# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.shared_examples 'pages settings editing' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, pages_https_only: false) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:role) { :maintainer } before do allow(Gitlab.config.pages).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true) project.add_role(user, role) sign_in(user) end context 'when user is the owner' do before do project.namespace.update(owner: user) end context 'when pages deployed' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:pages_deployed?) { true } end it 'renders Access pages' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('Access pages') end context 'when pages are disabled in the project settings' do it 'renders disabled warning' do project.project_feature.update!(pages_access_level: ProjectFeature::DISABLED) visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('GitLab Pages are disabled for this project') end end it 'renders first deployment warning' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('It may take up to 30 minutes before the site is available after the first deployment.') end shared_examples 'does not render access control warning' do it 'does not render access control warning' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).not_to have_content('Access Control is enabled for this Pages website') end end include_examples 'does not render access control warning' context 'when access control is enabled in gitlab settings' do before do stub_pages_setting(access_control: true) end it 'renders access control warning' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('Access Control is enabled for this Pages website') end context 'when pages are public' do before do project.project_feature.update!(pages_access_level: ProjectFeature::PUBLIC) end include_examples 'does not render access control warning' end end context 'when support for external domains is disabled' do it 'renders message that support is disabled' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('Support for domains and certificates is disabled') end end context 'when pages are exposed on external HTTP address', :http_pages_enabled do let(:project) { create(:project, pages_https_only: false) } shared_examples 'adds new domain' do it 'adds new domain' do visit new_project_pages_domain_path(project) fill_in 'Domain', with: 'my.test.domain.com' click_button 'Create New Domain' expect(page).to have_content('my.test.domain.com') end end it 'allows to add new domain' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('New Domain') end it_behaves_like 'adds new domain' context 'when project in group namespace' do it_behaves_like 'adds new domain' do let(:group) { create :group } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group, pages_https_only: false) } end end context 'when pages domain is added' do before do create(:pages_domain, project: project, domain: 'my.test.domain.com') visit new_project_pages_domain_path(project) end it 'renders certificates is disabled' do expect(page).to have_content('Support for custom certificates is disabled') end it 'does not adds new domain and renders error message' do fill_in 'Domain', with: 'my.test.domain.com' click_button 'Create New Domain' expect(page).to have_content('Domain has already been taken') end end end context 'when pages are exposed on external HTTPS address', :https_pages_enabled, :js do let(:certificate_pem) do attributes_for(:pages_domain)[:certificate] end let(:certificate_key) do attributes_for(:pages_domain)[:key] end it 'adds new domain with certificate' do visit new_project_pages_domain_path(project) fill_in 'Domain', with: 'my.test.domain.com' if ::Gitlab::LetsEncrypt.enabled? find('.js-auto-ssl-toggle-container .project-feature-toggle').click end fill_in 'Certificate (PEM)', with: certificate_pem fill_in 'Key (PEM)', with: certificate_key click_button 'Create New Domain' expect(page).to have_content('my.test.domain.com') end it 'shows validation error if domain is duplicated' do project.pages_domains.create!(domain: 'my.test.domain.com') visit new_project_pages_domain_path(project) fill_in 'Domain', with: 'my.test.domain.com' click_button 'Create New Domain' expect(page).to have_content('Domain has already been taken') end describe 'with dns verification enabled' do before do stub_application_setting(pages_domain_verification_enabled: true) end it 'shows the DNS verification record' do domain = create(:pages_domain, project: project) visit project_pages_path(project) within('#content-body') { click_link 'Edit' } expect(page).to have_field :domain_verification, with: "#{domain.verification_domain} TXT #{domain.keyed_verification_code}" end end describe 'updating the certificate for an existing domain' do let!(:domain) do create(:pages_domain, project: project, auto_ssl_enabled: false) end it 'allows the certificate to be updated' do visit project_pages_path(project) within('#content-body') { click_link 'Edit' } click_button 'Save Changes' expect(page).to have_content('Domain was updated') end context 'when the certificate is invalid' do let!