# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Repository, feature_category: :source_code_management do include RepoHelpers before do stub_const('TestBlob', Struct.new(:path)) end let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:repository) { project.repository } let(:broken_repository) { create(:project, :broken_storage).repository } let(:git_user) { Gitlab::Git::User.from_gitlab(user) } let(:message) { 'Test message' } let(:merge_commit) do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master', source_project: project) merge_commit_id = repository.merge(user, merge_request.diff_head_sha, merge_request, message) repository.commit(merge_commit_id) end let(:author_email) { 'user@example.org' } let(:author_name) { 'John Doe' } def expect_to_raise_storage_error expect { yield }.to raise_error do |exception| storage_exceptions = [Gitlab::Git::CommandError, GRPC::Unavailable] known_exception = storage_exceptions.select { |e| exception.is_a?(e) } expect(known_exception).not_to be_nil end end describe '#branch_names_contains' do subject { repository.branch_names_contains(sample_commit.id, **opts) } let(:opts) { {} } it { is_expected.to include('master') } it { is_expected.not_to include('feature') } it { is_expected.not_to include('fix') } context 'when limit is provided' do let(:opts) { { limit: 1 } } it { is_expected.to match_array(["'test'"]) } end describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error do broken_repository.branch_names_contains(sample_commit.id) end end end end describe '#tag_names_contains' do subject { repository.tag_names_contains(sample_commit.id, **opts) } let(:opts) { {} } it { is_expected.to include('v1.1.0') } it { is_expected.not_to include('v1.0.0') } context 'when limit is provided' do let(:opts) { { limit: 1 } } it { is_expected.to match_array(['v1.1.0']) } end end describe '#tags_sorted_by' do let(:tags_to_compare) { %w[v1.0.0 v1.1.0] } context 'name_desc' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('name_desc').map(&:name) & tags_to_compare } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.1.0', 'v1.0.0']) } end context 'name_asc' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('name_asc', pagination_params).map(&:name) & tags_to_compare } let(:pagination_params) { nil } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.0']) } context 'with pagination' do context 'with limit' do let(:pagination_params) { { limit: 1 } } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0']) } end context 'with page token and limit' do let(:pagination_params) { { page_token: 'refs/tags/v1.0.0', limit: 1 } } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.1.0']) } end context 'with page token only' do let(:pagination_params) { { page_token: 'refs/tags/v1.0.0' } } it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'with negative limit' do let(:pagination_params) { { limit: -1 } } it 'returns all tags' do is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.0']) end end context 'with unknown token' do let(:pagination_params) { { page_token: 'unknown' } } it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end context 'updated' do let(:latest_tag) { 'v0.0.0' } before do repository.add_tag(user, latest_tag, repository.commit.id) end after do repository.rm_tag(user, latest_tag) end context 'desc' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('updated_desc').map(&:name) & (tags_to_compare + [latest_tag]) } it { is_expected.to eq([latest_tag, 'v1.1.0', 'v1.0.0']) } end context 'asc' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('updated_asc').map(&:name) & (tags_to_compare + [latest_tag]) } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.0', latest_tag]) } end context 'annotated tag pointing to a blob' do let(:annotated_tag_name) { 'annotated-tag' } subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('updated_asc').map(&:name) & (tags_to_compare + [annotated_tag_name]) } before do repository.add_tag(user, annotated_tag_name, 'a48e4fc218069f68ef2e769dd8dfea3991362175', 'test tag message\n') end after do repository.rm_tag(user, annotated_tag_name) end it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.0', annotated_tag_name]) } end end context 'semantic versioning sort' do let(:version_two) { 'v2.0.0' } let(:version_ten) { 'v10.0.0' } before do repository.add_tag(user, version_two, repository.commit.id) repository.add_tag(user, version_ten, repository.commit.id) end after do repository.rm_tag(user, version_two) repository.rm_tag(user, version_ten) end context 'desc' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('version_desc').map(&:name) & (tags_to_compare + [version_two, version_ten]) } it { is_expected.to eq([version_ten, version_two, 'v1.1.0', 'v1.0.0']) } end context 'asc' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('version_asc').map(&:name) & (tags_to_compare + [version_two, version_ten]) } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.0', version_two, version_ten]) } end end context 'unknown option' do subject { repository.tags_sorted_by('unknown_desc').map(&:name) & tags_to_compare } it { is_expected.to eq(['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.0']) } end end describe '#ref_exists?' do context 'when ref exists' do it 'returns true' do expect(repository.ref_exists?('refs/heads/master')).to be true end end context 'when ref does not exist' do it 'returns false' do expect(repository.ref_exists?('refs/heads/non-existent')).to be false end end context 'when ref format is incorrect' do it 'returns false' do expect(repository.ref_exists?('refs/heads/invalid:master')).to be false end end end describe '#search_branch_names' do subject(:search_branch_names) { repository.search_branch_names('conflict-*') } it 'returns matching branch names' do expect(search_branch_names).to contain_exactly( 'conflict-binary-file', 'conflict-resolvable', 'conflict-contains-conflict-markers', 'conflict-missing-side', 'conflict-start', 'conflict-non-utf8', 'conflict-too-large' ) end end describe '#list_last_commits_for_tree' do let(:path_to_commit) do { "encoding" => "913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e", "files" => "570e7b2abdd848b95f2f578043fc23bd6f6fd24d", ".gitignore" => "c1acaa58bbcbc3eafe538cb8274ba387047b69f8", ".gitmodules" => "6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9", "CHANGELOG" => "913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e", "CONTRIBUTING.md" => "6d394385cf567f80a8fd85055db1ab4c5295806f", "Gemfile.zip" => "ae73cb07c9eeaf35924a10f713b364d32b2dd34f", "LICENSE" => "1a0b36b3cdad1d2ee32457c102a8c0b7056fa863", "MAINTENANCE.md" => "913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e", "PROCESS.md" => "913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e", "README.md" => "1a0b36b3cdad1d2ee32457c102a8c0b7056fa863", "VERSION" => "913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e", "gitlab-shell" => "6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9", "six" => "cfe32cf61b73a0d5e9f13e774abde7ff789b1660" } end subject { repository.list_last_commits_for_tree(sample_commit.id, '.').id } it 'returns the last commits for every entry in the current path' do result = repository.list_last_commits_for_tree(sample_commit.id, '.') result.each do |key, value| result[key] = value.id end expect(result).to include(path_to_commit) end it 'returns the last commits for every entry in the current path starting from the offset' do result = repository.list_last_commits_for_tree(sample_commit.id, '.', offset: path_to_commit.size - 1) expect(result.size).to eq(1) end it 'returns a limited number of last commits for every entry in the current path starting from the offset' do result = repository.list_last_commits_for_tree(sample_commit.id, '.', limit: 1) expect(result.size).to eq(1) end it 'returns an empty hash when offset is out of bounds' do result = repository.list_last_commits_for_tree(sample_commit.id, '.', offset: path_to_commit.size) expect(result.size).to eq(0) end context 'with a commit with invalid UTF-8 path' do it 'does not raise an error' do response = create_file_in_repo(project, 'master', 'master', "hello\x80world", 'some contents') expect { repository.list_last_commits_for_tree(response[:result], '.', offset: 0) }.not_to raise_error end end end describe '#last_commit_for_path' do subject { repository.last_commit_for_path(sample_commit.id, '.gitignore').id } it { is_expected.to eq('c1acaa58bbcbc3eafe538cb8274ba387047b69f8') } describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error do broken_repository.last_commit_id_for_path(sample_commit.id, '.gitignore') end end end context 'with filename with pathspec characters' do let(:filename) { ':wq' } let(:newrev) { project.repository.commit('master').sha } before do create_file_in_repo(project, 'master', 'master', filename, 'Test file') end subject { repository.last_commit_for_path('master', filename, literal_pathspec: true).id } it 'returns a commit SHA' do expect(subject).to eq(newrev) end end end describe '#last_commit_id_for_path' do subject { repository.last_commit_id_for_path(sample_commit.id, '.gitignore') } it "returns last commit id for a given path" do is_expected.to eq('c1acaa58bbcbc3eafe538cb8274ba387047b69f8') end it "caches last commit id for a given path" do cache = repository.send(:cache) key = "last_commit_id_for_path:#{sample_commit.id}:#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest('.gitignore')}" expect(cache).to receive(:fetch).with(key).and_return('c1acaa5') is_expected.to eq('c1acaa5') end describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error do broken_repository.last_commit_for_path(sample_commit.id, '.gitignore').id end end end context 'with filename with pathspec characters' do let(:filename) { ':wq' } let(:newrev) { project.repository.commit('master').sha } before do create_file_in_repo(project, 'master', 'master', filename, 'Test file') end subject { repository.last_commit_id_for_path('master', filename, literal_pathspec: true) } it 'returns a commit SHA' do expect(subject).to eq(newrev) end end end describe '#commits' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } context 'when neither the all flag nor a ref are specified' do it 'returns every commit from default branch' do expect(repository.commits(nil, limit: 60).size).to eq(37) end end context 'when ref is passed' do it 'returns every commit from the specified ref' do expect(repository.commits('master', limit: 60).size).to eq(37) end context 'when all' do it 'returns every commit from the repository' do expect(repository.commits('master', limit: 60, all: true).size).to eq(60) end end context 'with path' do it 'sets follow when it is a single path' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(follow: true)).and_call_original.twice repository.commits('master', limit: 1, path: 'README.md') repository.commits('master', limit: 1, path: ['README.md']) end it 'does not set follow when it is multiple paths' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(follow: false)).and_call_original repository.commits('master', limit: 1, path: ['README.md', 'CHANGELOG']) end end context 'without path' do it 'does not set follow' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(follow: false)).and_call_original repository.commits('master', limit: 1) end end context 'when include_referenced_by is passed' do context 'when commit has references' do let(:ref) { '5937ac0a7beb003549fc5fd26fc247adbce4a52e' } let(:include_referenced_by) { ['refs/tags'] } subject { repository.commits(ref, limit: 1, include_referenced_by: include_referenced_by).first } it 'returns commits with referenced_by excluding that match the patterns' do expect(subject.referenced_by).to match_array(['refs/tags/v1.1.0']) end context 'when matching multiple references' do let(:include_referenced_by) { ['refs/tags', 'refs/heads'] } it 'returns commits with referenced_by that match the patterns' do expect(subject.referenced_by).to match_array(['refs/tags/v1.1.0', 'refs/heads/improve/awesome', 'refs/heads/merge-test']) end end end end end context "when 'author' is set" do it "returns commits from that author" do commit = repository.commits(nil, limit: 1).first known_author = "#{commit.author_name} <#{commit.author_email}>" expect(repository.commits(nil, author: known_author, limit: 1)).not_to be_empty end it "doesn't returns commits from an unknown author" do unknown_author = "The Man With No Name " expect(repository.commits(nil, author: unknown_author, limit: 1)).to be_empty end end context "when 'all' flag is set" do it 'returns every commit from the repository' do expect(repository.commits(nil, all: true, limit: 60).size).to eq(60) end end context "when 'order' flag is set" do it 'passes order option to perform the query' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(order: 'topo')).and_call_original repository.commits('master', limit: 1, order: 'topo') end end end describe '#new_commits' do subject { repository.new_commits(rev) } context 'when there are no new commits' do let(:rev) { repository.commit.id } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(subject).to eq([]) end end context 'when new commits are found' do let(:branch) { 'orphaned-branch' } let!