/* eslint-disable func-names, no-param-reassign, operator-assignment, consistent-return */ import $ from 'jquery'; import Shortcuts from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts'; import { insertText } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; const LINK_TAG_PATTERN = '[{text}](url)'; const INDENT_CHAR = ' '; const INDENT_LENGTH = 2; // at the start of a line, find any amount of whitespace followed by // a bullet point character (*+-) and an optional checkbox ([ ] [x]) // OR a number with a . after it and an optional checkbox ([ ] [x]) // followed by one or more whitespace characters const LIST_LINE_HEAD_PATTERN = /^(?\s*)(?((?[*+-])|(?\d+\.))( \[([xX~\s])\])?\s)(?.)?/; // detect a horizontal rule that might be mistaken for a list item (not full pattern for an
) const HR_PATTERN = /^((\s{0,3}-+\s*-+\s*-+\s*[\s-]*)|(\s{0,3}\*+\s*\*+\s*\*+\s*[\s*]*))$/; let compositioningNoteText = false; function selectedText(text, textarea) { return text.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd); } function addBlockTags(blockTag, selected) { return `${blockTag}\n${selected}\n${blockTag}`; } /** * Returns the line of text that is before the first line * of the current selection * * @param {String} text - the text of the targeted text area * @param {Object} textArea - the targeted text area * @returns {String} */ function lineBeforeSelection(text, textArea) { let split = text.substring(0, textArea.selectionStart); split = split.split('\n'); // Last item, at -1, is the line where the start of selection is. // Line before selection is therefore at -2 const lineBefore = split[split.length - 2]; return lineBefore === undefined ? '' : lineBefore; } /** * Returns the line of text that is after the last line * of the current selection * * @param {String} text - the text of the targeted text area * @param {Object} textArea - the targeted text area * @returns {String} */ function lineAfterSelection(text, textArea) { let split = text.substring(textArea.selectionEnd); // remove possible leading newline to get at the real line split = split.replace(/^\n/, ''); split = split.split('\n'); return split[0]; } /** * Returns the text lines that encompass the current selection * * @param {Object} textArea - the targeted text area * @returns {Object} */ function linesFromSelection(textArea) { const text = textArea.value; const { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = textArea; let startPos = text[selectionStart] === '\n' ? selectionStart - 1 : selectionStart; startPos = text.lastIndexOf('\n', startPos) + 1; let endPos = selectionEnd === selectionStart ? selectionEnd : selectionEnd - 1; endPos = text.indexOf('\n', endPos); if (endPos < 0) endPos = text.length; const selectedRange = text.substring(startPos, endPos); const lines = selectedRange.split('\n'); return { lines, selectionStart, selectionEnd, startPos, endPos, }; } /** * Set the selection of a textarea such that it maintains the * previous selection before the lines were indented/outdented * * @param {Object} textArea - the targeted text area * @param {Number} selectionStart - start position of original selection * @param {Number} selectionEnd - end position of original selection * @param {Number} lineStart - start pos of first line * @param {Number} firstLineChange - number of characters changed on first line * @param {Number} totalChanged - total number of characters changed */ function setNewSelectionRange( textArea, selectionStart, selectionEnd, lineStart, firstLineChange, totalChanged, ) { let newStart = Math.max(lineStart, selectionStart + firstLineChange); let newEnd = Math.max(lineStart, selectionEnd + totalChanged); if (selectionStart === selectionEnd) { newEnd = newStart; } else if (selectionStart === lineStart) { newStart = lineStart; } textArea.setSelectionRange(newStart, newEnd); } function convertMonacoSelectionToAceFormat(sel) { return { start: { row: sel.startLineNumber, column: sel.startColumn, }, end: { row: sel.endLineNumber, column: sel.endColumn, }, }; } function getEditorSelectionRange(editor) { return convertMonacoSelectionToAceFormat(editor.getSelection()); } function editorBlockTagText(text, blockTag, selected, editor) { const lines = text.split('\n'); const selectionRange = getEditorSelectionRange(editor); const shouldRemoveBlock = lines[selectionRange.start.row - 1] === blockTag && lines[selectionRange.end.row + 1] === blockTag; if (shouldRemoveBlock) { if (blockTag !