import $ from 'jquery'; import Autosave from '~/autosave'; import { setHTMLFixture, resetHTMLFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import IssuableForm from '~/issuable/issuable_form'; import setWindowLocation from 'helpers/set_window_location_helper'; import { getSaveableFormChildren } from './helpers'; jest.mock('~/autosave'); const createIssuable = (form) => { return new IssuableForm(form); }; describe('IssuableForm', () => { let $form; let instance; beforeEach(() => { setHTMLFixture(`
`); $form = $('form'); }); afterEach(() => { resetHTMLFixture(); $form = null; instance = null; }); describe('autosave', () => { let $title; let $description; beforeEach(() => { $title = $form.find('input[name*="[title]"]').get(0); $description = $form.find('textarea[name*="[description]"]').get(0); }); afterEach(() => { $title = null; $description = null; }); describe('initAutosave', () => { it('calls initAutosave', () => { const initAutosave = jest.spyOn(IssuableForm.prototype, 'initAutosave'); createIssuable($form); expect(initAutosave).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('creates autosave with the searchTerm included', () => { setWindowLocation('https://gitlab.test/foo?bar=true'); createIssuable($form); expect(Autosave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $title, ['/foo', 'bar=true', 'title'], 'autosave//foo/bar=true=title', ); expect(Autosave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $description, ['/foo', 'bar=true', 'description'], 'autosave//foo/bar=true=description', ); }); it("creates autosave fields without the searchTerm if it's an issue new form", () => { setWindowLocation('https://gitlab.test/issues/new?bar=true'); $form.attr('data-new-issue-path', '/issues/new'); createIssuable($form); expect(Autosave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $title, ['/issues/new', '', 'title'], 'autosave//issues/new/bar=true=title', ); expect(Autosave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $description, ['/issues/new', '', 'description'], 'autosave//issues/new/bar=true=description', ); }); it.each([ { id: 'confidential', input: '', selector: 'input[name*="[confidential]"]', }, { id: 'due_date', input: '', selector: 'input[name*="[due_date]"]', }, ])('creates $id autosave when $id input exist', ({ id, input, selector }) => { $form.append(input); const $input = $form.find(selector); createIssuable($form); const children = getSaveableFormChildren($form[0]); expect(Autosave).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(children.length); expect(Autosave).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( $input.get(0), ['/', '', id], `autosave///=${id}`, ); }); }); describe('resetAutosave', () => { it('calls reset on title and description', () => { instance = createIssuable($form); instance.resetAutosave(); expect(instance.autosaves.get('title').reset).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(instance.autosaves.get('description').reset).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('resets autosave when submit', () => { const resetAutosave = jest.spyOn(IssuableForm.prototype, 'resetAutosave'); createIssuable($form); $form.submit(); expect(resetAutosave).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('resets autosave on elements with the .js-reset-autosave class', () => { const resetAutosave = jest.spyOn(IssuableForm.prototype, 'resetAutosave'); $form.append('Cancel'); createIssuable($form); $form.find('.js-reset-autosave').trigger('click'); expect(resetAutosave).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it.each([ { id: 'confidential', input: '' }, { id: 'due_date', input: '' }, ])('calls reset on autosave $id when $id input exist', ({ id, input }) => { $form.append(input); instance = createIssuable($form); instance.resetAutosave(); expect(instance.autosaves.get(id).reset).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); }); describe('draft', () => { let titleField; let toggleDraft; beforeEach(() => { instance = createIssuable($form); titleField = document.querySelector('input[name="[title]"]'); toggleDraft = document.querySelector('input.js-toggle-draft'); }); describe('removeDraft', () => { it.each` prefix ${'draFT: '} ${' [DRaft] '} ${'drAft:'} ${'[draFT]'} ${'(draft) '} ${' (DrafT)'} ${'draft: [draft] (draft)'} `('removes "$prefix" from the beginning of the title', ({ prefix }) => { titleField.value = `${prefix}The Issuable's Title Value`; instance.removeDraft(); expect(titleField.value).toBe("The Issuable's Title Value"); }); }); describe('addDraft', () => { it("properly adds the work in progress prefix to the Issuable's title", () => { titleField.value = "The Issuable's Title Value"; instance.addDraft(); expect(titleField.value).toBe("Draft: The Issuable's Title Value"); }); }); describe('isMarkedDraft', () => { it.each` title | expected ${'draFT: something is happening'} | ${true} ${'draft something is happening'} | ${false} ${'something is happening to drafts'} | ${false} ${'something is happening'} | ${false} `('returns $expected with "$title"', ({ title, expected }) => { titleField.value = title; expect(instance.isMarkedDraft()).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('readDraftStatus', () => { it.each` title | checked ${'Draft: my title'} | ${true} ${'my title'} | ${false} `( 'sets the draft checkbox checked status to $checked when the title is $title', ({ title, checked }) => { titleField.value = title; instance.readDraftStatus(); expect(toggleDraft.checked).toBe(checked); }, ); }); describe('writeDraftStatus', () => { it.each` checked | title ${true} | ${'Draft: my title'} ${false} | ${'my title'} `( 'updates the title to $title when the draft checkbox checked status is $checked', ({ checked, title }) => { titleField.value = 'my title'; toggleDraft.checked = checked; instance.writeDraftStatus(); expect(titleField.value).toBe(title); }, ); }); }); });