(:rev) { repository.commit(branch).id } it 'returns the commits' do repository.delete_branch(branch) expect(subject).not_to be_empty expect(subject).to all(be_a(::Commit)) expect(subject.size).to eq(1) end end end describe '#commits_by' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:oids) { TestEnv::BRANCH_SHA.values } subject { project.repository.commits_by(oids: oids) } it 'finds each commit' do expect(subject).not_to include(nil) expect(subject.size).to eq(oids.size) end it 'returns only Commit instances' do expect(subject).to all(be_a(Commit)) end context 'when some commits are not found ' do let(:oids) do ['deadbeef'] + TestEnv::BRANCH_SHA.each_value.first(10) end it 'returns only found commits' do expect(subject).not_to include(nil) expect(subject.size).to eq(10) end end context 'when no oids are passed' do let(:oids) { [] } it 'does not call #batch_by_oid' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).not_to receive(:batch_by_oid) subject end end end describe '#commits_between' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:commit) { project.commit } it 'delegates to Gitlab::Git::Commit#between, returning decorated commits' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit) .to receive(:between) .with(repository.raw_repository, commit.parent_id, commit.id, limit: 5) .and_call_original result = repository.commits_between(commit.parent_id, commit.id, limit: 5) expect(result).to contain_exactly(instance_of(Commit), instance_of(Commit)) end it 'defaults to no limit' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit) .to receive(:between) .with(repository.raw_repository, commit.parent_id, commit.id, limit: nil) repository.commits_between(commit.parent_id, commit.id) end end describe '#find_commits_by_message' do subject(:find_commits_by_message) { repository.find_commits_by_message(query) } let(:commit_ids) { find_commits_by_message.map(&:id) } let(:query) { 'submodule' } let(:expected_commit_ids) do %w[ 5937ac0a7beb003549fc5fd26fc247adbce4a52e 6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9 cfe32cf61b73a0d5e9f13e774abde7ff789b1660 ] end it 'returns commits with messages containing a given string' do expect(commit_ids).to include(*expected_commit_ids) expect(commit_ids).not_to include('913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e') end context 'when query is in UPCASE' do let(:query) { 'SUBMODULE' } it 'is case insensitive' do expect(commit_ids).to include(*expected_commit_ids) end end context 'when message has surrounding spaces' do let(:query) { ' submodule ' } it 'removes spaces and returns commits by message' do expect(commit_ids).to include(*expected_commit_ids) expect(commit_ids).not_to include('913c66a37b4a45b9769037c55c2d238bd0942d2e') end end describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error { broken_repository.find_commits_by_message('s') } end end end describe '#list_commits_by' do it 'returns commits with messages containing a given string' do commit_ids = repository.list_commits_by('test text', 'master').map(&:id) expect(commit_ids).to include( 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0', '498214de67004b1da3d820901307bed2a68a8ef6' ) expect(commit_ids).not_to include('c84ff944ff4529a70788a5e9003c2b7feae29047') end it 'is case insensitive' do commit_ids = repository.list_commits_by('TEST TEXT', 'master').map(&:id) expect(commit_ids).to include('b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0') end it 'returns commits based in before filter' do commit_ids = repository.list_commits_by('test text', 'master', before: 1474828200).map(&:id) expect(commit_ids).to include( '498214de67004b1da3d820901307bed2a68a8ef6' ) expect(commit_ids).not_to include('b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0') end it 'returns commits based in after filter' do commit_ids = repository.list_commits_by('test text', 'master', after: 1474828200).map(&:id) expect(commit_ids).to include( 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0' ) expect(commit_ids).not_to include('498214de67004b1da3d820901307bed2a68a8ef6') end it 'returns commits based in author filter' do commit_ids = repository.list_commits_by('test text', 'master', author: 'Job van der Voort').map(&:id) expect(commit_ids).to include( 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0' ) expect(commit_ids).not_to include('498214de67004b1da3d820901307bed2a68a8ef6') end describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error { broken_repository.list_commits_by('s') } end end end describe '#blob_at' do context 'blank sha' do subject { repository.blob_at(Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA, '.gitignore') } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'regular blob' do subject { repository.blob_at(repository.head_commit.sha, '.gitignore') } it { is_expected.to be_an_instance_of(::Blob) } end context 'readme blob not on HEAD' do subject { repository.blob_at(repository.find_branch('feature').target, 'README.md') } it { is_expected.to be_an_instance_of(::Blob) } end end describe '#merged_to_root_ref?' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } context 'merged branch without ff' do subject { repository.merged_to_root_ref?('branch-merged') } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end # If the HEAD was ff then it will be false context 'merged with ff' do subject { repository.merged_to_root_ref?('improve/awesome') } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'not merged branch' do subject { repository.merged_to_root_ref?('not-merged-branch') } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'default branch' do subject { repository.merged_to_root_ref?('master') } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'non merged branch' do subject { repository.merged_to_root_ref?('fix') } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'non existent branch' do subject { repository.merged_to_root_ref?('non_existent_branch') } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'when root reference is empty' do subject { empty_repo.merged_to_root_ref?('master') } let(:empty_repo) { build(:project, :empty_repo).repository } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe "#root_ref_sha" do let(:commit) { double("commit", sha: "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3") } subject { repository.root_ref_sha } before do allow(repository).to receive(:head_commit) { commit } end it { is_expected.to eq(commit.sha) } end describe "#merged_branch_names", :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do subject { repository.merged_branch_names(branch_names) } let(:branch_names) { %w(test beep boop definitely_merged) } let(:already_merged) { Set.new(["definitely_merged"]) } let(:write_hash) do { "test" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(false).to_s, "beep" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(false).to_s, "boop" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(false).to_s, "definitely_merged" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(true).to_s } end let(:read_hash) do { "test" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(false).to_s, "beep" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(false).to_s, "boop" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(false).to_s, "definitely_merged" => Gitlab::Redis::Boolean.new(true).to_s } end let(:cache) { repository.send(:redis_hash_cache) } let(:cache_key) { cache.cache_key(:merged_branch_names) } before do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:merged_branch_names).with(branch_names).and_return(already_merged) end it { is_expected.to eq(already_merged) } it { is_expected.to be_a(Set) } describe "cache expiry" do before do allow(cache).to receive(:delete).with(anything) end it "is expired when the branches caches are expired" do expect(cache).to receive(:delete) do |*args| expect(args).to include(:merged_branch_names) end repository.expire_branches_cache end it "is expired when the repository caches are expired" do expect(cache).to receive(:delete) do |*args| expect(args).to include(:merged_branch_names) end repository.expire_all_method_caches end end context "cache is empty" do before do cache.delete(:merged_branch_names) end it { is_expected.to eq(already_merged) } describe "cache values" do it "writes the values to redis" do expect(cache).to receive(:write).with(:merged_branch_names, write_hash) subject end it "matches the supplied hash" do subject expect(cache.read_members(:merged_branch_names, branch_names)).to eq(read_hash) end end end context "cache is not empty" do before do cache.write(:merged_branch_names, write_hash) end it { is_expected.to eq(already_merged) } it "doesn't fetch from the disk" do expect(repository.raw_repository).not_to receive(:merged_branch_names) subject end end context "cache is partially complete" do before do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:merged_branch_names).with(["boop"]).and_return([]) hash = write_hash.except("boop") cache.write(:merged_branch_names, hash) end it { is_expected.to eq(already_merged) } it "does fetch from the disk" do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:merged_branch_names).with(["boop"]) subject end end context "requested branches array is empty" do let(:branch_names) { [] } it { is_expected.to eq(already_merged) } end end describe '#can_be_merged?' do context 'mergeable branches' do subject { repository.can_be_merged?('0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9', 'master') } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'non-mergeable branches without conflict sides missing' do subject { repository.can_be_merged?('bb5206fee213d983da88c47f9cf4cc6caf9c66dc', 'feature') } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'non-mergeable branches with conflict sides missing' do subject { repository.can_be_merged?('conflict-missing-side', 'conflict-start') } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'submodule changes that confuse rugged' do subject { repository.can_be_merged?('update-gitlab-shell-v-6-0-1', 'update-gitlab-shell-v-6-0-3') } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#commit' do context 'when ref exists' do it 'returns commit object' do expect(repository.commit('master')) .to be_an_instance_of Commit end end context 'when ref does not exist' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.commit('non-existent-ref')).to be_nil end end context 'when ref is not specified' do it 'is using a root ref' do expect(repository).to receive(:find_commit).with('master') repository.commit end end context 'when ref is not valid' do context 'when preceding tree element exists' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.commit('master:ref')).to be_nil end end context 'when preceding tree element does not exist' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.commit('non-existent:ref')).to be_nil end end end end describe "#create_dir" do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it "commits a change that creates a new directory" do expect do repository.create_dir(user, 'newdir1', message: 'Create newdir', branch_name: 'master') end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) newdir = repository.tree('master', 'newdir1') expect(newdir.path).to eq('newdir1') end context "when committing to another project" do let(:forked_project) { create(:project, :repository) } it "creates a fork and commit to the forked project" do expect do repository.create_dir(user, 'newdir2', message: 'Create newdir', branch_name: 'patch', start_branch_name: 'master', start_project: forked_project) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(0) expect(repository.branch_exists?