== null) { const lastLine = lines[selectionRange.end.row + 1]; const rangeWithBlockTags = new Range( lines[selectionRange.start.row - 1], 0, selectionRange.end.row + 1, lastLine.length, ); editor.getSelection().setSelectionRange(rangeWithBlockTags); } return selected; } return addBlockTags(blockTag, selected); } function blockTagText(text, textArea, blockTag, selected) { const shouldRemoveBlock = lineBeforeSelection(text, textArea) === blockTag && lineAfterSelection(text, textArea) === blockTag; if (shouldRemoveBlock) { // To remove the block tag we have to select the line before & after if (blockTag != null) { textArea.selectionStart = textArea.selectionStart - (blockTag.length + 1); textArea.selectionEnd = textArea.selectionEnd + (blockTag.length + 1); } return selected; } return addBlockTags(blockTag, selected); } function moveCursor({ textArea, tag, cursorOffset, positionBetweenTags, removedLastNewLine, select, editor, editorSelectionStart, editorSelectionEnd, }) { let pos; if (textArea && !textArea.setSelectionRange) { return; } if (select && select.length > 0) { if (textArea) { // calculate the part of the text to be selected const startPosition = textArea.selectionStart - (tag.length - tag.indexOf(select)); const endPosition = startPosition + select.length; return textArea.setSelectionRange(startPosition, endPosition); } else if (editor) { editor.selectWithinSelection(select, tag); return; } } if (textArea) { if (textArea.selectionStart === textArea.selectionEnd) { if (positionBetweenTags) { pos = textArea.selectionStart - tag.length; } else { pos = textArea.selectionStart; } if (removedLastNewLine) { pos -= 1; } if (cursorOffset) { pos -= cursorOffset; } return textArea.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } } else if (editor && editorSelectionStart.row === editorSelectionEnd.row) { if (positionBetweenTags) { editor.moveCursor(tag.length * -1); } } } export function insertMarkdownText({ textArea, text, tag, cursorOffset, blockTag, selected = '', wrap, select, editor, }) { let removedLastNewLine = false; let removedFirstNewLine = false; let currentLineEmpty = false; let editorSelectionStart; let editorSelectionEnd; let lastNewLine; let textToInsert; selected = selected.toString(); if (editor) { const selectionRange = getEditorSelectionRange(editor); editorSelectionStart = selectionRange.start; editorSelectionEnd = selectionRange.end; } // check for link pattern and selected text is an URL // if so fill in the url part instead of the text part of the pattern. if (tag === LINK_TAG_PATTERN) { if (URL) { try { const url = new URL(selected); if (url.origin !== 'null' || url.origin === null) { tag = '[text]({text})'; select = 'text'; } } catch (e) { // ignore - no valid url } } } // Remove the first newline if (selected.indexOf('\n') === 0) { removedFirstNewLine = true; selected = selected.replace(/\n+/, ''); } // Remove the last newline if (textArea) { if (textArea.selectionEnd - textArea.selectionStart > selected.replace(/\n$/, '').length) { removedLastNewLine = true; selected = selected.replace(/\n$/, ''); } } else if (editor) { if (editorSelectionStart.row !== editorSelectionEnd.row) { removedLastNewLine = true; selected = selected.replace(/\n$/, ''); } } const selectedSplit = selected.split('\n'); if (editor && !wrap) { lastNewLine = editor.getValue().split('\n')[editorSelectionStart.row]; if (/^\s*$/.test(lastNewLine)) { currentLineEmpty = true; } } else if (textArea && !wrap) { lastNewLine = textArea.value.substr(0, textArea.selectionStart).lastIndexOf('\n'); // Check whether the current line is empty or consists only of spaces(=handle as empty) if (/^\s*$/.test(textArea.value.substring(lastNewLine, textArea.selectionStart))) { currentLineEmpty = true; } } const isBeginning = (textArea && textArea.selectionStart === 0) || (editor && editorSelectionStart.column === 0 && editorSelectionStart.row === 0); const startChar = !wrap && !currentLineEmpty && !isBeginning ? '\n' : ''; const textPlaceholder = '{text}'; if (selectedSplit.length > 1 && (!wrap || (blockTag != null && blockTag !== ''))) { if (blockTag != null && blockTag !