2022-12-03 16:09:56 +05:30

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* Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package server contains internal server-side functionality used by the public
// facing xds package.
package server
import (
internalbackoff ""
internalgrpclog ""
var (
logger = grpclog.Component("xds")
// Backoff strategy for temporary errors received from Accept(). If this
// needs to be configurable, we can inject it through ListenerWrapperParams.
bs = internalbackoff.Exponential{Config: backoff.Config{
BaseDelay: 5 * time.Millisecond,
Multiplier: 2.0,
MaxDelay: 1 * time.Second,
backoffFunc = bs.Backoff
// ServingModeCallback is the callback that users can register to get notified
// about the server's serving mode changes. The callback is invoked with the
// address of the listener and its new mode. The err parameter is set to a
// non-nil error if the server has transitioned into not-serving mode.
type ServingModeCallback func(addr net.Addr, mode connectivity.ServingMode, err error)
// DrainCallback is the callback that an xDS-enabled server registers to get
// notified about updates to the Listener configuration. The server is expected
// to gracefully shutdown existing connections, thereby forcing clients to
// reconnect and have the new configuration applied to the newly created
// connections.
type DrainCallback func(addr net.Addr)
func prefixLogger(p *listenerWrapper) *internalgrpclog.PrefixLogger {
return internalgrpclog.NewPrefixLogger(logger, fmt.Sprintf("[xds-server-listener %p] ", p))
// XDSClient wraps the methods on the XDSClient which are required by
// the listenerWrapper.
type XDSClient interface {
WatchListener(string, func(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate, error)) func()
WatchRouteConfig(string, func(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate, error)) func()
BootstrapConfig() *bootstrap.Config
// ListenerWrapperParams wraps parameters required to create a listenerWrapper.
type ListenerWrapperParams struct {
// Listener is the net.Listener passed by the user that is to be wrapped.
Listener net.Listener
// ListenerResourceName is the xDS Listener resource to request.
ListenerResourceName string
// XDSCredsInUse specifies whether or not the user expressed interest to
// receive security configuration from the control plane.
XDSCredsInUse bool
// XDSClient provides the functionality from the XDSClient required here.
XDSClient XDSClient
// ModeCallback is the callback to invoke when the serving mode changes.
ModeCallback ServingModeCallback
// DrainCallback is the callback to invoke when the Listener gets a LDS
// update.
DrainCallback DrainCallback
// NewListenerWrapper creates a new listenerWrapper with params. It returns a
// net.Listener and a channel which is written to, indicating that the former is
// ready to be passed to grpc.Serve().
// Only TCP listeners are supported.
func NewListenerWrapper(params ListenerWrapperParams) (net.Listener, <-chan struct{}) {
lw := &listenerWrapper{
Listener: params.Listener,
name: params.ListenerResourceName,
xdsCredsInUse: params.XDSCredsInUse,
xdsC: params.XDSClient,
modeCallback: params.ModeCallback,
drainCallback: params.DrainCallback,
isUnspecifiedAddr: params.Listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).IP.IsUnspecified(),
mode: connectivity.ServingModeStarting,
closed: grpcsync.NewEvent(),
goodUpdate: grpcsync.NewEvent(),
ldsUpdateCh: make(chan ldsUpdateWithError, 1),
rdsUpdateCh: make(chan rdsHandlerUpdate, 1),
lw.logger = prefixLogger(lw)
// Serve() verifies that Addr() returns a valid TCPAddr. So, it is safe to
// ignore the error from SplitHostPort().
lisAddr := lw.Listener.Addr().String()
lw.addr, lw.port, _ = net.SplitHostPort(lisAddr)
lw.rdsHandler = newRDSHandler(lw.xdsC, lw.rdsUpdateCh)
cancelWatch := lw.xdsC.WatchListener(, lw.handleListenerUpdate)
lw.logger.Infof("Watch started on resource name %v",
lw.cancelWatch = func() {
lw.logger.Infof("Watch cancelled on resource name %v",
return lw, lw.goodUpdate.Done()
type ldsUpdateWithError struct {
update xdsresource.ListenerUpdate
err error
// listenerWrapper wraps the net.Listener associated with the listening address
// passed to Serve(). It also contains all other state associated with this
// particular invocation of Serve().
type listenerWrapper struct {
logger *internalgrpclog.PrefixLogger
name string
xdsCredsInUse bool
xdsC XDSClient
cancelWatch func()
modeCallback ServingModeCallback
drainCallback DrainCallback
// Set to true if the listener is bound to the IP_ANY address (which is
// "" for IPv4 and "::" for IPv6).
isUnspecifiedAddr bool
// Listening address and port. Used to validate the socket address in the
// Listener resource received from the control plane.
addr, port string
// This is used to notify that a good update has been received and that
// Serve() can be invoked on the underlying gRPC server. Using an event
// instead of a vanilla channel simplifies the update handler as it need not
// keep track of whether the received update is the first one or not.