('patch')).to be_truthy expect(forked_project.repository.branch_exists?('patch')).to be_falsy newdir = repository.tree('patch', 'newdir2') expect(newdir.path).to eq('newdir2') end end context "when an author is specified" do it "uses the given email/name to set the commit's author" do expect do repository.create_dir(user, 'newdir3', message: 'Add newdir', branch_name: 'master', author_email: author_email, author_name: author_name) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) last_commit = repository.commit expect(last_commit.author_email).to eq(author_email) expect(last_commit.author_name).to eq(author_name) end end end describe "#create_file" do it 'commits new file successfully' do expect do repository.create_file(user, 'NEWCHANGELOG', 'Changelog!', message: 'Create changelog', branch_name: 'master') end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) blob = repository.blob_at('master', 'NEWCHANGELOG') expect(blob.data).to eq('Changelog!') end it 'creates new file and dir when file_path has a forward slash' do expect do repository.create_file(user, 'new_dir/new_file.txt', 'File!', message: 'Create new_file with new_dir', branch_name: 'master') end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) expect(repository.tree('master', 'new_dir').path).to eq('new_dir') expect(repository.blob_at('master', 'new_dir/new_file.txt').data).to eq('File!') end it 'respects the autocrlf setting' do repository.create_file(user, 'hello.txt', "Hello,\r\nWorld", message: 'Add hello world', branch_name: 'master') blob = repository.blob_at('master', 'hello.txt') expect(blob.data).to eq("Hello,\nWorld") end context "when an author is specified" do it "uses the given email/name to set the commit's author" do expect do repository.create_file(user, 'NEWREADME', 'README!', message: 'Add README', branch_name: 'master', author_email: author_email, author_name: author_name) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) last_commit = repository.commit expect(last_commit.author_email).to eq(author_email) expect(last_commit.author_name).to eq(author_name) end end end describe "#update_file" do it 'updates file successfully' do expect do repository.update_file(user, 'CHANGELOG', 'Changelog!', message: 'Update changelog', branch_name: 'master') end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) blob = repository.blob_at('master', 'CHANGELOG') expect(blob.data).to eq('Changelog!') end it 'updates filename successfully' do expect do repository.update_file(user, 'NEWLICENSE', 'Copyright!', branch_name: 'master', previous_path: 'LICENSE', message: 'Changes filename') end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) files = repository.ls_files('master') expect(files).not_to include('LICENSE') expect(files).to include('NEWLICENSE') end context "when an author is specified" do it "uses the given email/name to set the commit's author" do expect do repository.update_file(user, 'README', 'Updated README!', branch_name: 'master', previous_path: 'README', message: 'Update README', author_email: author_email, author_name: author_name) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) last_commit = repository.commit expect(last_commit.author_email).to eq(author_email) expect(last_commit.author_name).to eq(author_name) end end end describe "#move_dir_files" do it 'move directory files successfully' do expect do repository.move_dir_files(user, 'files/new_js', 'files/js', branch_name: 'master', message: 'move directory images to new_images', author_email: author_email, author_name: author_name) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) files = repository.ls_files('master') expect(files).not_to include('files/js/application.js') expect(files).to include('files/new_js/application.js') end it 'skips commit with same path' do expect do repository.move_dir_files(user, 'files/js', 'files/js', branch_name: 'master', message: 'no commit', author_email: author_email, author_name: author_name) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(0) end end describe "#delete_file" do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'removes file successfully' do expect do repository.delete_file(user, 'README', message: 'Remove README', branch_name: 'master') end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) expect(repository.blob_at('master', 'README')).to be_nil end context "when an author is specified" do it "uses the given email/name to set the commit's author" do expect do repository.delete_file(user, 'README', message: 'Remove README', branch_name: 'master', author_email: author_email, author_name: author_name) end.to change { repository.count_commits(ref: 'master') }.by(1) last_commit = repository.commit expect(last_commit.author_email).to eq(author_email) expect(last_commit.author_name).to eq(author_name) end end end describe "search_files_by_content" do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:results) { repository.search_files_by_content('feature', 'master') } subject { results } it { is_expected.to be_an Array } it 'regex-escapes the query string' do results = repository.search_files_by_content("test\\", 'master') expect(results.first).not_to start_with('fatal:') end it 'properly handles an unmatched parenthesis' do results = repository.search_files_by_content("test(", 'master') expect(results.first).not_to start_with('fatal:') end it 'properly handles when query is not present' do results = repository.search_files_by_content('', 'master') expect(results).to match_array([]) end it 'properly handles query when repo is empty' do repository = create(:project, :empty_repo).repository results = repository.search_files_by_content('test', 'master') expect(results).to match_array([]) end describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error do broken_repository.search_files_by_content('feature', 'master') end end end describe 'result' do subject { results.first } it { is_expected.to be_an String } it { expect(subject.lines[2]).to eq("master:CHANGELOG\x00190\x00 - Feature: Replace teams with group membership\n") } end end describe "search_files_by_name" do let(:results) { repository.search_files_by_name('files', 'master') } it 'returns result' do expect(results.first).to eq('files/html/500.html') end it 'ignores leading slashes' do results = repository.search_files_by_name('/files', 'master') expect(results.first).to eq('files/html/500.html') end it 'properly handles when query is only slashes' do results = repository.search_files_by_name('//', 'master') expect(results).to match_array([]) end it 'properly handles when query is not present' do results = repository.search_files_by_name('', 'master') expect(results).to match_array([]) end it 'properly handles query when repo is empty' do repository = create(:project, :empty_repo).repository results = repository.search_files_by_name('test', 'master') expect(results).to match_array([]) end describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error { broken_repository.search_files_by_name('files', 'master') } end end end describe '#search_files_by_wildcard_path' do let(:ref) { 'master' } subject(:result) { repository.search_files_by_wildcard_path(path, ref) } context 'when specifying a normal path' do let(:path) { 'files/images/logo-black.png' } it 'returns the path' do expect(result).to eq(['files/images/logo-black.png']) end end context 'when specifying a wildcard path' do let(:path) { '*.md' } it 'returns files matching the path in the root folder' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('CONTRIBUTING.md', 'MAINTENANCE.md', 'PROCESS.md', 'README.md') end end context 'when specifying a wildcard path for all' do let(:path) { '**.md' } it 'returns all matching files in all folders' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('CONTRIBUTING.md', 'MAINTENANCE.md', 'PROCESS.md', 'README.md', 'files/markdown/ruby-style-guide.md', 'with space/README.md') end end context 'when specifying a path to subfolders using two asterisks and a slash' do let(:path) { 'files/**/*.md' } it 'returns all files matching the path' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('files/markdown/ruby-style-guide.md') end end context 'when specifying a wildcard path to subfolder with just two asterisks' do let(:path) { 'files/**.md' } it 'returns all files in the matching path' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('files/markdown/ruby-style-guide.md') end end context 'when specifying a wildcard path to subfolder with one asterisk' do let(:path) { 'files/*/*.md' } it 'returns all files in the matching path' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('files/markdown/ruby-style-guide.md') end end context 'when specifying a wildcard path for an unknown number of subfolder levels' do let(:path) { '**/*.rb' } it 'returns all matched files in all subfolders' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('encoding/russian.rb', 'files/ruby/popen.rb', 'files/ruby/regex.rb', 'files/ruby/version_info.rb') end end context 'when specifying a wildcard path to one level of subfolders' do let(:path) { '*/*.rb' } it 'returns all matched files in one subfolder' do expect(result).to contain_exactly('encoding/russian.rb') end end context 'when sending regexp' do let(:path) { '.*\.rb' } it 'ignores the regexp and returns an empty array' do expect(result).to eq([]) end end context 'when sending another ref' do let(:path) { 'files' } let(:ref) { 'other-branch' } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(result).to eq([]) end end end describe '#fetch_as_mirror' do let(:url) { "http://example.com" } it 'fetches the URL without creating a remote' do expect(repository) .to receive(:fetch_remote) .with(url, forced: false, prune: true, refmap: :all_refs, http_authorization_header: "", resolved_address: '') .and_return(nil) repository.fetch_as_mirror(url) end context 'with http_host provided' do it 'fetches the URL with resolved_address value' do expect(repository) .to receive(:fetch_remote) .with(url, forced: false, prune: true, refmap: :all_refs, http_authorization_header: "", resolved_address: '') .and_return(nil) repository.fetch_as_mirror(url, resolved_address: '') end end end describe '#fetch_ref' do let(:broken_repository) { create(:project, :broken_storage).repository } describe 'when storage is broken', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error do broken_repository.fetch_ref(broken_repository, source_ref: '1', target_ref: '2') end end end end describe '#get_raw_changes' do context 'with non-UTF8 bytes in paths' do let(:old_rev) { 'd0888d297eadcd7a345427915c309413b1231e65' } let(:new_rev) { '19950f03c765f7ac8723a73a0599764095f52fc0' } let(:changes) { repository.raw_changes_between(old_rev, new_rev) } it 'returns the changes' do expect { changes }.not_to raise_error expect(changes.first.new_path.bytes).to eq("hello\x80world".bytes) end end end describe '#create_ref' do it 'redirects the call to write_ref' do ref = '1' ref_path = '2' expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:write_ref).with(ref_path, ref) repository.create_ref(ref, ref_path) end end describe "#changelog", :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'accepts changelog' do expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([TestBlob.new('changelog')]) expect(repository.changelog.path).to eq('changelog') end it 'accepts news instead of changelog' do expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([TestBlob.new('news')]) expect(repository.changelog.path).to eq('news') end it 'accepts history instead of changelog' do expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([TestBlob.new('history')]) expect(repository.changelog.path).to eq('history') end it 'accepts changes instead of changelog' do expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([TestBlob.new('changes')]) expect(repository.changelog.path).to