stage: Verify
group: Pipeline Insights
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments

# Test coverage visualization **(FREE)**

> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/3708) in GitLab 12.9.
> - [Feature flag removed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/249811) in GitLab 13.5.

With the help of [GitLab CI/CD](../index.md), you can collect the test
coverage information of your favorite testing or coverage-analysis tool, and visualize
this information inside the file diff view of your merge requests (MRs). This will allow you
to see which lines are covered by tests, and which lines still require coverage, before the
MR is merged.

![Test Coverage Visualization Diff View](img/test_coverage_visualization_v12_9.png)

## How test coverage visualization works

Collecting the coverage information is done via GitLab CI/CD's
[artifacts reports feature](../yaml/index.md#artifactsreports).
You can specify one or more coverage reports to collect, including wildcard paths.
GitLab then takes the coverage information in all the files and combines it
together. Coverage files are parsed in a background job so there can be a delay
between pipeline completion and the visualization loading on the page.

For the coverage analysis to work, you have to provide a properly formatted
[Cobertura XML](https://cobertura.github.io/cobertura/) report to
This format was originally developed for Java, but most coverage analysis frameworks
for other languages have plugins to add support for it, like:

- [simplecov-cobertura](https://rubygems.org/gems/simplecov-cobertura) (Ruby)
- [gocover-cobertura](https://github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura) (Golang)

Other coverage analysis frameworks support the format out of the box, for example:

- [Istanbul](https://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/alternative-reporters/#cobertura) (JavaScript)
- [Coverage.py](https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/coverage-5.0.4/cmd.html#xml-reporting) (Python)
- [PHPUnit](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit-documentation-english/blob/master/src/textui.rst#command-line-options) (PHP)

Once configured, if you create a merge request that triggers a pipeline which collects
coverage reports, the coverage is shown in the diff view. This includes reports
from any job in any stage in the pipeline. The coverage displays for each line:

- `covered` (green): lines which have been checked at least once by tests
- `no test coverage` (orange): lines which are loaded but never executed
- no coverage information: lines which are non-instrumented or not loaded

Hovering over the coverage bar provides further information, such as the number
of times the line was checked by tests.

Uploading a test coverage report does not enable:

- [Test coverage results in merge requests](../pipelines/settings.md#merge-request-test-coverage-results).
- [Code coverage history](../pipelines/settings.md#view-code-coverage-history).

You must configure these separately.

### Limits

A limit of 100 `<source>` nodes for Cobertura format XML files applies. If your Cobertura report exceeds
100 nodes, there can be mismatches or no matches in the merge request diff view.

A single Cobertura XML file can be no more than 10MiB. For large projects, split the Cobertura XML into
smaller files. See [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/328772) for more details.
When submitting many files, it can take a few minutes for coverage to show on a merge request.

The visualization only displays after the pipeline is complete. If the pipeline has
a [blocking manual job](../jobs/job_control.md#types-of-manual-jobs), the
pipeline waits for the manual job before continuing and is not considered complete.
The visualization cannot be displayed if the blocking manual job did not run.

### Artifact expiration

By default, the [pipeline artifact](../pipelines/pipeline_artifacts.md#storage) used
to draw the visualization on the merge request expires **one week** after creation.

### Coverage report from child pipeline

> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/363301) in GitLab 15.1 [with a flag](../../administration/feature_flags.md) named `ci_child_pipeline_coverage_reports`. Disabled by default.
> - [Enabled on GitLab.com and self-managed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/363557) and feature flag `ci_child_pipeline_coverage_reports` removed in GitLab 15.2.

If a job in a child pipeline creates a coverage report, the report is included in
the parent pipeline's coverage report.

      - local: path/to/child_pipeline_with_coverage.yml

### Automatic class path correction

> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/217664) in GitLab 13.8.
> - [Feature flag removed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/284822) in GitLab 13.9.

The coverage report properly matches changed files only if the `filename` of a `class` element
contains the full path relative to the project root. However, in some coverage analysis frameworks,
the generated Cobertura XML has the `filename` path relative to the class package directory instead.

To make an intelligent guess on the project root relative `class` path, the Cobertura XML parser
attempts to build the full path by:

- Extracting a portion of the `source` paths from the `sources` element and combining them with the
  class `filename` path.
- Checking if the candidate path exists in the project.
- Using the first candidate that matches as the class full path.

