpenTopicURL(ctx, u)
func (o *defaultDialer) OpenSubscriptionURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
opener, err := o.defaultConn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open subscription %v: failed to open default connection: %v", u, err)
return opener.OpenSubscriptionURL(ctx, u)
// Scheme is the URL scheme rabbitpubsub registers its URLOpeners under on pubsub.DefaultMux.
const Scheme = "rabbit"
// URLOpener opens RabbitMQ URLs like "rabbit://myexchange" for
// topics or "rabbit://myqueue" for subscriptions.
// For topics, the URL's host+path is used as the exchange name.
// For subscriptions, the URL's host+path is used as the queue name.
// No query parameters are supported.
type URLOpener struct {
// Connection to use for communication with the server.
Connection *amqp.Connection
// TopicOptions specifies the options to pass to OpenTopic.
TopicOptions TopicOptions
// SubscriptionOptions specifies the options to pass to OpenSubscription.
SubscriptionOptions SubscriptionOptions
// OpenTopicURL opens a pubsub.Topic based on u.
func (o *URLOpener) OpenTopicURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*pubsub.Topic, error) {
for param := range u.Query() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open topic %v: invalid query parameter %q", u, param)
exchangeName := path.Join(u.Host, u.Path)
return OpenTopic(o.Connection, exchangeName, &o.TopicOptions), nil
// OpenSubscriptionURL opens a pubsub.Subscription based on u.
func (o *URLOpener) OpenSubscriptionURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
for param := range u.Query() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open subscription %v: invalid query parameter %q", u, param)
queueName := path.Join(u.Host, u.Path)
return OpenSubscription(o.Connection, queueName, &o.SubscriptionOptions), nil
type topic struct {
exchange string // the AMQP exchange
conn amqpConnection
mu sync.Mutex
ch amqpChannel // AMQP channel used for all communication.
pubc <-chan amqp.Confirmation // Go channel for server acks of publishes
retc <-chan amqp.Return // Go channel for "returned" undeliverable messages
closec <-chan *amqp.Error // Go channel for AMQP channel close notifications
// TopicOptions sets options for constructing a *pubsub.Topic backed by
// RabbitMQ.
type TopicOptions struct{}
// SubscriptionOptions sets options for constructing a *pubsub.Subscription
// backed by RabbitMQ.
type SubscriptionOptions struct{}
// OpenTopic returns a *pubsub.Topic corresponding to the named exchange.
// See the package documentation for an example.
// The exchange should already exist (for instance, by using
// amqp.Channel.ExchangeDeclare), although this won't be checked until the first call
// to SendBatch. For the Go CDK Pub/Sub model to make sense, the exchange should
// be a fanout exchange, although nothing in this package enforces that.
// OpenTopic uses the supplied amqp.Connection for all communication. It is the
// caller's responsibility to establish this connection before calling OpenTopic, and
// to close it when Close has been called on all Topics opened with it.
// The documentation of the amqp package recommends using separate connections for
// publishing and subscribing.
func OpenTopic(conn *amqp.Connection, name string, opts *TopicOptions) *pubsub.Topic {
return pubsub.NewTopic(newTopic(&connection{conn}, name), nil)
func newTopic(conn amqpConnection, name string) *topic {
return &topic{
conn: conn,
exchange: name,
// establishChannel creates an AMQP channel if necessary. According to the amqp
// package docs, once an error is returned from the channel, it must be discarded and
// a new one created.
// Must be called with held.
func (t *topic) establishChannel(ctx context.Context) error {
if != nil { // We already have a channel.
select {
// If it was closed, open a new one.
// (Ignore the error, if any.)
case <-t.closec:
// If it isn't closed, nothing to do.
return nil
var ch amqpChannel
err := runWithContext(ctx, func() error {
// Create a new channel in confirm mode.
var err error
ch, err = t.conn.Channel()
return err
if err != nil {
return err
} = ch
// Get Go channels which will hold acks and returns from the server. The server
// will send an ack for each published message to confirm that it was received.
// It will return undeliverable messages.
// All the Notify methods return their arg.
t.pubc = ch.NotifyPublish(make(chan amqp.Confirmation))
t.retc = ch.NotifyReturn(make(chan amqp.Return))
t.closec = ch.NotifyClose(make(chan *amqp.Error, 1)) // closec will get at most one element
return nil
// Run f while checking to see if ctx is done.