goodUpdate *grpcsync.Event
// A small race exists in the XDSClient code between the receipt of an xDS
// response and the user cancelling the associated watch. In this window,
// the registered callback may be invoked after the watch is canceled, and
// the user is expected to work around this. This event signifies that the
// listener is closed (and hence the watch is cancelled), and we drop any
// updates received in the callback if this event has fired.
closed *grpcsync.Event
// mu guards access to the current serving mode and the filter chains. The
// reason for using an rw lock here is that these fields are read in
// Accept() for all incoming connections, but writes happen rarely (when we
// get a Listener resource update).
mu sync.RWMutex
// Current serving mode.
mode connectivity.ServingMode
// Filter chains received as part of the last good update.
filterChains *xdsresource.FilterChainManager
// rdsHandler is used for any dynamic RDS resources specified in a LDS
// update.
rdsHandler *rdsHandler
// rdsUpdates are the RDS resources received from the management
// server, keyed on the RouteName of the RDS resource.
rdsUpdates unsafe.Pointer // map[string]xdsclient.RouteConfigUpdate
// ldsUpdateCh is a channel for XDSClient LDS updates.
ldsUpdateCh chan ldsUpdateWithError
// rdsUpdateCh is a channel for XDSClient RDS updates.
rdsUpdateCh chan rdsHandlerUpdate
// Accept blocks on an Accept() on the underlying listener, and wraps the
// returned net.connWrapper with the configured certificate providers.
func (l *listenerWrapper) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
var retries int
for {
conn, err := l.Listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
// Temporary() method is implemented by certain error types returned
// from the net package, and it is useful for us to not shutdown the
// server in these conditions. The listen queue being full is one
// such case.
if ne, ok := err.(interface{ Temporary() bool }); !ok || !ne.Temporary() {
return nil, err
timer := time.NewTimer(backoffFunc(retries))
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-l.closed.Done():
// Continuing here will cause us to call Accept() again
// which will return a non-temporary error.
// Reset retries after a successful Accept().
retries = 0
// Since the net.Conn represents an incoming connection, the source and
// destination address can be retrieved from the local address and
// remote address of the net.Conn respectively.
destAddr, ok1 := conn.LocalAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
srcAddr, ok2 := conn.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
// If the incoming connection is not a TCP connection, which is
// really unexpected since we check whether the provided listener is
// a TCP listener in Serve(), we return an error which would cause
// us to stop serving.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received connection with non-TCP address (local: %T, remote %T)", conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())
if l.mode == connectivity.ServingModeNotServing {
// Close connections as soon as we accept them when we are in
// "not-serving" mode. Since we accept a net.Listener from the user
// in Serve(), we cannot close the listener when we move to
// "not-serving". Closing the connection immediately upon accepting
// is one of the other ways to implement the "not-serving" mode as
// outlined in gRFC A36.
fc, err := l.filterChains.Lookup(xdsresource.FilterChainLookupParams{
IsUnspecifiedListener: l.isUnspecifiedAddr,
DestAddr: destAddr.IP,
SourceAddr: srcAddr.IP,
SourcePort: srcAddr.Port,
if err != nil {
// When a matching filter chain is not found, we close the
// connection right away, but do not return an error back to
// `grpc.Serve()` from where this Accept() was invoked. Returning an
// error to `grpc.Serve()` causes the server to shutdown. If we want
// to avoid the server from shutting down, we would need to return
// an error type which implements the `Temporary() bool` method,
// which is invoked by `grpc.Serve()` to see if the returned error
// represents a temporary condition. In the case of a temporary
// error, `grpc.Serve()` method sleeps for a small duration and
// therefore ends up blocking all connection attempts during that
// time frame, which is also not ideal for an error like this.
l.logger.Warningf("connection from %s to %s failed to find any matching filter chain", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), conn.LocalAddr().String())
if !envconfig.XDSRBAC {
return &connWrapper{Conn: conn, filterChain: fc, parent: l}, nil
var rc xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate
if fc.InlineRouteConfig != nil {
rc = *fc.InlineRouteConfig
} else {
rcPtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&l.rdsUpdates)
rcuPtr := (*map[string]xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)(rcPtr)
// This shouldn't happen, but this error protects against a panic.
if rcuPtr == nil {
return nil, errors.New("route configuration pointer is nil")
rcu := *rcuPtr
rc = rcu[fc.RouteConfigName]
// The filter chain will construct a usuable route table on each
// connection accept. This is done because preinstantiating every route
// table before it is needed for a connection would potentially lead to
// a lot of cpu time and memory allocated for route tables that will
// never be used. There was also a thought to cache this configuration,
// and reuse it for the next accepted connection. However, this would
// lead to a lot of code complexity (RDS Updates for a given route name
// can come it at any time), and connections aren't accepted too often,
// so this reinstantation of the Route Configuration is an acceptable
// tradeoff for simplicity.
vhswi, err := fc.ConstructUsableRouteConfiguration(rc)
if err != nil {
l.logger.Warningf("route configuration construction: %v", err)
return &connWrapper{Conn: conn, filterChain: fc, parent: l, virtualHosts: vhswi}, nil
// Close closes the underlying listener. It also cancels the xDS watch
// registered in Serve() and closes any certificate provider instances created
// based on security configuration received in the LDS response.