#### Path correction example

As an example, a project with:

- A full path of `test-org/test-project`.
- The following files relative to the project root:


In the:

- Cobertura XML, the `filename` attribute in the `class` element assumes the value is a relative
  path to the project's root:

  <class name="packet.name" filename="src/main/java" line-rate="0.0" branch-rate="0.0" complexity="5">

- `sources` from Cobertura XML, the following paths in the format


The parser:

- Extracts `Auth` and `Lib/Utils` from the `sources` and uses these to determine the `class` path
  relative to the project root.
- Combines these extracted `sources` and the class filename. For example, if there is a `class`
  element with the `filename` value of `User.cs`, the parser takes the first candidate path that
  matches, which is `Auth/User.cs`.
- For each `class` element, attempts to look for a match for each extracted `source` path up to
  100 iterations. If it reaches this limit without finding a matching path in the file tree, the
  class is not included in the final coverage report.

Automatic class path correction only works on `source` paths in the format `<CI_BUILDS_DIR>/<PROJECT_FULL_PATH>/...`.
The `source` is ignored if the path does not follow this pattern. The parser assumes that the
`filename` of a `class` element contains the full path relative to the project root.

## Example test coverage configurations

This section provides test coverage configuration examples for different programming languages. You can also see a working example in
the [`coverage-report`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-sample-projects/coverage-report/) demonstration project.

### JavaScript example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example uses [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/)
JavaScript testing and [nyc](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc) coverage-tooling to
generate the coverage artifact:

    - npm install
    - npx nyc --reporter cobertura mocha
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml

### Java and Kotlin examples

#### Maven example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Java or Kotlin uses [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/)
to build the project and [JaCoCo](https://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/) coverage-tooling to
generate the coverage artifact.
You can check the [Docker image configuration and scripts](https://gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura) if you want to build your own image.

GitLab expects the artifact in the Cobertura format, so you have to execute a few
scripts before uploading it. The `test-jdk11` job tests the code and generates an
XML artifact. The `coverage-jdk-11` job converts the artifact into a Cobertura report:

  stage: test
  image: maven:3.6.3-jdk-11
    - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent test jacoco:report
      - target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml

  # Must be in a stage later than test-jdk11's stage.
  # The `visualize` stage does not exist by default.
  # Please define it first, or choose an existing stage like `deploy`.
  stage: visualize
  image: registry.gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura:1.0.7
    # convert report from jacoco to cobertura, using relative project path
    - python /opt/cover2cover.py target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml $CI_PROJECT_DIR/src/main/java/ > target/site/cobertura.xml
  needs: ["test-jdk11"]
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: target/site/cobertura.xml

#### Gradle example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Java or Kotlin uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/)
to build the project and [JaCoCo](https://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/) coverage-tooling to
generate the coverage artifact.
You can check the [Docker image configuration and scripts](https://gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura) if you want to build your own image.

GitLab expects the artifact in the Cobertura format, so you have to execute a few
scripts before uploading it. The `test-jdk11` job tests the code and generates an
XML artifact. The `coverage-jdk-11` job converts the artifact into a Cobertura report:

  stage: test
  image: gradle:6.6.1-jdk11
    - 'gradle test jacocoTestReport' # jacoco must be configured to create an xml report
      - build/jacoco/jacoco.xml

  # Must be in a stage later than test-jdk11's stage.
  # The `visualize` stage does not exist by default.
  # Please define it first, or chose an existing stage like `deploy`.
  stage: visualize
  image: registry.gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura:1.0.7
    # convert report from jacoco to cobertura, using relative project path
    - python /opt/cover2cover.py build/jacoco/jacoco.xml $CI_PROJECT_DIR/src/main/java/ > build/cobertura.xml
  needs: ["test-jdk11"]
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: build/cobertura.xml

### Python example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Python uses [pytest-cov](https://pytest-cov.readthedocs.io/) to collect test coverage data and [coverage.py](https://coverage.readthedocs.io/) to convert the report to use full relative paths.
The information isn't displayed without the conversion.