// Return the error from f if it completes, or ctx.Err() if ctx is done.
func runWithContext(ctx context.Context, f func() error) error {
c := make(chan error, 1) // buffer so the goroutine can finish even if ctx is done
go func() { c <- f() }()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case err := <-c:
return err
// SendBatch implements driver.SendBatch.
func (t *topic) SendBatch(ctx context.Context, ms []*driver.Message) error {
// It is simplest to allow only one SendBatch at a time. Allowing concurrent
// calls to SendBatch would complicate the logic of receiving publish
// confirmations and returns. We can go that route if performance warrants it.
if err := t.establishChannel(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Receive from Go channels concurrently or we will deadlock with the Publish
// RPC. (The amqp package docs recommend setting the capacity of the Go channel
// to the number of messages to be published, but we can't do that because we
// want to reuse the channel for all calls to SendBatch--it takes two RPCs to set
// up.)
errc := make(chan error, 1)
cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
ch := // Avoid touching while goroutine is running.
go func() {
// This goroutine runs with held because its lifetime is within the
// lifetime of the call at the start of SendBatch.
errc <- t.receiveFromPublishChannels(cctx, len(ms))
var perr error
for _, m := range ms {
pub := toPublishing(m)
if m.BeforeSend != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
if p, ok := i.(**amqp.Publishing); ok {
*p = &pub
return true
return false
if err := m.BeforeSend(asFunc); err != nil {
return err
if perr = ch.Publish(, pub); perr != nil {
if m.AfterSend != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool { return false }
if err := m.AfterSend(asFunc); err != nil {
return err
// Wait for the goroutine to finish.
err := <-errc
// If we got an error from Publish, prefer that.
if perr != nil {
// Set to nil because an AMQP channel is broken after error.
// Do this here, after the goroutine has finished, rather than in the Publish loop
// above, to avoid a race condition. = nil
err = perr
// If there is only one error, return it rather than a MultiError. That
// will work better with ErrorCode and ErrorAs.
if merr, ok := err.(MultiError); ok && len(merr) == 1 {
return merr[0]
return err
// Read from the channels established with NotifyPublish and NotifyReturn.
// Must be called with held.
func (t *topic) receiveFromPublishChannels(ctx context.Context, nMessages int) error {
// Consume all the acknowledgments for the messages we are publishing, and also
// get returned messages. The server will send exactly one ack for each published
// message (successful or not), and one return for each undeliverable message.
// Since SendBatch (the only caller of this method) holds the lock, we expect
// exactly as many acks as messages.
var merr MultiError
nAcks := 0
for nAcks < nMessages {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if != nil {
// Channel will be in a weird state (not all publish acks consumed, perhaps)
// so re-create it next time. = nil
return ctx.Err()
case ret, ok := <-t.retc:
if !ok {
// Channel closed. Handled in the pubc case below. But set
// the channel to nil to prevent it from being selected again.
t.retc = nil
} else {
// The message was returned from the server because it is unroutable.
// Record the error and continue so we drain all
// items from pubc. We don't need to re-establish the channel on this
// error.
merr = append(merr, fmt.Errorf("rabbitpubsub: message returned from %s: %s (code %d)",
ret.Exchange, ret.ReplyText, ret.ReplyCode))
case conf, ok := <-t.pubc:
if !ok {
// t.pubc was closed unexpectedly. = nil // re-create the channel on next use
if merr != nil {
return merr
// t.closec must be closed too. See if it has an error.
if err := closeErr(t.closec); err != nil {
merr = append(merr, err)
return merr
// We shouldn't be here, but if we are, we still want to return an
// error.
merr = append(merr, errors.New("rabbitpubsub: publish listener closed unexpectedly"))
return merr
if !conf.Ack {
merr = append(merr, errors.New("rabbitpubsub: ack failed on publish"))
if merr != nil {
return merr
// Returning a nil merr would mean the returned error interface value is non-nil, so return nil explicitly.
return nil
// A MultiError is an error that contains multiple errors.
type MultiError []error
func (m MultiError) Error() string {
var s []string
for _, e := range m {
s = append(s, e.Error())
return strings.Join(s, "; ")
// Return the error from a Go channel monitoring the closing of an AMQP channel.
// closec must have been registered via Channel.NotifyClose.
