# frozen_string_literal: true # Responsible for determining which dashboard service should # be used to fetch or generate a dashboard hash. # The services can be considered in two categories - embeds # and dashboards. Embeds are all portions of dashboards. module Gitlab module Metrics module Dashboard class ServiceSelector SERVICES = ::Metrics::Dashboard class << self include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize # Returns a class which inherits from the BaseService # class that can be used to obtain a dashboard. # @return [Gitlab::Metrics::Dashboard::Services::BaseService] def call(params) return SERVICES::CustomMetricEmbedService if custom_metric_embed?(params) return SERVICES::DynamicEmbedService if dynamic_embed?(params) return SERVICES::DefaultEmbedService if params[:embedded] return SERVICES::SystemDashboardService if system_dashboard?(params[:dashboard_path]) return SERVICES::ProjectDashboardService if params[:dashboard_path] default_service end private def default_service SERVICES::SystemDashboardService end def system_dashboard?(filepath) SERVICES::SystemDashboardService.system_dashboard?(filepath) end def custom_metric_embed?(params) SERVICES::CustomMetricEmbedService.valid_params?(params) end def dynamic_embed?(params) SERVICES::DynamicEmbedService.valid_params?(params) end end end end end end