- page_title _('SSH Keys')
- @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout
= page_title
= _('SSH keys allow you to establish a secure connection between your computer and GitLab.')
= _('Add an SSH key')
- generate_link_url = help_page_path("ssh/README", anchor: 'generating-a-new-ssh-key-pair')
- existing_link_url = help_page_path("ssh/README", anchor: 'locating-an-existing-ssh-key-pair')
- generate_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: generate_link_url }
- existing_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: existing_link_url }
= _('To add an SSH key you need to %{generate_link_start}generate one%{link_end} or use an %{existing_link_start}existing key%{link_end}.').html_safe % { generate_link_start: generate_link_start, existing_link_start: existing_link_start, link_end: ''.html_safe }
= render 'form'
= _('Your SSH keys (%{count})') % { count:@keys.count }
= render 'key_table'