== '') { textToInsert = editor ? editorBlockTagText(text, blockTag, selected, editor) : blockTagText(text, textArea, blockTag, selected); } else { textToInsert = selectedSplit .map((val) => { if (tag.indexOf(textPlaceholder) > -1) { return tag.replace(textPlaceholder, val); } if (val.indexOf(tag) === 0) { return String(val.replace(tag, '')); } return String(tag) + val; }) .join('\n'); } } else if (tag.indexOf(textPlaceholder) > -1) { textToInsert = tag.replace(textPlaceholder, () => selected.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/%br/g, '\\n'), ); } else { textToInsert = String(startChar) + tag + selected + (wrap ? tag : ''); } if (removedFirstNewLine) { textToInsert = `\n${textToInsert}`; } if (removedLastNewLine) { textToInsert += '\n'; } if (editor) { editor.replaceSelectedText(textToInsert, select); } else { insertText(textArea, textToInsert); } return moveCursor({ textArea, tag: tag.replace(textPlaceholder, selected), cursorOffset, positionBetweenTags: wrap && selected.length === 0, removedLastNewLine, select, editor, editorSelectionStart, editorSelectionEnd, }); } function updateText({ textArea, tag, cursorOffset, blockTag, wrap, select, tagContent }) { const $textArea = $(textArea); textArea = $textArea.get(0); const text = $textArea.val(); const selected = selectedText(text, textArea) || tagContent; $textArea.focus(); return insertMarkdownText({ textArea, text, tag, cursorOffset, blockTag, selected, wrap, select, }); } /** * Indents selected lines to the right by 2 spaces * * @param {Object} textArea - jQuery object with the targeted text area */ function indentLines($textArea) { const textArea = $textArea.get(0); const { lines, selectionStart, selectionEnd, startPos, endPos } = linesFromSelection(textArea); const shiftedLines = []; let totalAdded = 0; textArea.focus(); textArea.setSelectionRange(startPos, endPos); lines.forEach((line) => { line = INDENT_CHAR.repeat(INDENT_LENGTH) + line; totalAdded += INDENT_LENGTH; shiftedLines.push(line); }); const textToInsert = shiftedLines.join('\n'); insertText(textArea, textToInsert); setNewSelectionRange(textArea, selectionStart, selectionEnd, startPos, INDENT_LENGTH, totalAdded); } /** * Outdents selected lines to the left by 2 spaces * * @param {Object} textArea - the targeted text area */ function outdentLines($textArea) { const textArea = $textArea.get(0); const { lines, selectionStart, selectionEnd, startPos, endPos } = linesFromSelection(textArea); const shiftedLines = []; let totalRemoved = 0; let removedFromFirstline = -1; let removedFromLine = 0; textArea.focus(); textArea.setSelectionRange(startPos, endPos); lines.forEach((line) => { removedFromLine = 0; if (line.length > 0) { // need to count how many spaces are actually removed, so can't use `replace` while (removedFromLine < INDENT_LENGTH && line[removedFromLine] === INDENT_CHAR) { removedFromLine += 1; } if (removedFromLine > 0) { line = line.slice(removedFromLine); totalRemoved += removedFromLine; } } if (removedFromFirstline === -1) removedFromFirstline = removedFromLine; shiftedLines.push(line); }); const textToInsert = shiftedLines.join('\n'); if (totalRemoved > 0) insertText(textArea, textToInsert); setNewSelectionRange( textArea, selectionStart, selectionEnd, startPos, -removedFromFirstline, -totalRemoved, ); } /* eslint-disable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */ function handleSurroundSelectedText(e, textArea) { if (!gon.markdown_surround_selection) return; if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) return; if (textArea.selectionStart === textArea.selectionEnd) return; const keys = { '*': '**{text}**', // wraps with bold character _: '_{text}_', // wraps with italic character '`': '`{text}`', // wraps with inline character "'": "'{text}'", // single quotes '"': '"{text}"', // double quotes '[': '[{text}]', // brackets '{': '{{text}}', // braces '(': '({text})', // parentheses '<': '<{text}>', // angle brackets }; const tag = keys[e.key]; if (tag) { e.preventDefault(); updateText({ tag, textArea, blockTag: '', wrap: true, select: '', tagContent: '', }); } } /* eslint-enable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */ /** * Returns the content for a new line following a list item. * * @param {Object} listLineMatch - regex match of the current line * @param {Object?} nextLineMatch - regex match of the next line * @returns string with the new list item */ function continueOlText(listLineMatch, nextLineMatch) { const { indent, leader } = listLineMatch.groups; const { indent: nextIndent, isOl: nextIsOl } = nextLineMatch?.groups ?? {}; const [numStr, postfix = ''] = leader.split('.'); const incrementBy = nextIsOl && nextIndent === indent ? 0 : 1; const num = parseInt(numStr, 10) + incrementBy; return `${indent}${num}.${postfix}`; } function handleContinueList(e, textArea) { if (!gon.markdown_automatic_lists) return; if (!(e.key === 'Enter')) return; if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey) return; if (textArea.selectionStart !== textArea.selectionEnd) return; // prevent unintended line breaks inserted using Japanese IME on MacOS if (compositioningNoteText) return; const selectedLines = linesFromSelection(textArea); const firstSelectedLine = selectedLines.lines[0]; const listLineMatch = firstSelectedLine.match(LIST_LINE_HEAD_PATTERN); if (listLineMatch) { const { leader, indent, content, isOl } = listLineMatch.groups; const emptyListItem = !content; const prefixLength = leader.length + indent.length; if (selectedLines.selectionStart - selectedLines.startPos < prefixLength) { // cursor in the indent/leader area, allow the natural line feed to be added return; } if (emptyListItem) { // erase empty list item - select the text and allow the // natural line feed to erase the text textArea.selectionStart = textArea.selectionStart - listLineMatch[0].length; return; } let itemToInsert; // Behaviors specific to either `ol` or `ul` if (isOl) { const nextLine = lineAfterSelection(textArea.value, textArea); const nextLineMatch = nextLine.match(LIST_LINE_HEAD_PATTERN); itemToInsert = continueOlText(listLineMatch, nextLineMatch); } else { if (firstSelectedLine.match(HR_PATTERN)) return; itemToInsert = `${indent}${leader}`; } itemToInsert = itemToInsert.replace(/\[[x~]\]/i, '[ ]'); e.preventDefault(); updateText({ tag: itemToInsert, textArea, blockTag: '', wrap: false, select: '', tagContent: '', }); } } export function keypressNoteText(e) { const textArea = this; if ($(textArea).atwho?.('isSelecting')) return; handleContinueList(e, textArea); handleSurroundSelectedText(e, textArea); } export function compositionStartNoteText() { compositioningNoteText = true; } export function compositionEndNoteText() { compositioningNoteText = false; } export function updateTextForToolbarBtn($toolbarBtn) { const $textArea = $toolbarBtn.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'); switch ($toolbarBtn.data('mdCommand')) { case 'indentLines': indentLines($textArea); break; case 'outdentLines': outdentLines($textArea); break; default: return updateText({ textArea: $textArea, tag: $toolbarBtn.data('mdTag'), cursorOffset: $toolbarBtn.data('mdCursorOffset'), blockTag: $toolbarBtn.data('mdBlock'), wrap: !$toolbarBtn.data('mdPrepend'), select: $toolbarBtn.data('mdSelect'), tagContent: $toolbarBtn.attr('data-md-tag-content'), }); } } export function addMarkdownListeners(form) { $('.markdown-area', form) .on('keydown', keypressNoteText) .on('compositionstart', compositionStartNoteText) .on('compositionend', compositionEndNoteText) .each(function attachTextareaShortcutHandlers() { Shortcuts.initMarkdownEditorShortcuts($(this), updateTextForToolbarBtn); }); // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off const $allToolbarBtns = $('.js-md', form) .off('click') .on('click', function () { const $toolbarBtn = $(this); return updateTextForToolbarBtn($toolbarBtn); }); return $allToolbarBtns; } export function addEditorMarkdownListeners(editor) { // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off $('.js-md') .off('click') .on('click', (e) => { const { mdTag, mdBlock, mdPrepend, mdSelect } = $(e.currentTarget).data(); insertMarkdownText({ tag: mdTag, blockTag: mdBlock, wrap: !mdPrepend, select: mdSelect, selected: editor.getSelectedText(), text: editor.getValue(), editor, }); editor.focus(); }); } export function removeMarkdownListeners(form) { $('.markdown-area', form) .off('keydown', keypressNoteText) .off('compositionstart', compositionStartNoteText) .off('compositionend', compositionEndNoteText) .each(function removeTextareaShortcutHandlers() { Shortcuts.removeMarkdownEditorShortcuts($(this)); }); // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off return $('.js-md', form).off('click'); }