(:domain) do create(:pages_domain, :without_certificate, :without_key, project: project) end it 'tells the user what the problem is' do visit project_pages_path(project) within('#content-body') { click_link 'Edit' } if ::Gitlab::LetsEncrypt.enabled? find('.js-auto-ssl-toggle-container .project-feature-toggle').click end fill_in 'Certificate (PEM)', with: 'invalid data' click_button 'Save Changes' expect(page).to have_content('Certificate must be a valid PEM certificate') expect(page).to have_content('Certificate misses intermediates') expect(page).to have_content("Key doesn't match the certificate") end end it 'allows the certificate to be removed', :js do visit project_pages_path(project) within('#content-body') { click_link 'Edit' } accept_confirm { click_link 'Remove' } expect(page).to have_field('Certificate (PEM)', with: '') expect(page).to have_field('Key (PEM)', with: '') domain.reload expect(domain.certificate).to be_nil expect(domain.key).to be_nil end it 'shows the DNS CNAME record' do visit project_pages_path(project) within('#content-body') { click_link 'Edit' } expect(page).to have_field :domain_dns, with: "#{domain.domain} CNAME #{domain.project.pages_subdomain}.#{Settings.pages.host}." end end end end it 'does not see anything to destroy' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content('Configure pages') expect(page).not_to have_link('Remove pages') end describe 'project settings page' do it 'renders "Pages" tab' do visit edit_project_path(project) page.within '.nav-sidebar' do expect(page).to have_link('Pages') end end context 'when pages are disabled' do before do allow(Gitlab.config.pages).to receive(:enabled).and_return(false) end it 'does not render "Pages" tab' do visit edit_project_path(project) page.within '.nav-sidebar' do expect(page).not_to have_link('Pages') end end end end end describe 'HTTPS settings', :https_pages_enabled do before do project.namespace.update(owner: user) allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:pages_deployed?) { true } end it 'tries to change the setting' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_content("Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)") uncheck :project_pages_https_only click_button 'Save' expect(page).to have_text('Your changes have been saved') expect(page).not_to have_checked_field('project_pages_https_only') end context 'setting could not be updated' do let(:service) { instance_double('Projects::UpdateService') } before do allow(Projects::UpdateService).to receive(:new).and_return(service) allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return(status: :error, message: 'Some error has occured') end it 'tries to change the setting' do visit project_pages_path(project) uncheck :project_pages_https_only click_button 'Save' expect(page).to have_text('Some error has occured') end end context 'non-HTTPS domain exists' do let(:project) { create(:project, pages_https_only: false) } before do create(:pages_domain, :without_key, :without_certificate, project: project) end it 'the setting is disabled' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_field(:project_pages_https_only, disabled: true) expect(page).to have_button('Save') end end context 'HTTPS pages are disabled', :https_pages_disabled do it 'the setting is unavailable' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).not_to have_field(:project_pages_https_only) expect(page).not_to have_content('Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)') expect(page).not_to have_button('Save') end end end describe 'Remove page' do let(:project) { create :project, :repository } context 'when pages are deployed' do let(:pipeline) do commit_sha = project.commit('HEAD').sha project.ci_pipelines.create( ref: 'HEAD', sha: commit_sha, source: :push, protected: false ) end let(:ci_build) do create( :ci_build, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, ref: 'HEAD') end let!(:artifact) do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: fixture_file_upload(File.join('spec/fixtures/pages.zip')), job: ci_build) end let!(:metadata) do create(:ci_job_artifact, :metadata, file: fixture_file_upload(File.join('spec/fixtures/pages.zip.meta')), job: ci_build) end before do result = Projects::UpdatePagesService.new(project, ci_build).execute expect(result[:status]).to eq(:success) expect(project).to be_pages_deployed end it 'removes the pages' do visit project_pages_path(project) expect(page).to have_link('Remove pages') accept_confirm { click_link 'Remove pages' } expect(page).to have_content('Pages were removed') expect(project.reload.pages_deployed?).to be_falsey end end end end RSpec.describe 'Pages', :js do include LetsEncryptHelpers context 'when editing normally' do include_examples 'pages settings editing' end context 'when letsencrypt support is enabled' do before do stub_lets_encrypt_settings end include_examples 'pages settings editing' end end