// When closeErr is called, we expect closec to be closed. If it isn't, we also
// consider that an error.
func closeErr(closec <-chan *amqp.Error) error {
select {
case aerr := <-closec:
// This nil check is necessary. aerr is of type *amqp.Error. If we
// returned it directly (effectively assigning it to a variable of
// type error), then the return value would not be a nil interface
// value even if aerr was a nil pointer, and that would break tests
// like "if err == nil ...".
if aerr == nil {
return nil
return aerr
return errors.New("rabbitpubsub: NotifyClose Go channel is unexpectedly open")
// toPublishing converts a driver.Message to an amqp.Publishing.
func toPublishing(m *driver.Message) amqp.Publishing {
h := amqp.Table{}
for k, v := range m.Metadata {
h[k] = v
return amqp.Publishing{
Headers: h,
Body: m.Body,
// IsRetryable implements driver.Topic.IsRetryable.
func (*topic) IsRetryable(err error) bool {
return isRetryable(err)
func (*topic) ErrorCode(err error) gcerrors.ErrorCode {
return errorCode(err)
var errorCodes = map[int]gcerrors.ErrorCode{
amqp.NotFound: gcerrors.NotFound,
amqp.PreconditionFailed: gcerrors.FailedPrecondition,
// These next indicate a bug in our driver, not the user's code.
amqp.SyntaxError: gcerrors.Internal,
amqp.CommandInvalid: gcerrors.Internal,
amqp.InternalError: gcerrors.Internal,
amqp.NotImplemented: gcerrors.Unimplemented,
amqp.ChannelError: gcerrors.FailedPrecondition, // typically channel closed
func errorCode(err error) gcerrors.ErrorCode {
aerr, ok := err.(*amqp.Error)
if !ok {
return gcerrors.Unknown
if ec, ok := errorCodes[aerr.Code]; ok {
return ec
return gcerrors.Unknown
func isRetryable(err error) bool {
aerr, ok := err.(*amqp.Error)
if !ok {
return false
// amqp.Error has a Recover field which sounds like it should mean "retryable".
// But it actually means "can be recovered by retrying later or with different
// parameters," which is not what we want. The error codes for which Recover is
// true, defined in the isSoftExceptionCode function of
//, includng things
// like NotFound and AccessRefused, which require outside action.
// The following are the codes which might be resolved by retry without external
// action, according to the AMQP 0.91 spec
// ( The quotations
// are from that page.
switch aerr.Code {
case amqp.ContentTooLarge:
// "The client attempted to transfer content larger than the server could
// accept at the present time. The client may retry at a later time."
return true
case amqp.ConnectionForced:
// "An operator intervened to close the connection for some reason. The
// client may retry at some later date."
return true
return false
// As implements driver.Topic.As.
func (t *topic) As(i interface{}) bool {
c, ok := i.(**amqp.Connection)
if !ok {
return false
conn, ok := t.conn.(*connection)
if !ok { // running against the fake
return false
*c = conn.conn
return true
// ErrorAs implements driver.Topic.ErrorAs
func (*topic) ErrorAs(err error, i interface{}) bool {
return errorAs(err, i)
func errorAs(err error, i interface{}) bool {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *amqp.Error:
if p, ok := i.(**amqp.Error); ok {
*p = e
return true
case MultiError:
if p, ok := i.(*MultiError); ok {
*p = e
return true
return false
// Close implements driver.Topic.Close.
func (*topic) Close() error { return nil }
// OpenSubscription returns a *pubsub.Subscription corresponding to the named queue.
// See the package documentation for an example.
// The queue must have been previously created (for instance, by using
// amqp.Channel.QueueDeclare) and bound to an exchange.
// OpenSubscription uses the supplied amqp.Connection for all communication. It is
// the caller's responsibility to establish this connection before calling
// OpenSubscription and to close it when Close has been called on all Subscriptions
// opened with it.
// The documentation of the amqp package recommends using separate connections for
// publishing and subscribing.
func OpenSubscription(conn *amqp.Connection, name string, opts *SubscriptionOptions) *pubsub.Subscription {
return pubsub.NewSubscription(newSubscription(&connection{conn}, name), nil, nil)
type subscription struct {
conn amqpConnection
queue string // the AMQP queue name
consumer string // the client-generated name for this particular subscriber
mu sync.Mutex
ch amqpChannel // AMQP channel used for all communication.
delc <-chan amqp.Delivery
closec <-chan *amqp.Error
receiveBatchHook func() // for testing
var nextConsumer int64 // atomic
func newSubscription(conn amqpConnection, name string) *subscription {
return &subscription{
conn: conn,
queue: name,
consumer: fmt.Sprintf("c%d", atomic.AddInt64(&nextConsumer, 1)),
receiveBatchHook: func() {},
// Must be called with held.
func (s *subscription) establishChannel(ctx context.Context) error {
if != nil { // We already have a channel.
select {
// If it was closed, open a new one.
