# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Dashboard Projects' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project, :public) } before do project.add_developer(user) sign_in(user) end it_behaves_like "an autodiscoverable RSS feed with current_user's feed token" do before do visit dashboard_projects_path end end context 'when user has access to the project' do it 'shows role badge' do visit dashboard_projects_path page.within '.user-access-role' do expect(page).to have_content('Developer') end end context 'when role changes', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_fragment_caching do it 'displays the right role' do visit dashboard_projects_path page.within '.user-access-role' do expect(page).to have_content('Developer') end project.members.last.update!(access_level: 40) visit dashboard_projects_path page.within '.user-access-role' do expect(page).to have_content('Maintainer') end end end end context 'when last_repository_updated_at, last_activity_at and update_at are present' do it 'shows the last_repository_updated_at attribute as the update date' do project.update!(last_repository_updated_at: Time.zone.now, last_activity_at: 1.hour.ago) visit dashboard_projects_path expect(page).to have_xpath("//time[@datetime='#{project.last_repository_updated_at.getutc.iso8601}']") end it 'shows the last_activity_at attribute as the update date' do project.update!(last_repository_updated_at: 1.hour.ago, last_activity_at: Time.zone.now) visit dashboard_projects_path expect(page).to have_xpath("//time[@datetime='#{project.last_activity_at.getutc.iso8601}']") end end context 'when last_repository_updated_at and last_activity_at are missing' do it 'shows the updated_at attribute as the update date' do project.update!(last_repository_updated_at: nil, last_activity_at: nil) project.touch visit dashboard_projects_path expect(page).to have_xpath("//time[@datetime='#{project.updated_at.getutc.iso8601}']") end end context 'when on Your projects tab' do it 'shows all projects by default' do visit dashboard_projects_path expect(page).to have_content(project.name) expect(find('.gl-tabs-nav li:nth-child(1) .badge-pill')).to have_content(1) end it 'shows personal projects on personal projects tab', :js do project3 = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) visit dashboard_projects_path click_link 'Personal' expect(page).not_to have_content(project.name) expect(page).to have_content(project3.name) end it 'sorts projects by most stars when sorting by most stars' do project_with_most_stars = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace, star_count: 10) visit dashboard_projects_path(sort: :stars_desc) expect(first('.project-row')).to have_content(project_with_most_stars.title) end it 'shows tabs to filter by all projects or personal' do visit dashboard_projects_path segmented_button = page.find('.filtered-search-nav .button-filter-group') expect(segmented_button).to have_content 'All' expect(segmented_button).to have_content 'Personal' end end context 'when on Starred projects tab', :js do it 'shows the empty state when there are no starred projects' do visit(starred_dashboard_projects_path) element = page.find('.row.empty-state') expect(element).to have_content("You don't have starred projects yet.") end it 'shows only starred projects' do user.toggle_star(project2) visit(starred_dashboard_projects_path) expect(page).not_to have_content(project.name) expect(page).to have_content(project2.name) expect(find('.gl-tabs-nav li:nth-child(1) .badge-pill')).to have_content(1) expect(find('.gl-tabs-nav li:nth-child(2) .badge-pill')).to have_content(1) end it 'does not show tabs to filter by all projects or personal' do visit(starred_dashboard_projects_path) expect(page).not_to have_content '.filtered-search-nav' end end describe 'with a pipeline', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit.sha, ref: project.default_branch) } before do # Since the cache isn't updated when a new pipeline is created # we need the pipeline to advance in the pipeline since the cache was created # by visiting the login page. pipeline.succeed end it 'shows that the last pipeline passed' do visit dashboard_projects_path page.within('.controls') do expect(page).to have_xpath("//a[@href='#{pipelines_project_commit_path(project, project.commit, ref: pipeline.ref)}']") expect(page).to have_css('.ci-status-link') expect(page).to have_css('.ci-status-icon-success') expect(page).to have_link('Pipeline: passed') end end shared_examples 'hidden pipeline status' do it 'does not show the pipeline status' do visit dashboard_projects_path page.within('.controls') do expect(page).not_to have_xpath("//a[@href='#{pipelines_project_commit_path(project, project.commit, ref: pipeline.ref)}']") expect(page).not_to have_css('.ci-status-link') expect(page).not_to have_css('.ci-status-icon-success') expect(page).not_to have_link('Pipeline: passed') end end end context 'guest user of project and project has private pipelines' do let(:guest_user) { create(:user) } before do project.update!(public_builds: false) project.add_guest(guest_user) sign_in(guest_user) end it_behaves_like 'hidden pipeline status' end context "when last_pipeline is missing" do before do project.last_pipeline.delete end it_behaves_like 'hidden pipeline status' end end describe 'with topics' do context 'when project has topics' do before do project.update_attribute(:topic_list, 'topic1') end it 'shows project topics if exist' do visit dashboard_projects_path expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="project_topic_list"]') expect(page).to have_link('topic1', href: topic_explore_projects_path(topic_name: 'topic1')) end end context 'when project does not have topics' do it 'does not show project topics' do visit dashboard_projects_path expect(page).not_to have_selector('[data-testid="project_topic_list"]') end end end context 'last push widget', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do before do event = create(:push_event, project: project, author: user) create(:push_event_payload, event: event, ref: 'feature', action: :created) Users::LastPushEventService.new(user).cache_last_push_event(event) visit dashboard_projects_path end it 'shows "Create merge request" button' do expect(page).to have_content 'You pushed to feature' within('#content-body') do find_link('Create merge request', visible: false).click end expect(page).to have_selector('.merge-request-form') expect(page).to have_current_path project_new_merge_request_path(project), ignore_query: true expect(find('#merge_request_target_project_id', visible: false).value).to eq project.id.to_s expect(page).to have_content "From feature into master" end end it 'avoids an N+1 query in dashboard index' do create(:ci_pipeline, :with_job, status: :success, project: project, ref: project.default_branch, sha: project.commit.sha) visit dashboard_projects_path control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { visit dashboard_projects_path }.count new_project = create(:project, :repository, name: 'new project') create(:ci_pipeline, :with_job, status: :success, project: new_project, ref: new_project.commit.sha) new_project.add_developer(user) ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { visit dashboard_projects_path }.count # There are seven known N+1 queries: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/214037 # 1. Project#open_issues_count # 2. Project#open_merge_requests_count # 3. Project#forks_count # 4. ProjectsHelper#load_pipeline_status # 5. RendersMemberAccess#preload_max_member_access_for_collection # 6. User#max_member_access_for_project_ids # 7. Ci::CommitWithPipeline#last_pipeline expect { visit dashboard_projects_path }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count + 7) end end