eq('changes') end it 'is case-insensitive' do expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([TestBlob.new('CHANGELOG')]) expect(repository.changelog.path).to eq('CHANGELOG') end end describe "#license_blob", :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do repository.delete_file( user, 'LICENSE', message: 'Remove LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') end it 'handles when HEAD points to non-existent ref' do repository.create_file( user, 'LICENSE', 'Copyright!', message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') allow(repository).to receive(:root_ref).and_raise(Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository) expect(repository.license_blob).to be_nil end it 'looks in the root_ref only' do repository.delete_file(user, 'LICENSE', message: 'Remove LICENSE', branch_name: 'markdown') repository.create_file(user, 'LICENSE', Licensee::License.new('mit').content, message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'markdown') expect(repository.license_blob).to be_nil end it 'detects license file with no recognizable open-source license content' do repository.create_file(user, 'LICENSE', 'Copyright!', message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') expect(repository.license_blob.path).to eq('LICENSE') end %w[LICENSE LICENCE LiCensE LICENSE.md LICENSE.foo COPYING COPYING.md].each do |filename| it "detects '#{filename}'" do repository.create_file(user, filename, Licensee::License.new('mit').content, message: "Add #{filename}", branch_name: 'master') expect(repository.license_blob.name).to eq(filename) end end end describe '#license_key', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do repository.delete_file(user, 'LICENSE', message: 'Remove LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') end it 'returns nil when no license is detected' do expect(repository.license_key).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when the repository does not exist' do expect(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) expect(repository.license_key).to be_nil end it 'returns other when the content is not recognizable' do repository.create_file(user, 'LICENSE', 'Gitlab B.V.', message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') expect(repository.license_key).to eq('other') end it 'returns nil when the commit SHA does not exist' do allow(repository.head_commit).to receive(:sha).and_return('1' * 40) expect(repository.license_key).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when master does not exist' do repository.rm_branch(user, 'master') expect(repository.license_key).to be_nil end it 'returns the license key' do repository.create_file(user, 'LICENSE', Licensee::License.new('mit').content, message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') expect(repository.license_key).to eq('mit') end end describe '#license', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching, :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do repository.delete_file(user, 'LICENSE', message: 'Remove LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') end it 'returns nil when no license is detected' do expect(repository.license).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when the repository does not exist' do expect(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) expect(repository.license).to be_nil end it 'returns other when the content is not recognizable' do repository.create_file(user, 'LICENSE', 'Gitlab B.V.', message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') expect(repository.license_key).to eq('other') end it 'returns the license' do license = Licensee::License.new('mit') repository.create_file(user, 'LICENSE', license.content, message: 'Add LICENSE', branch_name: 'master') expect(repository.license_key).to eq(license.key) end end describe "#gitlab_ci_yml", :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'returns valid file' do files = [TestBlob.new('file'), TestBlob.new('.gitlab-ci.yml'), TestBlob.new('copying')] expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return(files) expect(repository.gitlab_ci_yml.path).to eq('.gitlab-ci.yml') end it 'returns nil if not exists' do expect(repository.tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([]) expect(repository.gitlab_ci_yml).to be_nil end it 'returns nil for empty repository' do allow(repository).to receive(:root_ref).and_raise(Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository) expect(repository.gitlab_ci_yml).to be_nil end end describe '#ambiguous_ref?' do subject { repository.ambiguous_ref?(ref) } context 'when ref is ambiguous' do let(:ref) { 'ref' } before do repository.add_tag(project.creator, ref, 'master') repository.add_branch(project.creator, ref, 'master') end it 'is true' do is_expected.to eq(true) end end context 'when ref is not ambiguous' do let(:ref) { 'another_ref' } before do repository.add_tag(project.creator, ref, 'master') end it 'is false' do is_expected.to eq(false) end end end describe '#has_ambiguous_refs?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:branch_names, :tag_names, :result) do nil | nil | false %w() | %w() | false %w(a b) | %w() | false %w() | %w(c d) | false %w(a b) | %w(c d) | false %w(a/b) | %w(c/d) | false %w(a b) | %w(c d a/z) | true %w(a b c/z) | %w(c d) | true %w(a/b/z) | %w(a/b) | false # we only consider refs ambiguous before the first slash %w(a/b/z) | %w(a/b a) | true %w(ab) | %w(abc/d a b) | false end with_them do it do allow(repository).to receive(:branch_names).and_return(branch_names) allow(repository).to receive(:tag_names).and_return(tag_names) expect(repository.has_ambiguous_refs?).to eq(result) end end end describe '#expand_ref' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:ref) { 'ref' } subject { repository.expand_ref(ref) } context 'when ref is not tag or branch name' do let(:ref) { 'refs/heads/master' } it 'returns nil' do is_expected.to be_nil end end context 'when ref is tag name' do before do repository.add_tag(project.creator, ref, 'master') end it 'returns the tag ref' do is_expected.to eq("refs/tags/#{ref}") end end context 'when ref is branch name' do before do repository.add_branch(project.creator, ref, 'master') end it 'returns the branch ref' do is_expected.to eq("refs/heads/#{ref}") end end end describe '#add_branch' do let(:branch_name) { 'new_feature' } let(:target) { 'master' } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } subject { repository.add_branch(user, branch_name, target) } it "calls Gitaly's OperationService" do expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::GitalyClient::OperationService) .to receive(:user_create_branch).with(branch_name, user, target) .and_return(nil) subject end it 'creates_the_branch' do expect(subject.name).to eq(branch_name) expect(repository.find_branch(branch_name)).not_to be_nil end context 'with a non-existing target' do let(:target) { 'fake-target' } it "returns false and doesn't create the branch" do expect(subject).to be(false) expect(repository.find_branch(branch_name)).to be_nil end end it 'expires branches cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branches_cache) subject end context 'when expire_cache: false' do it 'does not expire branches cache' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.add_branch(user, branch_name, target, expire_cache: false) end end end shared_examples 'asymmetric cached method' do |method| context 'asymmetric caching', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching, :request_store do let(:cache) { repository.send(:cache) } let(:request_store_cache) { repository.send(:request_store_cache) } context 'when it returns true' do before do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(method).once.and_return(true) end it 'caches the output in RequestStore' do expect do repository.send(method) end.to change { request_store_cache.read(method) }.from(nil).to(true) end it 'caches the output in RepositoryCache' do expect do repository.send(method) end.to change { cache.read(method) }.from(nil).to(true) end end context 'when it returns false' do before do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(method).once.and_return(false) end it 'caches the output in RequestStore' do expect do repository.send(method) end.to change { request_store_cache.read(method) }.from(nil).to(false) end it 'does NOT cache the output in RepositoryCache' do expect do repository.send(method) end.not_to change { cache.read(method) }.from(nil) end end end end describe '#exists?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'returns true when a repository exists' do expect(repository.exists?).to be(true) end it 'returns false if no full path can be constructed' do allow(repository).to receive(:full_path).and_return(nil) expect(repository.exists?).to be(false) end context 'with broken storage', :broken_storage do it 'raises a storage error' do expect_to_raise_storage_error { broken_repository.exists? } end end it_behaves_like 'asymmetric cached method', :exists? end describe '#has_visible_content?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'delegates to raw_repository when true' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:has_visible_content?) .and_return(true) expect(repository.has_visible_content?).to eq(true) end it 'delegates to raw_repository when false' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:has_visible_content?) .and_return(false) expect(repository.has_visible_content?).to eq(false) end it_behaves_like 'asymmetric cached method', :has_visible_content? end describe '#branch_exists?' do let(:branch) { repository.root_ref } subject { repository.branch_exists?(branch) } it 'delegates to branch_names when the cache is empty' do repository.expire_branches_cache expect(repository).to receive(:branch_names).and_call_original is_expected.to eq(true) end it 'uses redis set caching when the cache is filled' do repository.branch_names # ensure the branch name cache is filled expect(repository) .to receive(:branch_names_include?) .with(branch) .and_call_original is_expected.to eq(true) end end describe '#tag_exists?' do let(:tag) { repository.tags.first.name } subject { repository.tag_exists?(tag) } it 'delegates to tag_names when the cache is empty' do repository.expire_tags_cache expect(repository).to receive(:tag_names).and_call_original is_expected.to eq(true) end it 'uses redis set caching when the cache is filled' do repository.tag_names # ensure the tag name cache is filled expect(repository) .to receive(:tag_names_include?) .with(tag) .and_call_original is_expected.to eq(true) end end describe '#branch_names', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:fake_branch_names) { ['foobar'] } it 'gets cached across Repository instances' do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:branch_names).once.and_return(fake_branch_names) expect(repository.branch_names).to match_array(fake_branch_names) fresh_repository = Project.find(project.id).repository expect(fresh_repository.object_id).not_to eq(repository.object_id) expect(fresh_repository.raw_repository).not_to receive(:branch_names) expect(fresh_repository.branch_names).to match_array(fake_branch_names) end end describe '#empty?