This example assumes that the code for your package is in `src/` and your tests are in `tests.py`:

run tests:
  stage: test
  image: python:3
    - pip install pytest pytest-cov
    - coverage run -m pytest
    - coverage report
    - coverage xml
  coverage: '/(?i)total.*? (100(?:\.0+)?\%|[1-9]?\d(?:\.\d+)?\%)$/'
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: coverage.xml

### PHP example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for PHP uses [PHPUnit](https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/)
to collect test coverage data and generate the report.

With a minimal [`phpunit.xml`](https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/en/9.5/configuration.html) file (you may reference
[this example repository](https://gitlab.com/yookoala/code-coverage-visualization-with-php/)), you can run the test and
generate the `coverage.xml`:

run tests:
  stage: test
  image: php:latest
    XDEBUG_MODE: coverage
    - apt-get update && apt-get -yq install git unzip zip libzip-dev zlib1g-dev
    - docker-php-ext-install zip
    - pecl install xdebug && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
    - php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
    - php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
    - composer install
    - composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit phpunit/php-code-coverage
    - php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-cobertura=coverage.cobertura.xml
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: coverage.cobertura.xml

[Codeception](https://codeception.com/), through PHPUnit, also supports generating Cobertura report with
[`run`](https://codeception.com/docs/reference/Commands#run). The path for the generated file
depends on the `--coverage-cobertura` option and [`paths`](https://codeception.com/docs/reference/Configuration#paths)
configuration for the [unit test suite](https://codeception.com/docs/05-UnitTests). Configure `.gitlab-ci.yml`
to find Cobertura in the appropriate path.

### C/C++ example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for C/C++ with
`gcc` or `g++` as the compiler uses [`gcovr`](https://gcovr.com/en/stable/) to generate the coverage
output file in Cobertura XML format.

This example assumes:

- That the `Makefile` is created by `cmake` in the `build` directory,
  within another job in a previous stage.
  (If you use `automake` to generate the `Makefile`,
  then you need to call `make check` instead of `make test`.)
- `cmake` (or `automake`) has set the compiler option `--coverage`.

run tests:
  stage: test
    - cd build
    - make test
    - gcovr --xml-pretty --exclude-unreachable-branches --print-summary -o coverage.xml --root ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}
  coverage: /^\s*lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%/
    expire_in: 2 days
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: build/coverage.xml

### Go example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Go uses:

- [`go test`](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/add-a-test) to run tests.
- [`gocover-cobertura`](https://github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura) to convert Go's coverage profile into the Cobertura XML format.

This example assumes that [Go modules](https://go.dev/ref/mod)
are being used. Please note that the `-covermode count` option does not work with the `-race` flag.
If you want to generate code coverage while also using the `-race` flag, you must switch to
`-covermode atomic` which is slower than `-covermode count`. See [this blog post](https://go.dev/blog/cover)
for more details.

run tests:
  stage: test
  image: golang:1.17
    - go install
    - go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode count
    - go get github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura
    - go run github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura < coverage.txt > coverage.xml
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: coverage.xml

### Ruby example

The following [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../yaml/index.md) example for Ruby uses

- [`rspec`](https://rspec.info/) to run tests.
- [`simplecov`](https://github.com/simplecov-ruby/simplecov) and [`simplecov-cobertura`](https://github.com/dashingrocket/simplecov-cobertura)
  to record the coverage profile and create a report in the Cobertura XML format.

This example assumes:

- That [`bundler`](https://bundler.io/) is being used for dependency management.
  The `rspec`, `simplecov` and `simplecov-cobertura` gems have been added to your `Gemfile`.
- The `CoberturaFormatter` has been added to your `SimpleCov.formatters`
  configuration within the `spec_helper.rb` file.

run tests:
  stage: test
  image: ruby:3.1
    - bundle install
    - bundle exec rspec
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: coverage/coverage.xml

## Troubleshooting

### Test coverage visualization not displayed

If the test coverage visualization is not displayed in the diff view, you can check
the coverage report itself and verify that:

- The file you are viewing in the diff view is mentioned in the coverage report.
- The `source` and `filename` nodes in the report follows the [expected structure](#automatic-class-path-correction)
  to match the files in your repository.

Report artifacts are not downloadable by default. If you want the report to be downloadable
from the job details page, add your coverage report to the artifact `paths`:

    - coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml
      coverage_format: cobertura
      path: coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml