- page_title _("Contribution Charts") .repo-charts %h4.sub-header = _("Programming languages used in this repository") %p = _("Measured in bytes of code. Excludes generated and vendored code.") #js-languages-chart{ data: { chart_data: @languages.to_json.html_safe } } .repo-charts .sub-header-block.border-top .row.tree-ref-header .col-md-6 %h4 - start_time = capture do #{@commits_graph.start_date.strftime('%b %d')} - end_time = capture do #{@commits_graph.end_date.strftime('%b %d')} = (_("Commit statistics for %{ref} %{start_time} - %{end_time}") % { ref: "#{h @ref}", start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time }).html_safe = _("Excluding merge commits. Limited to %{limit} commits.") % {limit: number_with_delimiter(@commits_limit, delimiter: ',')} .col-md-6 .tree-ref-container .tree-ref-holder = render 'shared/ref_switcher', destination: 'graphs_commits' %ul.breadcrumb.repo-breadcrumb = commits_breadcrumbs .row .col-md-6 %ul.commit-stats %li - total = capture do #{@commits_graph.commits.size} = (_("Total: %{total}") % { total: "#{total} commits" }).html_safe %li - average = capture do #{@commits_graph.commit_per_day} = (_("Average per day: %{average}") % { average: "#{average} commits" }).html_safe %li - authors = capture do #{@commits_graph.authors} = (_("Authors: %{authors}") % { authors: "#{authors}" }).html_safe .col-md-6 %p.slead = _("Commits per day of month") %div #js-month-chart{ data: { chart_data: @commits_per_month.to_json.html_safe } } .row .col-md-6 .col-md-6 %p.slead = _("Commits per weekday") %div #js-weekday-chart{ data: { chart_data: @commits_per_week_days.to_json.html_safe } } .row .col-md-6 .col-md-6 %p.slead = _("Commits per day hour (UTC)") %div #js-hour-chart{ data: { chart_data: @commits_per_time.to_json.html_safe } }