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:empty_repository) { create(:project_empty_repo).repository } it 'returns true for an empty repository' do expect(empty_repository).to be_empty end it 'returns false for a non-empty repository' do expect(repository).not_to be_empty end it 'caches the output' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:has_visible_content?).once repository.empty? repository.empty? end end describe '#blobs_at' do let(:empty_repository) { create(:project_empty_repo).repository } it 'returns empty array for an empty repository' do expect(empty_repository.blobs_at(%w[master foobar])).to eq([]) end it 'returns blob array for a non-empty repository' do repository.create_file(User.last, 'foobar', 'CONTENT', message: 'message', branch_name: 'master') blobs = repository.blobs_at([%w[master foobar]]) expect(blobs.first.name).to eq('foobar') expect(blobs.size).to eq(1) end context 'when Gitaly returns NoRepository' do before do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:batch_blobs).and_raise(Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository) end it 'returns empty array' do expect(repository.blobs_at([%w[master foobar]])).to match_array([]) end end end describe '#root_ref' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'returns a branch name' do expect(repository.root_ref).to be_an_instance_of(String) end it 'caches the output' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:root_ref) .once .and_return('master') repository.root_ref repository.root_ref end it 'returns nil if the repository does not exist' do repository = create(:project).repository expect(repository).not_to be_exists expect(repository.root_ref).to be_nil end it_behaves_like 'asymmetric cached method', :root_ref end describe '#expire_root_ref_cache' do let(:project) { create(:project) } it 'expires the root reference cache' do repository.root_ref expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:root_ref) .once .and_return('foo') repository.expire_root_ref_cache expect(repository.root_ref).to eq('foo') end end describe '#expire_branch_cache' do # This method is private but we need it for testing purposes. Sadly there's # no other proper way of testing caching operations. let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:cache) { repository.send(:cache) } it 'expires the cache for all branches' do expect(cache).to receive(:expire) .at_least(repository.branches.length * 2) .times repository.expire_branch_cache end it 'expires the cache for all branches when the root branch is given' do expect(cache).to receive(:expire) .at_least(repository.branches.length * 2) .times repository.expire_branch_cache(repository.root_ref) end it 'expires the cache for a specific branch' do expect(cache).to receive(:expire).twice repository.expire_branch_cache('foo') end end describe '#expire_emptiness_caches' do let(:cache) { repository.send(:cache) } it 'expires the caches for an empty repository' do allow(repository).to receive(:empty?).and_return(true) expect(cache).to receive(:expire).with(:has_visible_content?) repository.expire_emptiness_caches end it 'does not expire the cache for a non-empty repository' do allow(repository).to receive(:empty?).and_return(false) expect(cache).not_to receive(:expire).with(:has_visible_content?) repository.expire_emptiness_caches end it 'expires the memoized repository cache' do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:expire_has_local_branches_cache).and_call_original repository.expire_emptiness_caches end end describe 'skip_merges option' do subject { repository.commits(Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + "'test'", limit: 100, skip_merges: true).map { |k| k.id } } it { is_expected.not_to include('e56497bb5f03a90a51293fc6d516788730953899') } end describe '#merge' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master', source_project: project) } let(:message) { 'Test \r\n\r\n message' } it 'merges the code and returns the commit id' do expect(merge_commit).to be_present expect(repository.blob_at(merge_commit.id, 'files/ruby/feature.rb')).to be_present end it 'sets the `in_progress_merge_commit_sha` flag for the given merge request' do merge_commit_id = merge(repository, user, merge_request, message) expect(merge_request.in_progress_merge_commit_sha).to eq(merge_commit_id) end it 'removes carriage returns from commit message' do merge_commit_id = merge(repository, user, merge_request, message) expect(repository.commit(merge_commit_id).message).to eq(message.delete("\r")) end def merge(repository, user, merge_request, message) repository.merge(user, merge_request.diff_head_sha, merge_request, message) end end describe '#merge_to_branch' do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: project.default_branch, source_project: project) end it 'merges two branches and returns the merge commit id' do message = 'New merge commit' merge_commit_id = repository.merge_to_branch(user, source_sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha, target_branch: merge_request.target_branch, target_sha: repository.commit(merge_request.target_branch).sha, message: message) expect(repository.commit(merge_commit_id).message).to eq(message) expect(repository.commit(merge_request.target_branch).sha).to eq(merge_commit_id) end it 'does not merge if target branch has been changed' do target_sha = project.commit.sha repository.create_file(user, 'file.txt', 'CONTENT', message: 'Add file', branch_name: project.default_branch) merge_commit_id = repository.merge_to_branch(user, source_sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha, target_branch: merge_request.target_branch, target_sha: target_sha, message: 'New merge commit') expect(merge_commit_id).to be_nil end end describe '#merge_to_ref' do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master', source_project: project) end it 'writes merge of source SHA and first parent ref to MR merge_ref_path' do merge_commit_id = repository.merge_to_ref(user, source_sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha, branch: merge_request.target_branch, target_ref: merge_request.merge_ref_path, message: 'Custom message', first_parent_ref: merge_request.target_branch_ref) merge_commit = repository.commit(merge_commit_id) expect(merge_commit.message).to eq('Custom message') expect(merge_commit.author_name).to eq(user.name) expect(merge_commit.author_email).to eq(user.commit_email_or_default) expect(repository.blob_at(merge_commit.id, 'files/ruby/feature.rb')).to be_present end end describe '#ff_merge' do let(:target_branch) { 'ff-target' } let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: target_branch, source_project: project) end before do repository.add_branch(user, target_branch, 'feature~5') end it 'merges the code and return the commit id' do merge_commit_id = repository.ff_merge(user, merge_request.diff_head_sha, merge_request.target_branch, target_sha: repository.commit(merge_request.target_branch).sha, merge_request: merge_request) merge_commit = repository.commit(merge_commit_id) expect(merge_commit).to be_present expect(repository.blob_at(merge_commit.id, 'files/ruby/feature.rb')).to be_present end it 'sets the `in_progress_merge_commit_sha` flag for the given merge request' do merge_commit_id = repository.ff_merge(user, merge_request.diff_head_sha, merge_request.target_branch, target_sha: repository.commit(merge_request.target_branch).sha, merge_request: merge_request) expect(merge_request.in_progress_merge_commit_sha).to eq(merge_commit_id) end it 'does not merge if target branch has been changed' do target_sha = project.commit(target_branch).sha repository.create_file(user, 'file.txt', 'CONTENT', message: 'Add file', branch_name: target_branch) merge_commit_id = repository.ff_merge(user, merge_request.diff_head_sha, target_branch, target_sha: target_sha) expect(merge_commit_id).to be_nil end end describe '#rebase' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master', source_project: project) } shared_examples_for 'a method that can rebase successfully' do it 'returns the rebase commit sha' do rebase_commit_sha = repository.rebase(user, merge_request) head_sha = merge_request.source_project.repository.commit(merge_request.source_branch).sha expect(rebase_commit_sha).to eq(head_sha) end it 'sets the `rebase_commit_sha` for the given merge request' do rebase_commit_sha = repository.rebase(user, merge_request) expect(rebase_commit_sha).not_to be_nil expect(merge_request.rebase_commit_sha).to eq(rebase_commit_sha) end end it_behaves_like 'a method that can rebase successfully' it 'executes the new Gitaly RPC' do expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::GitalyClient::OperationService).to receive(:rebase) repository.rebase(user, merge_request) end describe 'rolling back the `rebase_commit_sha`' do let(:new_sha) { Digest::SHA1.hexdigest('foo') } it 'does not rollback when there are no errors' do second_response = double(pre_receive_error: nil, git_error: nil) mock_gitaly(second_response) repository.rebase(user, merge_request) expect(merge_request.reload.rebase_commit_sha).to eq(new_sha) end it 'does rollback when a PreReceiveError is encountered in the second step' do second_response = double(pre_receive_error: 'my_error', git_error: nil) mock_gitaly(second_response) expect do repository.rebase(user, merge_request) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::PreReceiveError) expect(merge_request.reload.rebase_commit_sha).to be_nil end it 'does rollback when a GitError is encountered in the second step' do second_response = double(pre_receive_error: nil, git_error: 'git error') mock_gitaly(second_response) expect do repository.rebase(user, merge_request) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Repository::GitError) expect(merge_request.reload.rebase_commit_sha).to be_nil end def mock_gitaly(second_response) responses = [ double(rebase_sha: new_sha).as_null_object, second_response ] expect_any_instance_of( Gitaly::OperationService::Stub ).to receive(:user_rebase_confirmable).and_return(responses.each) end end end describe '#revert' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:new_image_commit) { repository.commit('33f3729a45c02fc67d00adb1b8bca394b0e761d9') } let(:update_image_commit) { repository.commit('2f63565e7aac07bcdadb654e253078b727143ec4') } let(:message) { 'revert message' } context 'when there is a conflict' do it 'raises an error' do expect { repository.revert(user, new_image_commit, 'master', message) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Repository::CreateTreeError) end end context 'when commit was already reverted' do it 'raises an error' do repository.revert(user, update_image_commit, 'master', message) expect { repository.revert(user, update_image_commit, 'master', message) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Repository::CreateTreeError) end end context 'when commit can be reverted' do it 'reverts the changes' do expect(repository.revert(user, update_image_commit, 'master', message)).to be_truthy end end context 'reverting a merge commit' do it 'reverts the changes' do merge_commit expect(repository.blob_at_branch('master', 'files/ruby/feature.rb')).to be_present repository.revert(user, merge_commit, 'master', message) expect(repository.blob_at_branch('master', 'files/ruby/feature.rb')).not_to be_present end end end describe '#cherry_pick' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:conflict_commit) { repository.commit('c642fe9b8b9f28f9225d7ea953fe14e74748d53b') } let(:pickable_commit) { repository.commit('7d3b0f7cff5f37573aea97cebfd5692ea1689924') } let(:pickable_merge) { repository.commit('e56497bb5f03a90a51293fc6d516788730953899') } let(:message) { 'cherry-pick message' } context 'when there is a conflict' do it 'raises an error' do expect { repository.cherry_pick(user, conflict_commit, 'master', message) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Repository::CreateTreeError) end end context 'when commit was already cherry-picked' do it 'raises an error' do repository.cherry_pick(user, pickable_commit, 'master', message) expect { repository.cherry_pick(user, pickable_commit, 'master', message) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Repository::CreateTreeError) end end context 'when commit can be cherry-picked' do it 'cherry-picks the changes' do expect(repository.cherry_pick(user, pickable_commit, 'master', message)).to be_truthy end end context 'cherry-picking a merge commit' do it 'cherry-picks the changes' do expect(repository.blob_at_branch('improve/awesome', 'foo/bar/.gitkeep')).to be_nil cherry_pick_commit_sha = repository.cherry_pick(user, pickable_merge, 'improve/awesome', message) cherry_pick_commit_message = project.commit(cherry_pick_commit_sha).message expect(repository.blob_at_branch('improve/awesome', 'foo/bar/.gitkeep')).not_to be_nil expect(cherry_pick_commit_message).to eq(message) end end end describe '#before_delete' do describe 'when a repository does not exist' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) end it 'does not flush caches that depend on repository data' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the tags cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_tags_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the branches cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the root ref cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_root_ref_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the emptiness caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the exists cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_exists_cache).twice repository.before_delete end end describe 'when a repository exists' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) end it 'flushes the tags cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_tags_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the branches cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the root ref cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_root_ref_cache) repository.before_delete end it 'flushes the emptiness caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) repository.before_delete end end end describe '#before_change_head' do it 'flushes the branch cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branch_cache) repository.before_change_head end it 'flushes the root ref cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_root_ref_cache) repository.before_change_head end end describe '#after_change_head' do it 'flushes the method caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_method_caches).with( [ :size, :commit_count, :readme_path, :contribution_guide, :changelog, :license_blob, :license_gitaly, :gitignore, :gitlab_ci_yml, :branch_names, :tag_names, :branch_count, :tag_count, :avatar, :exists?, :root_ref, :merged_branch_names, :has_visible_content?, :issue_template_names_hash, :merge_request_template_names_hash, :user_defined_metrics_dashboard_paths, :xcode_project?, :has_ambiguous_refs? ] ) repository.after_change_head end it 'calls after_repository_change_head on container' do expect(repository.container).to receive(:after_repository_change_head) repository.after_change_head end end describe '#expires_caches_for_tags' do it 'flushes the cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_statistics_caches) expect(repository).to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) expect(repository).to receive(:expire_tags_cache) repository.expire_caches_for_tags end end describe '#before_push_tag' do it 'logs an event' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_statistics_caches) expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_tags_cache) expect(repository).to receive(:repository_event).with(:push_tag) repository.before_push_tag end end describe '#after_push_commit' do it 'expires statistics caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_statistics_caches) .and_call_original expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branch_cache) .with('master') .and_call_original repository.after_push_commit('master') end end describe '#after_create_branch' do it 'expires the branch caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.after_create_branch end it 'does not expire the branch caches when specified' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.after_create_branch(expire_cache: false) end end describe '#after_remove_branch' do it 'expires the branch caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.after_remove_branch end it 'does not expire the branch caches when specified' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:expire_branches_cache) repository.after_remove_branch(expire_cache: false) end end describe '#lookup' do before do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:lookup).and_return('interesting_blob') end it 'uses the lookup cache' do 2.times.each { repository.lookup('sha1') } expect(repository.raw_repository).to have_received(:lookup).once end it 'returns the correct value' do expect(repository.lookup('sha1')).to eq('interesting_blob') end end describe '#after_create' do it 'calls expire_status_cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_status_cache) repository.after_create end it 'logs an event' do expect(repository).to receive(:repository_event).with(:create_repository) repository.after_create end end describe '#expire_status_cache' do it 'flushes the exists cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_exists_cache) repository.expire_status_cache end it 'flushes the root ref cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_root_ref_cache) repository.expire_status_cache end it 'flushes the emptiness caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) repository.expire_status_cache end end describe "#copy_gitattributes" do it 'returns true with a valid ref' do expect(repository.copy_gitattributes('master')).to be_truthy end it 'returns false with an invalid ref' do expect(repository.copy_gitattributes('invalid')).to be_falsey end end describe '#before_remove_tag' do it 'flushes the tag cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_tags_cache).and_call_original expect(repository).to receive(:expire_statistics_caches).and_call_original repository.before_remove_tag end end describe '#branch_count' do it 'returns the number of branches' do expect(repository.branch_count).to be_an(Integer) end end describe '#tag_count' do it 'returns the number of tags' do expect(repository.tag_count).to be_an(Integer) end end describe '#expire_branches_cache' do it 'expires the cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_method_caches) .with(%i(branch_names merged_branch_names branch_count has_visible_content? has_ambiguous_refs?)) .and_call_original expect_next_instance_of(ProtectedBranches::CacheService) do |cache_service| expect(cache_service).to receive(:refresh) end repository.expire_branches_cache end end describe '#expire_protected_branches_cache' do it 'expires the cache' do expect_next_instance_of(ProtectedBranches::CacheService) do |cache_service| expect(cache_service).to receive(:refresh) end repository.expire_protected_branches_cache end context 'when repository does not have a project' do let!(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet, :repository) } it 'does not expire the cache' do expect(ProtectedBranches::CacheService).not_to receive(:new) snippet.repository.expire_protected_branches_cache end end end describe '#expire_tags_cache' do it 'expires the cache' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_method_caches) .with(%i(tag_names tag_count has_ambiguous_refs?)) .and_call_original repository.expire_tags_cache end end describe '#add_tag' do let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) } context 'with a valid target' do it 'creates the tag' do repository.add_tag(user, '8.5', 'master', 'foo') tag = repository.find_tag('8.5') expect(tag).to be_present expect(tag.message).to eq('foo') expect(tag.dereferenced_target.id).to eq(repository.commit('master').id) end it 'returns a Gitlab::Git::Tag object' do tag = repository.add_tag(user, '8.6', 'master', 'foo') expect(tag).to be_a(Gitlab::Git::Tag) end end context 'with an invalid target' do it 'returns false' do expect(repository.add_tag(user, '8.7', 'bar', 'foo')).to be false end end end describe '#rm_branch' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'removes a branch' do expect(repository).to receive(:before_remove_branch) expect(repository).to receive(:after_remove_branch) repository.rm_branch(user, 'feature') end context 'when pre hooks failed' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::GitalyClient::OperationService) .to receive(:user_delete_branch).and_raise(Gitlab::Git::PreReceiveError) end it 'gets an error and does not delete the branch' do expect do repository.rm_branch(user, 'feature') end.to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::PreReceiveError) expect(repository.find_branch('feature')).not_to be_nil end end end describe '#rm_tag' do it 'removes a tag' do expect(repository).to receive(:before_remove_tag) repository.rm_tag(build_stubbed(:user), 'v1.1.0') expect(repository.find_tag('v1.1.0')).to be_nil end end describe '#find_tag' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do allow(Gitlab::GitalyClient).to receive(:call).and_call_original end it 'finds a tag with specified name by performing FindTag request' do expect(Gitlab::GitalyClient) .to receive(:call).with(anything, :ref_service, :find_tag, anything, anything).and_call_original expect(repository.find_tag('v1.1.0').name).to eq('v1.1.0') end it 'does not perform Gitaly call when tags are preloaded' do repository.tags expect(Gitlab::GitalyClient).not_to receive(:call) expect(repository.find_tag('v1.1.0').name).to eq('v1.1.0') end it 'returns nil when tag does not exists' do expect(repository.find_tag('does-not-exist')).to be_nil end end describe '#avatar' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'returns nil if repo does not exist' do allow(repository).to receive(:root_ref).and_raise(Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository) expect(repository.avatar).to be_nil end it 'returns the first avatar file found in the repository' do expect(repository).to receive(:file_on_head) .with(:avatar) .and_return(double(:tree, path: 'logo.png')) expect(repository.avatar).to eq('logo.png') end it 'caches the output' do expect(repository).to receive(:file_on_head) .with(:avatar) .once .and_return(double(:tree, path: 'logo.png')) 2.times { expect(repository.avatar).to eq('logo.png') } end end describe '#expire_exists_cache' do let(:cache) { repository.send(:cache) } let(:request_store_cache) { repository.send(:request_store_cache) } it 'expires the cache' do expect(cache).to receive(:expire).with(:exists?) repository.expire_exists_cache end it 'expires the request store cache', :request_store do expect(request_store_cache).to receive(:expire).with(:exists?) repository.expire_exists_cache end end describe '#xcode_project?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do allow(repository).to receive(:tree).with(:head).and_return(double(:tree, trees: [tree])) end context 'when the root contains a *.xcodeproj directory' do let(:tree) { double(:tree, path: 'Foo.xcodeproj') } it 'returns true' do expect(repository.xcode_project?).to be_truthy end end context 'when the root contains a *.xcworkspace directory' do let(:tree) { double(:tree, path: 'Foo.xcworkspace') } it 'returns true' do expect(repository.xcode_project?).to be_truthy end end context 'when the root contains no Xcode config directory' do let(:tree) { double(:tree, path: 'Foo') } it 'returns false' do expect(repository.xcode_project?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#contribution_guide', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do it 'returns and caches the output' do expect(repository).to receive(:file_on_head) .with(:contributing) .and_return(Gitlab::Git::Tree.new(path: 'CONTRIBUTING.md')) .once 2.times do expect(repository.contribution_guide) .to be_an_instance_of(Gitlab::Git::Tree) end end end describe '#gitignore', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do it 'returns and caches the output' do expect(repository).to receive(:file_on_head) .with(:gitignore) .and_return(Gitlab::Git::Tree.new(path: '.gitignore')) .once 2.times do expect(repository.gitignore).to be_an_instance_of(Gitlab::Git::Tree) end end end describe '#readme', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do context 'with a non-existing repository' do let(:project) { create(:project) } it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.readme).to be_nil end end context 'with an existing repository' do context 'when no README exists' do let(:project) { create(:project, :empty_repo) } it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.readme).to be_nil end end end end describe '#readme_path', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do context 'with a non-existing repository' do let(:project) { create(:project) } it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.readme_path).to be_nil end end context 'with an existing repository' do context 'when no README exists' do let(:project) { create(:project, :empty_repo) } it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.readme_path).to be_nil end end context 'when a README exists' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'returns the README' do expect(repository.readme_path).to eq("README.md") end it 'caches the response' do expect(repository.head_tree).to receive(:readme_path).and_call_original.once 2.times do expect(repository.readme_path).to eq("README.md") end end end end end describe '#expire_statistics_caches' do it 'expires the caches' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_method_caches) .with(%i(size commit_count)) repository.expire_statistics_caches end end describe '#expire_all_method_caches' do it 'expires the caches of all methods' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_method_caches) .with(Repository::CACHED_METHODS) repository.expire_all_method_caches end it 'all cache_method definitions are in the lists of method caches' do methods = repository.methods.map do |method| match = /^_uncached_(.