72 lines
4.7 KiB
72 lines
4.7 KiB
WARNING: Please keep changes up-to-date with the following files:
- `assets/javascripts/diffs/components/commit_item.vue`
EXCEPTION WARNING - see above `.vue` file for de-sync drift
WARNING: When introducing new content here, please consider what
changes may need to be made in the cache keys used to
wrap this view, found in
- view_details = local_assigns.fetch(:view_details, false)
- merge_request = local_assigns.fetch(:merge_request, nil)
- project = local_assigns.fetch(:project) { merge_request&.project }
- ref = local_assigns.fetch(:ref) { merge_request&.source_branch }
- commit = commit.present(current_user: current_user)
- commit_status = commit.detailed_status_for(ref)
- collapsible = local_assigns.fetch(:collapsible, true)
- link_data_attrs = local_assigns.fetch(:link_data_attrs, {})
- link = commit_path(project, commit, merge_request: merge_request)
- show_project_name = local_assigns.fetch(:show_project_name, false)
%li{ class: ["commit flex-row", ("js-toggle-container" if collapsible)], id: "commit-#{commit.short_id}" }
= author_avatar(commit, size: 40, has_tooltip: false)
.commit-content{ data: { qa_selector: 'commit_content' } }
- if view_details && merge_request
= link_to commit.title, project_commit_path(project, commit.id, merge_request_iid: merge_request.iid), class: ["commit-row-message item-title js-onboarding-commit-item", ("font-italic" if commit.message.empty?)]
- else
= link_to_markdown_field(commit, :title, link, class: "commit-row-message item-title js-onboarding-commit-item #{'font-italic' if commit.message.empty?}", data: link_data_attrs)
= commit.short_id
- if commit.description? && collapsible
%button.gl-button.btn.btn-default.button-ellipsis-horizontal.btn-sm.gl-ml-2.text-expander.js-toggle-button{ data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' }, :title => _("Toggle commit description"), aria: { label: _("Toggle commit description") } }
= sprite_icon('ellipsis_h', size: 12)
- commit_author_link = commit_author_link(commit, avatar: false, size: 24)
- commit_authored_timeago = time_ago_with_tooltip(commit.authored_date, placement: 'bottom')
- if commit.different_committer? && commit.committer
- commit_committer_link = commit_committer_link(commit)
- commit_committer_timeago = time_ago_with_tooltip(commit.committed_date, placement: 'bottom')
- commit_committer_avatar = commit_committer_avatar(commit.committer, size: 18, has_tooltip: false)
- commit_text = _('%{commit_author_link} authored %{commit_authored_timeago} and %{commit_committer_avatar} %{commit_committer_link} committed %{commit_committer_timeago}') % { commit_author_link: commit_author_link, commit_authored_timeago: commit_authored_timeago, commit_committer_avatar: commit_committer_avatar, commit_committer_link: commit_committer_link, commit_committer_timeago: commit_committer_timeago }
- else
- commit_text = _('%{commit_author_link} authored %{commit_authored_timeago}') % { commit_author_link: commit_author_link, commit_authored_timeago: commit_authored_timeago }
#{ commit_text.html_safe }
= render_if_exists 'projects/commits/project_namespace', show_project_name: show_project_name, project: project
- if commit.description?
%pre{ class: ["commit-row-description gl-mb-3 gl-white-space-pre-line", (collapsible ? "js-toggle-content" : "d-block")] }
= preserve(markdown_field(commit, :description))
- if request.xhr?
= render partial: 'projects/commit/signature', object: commit.signature
- else
= render partial: 'projects/commit/ajax_signature', locals: { commit: commit }
- if commit_status
= render_commit_status(commit, commit_status, ref: ref)
.js-commit-pipeline-status{ data: { endpoint: pipelines_project_commit_path(project, commit.id, ref: ref) } }
= commit.short_id
= clipboard_button(text: commit.id, title: _("Copy commit SHA"), class: "gl-button btn btn-default btn-icon", container: "body")
= link_to_browse_code(project, commit)