// (Ignore the error, if any.)
case <-s.closec:
// If it isn't closed, nothing to do.
return nil
var ch amqpChannel
err := runWithContext(ctx, func() error {
// Create a new channel.
var err error
ch, err = s.conn.Channel()
if err != nil {
return err
// Subscribe to messages from the queue.
s.delc, err = ch.Consume(s.queue, s.consumer)
return err
if err != nil {
return err
} = ch
s.closec = ch.NotifyClose(make(chan *amqp.Error, 1)) // closec will get at most one element
return nil
// ReceiveBatch implements driver.Subscription.ReceiveBatch.
func (s *subscription) ReceiveBatch(ctx context.Context, maxMessages int) ([]*driver.Message, error) {
if err := s.establishChannel(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get up to maxMessages waiting messages, but don't take too long.
var ms []*driver.Message
maxTime := time.NewTimer(50 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Cancel the Consume.
_ = // ignore the error = nil
return nil, ctx.Err()
case d, ok := <-s.delc:
if !ok { // channel closed = nil // re-establish the channel next time
if len(ms) > 0 {
return ms, nil
// s.closec must be closed too. See if it has an error.
if err := closeErr(s.closec); err != nil {
// PreconditionFailed can happen if we send an Ack or Nack for a
// message that has already been acked/nacked. Ignore those errors.
if aerr, ok := err.(*amqp.Error); ok && aerr.Code == amqp.PreconditionFailed {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
// We shouldn't be here, but if we are, we still want to return an
// error.
return nil, errors.New("rabbitpubsub: delivery channel closed unexpectedly")
ms = append(ms, toMessage(d))
if len(ms) >= maxMessages {
return ms, nil
case <-maxTime.C:
// Timed out. Return whatever we have. If we have nothing, we'll get
// called again soon, but returning allows us to give up the lock in
// case there are acks/nacks to be sent.
return ms, nil
// toMessage converts an amqp.Delivery (a received message) to a driver.Message.
func toMessage(d amqp.Delivery) *driver.Message {
// Delivery.Headers is a map[string]interface{}, so we have to
// convert each value to a string.
md := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range d.Headers {
md[k] = fmt.Sprint(v)
loggableID := d.MessageId
if loggableID == "" {
loggableID = d.CorrelationId
if loggableID == "" {
loggableID = fmt.Sprintf("DeliveryTag %d", d.DeliveryTag)
return &driver.Message{
LoggableID: loggableID,
Body: d.Body,
AckID: d.DeliveryTag,
Metadata: md,
AsFunc: func(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(*amqp.Delivery)
if !ok {
return false
*p = d
return true
// SendAcks implements driver.Subscription.SendAcks.
func (s *subscription) SendAcks(ctx context.Context, ackIDs []driver.AckID) error {
return s.sendAcksOrNacks(ctx, ackIDs, true)
// CanNack implements driver.CanNack.
func (s *subscription) CanNack() bool { return true }
// SendNacks implements driver.Subscription.SendNacks.
func (s *subscription) SendNacks(ctx context.Context, ackIDs []driver.AckID) error {
return s.sendAcksOrNacks(ctx, ackIDs, false)
func (s *subscription) sendAcksOrNacks(ctx context.Context, ackIDs []driver.AckID, ack bool) error {
if err := s.establishChannel(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Ack/Nack calls don't wait for a response, so this loop should execute relatively
// quickly.
// It wouldn't help to make it concurrent, because Channel.Ack/Nack grabs a
// channel-wide mutex. (We could consider using multiple channels if performance
// becomes an issue.)
for _, id := range ackIDs {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
var err error
if ack {
err =
} else {
err =
if err != nil { = nil // re-establish channel after an error
return err
return nil
// IsRetryable implements driver.Subscription.IsRetryable.
func (*subscription) IsRetryable(err error) bool {
return isRetryable(err)
func (*subscription) ErrorCode(err error) gcerrors.ErrorCode {
return errorCode(err)
// As implements driver.Subscription.As.
func (s *subscription) As(i interface{}) bool {
c, ok := i.(**amqp.Connection)
if !ok {
return false
conn, ok := s.conn.(*connection)
if !ok { // running against the fake
return false
*c = conn.conn
return true
// ErrorAs implements driver.Subscription.ErrorAs
func (*subscription) ErrorAs(err error, i interface{}) bool {
return errorAs(err, i)
// Close implements driver.Subscription.Close.
func (*subscription) Close() error { return nil }