*)/.match(method) match[1].to_sym if match end.compact expect(Repository::CACHED_METHODS).to include(*methods) end end describe '#file_on_head' do context 'with a non-existing repository' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository).to receive(:tree).with(:head).and_return(nil) expect(repository.file_on_head(:readme)).to be_nil end end context 'with a repository that has no blobs' do it 'returns nil' do expect_any_instance_of(Tree).to receive(:blobs).and_return([]) expect(repository.file_on_head(:readme)).to be_nil end end context 'with an existing repository' do it 'returns a Gitlab::Git::Tree' do expect(repository.file_on_head(:readme)) .to be_an_instance_of(Gitlab::Git::Tree) end end end describe '#head_tree' do context 'with an existing repository' do it 'returns a Tree' do expect(repository.head_tree).to be_an_instance_of(Tree) end end context 'with a non-existing repository' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository).to receive(:root_ref).and_return(nil) expect(repository.head_tree).to be_nil end end end shared_examples '#tree' do subject { repository.tree(sha, path, recursive: recursive, skip_flat_paths: false, pagination_params: pagination_params) } let(:sha) { :head } let(:path) { nil } let(:recursive) { false } let(:pagination_params) { nil } context 'using a non-existing repository' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:root_ref).and_return(nil) end it { is_expected.to be_nil } context 'when path is defined' do let(:path) { 'README.md' } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end context 'using an existing repository' do it { is_expected.to be_an_instance_of(Tree) } context 'when different sha is set' do let(:sha) { 'v1.1.1' } it { is_expected.to be_an_instance_of(Tree) } end context 'when recursive is true' do let(:recursive) { true } it { is_expected.to be_an_instance_of(Tree) } end context 'with pagination parameters' do let(:pagination_params) { { limit: 10, page_token: nil } } it { is_expected.to be_an_instance_of(Tree) } end end end it_behaves_like '#tree' describe '#tree? with Rugged enabled', :enable_rugged do it_behaves_like '#tree' end describe '#size' do context 'with a non-existing repository' do it 'returns 0' do expect(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) expect(repository.size).to eq(0.0) end end context 'with an existing repository' do it 'returns the repository size as a Float' do expect(repository.size).to be_an_instance_of(Float) end end end describe '#local_branches' do it 'returns the local branches' do masterrev = repository.find_branch('master').dereferenced_target create_remote_branch('joe', 'remote_branch', masterrev) repository.add_branch(user, 'local_branch', masterrev.id) expect(repository.local_branches.any? { |branch| branch.name == 'remote_branch' }).to eq(false) expect(repository.local_branches.any? { |branch| branch.name == 'local_branch' }).to eq(true) end end describe '#commit_count' do context 'with a non-existing repository' do it 'returns 0' do expect(repository).to receive(:root_ref).and_return(nil) expect(repository.commit_count).to eq(0) end end context 'with an existing repository' do it 'returns the commit count' do expect(repository.commit_count).to be_an(Integer) end end end describe '#commit_count_for_ref' do let(:project) { create :project } context 'with a non-existing repository' do it 'returns 0' do expect(project.repository.commit_count_for_ref('master')).to eq(0) end end context 'with empty repository' do it 'returns 0' do project.create_repository expect(project.repository.commit_count_for_ref('master')).to eq(0) end end context 'when searching for the root ref' do it 'returns the same count as #commit_count' do expect(repository.commit_count_for_ref(repository.root_ref)).to eq(repository.commit_count) end end end describe '#refresh_method_caches' do it 'refreshes the caches of the given types' do expect(repository).to receive(:expire_method_caches) .with(%i(readme_path license_blob license_gitaly)) expect(repository).to receive(:readme_path) expect(repository).to receive(:license_blob) expect(repository).to receive(:license_gitaly) repository.refresh_method_caches(%i(readme license)) end end describe '#gitlab_ci_yml_for' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do repository.create_file(User.last, '.gitlab-ci.yml', 'CONTENT', message: 'Add .gitlab-ci.yml', branch_name: 'master') end context 'when there is a .gitlab-ci.yml at the commit' do it 'returns the content' do expect(repository.gitlab_ci_yml_for(repository.commit.sha)).to eq('CONTENT') end end context 'when there is no .gitlab-ci.yml at the commit' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.gitlab_ci_yml_for(repository.commit.parent.sha)).to be_nil end end end describe '#changelog_config' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:changelog_config_path) { Gitlab::Changelog::Config::DEFAULT_FILE_PATH } before do repository.create_file( user, changelog_config_path, 'CONTENT', message: '...', branch_name: 'master' ) end context 'when there is a changelog_config_path at the commit' do it 'returns the content' do expect(repository.changelog_config(repository.commit.sha, changelog_config_path)).to eq('CONTENT') expect(repository.changelog_config(repository.commit.parent.sha, changelog_config_path)).to be_nil end end context 'when there is no changelog_config_path at the commit' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.changelog_config(repository.commit.parent.sha, changelog_config_path)).to be_nil end end end describe '#route_map_for' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do repository.create_file(User.last, '.gitlab/route-map.yml', 'CONTENT', message: 'Add .gitlab/route-map.yml', branch_name: 'master') end context 'when there is a .gitlab/route-map.yml at the commit' do it 'returns the content' do expect(repository.route_map_for(repository.commit.sha)).to eq('CONTENT') end end context 'when there is no .gitlab/route-map.yml at the commit' do it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.route_map_for(repository.commit.parent.sha)).to be_nil end end end def create_remote_branch(remote_name, branch_name, target) repository.write_ref("refs/remotes/#{remote_name}/#{branch_name}", target.id) end shared_examples '#ancestor?' do let(:commit) { repository.commit } let(:ancestor) { commit.parents.first } it 'is an ancestor' do expect(repository.ancestor?(ancestor.id, commit.id)).to eq(true) end it 'is not an ancestor' do expect(repository.ancestor?(commit.id, ancestor.id)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false on nil-values' do expect(repository.ancestor?(nil, commit.id)).to eq(false) expect(repository.ancestor?(ancestor.id, nil)).to eq(false) expect(repository.ancestor?(nil, nil)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false for invalid commit IDs' do expect(repository.ancestor?(commit.id, Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA)).to eq(false) expect(repository.ancestor?(Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA, commit.id)).to eq(false) end end describe '#ancestor? with Gitaly enabled' do let(:commit) { repository.commit } let(:ancestor) { commit.parents.first } let(:cache_key) { "ancestor:#{ancestor.id}:#{commit.id}" } it_behaves_like '#ancestor?' context 'caching', :request_store, :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do it 'only calls out to Gitaly once' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:ancestor?).once 2.times { repository.ancestor?(commit.id, ancestor.id) } end it 'calls out to Gitaly again after expiration' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:ancestor?).once repository.ancestor?(commit.id, ancestor.id) repository.expire_ancestor_cache(commit.id, ancestor.id) expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:ancestor?).once 2.times { repository.ancestor?(commit.id, ancestor.id) } end it 'returns the value from the request store' do repository.__send__(:request_store_cache).write(cache_key, "it's apparent") expect(repository.ancestor?(ancestor.id, commit.id)).to eq("it's apparent") end it 'returns the value from the redis cache' do expect(repository.__send__(:cache)).to receive(:fetch).with(cache_key).and_return("it's apparent") expect(repository.ancestor?(ancestor.id, commit.id)).to eq("it's apparent") end end end describe '#ancestor? with Rugged enabled', :enable_rugged do it 'calls out to the Rugged implementation' do allow_any_instance_of(Rugged).to receive(:merge_base).with(repository.commit.id, Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA).and_call_original repository.ancestor?(repository.commit.id, Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) end it_behaves_like '#ancestor?' end describe '#archive_metadata' do let(:ref) { 'master' } let(:storage_path) { '/tmp' } let(:prefix) { [project.path, ref].join('-') } let(:filename) { prefix + '.tar.gz' } subject(:result) { repository.archive_metadata(ref, storage_path, append_sha: false) } context 'with hashed storage disabled' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :legacy_storage) } it 'uses the project path to generate the filename' do expect(result['ArchivePrefix']).to eq(prefix) expect(File.basename(result['ArchivePath'])).to eq(filename) end end context 'with hashed storage enabled' do it 'uses the project path to generate the filename' do expect(result['ArchivePrefix']).to eq(prefix) expect(File.basename(result['ArchivePath'])).to eq(filename) end end end describe 'commit cache' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'caches based on SHA' do # Gets the commit oid, and warms the cache oid = project.commit.id expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:find).once 2.times { project.commit_by(oid: oid) } end it 'caches nil values' do expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:find).once 2.times { project.commit_by(oid: '1' * 40) } end end describe '#raw_repository' do subject { repository.raw_repository } it 'returns a Gitlab::Git::Repository representation of the repository' do expect(subject).to be_a(Gitlab::Git::Repository) expect(subject.relative_path).to eq(project.disk_path + '.git') expect(subject.gl_repository).to eq("project-#{project.id}") expect(subject.gl_project_path).to eq(project.full_path) end context 'with a wiki repository' do let(:repository) { project.wiki.repository } it 'creates a Gitlab::Git::Repository with the proper attributes' do expect(subject).to be_a(Gitlab::Git::Repository) expect(subject.relative_path).to eq(project.disk_path + '.wiki.git') expect(subject.gl_repository).to eq("wiki-#{project.id}") expect(subject.gl_project_path).to eq(project.wiki.full_path) end end end describe '#contributors' do let(:author_a) { build(:author, email: 'tiagonbotelho@hotmail.com', name: 'tiagonbotelho') } let(:author_b) { build(:author, email: 'gitlab@winniehell.de', name: 'Winnie') } let(:author_c) { build(:author, email: 'douwe@gitlab.com', name: 'Douwe Maan') } let(:stubbed_commits) do [build(:commit, author: author_a), build(:commit, author: author_a), build(:commit, author: author_b), build(:commit, author: author_c), build(:commit, author: author_c), build(:commit, author: author_c)] end let(:order_by) { nil } let(:sort) { nil } before do allow(repository).to receive(:commits).with(nil, limit: 2000, offset: 0, skip_merges: true).and_return(stubbed_commits) end subject { repository.contributors(order_by: order_by, sort: sort) } def expect_contributors(*contributors) expect(subject.map(&:email)).to eq(contributors.map(&:email)) end it 'returns the array of Gitlab::Contributor for the repository' do expect_contributors(author_a, author_b, author_c) end context 'order_by email' do let(:order_by) { 'email' } context 'asc' do let(:sort) { 'asc' } it 'returns all the contributors ordered by email asc case insensitive' do expect_contributors(author_c, author_b, author_a) end end context 'desc' do let(:sort) { 'desc' } it 'returns all the contributors ordered by email desc case insensitive' do expect_contributors(author_a, author_b, author_c) end end end context 'order_by name' do let(:order_by) { 'name' } context 'asc' do let(:sort) { 'asc' } it 'returns all the contributors ordered by name asc case insensitive' do expect_contributors(author_c, author_a, author_b) end end context 'desc' do let(:sort) { 'desc' } it 'returns all the contributors ordered by name desc case insensitive' do expect_contributors(author_b, author_a, author_c) end end end context 'order_by commits' do let(:order_by) { 'commits' } context 'asc' do let(:sort) { 'asc' } it 'returns all the contributors ordered by commits asc' do expect_contributors(author_b, author_a, author_c) end end context 'desc' do let(:sort) { 'desc' } it 'returns all the contributors ordered by commits desc' do expect_contributors(author_c, author_a, author_b) end end end context 'invalid ordering' do let(:order_by) { 'unknown' } it 'returns the contributors unsorted' do expect_contributors(author_a, author_b, author_c) end end context 'invalid sorting' do let(:order_by) { 'name' } let(:sort) { 'unknown' } it 'returns the contributors unsorted' do expect_contributors(author_a, author_b, author_c) end end end describe '#merge_base' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } subject(:repository) { project.repository } it 'only makes one gitaly call' do expect(Gitlab::GitalyClient).to receive(:call).once.and_call_original repository.merge_base('master', 'fix') end end describe '#create_if_not_exists' do let(:project) { create(:project) } it 'creates the repository if it did not exist' do expect { repository.create_if_not_exists }.to change { repository.exists? }.from(false).to(true) end it 'returns true' do expect(repository.create_if_not_exists).to eq(true) end it 'calls out to the repository client to create a repo' do expect(repository.raw.gitaly_repository_client).to receive(:create_repository) repository.create_if_not_exists end it 'creates a repository with a default branch name' do default_branch_name = 'branch-a' repository.create_if_not_exists(default_branch_name) repository.create_file(user, 'file', 'content', message: 'initial commit', branch_name: default_branch_name) expect(repository.root_ref).to eq(default_branch_name) end context 'it does nothing if the repository already existed' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'does nothing if the repository already existed' do expect(repository.raw.gitaly_repository_client).not_to receive(:create_repository) repository.create_if_not_exists end it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.create_if_not_exists).to be_nil end end context 'when the repository exists but the cache is not up to date' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'does not raise errors' do allow(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) expect(repository.raw).to receive(:create_repository).and_call_original expect { repository.create_if_not_exists }.not_to raise_error end it 'returns nil' do expect(repository.create_if_not_exists).to be_nil end end end describe '#create_from_bundle' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:valid_bundle_path) { File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "repo-#{SecureRandom.hex}.bundle") } let(:raw_repository) { repository.raw } before do allow(raw_repository).to receive(:create_from_bundle).and_return({}) end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(valid_bundle_path) end it 'calls out to the raw_repository to create a repo from bundle' do expect(raw_repository).to receive(:create_from_bundle) repository.create_from_bundle(valid_bundle_path) end it 'calls after_create' do expect(repository).to receive(:after_create) repository.create_from_bundle(valid_bundle_path) end context 'when exception is raised' do before do allow(raw_repository).to receive(:create_from_bundle).and_raise(::Gitlab::Git::BundleFile::InvalidBundleError) end it 'after_create is not executed' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:after_create) expect { repository.create_from_bundle(valid_bundle_path) }.to raise_error(::Gitlab::Git::BundleFile::InvalidBundleError) end end end describe "#blobs_metadata" do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } def expect_metadata_blob(thing) expect(thing).to be_a(Blob) expect(thing.data).to be_empty end it "returns blob metadata in batch for HEAD" do result = repository.blobs_metadata(["bar/branch-test.txt", "README.md", "does/not/exist"]) expect_metadata_blob(result.first) expect_metadata_blob(result.second) expect(result.size).to eq(2) end it "returns blob metadata for a specified ref" do result = repository.blobs_metadata(["files/ruby/feature.rb"], "feature") expect_metadata_blob(result.first) end it "performs a single gitaly call", :request_store do expect { repository.blobs_metadata(["bar/branch-test.txt", "readme.txt", "does/not/exist"]) } .to change { Gitlab::GitalyClient.get_request_count }.by(1) end end describe '#project' do it 'returns the project for a project snippet' do snippet = create(:project_snippet) expect(snippet.repository.project).to be(snippet.project) end it 'returns nil for a personal snippet' do snippet = create(:personal_snippet) expect(snippet.repository.project).to be_nil end it 'returns the project for a project wiki' do wiki = create(:project_wiki) expect(wiki.project).to be(wiki.repository.project) end it 'returns the container if it is a project' do expect(repository.project).to be(project) end it 'returns nil if the container is not a project' do repository.container = Group.new expect(repository.project).to be_nil end end describe '#submodule_links' do it 'returns an instance of Gitlab::SubmoduleLinks' do expect(repository.submodule_links).to be_a(Gitlab::SubmoduleLinks) end end describe '#lfs_enabled?' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :design_repo, lfs_enabled: true) } subject { repository.lfs_enabled? } context 'for a project repository' do it 'returns true when LFS is enabled' do stub_lfs_setting(enabled: true) is_expected.to be_truthy end it 'returns false when LFS is disabled' do stub_lfs_setting(enabled: false) is_expected.to be_falsy end end context 'for a project wiki repository' do let(:repository) { project.wiki.repository } it 'delegates to the project' do expect(project).to receive(:lfs_enabled?).and_return(true) is_expected.to be_truthy end end context 'for a project snippet repository' do let(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet, project: project) } let(:repository) { snippet.repository } it 'returns false when LFS is enabled' do stub_lfs_setting(enabled: true) is_expected.to be_falsy end end context 'for a personal snippet repository' do let(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet) } let(:repository) { snippet.repository } it 'returns false when LFS is enabled' do stub_lfs_setting(enabled: true) is_expected.to be_falsy end end context 'for a design repository' do let(:repository) { project.design_repository } it 'returns true when LFS is enabled' do stub_lfs_setting(enabled: true) is_expected.to be_truthy end it 'returns false when LFS is disabled' do stub_lfs_setting(enabled: false) is_expected.to be_falsy end end end describe '.pick_storage_shard', :request_store do before do storages = { 'default' => Gitlab::GitalyClient::StorageSettings.new('path' => 'tmp/tests/repositories'), 'picked' => Gitlab::GitalyClient::StorageSettings.new('path' => 'tmp/tests/repositories') } allow(Gitlab.config.repositories).to receive(:storages).and_return(storages) stub_env('IN_MEMORY_APPLICATION_SETTINGS', 'false') Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings update_storages({ 'picked' => 0, 'default' => 100 }) end context 'when expire is false' do it 'does not expire existing repository storage value' do previous_storage = described_class.pick_storage_shard expect(previous_storage).to eq('default') expect(Gitlab::CurrentSettings).not_to receive(:expire_current_application_settings) update_storages({ 'picked' => 100, 'default' => 0 }) new_storage = described_class.pick_storage_shard(expire: false) expect(new_storage).to eq(previous_storage) end end context 'when expire is true' do it 'expires existing repository storage value' do previous_storage = described_class.pick_storage_shard expect(previous_storage).to eq('default') expect(Gitlab::CurrentSettings).to receive(:expire_current_application_settings).and_call_original update_storages({ 'picked' => 100, 'default' => 0 }) new_storage = described_class.pick_storage_shard(expire: true) expect(new_storage).to eq('picked') end end def update_storages(storage_hash) settings = ApplicationSetting.last settings.repository_storages_weighted = storage_hash settings.save! end end describe '#change_head' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:branch) { repository.container.default_branch } context 'when the branch exists' do it 'returns truthy' do expect(repository.change_head(branch)).to be_truthy end it 'does not call container.after_change_head_branch_does_not_exist' do expect(repository.container).not_to receive(:after_change_head_branch_does_not_exist) repository.change_head(branch) end it 'calls repository hooks' do expect(repository).to receive(:before_change_head) expect(repository).to receive(:after_change_head) repository.change_head(branch) end it 'copies the gitattributes' do expect(repository).to receive(:copy_gitattributes).with(branch) repository.change_head(branch) end it 'reloads the default branch' do expect(repository.container).to receive(:reload_default_branch) repository.change_head(branch) end end context 'when the branch does not exist' do let(:branch) { 'non-existent-branch' } it 'returns falsey' do expect(repository.change_head(branch)).to be_falsey end it 'calls container.after_change_head_branch_does_not_exist' do expect(repository.container).to receive(:after_change_head_branch_does_not_exist).with(branch) repository.change_head(branch) end it 'does not call repository hooks' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:before_change_head) expect(repository).not_to receive(:after_change_head) repository.change_head(branch) end end end describe '#remove_prohibited_branches' do let(:branch_name) { '37fd3601be4c25497a39fa2e6a206e09e759d597' } before do allow(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:branch_names).and_return([branch_name]) end context 'when prohibited branch exists' do it 'deletes prohibited branch' do expect(repository.raw_repository).to receive(:delete_branch).with(branch_name) repository.remove_prohibited_branches end end shared_examples 'does not delete branch' do it 'returns without removing the branch' do expect(repository.raw_repository).not_to receive(:delete_branch) repository.remove_prohibited_branches end end context 'when branch name is 40-characters long but not hexadecimal' do let(:branch_name) { '37fd3601be4c25497a39fa2e6a206e09e759d59s' } include_examples 'does not delete branch' end context 'when branch name is hexadecimal' do context 'when branch name is less than 40-characters long' do let(:branch_name) { '37fd3601be4c25497a39fa2e6a206e09e759d' } include_examples 'does not delete branch' end context 'when branch name is more than 40-characters long' do let(:branch_name) { '37fd3601be4c25497a39fa2e6a206e09e759dfdfd' } include_examples 'does not delete branch' end end context 'when prohibited branch does not exist' do let(:branch_name) { 'main' } include_examples 'does not delete branch' end context 'when raw repository does not exist' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) end include_examples 'does not delete branch' end end end