51 lines
2.3 KiB
51 lines
2.3 KiB
- no_active_tokens_message = local_assigns.fetch(:no_active_tokens_message, _('This user has no active %{type}.') % { type: type_plural })
- impersonation = local_assigns.fetch(:impersonation, false)
- resource = local_assigns.fetch(:resource, false)
= _('Active %{type} (%{token_length})') % { type: type_plural, token_length: active_tokens.length }
- if impersonation
= _("To see all the user's personal access tokens you must impersonate them first.")
- if active_tokens.present?
%th= _('Token name')
%th= _('Scopes')
%th= s_('AccessTokens|Created')
= _('Last Used')
= link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('user/profile/personal_access_tokens.md', anchor: 'view-the-last-time-a-token-was-used'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
%th= _('Expires')
- if resource
%th= _('Role')
- active_tokens.each do |token|
%td= token.name
%td= token.scopes.present? ? token.scopes.join(', ') : _('no scopes selected')
%td= token.created_at.to_date.to_s(:medium)
- if token.last_used_at?
%span.token-last-used-label= _(time_ago_with_tooltip(token.last_used_at))
- else
%span.token-never-used-label= _('Never')
- if token.expires?
%span{ class: ('text-warning' if token.expires_soon?) }
= time_ago_with_tooltip(token.expires_at)
- else
%span.token-never-expires-label= _('Never')
- if resource
%td= resource.member(token.user).human_access
%td= link_to _('Revoke'), revoke_route_helper.call(token), method: :put, class: "gl-button btn btn-danger btn-sm float-right #{'btn-danger-secondary' unless token.expires?}", aria: { label: _('Revoke') }, data: { confirm: _('Are you sure you want to revoke this %{type}? This action cannot be undone.') % { type: type }, 'confirm-btn-variant': 'danger', qa_selector: 'revoke_button' }
- else
= no_active_tokens_message