func (l *listenerWrapper) Close() error {
if l.cancelWatch != nil {
return nil
// run is a long running goroutine which handles all xds updates. LDS and RDS
// push updates onto a channel which is read and acted upon from this goroutine.
func (l *listenerWrapper) run() {
for {
select {
case <-l.closed.Done():
case u := <-l.ldsUpdateCh:
case u := <-l.rdsUpdateCh:
// handleLDSUpdate is the callback which handles LDS Updates. It writes the
// received update to the update channel, which is picked up by the run
// goroutine.
func (l *listenerWrapper) handleListenerUpdate(update xdsresource.ListenerUpdate, err error) {
if l.closed.HasFired() {
l.logger.Warningf("Resource %q received update: %v with error: %v, after listener was closed",, update, err)
// Remove any existing entry in ldsUpdateCh and replace with the new one, as the only update
// listener cares about is most recent update.
select {
case <-l.ldsUpdateCh:
l.ldsUpdateCh <- ldsUpdateWithError{update: update, err: err}
// handleRDSUpdate handles a full rds update from rds handler. On a successful
// update, the server will switch to ServingModeServing as the full
// configuration (both LDS and RDS) has been received.
func (l *listenerWrapper) handleRDSUpdate(update rdsHandlerUpdate) {
if l.closed.HasFired() {
l.logger.Warningf("RDS received update: %v with error: %v, after listener was closed", update.updates, update.err)
if update.err != nil {
l.logger.Warningf("Received error for rds names specified in resource %q: %+v",, update.err)
if xdsresource.ErrType(update.err) == xdsresource.ErrorTypeResourceNotFound {
l.switchMode(nil, connectivity.ServingModeNotServing, update.err)
// For errors which are anything other than "resource-not-found", we
// continue to use the old configuration.
atomic.StorePointer(&l.rdsUpdates, unsafe.Pointer(&update.updates))
l.switchMode(l.filterChains, connectivity.ServingModeServing, nil)
func (l *listenerWrapper) handleLDSUpdate(update ldsUpdateWithError) {
if update.err != nil {
l.logger.Warningf("Received error for resource %q: %+v",, update.err)
if xdsresource.ErrType(update.err) == xdsresource.ErrorTypeResourceNotFound {
l.switchMode(nil, connectivity.ServingModeNotServing, update.err)
// For errors which are anything other than "resource-not-found", we
// continue to use the old configuration.
l.logger.Infof("Received update for resource %q: %+v",, update.update)
// Make sure that the socket address on the received Listener resource
// matches the address of the net.Listener passed to us by the user. This
// check is done here instead of at the XDSClient layer because of the
// following couple of reasons:
// - XDSClient cannot know the listening address of every listener in the
// system, and hence cannot perform this check.
// - this is a very context-dependent check and only the server has the
// appropriate context to perform this check.
// What this means is that the XDSClient has ACKed a resource which can push
// the server into a "not serving" mode. This is not ideal, but this is
// what we have decided to do. See gRPC A36 for more details.
ilc := update.update.InboundListenerCfg
if ilc.Address != l.addr || ilc.Port != l.port {
l.switchMode(nil, connectivity.ServingModeNotServing, fmt.Errorf("address (%s:%s) in Listener update does not match listening address: (%s:%s)", ilc.Address, ilc.Port, l.addr, l.port))
// "Updates to a Listener cause all older connections on that Listener to be
// gracefully shut down with a grace period of 10 minutes for long-lived
// RPC's, such that clients will reconnect and have the updated
// configuration apply." - A36 Note that this is not the same as moving the
// Server's state to ServingModeNotServing. That prevents new connections
// from being accepted, whereas here we simply want the clients to reconnect
// to get the updated configuration.
if envconfig.XDSRBAC {
if l.drainCallback != nil {
// If there are no dynamic RDS Configurations still needed to be received
// from the management server, this listener has all the configuration
// needed, and is ready to serve.
if len(ilc.FilterChains.RouteConfigNames) == 0 {
l.switchMode(ilc.FilterChains, connectivity.ServingModeServing, nil)
// switchMode updates the value of serving mode and filter chains stored in the
// listenerWrapper. And if the serving mode has changed, it invokes the
// registered mode change callback.
func (l *listenerWrapper) switchMode(fcs *xdsresource.FilterChainManager, newMode connectivity.ServingMode, err error) {
l.filterChains = fcs
if l.mode == newMode && l.mode == connectivity.ServingModeServing {
// Redundant updates are suppressed only when we are SERVING and the new
// mode is also SERVING. In the other case (where we are NOT_SERVING and the
// new mode is also NOT_SERVING), the update is not suppressed as:
// 1. the error may have change
// 2. it provides a timestamp of the last backoff attempt
l.mode = newMode
if l.modeCallback != nil {
l.modeCallback(l.Listener.Addr(), newMode, err)